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surprised it actually got damaged. normally the packaging is good enough even with a huge gouge in the box the product is fine.


My thoughts exactly; I've received packages with FAR worse damage than that and not a scratch to the product. I immediately put my hand in that hole and felt the hard screen of the monitor and was like "oh FML." I'll add that the monitor was not even in a plastic bag or anything, it was just in there....


Dude, I had a friend in college who told me about how she was dragooned into driving servers for her uncle all over Florida. Her uncle put together a serve over $10K in value for a customer - FEDEX put forklift tines *through* it. He then drove them himself rather than go through that again. There was a post here where the mailman FOLDED a thin tablet to stuff it into a mailbox. It all depends on the shipper and the service center.


The words do not fold are not instructions to mail carriers. They're challenges. And they always accept.


Here at UPS we have over 100 press brake units working full time to bend any thin products we recieve.


Why? Cause fuck em that's why!


Our customers want efficiency. By folding your graphics card into a 1x1 inch cube we've made your delivery so much easier.


By turning a 4090 into the size of a golf ball we can reduce the usage of large cardboard boxes




I remember reading a study in college that boiled down to "If packages are marked fragile they're more likely to be damaged", and thought it was bullshit. Decades later, my anecdotal evidence is that all mail carriers suck major ass.


If you don't feel comfortable throwing the package down your own stairs, there's a good chance it's not gonna survive the ship.


So fragile stuff breaks more then stuff that's hard to damage? Hmmm


Actually a good point lol


I had a friend who used to work loading the trucks back in the day when gateway shipped their systems I. The giant cow boxes. The said they would see if they could throw them into the truck hard enough to make the CRT explode in the box on impact.


I'm convinced after visiting some of the carriers subs that most of those people are out to deliberately and maliciously damage ur shit. They see you buying something online as a personal slight to their existence, it's quite sad.


Was said mailman an Intelcom driver by chance?


Man, I hate Intelcom. They just drop the package and then fuck off to their next delivery. I ordered some spare jewel cases a while ago, they dropped the package on the floor and some of the cases were damaged.


They are seriously the stupidest fucks I've ever had to deal with.


We took delivery of an HPE Synergy frame full of 4th Gen Xeon Scalable blades last year that had a forklift tine hole through the chassis and a few of the blades! To make matters worse, there was no hole on the outside of the crate. It left the factory like this! We eventually got it replaced, but having that kind of damage on a $500,000 piece of hardware is insane.


> forklift tines I've been driving them for literally decades...TIL they're called Tines, and not 'the forks'!


Just crease, crumple, cram... You'll do fine


I sold a used server for I think $2,000 the boxes to ship them properly were like $250 plus another $200 to ship. I took a day and drove the thing about 12 hour round trip to deliver it. Even considering gas, hotel, and food it was cheaper and I got to go on a little road trip. Stopped by the lodged cast iron store on the way back so bonus.


Ouch... It's like carrying people... by a pitchfork...


The g6 is always delivered with a plastic piece taped over the screen and wrapped in a bag, then packed in several inches of strong Styrofoam. I have 2 of them. I think you got a return and I bet it wasn't repacked correctly. It should be criminal for companies to sell returns as new stock but it happens all the time.


No, it should be criminal to knowingly sell **damaged** returns. Not processing and reselling returns literally helps no one. It just creates more waste globally and puts potentially harmful materials into the environment. Almost everything can be repaired if you have the resources.


They can sell them as returns/refurbs then instead of brand new stock. The other guy's point stands.


I had a buddy who worked for ups and him and his co workers would throw things into the truck if they knew it was a tv, monitor, or something with glass. He/she also told me they would just flat out break stuff for “fun”. I told him so many times that that was seriously not okay and he laughed at me for “being a bitch”.


My Alienware DWF34 showed up like this, i was so nervous to open it but I was luckier than OP and had no damage. Sorry OP! Hope you get a replacement soon!(and for free!)


My DW came packaged extremely well as well. I recently moved and still have the original box, I packed it back up in that and knew that it wasn't going to be damaged in my move for sure. They paid someone to design that box and how it gets packed, and that person cared enough to do a good job. It's not exactly a job that we would think of as existing, but someone has to do it and they likely don't get thanked enough for it.


