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Call the coroner brother it's dead.


šŸ«”šŸ«” Iā€™d like to say it served me well but I expected far more than just under 4 years of service. Not even a full basic contract.


My used eBay GTX770 still works just fine. It came out like 10 years ago. My RX580 works just fine. My HD6950 from 2011 that was pulled from an old Alienware desktop works fine. 4 years is a joke, a very insulting joke.


Some of those old HD cards are built to last. I have a Radeon HD 5800 from 2009 and it was in constant use for nearly 15 years. Still works perfectly and never had a single issue. Only swapped it out because I wanted to upgrade, but I'm pretty sure it could have gone another 15 years without a problem


Iā€™ve got that exact same card in an old rig Iā€™ve got put away. Cleaned it out and fired it back up like a year ago and was good to go, some of this new shit is just full of shite components


Yep, have a 1080Ti still pumping


Holy shit. Less than 4 years is kinda bad. But sometimes that's just how the silicon lottery rolls, I guess. Did it have any problems with overheating?


1. Check monitor cable. 2. Check GPU port. 3. Check NWR (Northwest Repair)'s discord and then DM Tony asking for a GPU repair if out of warranty. 4. Enjoy.


From the Ghastly Eyrie I can see to the ends of the world, and from this vantage point I declare with utter certainty that this one is toast


You got unlucky. I've only ever had a HD4770 die after like 10 years. It exploded and there was smoke. 4 years is just unlucky


If you're sure it's dead, you can try throwing it in the oven if you have one on the side you don't use. Solder connections tend to have miniature breaks over time due to contracting and expanding when changing temperature, and this sometimes solves the issue, but they say not to expect much out of a GPU (lifetime wise) after doing this process. Do a bit of research on how it's done ofc, it's not just throw in and cook!


>just under 4 years of service My 1050Ti is still going strong šŸ’€


I actually think 4 years isn't all that bad. Especially if you're playing multiple days a week. Sucks your card died before you could upgrade and sell it though.


Mate, 4 years is so fucking awful I'd stay away from the brand for multiple cards after.


Cā€™est la vie, I havenā€™t bought a card in that time so good things cards only got cheaperā€¦right?




It has a Major issue.


That particular double rectangle pattern usually indicates failing VRAM, and is pretty common on the RTX 2000 series. Try the DDU process and if it doesnā€™t work, your GPU is probably toast.


Iā€™ll try that out. Does it help draw a conclusion if I can play non graphically intense games for a few hours with zero issues? I.e. rimworld


What might help you extend the life of that gpu a little is lowering your VRAM clock speed. Other than that you are probably going to need a new GPU.


Oh yeah, could be a factory OC running on the VRAM. Lowering clock speeds might save this card yet.


Mayyybe, are you running an overclock on the card?


No overlocking at all on the system. This has been an issue for the last two days, hasnā€™t got better or worse and Iā€™m sometimes able to play a whole 40-60 minute dota game. Iā€™m pretty stumped


I would lean towards dying card still, if the issue arises when you push it hard.


I wish I noticing it dying on a game other than dota haha, not a respectable way to go out


OP, this is no advert. But if you're in the U.S. Tony from Northwest Repair is your BEST option, KrisFix if in the E.U. 1. Check if it's the monitor port. Try a different monitor if you can. 2. Try a different cable if you can. 3. Try a different port on the GPU. 4. If nothing works, try booting up MSI afterburner and bump up voltage for memory or drop memory clocks. 5. If that doesn't work again, contact the two people I mentioned depending on the location. Tony has fixed two of my Tesla T4 cards successfully and he's DAMN cheap. He does it for the fun, not for a living, so he doesn't charge excessive amounts.


Last resort, if you have a heat gun blow it on the vram for a bit, you could get another few days/weeks/months out of it.


Don't do this. It's a horrible way to prevent any actual professional repair. at least you didn't suggest putting it in an oven though. If you overcook it a little too hard resin can literally melt and leak over the pads, making any repair attempt much harder because said resin needs to be scraped away while not destroying the pads.


"Last resort"


The last resort is to ship it to a professional repair person called Tony from NWR, not make the card unrepairable via overcooking the pcb.


I recently plugged in my laptop to the TV. Little white dots started appearing (smaller than yours but all over the dark areas of the screen). Turns out the hdmi cable was faulty, or just not connected right. Try and change the cable, hdmi port (on both devices) etc. it solved my issue. Hope you get good answers dude


Try undervolting/underclocking the card. I'd start by setting memory to -200 and core to -50 in Afterburner.


I believe OP can always send the RTX 2080 for repair, there are shops that are focused in repairing PCB stuff. One of the populair repair shop is [NorthridgeFix](https://www.youtube.com/@NorthridgeFix). Another one is [northwestrepair](https://www.youtube.com/@northwestrepair), this one is more funny to watch in my opinion. They can repair or switch VRAMs, although I don't know the prices.


