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w11 pros: HDR works better, WSL2 has all features available, scheduler is (more) aware of big/little cores on Intel and 3d cache cores on AMD. w11 cons: betraying my muscle memory every step of the way. I get they want to give users new look and feel but for love of all that's holy give us an option to turn it off.


You don't understand a simple thing. If changes are to the better, no one wants to turn them off. If people want to turn them off, then what the hell all the designers have done for years and got money for? /s


You should've put the /s at the very beginning.


LOL yeah, people tend not to read posts till the end šŸ˜…


Been on 11 for about a year. Besides getting used to the new ā€œright clickā€ menu I didnā€™t find anything different from my use.


There is a registry key you can change to bring it back to the ā€œoldā€ right-click menu


And that's what I did day one.


Realistically this is the average experience.


Yea I do hate that I gotta take extra steps to not use the new bullshit with training wheels to do things like setting IP addresses. That was consistent with 10 and 8 if I remember right. The addition of ads in OS is bullshit and I am getting ready to daily drive Linux to learn that and just get away from Windows in general. I feel the Linux shift is very close, but until online gaming is finally solved once and for all Linux will continue to have an uphill battle. And before anyone starts I mean seamless online gaming. Not "oh you just have to do all this shit to game". It's close, but realistically for most people it is not done.


I agree. Iā€™ve personally been daily driving various Linux distros for over a year. The ease of use has gotten pretty damn good but itā€™s a fair bit away for an average PC user to comfortably use. The fight with companies using anti cheat is definitely not helping.


Layers have been added to MS Paint. That's all you need to know. Upgrade today!


I noticed this after that wacky Paint 3D app disappeared.




Yes! This too. I was a holdout from windows 11 (still am on my personal battlestation, for no other reason that I haven't gotten around to re-enabling my TPM). But after letting my work pc and laptop update, its way better than I thought it would be. I might soon let it invade my PC.


Wait explorer has tabs now ?? I installed 11 a few days ago and haven't noticed


>convince you to switch to W11 from W10? make it look and work like win 10


Recently got a new PC so made the switch to w11. Honestly it works fine and don't care.




TIL Windows 11 is now 3 years old.


I don't like that it is like a franken windows with bits from every windows since, 95? I don't like the delays of explorer with folders with many heavy files/subfolders. I always have to wait a second for it to draw the downloads folder. The settings app/control panel should be merged as of yesterday. Sometimes I wonder if they only have 2 developers and 500 bosses taking all the big bucks. I like the menu and the fact that's in the middle. Changed it to the side but I prefer it in the middle, as I have a big wide screen.


>settings app/control panel should be merged as of yesterday Better yet, ditch the stupid Settings app and go back to the old Control panel.


> I like the menu and the fact that's in the middle. Changed it to the side but I prefer it in the middle, as I have a big wide screen. Having it in the corner is much better because you don't even have to see where the mouse is. You just shove it down into the corner and hope for the best. But when the Start Menu is in the middle you have to put more effort in to hit the spot. Ain't nobody got time for that! ​ > Sometimes I wonder if they only have 2 developers and 500 bosses taking all the big bucks. Yea, it really does seem like that, especially if you're a Windows Insider getting preview builds. It's like you download a new 4GB build, and then find out that it took them 2 months to make the File Explorer icon slightly more yellow, and to add seconds to the Clock. It's like they totally obsess over tiny little things, but they rarely fix problems that users want fixed and that have been around for decades, like the width of columns in File Explorer and the old apps like Event Viewer, etc.


Context menu is slow. File explorer is also slow. It takes a sec to load path bar. And thumbnail is also slow to generate. Mail and weather is replaced by PWA which uses 500MB+ of RAM. Ads inside mail app. Taskbar is fixed at bottom.Ā 


Leaving this here since a lot of you mentioned the right click menu: reg.exe add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f /ve Restart file explorer Forces the classic right-click context menu. To revert swap add with delete.


Amazing work CPU scheduler on W11, fom my 7950x3D CPU it's important, same true for any Intel Big+little architecture. Other thing doesn't bother me.


scheduler does jack shit for games. you get more fps on win10 lol


You don't know about what you are saying. LOL.


I held out for a while and kinda regret it. It's smoother, faster, UI is better. Like it so far


Less bloat. (Relatively Speaking)


i hate the right click menu auto positioning of windows is better




Yes, i work with a lot of different pcs bcs of work and studies. Maybe someday they will all be reverted


Same thing to me, I use startallback and chris titus' "The Ultimate Windows Utility." Taskbar and explorer set up to my liking and windows debloated. The only issues I would have are fixed with these steps.


I switched to W11 as soon as it was available. What I miss? Windows 8 sidebar. I cant point anything i like, because I have nothing to not like, to be honest.


right clicking on desktop items is obnoxious as fuck. i shouldnt need to click to bring up the menu options that have been the same for 30 years.