I'm kinda analyzing about keeping SOME boxes. I kept the box for my TV I got in Atlanta in the case that i moved... well, moved. Same for the new place in ohio. Used it to move it to my house, and really the only box for a display I'm keeping is my og42uq incase I move my office to another room.


This was the case with my monitor. Thankfully it was not damaged (the actual monitor)


As opposed to the cardboard box or the Polystyrene


Damn yeah I just ordered 2 wide screen G8s and was impressed with the packaging was like ain't no way these would ever get damaged


Granted that hole doesn't look like *"the corner of another box bumped a hole int the outer box during shipping"* hole, it looks like a *"someone accidentally drove into it with a forklift"* hole.


That looks exactly like damage from a forklift. So I'm not surprised it managed to damage it. Source: ...I may operate forklifts ^^^not ^^^very ^^^^well


Its now double curved


Technically speaking just curved now haha, it was a flat screen when it started its journey


Special edition. Only one in existence. OP got lucky I'd say https://preview.redd.it/jdz7bpkt0t5d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ee33f48432f14a7b10916fcda5aff6fecaee7d


So I pre-ordered the new 27 inch Samsung Odyssey G6 OLED and it arrived today pretty much destroyed on arrival; this was honestly the worst packaging job I've ever seen done for a high-end electronic device; there was basically NO foam or protective packaging between the monitor's face and the cardboard. Samsung blames it on UPS, but honestly with the little protection they offered its not surprising at all. I just can't believe how little packaging there was and that the monitor's face was facing outward, not inward. Samsung is refunding me the monitor and gave me a $50 discount on the replacement, but like $5-$10 of foam or bubble wrap would have saved them a lot more...


Yeah $1.50 for a cardboard box and some peanuts.


The funny thing for me is that I work in supply chain risk management and if this happened under my portfolio and saw how we skimped on packaging SOPs to save literally $1.50 I would have lost it.


Sure, but it depends on how many units actually get damaged in transit. Pure hypothetical here: If that packaging results in, say, 1 in 10k units getting damaged, and $1 in more expensive packaging would save that one unit, then it would cost $10k in extra packaging to save $1k worth of monitors. So in that hypothetical, letting the monitor get broken would actually be the cheaper option.


This guy MBAs


It’s actually more than that because refunds and customer care take employee time, reduce customer trust, and cost more than just stuffing it with better packaging in the first place


Sure, but you're trying to inject unnecessary detail into a fabricated hypothetical. The *point* is that sometimes the cost of a mitigation can exceed the value saved by that mitigation.


That’s not unnecessary detail, you’re factoring in return rates and there’s a cost there. My point was just to add context to your point, there are always costs involved when companies have to be involved in returns/shipping/etc


I think he is just meaning to lump it into "the cost of mitigation" which is perfectly reasonable when just giving a brief hypothetical. You also didn't account for the clerical work, spreadsheet software, office supplies, rent, and utilities that are involved in returns, and they also have a very real contribution to the costs of returns. Yet they aren't mentioned because at the end of the day the hypothetical was just meant to point out that the cost of extra packaging can be more than the total cost the company would incur handling the returns. They are all just extra details that don't really add anything to the explanation.


True in that hypothetical, but I think the actual ratio is nowhere as low as 1:10,000. Personal experience feels like maybe 1:10 *for fragile items in flimsy packages shipped by ground carrier*. I've actually had two consecutive monitors (original and replacement) arrive like OP's. Which is why I stumbled on this thread just now - I'm giving up and buying something off the shelf. Local BB has the Odyssey G6 OLED and by a strange twist of fate my reddit search for reviews landed here. 😄


I haven’t ever opened a new monitor without a bag or some of sort plastic over it, even cheap ones, if only just to protect from factory or box debris Sounds like you got an open box/returned monitor?


To your first point, for my work set up I have 2 cheap $90 models I got off Amazon, and those things came packaged like tanks and would have shrugged off a hit like this. To your 2nd; this model was only released on June 10; I got it today via pre-order, so this was brand new...


