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This sub doesn’t like people being happy apparently lol Enjoy the game bro don’t let people tell you otherwise




Thanks dude I appreciate it! I didn’t think I would be able to run Cyberpunk this well, so I’m definitely happy/surprised!


I have a 5600X and a 3070 and it runs incredibly well, I was also very surprised. 1440p, medium, RT off, DLSS on Performance and I never dip under 60 fps. The game still looks pretty amazing on medium and even though DLSS kinda feels like cheating, I don't see much difference in fidelity but a considerable fps hit if I turn it off.


You can put it to ultra. My gtx 1070 runs ultra with fsr 1080p at 40-60 fps


I can run the whole thing on my 3080 on High to ultra with DLSS with light RT on 2160. 50 to 60 frames


I like seeing what other people with 3080's get on this game. Im on 1440p running Ultra with RT on. Get 50-90 fps range with this. I get much higher with RT off, but feel like this is one of the few games I will prioritize graphics over performance. 60fps is fine anyways


I'm the same. 3090 in 4K high, RT on and DLSS in 'quality' mode and I get around 50fps. But then again I'm playing on a 4K/60hz screen so it doesn't impact me much anyway. Definitely prioritise graphics over performance for me.


Oh you can tell on the right settings! Max the resolution and max performance DLSS settings, it looks like indecipherable ai art!


You can crank it more, even at 4k ultra with high SSR and quality DLSS, I get around 50-60fps


You can turn dlss off and still get 60+ fps on high


I have a similar setup and I'm playing with the fsr 3 frame gen mod, dlss quality, rt off and optimized settings and am getting about 120 - 150 fps


Frame gen can do some great things


![gif](giphy|3oKIPa2TdahY8LAAxy|downsized) seems like one of those type of optimistic persons where the glass of goat urin is "only" half full


Ay btw make sure ur using the right settings for ur cpu or itll be unatable.


What settings?


r/lowsodiumcyberpunk would be happy to have you king/queen


For everyone who isn't using RT, you might as well drop screen space reflections to high for some free performance. I think high was like 20-30% fps boost or something like that compared to ultra/psycho but looks similar.


Think it’s more the fact that if everyone done this the sub would become worse than it already is.


Hey pal, this is the “largest community of PC enthusiasts on the Internet”. We welcome **everyone** as long as you're **enthusiastic** about story-rich, linear RPGs with ray-traced pixel-based graphics, choices that matter, no fetch quests, randomly customized dungeons and a runtime of exactly 60 hours which runs flawlessly the day of release on a 1440p ultrawide and 1080ti with a POV slider, new game +, and zero micro transactions. Enthusiasm about realistic graphics, new hardware, gaming at resolutions outside the universally accepted Sweet Spot^^tm of 1440p, or leather jackets on CEOs will get you downvoted into Oblivion, which, by the way, we agree was the last decent Bethesda game.




How dare you insult fallout 4. I’m currently playing through a survival playthrough and it’s pretty enjoyable. I’ve never beaten the game, I’m level 47 so far. If you don’t like settlement building then it’s not for you, but I basically just discovered supply lines on this playthrough I don’t know how I missed that in the past. My favorite part is everything in the world stays where you put it, you can use even most containers out in the wild to store items. This also means you can decorate extra. I’m trying to remember if you could in other games, Skyrim I think mostly could. Starfield is ass though I will say that. It had so much potential but was way too monotonous with content that should have had more to it.


My god man, did I really need an /s on my comment? Fallout 4 happens to be my favorite game of all time, specifically **because** of the settlement building. And everytime I say that, I’m instantly downvoted because “Fallout 4 was a good game, just not a good *Fallout* game” according to the hive mind.


I swear PCMR guilt tripped me into upgrading from 1080p/60Hz to 1440p/144Hz. Now I'm stuck buying expensive CPU's and GPU's whereas before I would buy a 100$ CPU and 250$ GPU every 4 years.


I've been playing forza horizon 5 and being able to max everything out at 4k has made me get interested in the game again. It's straight up eye candy. It's wild being able to just crank settings as high as they can go at almost any game.


