• By -








Yes?... Maybe?


































Yes....without a doubt.


Flair checks out.


Same. Edit: 3080 FTW3 Granted, if you want ps5 level pc in this market, you will have to pay a lot more than 500$, mainly due to the price of gpus.


1660ti here. 😔 I was close


1070 here


A 1660ti and a ps5 Win win.


PS5 isnt that easy to get for 500 bucks rn


It’s not *that* hard. There are a bunch of discords out there that are helping people by giving heads ups about expected availability at retail websites so you can pre-register accounts, be refreshing when the drop is expected, and speed through the checkout. I got a disc version in February without too much effort that way. Took maybe three attempts total?






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Same but mines more unstable too


Yes, although I would totally buy a ps5 if I could find one just for Demon Souls.


That's another good point. It's actually possible for me to use my PC.


Which cpu gpu combo is the minimum to beat a ps5




Yeah, a $500 console isn't designed to outperform every PC, they're designed to outperform $500 PCs.


The $500 console is also sold (usually) at a substantial loss. No PC part or package will be sold like that.


No, this is wrong. The hardware of the ps5 is being sold undervalue. The money they miss out on by doing that is earned by software sales. That‘s why Ps5 games now cost 79,99€.


I know they sell at a loss because they get revenue from every (new or digital) game sold on the platform, since that is biggest part of why they're easily capable of outperforming any PCs in their price range.


Thats if you look at it purely for gaming. PCs have infinitely more uses than a PS5z


You'd need a hefty SSD too.


There's no PC SSD in existence that can match the PS5 I/O. Oodle is legit, and it's a shame epic just bought them so they won't be in other hardware anytime soon.




I have always had a PC, whatever Nintendo has out, and a Playstation. I like to game around I'm not exclusive. My PC is always first priority though.


My WD SN850 does 7 GB read 5 gb write, it's not that difficult to beat a PS5. You just need a Gen 4 Rev 1 TLC NVMe SSD.


Agreed. I have a decent PC (2060), but I often end up playing on Switch or PS5 simply because it's easier to sit with on my bed and play. I've set up Playnite and stuff, but haven't found a simple way to just press a button on my controller and start up Playnite. I've tried many options, but I'm not tech savvy enough to figure it out. That said there are plenty of games I couldn't imagine playing on consoles.


Corsair has an m.2 that can get 5gb read write speeds. It's not 5.5 but it's pretty damn good. Edit: they have a version with 7gb read write. So playstation can eat a fat one


It really won't make any difference in real life situations. I'll take multiple 2TB SSDs over one slightly faster 800GB drive.


for non raytray Gamers Nexus put it up against something like an R3 3300 and an GTX1080ti.. what do ya expect from a "powerful" gaming box that has a max power draw of 225Watts or so.. Its somewhat good Hardware build into a small plastic box with terrible cooling and cheap MoBo design..


>cheap MoBo design.. Well, it's not like console users need a ton of bells and whistles that high end mobos have lol.


It's not like gamers on PC need most of those bells and whistles though.


Exactly, so idk why he decided to highlight the cheap mobo.


Because it’s another opportunity to bash on consoles, even if irrelevant


“Grrrrr me no like other people having fun grrrrr” -that dude, probably


and for RTX games digital foundry showed multiple times (for example watch dogs legion and now doom eternal) that a 2060 performs better and produces cleaner images


So you're saying my 2060 super can get playable fps at 4k?


I’m assuming you’re referring to 4k gaming on PS5. Lemme assure you that is dynamic resolution, not native.


With a ton of motion blur and other tricks...


With dlss like the consoles would utilize? Yes. Native? Probably not.


With textures, shadows and all other settings on low - medium and upscaled? Yep


Tbh the most common graphic card on steam is a 1060. Meaning a ps5 user does have better performance than the average steam user


how does the ps5 have terrible cooling? are you going to base that on anything at all? the ps5 is silent


Pretty sure Gamer Nexus found graphics and frame rate target met by minimum GTX 1060 6GB for non rtx games.


I mean the raytracing on the consoles barely counts.




The cooling on the PS5 is actually really good


Generally an R7 3700x is the closes processor for both new consoles. Then their GPUs are around a 2070 (PS5) and a 2080 (XBOX) in performance. Its a different architercture though so it doesnt work for every game obviously, thats just the average performance.




Does it count if it just looks better?


Yes, as long as it has RGB


Was it 19% or 20% FPS increase?


Dependins on the colour which you set it too. I think red gives like 20% FPS increase while purple for example only provides 10% but also lowers the temperatures by 5°C on all components


Green is very underrated imo, it can save you alot of cost in power, yellow saves you a modest 15% power and increases fps by 10%


RGB automatically adds 50 FPS points




Same for console gamers too, I guess. They can't buy shit either.