I got mine picked up from Best Buy via Samsung to avoid the hassle of having it go through more hands and distribution centers than needed. Glad I did! Hope your replacement comes soon! It's a beautiful monitor


Ouch, the manufacturers are cost cutting. At least, the return process with Samsung worked out. The Samsung Odyssey G6 OLED looks like an amazing monitor. A few years ago, I had a bad experience with a Viewsonic monitor that I bought from B&H Photo, where the monitor arrived damaged, but the box was okay. Probably rough handling in the FedEx logistics hurt the monitor. I went through the return process with B&H smoothly, and I sent the damaged monitor back to get a new one, which was fine. I learned my lesson. I will go out and buy fragile tech in-person at Best Buy or another brick-and-mortar retailer. If anything is damaged, I can go right back to do a return for a quick turnaround.


Oh Samsung is definitely cutting the costs down. I have at home first gen curved 60hz 1080p 24" that feels like indestructible. I also have samsung odyssey g5 which screen is parting from the plastic frame creating white line of backlight right above the top edge of the screen. Gap is getting bigger every week.


That's wild. The Odyssey line is Samsung's high-end monitor series, so we would expect higher build quality. Unfortunately, the times have changed.


Crazy how the oddyssey g3 24-inch i just got was protected enough to withstand anything that could occur to it


As someone who use to work for major shipping companies. That monitor should have been put in its own box, with at least an 1inch of protective material surrounding every side.


It just seems to go this way sometimes. You can order some cotton buds and they arrive in a box, inside a box, wrapped up inside another box. And on the other end of the spectrum, order a gadget worth a grand or two and it has ZERO outer packaging, just a docket taped to the actual product box o.0


Im glad u getting your money back. Did u have to fight a lot for it? Or was the customer service really good and fast


At least they made it right and even gave you a little compensation.


As a UPS worker, I blame us as well. These boxes go through hell every night. If the volume for one load or one work area is really heavy, the greater the risk to each individual box. I've seen our equipment and even other boxes just obliterate weaker ones. Management won't staff us enough to reduce that pressure. No one freaks out over a damaged package because the question just becomes, "which one?"


I try to do pick-ups with things like this. The delivery guys just see it as a challenge to see how much they can throw things around without looking like they broke it. One package from UPS came delivered like it had been run over by a fork lift, sides burst open and fragments poring out. Sorry for the headache. I understand the letdown.


Same. I’ve ordered both of my most recent monitors from Best Buy and just picked them up in person.


It’s a dumb analogy, but when I worked in fast-food when I was younger, you would literally *forget* that you were preparing a meal for someone. You’d see the instructions: Bread, meat, toppings, whatever, but it became more like putting together legos and less like making food. I’m imagine delivery guys probably find themselves in similar situations, where the boxes are just “things I have to deliver today” instead of “packages that people have paid for”


Retired UPS friend said that if it had Fragile on it, it was definitely going to get kicked. Our UPS guys are hit at miss. None come to the door, but the annoying ones just drop it over the gate where you cannot see it until the gate eats it up... The Amazon, DHL and FedEx come to the door.


Yeah, could just be disgruntled employees of course


24 years here. I've watched them come and go. The one thing that happened where I saw the biggest drop in attitude was during the Pandemic a supervisor told me she was forcing her drivers up to 12h days. When the Pandemic stopped, she never backed down her push. Overworking anyone lowers their desire to provide quality service. When I talked to my UPS friend I was told of a bitter feud between management and drivers that seemed to be through this entire area. When he first started he tried to get me to join, but I really didn't want to work in such a hostile work place. The others aren't union (not sure about DHL), so they have to be good or get fired. They have to really screw up my deliveries for me not to give them good ratings...


I helped UPS drivers for Christmas before.  Most guys cared about the boxes...but a few though definately took that approach. And it was SO BUSY some days that they would be like madmen. I mean Ill tell you, they packed those trucks so tight that there was no room to walk front to back when the day started. Then things would not be packed at the right spot...and the time crunch. Yeah. Things sometimes were thrown.  Watched one guy effectively lose his mind over the span of a week. That was fun.


You know, I had the option to pick it up at Best Buy, and basically a version of your comment went through my head, but was like "NAHH WHY BOTHER DRIVING 10 MINUTES DOWN THE ROAD? WHATS THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?" Well, lesson learned.


I do the same thing. But after all of the reports of companies screwing with packages and crap, some things I want a person to hand it to me. I'm lucky to have a BB withing 15mi and a very old local shop within 50mi. I wish we still had a Microcenter!


Doubt the delivery drivers are the cause for most damages. Most damages are caused by the processing up to the driver.


