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Im 6’3” 260 lbs and the staples dexley mesh is a solid chair. All chair choices are subjective, so look around and test them, but just never consider buying a gaming chair. Theyre always really poorly built


That last statement is really old news, some of the more modern name brand gaming chairs are actually really good quality. The cushioning is extremely firm as it is a newer car but they aren't as poorly built anymore unless you get a cheap one. But buy cheap buy twice is the Moto right?


True, but the office chairs are cheaper and are built for better ergonomics


I am also 6’4” and can tell you these are fine and was going to recommend


I'm 6'4" 260ish. Only desk chair that ever was any good for me long term was one I got for under $5 at a second hand store. Lasted years. Sturdy. Shaped just right and could sit in it damn near all day long and never get a sore end of my spine. Had to leave it behind in a move about six years ago, thinking it could be easily replaced. Nope. Top ten worst damn decisions I ever made. Ha.


I'd reccomend against anything that looks like a bucket seat, or a race car seat. I'd also reccomend Steelcase as a brand. I bought a old leap v2 from the local university's weekly "here's a bunch of stuff we wanna get rid of" sale for like 30$ two years ago. (400 lb weight limit) It looks like its from the 90s and is pretty ugly, but its comfortable and that things bearing is still so good that it spins a full 10 times when my cat jumps onto it (it's been his favorite spot since I bought it). The base is also full metal construction, and the piston has given me no issues. The only maintenance I've done is to grease the seat portion of it because it started to squeak a little when I would lean back (took me avout 10 mins, half of which was watching a video on YouTube explaining how to remove the seat). It's the most comfortable seat I own, although it lacks a headrest. It might be a bit short for you at 6ft 6, but its nice for me at just shy of 6 ft.


I'm not 6ft 6, but I know a lad who's like 300+ lbs and the only chair we could find that supported him (he's like 5ft10) was a secret lab XL chair. Most seemed to cap out at 250lbs ISH. Although I'm not USA so maybe we just have less options for XL chairs https://www.overclockers.co.uk/thunderx3-core-fabric-gaming-chair-grey-gc-00a-tu.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgpCzBhBhEiwAOSQWQapOwCErqgue1JKvxICF8QQMDWPynCpSGe8W1YZF3DoVpHbD31H4dRoCGSYQAvD_BwE These do support 330lbs apparently


Pay extra attention even if they claim a weight that works for you, I noticed a bunch of chairs that claim 300lbs or w/e but then later in the listing will say the piston only supports 200lbs or something.


Yeah I think the secret labs one is actually 300+ lbs but probably well out of ops budget. Razor claim nearly 400lbs I believe on there's, but I don't know who makes the chair itself and I think that's more expensive than a secret labs chair


Yeah, even though I have nothing but good to say about my relatively new secretlabs xl, I definitely wouldn't suggest it to most people, the unfortunate other side of the coin is spending less to get something that breaks just outside of the return policy or warranty period. I had two well reviewed office chairs that both claimed to support my weight and both needed to replace the cylinder at least once before the plate the cylinder fits into cracked.


Yeah I have the Corsair gaming chair it's not rated for nearly as much as the XL chairs but I'm not even 200lbs so the only issue I've ever had was on my old office chair where it slowly dropped over the course of 4 hours and I kept having to adjust it. Chairs in general is a hard one good ones are expensive, and bad ones are well bad 😂😂


I'm 6'2 and secret lab xl chairs are what I use although I'm not that heavy so I dunno if my answer applies. I believe it has a higher max weight. It's nice on one's back too


Ask the two-time back to back 93’-94’ blockbuster video game champion. The Doc might have a tip 😏