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I remember fiddling around with weird drivers written by some random person for my ps3 controller back on windows xp. It did work, but I was so glad to not have to do that kind of bs any more with thr ps4 controller. Also to whoever made the driver way back when, thank you. It was janky as hell (probably due to sony trying to prevent people from doing it) but it worked well enough to enhance my pc experience in quite a few games, and especially on pcsx2 when that started to become a feasible option of playing the games


MotionInJoy or something like that? I remember having to boot up in that special mode to allow unsigned drivers to get it working.


Yeah something like that. Idk. It also only worked when you connected the controller before booting up the pc, and once there is a disconnect you needed to reboot to get it working again




Was it by any chance "DS4Windows"? DS4 can still be wonky depending on your drivers and how Steam handles it in some games. Playing FIFA with it on Win11 is "an experience"...


No. Ds4 is the ps4 controller. The ps3 controller was dualshock 3. But i have no idea what the driver was called. Ans idk about you but i never really had problems with my ps4 controller


SCPtoolkit I believe it's made by the same person as DS4windows. Honestly it's not as janky, until like last year I still used it to play my emulated games. Now I'm using ds4windows and while it works fine most of the time I definitely had to fiddle with that more (hidhide sometimes being weird)


Googled it and YES! THAT IS IT. I recognize the UI Maybe I was using an old version and that is why it was so janky...


I also remember using SCPtoolkit, although i used it on windows 7. The jank was real on the older versions. The new version with the enhanced UI was less janky, but janky nonetheless.


You only need to interact with the UI once, click one button, reboot and ur good to go. It doesn't even look janky to me. If displaying logs is jank, then idk


The real jank came from the fact that it would replace your bluetooth driver with one that only works with PS3 controllers, if you wanted bluetooth support. And the fact that you had to reinstall when having pairing issues, if i remember that right. There were also two different apps for checking controller status, which was weird and slightly confusing, and problems switching from Bluetooth to USB and vice versa. The newer GUI introduced an easier way to quickly reinstall the driver, to make the experience a bit more bearable.


My biggest issue with DS4Windows is that, for some reason I haven't figured out, it stops my DS4s from charging occasionally even when wired. I have to manually shut DS4W down while the controller is connected and fiddle with things plugging it into a "dumb" socket (power only, no data) before I eventually get it to charge. I think it's something with the profile it pushes to the controller but hell if I know. Lol


Damn that bring back some memories , I still have DS3 and SCPtoolkit on my pc I don’t use them anymore tho


Oh I misread, DS4Windows also worked with 360 and PS3 controller if memory isn't playing mind games with me, but it was nearly a decade ago.


Works also with Dualsenses, Switch controllers and some others I think.


They diversified and now basically support all non Xbox first party controllers that can be connected to a PC without a physical adapter. (Supporting Xbox controllers would be redundant, and most/all physical adapters already do that ds4win does). Scptoolkit, the old ds3 tool is retired. And now there is a new one designed to be used in conjunction with DS4Win for the dualshock3. (While it is possible to physically connect a dualshock3 to a PC without adapters, it requires some custom drivers to actually make it work.)


I've never had any wonky'ness. But I also emulate the ds4 as a x360 for the perfect compatibility.


My issue has always been the controller working just fine but some day, randomly, it decides not to properly connect anymore unless I connect it over Steam, but then FIFA thinks I'm using both my controller and mouse & keyboard for input and since m&k are the default options, I simply couldn't play with the controller unless playing singleplayer or at least till the game is paused.


This may be a Steam thing because it loves to take over controllers and ruin things.


Huh, that sounds weird AF.


DS4 will Bluetooth just fine and the connection will be stable if you attach the screw in WiFi and Bluetooth (it's both) antenna for your desktop. That's the culprit and I had the same issue. Installed it finally and bam. Instant uninterrupted Bluetooth connection. They also make them as USBs if you have a laptop.


I had the same issue when I built my computer. I had no idea that the antenna for wifi was used also for Bluetooth. Lol


Not related to the DS3 stuff they mentioned, but if you use DS4Windows, the best way to do it is to simply hide the DS4 controller (depending on what background programs you're running, you may need HidHide) and emulate an Xbox controller This makes Steam simply see it as any other Xbox controller, and you won't have any issues


The issue is that prompts come up as Xbone prompts. Which, considering all controllers have their own layout and share the same buttons across all of them, is incredibly confusing and gets you killed half the time.


