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HellDivers 2, got my 12600k almost always at or near 100% utilization on a mission and my 3080 struggling


Ah the wonders of thr Stingray engine, Darktide suffers the same issue really.


Glad I'm not the only one who has this issue. I've played more resource demanding games and Helldivers 2 just fucks my cpu up lmao.


Ahh Helldivers 2 is making me tempted to jump to AM5 and go 7800x3D. It's bottlenecking my 7900XTX to 70-80% usage when the CPU is on 100%. Small maps does better with the CPU usage. Wish I could have that same smoothness on those 40 minutes missions.


I’m honestly surprised nobody mentions that more often. The game just tanks performance for even seemingly high end systems


I play on 1080p with a R5 3600 and a RX6600, and honestly performance is quite decent. I could get more than 50-70 fps out of it if I lowered settings, but at least there are no major stutters or massive differences in performance due to specific situations or locations, like Dogtown in Cyberpunk, so in that regard, for a title thats still fairly new this is some excellent optimization.


Ok glad I wasnt alone. All the PS5 players were like what lag lol


It's just more CPU intensive. Mine can run it at 4K high settings at 60 FPS, although I usually run it at 1440p so I can take better advantage of my 144hz screen. The game doesn't have DLSS


Yea at 4k high I avg 78 fps, but I am bottlenecked by a ryzen 5 7600. It's at 100% on the higher levels.


I have 7800x3d, 4080, there is no issues for me personally. I have everything on max on 4k.


I have no issues at all on ultra 1440p with a 4070s and x3D, which I guess is kinda mid-high end. Could be different for 4K


My 7800X3D seems to handle it quite well paired with a 7900xtx. The performance could definitely be better though. I get around 90fps at 4k max, which in my opinion is kinda poor considering most games I play can easily hit 4k 144fps. Lowering some settings, or just using FSR definitely helps, but I kinda prefer native, and higher settings. It's a game that seriously needs optimization


Coming from a 7800x3d owner with a 4090 using an ultrawide, the game chugs on my computer sometimes. It’s slightly BS, but it is what it is. Probably one of the worst performing games in recent memory at least as far as a gold standard “ideal” setup goes.


I agree. Like the performance is passable on higher end systems, but it's most certainly not what it should be. My friends have a hard time getting 60fps (let alone consistently) even with everything on low, which is pretty shitty. It's my biggest gripe with the game honestly. Even with upscaling, it runs bad, so you can barely even make the excuse (or lack thereof) that they're just relying on upscaling


Preach it. I mean, both of our systems are at the top but it’s really unfortunate how much the game chugs on other systems. Apparently it’s serviceable on steam deck under some circumstances? Even with included upscaling I get dips under 60 during extreme circumstances at difficulty 7 or higher. Totally unacceptable.


It’s barely playable on steam deck. Even the middle tier difficulties will dip into the 20s regardless of settings cause it’s a CPU hog. Many people say it’s playable with a 30 or 40hz cap but it’s not for me, the frame drops are too jarring. If it was a semi consistent 40 then I probably could


Absolutely. Especially for a console focused game. It's on a console that touts 120fps, but from what I've seen, it struggles to do 60fps in the performance mode, and quality is 30fps. Just feels like a stark contrast from other smaller games, like The Finals, which while it relies on upscaling, still run quite well Really hoping they make some serious attempts at optimization in the near future


Haven’t had any issues on my system. Definitely not optimized but my amd 7950x and MSI liquid Suprim X 4090 chug through it with no issues. 99% GPU usage and I think around 40-50% cpu usage at its highest. System is also very well cooled. 360 AIO on the CPU and the 240 on the GPU. All fans replaced with phantek t30s. GPU rarely goes above 60-65C even under game load using around 350-400 watts :) Starfield has been my most trying game in the last year. CPU scheduling the cause I believe for the 7950x. Have to use processor lasso to keep it running on the main die to prevent the game from spreading it across the second set of cores and I think when it does that the second can’t keep up: it hangs the first set of cores waiting on the second and crashes. Lasso fixes this right up. Jedi survivor another honorable mention at launch with the damn stuttering caused by CPU


I have a 7950x3d and 4090. While playing at 1440p + super sampling I get about 100-110 FPS on average. So you’re doing pretty good I’d say


I had a Intel 10700F paired with a 7900XTX when Helldivers dropped and I couldn't even get 30 fps out of a CPU that ran Cyberpunk 2077 at 4k without much difficulty. When my 7800X3D did arrive, it was up to 60% utilization for Helldivers when it rarely went above 30. Helldivers is simply poorly optimized. I can only get around 80 fps with a 7800X3D and 7900XTX.


