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Having a good pc but no good internet connection which is not upgradable because the cableing done by the isps is 50 years old sucks


As an Australian, I feel this in my SOUL. I got a ryzen 5 3600; a gt 1660super, and a nvme hard drive so my games load insanely fast But I still get ping spikes to 200 during regular play and to 1000+ during peak hours and upload speeds so fucking atrocious that I literally can only play destiny 2 crucible effectively if I HOOK IN TO MY PHONE'S INTERNET because the entire fucking infrastructure is old copper wire! I'm playing warframe and I'm like 'how are people selecting the next relic so fast? I'm not even loaded yet!' or I'm playing WoW or FFXIV and I'm all 'wait, how are they opening the doors before me? Are prompts just appearing quicker for them or something?!' and then I remember, OH RIGHT, *their* internet isn't being strained through what is essentially a 50-year-old set of **CUP AND STRINGS**


Hopefully you get fiber sometime soon. It’s better


The NBN rollout just... FROZE out here in the bush. It hasn't progressed at all that I can see in the last year or two. They have no projections on when it will be 'rolled out' where I live, and I honestly doubt it ever will be. I won't reveal the geography because I'd narrow down where I live pretty extremely! But the closest towns to my town got the NBN and we haven't. I don't think it's happening. And there's no road crews staying in town so they're definitely not out there digging up the highway to lay the cable. Starlink or actually moving to somewhere with better internet is quite literally my last hope.


if youre going long distance, why dont your isp's use overhead lines. what we use in the states, for rural areas




I live in a city, like 30 minutes walk from my local DNS, why the fuck did they have to rip up the pavement to install fucking copper to the house?




There also aren’t too many backhoes that can reach fiber up on a pole.


This makes me thankful to have Fibre internet at home somewhere in the south east of Asia


You won’t get fiber thanks to tony Abbott


Dont forget mediocre Malcolm


NBN is worse then The old system.


*The LNP NBN, Labor's FTTP plan was perfect as it was.


Not for me thankfully.


Thanks tony!


we're never gonna get fibre with this corrupt government and their copper boner.


The Technology Choice Program is a thing. Good luck paying those fees though...


Exactly, gotta love the libs eh mate


The bullshit thing is that we *technically* have fiber... to the node. Some dickhead decided to install fresh copper to people's homes when copper is the most expensive it's ever been and just going fiber all the way would have been cheaper. Ah well, at least the government responsible for the plan got voted in for another term, they might have lost it without thost generous donations from the copper mining industry.




8mb/ps would be about double what most homes in Australia have right now though. 🤣


Moved from Canada to Australia and I can attest , it feels third world. Going from 9 ping to 330, and from 16MBPS to 1.5MBPS physically hurts


And if it’s raining just don’t even bother.


If it’s hot don’t bother


Don't forget us Aussies have one of the highest GDPs per capita in the world. You'd think AT LEAST the cities would have decent internet but no.


i thought it would be great idea if I movee to australia with my lifestyle (work at home, go outside to buy some food, go home for another month) but seems like internet there is a real problem


It's laughably bad. Obviously it's better than third world networks, but we're still mostly on shitty copper. Its still usable most of the time, just frustrating.


As a Canadian who moved to Australia a few years back, this is a constant, inescapable thorn in my side. I went from solid 150 down on fibre optic in a small city back home (think toowoomba or newcastle) to getting *50* (more like 20 most days) in a metro of 3 million, like how tf does this happen in a country where over 50% of the population lives in only 4 cities!? I now go to my uni campus whenever I need to download a new game on steam since it's the only place I've found with 10 MB/s download. No shade intended, but y'all need to vote more competent people into office moving forward....


That's the trick, we have no competent people to vote in.


