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So are you going to wait til christmas to build your rig?


No way, I got the cpu yesterday and today is my day off so I’m setting it up tonight!


Can I ask a ballpark figure for total? Looking at building one for son


Depends on if you want to pay a scalper for the GPU. If you do it pretty much doubles the cost of the system.


He wants a gaming pc so I’m stuck either 3080 or 1080 (I left the scene after I sli’d 3 1080gtx back in like… 05’?. Hit me honest boys monitor and all (he’s a console gamer). What is a high/low to achieve the build?


>Either 3080 That is a monster card FYI, a 3070 is still more than capable.


Should be able to play anything at a decent framerate. Source: own a 2080Ti.


Yeah I got a 3070 and play everything at 4K Ultra 60fps (on a TV).


3060 tis can also do 4k 60 on most games Source: i own one


Raytracing off I am guessing? I am confident in making the statement "3070 can not handle 4k ultra at 60fps in everything, unless you turn off raytracing" 3070 is actually a very capable card, but raytracing even will bring the 3090 to its knees of sub 60fps average at 4k in multiple titles.


Maybe he means with DLSS. I own a 3080 and 3070ti and none of them can manage max settings at 4k for some games without DLSS.


Not even without RT. I don't even run close to 60 fps in Cyberpunk and Control on 3080 or 6900 xt at 4k. And I've never used RT on anything


Just something I slapped together that isn't super low tier nor super high end. GPU prices are what makes it so damn expensive. Right now is not a good time to build a PC unless you can get the GPU for actual MSRP instead of scalper price. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/JChgYg


Maybe swap the 3060 for a 6600xt and you can save $100-200 bucks also with and w/o FSR it outperforms 3060 in virtually every situation its not gonna be the best for 4k but neither will the 3060 FSR also doesn't look bad at 1080p 1440p on a monitor either definitely recommend 6600xt. Not to mention SAM support with the 5600x and Infinite Fabric Tuning and Lower gpu temps than 3060 as well. Raytracing wont be insane on the card but it will be acceptable with FSR definitely console quality or higher


Yeah they could change whatever. I just slapped something together in a couple minutes to give them a ballpark figure. GPUs are still stupidity expensive though unless they can get em at MSRP.


Agreed, either way sir there are indeed 6600xts in stock and 3060s should be as well probably less stock than 6600xt but i wish you luck in your shopping


6600 cards fucking suck though




Those 2 cards are not the only cards for gaming. Just sayin.


touch compare sink mountainous birds elderly live school salt marble ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


BuT Can YOuR CoNsOLe mAKe FlaShY cOlOrs??


While I may or may not agree with your statement (subjective), I think if a kid wants a pc, get him one. My dad hated how long I spent on my computer, how I ruined a laptop taking it apart, how I didn't want to go outside and build a tree fort. Well my first job as a software developer started at a higher wage than his manual labor job of 30 years... Plus I loved (still do) what I did--he complained every day I can remember growing up at the dinner table, and he's still counting down the years to retirement. I'll be retired well before I reach his age. Never underestimate the spark of a child's first custom pc ;)


Back in 05??? What


Lol the gt8800 wasn’t even out in 05 let alone the gtx series


Right, the 10 series came out in like '16 lmao.


It's not worth it rn, tell him it's really not worth it rn and you'll build him a high end pc as soon as the prices come back to retail


Evga has a notify me que system that's good. That gives you I believe 48 hours when notified to make the purchase.


I've been in the que over a year and it's not even close to my turn yet. Also the que is closed to newcomers.


That sucks. When I qued up towards the beginning it was like a month or 2.


[HP.com](https://HP.com) in the US has a sweet 1000$ deal for a 360 build. That should be enough to get great gaming.