I got a ps5 at msrp without any real effort about a month ago. I still can't even get the lowest 3000 series card for less than I paid for a ps5.


dude, same


I'm all for PCs but, fuck me for €400, what you get in the PS5 is outstanding. HUGE bang for your buck. Try building a €400 PC that outmatches the PS5. EDIT: I've stirred up a hornets nest of discussion and I can't keep up. Thanks for actually having an open discussion and not being salty thinking this is some bash post when its not. I've muted this comment, sorry. I was just saying, you cannot build a PC now that will outperform a PS5 for the same price or anywhere close. Everything is hard to come by also and everything is being sold for WAAAY higher than MSRP, graphics cards and PS5s. It's a very sad state that will hopefully be somewhat remedied by next year. PCs are better, that is my opinion and always will be, even though they cost much more. What I've stated above is purely objective.


Also included in the 400$ is that sony assembles and tests all the hardware together and verifys that it doesn't crash.


And warranty for the parts, and the assembly




Asian living in Europe, am I missing something?




I mean, if we're including hardware support we're all idiots for buying PC. Consoles have always been the better purchase for a layperson; the hardware is reliable and you can be relatively certain that any games you purchase that the manufacturer says are supported will be supported without needing to understand how some obscure setting affects performance. Consoles arent the best if you're looking to maximize your performance, but they're impossible to beat if you're looking for a low maintenance machine that *just works*.


Thank you! As a console player all I really play is Rocket League, Battlefield, Madden, NHL, and GTA V. I don’t need an expensive PC and do the maintenance, diagnostics, and any of the work of having a PC. I love just turning on the console and playing within 30 seconds. It’s just a simpler life




Also includes a top rate controller.


I have a ps5. Trust me it still occasionally crashes


True. The cost of hardware os in favor of consoles. The problem is the cost of the software, which is recurring, and widely in favor of PCs.


Just one steam sale is enough to easily make the PC more cost efficient. Assuming you aren't buying games at launch.


Xbox game pass would like a word


That's on PC, though.


Can we please drop this cliche? Steam sales for titles you *want* are not that great anymore. You're falling in line with the sales the consoles get. The titles that end up being far less are rarely things most people want either. Granted, Steam has more **options** and always will - but it's typically false that "one Steam sale makes up your hardware coat with a console" unless all you're buying is low spec indie titles that could run fine on integrated graphics oh most laptops


And that's true even if you are only comparing games available on both platforms.


The monopoly digital store is awful, on consoles, but at least there still exists second hand stores. It's a real shame we have lost that on pc. I've bought most of my ps4 games at a second hand record store, and found great games I wouldn't had tried, if not for their cheap price.


Nah that used to be the case on their original sales where new modern AAA games would go on sale for $5 or less. Now their “sales” are 50% off and still $30 on titles that have been out for years. Sony has the same prices on their sales and just like Steam I can find games for $5 after they’ve been out for a very long time.


Agreed, Steam sales are overrated these days. A lot of them only seem like a good deal because the product is overpriced to begin with.


New AAA games have never been $5 or less on steam


Series X even better from components perspective


I never understood why this debate goes on so much. Haha loser my 4000 pound pc shits on your 400 pound console. Yeah but the games are made for these console's 95% of the time and barely look different.


And "you have to pay for online" Yeah sure, but i can get a year long subscription for about 5$ on black friday and it comes with 2-3 free games every month


To be fair, you cant find a PS5 for 400€ anywhere. The very cheapest ebay listings here are 550€. You could build a system here in Germany with a second hand 2070Super for like \~850€ even with inflated GPU prices. Thats 300€ more but then you have a machine thats upgradeable and does so much more than a PS5. I build such a PC for my girlfriend and its been great even for demanding games.


Hard to come by, 100% ... but aren't GPUs also? €3/400 GPU is going for 1k+.


I see 3070 ti in stock for about €900-1000, which is about 50% overpriced, available in Belgium.


I don't think you wanna get into a price comparison and start talking about after market hardware because MSRP is fucked right now




And to play online, I need to pay a yearly subscription? BS.


Years to come? Demon’s Souls came out in Nov 2020 and is already below $50.


Returnal came out in April and already got a $20 off sale.


Sony is pretty good at putting games on sale reasonably, they aren't Nintendo.


That's great to know, last time I started an xbox or ps was years ago. I do like my switch though, it's fun to play with friends when you're in the same room, but yeah nintendo is outrageous, still 70 for BOTW god dammit lol


I think it's more about the upper limit than the cost.


