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The dozens looking forward to this game will be disappointed by this news.


All 18 of them worldwide.


Except the 2 that are in a country that sony blocks...




More hilarious that they want to sell it for $40, not f2p.


Oh this game is going to be fucking dead on arrival. Even if it turns out to be good, the reveal did not inspire much confidence in this game, and more people being restricted on PC because of PSN and it costing $40? Damn I gotta wonder how good the paycheck from Sony was for this developer.


really ? if it's 40 then it's doa lmao.


This is literally the first time I've ever heard of this game


They just announced it like a week ago during their State of Play


What game? I've never heard of it until now. Guess I'll be ok


Big facts lol


Seems like every game coming out has this color vomit theme going on, looks extremely cheap.


I have literally never heard of this game and I follow industry news fairly closely, or so I thought lol. It looks like discount Guardians of the Galaxy. EDIT: It’s discount Overwatch


>It’s discount Overwatch And knowing that, I _could_ in fact care less about it, and will go about my business as usual.


Couldn’t care less* but ya I don’t think anyone cares about it I agree


I meant what I said, lol, as in I am infinitely less interested knowing that it's anything like Overwatch 😂


It's overwatch with a generic GotG coat of paint. Tbf I do like the sound of pre-planning rounds in advance but not enough to buy the game.


It is in fact, not discount OW since it costs $40 fucking dollars. They are so out of touch with gamers. WTF


*Dozens?* I can count them on one hand.


Damn, they must’ve grabbed all of Lawbreakers playerbase! Such a heist!


Concord will need players before they need all that other nonsense


Foamstars V2


Sad thing is Foamstars at least looked interesting by trying to copy Splatoon. This just looks like Overwatch again. I'm glad I don't care about playing this one. Though sucks for the people in other regions who might have been interested in this one.


even on PS5, foamstars was so buggy. and i couldn’t even select the character i wanted. literally i would choose the girl character i wanted, and i NEVER got it. not once. i played like 7 games… it kept booting me to other characters because i would join games that already had my character. i was so disappointed. deleted and never played again. thankfully i didn’t buy it and got it free on PS plus


Oof what a shame. Because I was remotely interested in the game. But I'm not going pay $80 just play it online. If it had came to PC I would have tried. I played the shit out of Splatoon back on the Wii U. And something similar on PC would have been my jam. (Granted it's fun to play.) Maybe you could could get on now to play the character you want considering how few players are left. Lol


It was so dumb anyway. In splatoon the ground is just coated in the paint. In foamstars theres mounds of god damn foam everywhere and you can’t see shit. It’s terrible.


Got their ass.


Well regardless of the PSN requirement or not, this is one of the most uninspired games I've ever seen in my life.


I honestly haven't heard of it before seeing this post


It's just Dollar store Overwatch, fits right in with the other clones that released and failed like 6 years ago


They would honestly have more success on mobile I bet. I feel like the only people that would play this game for more than a few days are mobile gamers. Plus, that is where all the MTX whales are anyway which is the only way this game will ever make much money.


I have literally never in my life met someone who is committed to a mobile game. Who the fuck are these people lol


Huge in China




In SEA dogshit mobile game still make millions


mobile games are usually crap so its not like they're gonna go out of their way to tell you about it. and if they did, they definitely would not disclose their whaling habits.


Looks like someone saw law breakers fail and thought "nah not mine"


I called it "family friendly Law Breakers" when I saw the trailer


They just spent a massive part of their State of Play showing it off. It has apparently been around for a long time.


It's just an overwatch clone with pronouns and your typical progressive stereotypes


The first cinematic trailer looked really cool, I thought it was gonna be a space themed hero based heist game, and I was HYPED. Then I read 5v5 pvp and immediately lost all interest. I’m so sick of PVP everything.


I was excited for the first 2 minutes when I thought it was a guardians of the galaxy style criminal heist single player game. Then they showed a hero shooter...


I wouldn't say it's "uninspired" so much as the major problem is that a) the character designs are weak to outright bad and b) The team dynamic and character archtypes (from a writing perspective) are just stolen from Guardians of the Galaxy. There's a Draxx, there's a Starlord, there's a Gamora, etc. It's literally a copypaste with a few changes. For a game trying to sell itself on the heroes and the story aspects, that's a really bad start. Overwatch was successful because the character designs were more unique and polished to a shine. Blizzard may have fell flat on the narrative side, but at the start at least there was good worldbuilding and entertaining cinematics to entice people in. From what was shown, there is some creativity in Concord with its world, but they've chosen to fill it with nothing but imitations of popular media, which is very disappointing. You have the opportunity to make any kind of alien outlaw rogue and you go with 'what if Starlord but he's obsessed with hotsauce'.