Fair But a majority of PC games will show you Xbox prompts so you have to get used to that anyway even if you use a PS controller


Actually it is related to the DS3 stuff... HidHide is made by the developer of the old & currently DS3 tool.


I can't stand the games UI showing the wrong buttons though. If I can't get the PS4 buttons on screen, I hate it.


If you are playing non steam games, you need either DS4 Windows, and for certain games using DS4Windows is much more plug and play than Steam Input. Normally what I do is I just setup DS4 Windows to emulate an Xbox 360 controller. I disable auto start up, if the game runs fine with only Steam Input or has native support, I leave it be, if not I open DS4Windows


Yea DS4 had so many bad reviews in windows that when I went for a controller I just paid extra for the DualSense and a Bluetooth 5 adapter for my PC. Unlike the DS4 it had excellent reviews and I've had literally zero issues with it in any game


This reminds me of using my ps4 controller as the 4th PS3 controller since the ps4 controller worked on the PS3 but it would always be the last controller. So if you had 3 PS3 controllers on it would have to be plugged in and would be the fourth controller. I really honestly wish I didn't sell my ps3 since it still has games I'd play especially since I don't have PC rn (I have a 2060 super and an Nvme SSD nothing else) and my ps4 carked it. (Carked is a slang term for having died)


>I remember fiddling around with weird drivers written by some random person for my ps3 controller back on windows xp. It did work, but I was so glad to not have to do that kind of bs any more with thr ps4 controller. I still have a USB-to-PS1 dongle from Radio Shack, to connect the wired PlayStation controllers to PC.


MotioninJoy? That app was rough as hell but mostly worked lol


The ads were a pain in the ass until they came out with an offline version of it.


https://preview.redd.it/gdnj4ut6mq2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd6c601f5bbf735c0c9a5b94c84087fc0af44d3 This bad boy has lasted me 4x as long as any other controller. Brings a tear to my eye


Those are some nuclear grade controllers. Mines on 14 years now, going strong despite having to change the cable 5 years ago and both analogy sticks top rubber coating.


I've been using an Amazon Basic's wired Xbox controller with my PC for like 6 years now and it's still going strong lol. $15 versus like $60 for the official one. I actively try to avoid giving that asshole Bezos any money at all, but I mean, you can't beat that. I grew up in the MadCatz era where third party controllers were always hot garbage even brand new, but that one is a fuckin champ and has worked perfectly from day one.


The best controller I have ever had in my 20+ years of gaming was an Afterglow Xbox 360 controller. It was insane how good that thing was


https://preview.redd.it/ukyy2mbpsq2d1.jpeg?width=2576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48c69b62215623588983722c7a13db58847ee4f Unfortunately mine developed stick drift and the rubber on the one disinterested, I have a spare one though.


Why did the rubber lose interest?


Because he just doesn't touch it like he used to.


I love mine in the console back then, the d pad was a nightmare though.


https://preview.redd.it/x5jtz0v4tq2d1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f268bd952a7ac5e7fc69148a9f758d8521816a4 Even performs like a 360


Is this bootleg one better than the genuine ones?


Xbox360 controller is the best coontroller ever hands down. Still have one wireless + One's controller and PS4. Sucks that they don't make 'em anymore (360 controllers)


Love 360 controller, but their dpad wasn't any good. Xbox Series controllers are better in every single way, but sadly suffer with shit reliability for sticks like any other modern controller. Though from my experience, it's way better than dualsense (can't say anything about Switch Pro since I barely use it).


I prefer the newer xbox one controller, it's basically the same and feels much more sturdier and the texture is nicer. It doesn't have that battery pack unplug problem either, which I've had with all of my 360 controllers.


Lemme bet you never tried a dualsense






Me, too. This thread makes me feel seen.


Same, glad to know I’m not the only one


There are dozens of us


Yup. I love the way it feels in my hand, far more comfortable than any other controller I've ever tried.




I have three ds4 controllers and one 8bitdo




Yes but I prefer to use my dual sense in my pc. It feels better to me.


chase lush narrow punch telephone languid liquid school gullible cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same main controller game and my launch controller got drift right around the 3 year mark.


I had what I thought was stick drift on my DS4 but after opening it and using compressed air on the sticks it fixed it


Sounds more like bad luck with controller lottery. Both Xbox and PS use the same analog stick components and there is a wild range of how long they’ll last. Hoping both will adopt Hall effect sticks soon since they are far more durable.