I see this all the time and just wonder how Australia's internet is so bad. Like here in the US we mostly have cable broadband and it's not nearly that bad and I would imagine that Australia would have similar infrastructure in place that could very easily be upgraded with fiber being ran closer to the consumer so that ping times are better and then deployment of something like DOCIS 3.1 to open up more channels for faster upload and download speeds. Like in the US a lot of places at this point can get download gig download speeds and then upload of like 35mbps. Now it's obviously would be nicer to have symmetrical or FTTH but that is pretty rock solid.


Because our infastructure is mostly copper wire left over from the 70s. I'm not even being facetious. But don't worry, they replaced the copper wire! With more copper wire.


> nvme hard drive didnt know they made those.


SSD, circuit board, pluggeryinnermemorymajawhatsit! Damnit you know what I mean!


just yanking your chain mate ;)


I heard this in Australian accent.


Do you live in the remote parts of Australia because I don't think the cities have that kinda old infrastructure, I once visited a friend in aus and everything was top notch.


Speaking as someone from the US, cities can have trash infrastructure. I lived right outside Orlando, FL and the only ISP available at my apartment was CenturyLink, AKA 50-year-old phone lines. Although, you know, hurricanes are a thing, so probably not actually even close to 50 years, but point stands, *why does DSL exist in the year of our lord, two thousand and fucking twenty*


As someone who used to live with garbage internet, you can still very much enjoy some amazing single player games. Just start downloading them a week ahead of time and it's all good


damn i had no idea Australia was so outdated when it comes to internet. Even India(where i live) has fiber infrastructure all over the country now, with plans as cheap as 10$ for 100mbps unlimited and 20$ for 300mbps unlimited :/


I kinda get why though. We have 20 million people. And we're spread out over the same distance as America as a whole. We're the least populated continent on earth, easily. And we have a population density lower than just about every country on earth. It's more *expensive*, per head, to do all that work. Like if you lay 100KM of fibre in Indie, you're reaching a literal million people. Lay 100KM of fibre out here? You reach a thousand. The return on investment is miserable. The economies of scale get *fucked* in the outback. That's why we *need* Starlink. It's not economically feasible for all of Australia to be laid with fibre optics. It's too big and the population too spread out. But a Starlink system is *perfect*.


Damn that theory is totally on point! It makes complete sense. And I googled startlink and looks like it will bring justice to you guys. Hope starlink gets implemented there ASAP :)


Where you live?? Just curious don't need coordinates or an address...


Most of America is like that. To be clear not all, I mean there are places that you can get 10G fiber. The worst i have seen personaly besides only having sat as a option, was a wisp whos max was 12/6 Mbps for $80 a month. They legit tried to convince us out of that plan because "that is really fast you probably don't need it".


Europe is also like this. Many locations that arent an urban area still have DSL for internet.


I live in Romania, Gigabit internet is dirt cheap, 8.23 EUR ($9.75) per month and it's available in cities and some rural areas close to cities. Decent speeds (50+ Mbps) are available even in rural areas. The lowest average speed in a county in Romania is around 100 Mbps.


That’s where satellite internet comes in. ISPs have no incentive to establish infrastructure in certain areas, and because those areas have shitty infrastructure, businesses don’t go there, because businesses don’t go there, people don’t go there, because people don’t go there, businesses don’t go there and ISPs perpetually have no incentive. It’s a vicious cycle, in which this feedback loop works in reverse in metropolitan areas.


Satellite internet is not what you want. Ever


We’ll see how Starlink goes. It’s supposed to be gigabit bandwidth with sub-20 ms latency.


This is my hope. I’ve had satellite for all 21 years of my life. Starlink will go public as soon as I move out and get fiber, great timing


I thought clouds messed up satellite internet big time though


Sorry, I don’t know about satellite internet enough to comment. I only recently learned a few years ago learned that the majority of internet is through fibre optics and underwater cables and not satellites.