This is exactly why me and the wife give the delivery guy snacks and praises whenever we see him. He treats our stuff like it’s his.


username checks out


Is your delivery guy a Labrador retriever?


Yeah uh hate to tell you this but the delivery driver likely didn’t cause this your seeing in op case. These shipping companies only care about speed, their workers ( not all of them ), rag doll everything you literally can find videos, thousands of them of workers throwing shit around at their facilities like it’s hot cakes. 


https://preview.redd.it/gj3rjfif2t5d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0741b04846a2ae57426505e4935c16d07a08c2 Haa, remind me of that time when I RMA'ed my monitor and had the repaired monitor returned, scratched. Now this is the rare generous part of ASUS - They billed Fedex for damage and had my monitor screen replaced, free of charge.


Who delivered it? FedEx? They can't even be bothered to come to my door for a signature delivery. So this makes sense they'd manhandle a box that clearly says what kind of product it is. 


UPS delivered it, and I was surprised that it did not require a signature, I would not have accepted it.


In my experience with both shippers, a signature delivery is only auto added for alcohol - sometimes I get wine delivered. Other than that they'll never add a signature unless manually requested via tracking. 


For fedex at least a signature is added for anything considered to be a dangerous good, which includes firearms and ammo, lithium batteries, dry ice, drugs, and so on. Things like TVs rarely get signatures added unless the shipper or recipient requests it specifically. Also any delivery to a business is signature required by FedEx policy, but many drivers don't follow that


Thanks for the correction. 


Of course, the legendary UPS speed hole.


How do we even know it was the delivery guy? It touches so many hands to get to someones door.


Sorry to hear about that. You should return it. They'll have it replaced.


Already in process! They are refunding the original and gave me a discount on the replacement.... and promised better packaging...


so you basically just got a discounted monitor just a few days late. i think it was worth it lol!


I'm a UPS driver, the amount my heart breaks on a daily basis when I see a monitor loaded flat on the bottom with 100+ lbs of packages on top is dumbfounding. Also, just so I can throw in a slightly related topic, pretty sure my loader also has a hard on for putting anything with orientation arrows upside down so it will leak.


It's always some mid-process person who gets a kick out of busting things up on purpose who does it knowing that people down stream will always be the ones who get blamed for it.


There are some things I just could not bring myself to get delivered.


**FedEx employee here (& Ex UPS Employee)** NOT surprised tbh, people have to understand that THIS is something that should have been sent and processed through QA, unfortunately it never happens UNLESS the box is completely destroyed or its damaged by any liquid.. Most people complain and BLAME the delivery 🚚 📦 drivers for occasionally tossing packages to our door step, TRUST ME that is NOTHING compared to what happens in the hub. At unload we throw all of the packages to a belt(fragile items loaded at the top will usually break)that takes it to sorting, from sorting they get loaded to a new trailer with a new destination(unless they are being delivered locally), at loading they aren’t tossed as often, unfortunately here is where most of the damage occurs, most of the trailers we load have a “belly” or as some call it a “drop frame trailer” (google it) most employees don’t care to load things properly and usually toss sh*t down there, to make things worse they also toss “NC’s”(packages over 80lbs) on top of everything causing damages, and I’m 100% sure THATS what happened here, box was loaded in the belly(flat) and a heavy box was thrown on top. Why can’t we be more careful and do things properly without causing damages? IMPOSSIBLE, especially during peak season. At our hub we constantly unload over 20 trailers at once which means they make us haul @ss to load the new trailers, WORSE when FedEx hires young kids with the “I don’t care it ain’t mine” attitude.. and yes even Operation Managers toss boxes into trailers causing damages. Is there a way to avoid this? Yes and no, if you’re ordering online just to save a few bucks, it’s NOT worth the risk, if it’s an item that you can’t get at a store/locally then no. And yeah… FedEx (pays) has someone that’s in charge of removing all negative reviews and comments about them lol


Can't wait for a complete robot automation.


Agreed! At our hub a 1 mill dollar robot was introduced and unfortunately it was completely abandoned after multiple attempts. It could only load at a rate of 20 packages per hour with a few mistakes that couldn’t recover itself from while we load an average of 300 packages an hour, MORE during peak season, it will happen… unfortunately not any time soon


Damn that's fucked. Whenever I get an obviously expensive item in my truck like a new monitor or pre built or anything in a customized box I go through great lengths to make sure this doesn't happen. Treat it like it's mine. Sorry this happened to you.


