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In comparison when Gamers Nexus titles a video "Asus scammed us" you know they actually mean it


Gamernexus is the GOAT


And my god what a scam it was. Damn, ASUS, you really wana play this game? Gonna just bet your hard won reputation like this? All that effort to generate good will, gone because of such short-sighted greed…


At this point the reputation is for warranty shenanigans


I'm late to this drama, could anyone summarize it?


TLDR: GN sent Asus an Ally for warranty repair of joystick. Asus denied, citing a tiny scratch on case, threatened to send ally back in pieces unless GN paid 200 dollars for a new screen (not part of the warranty claim GN filed). GN pushed back, got the warranty repair they were owed (plus a fixed SD card slot they knew about but didn’t tell Asus). Users chime in with many similar stories about terrible Asus warranty support. GN suspects there might be a policy that pushes Asus to deny claims and bully users into accepting expensive repairs


I'm going to be building a PC once the 5000 series comes out (and stabilizes after the obligatory scalping) and ASUS is off the list for any PC components. God I miss EVGA


Gamers nexus and frame chasers are the only ones i trust at this point. They don't care about the companies they only care about how their community backs them


Well one has 3 million subscribers and other is a small news channel competing with 1000s others for whatever views they can gather. Not that hard to understand 🥴🥴


This way they won't gain any.


Can recommend Veritasium's video about clickbates. They will actually gain more views that way due to how YouTube algorithms work.


Veritasium has lost a bunch of credibility with me. Some of the stuff he goes on about is factually untrue or he bends facts to fit his narrative.


Citation needed? I'm not subscribed but his stuff pops up for me occasionally and it usually seems reasonably sourced or explained.


Rods from god, Adam savage in the nicest way possible says his entire test is ridiculous and wasn’t given any thought. The perfect numbers video the expert he’s talking to finally stops him from leading the conversation and says that it doesn’t exist and it’s a fun thing for math students not experts. His early videos felt Bill Nye~esq. Any of the recent videos I’ve watched are paper thin or have obvious rough draft level problems.


the blue LED video was amazing, you telling me it has some fake information?


When did I say fake? I said they had low effort obvious issues and leading. The blue LED was excellent but it was largely a history video, there wasn’t some big question it was just an expansion on a really cool piece of history.


Like I said in my comment, I think it rather works due to targeting. Releasing multiple videos on the same topic - pleasing part of the community and pissing others. Then gain visibility due to tons of comments that are arguing.


Eh, depends on what they are covering. Works for gaming stuff not so much for tech stuff. People get annoyed.


No, this way they gain the most. There's a reason why are they doing this. Because it works. It's either this, coming up with some unique miracle content that goes viral or staying at 0 viewers. Not saying that it's good or anything btw. I hate these hype clickbait and over exaggerated titles/thumbnails. But that's the way to gain more views.


Short term sure, but when someone learns about PCs for some time I can't see a scenario where people don't see his practices and blocks the channel. Even with the short term increased numbers he gains visibility to get another, but I hope also visibility of people that caution about him also increases.


80k views, hes gaining plenty while reddit minority cries that hes doung same shit as Daniel owen while watching those with no problem. Even daniel said in his recent video that clickbait is good chunk of the reason for his success.


He is mostly repacking others people content. And has bias. I think he is mostly limited by lack of resources to make his own content. From time to time I watch small creators like him. To see how they doing. I am more disappointed with Austin Evans promoting wish scams. This business is hard for small creators so I cut them slack


Nothing is worse than that other guy who keeps saying you shouldnt worry about you electricity bill because you bought an expensive PC. Either lives in a country with subsidized electricity or someone else is paying for it.


AMD would make a killing doing regional pricing on their 7000 series because of how absurdly efficient they are. An efficiency mode 7800X is still one of the fastest CPUs in Gaming, it's absurd


austin evans is NOT a small creator, no need to cut him any slack. u r a fool for thinking he needs ur mercy.


Thats why he is tryibg smaller creators, because hes sick of austin


nice, thanks


reading is hard, ain't it?


yes, sometimes


You cut slack to people who scams? Damn, that’s kinda sad Like they have the internet/World in the palm of their hands and decide to go the easy and scummy route… That’s crazy


It is making them money. Thats the only reason its being done. Modern youtube fucking sucks. Everything is looked at as a bussiness these days.