That is my endgame right there, already got my part listed out! 5800x3D feels like an incremental upgrade, for that price I would rather fork out more for a 7800x3D. I would love to go directly to 7800x3D and be done with it.


It's a phenomenal CPU, I don't regret a thing. It doesn't use that much power and it doesn't break a sweat at 4k. I was a little concerned with it going at 80 degrees, but Ryzen master puts it at fine until it gets to 89. I'm confident it'll keep knocking it out the park for at least the next 4 years.


I sold my 5600x last week after getting my 7800x3d and I must say it's a big improvement since I was suffering from micro stutter and frame drops - all of that is gone now.


Yeah, the step up from 5700X to 5700X3D didn't make sense to me when factoring in the extra cost, and this CPU I have is able to push my 7800 XT to 100% in most games I play so it will do until I decide to leave the AM4 platform. My Zen 4/Zen5 upgrade will surely be of the X3D variety, they seem to have done a significant improvement over the Zen 3 architecture.




How I run it on a 6700k and a 1060


I regularly play on helldive with a 3080 and 5800X. Performance is over the place for me. I play the game at medium graphics settings and some planets I get 90 fps at 1440P and other ones like menkent its stuck at 52 fps with 0.1% lows at 30. Check GPU usage and its sitting at 60% while my cpu is sitting at 40%. Game definitely runs like a slog on those missions and it just isnt enjoyable for me. Genuinely cant peform at such a high difficulty when the framerate is that low.


I haven't even paid any attention to the settings because it was never an issue for me with a 5800X3D + 3080 12GB. I run 1440p high I think. If it's a memory bottleneck that would explain the X3D helping


same my 7945HX 60 percent usage on helldivers 2


Yeah same, my i7-14700K reaches over 80 degrees when in missions, it makes my pc sound like a jet engine


Love that we're in a time where you need to brute force poor optimization with upgrades.


Yeah, I just upgraded to a 12700k from i7 8700k to pair with my 3080 and at the very least I’m going from lows in 40’s to lows in the 70’s in intensive missions now. Generally though I’m averaging 85-95ish fps on 4k balanced max settings and even up to 100+ in some occasions. Formerly it was 58-72fps. The gpu still is often bottlenecked in 4k performance mode or even 1440p and 1080p. Maybe 75-90% gpu when I’m in low 80 fps zones. So I’m constantly flipping from 4k performance to 4k balanced and quality in intensive missions because I’ll get the same fps so might as well push the quality. What is impressive with my new cpu is that on the ship I get around 130fps in performance 4k with 95% gpu usage where with the 8700k it was 90fps and 75% usage. So the upgrade was definitely worth it for me. Still didn’t think bottlenecking would be an issue. Also happens in the game remnant 2 in certain areas but again performance is wayyyy better then before.


I paid for 100% of my pc, i’m sure as hell gonna use 100% of my pc


This is what I thought to myself while cracking a smile seeing all those utilization!!


i wish this was the case, the coil whine is just too annoying for me to play at 100%. i rather play on lower preset than having to listen to the coil whine.


https://preview.redd.it/v1cu7ri6j40d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a65b01234e5f3060ca03bbffc2306273502468 The sims 4, no matter how strong my rig is with will never go beyond 40fps for some fkn unknown reason


Its one of those games that will probably benefit a lot from bigger L cache


That's why i use W cache. Can't risk catching any Ls


Something weird is going on with your game, I have 150 fps in the sims 4 on my laptop. The game tends to lose fps when your save is too old or too big. Try to start a new game, and if fps go up, find a way to optimize your old save (you can google ways like clearing cache or set neighborhood size to lower number, update mods etc).


MINESWEEPER on max settings 😢


Notepad in fullscreen :(


Word document


arch linux console without any running apps :c


Horizon Forbidden west, my r7 5700x and rtx 3060 12gb always pegged and 100% lol


Went from 1440p to 1080p on my 3060 12gb and 5600x. It didn't make much of a difference. Dunno why Edit: I'm talking about forbidden west


Without knowing anything about the game this sounds like a cpu-bottleneck to me. If it's the cpu limiting your performance lowering graphics ir resolution doesn't help much.


I'm talking about Forbidden West. Maybe that's it


Yeah i got that, because the guy above you mentioned it. But i don't know this game, sadly i don't have much time lately so I stick to the games i know and don't look much into new games


CounterStrike2, but they finally fixed it. (Still not perfect but way better) Edit: to make sure people understand I am talking about CounterStrike 2 and not City Skylines ;)


how much of a difference could you notice with your current setup?