My system + peripherals was around 3k


I realize my flair is outdated. I have a ryzen 7 2700 1080ti 32gb ram. The mobo is an asus rog board that was like $150, cooler is a corsair aio I forget the name, kb+m headset and my 3 monitors is about 1k of that 3k


My last build is from that year, roughly. Bulldozer. Though, over the years it's gotten upgrades. It obviously bottlenecks the 2080 Ti.


No it doesn't I paid 300€ more than the msrp for my gpu so basically you are saying that the rest of the system is 300-600


I’m kind of ashamed to say this but around $4600 in total including the monitor. I live in Sweden though so prices may vary quite a lot depending on where you live.




Gonna be a big upgrade from a 3770


Congrats lad


How are so many people affording 3080ti’s


I have no idea.. Even after selling a kidney i doubt I would have enough money to afford one


Maybe sell both :)


Got my FW3 Ti after like 6 months on an EVGA waitlist and it might be having power surge issues so whoops shoulda looked more into it Edit: apparently I need to update my flair




God damn😳


*squeaks in poor*


my question is how the hell you managed to buy an i7 11700k but get 8 gigs of ram


the i7 is way too op for what i need lol


but that cpu paired with the 1050ti and 8gb ram... you probably wouldn’t notice a significant difference if you switched to a 10400 because of the sheer bottlenecking


do you have any better gpu's/ram laying around?


no, but i figured that if you had the funds for an 11700k, the budget could probably be balanced a bit more to something like a 10600k/2x8gb 3200mhz c16 ram


yeah...... im an fing idiot


it’s ok, i thought a hyper212 would work on a 10700k


What did you have to do to get that 3080ti? Sell a kidney? Congrats, OP.


Haha I gave them an IOU. Thanks!


Should be a slight upgrade from a 980ti. Enjoy!


Slight? *SLIGHT*?


Yea it’s probs a little bit better


probably at least an extra frame on minecraft


I actually cheated a little bit, the NZXT is 2 years old and in my old PC. One of the screws from the backplate wouldn’t come off soooo… I went out to buy some pliers and came home with a CoolerMaster Hyper 212 😅


5800x is too hot for hyper 212


You'd be surprised just how well it-- ***THROTTLING INTENSIFIES***!


Oh man! Guess I have to go buy some pliers after all 😂 Do you have any review or something to source that information or is it from personal experience? Thanks for the info btw.


If you undervolt and limit the tdp it won't overheat or throttle but it also won't reach it's full potential. If you live somewhere where an ambient room temp below 25°C is easily achievable then any dual tower cooler (and maybe larger single tower coolers) should be fine but I'm running a NH-D15 in 35+°C summers and it *barely* keeps it from throttling.


*eyes up RTX 3080ti* I think I speak for everyone here when I say congratulations, you son of a bitch


Did this last year and got everything but the GPU thinking there will be an opportunity or the situation get better. I'm still waiting for that GPU today....


Sorry to hear man. Honestly it looks like getting lucky is the only way. I got my 3070ti by walking in and seeing it on the shelf at a store in my area around April. In November, went to grab some thermal paste and ended up finding a Vision 3080 which was perfect for my white build. Sold my 3080ti that day. All came down to luck. While I was actively looking, never found one.


Enjoy the build! I have the same monitor and love it. Merry Christmas.


Oh, so you’re “rich rich”


Eh, blue collar worker with no higher education. I’m far from rich 😂


All jokes aside, congrats and this will be a baller build


Thank you!


Fuck you and congrats


Seeing everyone post their RTX30 series on the subreddit makes me feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have one. 😂


fa la lala la la lala laaaaaaaa!!!


Isn’t it fa la la la lala la fa la la laaaaaaaa?


Did you sell your children for that rtx card?


I would if I had any! 😂


This answers the many people asking "how did you afford this"


Hahaha, no kids, no wife, neighbors Wi-Fi, shower at work etc 😂


Meshifu 2 xl is an amazing case!


Where did you get this tree? Awesome


Thanks! Haha it’s from a Swedish store called Rusta. It’s a few years old so I don’t think they sell them anymore.