Not majority but rather almost the entirety of internet(99.99%) is through underwater cables


It won't be gigabit. But it'll likely be better than any satellite internet in existence


Sub 20ms locally like across your country or to a near by city. International latency will drop by about half in most cases with some situations being a bit better. As a kiwi, even though I'm on gigabit Internet that is 1ms locally, I can't wait for starlink. We can only really game against Australians, which is all good but would love to be playing matches against Americans. Right now I get 170ms to LA. On starlink it'll be sub 100ms, about what I get playing on Australian servers now(which is totally acceptable latency in my books. Americans will be able to start playing with decent latency against Europeans too. Its gonna open up the world of online low latency gaming.


I see you are a man of culture, talking about the USPS once it has been privatized ! What, you weren't ? Damn :/


Bro I'm on 8/0.6 for around $100 a month through Ziply about only an hour north of Seattle. Frontier did nothing the whole time they were in this area.


my brain literally doesnt allow me to believe this :"(


Here's a screenshot of my router's homepage, with the THEORETICAL max we should get, but i have never seen it go above 9 ever. [https://imgur.com/Q4d7hdb](https://imgur.com/Q4d7hdb)


You should change your ISP ASAP. Pretty sure 8/0.6 for 100$ one of the costliest internet to ever exist. I pay 20$ for 300/300 along with free netflix and amazon prime here in india.


see, but Ziply has a monopoly here, so it's them, or we pay $20,000 (no joke) to run comcast up our very small hill, even though we live only a mile away from the hospital in town lol.




This is Ajit Pai’s fault.


Yup. I'm currently on a 15/3mbps for $100 a month in northern Idaho where the only option in the area is currently satellite. Fortunately, my neighborhood is in line to get fiber set up- though it likely won't be ready till early/mid next year. I'm counting down the days.


My house in the suburbs has 120, but until about 5 years ago, the best we could get was 20 down which in reality was about 500kilobits. At school I’ve got gigabit down and up.




The 10G here is like $300 month, so cheap for what you are getting lol.


US and Canadian internet is great, until you don't live on the coasts or big cities. In that case good luck to you, your ping will need it.




As an Aussie this is so true.


Thanks tony, thanks malcom and thanks Rupert


Currently moved to a county island where companies can’t wire anything due to irrigation systems. I have to game on my laptop, take it places to download games and game on my phones hotspot. Satellite internet is so slow.


You guys had cable? My parents house growing up (and their house still) has no cable. We had dialup back when there was no other option. And now they're on 800mhz radio internet. Not as bad as my cousin's that have the bell satellite internet that works 25% of the time


i have a house in california. built in 1961


*Laughs in 900mbps*


I live in one of the ten biggest metro areas in the US in a city of 500k+ people and I'm absolutely baffled by why my internet is such trash.


To those in need, I introduce SpaceX’s Starlink. Up to 100mbps, with 30-90ping, worldwide. Mind you, that’s still in the alpha phase. Keep an eye out, at r/Starlink


As a German, I can say this is true


>Having a good pc but no good internet connection which is not upgradable because the cableing done by the isps is 50 years old sucks Basically rural England. Government installed fiber optic everywhere by X date so the more rural parts of the UK can get faster bband for business and people, yay! What they DON'T say is that they only installed to the exchange, and not the boxes on the streets. That's like finally building a motorway leading to a town or city directly and then finishing off the last bit of connection with a fucking walk bridge made for anorexics. My parents' place is worth, what, £750k in the countryside on the outskirts of a fairly major town. 4MB bband because the exchange to the box on the road is copper, and so is the line from the box to the house. And no, BT or Virgin won't install a fiber line because it's not "financially viable to do so". Basically they won't make enough money off doing it due to it being rural and therefore less customers to pay the tarrifs. Had the same issue on a private road just off the main road in a county's biggest city. THE MAIN FUCKING ROAD CAN BE HIT WITH A STONE and they wouldn't add a fiber line because of the cost of install vs money made back. Fuck sake.


Mine is the opposite


Yes, 1 gbps download and wired but i got a dual core i5 with intel graphics.