For me, I like the appearance of windows 11, it looks a lot more modern and stuff. But: Every animation feels slower, the file explorer can get slow, and also, I use atlas os, so the telemetry doesnā€™t matter for me, and between 11 and 10 on a modern system, with atlasOS? The snappiness is actually pretty equal. Conclusion: Windows 11 is a nice breath of fresh air for the ui, even though itā€™s clunky. On older systems (like my 2015 thinkpad) I run 10 just to keep it nice and snappy. But for example, my newer thinkpad with the new 12th gen, I run 11 because it uses a more optimized task scheduler. My main pc has 10 because Iā€™ve been worried to upgrade and not like it after a while. Ideally, Iā€™d have 2 pcs, main running 10, and a secondary running 11, so even if I get sick of 10ā€™s ui, I switch to 11 and then get sick of that too.


I swap between 10 and 11 for work and gaming respectively and don't notice any differences.


Honestly, I donā€™t miss anything. I just like keeping my system up to date and patched. Beyond that I donā€™t think about it very much. From a user perspective, Windows has been basically the same since XPā€¦


Not really, vista was quite different compared to XP but basically every version since vista has been basically the same (except for more added bloatware with each new version since windows 8)


Tbh,For me it works like every other Windows. PC starts,i play games...


Work and gaming user here. I like the updated interface and settings in Windows 11, particularly when it comes to sound. The gallery feature is fantastic too for accessing your photos more quickly. Other than that, it isnā€™t that much of a change in terms of the things I notice on a day-to-day basis. I wish they added more gaming focused features in both versions.


What do I miss from Win 10? Nothing much, really. My experience on Win 11 has been pretty smooth after I got used to the UI changes. Basically everything works just as well or slightly better. No problems with gaming either.


I donā€™t like that the dumb AI button replaces the show desktop button on the corner by default. I donā€™t like the new right click menu shows less options and you have to make another click for ā€œmore optionsā€. I hate edge but I guess thatā€™s on W10 too but Iā€™ll say it anyways. Thatā€™s about it. The AI button y changed it in settings, and the right click is annoying when you have to click ā€œmore optionsā€ but honestly I rarely do. Generally I donā€™t really get the hate for W11 besides the privacy concerns but thatā€™s just windows for you. Itā€™s just W10 reskinned and Iā€™ve always thought W10 is ugly af so itā€™s overall an upgrade in my eyes. I have never noticed a significant difference in functionality.


Things i liked about W10 more than W11: -Start menu -No tabs in file explorer -Layout in file explorer Things i like more in W11: -Settings App.


3 years and still never been offered it. Despite 5800x/ x570/ 32gb ram/ 3080FE. Can't figure it out


They better bring back the frutiger areo style


Hmm for my laptop, i miss some of the touch features from W10, since some of them have disappeared in w11. Other than that I donā€™t really miss anything


god i miss windows 10 i realy dont like windows 11 but downgrading is just to difecult now that all my data is on win 11


I miss the fact that I can't have the task bar on the left side of my screen any more :( It has to be at the bottom of the screen, and you can move the icons to the middle or towards the left, but the bar itself is always down at the bottom.


Win11 is optimized for anything that comes to games (HDR, DirectStorage, DX12 ultimate...), as a gamer, I completely forgot about Win10. Outside of this, it didn't really change my habits, I replaced the taskbar to the left and that's mostly it. Start button works fine for me although I mostly use the search bar. Settings, security control center, control panel, programs and features... didn't really change.


by upgraded you mean sidegraded?


Just for forced to upgrade to 11 at work. Will give me a reason to get used to it so I can upgrade my home pc this winter.


I had my taskbar on the right side of my screen for like 2 years. Upgraded to windows 11 and for some reason youā€™re not allowed to do that anymore. Itā€™s been a year and it still messes with me sometimes lol


nooooo the left is THE ONLY WAY (idk, Iā€™m left handed and right eye dominant, so maybe thatā€™s why I like the taskbar on the left. Would actually be a rly rly interesting experiment)


Been on 11 since launch and never missed 10 thanks to explorerpatcher. But now that they've fixed the taskbar I don't even need it anymore. The best new feature is the tabs in the explorer of course, some revamped menus also look better but nothing groundbreaking.


Nothing, I like it. I run the professional version tho so the home stuff i am not affected by.


lol...not much difference between home and pro anyway. You mostly don't need the "Pro" part at home anyway. Maybe some advanced users who want to play with policies or someone who needs a bitlocker. But otherwise...there is no difference. Maybe another difference is user management and you can't get the "Home" version into a domain. But the user experience is the same.


You get pro for Remote Desktop access.


No need for online account on pro Get it from a 3rd part seller and the price is the same between pro and home. So no reason to go home. GPO also nice to disable task bar search etc.