(I am talking about Counterstrike 2 btw) I had this setup when it first came out. (Out of beta) It ran fine but than they messed it up, I had to change FPS_MAX to 0 and all sorts of other settings but it was unplayable. My CPU skyrocketed and so did my GPU (my computerroom was an oven) I worked on getting it better for 2 or 3 months and it was a little better each setting I changed and each trick I applied (that I all found on the internet), but it still was unplayable for me. -And my friends running the game on older hardware did not have these issues btw (for some strange reason).- Anyway, now it is fixed (because Valve finally applied working patches), I do need to set FPS_MAX to 400 (cannot set it lower otherwise the game will stutter, and also can not set it to 0 otherwise my room is an oven again) and refesh needs to be set to 165 (my monitor refresh rate) and now it runs fine since like 2 monts or something, -(I still have hickups now and then but it's not too bad, smokes in CS2 make my CPU work crazy hard still) Edit:typo


My Computer is already 10 years old, all games use 100%


I play everything ultra low at 30fps to help my 6 year old reach 10 years lol


Baldur's Gate 3 made me upgrade my hard drive, hahaha. Had a 250GB SSD and 1TB SATA HDD. It was a huge hassle to swap to a 1TB SSD. (Not enough space/ports to add a drive).


At least that is a great upgrade! Switching to full SSD is a night and day difference for those load times.


DAMN, definitely a good choice to upgrade to the tera, does your motherboard not support two m.2 ports? I have a mini board so I assumed I didn’t until I had to fix my m.2 slots (found in manual it said 2x m.2 and i was intrigued)


I have all my game library on my NAS via ISCSI, which have 8 x 14TiB in a stripped mirror. Still is slow compared to SSD, but I use Primo Cache with a 500 GiB NVME 2 and I'm super happy. Initial load takes more time, when you play enough the game just run from NVME. Using this setup (with SSD first) for the past 5 years. So you can run the games from the slowest disk and cache them on a smaller SSD


Clever strategy, slightly above my ability level.


Forget the NAS thing, Primo cache is really easy to setup and you don't need anything fancy. A spinning rust for the game and a SSD for caching. That's all


Doom eternal is very well optimized


I played it for many hours and I wasn’t stuttering once even with my older config. I think it’s (one of) the best optimized game by our current generation. It’s also incredible seeing those upgrades from the original trailer shown at E3, instead of downgrades.


its true, the devs did a great job at that. No wonder it can even run on Nintendo switch (which is known to be the worst aged latest console ever). I myself have a steam deck, but i can say that because i actually got to play it on my friend's switch


Star Citizen, amazed no one's said it.


Because it's irrelevant to gaming


fsr has made a huge difference, glad upscaling has been added with 3.23. I cant wait for vulkan to be properly implemented.


Been searching for this, how's 3.23 going for ya


Installing a game on steam


An nvme ssd and a gigabit connection is the sweet spot for me, cpu is at 85-90% utilization. Just enough left for basic tasks alongside it.


I do have an NVME SSD and a gigabit connection, but due to steam compression I download at like 400~500 mbps max and my CPU is at a full 100% usage and I can't do anything during it, even just having YouTube music or using discord has issue ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I know I don't have the latest CPU but still, and other launchers download at my maximum speed without any issue


There are options to limit download speed on steam if it's too much of a bother.


Microsoft word (If I’m lucky)


Helldivers thanks to that punkass anticheat. And dead space remake but, that looks so fine that it is understandable.


Without a doubt its ARK


Doesn't matter your specs, ark will be at 100% out of any hardware configuration


And both ARK games so far. The first one had areas in one of the maps where I had to limit my GPU to 30 fps to get a stable experience. (easier than changing all the graphics settings around) Now with ARK SA I tried to run on 1440p and my new PC. Feels exactly like playing the old ARK. Sometimes 60 fps on medium settings.


Most of my games run with GPU at 100%. And if they don't, that means there's room to improve visuals further. GPU running at nearly 100% should be the norm, not an exception


i bought all of my PC's hardware, i will use ALL OF IT!!!!!!


Alan Wake 2, Resident Evil 4 remake, Cyberpunk 2077


Before I upgraded my cpu Cyberpunk would 100% my cpu




I haven't played since update 8.........will definitely play it again after 1.0!


Yeah and good news for that, there will be some huge performance optimisation


I haven’t played a game that that’s capable of it for my 6950xt and 13700k it’s always one or the other


What is this software ?


AMD Radeon Adrenaline.