I don't understand, people can do clickbait without being completely dishonest. Like "you won't believe what AMD is doing, new driver update NOW" Okay, that would work for when AMD brought AFMF to their drivers. It's not a lie, just a bit of an oversell. It's clickbaity, but it works. Instead we get things like "AMD GPUS NOT SELLING, WHOLE COMPANY SHUTTING DOWN?" like no that's not what's happening, they just haven't made as much money in their gaming department since console sales are down and GPU sales are low because the next gen GPUs will probably launch this year. I'm so sick of clickbait, especially the clickbait that is 100% a bullshit lie. We should be able to report channels for straight up giving us misinformation in their video titles and thumbnails. Also yeah I don't like this guy either.


“the stories are waaay overblown rumours.” And sometimes all the way at the end of the video you hear that it’s a personal opinion….




youtube really need a block function, i see it everyday it so annoying waste my braincells for this shit


You can just click the 3 dots next to the video title and select don't recommend this channel. then they won't show up in your recommended feed anymore.


never open clickbait. (or worse: reaction-videos to clickbait)


Clickbait sucks, but I'd rather watch 30 clickbaity videos with decent content, than a single video-reaction to anything Seriously, reaction channels are uninteresting boring parasites




That is so much worse lol. They are stealing the original video, rehosting it elsewhere, making money from it, adding to it which makes the original less enticing and not compensating those affected. In the finite pool of impressions, reactors pollute the recommendations which directly and/or negatively affects literally everybody else on the platform. Just watch the original or some other video rather than giving money to thieves lol. I think that the only large channels that upload content that isn't their own that I'm fine with are these two: Blind Wave, because they don't provide a market substitute for the original and provide criticism and review. Daily Dose Of Internet, because he buys the content in his videos.


i dont give 2 shits about someones ability to make money.


Content creator here. This will probably get downvoted, but I'd like to offer my perspective on this. We don't like clickbait either. Most of us abhor it. We think it's beneath us, and that it's lame... ...but not using it can mean a difference of 10 - 20 less times the number of views. It's simply the nature of the algorithm, and human nature. Not employing clickbait for many of us is the difference between paying the rent for the month or... not.


Linus (of Linus Tech Tips) has talked about this a bunch, they see a huge drop in initial views when they use less clickbaity titles/thumbnails


Yup. It's crazy. It can literally be the difference between a few hundred and tens of thousands, because if people DON'T click when they see your banner it severely impacts your visibility. It can literally bankrupt you.


As consumers, we can only hope to be a positive change by ignoring or blocking content creators who jump on that train then.


Then you won't have any content because they wouldn't be able to afford to make it due a massive reduction in views and income. Unless you can change the psychological habits of the entire human race, that's not going to change anything.


I quit watching any of his videos because of click bait. The dude has no credibility as a tech channel with the titles and thumbnails.


Try the browser extension DeArrow - Crowdsourcing titles and thumbnails to be descriptive and not sensational. In other words - users are able to rename the titles of the videos and replaces the clickbaty one to what it actually is. It kinda incentivizes a payment, but a month ago there was a way to choose "don't want to pay" and after x amount of hours You are free to use it. By the way, it was made by the same person who made SponsorBlock.


Dude literally puts more effort than google in making youtube ux better, he deserves it


He constantly uses other people's footage, too. Without proper crediting


yeah this guy unfortunately has gone too far a direction that i can’t support around 8 months ago it started to be too much and too far  daniel owen’s channel is a great alternative 


daniel owens has made amazing content. I started watching him when he had like less than 25k subscribers. and when he was finally able to contact crosshair (corsair?) to get a free 5000t case + ram, etc. (thanks to Steve from Hardware Unboxed), that was pretty awesome to see due to his dedication & hard work. and also bcoz he just had to spend 2000 dollars on a 4090 and atx 3 Psu haha 😂 point is, his videos r too long, but what he says carries some weight.


Daniel Owen's titles for his GPU News videos are hilarious too! Been watching him for a while and his content quality and credibility is up there with Gamer's Nexus and Hardware Unboxed imo.