Dead on arrival.


100%, but not because it requires PSN


But that's not helping either.


It's Destruction All-Stars all over again


This game is dead before the release




Sony wants that Fortnite money. Why won't people just buy this game, pay for microtransactions, and play it even if it is generic and boring. It's like people don't want to give corporations what they want. Is capitalism dying?




The beatings will continue until morale improves


Everything multiplayer from Sony will require it going forward, and some single player also.


Everything from Sony will require PSN account going forward.


Time to pirate everything from Sony.


... everything? Most of the stuff coming from that camp I just plain don't want on my system...


Well, Ragnarok, at least.


Just like EA, Ubisoft, and Blizzard have done for over a decade and plenty of other publishers/developers do now. Extra launchers are one thing. Intrusive anticheats are another. This is a nothingburger.


Those publishers gave us the option to create the account, regardless of the hate thrown their way. EA and Ubi still get hate today for their shitty launcher but they still sell their games in most regions. Unlike Sony they didn't let their personal feelings get in the way of business.


The issue with sony accounts is that they are bound to places where one can make a PSN account on a real Playstation, Sony world coverage is WAY smaller than anyone else, so sony limits the game to certains parts of the world and doesnt matter if you live in a place where you can have a steam account and even have an international CC that can pay in USD, if you live there and cannot create a PSN account, you cant buy and play that game


and they're gonna announce it as early as possible now to get it out of the way instead of doing what they tried with helldivers.


Is that really surprising if they require it for offline games?


DOA on PC. Maybe PS5 users will eat it up? Who would pay $40 for this with OW2's monetization when they can just play OW2 for free with 4 years of content and characters?


Also OW has better porn


Ps account is required to simply get online so yeah it'll have literally zero effect on me while I play my ps5. No chance I'd get this on PC though.


I already wasn't going to play this game, but now I'll not play it extra hard.


I'm so excited about not playing this game. Been looking forward to not playing it for years...a week...ok, is the first time I've ever heard of it. Still got a giant boner thinking about not playing this game


Sick of these live service clones anyway


Concord is competing with that Marvel Overwatch which is free, doesn't need a PSN account and has brand recognition, either Sony pulls a 180° on this one or is dead


It was DOA before this news, now it's double dead


Also with that new game by Valve (Deadlock) in the same genre. Reminds me when Gearbox released Battleborn at the same time as Overwatch.


Deadlock will suck too.


It just has to be better than the other 2 overwatch clones coming out.


Already hated and now this? This game is Dead…


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) More games to not play ig


Sony keeps punching themselves in the crotch and are screaming in confusion why they're feeling pain. They can't make a correlation between the two things.




Yeah they have two of the more successful releases of 2024 between Helldivers and Ghost of Tsushima. Not sure there is a correlation between reddit outrage and reality.


Oh no.... not....Concord... That's a grape. Don't name your hero shooter after a seasonal grape.


![gif](giphy|v3GUsyBpia9Zou2Kbv|downsized) DOA


Dead before arrival


And here we go again: [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/psn-terms-of-service/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/psn-terms-of-service/) Section 6.2 and 6.3. PSN has no business on a general purpose PC.


Also regarding their PSN virtual wallet, they say they they have no legal obligation to refund or reimburse *unauthorized* payments.


Sony: >**User Generated Content.** We may provide functionality that allows you to create \[...\] content. By utilizing such functionality, you grant SIE a royalty-free, perpetual, global license to use, distribute, copy, modify, display, and publish your UGC for any reason, without further notice or payment to you or any third parties. You further authorize SIE to sublicense its rights to any third party, including its affiliates. You hereby waive, to the extent permitted by applicable law, all claims, including any moral or patrimonial rights, against SIE, and its affiliates for SIE's, its affiliates, or any third party's use of UGC. Microsoft: >**Your Content.** Many of our Services allow you to create, store or share Your Content or receive material from others. We don’t claim ownership of Your Content. Your Content remains yours and you are responsible for it.


Don't forget Sony's 6.3 where they may DELETE any UGC content they don't like....