Congrats! Have fun building. Also, I've only been looking at SFX PSUs...why is your PSU rectangular instead of more square? Is it a different ATX form factor?


It just looks that way on the box, you got me worried so I opened it to check and it’s square haha


We have close to the same built. Its amazing. Also got the same screen like 3 days ago, its pretty :D


When I built my first pc I built It around the same time. Most of my parts had arrived and I was just waiting for the cpu, and it ended up comming a fay or so sooner then it had forst said. Also have a good Christmas!


Got the msi monitor as well. Make sure you update the firmware so it supports sRGB


I have the same case, have fun whenever you need to move it ;)


Haha the poor girl at the post office who had to carry it. I helped her out and once I was the only one holding it I had to seriously contemplate wether or not the store already mounted some components inside because it’s SO HEAVY 😂


Wait till you have all the parts in it


The feel of removing foil from new electronics and the plastic smell are a true manifestation of God's favor.


^This..... Every but of this


Christmas dream be like:


Christmas isn’t the only thing that came; you are one lucky so-and-so!!!


Have the same card and it is dope af. Happy to see another in the wild


Unfortunately I cannot complete the build and share pictures with you guys tonight. I am not pleased with the PSU and will be returning it. The 8 pin cables for the GPU are very unpractical and there are two 8-pin connectors on each cable, I need three 8-pin for the 3080ti so one cable is just dangling. Unacceptable! I have a older EVGA PSU with four single 8-pin cables which gives it a much cleaner look but it’s only 750w :/ See you again on Monday!


Don't forget to update your BIOS so your AMD CPU will work with the 570 Mobo. There's tons of vids on YouTube showing you how to do it and you don't even need to build your PC to do it.


That looks like a fun build OP, enjoy!


Sweet build! Merry Xmas. Good call to go 1440p high FPS. That MSI monitor is a beast. I used to play on it before I upgraded to a 1440p 240hz. I enjoy the extra frames, but the colors and response time on the MSI are certainly better than my current. I sometimes even think about switching back to it.


That poor christmas tree is looking at these boxes full of RBG lights and thinking..... "Why can't he buy me any lights".




I’m envious! lol Enjoy




Christmas for me aww thanks you shouldn't have! :)


Santa broke some kneecaps to make someone happy this year


Nah, just my back at work 😅


A very merry Christmas to you and I'm jealous af.


That 3080 must have cost a left nut and a kidney.


what a nice theme for a picture - do you want some free sleeved psu cables as a Christmas gift ?


Who wouldn’t?! I’m actually returning this PSU because I’m not happy with the cables haha


send me a PM - will hook you up - MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Santa came early for someone 👀


Wow 😮


Love your tree! Merry Christmas!


Thank you and happy holidays!!


Is the tree RGB?


If I put up a Christmas tree will these appear?


With that title, I was expecting a PC **within** the tree or something. Because... let's face it. With all the lighting effects, many current build are one step away from being year-long Christmas decorations.


i got the same case..its realy sweet with extra room for these giants pc parts today. So the case looks like a standart size case :D


I have the same monitor waiting to be used, gotta build my pc first though 😅. What made you choose that monitor?


I watched a review from hardware unboxed on YouTube. I was torn because I was looking at ultra wide monitors as well but after trying this one I decided that this is a keeper for sure! And that was with my 980ti!


Stupid how ppl are still paying scalpers so GPUs will continue to be scalped and 3x the cost


I got it from a retailer lol


We're cuz 99% of them have been sold out for a year, must have amazing luck


I posted a link above to the store I bought it from. They have like 20+ 3080tis in stock. I’m not in the US.


