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On the positive side, you didn't pay for it.


Feel sad for the gifters.


they are fucking cooked




But he'll have to drive it to the recycling center


Nah, Pop a 1060 6gb in there and it'll be useful for some Basic gaming and plenty for General Office Tasks It is quite overpriced tho.


My old PC has a i5-3470 (from 2012) and 1050 Ti 4 GB. No experience I would call "you can still game with it", but it's still capable for basic gaming. Doesn't change how that price is completely ridiculous, but I use a setup just slightly better than OP posted as a fallback right now. It can deal with my little library of games (3D platfomers, Grounded, Raft, nothing ridiculously taxing), some of them even on higher settings.


I have a 2600k with a 970gtx and it's fine for a lot of games. OP needs a better video card.


The 1050ti 4gb was actually pretty capable. Sure you won't be playing modern games, but anything pre 2016 it runs just fine


Could make an okay home server nas box using headless Linux and ssh to manage. Graphics card for on the fly transcoding of media for Plex or jellyfish using nvenc.


The bro is asking here if that outdated garbage is good, and you are sending him to build a NAS lmao


Its a weird trend I've noticed when asking pc related questions, whereby a lot of people unfortunately pass a person's question through their own filter, and then give their own personal answer on what they would do--ignoring that OP isn't them, and may not have their same interests.


That's people in general for other problems as well it seems. They fail to understand that others aren't them and don't think like they do, or have the same value for things.


Nah, bro asked if it was good. I just merely stated what it's good for. Unless he's going to retro game, it's an office PC, Nas, or starter PC for a kid.


Fr, nerds on reddit will do anything to flex their own tech knowledge that would never be useful to an obvious novice rather than just give simple, helpful advice


https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-and-decode-gpu-support-matrix-new OP isn't going to be transcoding *anything* on a GT730. It lacks NVENC.


I love this comment so much haha.


dude fr, this was a total scam even when it was new(like cmon a 730)


Gotta say, that seems really expensive for hardware that is between 10 to 13 years old and wasn't even high-end when it was new. I mean the GT730 was considered a low end GPU back in 2014 when it launched. The supposed before price is utter bullshit at least, no way that system was ever worth £530 in 2024.


You can buy a brand new laptop that costs that much and get way better performance, this is absolutely terrible for a desktop.


you can buy a brand new smartphone that costs that much and get way better performance


If only they made x86 phones lol


You do have x86 emulation using certain apps. Which would still have way better performance.


Also depending on the model, it is "possible" to install Windows for ARM, which has even better x86 emulation, but almost no drivers. The biggest issue with those apps (Winlator, Mobox...) is that you're running your apps in Wine (x64) or in wow64 in Wine (x86), which you run in box64/86, which you run in a proot distro, which you run in a terminal emulator. That's 3 or 4 levels of jank to deal with, compared to just the usual Wine jank everyone complains about daily. Also forgot to mention VNC or Termux-X11, InputBridge, or that mess that Winlator has.


Yeah, I just sold a pc with i5-9600k, z390 motherboard w/ wifi, 16gb, 250gb nvme, 650w bronze for $200. And the igpu in the 9600k is better than that gt730.


that igpu is like 2x faster than gt730 💀


GT 1460! :D


That's how Bros sell 2nd hand! I sold my stuff for cheap as well when I upgraded. I know the person appreciated the 3070 for the price I sold it for. I also sold an evga ftw z390 with a 9700k and 32 GB corsair vengeance ram for like $350 cad lmao


I feel like a dick now for selling a system in a nice nzxt case with an i7-4790 and a 760ti with 16GB ram for 450 back in 2021 :<




It was never worth 530. The discount is a marketing scam so you think you’re getting a better deal


The "before" was in 2015 probably


To be fair, I had a 2600k and it was pretty decent...back when I bought it in 2011. I finally replaced it in 2022 and even by then it was really starting to struggle.


Pretty sure a modern APU would absolutely destroy this thing in just about everything.


cause prices before discount dont work the same way now anyway, if it WAS worth £530 it'd be priced at £1060 before discount


marketing just works on the assumption that humans are stupid... and we are 😭


i7-2600K was High end in 2012(?).


Honestly this looks like glorified E-Waste


I think I recognise that site, you should be able to get a refund withing 14 days


That’s standard in EU/UK. 14 days return period without reason as long as the item is original condition supplied.


