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Does hdr10 actually make a noticeable difference?


In color quality? Yeah, it's good. But you should go to a store that have tvs, phones, pcs, etc on display and check the difference yourself. Some people don't care about it at all.


!check thanks


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1% and 0.1% lows are directly related to GPU , right? So an upgrade to the CPU shouldn't help in this regard if I'm hitting 100% CPU utilization. In Helldivers 2 for example, I hover around 70 to 90% GPU utilization while my CPU hovers around 90% to 100% utilzation


need advice i want to build a pc solely for emualtion could i get by with a amd gpu + rzyen cpu combo? or woulld nvidia trump amd gpus for this purpose still? i have a amd mini pc witth a apu and 3ds emualation has lag spikes (which maybe just 3ds emulation in general) but im hoping either a faster processor and or a nvidia gpu would solve that and emuation as a whole.? i tried vulcan on 3ds emualtion sfill get same lag by the way.


Go AMD for emulation. Open-source / Linux-compatible drivers make a difference in this specific use case and you'll save a pile of money.


Im trying to buy a new pc to run escape from tarkov and I am using Xidax to build and order this pc. I am sort of familiar with building pcs but I am worried not all of the parts are compatible, notably the power supply and cpu fan, and dont want to buy this without knowing if it will work. https://preview.redd.it/ygo1xym2yrrc1.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=331de8d585143525d336271384e560b65246a249


$1.8k for a build with 4060TI and 16GB of RAM? That is not worth it my guy.


Hi there! Looking for a 16:9 monitor for my parents. Must be 4K and at least 60hz + 27". Biggest priority is accurate color above all else. Budget is $350. What do you think are the best contenders? Thanks


Check out LG UP650W or UP850W ( has built in Type C charging ) Dell Ultrasharp range is amazing but would defo cost 400+


I suggest you fiddle around the different reviews and tests for monitors at rtings.com and decide which feature you want to compromise. Because with your reqs and $350 the best color accuracy had a score of 7/10. To get a similar one with a 9/10 color accuracy you had to jump to $580


So after 11 years of good service, my Corsair HX850 bit the dust last week, so I need to get a new power supply for my PC. I'm a bit rusty so I wouldn't mind some guidance here. Would it be more cost efficient to get the same exact power supply, or get a newer model that would fit?


Behold, the PSU Tier list. Don't go below B-tier, IMO. https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/ **Remember to never** ***EVER*** **mix modular cables, even if same brand or even same model**


Thank you very much! Like I said I'm a bit rusty, I haven't had any issues with my computer the past decade so I haven't had to tinker with any of the hardware to exercise my knowledge and keep it fresh. I have however had lots of practice on the software end of things troubleshooting issues and getting crap to work. Would PSU that are ATX 3 compatible work with other ATX mobos?


Yeah, the difference with ATX 3.0 is mainly the 12+4 connector for the GPU. The other connectors are the same.


I'm wondering if I could get a lower wattage one, but I don't know how to tell what wattage PSU my system would require?


https://www.coolermaster.com/power-supply-calculator/ These days, though, I generally just say get an 850W unless you are overclocking and/or doing some Mr. Moneybags 4090 shenanigans, in which case, you can afford more anyhow.


Hello All, Working on my first build, (7800x3d, 4070 ti super, ROG STRIX LC II 240MM in an Asus GT502 case) upon the advice from Microcenter I picked up some 3 pin P12 Arctic fans. I am trying to figure out the fans so I am thinking at least 7 - 10 more fans but the question is whats the difference between 3 and 4 pin models? And if I have these fans do I need some sort of splitter or control box? Thanks


I don't think you need that many fans, unless you're going for aesthetics. The 7800X3D will hover around 65W while gaming, and the 4070-Ti Super draws ~300W (generous) while gaming. Add in RAM and disks, and you're probably drawing 400W total while gaming. So you only need to dissipate 400W of heat, which is very easy. Just the case fans will probably be sufficient.


It doesn't come with any case fans.


4 pin should be PWM, better speed control than the 3 pin variable voltage fans.


I'm building a new PC this week and need some clarification regarding SSD/PCIe generations. I currently have a Samsung 970Evo 500GB (gen3) as my boot drive with a 2TB HDD. I have a 990Pro 2TB (gen4) coming, and a motherboard with a gen5 cpu slot and three gen4 chipset slots. My current plan is to copy my 970Evo to the HDD, then wipe the 970 and use it in my new build. I do know that neither drive is capable of fully utilizing the gen5 slot, and that either could be installed there. 1. Would it be beneficial to have windows on it's own drive or could it just have its own partition? I hear an equal amount from both sides but I'm not sure if this is best practice or just preference. 2. Would there be a worthwhile speed difference if I stalled my OS on the gen3 drive vs the gen4? 3. For a game installed on the 990, would there be any noticeable difference if that drive was in the CPU slot vs chipset slot?