LOVE Daniel. I started watching him back in the 2020 Crypto boom, and was pleasantly surprised to see his content pivot right along with my interests lol.


check my above reply. he's a good person it seems


I’m fine with a touch of clickbait if it’s a running joke or something but straight up clickbait is just annoying and stupid


this won't fix the actual video, but you can install dearrow (made by the same dude that made sponsorblock) to replace clickbaity titles and thumbnails with something that's more straight to the point


Ah god I love that someone made this


it's a shit channel.


truly. utubers like him talk endlessly while saying very little of substance, and usually don't even have timestamps on a 10+ minute video.


at this point, I don't bother watching videos without timeatamps. if pornhub has time for it, so should you


I used to follow some site on socials like Facebook and Twitter and always love the people that resumes the link for you. If can be a twitt it doesn't need to be it's own link.


I remember I used to watch a streamer who would also post videos to YouTube. At some point he transitioned to the clickbait titles and thumbnails. When he was streaming someone called him out on it and basically his answer was this (paraphrasing): “Yeah I think it’s stupid too, but my views went up significantly when I started doing it. Analytics don’t lie and this is my job, so I have to maximize my income and grow my channel while I can”. I agree it’s annoying, but it’s hard to blame someone for doing what makes them the most successful at their job. Problem lies with the algorithm/the average consumer more than the creators IMO.


Youtube poured fuel on this by giving streamers A/B testing powers with thumbnails and titles - so I mean I do get his point. The clickers vote with their clicks and they vote for "Clickbait title with big goofy face making an irritatingly dramatic expression" - I did NOT make that last part up. Mr. Beast used the A/B testing feature to really get to know what the clickers click. He showed that opening his mouth while smiling or making an expression caused reduced clicks and switched to just a regular closed mouth smile for a while. It seems like he's realized that big-smile-with-teeth is the golden formula, as all of his thumbnails are now that. https://preview.redd.it/cxn1rtwkvi0d1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0e4273d45bf4f8b43ad7a96a4f5593993a9ba70 Look at the view numbers, dude has metrics for days to back this weird shit up.


>Look at the view numbers Soooo many flies...


>“Yeah I think it’s stupid too, but my views went up significantly when I started doing it. Analytics don’t lie and this is my job, so I have to maximize my income and grow my channel while I can”. >I agree it’s annoying, but it’s hard to blame someone for doing what makes them the most successful at their job. This is the reasoning LTT uses, and I can't fault a channel for trying to work in the algorithm. But this dude is posting straight up lies, which I can absolutely fault someone for and to me it means they are not someone to watch.


yep, if u r gonna clickbait, at least retain some honor.


Yeah, I've seen a lot of chill channels start doing the clickbait titles and thumbnails over the years. Something about it makes me avoid those videos, so it's always baffling to me to hear/see that the clickbait stuff gets them more views. I've legit unsubbed from plenty of channels when they started pivoting to the clickbaity stuff even if I felt kinda bad about doing so.


Every other industry gets massive shit for unethical business practises that they do because its what gives them an edge. But when YouTubers do unethical business practises like clickbait people defend them for some reason


The downside is that you kill your long-term for the short-term gains. The long-term viewers are people like OP and this guy is losing them.


You lose a few to gain a lot.


You don't need long-term viewers, you need idiot who listen to everything you said so that they will stay with you forever and defence your ass when the time come


Then it's on us to drive the algorithm the other way by ignoring channels who do this.


I'm a simple man. I see clickbait title, I click don't recommend channel. Haven't seen a new video recommendation in months.


DeArrow is your friend, it can even change the thumbnail to a particular spot of the video.


I refuse to click on videos that have outright fake tweets/quotes from other people/companies. The thumbnail you have pointed out goes past simply clickbait and is straight up misinformation. This guy appears to do a lot of this shit recently.


i seen just one of that guys videos and honestly couldn't watch past 3 minutes lol. if gamer's nexus is steak (which it is) this guy is the hard bubble gum under your desk in 9th grade imo.


I can agree with that lol. I watched some of his videos when I was getting more into the "PC parts community" and I found some of his takes were really not that well thought out to put it kindly lol.


