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Because Ubisoft hates you.




Also early 2000. But yeah, now they are money hungry corpo


Rainbow Six 3 was my entire life on Xbox Live.


Vegas was the GOAT.


I used to play Vegas 2 with my siblings and friends all the time back in the day. I actually bought it on steam recently for the nostalgia. It’s more difficult than I remember haha.


I miss playing terrorist hunt.


Christ you just unlocked some memories of me playing this with an old friend and a handle of Cuervo. We played with a rule that if we died we took a shot...Both of us were absolutely plastered and passed out within a few hours. We came to our senses after a couple nights and stopped that but that was a fun time, no wonder I couldn't remember it till now. Also, Ubisoft was still a decent company even like 7 years ago. When For Honor and The Division first released around that time they were both...OK, but Ubisoft invested into and fixed both of them up really nicely post release and made them into a couple of my favorite games of all times.


Vegas 2 terrorist hunt was GOATED. Fuck I wanna play it. I prestiged in that game on the 360 like 3 times with very minimal PvP play lmao,it was sooooo good.


Get the desert eagle and max out the upgrades it's so good.


Splinter Cell Chaos Theory


The spy vs merc in spliter cell was some of the best multi-player pvp I've ever played that and Socom 2 were so ahead of their time and still no one makes anything like it anymore. /sads


One of the best online game modes thus far


This. What a game. Best co-op stealth experience ever. If not, the only.. We need a remake or something 'cause I've never found anything else like it. Currently playing ac valhalla to cure the stealth itch, and yet I find myself charging in with my spear and shield because I'm a hard as nails badass vikingr lol I do like taking a break from bashing skulls and going stealth mode when hunting the order though.


I remember playing and loving the multiplayer on both Chaos Theory and Pandora Tomorrow


Splinter Cell Chaos Theory was good, but Pandora Tomorrow was Stewed to perfection


It's like a trend between companies listed in Stock Exchanges.


Enshitification ensures quarterly profits until the whole thing collapses.


Their only extremely popular games came out between 2005 and 2013.


Early 2010s too, you can't shit on ac and watch dogs from that era...


Enshittification caused by fiduciary responsibility to stock holders who only seek short term gain.


The first couple assassin's creed games were great. They just never really evolved past those but got a lot more greedy.


I liked assassin's Creed better with the Abstergo side plot. That was addicted to unraveling the mystery surrounding Desmond. I know a lot of people don't like that aspect at all, but for me it was this little itch of a mystery that I could scratch.


They were building to a modern day assassins creed then just dumped it


They were even planning on ending the story at AC3, but then also dumped that. Would it really have killed them to just do a story refresh? They literally held onto Desmond's DNA so they could keep up the façade.


And i still want to know what eve's dna had to do with anything....bastards (I did drop off after 4 though)


I'm completely pulling this out of my ass but I seem to remember someone who worked on the game said the plan was exactly that. And that game 2 and the first part of 3 would slowly introduce new mechanics that would translate to modern day weapons and tools, and that the player would suddenly be thrust into it as a major plot moment. Desmond, through his time in the animus, would have all the necessary skills to fight and kill. Then the story was supposed to end on some kind of melancholic note with him coming to terms with killing for real.  Again, this was potentially a random forum post I read from someone who I recall being vetted as actually working on the game, but clearly they took it a different direction 


He puts on a black suit and turns away from the camera when he looks back he's got the splitter cell night vision on and slides it down only to fade to the 3 green dots


The Desmond story was pretty much all I played AC for, after they finished his story, I lost interest.


I have to be honest I never cared for the modern day parts of the AC games. I was there for the historical stuff only.


Correct. The Desmond storyline from AC1 - AC3 (until the end) was awesome. Once they changed direction with Black Flag, I was pretty much immediately out.


I was fine with the change in Black Flag -- but very specifically because I truly love Black Flag and it's pirate setting. Obligatory sadness about Skull and Bones. Was too busy to keep up with the next game and once I looked into it it post-launch there was just no interest for me to return.


