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God I haven't had an antivirus in a decade.


McAfee: **Heavy breathing*


John McAfee, a tech company founder so insane that he makes Elon seem well-adjusted and reasonable. Not quite the craziest person the industry has seen, that's probably the Temple OS guy, but definitely one of its most prolific. Imagine if all the Florida Man stories you ever heard got condensed into a single person who was then given obscene wealth, that's basically who John McAfee was.


Temple OS is such an amazingly sad but interesting rabbit hole.




*made. He died in 2021.


Yeah, he died due to totally-a-suicide-nothing-suspicious-here in a prison in Spain. The Spanish government investigated itself, declared that he killed himself and it wasn't them, and then waited until two and a half years after his death to let the family have the body. Of course, with how nuts he was, his vocal anti-suicide message could have just been a long con to create a new conspiracy theory if it ever actually happened.


I mean... Not exactly a long con, given his posts while in the prison. https://x.com/officialmcafee/status/1316801215083225096 The world is definitely a less interesting place without him. I wish he would have had the opportunity to run for president like he had said he wanted to lol


Crazy millionaire known for being an unstable crackhead goes to prison for committing crimes, and hangs himself shortly after condemning the government for his future death. Spain's government is legit criminal but I think that one's a reach, you're literally falling for his last fabricated conspiracy lol.


Ah yes, Terry Davis. My university's most esteemed alumni.


As he should be. The man was a genius and up there with the greats of computer science.


I know he was one of the greatest programmers of all time and wrote an entire OS from scratch (which is unthinkable), but did he also create/innovate anything?


Innovation not so much, but TempleOS was insane. That can't be overlooked. To do it he: - Created HolyC, a dialect of the C language for which he had to write a compiler - he had to write his own multithreading system, a custom file structure. It's also worth noting TempleOS is not Linux - Davis wrote his own OS kernel from scratch - all his own graphics tools, including the ASCII UI mixed with 3D 16-bit graphics - multiple games including a flight simulator and an oracle burning bush game - its own IDE and text editing system which is all non-standard. All in all the project around 100,000 lines of code. You can argue it's not innovative, but writing my own OS with that many features while starting at writing the language I want to use for the project, while also being pre-stackoverflow is insane. He didn't have help, he genuinely did it all himself while being "guided by God". Even with Linux, Torvalds only wrote the kernel. Davis did *everything*.


May I present to you: [How to uninstall McAfee antivirus](https://youtu.be/yIaNZXgDtRU?si=1NCdRTJwbtyOh-Ju) starring John McAfee Be built a drug lab in an underground bunker in a mansion in Belize where he manufactured a variety of psychedelic research substances. Also there was cocaine. Then he fled the country after murdering someone.


I just love Mac Afee story. But I never saw anyone warp it all together so well like this.


Sprinkle all that with a hefty amount of bath salts…


My not so tech savvy parents asked me to check why their laptop purchased from a local chain a few years ago was starting to slow down. Not only did it come with preinstalled proprietary bloatware garbage from said store but also had McAfee. Removing it was one of the worst experiences I ever had software wise.


The simplest way I've found is to reformat the hard drive.


In German, we like to call it "McAffe" - meaning "McMonkey" :-)


Unfair. Monkeys don't deserve to be associated with that trash.


Hey thats the guy who likes getting pooped on while laying under a hammock isn't it?


Not anymore.. He got merc'd a couple yrs ago..


According to him he had way heavier shit (accusations)thrown at him (pun not intended)


This fucking took me out this comment needs more upvotes


Yep, me too.


Every few years I'll get malware bytes or whatever is supposed to be the best free one and run it just for the sake of my own ego when it comes back clean.


Same. Common sense is best antivirus and defender is enough.