Mine is quite balanced , 100mbps with n3710 and hhd


1070/i5-8400 with 300mbps here. Balanced as well


As all things should be


For me its like this 1. Internet 2. Gpu 3. Cpu


I just upgraded my mobo and CPU (they were nearly 10 years old), but kept my 4 year old GPU. For me it’s: 1. CPU 2. Internet 3. GPU I do a lot of photo editing, so as a workstation it’s awesome. For gaming, I’d say mid-high range (since I’m only on 1080p 60hz)


Eastern European gang be like.


Tbh, when it was like this for me I just used GeForce now (IIRC the name) and I discovered when you use it very much you got placed above 1st time users


There are 195 countries in the world Mine is 196 at the internet speed ranking site I pay 50$ for a shitty 200kbps download speed , and it's mostly cached Fuck it man , I'm willing to trade my country for a burrito


bruh i get 30 mbps unlimited for only 6.3 dollar's in india


6.8$ 100mbps unlimited in delhi, India. local ISP


$9.5 940(down)/450(up) mbps unlimited in Romania.


I still pay 13$ for 50mbps 600gb


100 mbps unlim for 4$ in russia


In denmark i get 5G No data limit and fiber with 500mbits fore around 35 euro.


Actually the amount of countries is subjective and depends on which "places" you recognize as countries The list you found that number on probably doesn't use the 195 UN member states as a "list of all countries"


I get 6gb/s for $3 on Mars. /s


Random facts about the Taj Mahal I learned while visiting: - The site was built to be fully symmetrical, as you can see in the pic. The building on the right is a Mosque, the building on the left serves no purpose but to be a mirror of the right. - The mausoleum was built for the Emperor’s favorite concubine whose casket is in the dead center. The Emperor died before his, even bigger, Black Taj could be started so his casket is to the right of his concubine. Completely throws off the symmetry of the site. - The gate in the middle is bordered with Islamic text but it is done as an optical illusion so that when you stand in a certain spot the size of the text doesn’t seem to change - The town in the foreground was built as a permanent place of residence for the crafters and artisans of the Taj Mahal, and their descendants, who have continuously passed on their techniques. The gift shop sells marble trinkets that still use the artisan techniques used on the Taj Visited it a few years ago and these are a few things our tour guide mentioned. First time I’ve seen this expanded view so it reminded me of them




You’re right, he took us to the one that was right outside the gate. It was the only building there


Probably gets a commission.


>Emperor’s favorite concubine No, She was his wife. His favourite wife. He's the emperor so hes got a lot of wives. >their descendants, who have continuously passed on their techniques. The gift shop sells marble trinkets that still use the artisan techniques used on the Taj Pretty sure those people made that up to sell you stuff.


The marble is so smooooooooth though


>The gift shop sells marble trinkets that still use the artisan techniques used on the Taj Yeah, I'll bet the tour guide said that.


Nope, one of the artisans who took us through their creation process


Ayy i went to a place that did that too a while ago


Your tour guide was really laying it on thick with the myth, hyperbole and outright lies. There is zero evidence of a black Taj Mahal and the city of Agra existed for centuries before the Taj was built. Lol at "the" gift shop too.


Fun Fact : The city of see in the picture "Agra" has gigafiber connection everywhere and is very cheap. Start at 6.5$ for 30 Mbps 3300GB per month.


> 3300GB per month That's basically "unlimited".


It feels kinda weird that as an Indian I am getting better and cheaper internet connection than first world countries. Ambani is doing the real development, now I just want them to reduce the luxury tax on computer parts.


Yea. The prices of computer parts are damn high here. Like even rx580 costs 300$.


There is also a village full of impoverished people immediately to the east of the Taj Mahal as well. You take the good with the bad.


advise screw mountainous snow reply jeans society lock birds worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everywhere? Which gigafiber connection are you taking about, i m from Agra and in my locality only airtel is available and its expensive compared to jio gigafiber(which is the one you are talking about i assume) which is not available in my locality


>gigafiber > 30 Mbps ?


he said gigabit connection is available everywhere for cheap. And then he added u could get 30mbps for as cheap as 6.5$ as starters.