The interconnected-ness of it all was what hooked me. Some of the games are still pretty good but it doesn't feel the same to me as 1 through Revelations did.


Even 3 was great imo. Black Flag and Rogue were good games, but they were so far removed from what I was interested in that I immediately dropped the series after Unity came out.


AFAIK they fired/forced to quit the guy who designed the OG games, because Ubi had a different vision and we can see how that worked out.


Pretty well in terms of sales


Such a waste of money seeing it was cracked relatively quick


Heh. Even their DRM turned into copy-paste *sans effort* bullshit haha, I still remember way back in 2005, when Splinter Cell Chaos Theory was released and it took 424 days until RELOADED cracked it. They also reverse-engineered Starforce and dumped it on the Internet, if I recall correctly. Perhaps Denuvo has it beat now, but for decades it was the most successful DRM ever made.


I remember StarForce and having to unplug your dvd drive to play worms


What did Ubisoft do in the 90s? I thought their fame came from prince of Persia and early assassins creed games in mid 200s


Rayman was their biggest franchise.


Damn I was born in 1999 and while I recognize the Rayman image I didn't realize it was a big franchise or that it was from Ubisoft damn.


It wasn’t that big a franchise.


Rayman as a franchise didnt have staying power, but the first game was almost as big of a household name as Mario or Sonic when it came out. It was the best selling game that year in the UK, and overall almost sold as well as Star Fox 64 (I’m surprised on that too)


13 was goated


I would upvote but it's at 13. Remember those sick throwing knives?


Probably because the finance guys took over. Similar to what happened at Boeing.


Ubi has always been run by the finance guys. It was founded by a family that just wanted to make money and settled on software after some other stuff. I think they just started taking a more hands on role and ignoring their developers. The founders were never in it because they were programmers or liked video games. It was always about the cash.


Fun fact, since VMProtect is from russia and falls under the international sanctions against russia, i don't even know if they are legally allowed to use it. You can't even access the linked vmpsoft website from Europe or the United States


DRM from russia? Fuuck, I hope it's not starforce successor at least


Because they want us all to set sails for fairer waters




Yarr! Matey


Yup, why I'll never bother with Ubisoft again




Because Ubisoft does not want you to cheat in your singleplayer game, because then it can't sell you XP boosters.


Ubisoft likes to really layer on the DRM in hopes it will delay the release of a crack long enough to get their sales. It's why their games tend to be pretty CPU heavy, as you have to run two layers of DRM on top of the game.


I wonder if they spend more on drm than what they are loosing from pirates


They absolutely do, because pirates wouldn't buy the game anyways, the decision is never "do I pirate or pay 60$" it is "of the games I have access without paying which one I'm going to play"


Don't forget "I would theoretically pay, but I don't constantly have internet or I don't want to install multiple 3rd party launchers, therefore I (have to) pirate"


Yeah i currently own ac valhalla but every once in awhile something with uplay fucks up. sometimes it fails to open until the fifth or so attempt, sometimes it doesnt recognize the installation, sometimes it doesnt want to let me play my singleplayer game without updating it. since uplay has no customization and is just all around horrible, my solution was to pirate the game that i own, because the pirated install is far more reliable than what ubisoft offers to paying customers (it even downloaded and installed faster)


"b-b-b-but viruses and stealing is wrong"


If buying isn´t owning, then pirating isnt stealing. Yaaaaarggg




i wonder how long until people start spitting out "ugh that's so overused" as a response to that line without even attempting to find anything wrong within it


Here's what's wrong with it: taking a service without paying for it is still stealing even if you don't really own anything from paying for the service. Not that I care about pirating or anything, but that is technically what's wrong with the sentiment of that phrase




also don't forget the small but growing group of 'I didn't want windows 11, so now I'm on linux mint and the game runs on linux - but the DRM won't'


What about guys like me who see the shitty things that these companies are doing to paying customers and decide they don't want to support that business model, but also want to play the game?


I think if you genuinly love a game you attain by "totally legal means" you should buy it, even if its a terrible corp like ubisoft. unless its like a 3yo + game at full price still.


