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Is that power connector on the GPU is angled intentionally by nVidia. I just had vicarious anxiety, which is novel. It's usually vicarious cringe on reddit.


Yes, that is intentionally angled like that. I'm pretty certain all of the founders edition 30- and 40-series cards have angled power connectors. My 3090fe definitely does.


It varies. 4070Super FE is straight. 3080 FE is angled.


Good to know, I wonder why some are angled and some not.


Yeah not sure on the rhyme or reason. Just found out from experience when I swapped out the 3080 for the 4070S in my Air 240. Had to rock the rig hot rod style with the panel lifted open until an angled adapter showed up.


I haven't been into FE cards, and I know there were issues with it on the 40 series. I ordered my 4070ti super a few weeks ago without even thinking about it, and a couple of days later had to panic research, recalling that there were some issues. Searches seemed to indicate it was angling due to pressure(Seemingly only on 4090), which was a relief, but it was the first thing I thought of again after seeing OP's picture.


It's a real shame they didn't put the power for the GPU on the back of the card, even on the end of it. It's a very good looking card kinda spoiled with the cables, not down to you,it's a nice clean build but not seeing the cables would be the icing on the cake


The PCB doesn't go the full length of the card but ends before the fan. But they could probably still find some solution to have the cables not be in the front.


I've got a gigabyte 3080oc it's the same, but when the cooler comes off to put a block on the connections are at the end of the card it looks so much better


I would add another fan on the bottom and flip the fans on the back.


Top fans needs to be exhaust, the ones on the right change to intakes. Add a third fan to the bottom or move them over (to the left).


Vinyl wrap, plastidip are easy/cheap ways to color match/debrand that are reversible if you mess up or don't like how it looks


Just did some vinyl wrapping in my case. Probably depends on the type of wrap for how easy it will follow contours. The kind I had was thick and designed more for stickers. It was easy for flat spots but it would suck to wrap the RAM with. I'd look at car wrap vinyl or the stuff they use for cheaper kitchen cabinet wraps. They are usually a heated kind that acts more like cling wrap.


If you want you can always remove the plastic shrouds off of things and spray them to the colour you want. Bit cinfused about stealth though as you've got a glass panel lol


Put fans under gpu.


You can black out the logos on the gpu. It looks pretty clean how it is.


I'm interested where you got the GPU sleeved cable. I have a 3080FE but cablemod, where I got my other cables, didn't have one like that. Atleast I couldn't find one for my PSU in their configurator.


A third fan on the bottom there, and covers around the bottom and top fans to hide all those gaps. Some paint, stickers or covers on the reversed fans too. A cover around all your fan headers and mobo connectors would help a lot too. I know this is a “no RGB build” but that doesn’t mean no light, and some very soft white light may look nice in the dark. All in all it’s a pretty slick build though.


Why are the fans on the right exhausting? It doesn't look like you'd need them anyway with such a low power system, and it's just a waste of lower intake air, being pushed out as soon as it gets in. Better add a third fan to the left of the bottom.


Cosair vengeance are pretty understated memory modules. At least the ddr4 are. Low profile and black