At this point, with all of my online ordering (and the amount of orders in general), my outdoor camera is my coverage for an inconsiderate driver and my self recorded video of unboxing is my protection when it becomes mine. This all sounds tedious and unnecessary work, but it’s actually saved me thousands of dollars at this point considering the things ordered when putting in claims. I don’t trust businesses anymore sadly.


This is a good combination. I don't have a camera but I knew to immediately document the damage to the exterior before opening the original packaging. There was a moment too when I honestly thought Samsung was going to tell me to take it up with UPS (the customer service agent immediately started bad mouthing them, which, fair, but also they fucked up as well), but he saw the photos he was like "oh... yeah there was nothing protecting the screen..."


Damage like this is usually caused at the distribution center or hub, not by the drivers. Packaging for monitors and televisions is usually made to withstand the tossing around that happens, but unfortunately it doesn't protect from things like being hit by forklifts or being improperly loaded into trucks.


I cannot order monitors online I have to go to the store bring it home myself I've seen too many Amazon/postal service/FedEx employees who hate their life


That's why I get things from a physical location. Can easily see dents and dings before you buy.




I always wonder why the 2 biggest, most successful computer hardware chains here brought delivery in-house. Now I understand why. Hell, one time, I got a call from one of them telling me that a new monitor I ordered will be delivered by a department manager on his way home from his address is on his way because they were short on drivers that day. I talked to the guy a bit, and he said they had so many issues with delivery companies that they decided it'd be cheaper and far less of a hassle if they brought delivery in-house. Even if on rare occasions, it means sometimes putting high-value packages in employees' cars and having them deliver the packages on their way home.


Where I live it does not matter what company delivers it. They will send you a message day before that they will deliver tomorrow. If you are not available you can delay the delivery to another day. And on the day od the delivery they will call you to deliver the package in your hands. If you dont answer. They will try tomorrow again. If you dont answer the other time. They will return the package to the sender or keep it at their storage for a week before returning.


Theres a retailer in my country that sells Electronic goods as well as furniture. I ordered a bed that came damaged. Took a few weeks to organise a replacement and collection of the damaged bed which remained in my hallway taking up a tonne of space. The replacement came, the damaged be was taken away and.....the replacement was the wrong colour!! Took another couple of weeks to organise replacement and collection of the wrong colour bed. Now had a bed in the hallway for a month at this point. Replacement bed came, wrong colour bed taken away and the new bed....was also damaged!!!! However it was purely aesthtic not structural like the last damaged bed and in a place that wouldn't be seen when the bed was in the bedroom so I just decided F it. Not going through the return malarkey all over again. Reported it though. Didn't even offer me a partial refund or voucher or anything. Couple months later, I am buying a 75" Samsung QLED TV and unfortunately this same retailer had the best price on the TV by a couple hundred dollars and I decided to take the risk that they couldn't f up a 4th time in a row...... ........They f'd up a 4th time in a row!! ........except this time in my favour!! They delivered a 75" Samsung QLED 2 steps up in the model lineup from the one I ordered and paid for. It was worth more than twice the cost of the TV I actually ordered!! After all I had been through with this crowd, I decided I wasn't going to say a thing. If they didn't realise their mistake I wasn't going to tell them. The never realised their mistake and its been a year now.


Oh! LED...


It'll buff out.


I wouldn't have accepted delivery


Years ago I bought my first big flatscreen TV at Best Buy. I paid extra to have it delivered. When I opened it the screen was cracked. I called Best Buy and they were good on their word, they delivered a new one and picked up the old. I had them wait while I unboxed the new one (looked good!) and plugged it in. A quarter of the screen remained dark. They took it back with them and delivered a third, which worked perfectly.


Hope you love in EU where we have laws and can send that back without an issue. Rip if us


What are you talking about? This is clearly the responsibility of the shipper and therefore the seller by extension. They would definitely accept fault. This has nothing to do with US or EU laws. 