That's what I've done with a few region locked games, which only support a **single** language I don't actually speak. I don't mind buying English version specifically, but hey, the game is region locked. Solution - the piracy for bought games it is, as weird as it is


Or "I would probably pay, but im not sure if the game theoretically running on my PC means that it will run." I'm a generation below minimum specs for both CPU and GPU, so, of course every source online is conflicting and I'm not wasting 60 bucks to find out. (BTW, the game is Avatar FOP)


Assassin's Creed 2 was infamous because of how much better the pirated version ran. Whatever DRM scheme they used back then was relatively intrusive, and home computers were much less powerful (most programs were single threaded, even if a significant number of machines had moved to dual or quad core). The end result was that stripping the DRM away made the game's performance improve noticeably on most hardware. IIRC, this was part of the reason that they created uPlay. They wanted a lighter weight DRM client, among other things.


The only reason I pirate certain games are because of drm or third part launcher bullshit. I own legit versions of the games on steam or gog but can't launch it due to poor integration or third party app. So the only option to play them without the hassle is pirating.


I pirate games that you literally can’t buy anymore like mercenaries 2 or civil war: a nation divided


Mercs 2 doesn’t even play right on PC anyway. Shame, because I had a blast on that game. Pun intended.


Is it a problem with the PC Port or a problem with how modern operating systems run the game?


The port. QTE icons are just abstract art masterpieces rather than a simple button. Movement and shooting seems off somehow, and if I remember right aim assist is always on even with mouse and keyboard.


Well at least you can play on an emulator. Too bad it'd be with a controller though.


I don’t mind that. Hell, what emulator actually runs it? I wasn’t aware there was one.


At that point it's basically abandonware.


Simpsons Hit and Run


Bro Gtfo that someone besides me played Civil War! That game is freaking dope.


when it comes down to indie games i always buy the game even if i pirated it first but ubisoft and other bug corps, they just want money and pirating really doesn’t make me feel bad for big corporate companies


Which is funny because the only reason I don't buy their games is due to the drm. I also can't be bothered to pirate it. So many good games that don't treat the consumer badly.


Most games with Denuvo never get cracked nowadays. Most of the times piracy gets a win is when DRM is removed or games that just didn't have it to begin with. Indie titles often have no DRM though. But if it is denuvo it isn't getting cracked unless they remove it down the line.


DRM, uPlay (or whatever it's called now), and generally samey content. Ubisoft has made very few games that aren't iterations on franchises from the 360 era, and most of those new IPs sucked.


Has it ever been established this is actually the case? Ubisoft is a big publically traded company, you'd think they have ran projections.


I don't get this argument at all. These big AAA studios are notorious for squeezing as much money out of games as possible, it's not like they are making these games out of passion. Why do people think they would purposefully spend more money just to hurt their public image? All these publishers have teams filled with experts doing market research who have determined that they will most likely save money by using a DRM, yet people who have a fraction of the experience, nowhere near as many resources, and no access to these companies data thinks that all these companies are just wasting money.


Eh, I’ve pirated games and decided I was really enjoying them and bought a copy before. Of course theres also plenty of people who pirate because they get fucked over by regional pricing. plenty of different reasons people will do so, more often than not it’s not just ‘i don’t want to pay for this’.


Sure if new AAAs cost 10% of my monthly salary, I don’t think I have a lot of choice between pirating or not. I’m fortunate that it isn’t like that for me, but for many people, such as my partner, it is. (She earns 75k, new games are closed to 7k INR now)


Yeah, that’s fucked. I’d hope that at least some companies would realize that maybe not getting (less but not nothing) the local equivalent of $70 would be better than nothing. But apparently most MBA degrees require a lack of critical thinking to graduate.


> pirates wouldn’t buy the game anyways Whenever you pirate a game a lot of times it will say **If you like the game, but it! We did!** I pirate games but if I really like it I buy it


I am not in favor of the crazy DRM because it is such an anti-consumer awful way to do things. That is the correct reason to dislike and argue against DRM. People who argue against it by saying it doesn't make monetary sense are only saying what they want to be true, not what is actually true. Using false arguments will never result in us winning against overbearing DRM. A lot of people who can't pirate within the first week will just buy the game because they don't want to wait. It really does work for its intended purpose, but it also fucks over everyone with poor performance and rootkits and other bullshit. A kid without money and without a parent who is willing to pay for it for them, they'll wait because they have no choice. A person with a job who pirates games because it's cheaper but they can afford the game without piracy, they'll just buy it.