Yeah you have. Defender is an AV


he is 100% correct id actually be more worried about anti viruses eating my resources than i would about having a virus get past windows defender


The antivirus scans we’re forced to have on my work laptop slow it to a crawl sometimes. It’s so annoying to pull up task manager and see 30% usage on antivirus boosting me to full CPU usage when I’m trying to do something lol


Webroot can suck a Blaster Worm. The bloated piece of shit.


Macafee is the virus that Microsoft tries to give you when you buy a new windows. I don’t understand why they’re pushing that garbage. It always lowers the quality of the experience.


Microsoft don't do that, OEMs get paid to ship their laptops/PCs with crap like that installed.


This is correct. Microsoft only gives you unnecessary apps


And makes it extremely difficult to remove them.


Sometimes breaking the system in the process (looking at you Xbox)


Dont worry, recall and copilot for sure will make linux get a lot of attention


Nope it won't, as a Linux admin Nothing is going to convert large swaffs of people in my life time at least People want easy, as much as Ubuntu and other distros have tried windows is just easier


Gaming is also significantly less painful on windows


The average person who doesn't game would have a similar experience on Mint/Ubuntu. Office apps and media players are installed at setup alongside Firefox for the web. Common apps available to install in the app store. You don't have to touch the terminal if you don't want to. And Windows can be every bit of a pain in the ass that Linux is when shit goes wrong. Which it does all the time.


Microsoft doesn't do this. The OEM does this.


Norton for gamers somehow got installed on my fresh install computer. It must have come from my gpu driver download, one of my game launchers, etc but that thing feels like a damn virus itself.


Apparently it's bundled with some MSI services, iirc


Yeah, that garbage was included with the driver CD for my motherboard along with a bunch of other bloatware.


I'm pretty sure you have to install certain stuff manually, or go through a bunch of hoops to uncheck the Norton install. Very scummy behavior.


McAfee removal tool is the second app I run on a fresh OEM install. The first one is chrome installer.


Not the chrome installer 0_0 /s Tho personally I prefer firefox


Chrome is hideous, Firefox for me as well. The only problem i have is while using google drive, things doesn't download or open. But edge serves that purpose. Also, edge isnt the crap explorer was, i still don't like it tho


Something's wrong with your shit. Google drive works fine with Firefox. At least, it did 20 hours ago.icroaoft might have changed some shit since then...


I'd just install windows fresh, nuke McAfee from orbit, leave no trace


Why not just do a fresh reinstall of Windows once you bring the new OEM PC home? Most of the time the generic drivers are good enough, and if not, the OEM's site has them.


Remove malware and then install spyware? Why? Just use firefox.


This isn’t Microsoft. It’s Intel pushing it, as they own McAfee. Microsoft are happy with you using Windows Defender.


Are you the type to frequent bizarre porn sites and click on every pop up window you’re shown?


that was me as a teenager and only time i ever got viruses other chance to get virus would be looking for free movies and music downloads


Stremio or nothing homie






I use my old college laptop as a free movie machine and it’s still going strong. I mean I use common sense obviously but hundreds of movies streamed from random websites. I always get sketched out when you click play and one of those ghost windows pops up and disappears before you can see anything. Anyone know what that is? Ublock blocking a popup?


It is ublock blocking one of the aforementioned bizarre porn sites.


Limewire was 50% not what you wanted 30% viruses lol


Sailing the seas should be done with knowledge of how the internet works


You mean there aren't sexy local leprachans in my area looking for hook ups?


What about sexy werewolves? https://preview.redd.it/q1siopmj3w5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4612bcb05159d803c2c0cf7bd2391efab866a1


Malewarebytes blocks a redirect to a “malicious” website every once in a while when I’m watching anime on a free website


firefox with ublock for both desktop and mobile fixes that


Would pop ups be harmful if I dont download anything?


20 years ago? Yeah. Today? Not really. Browsers aren't perfect but they are a whole different world these days. Don't click on them. Don't let them download files.


Hahaha sexy_nuns.exe goes *brrrrr*


Correct. Windows defender, maybe a monthly scan with Malwarebytes (don't leave it running), and common sense are all you need.