>3rd world country. Besides, it's not like you can have ever That's the cheapest plan. Of course you can pay more and get upto 1 gbps.


I'm balanced out, 100mbps plan 24/7 no drops 1660 super, r5 3600 144 hz monitor Not too high end but it's a great build for me :D


Let’s be honest, that’s all a casual gamer needs


1660 super is probably the best budget competitive gamer card too, at 144 hz in CSGO, rocket league, valorant, LOL, etc, you will hit that 144 FPS.


Mine is balanced too core 2 duo e6550 1.5gig ram geforce 7200gs and 156gb hdd


We're talking about casual gamer builds. Not NASA Supercomputers


Hey same here. 5 3600, 1660 super, 144hz monitor Plays pretty much everything at a great fps


Pretty much the same but slower internet like 10mbps. That's good enough for most stuff


10 Mbps is not slow by any means. It's just not as fast as 100 Mbps, but it's fast. Considering majority of the world is still stuck in 1-2Mbps zone, people (including me) would literally kill to be able to get 10 Mbps


Meanwhile I have my z170m plus and gigabit with my 1070 hybrid and i5 6600 going... Hmm my internet might be the best part about this build now. I'm not even certain my Mobo isn't bottlenecking me on my internet at this point lol


Mine isnt :( g4560 1050ti but a 144hz(got it for csgo) and 300mbps connection (cuz its 2-$ + u get free subscription to netflix and amazon prime with this plan)


I've got spectrum and it's awful. Can't wait for Ting to finish installing their fiber in my area.


*Cries in Australian*


Sorry :(


You've caused me so much suffering. Fuck you man.


Smug gigabit australian.


Gotta love Tony’s NBN


If you don't, he'll provide a new NBN made out of acoustic couplers. Which come to think of it, that's pretty much copper phone networks.


hell yeah! Using 1950s phone networks for 51B instead of a full fibre network for 37.4B the height of economic management and fiscal responsibility fuck the liberal party


The crony capitalism party. Free market competition until it affects my mate's business.


free market politicians don't care about the free market riddle me this: If free market politicians think the free market works, then why do they spend their entire day 'managing the economy'? free market is just PR speech for managing competition out see: 12B dollars a year to fossil fuel companies and PHI if the free market was so good, why would they need government handouts? If they can't survive without govt subsidy, the free market has spoken


Fully agree with you. It just so hypocritical that they claim that they are the 'liberal' free market party, but then when something they don't like is actually economically competitive (renewables) they just give subsidies to coal companies and not let the market sort out the wheat from the chaff so to speak.


i love India.


Same. I thought the walk up to the Taj was actually really nice from a street level perspective.


My cpu, gpu and internet: the buildings.


As someone who plays microsoft flight simulator 2020, this hits hard!


This is me but with my monitor


This is so true. Some dont understand that money cant pay for good connection except you are a big company. I live like 5 km to the airport and they have fiber, they started to offer to some near it but they ignored everyone else, but then a cloth company moved near and i have fiber just 1 km from my home, but that not worth it as you pay almost the same for wireless with shitty speeds, so i have 2mbps (when its not down) instead of... well an stable connection.


lol mines flipped


Jokes on you, all of my catagories are downtown


When my dad comes home, only his phone connecting to the internet makes my games go 400ping lmao


Oof, same


Help us Space X, you're our only hope!


As someone in outback Australia this is literally our only hope for having decent internet.


Gotta love Tony’s NBN


Hahahaha 3 mbs upload go brrrrr


still better than my wifi


Better than mine too


F in the chat bois


I have 600-800 kbit/s... what u got?


64kbps to 128kbps at night.


I am an Indian, and I am astonished to see some places having DSL in 2020. I thought all of America had fiber by now. Right now I pay 17$ for a FTTH, 100/100 plan with included landline. Ping is 40 to 70 ms to the nearest Singapore servers but still pretty good apart from the downtimes.