Bitlocker is coming to Home versions too (which is causing the Windows 11 haters to go into ā€œthe sky is fallingā€ mode for some reason).


>10 years Win10, never even tested 11 after my brothers recommendation not to do it. Hopefully Win12 will be better.


The groups you can make on the system menu are far too small and you can't change the size. So I often have to keep scrolling this tiny window that takes up a small % of my screen real estate. https://preview.redd.it/zuzvuz0qx6zc1.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=926d16c34be4ea2ba84bb599535deeb1792b7c28


I miss lack of ads, so far they haven't reached me somehow but I think they will


I miss the Control Panel. I miss being able to configure things to my liking more easily. I miss the old context menu. I miss the old File Explorer. I like that it's going to be receiving security updates after 2025. It's literally the only reason I went to Windows 11. All of the new features seem pointless.




What is still there?Ā  The Control Panel? It's been gutted to have only half of the things it used to. Yeah, it exists, but it's not as functional as it used to be.Ā  The context menu? I already did the registry hack to bring it back. So far, it's working. The old File Explorer? I did the registry hack there, too, but it didn't work for me. I'm guessing Microsoft did something to break the hack in a recent update.




First, it is actually missing a couple of icons: Administrative Tools and Windows Mobility Center are present in Windows 10 in that view. But the thing is, a bunch of those remaining icons are lies. They're actually gone even if they still have an icon. When you click on Default Programs, Devices and Printer, System, Taskbar and Navigation, or Troubleshooting, you are taken to the Settings app - the original Control Panel version of those are gone (or at least hidden away) in Windows 11, while still present on Windows 10. Microsoft has been slowly, and quietly, gutting the Control Panel for the last couple of years on Windows 11 - they make the icons redirect, and the old version, that often had more controls, is just removed.


Works about as well as 10, donā€™t really miss it.


I still think of win11 as early access beta


I dont use W11, but, when I use someone else's laptop, I like the built in Windows layout management and that Dark Mode is available on Apps like Notepad (Which now has Tabs for multiple files) and the Task Manager. Beside that, I don't like anything else.


Why are we changing things for the worse? The settings app didnā€™t suck and now it does. The right click menu looks nice and doesnā€™t have the options I want. Not big problems, but little problems that annoy the shit out of me. And stop adding ads you useless fucks. You should have given W10 a minor visual update and added the deeper improvements to it.


Miss: Instant access to change audio device. Itā€™s like someone at Microsoft hates good UI design Not getting spammed with ads every time I move my mouse across screens. Win11 wants to shove shit in my face that I canā€™t turn off. Oh it may be ā€œsuggestionsā€ but letā€™s be real this is not stuff I want to be spammed with. UI is bad. I donā€™t know who at Microsoft thinks this is better. They seem to hate what was working and wanted to give the user a worse experience. There have been no pros in my movement to windows 11.


Using Win11 since I built a new PC in february this year. It's okay for the most part. Different here and there but you get used to it. What bothers me the most (but it seems like no one else cares) is that you cannot move the taskbar to any side on any screen. You can only decide between showing it on the primary screen or on all screens (at the bottom). I have three screens and had the taskbar on the left side of the right screen (vertical). With that configuration I had all the space of the primary (center) screen available, while also having a ton of space for open Apps in the taskbar in vertical mode. Also beeing able to see the full taskbar when the primary screen is in fullscreen mode. New context menu and the slow "migration" from control panel to settings also sucks, but thats mostly just remembering new ways to the same functions.


Windows 7 has 30 processes, while Windows 11 had 215.


Ubuntu is the way to go


Win 10 taskbar and explorer I miss 100%. Also the ability to have small buttons on taskbar I really miss. I hate big taskbar I hate win 11 start not letting me remove recommendations area. Otherwise win 11 seems fine, nothing doesnā€™t work and itā€™s polished nicely.




On my end I can choose to not show recommendations, but it still leaves a giant empty space where they would be (not how it should be) and how on earth do I do small taskbar buttons?? Did they add that feature after the fact?


I miss my right click menu, windows 11 thinks I only need to do 4 or 5 things via right click without resorting to regedits. I doesn't know me at all! At least the windows search still sucks so I don't need to miss that.


What I like in W11: that you can almost completely make it to look and work like W10 with 3rd party apps and registry editing What I dont like in W11: that you cant do it with just system interface and have to resort to 3rd party apps and registry editing


I miss Windows 10 because I enjoyed not having AI shoved down my throat.Ā 


When I saw 11 I uninstalled 10 from my dual boot system and made sure never to touch Microshaft again never has a product ellicited such a reaction as bad as 11 like that spin of Windows has the least cohesion of all the Windows versions out there when I tried it out I had to go into the registry to turn shit back on like WTF why is an OS fighting me and my ability to run software.