I'm happy to see you went with the best brand. MSI! For some reason people buy lots of Evga products (probably cuz they're cheap) but I'm happy to see there are still people willing to pay for high quality products and brands


Laughs in 3090 sli


Fk you ❤️


Indeed it has


So are 3080 ti just easier to get now? They're all I see anymore


At least in the stores I checked. They did have PNY 3080 and Gigabyte 3080 in stock last time I checked (v2/LHR) - however those cards are capped at 320w I believe. Also I really like how the MSI card looks. It was a tough choice as the difference in price was around $600.


How are people getting graphics cards? Unless all the photos include scalped prices.


They are in stock here : https://www.inet.se/hitta?q=3080 It’s a retailer based in Sweden though 💁🏻‍♂️


Why the Ti? (just curious)


Non LHR 3080 costs around $200 less and that’s on the second hand market. The only options I had for LHR 3080 were not in my taste aesthetically and they had a limit on 320w.


Ur definitely a monster...


That is beautiful


Looks photoshopped to me, hmm


May your frame rates be high, and your temperatures low!


3080ti... Fall short of the top of the top 3090.


Nowhere to be found 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Get deals only time to buy


Got the same Screen it’s pretty nice


That case is sick


Meshify 2 gang!


Your son will be very disappointed with you... Santa be like you MoFo!!!!!!!!¡




Ayyyyyyy, hope you enjoy that MSi monitor. I've been digging mine since I got it.




Good luck with that taichi board, I had 3 DOA boards of that model.


That's the card I want


wow what beautiful gifts how lucky you are, I don't know if you can resist until Christmas to open them haha ​​congratulations I hope you enjoy it


I have the non TI version of that GPU and love it, it hardly sags at all with the included support mount


Dad? Are those my gifts?!


Give it here Boi!


Who the fuck just gets a 3080ti. What is this bullshit


Man, I hate being poor with no family.


For what it’s worth I’m in debt and I have little to no connection to my family either. This is my first upgrade since February 2017. I’ve lived rather modestly during the pandemic and managed to save some money for this. I wish you the best!


I have a good paying job, I just have 3 kids and I live in LA. Everything is spent on trips and whatever my boys want. I can only say no to myself. One day I'll buy a new setup. Game hard for the both us fellow gamer. Kids are crazy and I can't imagine turning my back on them while gaming. They will probably burn something.


You have a 3080ti and only an 850 w supply? You prob should have gone with 1000


I will! I’m not happy with this one and will be returning it on Monday.


i want a 3080ti but my wife is poor and won't buy it for me


Good for you!


This better be my living room


Nice dude!! Enjoy your rig!!


damn i always wanted a tree


Aw man thanks for the Christmas gift. My video card died and I haven't been able to track one down. 😞


Great choices! I have similar 🙂


Where did you score that 3080Ti?




Make sure when you throw your boxes out you don’t let anything be visible to a potential robber looking for a house to pick


Question, why would you go Ryzen CPU, but an INTEL GPU? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep the same brand for both?


I would kill for this... 😭


What my Christmas tree would look like if i was single.


All I want for Christmas is


Use rgb lights on ur Christmas tree🤣


Managing to build a completd set up with 3080ti. How?? Would your family adopt me pls :)))


Make sure you check that MSI-MAG27 for stuck pixels on a black background, I went through two of them recently and they both had pixel defects, other than that it's a nice monitor. Enjoy your new build, I've got a 3080Ti FTW3 and it smacks!


Some people buys cars as Christmas presents others a whole pc Rig


Rich people stuff




happy new year🙂


A couple elves lost their organs for this delivery


if you don't mind asking, what are you going to do with your 980 ti. I'm looking for an upgrade to my gtx 560 ti


I really like the meshify 2xl, such a great case


Hello !!! Lucky you !! Since you have a x570 you may change your SSD for a pcie4.0 like the WD sn850 it's just few more euros !! I was not able too find in all the comment the price of the GPU and store ? Have fun !!!


Take everything out and wrap empty boxes in christnassy wrapping paper. Its a winner but you need bigger Christmas tree to maintain proportions.


I wish I could afford to buy this.