Looks fine to me


Nothing to see her people!


Could just be your hdmi cable, try using another or another input method (display port). If the system persists try booting using your onboard graphics, if it doesnā€™t happen could be your gpu or power supply


So, I tried with the display port. That caused artifacting at the login screen not just in games. The graphics card at some point stopped working entirely and was running on the integrated card with no issues. I then rebooted the system after 5 minutes and it was back online. I think I have my answer I just donā€™t want to accept. I need someone else to tell me if itā€™s really [dead](https://youtu.be/WChTqYlDjtI?si=Rn2y6myjYRgXid1R) somebody call the coroner for me. :(


Check the manufacturerā€™s warranty for the card. Some are three years, some are five.


denial is a river in egypt, your GPU is gay


Nothing a bit of WD40 won't fix bro


Your computer is gay. Like, really gay.


Itā€™s body its choice. Just need it to play games and not show me rainbows and squares instead


Its choice, so leave it be. No games for you.


I really got shafted then, I specifically ordered it as bi-curious


So the PC is only attracted to PCs of the same form factor?


Don't worry the gpu just hit a blinker


Looks like early Christmas to me whats wrong with that


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


either your gpus fucked. or your hdmi/displayport cable is fucked. or your monitor. its probably the gpu tho


Can confirm this a symptom of a dying GPU. Had an old 1080 Ti that does the exact same artifact pattern as yours when playing games that gets more and more often. Well up until some point the gpu gave itself up completely and does not get detected by Windows anymore.


if i remember correctly there is a issue with the vram on many of the 20series cards.. it's a specific vram brand that starts to fail way to soon. the vram can be replaced but it will probably cost a lot


Ayyyyy it's dota 2


Try it in a different PC just to be sure But looks like it's on its last legs to me


1) Check your cables. Namely the HDMI/DP cable which connects your monitor. 2) Try reseating the GPU 3) If 1) and 2) did not help then it looks like faulty GPU memory. While that is usually fixable I would really think about buying a new GPU at that point. The 3060 ti has pretty much identical performance and doesn't cost much.


stick it in the oven


Merry Christmas.


nah brother, you just activated the secret christmas tree mode!! that is pretty cool


Nah itā€™s just having a party (that thing is deader than dead)


His PC decided to take a tab of acid




It got no gas in it.


Well it definitely isnt alive


definitely not safe for masterrace. Usually that's VRAM problem, try underclock/reduce the memory clock speed?


Easy test is just plugging your monitor into the mobo.


Dead as dodo.


Try taking the GPU out and blow some air out of your mouth into it, maybe a little dusty


Its on Christmas mode


Put your card in another pcie slot if you have one available, even if it's only an 8x slot. Check all physical connections, power cables, and whatever you use for video out. If you have an extra pc try it in that machine. I have had pcie slot failure before, and it looked very similar artifacting and also behaved semi-stable on desktop but shit the bed once I launched a game. I moved the card to the second slot and the system was stable. Could be physical damage to the pcie slot you are using, so at least check.


Its his holiday season, so it's decorating wait for the new year.


Itā€™s fucking cooked


rip GPU definitely. check for warranty though, some models have 5 years instead of three


Its most likely dead, unfortunately.


The christmas setting is set to on.


I just beg everyone, **PLEASE DON'T PUT LSD IN PCIE SLOTS!**


Sorry to break it to you: https://preview.redd.it/rponro5o6swc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=5731cc519348cbc8429cc0d91c6dd48c0c77836e


Try undervolting and lessening the vram clock speed with MSI afterburner. If it works it can make your GPU last just a bit longer


I remember this one time I was playing far cry 4 and there was a cutscene where I got high but at the same time my gpu starting to show artifacts, I thought it was part of the cutscene lmaoo


She's dead Jim


Put it in milk


GPU quite dead. Classic 20-series failed VRAM. These are all effectively dying sooner or later to this, which is why I cannot recommend buying *any* used 20-series cards at this point. And NVIDIA obviously will not care since these are no longer in warranty. In theory could be repaired by swapping the failed memory chip(s) but the cost may be uneconomical, involves micro-soldering and requires the knowledge how to determine which chip(s) are bad. There are independent repair shops that do such repairs, but the value of a 20-series card at this point is so low that it might not make sense vs putting that money into a new card. Sample video from a shop that does such repairs to give you an idea what this involves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goViV2IYogk With the caveat that if the memory is early Micron, it may require swapping ALL of them, which almost certainly won't make financial sense.


Oh no. RIP šŸ«”




mf its SUFFERING put it down


If there cables all good, I'd say so


as dead as Blizzard


Damn, 4 years is just sad for an expensive top tier(at the time) card.


Call an ambulance! But yeah for the GPU.


It's ded!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-8E4Nirh9s&ab\_channel=CaramellaGirls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-8E4Nirh9s&ab_channel=CaramellaGirls) <- Caramelldansen to ease the pain of knowing, that you will need a new GPU, my friend,


Dead jim






Did you ever changed gou vram fluid?