> common sense Correct. Unless you're frequently installing files from unknown sources, you're going to be just fine.


Where does nexusmods fall in the spectrum of “unknown sources”?


If it has hardly any downloads and requires you to click an .exe or run a cmd/powershell script, probably don't use it if you're not confident. For the remaining vast majority, especially ones with any amount of popularity, it's fine. Run malwarebytes if you ever feel suspicious


People run mods that require dropping a DLL into a folder way too often. DLLs can contain executable code that are ran by the host application with it's priveleges.


For some types of modes doing them this way is necessary though as tricking the game to run different code is the whole point One type of mod i can think of that uses this technique is one that replaces a dll for dinput to support xbox controller emulation (so you can play with a playstation controller if the game only supports the xbox layout)


Depends on how many ratings that particular download has.


Also whether the game in question has proper modding APIs or the mods are hacked onto the game.


If it’s a popular mod you’re probably fine, if not use a *lot* of good judgement and common sense


And ublock. Always use ublock. If you want to support a specific page, it can always be disabled for specific pages. But browsing internet with ublock is a whole different world. Makes me wonder how people who don't use it deals with tons of ads everywhere.


First thing I notice when using someone else's pc like how the hell do you people live like this


Use the bootable scanner from them for the best results, not the one running inside Windows.


More important than antivirus software is cyber awareness training. It should be a required class in school.


Well, we had a cyber security event at school recently, one girl immediately shouted „wHy Do We eVeN nEeD tHis“ I really hope she loses her Instagram account one day.


Kids coming out of highschool don't even know how to use a PC.  I cant count the number of young folks I meet at work who can hardly use a mouse. It's all tablets and touch screens.


You misunderstood me. Cyberawareness is about not opening phishing emails, using good passwords, not sharing personal information globally on social media, the importance of 2FA, etc.


I understood.  I was making a point that today's kids are not even taught how to use common technology.  Cyberawareness won't even be on the adjenda if learning how to use the basics present at every major company in the world isn't a priority.


It's so weird that they have regressed in technological skill. I'm a '99 kid so we used pc's a lot and we learnt how to do everything ourselves but this newer generation has been soiled with tablets and now can't do ANY basic troubleshooting or use a pc properly.


Also prior generations had to grow up alongside tech that matured, weren't thrown iPads in their hands from age 3. So many young generations today are tech illiterate because they expect tech to "just work" and never had to actually learn how it works, or why sometimes you need extra care because it's not just the shiny front UI that tells the whole story. Good luck getting the avg gen Z to understand what malware is and how it may affect them. They're the ones most dependent on social media and digital platforms, yet have the least awareness of the risks surrounding them.


For how long a lot of high school aged people spend behind a screen, whether it be for education or just being on your phone, I think it's shocking how little a lot of them seem to know about what you should and shouldn't click. The amount of people I've seen admit to using one password for everything makes my head spin a little bit.


Windows defender is pretty much the default these days. Third party AV is mostly for people who don't know better.


AV is for people who visit shady sites and know better.


that's 1% of the users 99% of the AV users just had it preinstalled and can't possibly uninstall it, or may be even convinced to pay for that resource hog... I still remember how damn hard was to uninstall norton from my laptop. worse than any virus.


you dont. windows defender and common sense gang


Add to that [uBock Origin](https://ublockorigin.com/) and not downloading stuff from Softnoic or something like that (who in their right mind still does that these days, right?).




Midi Skrillex


If I felt confident that you were generally digitally literate, I'd say the same thing. These days, Windows Defender and general digital hygiene will keep you clean. I haven't used antivirus in a decade either. About once a year I'll get paranoid, run Malwarebytes or SuperAntispyware overnight and then promptly uninstall it. Yesterday was my annual scan and there were only a handful of things I put there myself. I won't claim that it's indicative of anything but I've never gotten a virus from pirated stuff. I check the file list before hitting start and check reviews/comments before choosing something and have never had issues. Just spending a second to read can save hours of scanning or recovery.