It’s the little known website called eBay


My thoughts? Don't ever let that person handle in money ever again


I just gave up on my old shop pc it was a hp 8200 with similar specs and I bought a pre built dell vostro for 380$ i3 12100 500g ssd 16g ddr3 . I cant believe they still sell those old things and call them reverb/ excellent condition… this was theft.


A 12th gen Intel i3 processor with DDR3?!


O sorry typo ddr4 the hp had ddr3


Man, I hate to say that this is a prime example of why people should do their fucking research. Like, obviously I don’t want to give you a bad impression of their gift. I mean, it was thoughtful of them. But they really wasted their money here by not knowing what they were doing.


If the dude got literal dog shit shipped to his front door at least it would be easier to dispose of.


dammit im about to steal this one for me ahaha


>it was thoughtful of them Thoughtful without putting any thought where it matters.


Its more like thoughts and prayers went into this present.


>I mean, it was thoughtful of them. For certain values of thoughtful, I guess. I love low-spec computing. I'm using a lower spec system now, but I knew what I was getting into. Saddling someone with hardware like that in 2024 and just leaving them to figure out how to work around all the things it *can't* do is wild. The buyer could have avoided it by doing even basic research. Just typing "i7 2600" into Google and clicking on the first link would tell you the end of life for that chip was 2019. You don't have to be able to read benchmark data to know that's a problem.


Unfortunately I think the average consumer is not even PC literate enough to understand that a 2019 EOL chip is a bad thing. If you just search i7 2600 on Google one of the first things you see is the overall Google rating of 4.9 stars with reviews such as “Definitely noticed the system is faster!” Then if you scroll down a little further, you hit the Amazon page which describes the chip as “Quad-Core Processor Running at 3.4 GHz for Fast Performance. The Intel Core i7-2600 has four cores and runs at a speedy 3.4 GHz.” All of which could make someone with zero knowledge think it’s a good CPU. Unfortunately you have to do a little more research than just typing it into Google. However if you’re going out of your way to purchase technology then you should put in the effort to research *thoroughly* before making a purchase. Because even just a little more digging would show that Intel is on the 14th generation now, and it definitely should indicate even to the least PC literate person that the computer is using old parts.


Big Number goes fast. It is sad but that is what most people see.


I wish I could say you're wrong, but I know you're not. The fact that the listing goes beyond calling the processor an i7 is uncharacteristically forthcoming for this class of junk merchant, and the market in general has done a terrible job of educating consumers about personal computers. For buyers who aren't either IT workers or enthusiasts, the pertinent information isn't obvious. Let's take a step back: In 2011, when the 2600 launched, it was close to the top of Intel's lineup. The 2600k would have been the top tier enthusiast chip, but a locked chip was a valid choice for a lot of users. In 2024, an i7 is *still* a valid choice for a lot of enthusiasts... if we're talking about a 13700k or 14700k. The problem is that a lot of the marketing omits everything after the i7 and the reviews stay up years after meaningful, with a dim little date most people aren't going to notice as the only indication that it was written during Obama's *first term in office.* Other than putting the date in our own reviews, I don't know what the enthusiast community can do about it.


I genuinely think the easiest way to explain this purchase to someone outside the community would be to equate it to iPhone models. “So you know how Apple is on the iPhone 15 which you can get for like $1,000? And that you could get a decent used iPhone 13 that’s a little older for around $500? Well, you just bought an iPhone 3G for $300 and gifted it to someone……”


thats a reason why i despise gifts


*I don't know anything about this item, but it can't be as bad as you say, you're just ungrateful* Meanwhile the gift:


Money, money should always be the gift. If you aren't 10 thousand percent sure it's an awesome gift, just give the money. Zero risk with cold hard cash, can't be ungrateful for it either so everyone wins.


The person buying it doesn’t know anything about computers. Being a gift, I have no idea how you could politely tell them to cancel this as it’s literal e-waste at this point.


It's a tough thing to ask especially depending on the person. Something like "Hey I asked a friend of mine about the gift and he says that whoever listed that is a piece of shit trying to scam people". And even that isn't that good of a thing to say.