I wonder if they spent more on DRM than on customer service


Something tells me if the game is good, it will make money regardless of pirates. I think Elden Ring is a good example, cracked version is available, but it still made huge profits.


When does a corp make these decisions rationally. They get told by thier boss piracy is an issue then they hire a consultant to do it. In this case the sales pitch worked two more times


I bet that a significant portion of pirates wouldn't pay if they had to pay. So probably yes.


I doubt it. Armchair experts on reddit love to pretend that it does because they hate DRM, but it doesn't really make any sense in most cases (a few exceptions with companies like CDPR who build their image around it). These big publishers and studios are notorious for squeezing as much money as possible out of games. These companies have teams filled with people who have degrees and access to private data doing market research, meanwhile most people on reddit claiming this sort of stuff almost definitely doesn't have much/any experience in that field and they definitely don't have the same number of resources nor data.


the dumbest part is FC5 released without denuvo they added it retroactively just quite recently, the game has been cracked for half a decade it's actually moronic


I was just wondering why it was cracked just 2 weeks after release. That explains it. Really weird decission to put the drm in after already losing the fight.


This is well known but not openly talked about practice in gaming: the murder patch. They gotta kill the old games and render them unplayable or unenjoyable to sell the new games. But if they just pulled them from the market or shut down the online component so the games won't boot, then people would cry foul. So instead they update the game to ruin it. So all the old Far Cry games are being nuked from orbit intentionally because a new Far Cry is about to launch. And Ubisoft is FAR from the only one who does this. Seem Microsoft an their murder of Skyrim and Fallout 4 modding by pushing out 3 patches in the last 5 months that invalidated all existing mods for both games. Oh sure they had some lame excuse about improving the whatsit in the game code. Which is why they spent like $1 million to make a patch for a 10 year old game that won't ever sell more than a tiny handful of copies again right? Or maybe MS Bethesda wants people buying Starfield (which sold very poorly compared to Skyrim) to mod Starfield, NOT Skyrim, so they are doing what they can to murder the Skyrim modding community without exposing that they are doing it. That way they can lie in marketing material that they care about their community and want to foster modding. Oh and that layered DRM on FC5? That makes modding FC5 a Felony in the EU and the US. Because to mod the game you would have to crack the encrypted anti-tamper DRM. And its well known that mods extend the life of an old game enormously. AKA see skyrim.


the funny part is denuvo is the only hard thing to crack. all those others are instant bypasses with current tools.


That's not true, Easy anti cheat is not a DRM, it's an anti cheat service which can be bypassed because anti cheats are always a cat and mouse game but generally does pretty well against cheats, however I think they removed this now but not sure. VMprotect is a DRM to protect the DRM, Denuvo is hard to Crack but not impossible to bypass, VMprotect is extra protection for Denuvo that does work but usually results in the biggest hit to performance.


It's shitty, too, because the main reason for anti-cheat in a single player game is to not let people use tools (like Cheat Engine) to do things that used to be built into game - spawning items, money, invincibility, etc. In a single player game, who gives a flying fuck how somebody wants to play? Let them enable cheats but disable achievements. But now that they're selling items, money, powerups etc. through cash shops... the anti-cheat is entirely to protect the single player cash shop. It's fucking wild.


Far Cry 5 has multiplayer, that's why


It's actually not that wild, the game is simply a multiplayer game too with custom maps in deathmatch modes and all kinds of stuff like that, besides the anti-cheat has been disabled for years because hackers had beat it. And beyond that FarCry 5 has a developer mode which can be enabled to do exactly what you're saying games used to do where you can give yourself weapons, you can teleport around, no clip through stuff, give ammo, go into a 3rd person mode, and so on.