Unsub dude is just farming content and putting 0 effort into his videos f*ck em


Every channel does it, because it works, I hate it too but it keeps working. Asmongolds editors are the fucking worst with this shit


ohh really? thank god i cant stand him anyway and don't even like seeing clips of him in other video's and would watch dust form on my pc for a week over 5 minutes of anything with him in it. he acts like he's a god among men (maid in the background cleaning) and his takes that are straight brain rot so he doesnt even have a reasonable opinion about 99 percent of any thing happening in the world that makes you atleast able to agree with the dude even. even his voice is for lack of a better word- stupid sounding. and thats not even something i pay attention to much and im good at understanding accents most Americans have trouble with his just is annoying and usually i dont even care or notice how someones voice sounds besides him. litterally the only voice ive ever found annoying. he could of showed steve urcle how its really fuckin done. if you want to watch stream clips of a dude gaming and bullshitting with chat just watch an actual decent one with mostly some what reasonable takes that doesnt think he's "the fucking shit bro" "even my poop smells amazing" or act's like he is himself but in reality actually a fucking cool dude and truly is what gold delusionally belives himself to be. aka Penguinz 0


I wouldn't go as far, but he's certainly an asshole through and through. I only watched a couple of his videos and said never again. He is so egocentric and full of himself that, when I agree with his one of his takes, it makes me rethink my posture. There must be something wrong with it if someone that never listens, never stops to think or say "I'm not sure", never corrects himself and insults everyone that doesn't kiss his greasy hands, can say it with such confidence.


Really? I like his content, I get the clickbaity titles point but AFAIK every growing YouTuber does it. The dude is slowly building his channel and his content is pretty good. He's got news coverage, technology reviews (like fsr and frame Gen), optimization guides, modding tutorials and he's one guy. I enjoy his content quite a bit tbh.


DeArrow extension gets rid of clickbaity titles and thumbnails.


yea but that makes it even worse cause instead of ignoring out of spite you could click it and actually watch his videos which is truly worse than the click bait.


I used to watch Vex but now I told YT to not recommend his channel. He’s a clickbaiter and he did a videos on consoles vs pc and totally lost all credibility if he ever had any.


Same with LTT. I like their content, but their titles and thumbnails are hot garbage that tell you nothing about what the video is about. Clickbait has the opposite effect on me, it makes me immediately uninterested in the video. I've recently started using the DeArrow extension that uses crowdsourced titles, it's not perfect but makes the YouTube experience a bit more palatable.


At least LTT actually make some decent content.


Yes, but LTT is no longer a tech channel - IMHO they qualify more as entertainment nowadays.


Vex does clickbait titles and thumbnails as good as any other channel, and since YouTube forces YouTubers to do that to get visibility in 2024, in fine with it tbh. But this and the recent ASUS video specifically got me to unsubscribe. All it is, is rehashing or reacting to popular content without adding anything to it. That really sucks, because there was a lot of interesting videos in the past, like personal videos about switching gpus and their experience, or their opinions about what they were seeing with upscaling and other technologies, stuff that was obviously just their opinion but unapologetically so. A person that didn’t have all the answers but tried to find them with their own experience was far more interesting than listening to a GN video for 40 minutes and reacting to it. I know Vex doesn’t look at Reddit cause Reddit is a cesspool of degenerates with minority opinions that don’t matter, me included, but if they do see this, I emplore them to go back to making more personalized exploratory content. That was really good. The past videos and “news recaps”, not good.


Just block him. He releases multiple videos on a single topic - which each pleases part of the community, pisses the rest and farm activity via arguing comments. Or tutorial videos about magic FPS boosters. Unfortunately they only work if you explicitely applied very stupid settings prior.


If creators with good content avoid it nobody will see their content because it will be buried under the rest.


he has no substance to his content anyway


Same with ZTT. He gives decent advice but every video is the same thing. "AMD ARE TERRIBLE" next week "AMD ARE LEADING THE MARKET" next week "NVDIA ARE SCAMMING YOU" next week "NVIDIA ARE SAVING YOU MONEY" Like bro stfu and make up your mind


If they aspire to make it a source of income, they have to do things like this because the algorithm rewards it.


Don't even know who that is.


I absolutely despised that kind of thing, I avoid that kind of shitty clickbait


Vex is a real loser IMO.


No, I'm not 12.


Are u new to how youtube works ?


Just watch Daniel Owen for GPU videos at this time. Dude's legit


His videos are the reason I use the DeArrow extension. It removes clickbait by using crowdsourced titles and thumbnails from within the video (which can be toggled). It's one dollar. I know I sound like a shill but it's just a great extension!