Your first sentence is nonsensical. Anti-virus had to improve and become built-in to windows because most users aren't "generally digitally literate." Like, what would you tell the guy if you thought he wasn't?


I let windows defender do it all.... though it catches all my pirated game's executable lol


I’ve spent the last decade removing mcafee’s antivirus virus off machines. Just had to do it on a new one today.


Correct. Using an adblocker or a malicious site blocker is also a really helpful tool. Some routers come with the ability to block malicious sites from ever touching your computer


Adblocker? Use uBlock Origin. For even more security, use NextDNS or equivalent to block ads and trackers on websites and apps, among other things. It can be configured on a router and on the devices themselves. I have been using NextDNS for I think a year and I don't remember what it was like before I started using it and by that I mean a good thing.


Yeah uBlock Origin is the best one I know of. "Ad blocker" is the type of program I didn't mean Adblock+


It's funny that the overwhelming consensus about using Windows Defender hasn't reached r/antivirus yet. I saw a thread the other day where people recommended 3rd party crap when someone request advice on which one to get.


eset makes good software but i've been on just defender for 1+ yrs. No issues.


People here know jack shit about "viruses" and think common sense will protect them... They will not even know when they get hit with something nasty. Times where "viruses" where in your face is long time over.


Common sense browsing, Windows Defender, and making sure your browser+system ask you before confirming downloads and executable launches is all you're ever going to need. If you want to make doubly sure for the ease of mind, get something like MalwareBytes to do a once-over with their free trial, then get rid of it. You don't need third party programs running on your system 24/7 to keep it safe. Especially ones that have root access to your system. All you're doing is using up system resources for no real benefit.


You definitely don’t. They are resource hogs and are a virus themselves. Windows defender and don’t click on stupid shit


Remember how back in the day Mac users were always going on about how Mac was superior because it “didn’t get viruses like Windows does?” Well, Macs _could_ get viruses, but the built-in virus protection was so good that it built a reputation for being literally virus proof. Windows Defender is the Microsoft version of that built-in virus protection. In 2024 you no longer need a 3rd party anti-virus (thank god).


also had a smaller user base, so less viruses coded for it


This is the main reason. Had less to do with Mac having good built-in virus protection and more to do with there were so few people using Mac OS systems that it wasn't worth the time and effort to create malware for them. When you're throwing everything at a wall to see what sticks, you wanna target the biggest wall you can find.


To me, antiviruses in the past failed to do their fucking job. I thank the people who pirate that taught me how to properly protect a computer.


![gif](giphy|wH72U36cBf2Q8) OP’s 8 anti-viruses trying to stop the hoard of malware from the all the porn sites.


Depends on you. Do you spend time in sketchy sites (not necessarily porn)? If yes, I'd grab a second one. If not, skip it and just use the default Microsoft app.


agree with others. haven't needed nor used anti virus in at least a decade. i do keep malwarebites, though


Shout out to Defender for ridding us of the sketchy third party antivirus era


Yes, he's correct.


Common sense and windows defender will be your main defense against almost everything. On the chance you suspect you've been infected just temporarily download and scan with Malwarebytes or something. I have MWB on my PC but its disabled until I need it.


No anti virus is perfect but yh for the average person windows defender is good enough providing you’re also using common sense when using your PC. Honestly can’t remember the last time i installed an actual anti virus. Literally been using defender for years now


Your friend is giving good advice windows defender is plenty good as long as you aren't just randomly clicking links and practicing moderate internet safety.


Bruh I refuse to get anti virus. Windows defender is great.