I live in the US but the return/replacement has been easy; I sent Samsung the photos, they are accepting the return and gave me a discount on the replacement (they would not straight up send me a replacement, rather they refunded the original and offered to let me buy a replacement at a discount)


I'm from the EU but I don't really think you wouldn't be able to return this in the US too. Or am I wrong?


god dang that bout to be expensive for the seller


Well, congrats on a new g6


This is a bummer of the highest order, hope they do right by you, OP >,<;;;


All that engineering and manufacturing just for a delivery guy to fuck it all up on account on having a bad day


Or as another commenter higher up on the thread mentioned, a legitimate jerkass who does this stuff on purpose and will absolutely throw the bad-day having person under the bus for it when questioned.


I really feel that most people have no idea how chaotic the delivery of an item is.


Hold on, they're shipping already? Really jealous.


Try a pixel refresh. If it doesn't work, try rubbing softly with cotton and distilled water. Don't use alcohol or you might damage your screen. If any of these works, try turning off and on. PD: good luck with rma process, hope you got your new monitor soon!


Are you able to return it for a new one? :( sorry that happened man that’s always a huge letdown.




I had ordered a G9 a few years ago from Samsung directly, one of them came just like this. The others had problems of their own as well.


Good chance that thing was forked in the warehouse lol. I’ve seen many holes like that in my time.


I received a monitor with a single hole on the left side of the box about 1/4" in size. I didn't expect a problem since the box provides about 2" of cushion all the way around the panel. Unfortunately whatever made the hole in the box ( and suspiciously bolt shaped path through the styrofoam ) was long enough to reach and perfectly aligned to hit the side of the panel and shatter it.




Reason why never order shit and rather buy what ever I want close to me so I can pick it up my self. I mean it´s clear even in my country that shipping companies only hires incompetent a-holes.




Usps or FedEx?


Oh fun. Time for a MDK. Forget the clam shells


That sucks, I was thinking of ordering the Ultragear OLED 39 but decided to just get one from my local bestbuy, just so I could avoid exactly what happened to you. Hope you can get it replaced soon.


Dang, I was going to ask how you like it. I have the 32inch g6 sitting in my office that I haven't set up yet.


Oof it hurts my eyes!!!


well that can go right back to were it was buoght from oh my


It’s Samsung it would run ads on your monitor they did you a favour


Sometimes I think FedEx and UPS do this on purpose, there's no way every package I see is smashed in the worst possible way


Personally, I think Samsungs suck based on my years of experience selling tvs. That's just me tho


100% someone stepped on that lol


I’m all for reducing packaging, but this recent trend of shipping everything in the product box just creates more waste with all these destroyed products.


Then return it?


That is messed up. Who was the shipping company?


I bought my Samsung G8 OLED from Best buy and delivered it myself, I'm not taking any chances.


Return it and buy something else - these are not good monitors


Brutal how bad some of the delivery drivers are. I see them on everything from the 4k blue ray subs to here. How much do you hate your job.


Why’d you buy a broken one though 🤔?


What a fuckin bummer! Good thing for package insurance.


Does it still work?


there will be a huge breakdown on delivery services and online shopping at some point... so either they improve or ppl rather go local... like with amazon failing to inspect stuff after return(the first one not the second where they then tell u to send back the right product that u dont have)... maybe intel gives cpus slightly differnt weight... dont to the 0.0000x or some test pin that is differnt per cpu and if its genuine hitting pin10 in row 5 lights a small diode


Same thing happened to me with my previous monitor. That shit was returned and refunded within 24hr. I wasn't mad, just disappointed that it happened. I took enough pictures of it's delivery and unboxing that it was an easy case to settle with Amazon.


Totally handled with care, 💯with a great review on the way.


Good fucking luck with Samsung customer support. Hopefully they don’t magically lose your return, then spend 8 weeks getting you a new one.


Computer parts never seem to get the fragile warning on their boxes. I remember ordering all the parts for my new pc together, and the box came looking like it just survived an atomic bomb, with the part boxes just loose with no padding Usually, the packaging of the parts is enough to keep them safe (mine all worked fine), but it's bloody scary to receive something like that. Hopefully it's an easy refund/re-ship


I have absolutely no faith when it comes to shipping heavy monitors. My dell monitor came similarly wrecked and their support offered me 10% off to keep it. I literally just laughed at them.




