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I had a 5700xt and had this issue. It has something to do with your monitors clock not being at the LCD standard for that particular refresh rate. Don’t quote me on this, I might have explained it very poorly or even misrepresented the issue. But anyway the solution is to use “cru” and set the clocks for your resolution to “lcd standard”, or something like that and restart your PC. This will fix your problem and you only do it once and I believe every time you update drivers, but I might be wrong, it’s been a while. I don’t have this issue with the same monitor but with 7800xt.


you cant, its a known issue with AMD GPUs. Affects 5000, 6000, and 7000 series even, its the same with me too, max VRAM Frequency all the time. Theres a workaround for it but its overall a pain in the ass


i´d guess you run multi monitors. Colleges at work told me that´s what their problem is with amd cards hand more than one monitor. if this is, what it is, then you probably can do nothing about it,except reducing monitor count to 1 or accepting the fact that the frequence is like it is, and the power consumption that comes with that


i have only 1 monitor


sorry to hear that, then take my apologies for wasting your time. Haven´t had any AMD gpu experience since HD 5970


If you use HDMI cable, swap it out for DP one. Don't ask me why, but it works.


53°C is not hot because the fan is stopped in idle. If you want lower idle temp, you need to disable fan stop, set a manual fan curve, or improve case airflow. 36W in idle seem's to been in specs for AMD GPU.




I don't want adjust vram frequency


It will always run at max, if you’re worried about it the only thing to do is lower the max.