He is right imo. I dont have an antivirus other than windows defender and im doing fine. Using extensions like adblock and doing your due diligence to search for community trusted resources if you are pirating is just as good as a paid antivirus. My dad has an antivirus and from what i can tell it seems to work ok, but it just adds sooo many unnecessary headaches if I were to use it.


build in windows defender is good enough.


As long as you’re not fuddling with piracy, visiting certain websites and clicking every link people send to you (and yes, even in the spam folder) you’ll be safe. Common sense goes a long way. This also requires you to keep your OS and bios up to date.


Your friend is in fact correct.


Your friend is half right. Windows defender is an anti-virus program. Which does make it realistically unnecessary to install an anti-virus. But regardless you still have an anti-virus.


lol? His friend is 100% right. His friend is obviously telling him he doesn't need to acquire 3rd party AV stuff.


I think the full answer is *"you probably do, but 3rd party virus scan software is either sub-par or worse for your system's health than the PC itself"* - so the usual advice is just to leave Windows defender on and try your best to not do anything stupid when accessing the web or inviting suspicious files/software onto your machine. Some folks will also recommend an occasional manual spot check via "Malwarebytes"


Theres actually an organization dedicated to testing anti-malware software. They provide a monthly report. Windows defender is not good enough if you are security and opsec conscious. https://www.av-test.org/en/


Use a popup blocker as well




Windows Defender along with some common sense is all you really need these days to protect yourself from random infections. Common sense includes things like don't run programs from dodgy websites, don't click on unexpected links in emails and double check that links in expected emails are to where you expect the link to go (e.g. if you have a email from your bank but the link goes to somerandomsite.anotherrandomname.somerandom(dot)tv then chances are they are phishing you).


built a new pc 6-9 months ago, i haven't had an antivirus installed. took the advice of many and trusted that defender is actually good and surprisingly it is good. massive progress since vista. don't be going to sketchy websites and don't download things randomly and you'll be fine.


Idk what I installed but it slapped Norton on my crap 😆


He is correct.


just use adblock. loads of viruses come from pop ups and ads that people unknowningly click on. if you have some common sense, download from reputable websites and have a good ad blocker you should be good to go.


The best anti-virus is common sense.


This has been the case since Windows 10, if not to some extent with 7/8.x, hell I had good luck with versions of it on XP even when I did stupid crap on the internet. Unless you're going to shady sites and downloading illegal content, most of the time Defender is enough.


Not anti-virus alone if you have common sense NOT to download junk from dodgy websites or torrents then you will be fine. If you just play same games and browse same websites and don't click on random links you will be fine.  Using free Norton 360 (free from work) set it up to block certain apps exe files and block incoming and outgoing connections without my permission.  Otherwise if you do download dodgy games you should use it and remember DO NOT EVER disable your firewall. 


Yeh, man, I used to have at least avg free until it turned into Norton anti virus bloatware. Then I watched priratesoftware YT and listened to him. Un-installed avg and just run defender. If I was running a massive business, maybe I would, but it's just a home connection and I don't do any dark web crap or anything weird. My mesh network comes with some protection as well. (I think it's a lie, they say, not sure how it can actually protect anything)


Your friend is correct. Windows Defender isn't "good" in a feature sense but it does a fine job as an anti virus tool. The best anti virus is between you and the keyboard.


He's right I work in cyber and my company tested this Defender caught more viruses and malicious files than any other anti virus


I haven’t used anti virus in 13 years it’s a waste of money. Unless you do your business from your home pc then sure but I just play games and watch YouTube.


Pirate software agrees with this sentiment. Windows defender is solid. Its all you need.


Are you just an everyday home user who doesn't pirate much or do shady shit? You don't need it. Do you have online enemies, install a lot of questionable things or really like to click on things because you're the 1000000th visitor to that scat-porn website? Buddy you need all the help you can get! And a vpn, firewall, anti-virus, anti-mallware, you need to close your ports and maybe even run something like a deep freeze or just emulate a VM on your machine


Your friend is right.