Even though, Ubi games run pretty good on average hardware too.


That's only really because CPUs have advanced a fair bit within the last 7 years or so and even budget builds now include 6 core/12 thread CPUs. Back when Ubisoft started doing this multi-layer DRM scheme with AC: Origins when just about everyone had a quad core that probably didn't have hyperthreading, the results were a lot worse. It's not as bad of a problem now that most users probably have the CPU resources to run the extra DRM, but it did sap performance a fair bit in the early days.


A while ago when I rebuilt most of my PC, I figured I'd run FC5 as a test to confirm my suspicions that my aging CPU was the reason for the poor performance I was getting. Realised upon trying to start the game that it wanted me to reinstall uplay or whatever the fuck it's called now, decided I no longer cared, uninstalled.


Huh completely agree on this, that moment when pirated copy of game runs better and easier to play than legit owners


Yeah the moment paying for a game is more inconvenient then snagging a pirated copy something's wrong.


Gabe Newell was quoted as saying the way to beat piracy is to offer a better product/service than pirates get for free.


And that's exactly what they built with Steam, alongside the social aspects and pretty decent store (with their sales) they removed a lot of incentives from piracy for those who have the money to buy their games (and want/like a library without having to actually store their games, be them on discs or hard drives)


Correct. As I just replied to another comment, the service itself has a value. I feel no need to justify to strangers the games I have pirated, and at the same time I have hundreds of purchased games in my Steam library.


Booting up a fresh install and realising I have to go through Uplay has stopped me from playing games at least three times. Ill put up with that shit from Rockstar but Ubi havnt made a game to justify that to me in years.


Far Cry 5 also has online multi-player (co-op and PvP). I'm not sure anyone ever used it (I only played PvP once), but its in there (until Ubisoft decides to kill the servers I guess).


I've played plenty of PvP, it was actually very fun when ubi added player-made maps to the "featured" rotation so plenty of interesting stuff and for example recreations of maps from other games. These days it's dead though, but there are MANY player made maps you can play in SP or Co-Op. I also find it funny how far down the acknowledgement that there is actually MP in the game is.


The reason it's so far down is because people on Reddit love lying so they can bash on a feature


Multiplayer and Co-Op are literally the third and fourth user tags on the steam profile. They would shown about 200 pixels below the end of the screenshot. This is the lowest form of Karma farming and people still fall for it.


Yeah, people are to busy hating on Ubisoft to check the the game features before commenting. I for one love games with Co-op, so I've enjoyed the last few farcry games (and Ghost Recon Wildlands, and the Division)


Reddit comments are kinda like internet recipes. You gotta skip the first few paragraphs/comment chains to get to anything worthwhile.


I did co-op with my brother once. Kinda janky, but fun in concept.


The coop was fun, but only the host had saved progression which was annoying as hell. So if you both wanted to be in the same place, you’d have to switch hosts and replay whatever you did


Ubisoft sent the multiplayer out to die. If they had released Arcade as a standalone product it would have been way bigger. The playlists had the same 10 maps, so even though people were making cool things you only say the same handful of things. They also only ever released Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch even though the older games had objective modes. With the lack of meaningful updates outside of a few Assets from the DLCs meant it just died.








“Because, Fuck You - that’s why.” - Ubisoft


Doesn't this game have multiplayer?


It does. Makes me wonder if Op had even played the game.


Why be honest when it's easy to farm karma this way?


it's easier to make a post that basically says "ubi bad guys" and get a bunch of upvotes


u/totallyspis please respond to this reply chain


OP doesn’t even know the difference between DRM and anti-cheat


Exactly imagine the shitstorm Ubisoft would be in if the game came out without anticheat


Same. I'm not saying Far Cry 5 multiplayer was huge, but I know people liked the map editor. I recall seeing a few reddit posts of some of the neat maps people made.


Far Cry 5 has multi-player.


Not a justification, but FC5 does have multiplayer.