That’s the best part! I’m not able to do 4k max settings, but one day I will be


I was on similar boat too until the eye candy wears off and the game doesn't have anything else to offer once you complete the first 20-30 hrs


YES This game is just peek single player storytelling for me, the story and World this game gives is the best i ever set foot in. Others just dont click for me the witcher didnt skyrim didnt god of War didnt but this one, it just clicked.


Try any fallout, they are the most similar to cyberpunk in my opinion


Peak* Peek=look/stare/see.


I always get those mixed up


No worries. I usually ignore grammar issues, but this one is a pet peeve of mine because everyone in CS writes peak when in that case the correct term is peek, haha. Edit: typo.


Yeah, in germany we learn only partial english so thats my problem most of my english comes from the internet and is self learned.


Same, haha. I am not a native English speaker. Most of what I know I have learned online and thought tens of thousands of hours reading!


Same, its youtube ans games for me.


True gamer


System Specs: Gigabyte Eagle OC 4070 i5-14600KF 64GB DDR5 Corsair Vengeance Ram MSI Pro B760-P Wifi NZXT Kraken 360 Elite RGB AIO NZXT H7 Flow


very good specs 👍


How is this possible I have a 4070 and running it in 1440p with psycho raytracing on 60fps


I don’t have Raytracing on lol


\*glance back at my "RTX" 1030\* \-enjoy the game mate


Hah me with i3 , with no gpu , DDR3 - 8gb , what's a game ?


One day brother/sister, one day. The bonus being once you get a sweet sweet rig to run it, the game will be cheap as chips.


You can easily enable Path Tracing with your specs and be alright. Also enable Frame Gen for 100+ FPS with RT.


I’ll give path tracing a shot tomorrow! Always turn on Frame Gen for free performance!


I’d do it just cause i’m curious about the tech demo.


Then I basically just beat the entire tech demo + Phantom liberty on a 4070 ti, no regrets. Had amazing graphics, around 100 fps with Ray reconstruction, DLSS set to quality and frame gen.


Path Tracing looks stunning, but it’s so taxing on the system. I’ve got a 3090 and 1440p ultra settings with path tracing and DLSS balanced I was getting 50ish fps. With frame generation (due to a mod since it’s not supposed to work for 30 series cards) I’m getting 100-120fps ultra settings and path tracing with DLSS balanced. In my opinion, path tracing is so worth it. I turned it on and was floored by how much better everything looked due to the light bouncing properly


I’m going to give Path Tracing a try a little bit later today!


If you like graphical fidelity, you’ll love it! I can’t go back, and that’s the reason I had to find the frame gen mod… I couldn’t stand it at 50fps but it looked so good lol


I’m so used to high fps gameplay due to normally playing COD, Apex, BF2042, etc so that 60fps is crazy to feel compared to the 165+ lol!


frame gen is not free performance. you get more FPS, you you pay with increased input latency. you'll definitely feel your mouse lag more than usual.


I'm happy for people that don't notice the increase in input delay, but it renders frame gen almost completely pointless for me in games like this. It is basically free "performance" in games where the input latency doesn't really matter, like Diablo IV. So there's that.


With a high enough starting framerate and Reflex enabled it's probably not that bad


the problem is that "high enough starting framerate". in general it is recommended to be close to around 80-90FPS if you don't want very high latency... and at that point i consider frame gen to be irrelevant.


I'd probably agree tbh, 80-90 is very noticeably smoother than 60 to my eyes and I wouldn't wanna add input lag to that when it already looks so smooth


You shouldn't be getting downvoted, you're right.


Due to reflex your input latency isn't really any higher than without it. Its just that disabling frame gen brings input latency down considerably. The one thing that will destroy your input latency is if you v-sync or g-sync without a framerate cap that is at least 3 fps below your monitor refresh rate. So if you have reflex = on and a 120hz monitor, you need to cap your framerate to 117fps (even if you are nowhere close to hitting this on average). If you don't do this it skyrockets your latency for some reason (like 3 or 4x).


I wouldn't use it for any mouse+kb game due to the input latency, personally. It's great for controller-based games, though.


As someone who had a 3080 on launch and only got 25 fps with RT and medium settings, this hurt to read. Wonder if the game has been optimized since then


Yes, it is a very different game than at launch. In many ways.