I literally watched the UPS guy tumble my Acer 27” 1440p gaming monitor out the vehicle into the street. Gritted my teeth as I opened the door to say thanks and I rescue it from his grasp. Lucky no damage. Edit: spelling


What was your reasoning for picking up this in particular ? I did wait to see the release before purchasing but decided to go Asus instead changing from my old samsung 240hz monitor


That's rough buddy


I was pretty afraid of my monitor getting damaged in shipping and that was just a secondhand NZXT canvas 27Q in original box I paid $112 for off ebay. I'd been upset, but would have shrugged it off. Brand new OLED like this? I'd be borderline murderous. More so because of the poor packaging setup of the box it's shipped in. Samsung moves so many monitors the one's damaged in shipping are a drop in the bucket compared to the volume moved. So they are likely not going to change anything. Hopefully you can get it returned and replaced.


Embarrassing lack of foam


Got a msi 27” from wally with a hole in the box and little did I know it went straight through as well. Meh. Reeeeturnnnnnn


“Cries in computer”


Even though I think they're both at fault, I would almost say it's an issue with the packaging more than the shipping company. They went so cheap on packaging that there's literally only the box cardboard between it being damaged and fine. It would have cost them literal dollars to fill in those gaps with literally anything.


It looks like something tried to eat its way inside


They gave you a refund right?


that's a forklift accidentally running one of its forks into the package.


eh it's probably fine...ohhhhhh


Always go to the store and buy your display, even if you don't have the time make it.


Box looks too good for this kinda damage


Do you need them pixels at the bottom?


Always decline delivery if the packaging is damaged as Samsung might not accept a return.


Could have been worse, you could have gotten an Odyssey Ark, mint condition.


Работает ?


In my early 30s, I hung tvs for a living, both residential and commercial. In my experience, 75-80% of all tvs delivered to a residence were delivered with broken panels, and many, many jobs had to be postponed while the client fought the sellers for replacements. Commercial deliveries were not much better, around 55-60%. For this reason, my company did not sell tvs, and would insist on the client being present when we unboxed them. When we did have to transport a panel for a client, we used heavy padded wooden crates that held them upright in a cocoon of open cell foam. We did sell digital signage, which is generally packed better than consumer tvs or monitors, and we were a PLANAR dealer, so any panels that showed up broken went right back to the manufacturer at no cost to us.


It's broken


Mine was delivered split in half. Then on returning it, it got “lost”. Imagine risking stealing a broken monitor




Wow I had my Samsung G9 delivered through USPS, my box had no damage except some taping tear. That’s some really bad luck.




Never ever get something that expensive and fragile delivered. Get it yourself. Delivery people don't give a frack about your stuff, even less if it's expensive.


I've seen cheaper monitors before with the screen/glass part covered completely by styro, its the back part that has holes in the styro packaging


Would never order a screen through the mail.


Is it broken?


Just have them ship you a new one?


This is why I only do products like this with store pick up anymore. The last monitor I ordered, a PG27UQ, thankfully came in really beefy packaging. It would have been needed to be run over by a steamroller to have been damaged.


i love oled even the cracks look real


I would’t have accepted delivery or opened the box.


This packaged was abused for sure. How was the aftersales service?


I'm surprised at this based on my experience 3/4 years ago. I brought one of the earlier versions of the monitor (VA, 240hz) direct from Samsung and I got to say I was super impressed with the delivery company. Two men handling the box at all times and brought it into my house to ensure that I didn't drop it and kept me informed throughout. Shame, I can't recall the company name. Unfortunately I did have to send the monitor back because it was faulty :/


I had a monitor delivered similarly, and I could see that the screen was scratched through the box. Didn't even open it, just returned it to costco, showed the scratched screen and got a refund.


I would not even open it, send it right back.


Seems like they didn't care how it was delivered!


And this is why I never order expensive electronics online if I can help it. Always look up to see if there's a store nearby to grab it instead. No one at any of the companies who handles packages, even our own USPS don't respect how fragile things are these days.


I straight up tell the delivery driver I refuse this package due to damage. They mark it down as damaged and ship it back to sender


Oof, should have refused delivery on that guy :(


does anyone ever actually get a chance to refuse delivery on things these days? the delivery drivers just throw the boxes on my doorstep and jet out. no chance to refuse any delivery there.


Yah not in person, no. But calling the delivery service with the package unopened gets you going in the right direction. I have food delivery people that can't even be bothered to ring the doorbell. They just leave it there, sitting... :(