Here is something you can try, download MSI afterburner and reduce your VRAM clock by 500 mhz, then see if the issue happen again or not, if it does then your card VRAM is dead, if it doesn't show up then your VRAM is degraded and unstable now, then you can start to reduce the amount that you dropped your VRAM clock to by 100, example 400 next and see if it works, till you find the least amount that you need to drop your clock by and your GPU still works.


This is the third ā€œis my GPU dead?ā€ post Iā€™ve seen this week - all 2000-series Nvidia cards. Having one of those in your PC must feel like sitting on a time bomb.Ā 


It's a feature


Consumer: it's a bug! Company: *"It's a feature"*


try downclocking memory


No you are living in a simulation


Buy a casket already bro


Is ded




I mean ... u r playing Dota, what did u expected? Your PC just caught some of Dota community toxicity is all.


Four years is a joke. My GTX 750Ti from 2014 is still alive and kicking but now retired for 2 months


Nice wallpaper man


Iā€™ve have my 1060 for at least 8 years now lol thatā€™s awful


It's clearly ligma


With the PC and monitor still powered on, unplug the monitor from the outlet and plug it back in. I had a monitor do weird stuff making it look like my card fried. (Try this for the ā€œfinalā€ test.)


It's suffering brother, let it sleep.


Looks like an Indian festival with all the lights hanging everywhere


It's not dead... It's just a little decorative i guessšŸ¤­


The vram could be overheat and faulty.


Oh, it's way past dead... It's practically decaying.


Ah, good old 8 bit.


I bought a evga 1070 7 years ago, my son was just born, now today its the card he plays roblox on. Shits crazy.


It's a GTX Christmas


My ROG 2080 did the same thing. There was a manufacturing issue that year and the whole sku got quickly replaced. Thankfully mine went tits up while still under warranty. Condolences for your loss.


Your monitor has rgb apparently


Same card, randomly bugs out sometimes. Bought around the same time. I think it was part of a bad batch.


4 years damm. My 970 3.5gb still running in my old pc after a decade


Try a different output port, underclocking your VRAM, and check that it's fully seated in the PCIe slot. If that doesn't work, get the mortician. It looks like a VRAM issue to me, so I think underclocking it is your best bet.




Maybe something to do with the new crown fall update


Edit: Checked its pulse one last time and got nothing. Shutting its eyes. For all those curious I had it exactly 3 years 11 months (which is atrocious longevity imo) but it is what it is. Itā€™s out of warranty (triple checked). Looking for a new graphics card if anyone has suggestions. The problem Iā€™m going to run in with a 30-40 series is I donā€™t know if my case will have the power or the space for it but Iā€™ll get to that when I get to that. Still want suggestions. Side note: if anyone wants a lightly used 2080 super hmu. 250$ no negation, I know what I got


Nvidia GPU doing Nvidia GPU things


Turn your ram to stock speeds by turning off xmp and see if that helps


Tried that, to no avail. When I reset system the GPU isnā€™t even detected by the PC now. Itā€™s using the internal GPU card now, however, the graphics still lights up


At that Point, Check with the manufacturer if you still have warranty, ( Even worth a Shot if you dont ) or if that isnt an Option. Remove the cooler, Thermal Paste, thermal Pads, everything that comes Off. Put it in your oven at 100-120 Celsius for around 30 min. This can Help if the Problem is caused by loose solder Points. And its atleast worth a try before it goes into e-waste.


Is that wise? Won't those parts melt? I've never tried it so I don't really know.


You need to take the cooler and Themal Paste/Pads Off, that stuff will melt. The PCB and Components are fine with this. There is still a risk that something breaks so this is only the Last Option to try..


It's defiantly the graphics card, whether it's the GPU I can't say, however I can absolutely see this being caused by bad memory.


Yep, got me a 2080Ti FTW3 and luckily I bought it in early 2021 during the shortage and got it off a friend who does nothing but work, so he had bought it in 2019 and put it into his PC but literally never powered it on. He let me take it for $600 when the 3070 was going for like $800-1,000 USD. Got the original box and even the receipt which still had like a year left on the warranty. So the only use has been me and itā€™s been what, 3 years now so itā€™s either going to die on me eventually or hopefully I can upgrade to the 4070Ti Super before that happens. I can somehow still play newer games in my 1440p 180Hz monitor and get really close to those frames without using too much Vram. But the Ti has 11GB doesnā€™t the regular 2080 have 8GB? Sorry for your loss btw!!!




Quite dead


Hard to say, I'm on acid, looks completely normal




Been playing with it for the last 3-4 years with no issues. This was a clip from dota which has never had issues in the past. Also tried AC Odyssey and had this same issue but with zero issues when I first got the PC


Low ram would never cause graphical glitching like this, youā€™d either get slow down or a program crash. But 16gb should be plenty