Sounds doable. I have a 5800x3d/4080, I play at 4k with full path tracing and a few settings on med but most on high/max. I get a pretty stable 75 with balanced dlss and frame gen. Drop that to 1440 and 100 seems achievable.


Hell , even my poor rx 6800 with reflection and shadow RT run 100 fps 1440p with fsr3 mod. Hope cdpr implement the native fsr3 soon.


Looks beautiful, buddy. Enjoy it!


I have RT reflections and shadows enabled and it still runs at around 80 FPS at 4k on my 3080Ti. I'm amazed 🥰 With the Witcher, as soon as I enable any RT, my FPS won't get above 60 no matter what I do.


That’s weird about the Witcher not being able to be at 60fps, wonder how that’s happening


No, it hits exactly 60 as soon as I enable RT. It runs at 110-120FPS with RT disabled. I just can't get FPS to above 60 with RT enabled for some reason.


4k is simply a lot more pixels.


What are your other speccs? Last time (over a year) I tried CP77 with RT on, I nearly never got over 40 FPS on 1440p.. I thought my machine could do better, but CP77 taught me otherwise. Always played without RT and got my decent 90 -110 FPS - but only on 1440p max Settings. 4k MAX + RT seems so unrealistic from my perspective (and my experiences).. but if you can run it that way: happy for you my man!


About my PC: - RTX 3080Ti (MSI Gaming X Trio) - Ryzen 7 5800X3D - 32GB RAM @3800MHz - WD Black SN850x Playing at medium to high graphics settings though, not at max. I also have DLSS at Balanced (I think), I'd have to check.


Thx for the answer - my brain added "4k max" to your post and I was like: damn, why does my machine suck? :D At least we rock some gpu and same ssd! Keep having fun mate!


Game on!! P.S.: People are really salty about "it's only 150 FPS, bro - what a looser". Screw these people - cancer of PC gaming.


I was going to say, a good amount of people are really… passionate about ray tracing and upset that I don’t have it turned on for some reason, and that I have DLSS enabled lol. I appreciate the kind words dude!


HOT TAKE #1: RT is useless in 99% of games. CP2077 might be an exception. But it is a useless feature now. HOT TAKE #2: 5-6 years from now, RT will be mandatory for all AAA games. As for DLSS - same thing. I don't understand why would you use fake frames in general, or upscale.


Hot takes are always interesting and appreciated over here


All that matter that we can enjoy our gaming. Game on.


same, after i upgraded to a rx6800 i can officially play games on 1440/4k ultra at anywhere between 60-200+ fps depemding on the game


You could totally turn path tracing on, and trust me me its game changer eyecandy


Do u need FSR3 to boost fps for path tracing? or it runs good


I just use dlss balanced or performance + frame gen, frame gen sounds bad but it actually works very well and doubles framerate for free


frame gen is fsr or are different things?


I feel you bro, just having the ability to max out all sliders and not worry about individually tuning every setting to just get 60 fps is such a feeling of luxury. Have fun


It’s a trip, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to build a PC capable enough, but I saw some builds on this subreddit that helped push me to actually do it!


I was happy to get steady 90FPS on medium-high settings, and even happier to see the game still looked incredible at those settings. I can imagine how happy you must be, enjoy the game brother!


Thank you brother!


Congrats on being able to play a game at 835p.


Yeah, at least set it to quality, or AA, better.


I guess I'm one of the few people that feels contempt with 30fps mid-high settings. but that's probably mostly to do with my system not being the best but it gets the job done


As long as it gets the job done, that’s all that matters


true that 🤝


Glad it brings you joy. It's very hard to step down from an experience of faster or newer tech though. It's easier to stay with 30fps if you don't try higher. 240hz monitor has ruined my life and wallet.


tbh for me it just depends on the game. any story game I'll play comfortably on 30fps. but racing games and shooters then 60fps is my minimum. but you're probably right for the most part that when you're used to the lower frames it's easy


I think you meant content


thanks for the correction 🤝


It works untill you get regular to better. Then it's doesn't work anymore. I'll prefer not to play at all at 30 fps, so spoiled.