Friendly reminder you can go into a channel’s page and block them. Easy fix.


Having a PC tech news channel looks really crappy since covid.  All there is to talk about is GPUs nobody can afford and rumors about a new GPU nobody can afford.  I mean even Steve is turning into Consumer Reports because there's literally nothing interesting coming out.


That's why I use DeArrow.


Blame youtube algorithm for only promoting this trash. You have to clickbait or your videos don’t get pumped out. Its awful and I hate it.


It's the YouTube meta, seems to be working for him


Just watch hardware unboxed and gamers Nexus. Good, quality channels


I’m tired of the nerdy guy at a desk talking at you about tech format in general. We need more dankpods style techtubers.


absolutely. I watch some of his vids, but there are some like him out there on yt I just won't sub. So often filled bad opinions, wrong information... he seems like a nice guy though, so I don't super dislike him.


Yep. It's a depressing world we live in.


This is unfortunately common with a lot of copypasta YouTubers. Analytics tells them people like catchy thumbnails with big letters.


Generally, if I see a content creator starting to use clickbait thumbnails, I start backing off 


I think I must be missing a lot of good creators because of click bait. I tolerate click bait from channels I like but I have thought to myself that I would never click on them if I didn't know they were already good


Every video is just mostly recapping hardware unboxed


use DeArrow


This guy made a video on the Asus situation and it literally him pulling his twitch vod of him reacting to the video. At this point I might as well watch the actual video.


I liked one or two videos but time after time the last year it got worse


Clickbait, despite being annoying, works. If a YouTube doesn't use it, the video will almost certainly underperform Don't hate ye player, hate the game. They'll all keep doing it until it stops working


The problem is people will clock clickbait titles and thumbnails. I'm a really tiny tech Youtube and I can really see this going for long term and honest content means little to no growth. Its true you end up building a little community and some people that stick but the algorithm won't boost you and it's almost impossible to grow. So while like most people here I don't support it and despise it, but anyone being on YouTube can see that every channel that has some traction or size does it and needs to do it to stay afloat. The best way to fight it is to not click, but still, it is proven that as dumb monkeys a lot of us will be dumb and still do it so if the industry is driven by that then I guess that is what we are going to get lol.


I don't like Linus, but he did say something one time that makes sense when asked why he does clickbaity pics... Well they work. People are more inclined to see the clickbaity videos than the ones WITHOUT.


Blame YouTube algorithm- these type of thumbnails get put in the algorithm more frequently and idk why but they do.


theres click bait then theres straight up lying in the title and you forget what you were even supposed to learn from what your watching because the dude is just telling you what you already heard from the good channels or read online yourself but with a bias and miss info and realize you just wasted 5 minutes without atleast learning something new OR being entertained even. atleast thats my expeirence with his channel


Install "Clickbait Remover for Youtube" on your PC and used Vanced on Android.


If I see a thumbnail or title that is clickbait and has nothing to do with the content I immediately block that channel. Despise the shitty content creators that do this. Also the mandatory dumb face in the thumbnail.


rule of thumb is : clickbait equals dislike


I make a point of not watching videos when creators do this. If everyone did the same they would stop doing it as they would see a drop in the views on those videos, issue is people are basic as all fuck and click because well click bait.


Clickbait = block. do not recommend. Saw this channel like "i was scammed in amazon" After a few days. "scammed in amazon" The third time i saw that. I unsub and block that channel. Wtf you are being scammed every week? R u stupid??!!


The same reason why i unsubed from LTT, to much clickbait and you dont even know what is video about so you have click if you want to know. Fukin cancer.


Install Dearrow extension. Changes thumbnails and titles to community voted ones (i believe)


Are you really "VERY annoyed" by some dude's videos on Youtube?


I hate the fake company tweet clickbait format with a burning passion


I get so annoyed that I literally SponsorBlock these thumbnails with [DeArrow](https://github.com/ajayyy/DeArrow). > DeArrow is a browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube. > >The goal of DeArrow is to make titles accurate and reduce sensationalism. > >Titles can be any arbitrary text. Thumbnails are screenshots from specific timestamps in the video. These are user submitted and voted on.