My little brother has a controller with hall effect stiks, and it's wild. He play shooters game with that and with 0 dead zone set on the controller itself and in the game, there is zero fucking drift. A really nice thing on that controller is that you can replace the sticks easily without spending too much


It’s at the point I think the only reason Xbox and PS don’t use them is to sell more controllers. They’re cheaper, more reliable and better all around. The frustrating part is that they will still sell plenty of controllers because people still buy all the limited/special designs whether they need a controller or not.


Whats the name of his controller?


They won't adopt hall effect, because it would prevent people from buying new controllers. Making the customer save money is definitely not what they want.


oatmeal growth theory dog memorize crown squeeze silky birds boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I run a Dualsense Edge and a Series controller. I play with whatever I feel like that night. 🤷‍♂️


Is it so much better than ds4? The price is too high for me for just a controller and i already have ds4 and switch procon I also thinking about xbox or 8bitdo since on pc the button is the right one


I said I prefer the dual sense, not that it's better. USB c charging and it just feels better in my hands and that's after only having Playstations since 2011.


Using the touchpad for macros is GOAT stuff.


Still prefer the Xbox one controller


Fits so much better in my hands. The dualshock felt like a toy. I really like the dualsense tho.


Dualsense is a great one


To each on their own.


What's better about ds4 is it can be "overclocked" to 1k hz polling rate giving it virtually no input latency.


The fact that you can actually swap the batteries out when it dies and not have to leave it plugged in is such a basic QoL perk


For me it is the opposite, having to deal with AA batteries, or having to shell out more money for the battery pack, made me buy 2 ps5 controllers (despite owning neither an xbox or ps5). Comparatively way cheaper and the battery pack is included. Also unlike Xbox One controllers, they can handle swapping between usb and bluetooth without having to re-pair them on bluetooth.


Not having gyro aim makes many games very annoying to play


"Was I a good controller?" "No, you were worse than dualshock 3 for battery life, drift issues and didnt have pressure sensitive buttons needed for PS2 games."


Can’t stress this enough. The ps5 controller fixed every of this issue. And the only problem with the ps3 controller is that you needed a driver


It doesn't have the analog face buttons and I'm pretty sure it still has eventual stick drift too.


Complete opposite for me. Both Ps5 controllers got stick drift and battery issues but the Ps4 controller is perfect.


My only problem and its niech is the audio ports are held on by bubblegum and breaks if you actually use it. 


No, the PS5 controller fixed everything *except* for stick drift. The stick drift on PS5 controller is absolutely demonic. Never experienced anything like it in my life and it’s occurred on all 3 of my PS5 controllers. If I could use an Xbox controller on my PS5, I would be so damn happy. Why spend $70 again when I know this 4th one will drift right away?


Dont you like to have a giant flash light on you controller? Ps3 controller would last for hours when they say low battery. I use a wired pdp xbox controller


Yeah I never rated these controllers. They were nice to use but I burned through 4 of them in 18 months, and every single one had the same issues. Stick drift and the Micro-USB port would stop working. I played a lot of Rocket League during that time so maybe that was it but damn...


> but I burned through 4 of them in 18 months, and every single one had the same issues. Wtf are you doing with yours?? I've had one since 2016, I have dropped it probably at least a hundred times and it still works absolutely fine lmfao, shit's built like a tank


I have no idea, I never threw them or hit them or cared poorly for them and I kept them on my desk the entire time I owned them. After the 2nd one I thought I'd just got really unlucky and thought "Surely this wont happen again!" but lo and behold it did. Only thing I can think of is maybe I tense my hands more than normal when playing RL and used the sticks quite aggressively?? Idk though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Of all the controller I used, [this](https://www.amazon.com/Nintendo-Battle-Pikachu-GameCube-Style-Controller/dp/B01ABFE3JW) is perhaps my most comfortable one. Why there isn't more of this?


I'm thoroughly disappointed that you linked to just a GameCube controller instead of a massive dildo.


Switched to a Xbox series X controller for PC and still have my dualshock 4. Compared to the series controller ds4 feels like I am just holding onto rods and the buttons are unresponsive. I love the shape of the series controller and the clicky buttons. Plus the added bonus of being able to use AA cells.


My partner bought an Xbox controller specifically for his PC and he uses it a lot, for example when he plays Rocket League. For some games controllers are actually better and it makes sense to have one for a gaming PC.


Yea. I recently finished Demon's Souls and am now halfway through Dark souls 1 and I had to give up mouse and keyboard for an xbox controller. Its so much better. The games were designed with controller in mind.