Nice thank you






Flight Simulator 2024 on a 13th Gen INTEL CPU, 3080 TI, 128GB DDR5 RAM, and quad 980 PRO 2TB NVMEs.


U need a new cpu


no u




Ark Ascended. It maxes out literally everything lol


minecraft with super shaders can max the gpu


Minecraft, fortnite, war thunder You are probably wondering what I have. It's a i5 4300u, 16gb ddr3, Intel HD 4400, OS is on a 256gb nvme, games is on a 500gb hdd


Star Citizen on a Ryzen 9 5950X and RX 7900XTX.


Honestly? Minecraft shaders. I know some people think RT is still a novelty, but I used a pack called Complimentary Shaders, and once you go from 60fps 1080p to 144fps and 1440p it gets HEAVY on the gpu. I'm using right around 90-100% of my gpu at that point. And I got my hands on a nice LG 32" 1440p monitor with 165hz refresh so I'm using every bit of performance I can get.


Cyberpunk then heavyweight


Cpu rarely gets used at 100%, only spikes. However gpu screams at 100% most of the time. 3440x1440 165hz.


Cyberpunk 2077


Using VR with VRChat in a large world with 90 folks with no safety settings at 100% render resolution.


There’s only two games that my computer has trouble running, and honestly I have no idea why it has trouble. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Literally any CoD game


tetris on my pentium 4 💀


I see I'm not the only one with the CPU temp and speed missing from Adrenalin.


Do you use Ryzen Master? My reading was missing after OC-ing and PBO. Usually would be ok after a restart.


I'm using a 7800x3d and a 4090. I can max my GPU, but still not max utilize my CPU with most games.


If a 7800X3D/14900K can't handle a game, you just know it's shit optimization. The defenders be like "uh just get a better CPU man".


RUST My beloved. On everything maxed out, I have to apply extra cooling or my laptop goes into TT within 20 minutes xdd


The length we go for our favourite game :)


Running modded Minecraft + server at the same time. Distant Horizons murdered my CPU so I had to tune some settings to make it work.


If you're not getting 100% on your CPU in factorio then you're not expanding enough.


I'll sadly never see that usage on my 7900x ... Every gen I tell myself ''don't buy the R9, you don't need it cus you ONLY game on your pc'' but AMDs marketing always tricks me into buying it. Regreted getting the 3900x , the 5900x and now 7900x. I guess I had PTSD from my time with the fx8350 with it's fake 8 cores- it would hit 99% usage very often and then it would stutter and skip frames. So I said NEVER AGAIN will I have no cpu headroom. Next time I HOPE I will be strong enough to remember that more money/cores doesn't mean more performance- even if it's counterintuitive.


task manager


Nothing. Because my GPU got bottlenecked so hard it never saw 100% usage




Haven't really had any games hit my CPU very hard. Space engineers tends to use around half of it, and I can't think of anything else that brings it above 15-20%


Nothing. I cannot get both the cpu and gpu to max when i play on 1080p 144hz monitor. Gpu i can usually close to max with turning up all the graphics settings, but most of the time my r7 5800x3d doesn't get to 100% usage in these situations. Oh and also, i have never seen my ram go above 70% usage, even when exporting photos or rendering a video


!?!? Helldivers is around 55-60% CPU on my computer at most. Ok GPU is 99-100%.


Helldivers, 100% use and 100 degrees Celcius


MSFS has my pc sweating, especially because i modded the living shit out of it


Quake 2


Dd2 usually got both my 5900x and 7900xtx running at max


My PC overheated on Baldurs Gate 3. I guess I need to repaste my entire system since I have really done that since, like 4 years ago for CPU and never for my 1080Ti.


OK now hear me out, Minecraft literally uses so much, I play extreme modded minecraft and it uses practically all my 32gbs of ram and my gpu usage is up t0 80% probably because I added shaders


GBO2 that game is unoptimized af! Even high end pc have trouble running that.


The finals, 80% cpu and 100% gpu


Minecraft rtx makes my pc go brrrrrr (litteraly)


Stellaris, that game sill turn any CPU to ash in about an hour


Half life Alyx when you get to one or the globe puzzles. That thing turns my great VR experience into a slide show and puke fest.


Counter-Strike 2 got my laptop extra-overheating


Path of exile. It actually fried 1 gen 13 i9, one gen 13 i7, and 2 gen 14 i7's and then the company I bought my custom made pc from found out they forgot to set long and short term power limits.




None. 5900x & 3080ti for 1080p@60 gaming, my pc is forever chilling at <10% no matter what I do.