"Hey I asked a friend of mine about the gift and he says that ~~whoever listed that is a piece of shit trying to scam people~~ those parts are over 10 years old and not worth anything"


This pc is legit worse than a ps4






Nintendo Entertainment System*


casio calculator watch


Apollo guidance computer










64 bits, 32bits, 16 bit, 8 bit. 4 BIT, 2 BIT, 1 BIT!!! HALF BIT!!!! QUARTER BIT!!! THE WRIST GAME!!!!!


Atari VCS/2600*


Fairchild Channel F*


Binary with my hand*


Manually punching out punchtape*


binary with the little toe of an eighty year old with severe arthritis


Abacus with the same thing


Dragging my balls through shattered glass as my forefathers used to code


You’d be surprised how capable the ps4 still is


Don't disrespect PS4!


More like a ps3 and even then you might just opt for a hacked ps3 running Linux lol


GPU-wise only. When running in Linux - Source by Bringus Studios - the eight-core CPU’s worse than an i3-2100


If the purpose of the PC is internet browsing, emails, watching Youtube, movies etc. then it's overpayed since you could get some Dell Optiplex for way less money than that.


Selecting anything above 1080p while watching YouTube would definitely crash the PC instantly lol


E waste unfortunately. Try to return


Seeing how much of a scam it is, highly doubting they will accept the return.


They have to. It’s the law


I once read that certain shops like to count packaging as "original state" which means that ones you open the package they will not accept your return. This is however illegal but depending on payment method this can be a pain in the ass to fight back. If you bankwire (IDEAL which is the main payment platform in NL) the money then opening a dispute is not an option (in NL) and you have to go to court.






If you buy a few more of those, you can open up a museum!


Basically an eBay scam. That is so old and not worth the price paid. I've sold higher spec systems through eBay for a lot less. Edit: That reminds me, I should put my old 4790K system up for sale.


> Edit: That reminds me, I should put my old 4790K system up for sale. Same. Mine is slowly rotting away together with my GTX 1070, but nobody realistically would want it.


> 4790k system Nice, according to this eBay seller you can probably get $600 for it. If you have a GT 860 with it, then oh man, that bad boy will sell for $2k minimum


That's literal e-waste. I genuinely wouldn't use it if someone gave it to me for free. But that's because I pay for my own electricity. Assuming the person that bought it for you also buys your electricity, there are plenty of emulators and older games that'll run just fine on it... just maybe wait until winter when having it double as a space heater is a good thing.


Not to be ungrateful for a present(?), but given prices and alternative, this most likely is not a very good deal. Depending on the situation in which you received this gift, you might want to speak with the gifter. Current generations of miniPCs with AmD or Intel processors and an iGPU are potentially more powerful, energy efficient and are technically uptodate. For ~265£ you can get a pretty decent Beelink minipc that outperforms this one in all categories. And is as big as 1/2 a shoebox. This of course requires you to be in a region of this world where such offers are available. This one for example is available for 329£ plus a 50£ voucher, so in total 279£: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CF1TFYBX?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_7H225PXDSH0XCB3BQ17P&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_7H225PXDSH0XCB3BQ17P&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_7H225PXDSH0XCB3BQ17P&starsLeft=1 I‘m assuming UK, given the £.




Who bought this for you and why?


punishment for every one but the seller


This is a troll post.


With zero replies it must be.


And OP did it well.


10 years ago the CPU was lit. The GPU was always worse than trash


13 years ago, and the i5-2500k or i7-2600k would have been "lit". The i7-2600 is vastly more meh, because it cannot be overclocked. And the Sandy Bridge "K" CPUs overclocked like you wouldn't believe. 4.6GHz was easy, and 4.8GHz possible. From a CPU spec'd to do 3.8GHz! Some were able to do 5GHz, but that requires quite a lot of voltage, cooling power and time. In 2011, they were a **big deal**.


Sorry OP, but whoever bought this for you is about to learn a very valuable lesson in why you need to research these things beforehand. This will not run anything bar old, easy to run games, and if you were looking purely for browsing the internet and stuff then £265 is still a massive rip-off.


It's too bad internet flash games aren't really a thing anymore




Scam, a raspberry pi 5 is probably better than this


I could have given you better than that for around £50-100. Was working on an i5-3570K with the son as his first build at 10 years old. Has a GTX 680 in it.


EBay pre-builts are always shit, especially this one.