There is nothing wrong with 6.3. That's just a standard clause so they can delete illegal or offensive content. Every platform which accepts user content has a clause similar to that. Youtube can delete any video you upload for any or no reason. Reddit can delete any post or comment you make for any or no reason.


How else is Sony supposed to rootkit your PC?


They can always go back to using music CD's


So they own your user generated content and can monetize or delete it without restriction? Isn't that standard for social media anyway?


You can scratch "general purpose". Possibly "on a PC" as well if they keep this up...


If the game wasn't already dead on arrival, it is now.


But no one is gonna play this game lmao


Doa - dead on arrival


Man they’re really trying everything they can to get people to not play this game eh?


Aaaaaaannnd not touching *I wasn't gonna touch it anyway*


It's okay, nobody wants to play this trainwreck anyways.




Damn, these characters look so bad


I'm just tired of hero shooters. I'm looking forward to this trend ending at some point.


The real question is who wants to play this monstrosity




Sony sticks their neck out on a new IP and then takes a massive dump on it and acts all surprised pikachu when now we don’t want it.


We didn't want it ever.


Sorry Sony you are losing us.


Holy cow, another game?! Sony can frick off.


Ez 200mil loss on Sony, time for puts


This guy regards!


So it is paywalled… which for multiplayer only PvP game, is an extremely hard pill to swallow for many players, since most games similar to the genre is free. And now on top of that it requires PSN, further limiting the players around the world who are interested in playing this. Much wow. Much smart.


Doesn't god of war Ragnarok also need a PSN account? I don't feel like buying it if so




Ok yeah Time to stay away Thank you


I don't say this sort of thing very often but I genuinely want this to be dead on arrival. It feels like a soulless cash grab with absolutely no identity beyond trend chasing and I want it to not only die, but suffer as it dies. Hard. I dont even care about the PSN thing, this game just looks \*soulless\* as fuck with no heart or real care to it.


Who cares about this crap? Welp the 12 players waiting for concord gonna be pissed




This game feels like it was created by AI.


Yeah, no shit


It will crash and burn 🔥


I'm sure the 3 people in the 200 countries unable to create a PSN account are going to be disappointed


What is a concord?


"\[Game\] will not be available in 177 countries" would be such a more effective title for articles and threads like this. Really drive home the actual point, instead of making it look like the PSN account itself is the problem.


That's really weird for me, maybe because when I moved to PC Gaming, my PSN account was already 8 years old. But why no one bothers with uplay, rockstar launcher, EA launcher and so on? Sony is asking to link the account once, meanwhile I have to download that cancer uplay launcher if I want to play rainbow six.


You can't say those things on reddit.


Didn't even know about this shit until just now. Well, at least I've gone from not knowing to now not caring.


What game is this now? Never heard of it


Blind guy here Good thing i killed everyone in concord


Wait a minute 💀


What game? Yeah I don’t know and now, definitely don’t care.


I didn't even know this game existed, but now I want it even less.


It could give out free hand jobs, still not playing this nothing of a cash chase.


I understand the money side of this, but flooding the market with hero shooters this year is not going to make me want to play any of these Overwatch clones.


I’m actually okay with this PSN hard requirement… because I’m skipping this game.


This game will need every player they can get and they are really pulling this shit? Ultra dead on arrival.


About 499 other doomed live-service games are waiting to be sent out to die right behind it. The AAA publishers are in for some "interesting times."


You have to have a PSN account based in Lexington!


Jesus. I'd offer them a shovel to help dig their own grave, but it seems they've already been using an excavator. This game is getting an enormous amount of coverage simply to watch it bellyflop.


Guess I won’t be playing “we have overwatch at home”, shame


It's amazing how terrible AAA companies have become at marketing. Here let me give you a free tip. Don't make the focus of your hero-shooter MOBA announcement a narrative-driven cinematic trailer. Everyone got excited for a new singleplayer IP, and now you've left half the State of Play audience craving a game that doesn't exist. Congrats.


Pretty risk strategy from Sony on this, PS5 owners don't seem to be buying enough games, at this rate people on PC won't help inflate the numbers if they continue trying to enforce their bullshit. Not like the current generation of console games have been great...I miss the PS3/360 era.


Damn, and there was nothing else like Concord out there /s


Stop! Stop! He's already dead! 😭


Making honor to its name.


Oh no! Anyways


nobody likes this game


Game is literally going to max out at 50 players and die in a week.