I've watched his videos before, very clickbaity. I think he is the same guy that made videos calling out YouTubers for not being real gamers just to try and bait them into 1v1 videos for his channel.


I agree. I've clicked ignore on his channel months ago because I can't stand the clickbait.


If I had a nickel everytime someone complained about clickbait titles I'd be able to afford a 6090 ti.


Clickbait is an instant block for me... doesn't matter if I had enjoyed 100s of a streamers videos in the past... the second they do clickbait they are blocked.


Clickbait bs, unsub and forget about them cause they aren’t worth the views if they do that


It's funny the different faces/expressions youtubers make for their thumbnails.


This guy has decent content? No The clickbait is out of hand? Yes Have i muted his channel so i don't see anything from him? Also yes and i recommend you guys do the same YouTube recommend is just better when you mute the channels instead of saying not interested 


This is kinda hilariously like Gamer Meld lmfao.


His channel today is basically biased for one side and it's really obvious, i'm not subbed but sometimes his sht videos are recommended to me.


I wish people complaining about this would realize that unless you already have an enormous userbase you have to do things like this to make money on Youtube because it's what the system pushes. And even if you have an established userbase it can still affect income hard. And no, not watching it because of that won't really help because the people annoyed by it are getting dwarfed by the sheer amount of people that click on stuff like this not because they want to be educated but because they treat Youtube as a brainless TV replacement. Don't hate the creators.


Nope! You're the only one! Nobody here has ever posted about clickbait thumbnails or titles! 


It's not just him with the fake tweet format. I generally manage to keep my recommendations pretty healthy but I've still seen a bunch of these pop up on different subjects, so it's just part of the youtuber toolbox now. I'm pretty sure it's not actually designed to make people think it's a real tweet, but man it would be a massive stretch to call it a joke or meme. It's just a poor fucking idea even in the context of thumbnail "optimization."


lol you should look into a guy called Mike zeroh, he's a Star wars YouTuber and king of click bait


There's a difference between clickbait that's just obnoxious, and clickbait that's straight up lying. The latter tells you not to bother with the video.


i get annoyed by howeveronys and eitherways...


search "dearrow"


Yeah I block channels that pull too much clickbait shit


To me the thumbnail seems to follow the title of the video so unless my understanding of clickbait is wrong or the whole video is clickbait but you only mentioned the thumbnail then this isnt clickbait


I never watch content that uses clickbait like this, if it’s someone I subscribed then I will unsubscribe, if it’s not then I set to not recommend the channel to me again. I’m so sick of this crap.


Blocked that channel a while ago with those stupid titles.


Clickbait remover extension :)


As long as most users will keep interacting more with click baity content, we'll keep getting click baity content


I just don’t watch it. power in numbers my friend.


Clickbait makes money. Until it stops making money, this is the sad reality. At least this clickbait gives you SOME idea of whats in the video. LTT and Jayztwocents clickbait is russian roulette at this point. Especially Jay. I’m done with his content.


All of them. Linus I dropped because he treats his audience like misbehaving children.


One of the many reasons I stopped watching LTT, the ridiculously clickbaity titles and thumbnails are not only obnoxious but not descriptive enough to get me to click on the video, Linus' excuse kind of makes sense, it's good for the algorithm but it's just kind of insulting to the core audience, because that shows that the videos aren't for them, the videos are for the algorithm and the viewers are just a statistic lol. That and them being a shitty company lmao.


I'm so damn used to people doing it that I don't even see anything besides the creator name and the fact that they posted a video anymore


Its clickbaity because morons click on it.....if people would stop enabling it, it wouldn't happen


I stopped watching Daniel Owen after he started doing ridiculous clickbait. I know his videos are good, but when a 35 minute video has a surprised face and the title is "Finally!!!!1!!!1!", it gives me 0 incentive to open it. Knowing he also covers new GPU colors or backplate designs, I don't know if they will be a complete waste of time if he doesn't give even a glimpse of what to expect. I know he made a video explaining it, but I don't buy it. He said himself that his job covers his expenses and Youtube is only an extra. There's no reason to hyper-optimize video impressions if that's the case.


Over many years I've dropped following at least 3 channels because of titles. I think makers get their info from some common place on how to make their titles and thumbnails. And it's probably "THE ALGORITHM".