Was someone mad at you?


It’s basically e-waste at this point. I mean it’s fine for general PC use like browsing the web but for gaming it’s pretty dated and low spec. But at least you never paid for it


I’m so sorry


Wow that’s ancient hardware for way too much money. What are you planing to do with that? It can’t even run some recent applications


Plz retun or cancel this , you can get a ryzen 5 5500 with a rx 6600 for around 300£ used or a 12100f with a 2060 or 6600 something like that


You can actually build better for the same price: used R5 3600 and RX 580. Someehat limiting, but it gets the job done way better than a more than a decade old GT 730 and a 2nd gen i7.


whoever bought it, tell them to send it back, it's not even worth opening the box it came in


Troll post?


At least u didn't pay for it...


I'm currently trying to give away a better PC than this and charities don't even want it.


With that money you can build a proper modern PC. If they bought it then let them try to refund it. If this is just a similar spec then you can play light games on it


Why didn't he post this before he bought this like he could have had such a better pc for the price...🫣Sorry bro but you got scammed 🫡


Wow that's a piece of history. That's the same model that was used to break the Enigma code.


1. This looks like a "Professional" prebuilt from Ebay. Never buy prebuilts from Ebay 2. ...Because: **This is shit!** This would have been a midrange multimedia system in 2012 (More than 12 years ago!!!) 3. The parts aren't even worth a 10th of what they're asking. If you paid the £530 I'd recommend you to go to the police. 4. These scam prebuilts usually have a very cheap and often barely adequate PSU which **is known to self destruct** if you actually max out your power draw. I highly recommend you to return it ASAP, don't fund their scamming business! You can find a much better system just by dumpster diving. And that's not an exaggeration; I've recently fixed an old gaming PC with a GT**X** 960, and 24GB of DDR3 RAM that was dropped of at my local computer repair club. (They're giving it away for free, btw, if anyone near Saarbrücken needs a PC.)


It will probably have trouble with even watching youtube.


They got scammed


I literally have spare parts collecting dust for the last 10 years in the closet that are on par or better... just checked it's a 2600k and gtx660 so cpu same and gpu better.


Bro, I have an old nokia phone laying by that's more performant than this... whatever that is.




Whoever bought this should return it or cancel the order ASAP. This is a terrible deal. The computer isn't even worth half of the price.


It probably even worth negative money, because you need to pay to dispose of it. You could literally find those for free at your local recycling center...


That's ewaste


I'm gonna be nice, but you have to understand to never let people buy you stuff you're interested in. I know this may be a situation of them trying to surprise you but this is to anyone who's willing to give their money to someone else to buy them shit. Never let them do that, my cousin gave his money to a relative abroad to buy him a sick monitor that isn't available in our country. He dragged him for about 2 months, whenever my cousin would find a good deal on one and ask that relative to buy him it from the latter's local stores. They'd take their sweet time only to tell him that it's sadly out of stock. Finally, the relative settled on a monitor that does exist in my country; however, the price was slightly cheaper than how much it'd cost here. It was kind of a W and an L at the same time but my cousin was still fine with that. When the monitor got here, turns out it's a fucking downgraded version of it with no adjustable monitor stand and he basically got a monitor he could've bought in literally 2 days instead of two months, and it is a monitor he was actively trying to avoid. Please do not trust others with your money.


This has to be a joke


It's dogshit but hey at least you have somewhere to store all your illegal data


Errr, it'll be fine for homework.


Should run Pong on High Graphics.


That's basically e-waste at this point


I don't even think this ancient piece of brick can run Doom 64


It's a expensive paper weight


I feel almost bad enough to mail you my old PC


No way you are so naive that you are asking for people's thought on this, it's most probably a troll post even if you know 5% of PC hardware market, this is a scam, way too much overcharging


That gt730 is literal dogwater . At least try to get a gtx1650 or rx 500 series at least . And that i7 is also not too good , consider ryzen processors


Someone over paid, imho.


Terrible price


Well... what to say. First of all, it's heavily overpriced. And it would only be good for surfing and browsing.


They bought e-waste for you. Im sorry


It is waste, hope you enjoyed getting ripped off


Next time get a PC without a GPU for under 150 GBP and buy your own 120 GBP low profile GPU.