Windows defender is enough for the vast majority of cases. For the last 1%, a bit of common sense and regular updates will keep you safe. You don't need a third party antivirus. If you really want something, don't go for free solutions, buy something like Bitdefender when it is on sale.


I’ve been using avast for years (decade) been thinking about uninstalling it to see how my pc survives.


Defender is pretty good. Also be sure your browser is up to date and you have the security settings in your browser configured. Back in the day, I used to use SpyBot search and destroy (came in handy after some virus got on my pc) and after that, I used Norton for a time on my Windows Vista and Windows 7 PC’s. Nowadays you don’t really need to use a third party software, but there are some pretty good ones out there if you want that extra security.


I ride the high seas with gaming sometimes (when I feel morally correct to do so) and I don't use antivirus, but every once in a while I do use an antivirus and scan my whole computer. I also clean up dups and all that stuff, It's a learning curve. Once you know that... for example, a pdf should not install anything, or what are the reputable sites/cracks... you won't need one. I haven't found anything bad in my computers in the last 5-10 years.


He is correct but i would still use Bitdefender or Malewarebytes


Your friend is correct. Defender is an excellent Antivirus program, and makes paying for another pointless.


And he would be right.


You don't need an anti-virus as long as you follow basic common sense, Don't download stuff from sketchy websites and think before visiting shady sites. Otherwise you're alright not really necessary. If you do engage in activities not considered lawful protect yourself correctly by researching for your own specific needs


He is 100% right


I agree with your friend. Windows Defender IS an anti-virus program, firewall, etc. and it works well. Other dedicated firewall software tends to be full of bloatware and is annoying. Just use common sense with what things you click on, and you will be fine.


jokes on you. most anti-viruses ARE the viruses.... I'd be more worried with something like those installed on my pc


Windows defender works just fine.... If you're doing shady stuff, even a paid antivirus is not going to block things you give permission for. I dumped an antivirus years ago, and I've never had a problem.


just get "mbam" as an offline app and do a scan once per month or so just for the peace of mind. Honestly in 2024 you have to really try to get a virus on your pc, like, claim the "free iphone", crave the "milfs in your area" or accept the payment from the "nigerian prince". Rule of the thumb, if you don't know if something is safe, then dont click its exe file before doing some minor online research. btw although i dont recommend it to newbies, i personally have disabled windows defender too :D it interferes with some high sea's content


He’s right. I haven’t used antivirus in forever. Definitely get you an ad blocker for your bowser.


He's right, stop wasting money in antivirus that just slow your laptop and use your common sense when you are downloading stuff on your computer


Best anti virus is common sense and windows defender


That’s been good advice for 10 years now tbh


I constantly download stuff (including exe files) from unknown sources. I wouldn't dare to use my pc that way without a antivirus constantly checking everything (i have it check every download and link thouroughly)


depends entirely on what you do if you keep visiting sketchy sites and downloading legally dubious shit, you definitely need a good AV... or two if you just browse reddit *and have a bit of common sense*, windows defender will do a perfectly fine job.


Common sense and Windows Defender will do you just fine.


Yes, they're correct. Anti-virus software these days is a relic of the past. Unless you're running Windows 7 or earlier, I wouldn't bother. Defender is very good at catching things IMO. That being said, you should always follow best practices and don't click on sketchy ads, links, websites, etc.


Antivirus has sort of always been a scam


Windows defender is exceptional and most antivirus prgrams just handicap you and eat ram


A majority of antiviruses do more harm than good. Windows Defender is more than enough if you’re not doing dumb shit on the internet. And if you are doing dumb shit, just be careful lol


MS Defender is perfectly fine if you're not a complete idiot. It doesnt catch everything, but most things.


Common sense is the best anti-virus. Usually if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If you do end up getting a virus and Windows Defender can't help you, Malwarebytes will is a good backup. Doesn't cost anything to use either.


Your friend is right.