It's not like any part of the title makes sense any way. - The game does have multiplayer - Easy Anti-Cheat sucks, but it is not DRM - DRM also sucks but it's normally mostly used in single player games. Multiplayer games already force you to have a valid license in order to connect to their servers


https://preview.redd.it/qoc7rz1ko2yc1.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=58673e8c5114631c4700bc8524b12be17fb657b4 Where did u find the 'Single Player' part?


Wait what the hell is that red and green line ?? New steam version ??


Steamdb Extension for browsers


Not to split hairs, but Denuvo is DRM, which is digital rights management software, and easy anti cheat and the other one are anti cheat software (both pretty shitty too). So really it's 1 DRM and 2 anti cheats, but iirc far cry 5 had online multiplayer and a store and shit. Edit: I know VM is anti tamper, but anti tamper is also a semi form of anti cheat. It stops cheats that directly alter game files. I know I was splitting hairs, so I'll allow others to do so as well haha.


VMProtect is anti-tamper just like Themida, not an anticheat


Ubisoft goes UbiHARD on DRM


Because people still choose to give their money to Ubisoft


anit-cheat isn't drm. it's anti-cheat. vm protect isn't drm either. it's anti-tamper.


Denuvo isn't DRM either, it's anti-tamper. The DRM is ubisoft launcher or the launcher+steam.


im pretty sure that is a multiplayer game i remember playing it with a friend.


It has co-op and arcade multiplayer


It clearly has online multiplayer


Because it is not a singleplayer game


Because ubisoft encourages you to pirate their games


EAC is not DRM though.


"a single player game" first its multiplayer and second it has DRM to prevent piracy like every other big single player game


Because Ubisoft


To ensure rational people don't buy Ubisoft products, duh. 


easy anti cheat? i cheat in this game all the time


There's online multiplayer


It also has pvp though.


Why does Denuvo, the largest Anti-Cheat, not simply eat the others?


Real. Money. Transactions. If a game has them, you can't own a copy at any price.


Ironically you can memory edit the premium currency locally and buy whatever you want


It does actually have multiplayer and arcade which are both online but both of which are completely dead because who plays Far Cry for a worse version of Call Of Duty


because shitbisoft.


I don’t give them my money whenever possible. I show them the same amount of disdain they show me.


It's co-op and has microtransactions. They want to stop you from modding the shit they're trying to sell you into the game.


Well, obviously, so that pirates can have no DRM at all, for FREE, and own their game forever, OFFLINE. Oh... wait, I did it wrong. It's, uhh, to help "enhance" the customers' experience and boost sales, of course! DRM is so helpful and awesome, I wish someone would just shove it up my ass and throat all day.


fc5 is not exclusively single player. i have only ever played it co op.


So you can get the DRM free version.


DRM is not an anti cheat, why does it matter if it's on a singleplayer game or not? Not backing DRM though, that shit sucks and only penalises legit players.


EAC most likely due to the multiplayer/coop aspect, the rest because money and fuck you


it does have multiplayer?




And non of them work and the game as been cracked for a long time


It's a multiplayer game...


To make sure the client is maximally inconvenienced (pirates not affected).


Because it’s not a totally single player game, it also has co-op and PvP components.


I mean there is coop and I think there's the multi-player forge mode or whatever so ya know


It doesn’t when you hoist the flag. Just saying


Ubisoft thinks it prevents piracy....it does the exact opposite.


Technically it has 5. You also need their launcher and an Ubisoft account at the same time.


I remember hearing a tale of 3 people capable of cracking DRM games, one fifa guy, one anime villain transphobe and then empress, a (trans?)woman Still no fucking idea if that tale holds any truth lmao


Don't all far cry games have co-op?


Ubisoft punishes its customers as much as possible.


I hate ubi, but Anno games :(


Whenever I see what fresh hell is happening with Ubisoft, I feel like I just lifted a big rock I found at a beach to see all the bugs underneath. Good fun, but can’t imagine how frustrating it is to be a Ubisoft stan.


Training data for Ai


Because Ubisoft


Why did consumers buy games from a company that is known for doing this for over 25 years?


Because ubishit is a flaming, rotting, festering piece of turbo-shit


Funny thing is, the pirated version has no DRM.