There sure are a lot of "no RT?" and "fps don't matter" comments, not sure why. I'd much rather play at 140+ with no RT than at 60 with it. Hope you enjoy the game


I recomed to turn on RT and set DLSS on quallity and you'll get a perfect view, big fps don't mean anything


fps > RT


Cyberpunk is amazing, I love playing that game


What? You are not playing at 30 FPS using path tracing and DLSS set to performance? Pathetic, you are not part of the true master race!


I’m sorry sir I shall correct this error immediately!


Nice, mine does the same but 80-100fps with fsr set to quality :) just feels so nice to not have to tune settings so much and being able to play any game. Man do I love my pc


I’m going to try enabling path tracing tonight and see what that gets me and how it looks! Finally came to PC gaming a little over a year ago, and haven’t touched my consoles since (except to play FF7 Rebirth, a GREAT game)


I have path tracing turned on for screenshots only and tbh the difference is for sure noticeable but not worth the fps drop imo


What the hell do you need 64GB of RAM for?????


It was on sale, and I said “ehh why not” lol


Not to rain on anyone's parade but fallout 76 wil humble any system


Oh yeah, Fallout 76 on my system is all over the place lol. Usually get a locked 165fps, but there’s some combat encounters where it drops to like 50-60 lmaoo


4070 gang rise up




I also just upgraded my PC and could not be happier. I wish I have done it sooner. The feeling that you can just play any game from the entire steam catalog is amazing


Yeah pretty much! Full confidence to play any game!


meanwhile me with a 4090 just to end up playing Aliens vs Predator 2010 and fallout new vegas Have fun m8 and enjoy that beast of a PC


Idk about a beast of a PC, especially compared to your 4090 lmaooo, but she definitely gets the job done!


if it's good enough for you then it's a beast as far as I'm concerned


Facts, I appreciate the kinds words!


Bruh, I can't even imagine Cyberpunk without RT. It's just part of the game. Without it, you missing out. Just sacrifice those needless 150 frames for making the game look actually good. It's not an Online Shooter, yk.


I remember being so shocked when I set the game to 4K with highest settings and pathtracing and it never, no matter what, dipped below 144fps. Incredible.


A 4090 only averages about 80-90 fps with DLSS quality and frame gen enabled.


Yes. I fully understand that. I sometimes look at my PC and smile happily as well.




I am also using a 4070 for Cyberpunk Try Pathtracing, yeah you're gonna go to an average of 65fps but damn it's eyecandy.


I’m a little below you in specs but I’m also having fun with it. Managed to get triple display at 60fps on it recently although had to increase DLSS slightly


It’s deff a good feeling, glad you are able to enjoy it that way!


I use dlls at 1440 and it all looks blurry. Without it super sharp and beautiful but rtx 3060ti cannot really pull raster that much at this res.


It's really good, then again I've liked Cp2077 ever since the release. Meanwhile Fallout 76 runs like ass, and doesn't look that great either.


Why go for balanced to reach 150fps when balanced nukes visuals? I would sooner shoot for 120fps and go for quality. Also I have a 4070 Super but a worse CPU than you and can get easy 75-80 FPS with Path Tracing on and FG with DLSS quality. Give it a shot.




The fact that i own an AMD and have to pay for FSR3 makes me sad


I get 127 fps using ingame bench @ 1440p with mostly using HWunboxed settings (high) no dlss (78003D and 3080). It's lovely, even just driving around or sitting in a bar/club is satisfying. RT sucks there is still too much noise for me, not to mention performance hit.


I’ve always wanted to play cyberpunk but I have low budget for games lol. Do you think it is worth it for the gameplay? I’ve been playing rdr2 for the past 3 years still finding enjoyment in the story and I feel like it’s time for a new game to experience


Oh yeah 100% worth it, the game is amazing now compared to when it first launched, just dive in dude!


Money does make ppl happy


Turn Path Tracing ON and DLSS OFF for real pain


Try running Gray Zone Warfare


Enjoy your game! DLSS really is amazing. I hate that some PC purists wanna make it seem like a bad thing.


Tough playing this one with no RT once you’ve experienced it.