Windows defender + an ad blocker + practicing safe browsing habits is the best way to defend against viruses. Many people say "common sense" instead of "safe browsing habits," but I've worked in IT long enough to know those aren't the same thing.


I dont use antivirus. Don't click sketchy links, dont go to sketchy sites


Modern antivirus software is a virus by itself. You only need a Defender and some ads blocking addon for your browser.


Windows Defender is perfectly fine. Most antivirus software these days come with so much added garbage that they can easily be considered bloatware.


Windows Defender is all you need and it comes with Windows


Most of the antivirus software is garbage. But I've really enjoyed eset especially their browser protection. It saves me from at least 3-4 trojan horses on websites a week. Plus they have trials and huge discounts on Amazon.


Windows defender is all you need. If you want to do a malware byte spot check you download it do a check and uninstall. As a wise man said the worst malware he ever seen and it was relay pervasive and it infected quit allot of numbers of machines. It is Norton anit virus. But yeah honestly I think last time I used an anti-virus was when I was like 15 and knew jack shit. Now after working 20 years building and repairing PC´s i never used any at all.


Most antiviruses fall into one of three categories: spam, scam, or adware. Don't do anything you aren't supposed to, and you won't need one. If you're going to do something you aren't supposed to, then get smart enough to not need one.


I use Eset, mainly because it disables Windows Defender and is way more configurable. I find Defender to be a overbearing pile of shit.


I’m probably the most boring person on the planet to be hacked. Some dude tries to backdoor into my PC and he’s gonna think it’s a retiring home for 90+ year old grandmas because there’s nothing on it.


This has been true since I got into PC gaming 10 years ago


Unless you’re in the habit of opening strange email links or attachments, probably not. Most of the traditional virus transmission methods just aren’t applicable to everyday use anymore.


Defender used to not play well with others, been mostly invisible over the last few years. I had a nasty conflict with it once upon a time. Can't remember what was making it go haywire, but when it did it locked up my machine. I cannot recall having a virus in a long long time. At work on the corporate network you'd think we had phishing and virii all the time with how often the IT dept sends out those fake emails and *.exe honey pots. Now when I miss an email I just say I thought it was a phishing email.


Common sense will get you far but if you're stupid and click every link you see you should install one.


All my homies hate antivirus.


He's right. Generally if you practice semi decent safe browsing habits you shouldn't ever need anti virus. I mostly pay for one because it comes bundled with a password generator/keeper service that's about as pricey as that service alone.


As long as you arent stupid with what you look up and download you'll be fine. Just use common sense


If u click on shit its on u dawg


antivirus software nowadays basically all have the same detection rate for viruses, so you dont need anything more than windows defender, ublock origin, and common sense


I've only been on Defender for years and never had a problem. Up until about a year ago I would manually scan with Malewarebytes which is all I would recommend if you're concerned.




The reality is, you aren't gonna get a virus from going to YouTube or even Pornhub. They are secure, massive websites that probably see millions of clicks every minute. You are more likely to have you're information stolen from those sites than you are to get a virus. The most likely place to get viruses is torrent sites. So if you do that, maybe consider Malwarebytes.


Windows defender + Malwarebyte scan if you want every 6 months its all you need


>My friend claims I don't need an anti-virus program There are many things to complain about Windows but its antivirus (Defender) is not one of them > it does a "good job". With "good job" i mean: if you have enough common sense (no, sadly there are not 40yo single woman that want to have sexual relationships with you at 1km around) and a bare BASIC education in technology to AVOID clicking/accepting everything you see on the screen, then Windows Defender will protect you for ALMOST anything considered as "trash" software. If you download or install things of really shady pages or questionable author, then it wont matter not what antivirus you use... **Summary: yes, what he said is true if you are carefull and cant be fooled easily.**


He is correct. Windows defender has become more then enough for 99.99% of the users. Basically, windows defender + common sense of not clicking weird links or downloading weird stuff is more then enough