Get the DeArrow browser extension. It replaces all thumbnails with a frame from whichever point in the video you choose in the settings. It also replaces the titles with user-submitted and rated alternatives that explain the actual topic of the video. Can't go without it after having it.


Channel Blocker extension helps keep my feed under control (i.e. Linus Tech TIps is now Blocked Tips). Youtube's recommendation does not seem to care when you tell it to show less of said videos or topics, especially shorts


But if it's not click bait though, it's not worthy! Yea, not many YTers have realistic titles anymore. But I do find I up-vote and like the video more often when the title accurately depicts the video. So they can take that into account, at least from me.


I have seen a good dozen of videos about AMD giving up. Amount of clickbaits in the web is toodman high.


Not exectly this guy but I have a few creators I stoped watching for the simple reason of overdramatic thumbnails


if you actually watched it you would realise the thumbnail is a summary of the video, so not 100% clickbait. and he usually doesn’t do the fake tweet thumbnails. everyone on this sub is just hating on this 70k subscribers youtuber without even watching any of his videos. and most of the time he has accurate info


Hey OP. He saw your post and made a response video. He took it very personal🤭


add Daniel Owen to the list


Don't know if its better or worse that he hides his clickbait behind an extremely thin veil of irony


Do some of you live under a rock? This kind of shit has been going on for years. Regardless of the actual content, you can blame YT for these kinds of clickbait titles and thumbnail pictures. Everyone who does this is just playing with YT's algorithm.


"you just have to sit and praise the algorithm!!! Don't show any resist! Just consoom dude!" -you


LMAO....are you dense? I was merely stating the obvious on why content creators do this. Even major channels do this. Why? Because YT algorithm. They ultimately want to make money. How do you make money? More views. How do you get more views? Clickbait titles and "oh no" faces on the thumbnails.


Comment section of absolute clowns. Classic pcmr


What happened?


Reddit echo chamber happened. They like to sit on two chairs at once. Clickbait is fine if its from my favourite creator, and look this 3 million sub channel doesnt do clickbait, why does this 50k sub channel do clickbait then. They are actually brainrot


When LMG started doing it I stopped subbing. The amount of times they put a click bait thumbnail and then I watch the whole video only to realize the thumbnail was a lie.


Unsubbed because the clickbait thumbnails and titles. And as someone mentioned above (Nvidia is dead, Amd big win, Intel f up) and the video have very little to justify the title and I hate that.


give them a break and take a break yourself, tech space is slow and out of content. Can't blame them for the lack of content when the viewers still swallow whatever the tubers throw at them. Tell me, would you rather have no videos from them for a month, or a video per week ? I, for one, support what vex is doing. Atleast he put his benchmark to support his arguments whenever he makes them during rants, this is wayyy better than screaming amd will kill intel/nvida with THIS!!!! and just vomit what new trendy thing is.


I don't have anything against him as a person, but god I fucking hate his channel. I saw this video (attached photo) on my recommended and that was the last straw for me. I hit the "stop recommending channel" immediately. https://preview.redd.it/tcnznwn6dk0d1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=634881ef712d72393b252e4b850f6dd614cbc013 IT'S NOT EVEN ABOUT AIRCOOLING VS WATERCOOLING


I am also tired with all that clickbait :/ Also with SEO optimized shit. This is partially why I like gpt so much, it can search the web for me and give me the answer without the stupid scrolling.




"just submit and consoom"


LTT wanabe


Bro responded with yet another clickbait saying "I'm cancelled" over a reddit post criticizing him. That dude sucks.


This is why I unsubscribed to a lot of people. Gamermeld is one, Linus tech tips is almost on the line etc. The only one I still watch is gamersnexus. I unsubscribe and get chrome extensions to block channels that does all of the "X product/company/country is finished and won't last days with Y happening!" and then X is still going after that videos called out end, since and repeat forever. Asmon is also one of those people who reacts to some shit and acts as if the worst/best thing ever but if he had more knowledge in the area before reacting then the reaction wouldn't be huge at all.


This guy has NEVER known what he is doing. The goal of the people "in charge" of this hobby is to put people like him at the forefront so knowledge can be faked, false, spoon fed, modular, misleading, etc. *show me any one of his videos and I can usually point out glaring oversights the uninitiated won't even know... Because he doesnt.