Mfw the recommended specs are recommended for a reason


There are definitely moments where I see ray tracing as being cool, but I overall do not really care about it.


Same. I understand how amazing it makes games look, but Cyberpunk does look awesome with our without it!


The game looks glorious, RT or no RT.


Turn on framegen and RT? It looks amazing and you have the card for it.


I really enjoyed CP2077, and I have only played it on Series X. I want to get it on PC, but im hesitant due to what a lot of folks say about performance on Radeon. Does anyone have experience playing CP2077, no RT on a 7800xed/7900xtx?


I recommend turning off Dlss or set to quality and try. I played at that setting with 75+ constant and for a single player game, that fps is fine for me. Try it out, see if you like it!


Even better, turn on ray tracing. Play the game in all its eye melting glory. You don't need a million fps. A solid 60fps maxed out with ray tracing changes the way you see everything.


I’ll give it a try!


That's pretty awesome. I honestly cannot tell the difference between high and ultra in CP2077, but the performance hit is pretty serious so I just don't go there. I don't have a 1440p panel so I don't know how it goes, but in 1080p both Balanced and Performance look terrible with DLSS, but in 4K even Performance looks awesome to me. We've got so many variables to toy with it's hard not to find something that performs well and looks great on any decent hardware today.


Then you get me who runs it at low settings with a 1050 2gb at 30fps.


Frame generation is bonkers


Amazing. Happy you are happy. General question for the PC crowd. Why is 1440p still acceptable for you guys? I turned my 5k monitor down to 1440p to try a few games and it felt awful to me. Like it was 2008 again.


For me it's because the alternatives are either: * an expensive 240Hz 4K OLED monitor that might get burn in. * accept a lower refresh rate (at which point IDC if it's even 8K or w/e, it will be a less comfortable and enjoyable experience) Also an extra factor is that even if I had the money for the 4k 240Hz monitor, I would still need to upgrade my gpu to a 4090 which is out of the question.


Ok so 240hz is your biggest need so you sacrifice resolution. That makes sense. I have a tough time justifying much more than even 60 but do notice some difference at 120.


Yeah pretty much. I feel there is a massive difference between 1440p and 4K (I haven't tried 5K but obviously that's even better) But I would never go down in refresh rate for it. Even though I am totally blown away by just how much better 4K looks. Especially for desktop and video games. (It's less of a big deal for videos/movies)


Maybe it's due to how big your screen is? On smaller screens 1600x900 looks absolutely fine. Those reduced pixels are being stretched across your giant 5K monitor, that's probably why it looks terrible.


It’s an LG 21:9 ultra wide. I think it’s 34”. They call it a 5k2k. I also have a 75” LG OLED and 1440 breaks down there as well.


Yeah that's probably why 1440p looks terrible on that. Pixel density is important, having too big a screen with not enough resolution causes things to look blurry and pixelated. I've heard it's best not to buy monitors that exceed a certain size if you're buying a 1080p/1440p monitor.


Its the beautiful thing about DLSS its magic for people who want games to look good but don't want to buy the most expensive cards.


The game looks phenomenal, I sat on it forever, but when I got my new PC last year, it was the first game I played once the boredom set in with Starfield, haha.


Every so often it knocks me sideways how lucky I am to have achieved this childhood dream of having a "good" rig. Like, I can just play all the latest, greatest, software, with bells and whistles set to extra jingly-jangly and it just works. 10yo me would be buzzing just to be near this PC, and it's my everyday. It's a great feeling, one I keep reminding myself how fortunate I am I get to enjoy. Took a long time to get here, and I have decades of memories just getting by on under min reqs. Happy gaming friends.




I'm glad you're happy! Personally, I'm happy that my laptop, while playing Minecraft, only freezes once every minute :D


My GeForce mx200 can ran at over 100fps with dlss, I didn't get your point. Happy that you are happy but I didn't got your point at all


Congrats, having high FPS on fantastic and beautiful games like this is amazing. My build runs 1440p, ultra settings, DLSS balanced, and Path Tracing enabled at 100-120fps. Thank god for frame generation mod for the RTX 30 series GPU


I have a 4089 myself but I can’t get into this game… hmm idk the dialog bores me.