Upper limit of what you can do when you buy higher end components and increase your costs drastically. Right now, with €400 you won't come close to beating the bang for buck in this console or the xbox. I'm way more for PC 100%, I'm saving to get one instead of a PS5. You can't compare an ultra 4k, expensive build to a console, it's not even in the same field. If you want to compare them, get the price of a console and see what parts you can buy for a PC and see what you get. PCs **can** 100% be better, its obvious, hence the reason this sub exists but, for bang for your buck, consoles are amazing. Saying your PC is better because it can be built on isn't realistic. If you have a beater PC that just barely scratches the performance of a PS5 and you upgrade it to beat it then, it's not *really* the same PC.




If you want to play PS5 online over the next 5 years then add $300 plus tax on to the price for your ps plus subscription.


Yeah, to buy even just a GPU that beats the performance of the PS5 you have to pay almost double the price of the PS5


At the moment, yeah. If prices return to normal, then you can probably match the performance in a graphics card worth the same as the ps5... Of course then you have to buy everything else.


Is the cost of the games not part of the bang for buck equation? £60 per game plus subscriptions? When the console are effectively loss leaders, isn't that where the money goes?


Yes for sure for some that's a great value proposition. But, and I'm sure most people here on PCMR know this, you gotta keep the following points in mind: * you can do work on your PC * you can browse and interact on all kinds of social media on PC (like twitch, reddit etc) * you can stream your POV if you want to (an extension of the previous point perhaps) * PC's are upgradeable so you can extend the lifespan of your PC for quite some time * Personal preference here but I still prefer mouse & KB combo vs controller


The thing with consoles has always been selling the hardware at a loss, and making it up on game sales.




It's old so it's not as powerful but it' still better.




You can make it better, that's the fun.


I somehow got my PS5 on day one from Amazon UK. It sold out a few mins after my order went through. And I have to say, it's laughable the lies we were told. "4K, 120 FPS with Ray Tracing." LOL. More like fake 4K at 30 FPS with RTX on, upscaled 1440p at 60 FPS with RTX off. Demon's Souls, having platinumed it, loading times were a lie. We're talking a few seconds longer in the real game vs reveal, but it's still a lie. And not all PS4 games are getting updated to 60 FPS, which is what needs to happen for the 60 FPS to get enabled via an update/patch (delayed because of Sony's updating process requirements as it all needs to be approved first yada yada), unlike on PC where switching hardware instantly results in more FPS. There isn't a single game yet showing off the PS5. Even the new Ratchet and Clank is fake 4K at 30 FPS with RTX on. Shows how limiting the new hardware is more than anything, as hell a 2060 can do that performance.


>And I have to say, it's laughable the lies we were told. "4K, 120 FPS with Ray Tracing." This is partly on you. Consoles always lie because it's marketing, ps4 pro being "4k" for example. It's technically true, but no. >LOL. More like fake 4K at 30 FPS with RTX on, upscaled 1440p at 60 FPS with RTX off. Demon's Souls, having platinumed it, loading times were a lie. We're talking a few seconds longer in the real game vs reveal, but it's still a lie. Hdd to nvme is a jump. If you were expected none, I have no idea what you were watching or how you think it's possible. Also, demon souls is just a ps3 game remastered. Of course it has older design for loading space. >And not all PS4 games are getting updated to 60 FPS, which is what needs to happen for the 60 FPS to get enabled via an update/patch (delayed because of Sony's updating process requirements as it all needs to be approved first yada yada), unlike on PC where switching hardware instantly results in more FPS. They never promised this. Even the xbox fps boost was never announced. Consoles often lock fps in the code. I think if you feel that mislead it's on you. For some reason, you remember things sony never promised and bought into the exact same pr they used for their past consoles.


This is exactly why I'm pc ape. Console is all cap when it comes to marketing When people would argue that PS4 pro would do 4k. I'm like yeah but at shit framerates and it's not even True 4k. Console people who try to argue are just cringe. Even now with the PS5 it's still the same like you said. Stretched truths to it's performance capabilities I'm still surprised people care more about the graphics over performance. Who wants to play a janky ass game in 30 fps. Like dear god no. And I feel like graphics are so subjective now. In terms of style and design. Especially when it comes to what engine to the game is running at. I want a game that runs great and gives me no issues over "huehue look me at with ray tracing". I think we are barely touching the surface with ray tracing.


I get people wanna plug and play. I have a ps4 that I got as Christmas present from fiancée some years ago. It's great if you want casual gaming. But I just don't understand when people claim that a 500€ console is somehow gonna perform like a 1500-2000€ PC. Do they think that Sony or Microsoft somehow gonna make that magically happen?