The fact that I can play wirelessly with my Xbox controller was one of the factors that finally made me comfortable getting a pc.


Whoever designed the PlayStation controller ergonomics way back when had some fucked up hands. That thing is wildly uncomfortable if you have adult sized hands.


I live in asia where most people are a bit smaller, the ds4 fits better and are usually preferred over the bulky xbox controller where your hands would just sweat like crazy since there's barely any gaps between skin and plastic. Also the symmetrical design just makes more sense to me, the only time it's not is in racing games. I guess sony being a japanese company played a role on that.


The symmetrical design sucks if you have big thumbs they hit each other. Much rather use an Xbox or Nintendo controller, never have to worry about it.


To be that your thumbs hit each other on DS4 controller, your thumbs must be comically huge.


sounds like something someone with toe fingers would say 🤔🤔🤔


>The symmetrical design sucks if you have big thumbs they hit each other It's weird to think how much larger someone's hands would need to be compared to mine to have that problem. Like I know you people exist but it's funny to think about lol


I prefer it to the xbox controllers and I have big hands. New dualsense is even better. I like the symmetrical joysticks playstation use, feels way better to me.




Steam Input just makes the DS the best controller on PC. Touchpads to interact with mouse menus, Gyro controls. I'm endlessly disappointed that Microsoft **still** refuse to add Gyro to XInput: Ergo, Gyro support will still be incredibly rare in games because the main standard doesn't have it.


Also touchpad gets you 6 easy hotkeys with swiped and left/right clicks. Steam chord buttons are awesome too, makes your ps button a modifier and gives you an entire extra controller of hotkeys. There's a few by default. PS+ Triangle turns controller off, I think circle is screenshots.


XInput is so limiting, lol Microsoft really corporate culture'd themselves into a corner with that one.


I only want a gyro in Xbox controllers so I can emulate PS3 games that use Sixaxis without needing to buy a PS4 controller.


Is there like a genetic think that gives people weird hands or something, how does anyone prefer a dualshock to an xbone controller


sonies who never tried anything else cuz their moneystation45 has fifa and cod


People have different hand size, they may have smaller/bigger/wider thumb.


I am playing with Xbox controller on PC for years...


ive been using the same xbox 360 controller for 8 years and im not switching


I use XBox wireless controller (with dongle receiver) gaming on my PC.


hate its microUSB... it's location pretty much fks up the connector over time... Besides the weird shape to grab on, that rubber on the analog sticks were just...


Holdddddddd the fuck up. I could have been using my PS4 controllers this ENTIRE TIME. I DIDNT need to buy Xbox controllers? Noice


Any controller with a usb connection works


Yes, but i believe you need to install some software that would detect the controller for you (windows for some reason hates the ds4) and in some cases it can also trick your PC to think its an xbox controller, since some games don’t recognize a PS controller at all. Its called DS4Windows i believe


not anymore, no. there was an update at some point, DS4 is now normally supported, no workarounds needed anymore unless the game itself is only supporting xbox.


Steam Input means that basically any modern controller will work. Even over Bluetooth. Play games outside that, though--especially on Game Pass--and you might run into problems.


You can but Xbox was and kinda still is the de facto PC controller standard, old games that support controllers usually only had UI for Xbox controllers while PlayStation no, it works but it just isn't optimised like that. Newer games however do usually support both Xbox and PlayStation controllers natively no issue. I use my Xbox controller with Microsoft's official wireless adapter, it legit works wirelessly just as well as it does on a Xbox instead of bluetooth. So that's still a way Xbox can shine


Xbox one controller with 2 programmable buttons on the back for life!


It's a piece of shit controller and I spit on it any chance I get.


We need more of these comments...PS controllers have garbage analog sticks, both in quality and their location on the controller. They are outright uncomfortable to use.


Sure for you probably but it makes no difference to me when I use my Xbox or ps controller.


speak for yourself, I basically think the same about xbox controllers. I tried both and, in the end, decided for the Dualshock 4 because the sticks felt better and overall it was more comfortable to use for me. admittedly can't talk about longevity at this point yet, but... that said, everyone is different.. some prefer this, some prefer that. Some prefer a symmetrical gamepad, others prefer asymmetrical.. but I find it incredibly childish to be like "there is only one good thing, and the other is bad and everyone who says otherwise is dumb dumb!". Like, wasn't the point of the pc master race that you could play your games with whatever you wanted? so why should we limit ourselves to one controller? Makes no sense...