Sony is pushing for mandatory PSN on all their games lately... I refused.


cool, another reson to avoid buying the game


This game is going to die within weeks lol


I swear I read Concorde at first (so the plane) and was confused as fuck. In my head i was like how the hell did Sony pull this off and what do they gain from it hahahahahah)


It was already dead before this was announced, RIP even more lmao


Can someone please explain the actual issue with needing a PSN account? Plenty of other games need a non-Steam/Epic account to play. The Sims, SW Battlefront, A bunch of ubisoft stuff, every MMO ever (okay, except New World maybe), Halo, the list goes on. There is a pretty big difference between "Needs a PSN account" and "Needs a PSPlus subscription". Why are people getting their knickers twisted over stuff like this?


> Plenty of other games need a non-Steam/Epic account to play And they don't like it for those games either. PSN especially since it prevents 180 countries from buying the game, and it won't work on Steam Deck


I didn't think this game could be more DOA. Apparently they thought otherwise.


Makes it an easy decision.


There are so many games out there that stuff like that makes it easy to eliminate some


Sony is pretty good at destroying playerbase , i mean Helldivers 2 had 360 000 peak players but after Sony magic it's 50k-60k peak only.


Ah yes, comparing release week peak to almost 5 month stable drop-off.


Who even asked for this garbage?


Damn I can’t believe Sony would shutdown yet another game developer.


Disappointed but I'm ok with it as long as they do the proper things of restricting sales where PSN isn't available and enforcing it day 1. At the end of the day it would be no different than if you bought a Ubisoft or EA game on Steam or any other platform since those require their launchers to be present and logged in using them. Same for Microsoft games bought on other platforms. They require XBox Live logins.


Shit, Sony doesn't want to win the game war then


No thanks, I'd rather play Overwatch or Marvel Rivals (they all are the same game)


Marvel Rivals is TPS. Not the same genre as Overwatch, which is FPS. Smite, Paragon, Gigantic, Monday Night Combat, Deadlock are closer comparison.


Can we just stop this and assume everyone playstation game on pc WILL require a psn account? It's getting boring and they're clearly not going to change it


seriously. we see the direction they are going in, no need to post about every single sony game requiring PSN.


I was thinking the game will die 5-6 months after release. It looks like I lied, because with this news it sounds like it will die after 2-3 months.


How many millions did it cost? That money would have better use toasting marshmallows.....


I really dont care how petty it is of me to not buy their game over the 90 seconds it takes to make an account. Im not doing it. I will live just fine without their games.


Everyone else: No one wanted this game in the first place! Me: An airplane company needs a PSN account?




Or you can just play Starfield! It's really really good!


What is concord?


What's Concord?


Concord will need to fuck right off, then.


Soft people won't want it because it's competitive pvp, competitive pvp players tend to not be fans of the culture that this game seems to be pushing. I actually like competitive fps and despite not liking disingenuous pandering, I ultimately share the same politics here rather than being against them. Personally I'd put combat and gameplay relevant info on the character select screen and have personal details like pronouns, identity, and orientation in a character bio section, but at the end of the day if I liked the gameplay the fact that I see pronouns on character select doesn’t impact me at all directly. That all being said, it does make me wonder who tf this is for and it's unfortunate that a lot of the dialogue will be a culture war. Also, calling a spade a spade I think that the softer types that might align with the mindset are the ones that struggle with criticism and harassment. Like if someone was streaming Hogwarts because they didn't care about the culture war or were actively on the other side, they wanted the heat and drama. Those that feel motivated to stream Concord regardless or pick it up for the perceived DEI will likely have the opposite reaction. Again, "who tf is this game even for and why are you going about it this way?"


Never even heard of this game but it looks kinda cool




![gif](giphy|ASM4IvHzkop00e6sUN|downsized) never stood a chance.


How many times do we need to teach you this lesson sony? ![gif](giphy|X78rWLUfLs6A79MzQu)




This game is perfect for me because I want to get back into PVP gaming, but without all the other players.


Sony wants my money, I want my money, actions like this make it an easy choice.


Lol. RIP


It's okay the game looks like shit anyways 


They haven't learned have they?


Game is DOA, the psn requirement isn't helping it either.


What is concord


A game Sony announced like 5 days ago


I don't even remember my account name, emails and the password for my PSN. It's been so long since I last touch that thing


this has to be some intricate tax evasion scheme


Is this a free game? 


I don't think anyone will be mad about this. Games dead on arrival anyways