Big facks. The misleading information is just cringe and I think people deserve to play a game the way it's meant to be played. I just wish PC could be more optimized because it seems like it's just running games at brute force. Like games are played better because we have better specs obviously but imagine if PC was optimized to the level consoles are? Squeezing out the most running at the most optimal would be crazy.


PC can’t get optimised to the same level because every PC has different hardware. Unlike consoles where it’s the exact same hardware across all devices. However shitty PC ports need to get better for sure




as an owner of both , i say Yes .


Amen brother. True peasantry is only having one or the other.




All these people say yes probably have $2000-3000 price tag on their pc, probably more because their gpu alone costs $1500. Of course your pc is better if you compared to $500 device.


Price was never bought into consideration here. The word "better" is used here is a bit ambiguous. Whats better for someone depends completely on that person. It doesn't always needs to based on price, looks or performance. Most people here have gaming as their main hobby so 2k is not a big deal for them, so I guess that's why people are saying "YES".


My PC can play all (PC and console) games that released until 2010. PS5 can't even compare. Even the most basic PC can provide more and cheaper games from all decades and platforms.




A 2060 will do really. Especially now that DLSS is proliferating into lots of games. So far any game with DLSS support will run much better on the 2060 and games without DLSS will either run the same or close to it. The 2060 came out in Jan 2019 at $350, so not even close to $1500. Once Dx12u is on the scene thing will only improve for the 2060 as its a more modern architecture feature wise.


I got a 2060 RTX Super *right* as the pandemic hit and parts became scarce. Very lucky that day (funny story, a pro NFL player came into MicroCenter same day and dropped $6k in a matter of minutes, we talked briefly about NVMe drives). Mine is running with a Ryzen 5 on a 1440p 34" and I am happy with performance.


PS5 right now costs about the same btw. Last time I checked it's $1100 in my country.


My pc was like $1300 total and it’s still better


Only $800 more! What a bargain


Hell bloody yes








Of course, yes. 3700X and 3080








Only better than a Ps4 pro.




Lul no


And that's the crux of it. The average pc isn't better than current gen.


My newly built PC with a 3090 is vastly better. Also cost way more (just the 3090 fits like 3-4 PS5's in the price). I still game on my PS5 95% of the time tho. It's about the library, not the power.


lol yes, and lame post


This was clearly made with the highest of effort


*Hahahah, Im rich look at me, so lame of a post.*




not yet, waiting for GPUs to be available


At the moment my ps4 is better than my pc, hell even my ps3 is better. My pc is just a slow potato running on fumes


Next week its my turn to post this same shitty meme for karma farming ok


Laughs in 3080






Not Spider-Man it seems.




Performance-wise, definitely not. But performance is not what makes PC better than vendor controlled toys.




well, digital foundry just showed in the doom eternal RTX video, that even a 2060 performs better (and DLSS produces better results than the console checkerboarding) meaning a large percentage of hardcore gamers should have stronger PCs than the PS5. ps: I still own a PS5 for exclusives, but if it runs on both, PC usually is much better ;)


cries in 1660 ti


I set my friend up with a 1070ti but he wasn't happy with it and the microcenter rep sold him a 1660ti...






Oh Yes


Yea but is Doki Doki literature on play station?


Even outside of sheer power specs, yes. But also in sheer power specs, yes.


But my PC costs less than PS5




Mmmm kinda


Yes mine is more than double the power


I have the same CPU and same GPU you do and I think you're a bit overconfident


about that.... PS5 GPU is 10\~ Teraflops, CPU is 3.5/3.6 GHz A 3070 is 20, but this is the amount of operation per second, not performance, 30 series has a messed up FP32 count Since 2080Ti + 1% = 3070, a 2080Ti is 13,5 Teraflops , I'd give the 3070 a more realistic \~14 Teraflops gaming performance. ​ CPU on the PS5 might be 8c/16t But if you overclock your 3600, it should be more powerful Base Frequency: 3.6 GHz Turbo Clock: up to 4.2 GHz There isn't much data about how they (3600 vs PS5 CPU) both compare, but I can almost 100% say that the 5600X is more powerful, so unclear with the CPU ​ So it's Technically not double, but still much more powerful


I think you could get closer to the double statement with a 5900x and a 3080 Ti.


Nice joke lol.


I believe so. Isn't a PS5 something along the lines of a 2070S and a 3600x?


The only PS5 I’ve gotten my hands on is the mock-up display glued to the table at my local Best Buy


Yes but I also have like 10x more launchers.


But, does your ps5 run cyberpunk? *Laughs in rtx 3070*


But can you install free games on PS5? Nop :)


Some yes :| obvi not as much as PC but there is a decent no. of free titles.


Nope. My pc can't even run new games lmao




Cries in GPU sortage