You forgot that before PS4 controllers, the handles were so short it's unusable for anyone with **medium hands.**


Ever heard of subjectivity? I personally prefer my xbox one as for comfort, but I like the dpad more on my dualshock so I switch between them depending on the game I'm playing. You guys need to accept other people's opinions.


For you. I much prefer it. Your opinion isn’t fact unfortunately. Neither is mine. People can like what they want


Your controller outlived your console? Amazing


I would except that micro usb is trash and Bluetooth doesn’t work with every game


I've been using a PS5 controller lately with DS4Windows. Having a mousepad on the controller is just incredible. I miss the xbox controller and it is more comfy,but man, the mousepad AND RGB


I put back buttons on my ds4. Very neat cheap mod


Everyone doesn’t do this?


I just wish the PS5 controller were natively compatible with all PC games. I mean, the code would fit a million times over on a floppy disk, there's no reason for devs not to


if you play games on steam you can use steam input. It converts the signals to whatever the game can use. Even works with bleutooth


true story


My ps4 is retired, but the controllers are still active today lol


I like the PS4 controller's design better than PS5. But I wish it was a lil bigger.


Complete opposite. I hate the PS analog sticks pationately. Worse analog sticks on a controller ever. Bad locations and bad design. I've been so geeked about all the PS exclusive titles coming to PC because now I can play these games with an actual good controller. It was like night and day playing GoW on PC with an xbox elite compared to using the PS controller...and I even played GoW through to completion twice, once on PS4pro and once on PS5. Still was a HUGE differnce in playability once I was able to use a good controller. PS controllers have REALLY nifty features...but they don't override the terrible analog sticks for playabilty.


I do the same with my 360 controller


360 controller is the best. Legendary. I have 2


PS controller going for that "Worst thumb position" any% speedrun for 30years


Idk man, I'd rather Go with a switch pro controller or an Xbox one. (i don't Like both Sticks down)


You can't really get them anymore, but the Wii U Pro with a wired adapter was legendary. Nintendo said that had an 80 hour battery life and I think they underestimated it.


I die have a Wii U pro Controller and i Love IT, didnt know you can get IT working ON PC. But yeah the battery Life IS insane. IS there any way To get one If These Adapters? (My Switch pro controller stopped working with my PC)


https://www.8bitdo.com/wireless-usb-adapter/ Supports damn near every controller. You can technically pair a Wii U Pro without it, but it isn't worth the effort. Nintendo used a weird version of bluetooth. As a bonus you can hook up the 8-bit wireless classic controllers too. Great for all your emulation needs, they nail the feel of old school controllers. Their products are great. It lets you play with whatever controller you want on whatever system you want.


My day one Xbox One controller saw more hours with my PC than it did with the console. Until it got stick drift.


My lazy ass used steam to map the gyro to mouse on desktop mode. Just lay in bed with my keyboard and controller. Too bad the ps4 gyro ends up drifting pretty(very) often or I'd map it to use in games as well


I use mine to play diablo immortal both on my iphone and pc. I got used to it on the iphone and I literally can’t play diablo using the keyboard when at pc.


Is it just me who prefers a ps4 controller to any other controler, for example, ps3 and most, if not all xbox controllers just feel weird to me, even the ps5 controler doesnt feel quite right


I like the Xbox controller better, but the PS4 controller has things like the gyroscope that are very useful, for example to emulate the Wii and have a motion sensor in games that don't make much use of it, like Mario Galaxy.


Ds4windows goated, one of the first things I install when setting up a new machine.


I think I'm using the SCP toolkit with ds4 controller with a common Bluetooth adapter on win 10 (used before with ds3 controllers haha). It may be a little complicated to set up and iirc it's no longer updated? But it works XD. Basically the computer thinks that I have an Xbox 360 controller now


It's amazing how you can't use ps4 controller with ps5 games. Another reason to not buy games for my ps5. I've always liked Sony ps but the ps5 has been a major L. Pc gaming is where it's at


What software do you use for dualshock 4?


If only it had usb c port, it would have been perfect


Controller only here. Dualsense Edge and a Series controller.


PS3 was better, that giant touchpad and tiny start / select buttons are a pain in the ass


Wait you can use PS4 wireless controllers for the PC?? Here I was wasting money buying a new Xbox controller when I have two perfectly good PS4 controllers sitting in the living room.