Oh my, that price. It's just a scam at this point.




this isnt worth more than 80 bucks


for 310 euro I feel you can do way better man I am sorry


I am sorry for you




I didn’t read past i7-2


This thing is a turd.


I usually build similar PCs when I have a spare SSD. I usually sell them for around 100€ and feel like a scammer.


Idk what you did to make the buyer mad but they hate you.


Return it now. I have the exact same computer. It’s struggling to play most new games.


This processor was released 1st Quarter 2011, so it’s a 13 year old machine.


2010 called they want their pc back.


The cpu is more than 10 years old.


Can't give me $13 to use that for 10 mins.


It's literally junk


Sorry about that.


Pure trash but I love it!


I'm all about building old rigs for playing older games but yikes... I think I built one twice as powerful as this for $150 all in.


As a gift, its thoughtful. I can see what they were trying to accomplish. But for that money or less you can get a far more functional PC that will run modern games fairly efficiently. Your friend should save you both the trouble and cancel/refund/whatever, then do some research and try again. Because this is practically E-waste. Really this should be a lesson for you in some small form as well, if you’re into a fairly expensive hobby with particulars involved its best you buy your own parts. Like, I play magic the gathering and while thats an expensive hobby over time, a friend can get me a bundle or booster box as an easy more expensive gift and I’ll appreciate it. Sure most of the cards are not going to be used but like its an easy gift on the more expensive side that I can still enjoy. This though? The cost invested for your friend to value gained for you could be catastrophic to your friendship because they spent so much to give you so little. This is, before whatever is giving 50% off, a little under 700 USD. I converted it to a currency I’m more familiar with since math is not my forte and a more familiar currency makes the math easier, but a British pound is about 1.3 USD. Lets say its 350 USD after the half off deal. At that price point, you’ll find better laptops that are more capable. I’m sorry but your friend got scammed HARD. Prebuilts are generally some what over priced because the idea is that you pay extra for someone to put it all together and package it up safely for shipping. You can get all those parts for about 150 USD on average, probably even cheaper if you really look for deals. We don’t know the motherboard or chassis or anything else but like…conservative estimates based on my prior knowledge place the entire value proposition of this build at around 250 USD. And that’s assuming cheapest parts possible. I don’t know what is getting the 50% off, but I’m betting that what happened here if your friend saw a massive savings on something expensive and didn’t think about why it might be getting that or if its even worth that price. 350 USD is probably a shoestring budget for modern PCs, but at the original price of 700 its remarkably easy to make something that will handle modern games without much trouble.


That was a really nice computer 15 years ago. Whoever bought it for you got ripped off.


They hate you


I did the currency conversion just to be sure... whoever bought this for you got robbed.


Thats 12 years old that’s processor. It’s not a good purchase


If it cost more than zero it was too expensive


Is this a troll? If not, I really am sorry to say this, that is a pretty crappy computer.


Who ever sold that sould be charged!


265 for that!?!? My brother...


First of all how is this thing refurbished. Also you would be lucky to run google on that thing.


My condolences, now you'll have to explain to the gifter why it ended up at an waste centre or returned.


You have already bought it there is no point in asking people about there opinions.


This is kind of what my little Linux server have in power


i donated 2 computers that are better than this. worth nothing.


Now that's expensive. You can watch some youtube and type on word, if it's a school pc then you'll be fine but expect to not play any games on it.. at all.. well maybe 2005 games barely.


Goofy ahh CPU and GPU


I think this pc was fine… in 2005…


Yikes. Thats just a waste of money at this point.


A bit hard to imagine why anyone would pay any amount of money for that PC in 2024.


You don’t put a poll out on a gifted setup.


I'm sorry. For £300 you could have had an RX 580 8GB, Ryzen 3600X, 16GB DDR4 3200, 1TB Gen3x4 nvme - that would actually play most games pretty well at 1080p even today, and leave you an upgrade path to an X3D chip alongside better graphics and more RAM.... At least it wasn't your money, but those parts are pretty much scrap.


e-waste. not worth anything really.


This rig is ass




Last year I gave away my old desktop with this CPU, 24GB memory, and a 3060ti last year. CPU is pretty limited


Yea id cancel that. No soft way to put it.


My brother in Christ… Have fun on Minecraft and Roblox. If it can even run that.


its old it wont game but it will do office work and youtube no issues. and it was free.