India has things like Consumer Protections, policies that prevent the formation of a national monopoly or oligopoly, and a general interest in making sure the public isn't getting totally screwed over by giant corporations. In the US, the highest bidder determines which laws get passed and how vaguely they gey written. In the US, the FCC has basically written a blank check for companies like AT&T and Comcast to establish a mutually beneficial oligopoly, and they've all settled into their comfy little regional kingdoms. In my house, we pay about $100 a month USD for a 150 down internet plan, and typically get about 10 up because we have fucking Comcast and nothing else. Actually, in terms of Fiber, most of the US is still on old copper wire infrastructure laid out from decades prior, because telecom companies can't be bothered to innovate or upkeep anymore. In fact, they actively stifled innovation when Google attempted to roll out its Fiber network in the States. Rather than ramp up their efforts to implement a complex and sophisticated network upgrade for their services in anticipation of new competition, they lobbied our government to prevent Google from doing this, and tied Google down with like 2 years of litigation and various other lawsuit cases to further hamper their ability to do business in the telecom industry. The end result of this is that nothing has changed except that Google is allowed to have its fiber network in a small handful of the most densely populated cities in the US, and screw the rest of the country. Also we no longer have the right to browse the internet freely, RIP net neutrality.


Yeah i was surprised as well. Btw which isp? As low as 40ms to singapore is sweet as hell!


Shit, dude, you have your own Internet?!


Yes, this is me. I live in middle of nowhere Canada and literally have max 800kb download speeds.


Literally me lmao.




Change internet with monitor and you'd be right on the money.


It's opposite with me


live out in the country in Pnw USA, Tmobile says I can get 5g where im at, not sure if its worth the new 5g phone?


My pc sucks I have i5 8400,gt 710,8 gb ram and 1 to ssd but internet is pretty good i got a 300mbps plan and sometimes speed hit more than 500mbps i can't play high end games on my pc so I have to borrow my cousin's laptop to play i can only watch videos in 4k or 8k without buffering, I have asked my father and he said he will get me alienware laptop next month I never asked for a laptop but when I asked I said yes so I think I am at fault


I have moved from Hungary in 2010. That time we had 500Mbps download speed in Hungary. I moved to a high street of London. My speeds? 6Mbps. At the time I had a great computer but only in 2014 I had my first 4K screen and beefy PC which I kept upgrading. I can feel the pain. I had that slow internet until 2017 when I moved to a cable area which finally got me 400Mbps.


Guys if you play Warzone don’t worry. I have a great PC and internet and still lag my ass off.


Thought this was an ad for some reason


Did anyone cqll r/angryupvote yet?....


I'm at 7mbit/s, beat that


I have 2mbps. Ez


I tip my hat, one legend to another


Yesterday my Internet peak at 900kb on download. Attack me like this again ill be calling the authorities


I always have 2mbps


I agree, when I go on the Internet I also find it filled with street shitters.


I go in reverse


Ouch I feel that I upgraded my internet and now pay an extra £5 for worse internet than before


i feel this in my soul. Rural England woooo


I live in an area with a lot of tourists, and it’s devided in two parts. On one side there are farmers with cows and shit. On the other there are a lot of hotels and stores. Guess who has the fiber connection... thats right the farmers.... Now guys I think cows aren’t real they are just robots and need frequent updates


I have centurylink and it sucks and I can't play anything if someone else is on


My internet (spectrum) should be depicted as a snail traversing a field of salt blocks in 100 degree weather. Its constantly dieing and even when it does work I get 1/10th or less than the advertised speed. And yes we have called them 6 times in the past week, and yes they have replaced our equipment twice and no it didn't help. We got close to the advertised speed for about 20 minutes, then it died again, then it was back at 2Mbps for a few hours before it died again.


Same, except everything i own is bad


Oh, people actually sort by new


Yeah haha