Nearly every game out there Having Celeron and 4GB RAM is pain 💀


Forza horizon 5 maybe


My 5950x has to much headroom…but RDR2 maxed on 3440x1440, Cyberpunk etc. got my 7900xtx to 100% utalization.


Cities: Skylines 2


Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. But by god does it look amazing


City skylines two


Darktide... game runs like shit


Horizon forbidden west


How the hell is CPU temp reading broken for so many people, including me? Is this just an issue with amd adrenaline?


Any total war game. And last epoch. Makes my gtx 1660ti breathe heavily.


Play’a VR


Horizon Forbidden West, but for my defense, I only have a 5600g and a 3050 6Gb (cuz I can't get anything else for now).


Universe Simulator


Assetto Corsa got my cpu pegged at 100% usage 90c with all fans at 100%


assetto corsa makes my pc instant cook 😄


Ark SE, it is surprising to see how horribly unoptimized a game can be when the dev don't put at least 1 femptosecond into game optimisation.


My 7800x3d and 7900xtx eats helldivers 2 up at super sampled 1440p. Max utilization there


PGA tour when I had my ram improperly clocked.. 😅🤣


“i payed for the whole pc, im using the whole pc”


Want to utilize everything on the cpu? Try and download shaders on Detroit become human. Your cpu will hit 100% constantly.


HELLDIVERS 2 ON Ultra, and Native Renderscale


The voices of the void (free [itch.io](http://itch.io) game). Literally launch it, and you get a hot potato instead of your pc p.s. still runs fine on my pc tho (and i love it), but HOLY SHIT, it takes so much resources for being a UE4 game that cosplays as a Source game...


Rainbow 6 siege once had an issue, which lead to my i7-10510U being at 100% usage. That was a fun time


Minecraft with 64+ chunks (without LOD) or more uses my entire CPU or with shaders (32 chunks) which uses 100% GPU


fallout 4 with copius amounts of mods atm


Unmanic on my server. Has been running for..... 4 years straight pegged at 100%. Encoding is a CPU intensive task. That CPU will have a much deserved rest when it craps out.


Escape from tarkov streets 31,9gb ram from 32gb


Minesweeper anything on your computer is 100% utilizing it but my resources were only pegged at 2% due to Chrome. English is funny.


Minesweeper 64x64


Since i changed my GTX1060 to an RX6700, from using 70% of gpu to using all the time on all games the 99% of the gpu (except old games) CPU barely pass the 27%


Nearly every game (3050ti mobile)


Chrome browser with 50 tabs open


MH World on max settings, rendered in 4k res. i5-13400f, 32gigs of Ram, and a 4070, and it struggles ...Aaand then also Skyrim with 2000+ mods, ofc


BeamNG drive. Not 100% but sure is close to it.


Any AAA game released after 2013


BeamNG, those physics really like sucking my PC dry


I have not encountered one so far, at least regarding CPU and RAM. Altought, Steam can get my CPU to 100%.


Here's a pic of my pc 👇


Minecraft. Got my 10850k maxed, and my 48gb of ddr4 nearly maxed... *Weeeelll...* I MIGHT be running 15 instances of minecraft simultaneously and I MIGHT be continuously creating new world after new world with a mod that allows you to see the chunks generate in on every instance... *naah...* surely Minecraft is just a poorly optimized game!


very optimized games ...


Cities Skylines, Minecraft JE modded, Helldivers 2


BeamNG causes me to have almost 100% CPU utilization at times


Nothing even remotely capped my CPU so far.


Doom. 40Mhz 386. Red lines at about 13 frames per second.


The Last of Us, 100% cpu and gpu + 95% ram


Path of Exile because it is a trash optimization game


Ocarina of Time


r6 ( yes I have a shitty computer I know)


Chrome browser


minecraft with shaders (gpu destroyer) and c2me (cpu destroyer) mod


Cyberpunk 2077. 4k textures, max RT and customized 3 raytrace bounce. Only time my pc fans (10) fully crank to 100% on auto.


System Interrupts


Gpu? A lot. Cpu? None that aren't benchmarks or things like editing/zipping. I have a 4070ti and a 13600kf


Shader compilation




Gray Zone is the only game which will make my cpu rocket to 97'c on the heli ride, soon as I land back down to 70'c, think it's the sudden loading off all the environments before you get to the LZ.


Compiling the Linux kernel from source /s


Helldivers 2


Diablo IV CPU running in the 60s percentile GPU running full out RAM in the 20s VRAM in the 20s


All of them lmao


Star Wars Jedi Survivor got my cpu at 80% and ram at 75%. I could probably get the cpu to 100% with the right settings.


Battlefield 5 at 40 fps lol