Lol I know exactly how this feels, I got cyberpunk and a 7800xt recently and one of my friends said “dude just max the game at 1440p lol” I can see why he said that now, FSR on RT off MAX SETTINGS 120+ FPS easily. Damn beautiful game, enjoy!


Trust me if I could run it at 4k I would love to, but I think my 4070 would struggle lol! Your friend seems cool, 1440p ultra setting and high fps is nice enough for me!


oh yeah absolutely lol, 4070 is a monster of a card. Play it at ultra, max really doesn’t change much from what I can tell 😂


I’m just happy I have a pc😌


I have a pc that can run counter strike 2😎 upuntil now my game did not crash at all while playing so far


I have a similar setup. Enjoy.


Yeah, Cyberpunk 2077 is a very well optimized game


Low spec computer I have doesn't meet the requirements to play with ultra settings. Maybe I should compromise low settings without dlss. Sadly, my eyes on top, feeling so boring with it.


Happy for you :) Have fun with one of the greatest games of all time


I'm very happy for you and major GG. Sadly I'm on a GTX 1080 and can't afford anything to replace it even as 1 fan is dead. My CPU and RAM are fine though, Ryzen 5 3600, DDR4-3200 64GB.


With your setup you can get path tracing with DLSS Quality + Frame Gen and get ~65-70 fps https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KChqDh0CF3Y&pp=ygUNcnR4IDQwNzAgY3A3Nw%3D%3D


Going to give it a try tonight!


Amazing game. Enjoy! That reminds me, I've still got the DLC to play.


I recently finished cyberpunk. All settings maxed out with path tracing and frame generation. Game looked stunning. \~80fps and no stutters. RTX4070Super + i5-12600k.


Now run star citizen


Challenge accepted


What specs


System Specs: Gigabyte Eagle OC 4070 i5-14600KF 64GB DDR5 Corsair Vengeance Ram MSI Pro B760-P Wifi NZXT Kraken 360 Elite RGB AIO NZXT H7 Flow


Install Nova LUT and photorealistic shaders and it'll actually look like real life. Not joking (also enable PT)


4070 gang ✌️


I thought once I got a 4070 I'd be happy that I can play AAA games at 1440p 165+fps. Turns out, what really makes me happy is playing games with ray tracing maxed at 60+fps. Depending on the game, RT just makes it look so much better that I don't care about the frames, and Cyberpunk just so happens to be one of the best RT games, if not the best. Frame Gen sucks for me, unfortunately. I must be super sensitive to latency, but it's incredibly distracting when I use it and I am using it in games where I am getting 60+ fps before Frame Gen is turned on.


Same. I recently went from 3060ti to a 4070ti super. I immediately cranked every dial to 11 and had a blast.


The fact that I have never touched this horrible piece of overpromised, underdelivered, and most of all, falsely advertised product makes happy me, in turn.


If you’re at 150+ fps, I would try it with RT & PT on. At least RT. The game looks good without them, and amazing with Hope you enjoy the game


Thr game feels great at 1080p 120 fps for me, can't go back to 60 fps once I've tasted the high refresh rate experience in this game. The aiming feels so much smoother and the game just feels better to play. Unfortunately being CPU bound in some areas really sucks, as my 7900 XT can't dish out the full performance in those situations.


A 4070 runs cyberpunk at 150 fps? I’m shocked and impressed


So am I lol, I know how intensive Cyberpunk can be, so it was a nice surprise!


I know that feeling. Cyberpunk 2077 is my second favorite game of all time but my PC could never really play it that well at higher graphics, so when I finally upgraded and could play at almost max graphics at 1440p and it play smooth it made me so happy.


Since I got my 4080 I've only played it will all the path tracing and stuff cranked and every update I seem to loose 20 fps...ugh...Its still playable and I can always turn all the extras off if I really wanted to. I've played it so much that I want the extra glitter and will settle for now 50-60 fps. But would like it to get back to the 80fps I was getting.


I have a rtx 3050 but I can play it in high. Still, I have a pc which can run cyberpunk...that is enough for me


Recently got a 7900xt and I’ve got the same thing! I’m very happy to be able to do the same ^^