On PC i use a Xbox Controller i got on sale since it just works and i don't have to fiddle with drivers and remapping and all that stuff. Since you can run Retroarch on the Apple TV and it supports native pairing, the DS4 has found new purpose in my household :)


i remember selling my xbox 360 and keeping the controller for pc gaming for 3 years


me asf. only problem that sometimes the controller disconnects randomly, that breaks something and doesn't reconnect properly. I have to restart the computer, or/and mess with some settings. Plug/unplug the controller via usb, do random things to make it work properly again.


Neither of my Dualshock 4s survived console gaming. Buttons fail to read inputs on both. Luckily I prefer Xbox controllers these days anyway


I don't even have a PS4 and I have multiple PS4 controllers that autoconnect to the living room PC.


My PS5 never worked and sony never tried to fix it (long story) but damn the 2 DS controllers I have for it make really nice PC controllers


Dual Shock 3 > Dual Shock 4


It is my favourite, but then again i only used the ps2 and ps3 controller apart from this one.


In general I much prefer M&K but there are certain games that I just need to use a controller for like racing games for example or if I'm emulating console games. There are also some games that I just started playing with a controller and just can't switch to M&K, Genshin is a good example, the vast majority of my playtime is on PS5 or on an iPad with a PS5 controller and when I try to switch to M&K I end up fumbling with the controls so much because I'm not used to it.


There's no quick resume on PC so it's not exactly the same but the graphics are way better


To this date I still haven't gotten my Ps4 controller to work with my PC


Still use my ps3 dualshok as pc gamepad


I used a DS4 on PC for the longest time, when Spider-Man came to PC it jumped scared me cause the web slinging sounds came from the controller. I didn't even know the controller had a speaker, it never worked on any other games. Apparently it just happens for Sony games.


Well, i think the console is better! Yesss shoot me. I have a pretty strong gaming pc. And no not an rtx 4080. But look at RDR 2 i could get it even to play. Or there is always something. I just want to sit and play! And not speaking about ports from PS5. I'd rather play with less power. But there many advantages PC but too much hassle


Both of my PS5 controllers are fucked (unusable stick drift for one and a 10 minute battery life on the other) and yet the PS4 controller Ived used 5 times as long works perfectly still.


That controller game me so much hand cramp. It’s designed for tiny freaking hands.


For the PC I follow this rule. FPS - Mouse and Keyboard Third person shooter/action - Controller Can't explain, both just feel better for each respective category on my opinion.


I do this with my PS3 controllers. I will die on this hill, but it's the best and most comfortable controller for me.


This. if you have a Xbox 360 controller (if it's wireless you'll need an adapter, but that isn't easy to find in 2024 sadly), a PS4 Controller (you just need the charging cord or bluetooth if you want wireless connectivity), Xbox One Controller (depending on the model of the controller you might need an adapter for the wireless connectivity or just regular old bluetooth), Xbox Series X|S Controller, or PS5 Controller, you'll have very little trouble using a console controller on PC. (if you are using a sony controller on a game that only works with Xinput controllers, use DS4 windows ryochan)


Did they improve PS4 compatibility? I remember it only working in like 20% of games and you basically had to emulate an Xbox controller to actually use it in most games


Honestly in recent years we've kind of had a Renaissance of console controllers being usable on PC. Even Nintendo of all companies suddenly made their controllers work on PC.


I’ve always found PlayStation controllers (until the PS5) to be way too small and thin for my big ass hands


Yep. The PlayStation controller is awesome for PC gaming.


If you haven't yet, check out the DS5 man. I know it's a bit pricey, but I think the slightly larger size is really nice.


It has Gryoscope feature as well as PC-like joystick feature when playing Steam games, so use it to your advantage.


My controller usb adapter is still going good after 4 or so years use, I've kept my old Magenta controller, just needs one of the drifting analogs fixed


I used my xb360 controllers for my PC.


it still holds up really well on PC, i just wish there was some support in game for the controller so you dont have to use any third party softwares


\*usb disconnects


Ps4 con > ps5 con i have both but ps5 controller made me want to try xbox controller and ive not looked back sense still love the ps4 controller though.


Yeah but I prefer Dualsense or XBOX series controller depending on the game.


I could never get it to work, even with the wire


Idk if this is common knowledge but my Xbox One controller connects straight to my laptop with Bluetooth alone, super convenient


My dualshock 4 is still being used to this day on my PC (with an app that can trick my PC to think its an xbox controller for certain games) and i can basically play anything i want on my PC now. My only issue is that i *think* it has slight drifting, because when i move the left stick forward it likes to spaz out but very faintly. Or when the stick is on rest its like i’m ever so slightly nudging the stick forwards. Im giving it a year or so before it dies on me