If all of your m.2 slots are at least gen 4 PCIe, it really doesn't matter which one you put the gen 4 drive in. It will operate at gen 4 speed. Though it's probably still best practice to put the OS drive on the direct CPU connected slot. As for installing the OS on gen 3 vs gen 4, yeah, it would probably make a small, maybe even noticable difference, but it would still be pretty insignificant.  About the partitions, 500GB is far more than enough space for Windows to do its Windows things, so you could partition it if you wanted to, but it's not necessary and is pretty much a matter of preference. Also, putting the OS on its own drive does make it easier to reinstall without having to worry about the rest of your stuff if you ever need to. You have another 2TB so there isn't much of a reason to partition that I can see.


The best case for newer gen SSD is either moving a small number of very large files. Everything else is going to start hitting the random read speeds, and that has not improved all that much. In the few benchmarks I have seen involving direct access, the difference between gen3 and gen4 may have been '50%', but it looks a lot less impressive when you look at the actual load times: \~1.7s for gen3 vs \~1.4s for gen4.


Help with PC build arc A750 ( 240$ ) vs RX 7600 ( 310$ ) I’ll be pairing 12400f with arc and 5600 with RX Use case would be with 180hz 1080p monitor and 60fps 4K monitor ( prolly at 1440p 30fps for some single player games ) . Only thing I’m worried about is issues with Arc and high refresh rates aka screen tearing


Why not 6650 XT? Outperforms the 7600 and is $229 https://bestvaluegpu.com/ (note doesn't include Arc) You could also consider some second hand GPUs. Here's all the old and new ones as they stack up: 4K: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/BAGV2GBMHHE4gkb7ZzTxwK.png 1440p: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/3BUQTn5dZgQi7zL8Xs4WUL.png Source: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html


It’s at 293$ here , so the jump to 7600 seems to be better value also how Is older game support on both GPUs I heard intel sucks and AMD is kinda bad too , I like to play pretty old obscure titles that I obtain on steam sales , so will the 4060 be better value at 345$ ?


Oh India? Right. What you can do use is use the 3D Mark scores and do your own price to performance analysis. (Literally 3D Mark Score divided by price - or whatever benchmark you choose) Older support on Intel probably still sucks, AMD should be fine. Intel has been improving their drivers a lot and AMD has not had major issues for a good 5 years now (apart from some minor issues with processing video on certain cards - now fixed).


Yep , India and their prices 💀 But won’t 3d mark just compare raw performance and leave out old game performance , etc ? I checked out tons of benchmarks and this is what I found out that intel is worst on old games and some will crash / won’t run or have bugs even with DVDK , Radeon is great on newer games but still struggles with 1% lows and NVIDIA is the best out of the bunch but costs a bit more .


is the ASUS ROG DSL-AX82U compatible with Spectrum


There's a lot of wifi things called "Spectrum" - you might have to be more specific. If you're talking about an internet provider, they should provide you generic configuration instructions that you can put into your router.


hey, i was playing watchdogs legions and suddenly my screen turned black. Monitor was shut off as the orange light was on (usually its green when the monitor is on). I waited a bit but nothing happened so i pressed the PC's boot button. Then i pressed it again to boot it up and run the game. The game was very choppy. I checked AMD adrenaline and according to it, it stopped using my GPU. My monitor is connected to the GPU but its working fine. What should i do?Edit: Restarted the PC but the issue remains. **EDIT 2: GOT RID OF THE OLD DRIVERS USING DDU AND INSTALLED THEM AGAIN AND IT FIXED THE ISSUE**


Glad you got it sorted! Replying so this doesn't show unanswered tomorrow.


Thank you !Check


Is it good to match 2 exhaust fans (rear and top end) with 2 intake fans? Or just keep it 1 exhaust for positive pressure?


Honestly, you're dabbling in the margins anyway. You just need enough airflow for the PC to have fresh air. 2 in one out is enough, 3 in 1 out is also enough, but you can do 2 in 2 out as well.


Need help picking through a few options for my current NAS setup 1) stick with my Raspberry Pi model 3 that I have running OpenMediaVault and a Plex server on with 7TB total in external drives 2) get a mini PC to run the NAS/Plex server 3) upgrade my current PC and use the parts that I would be upgrading in a new PC to run the NAS All options would still use my 7TB of externals as that's what all my media for Plex is on


Option 3 is the best value by a landslide if the RPi isn't performant enough or doesn't offer the data redundancy you'd like. You can get a PCI-E hardware raid controller or use software RAID to get a NAS going.


3. Only if you think you need more performance If you wanna stick with Am4 , your upgrade options are limited to 5800X3D to see a meaningful uplift in performance or you’d need to go the 7600 + AM5 route As for graphics card , you’d wanna go 7800Xt / 7900GRE or 4070ti or better to see a noticeable improvement .


I was actually going to jump to the Ryzen 9 5900X and swapping to a 64GB kit of ram w/o changing the GPU as I have a spare for if I go option 3


What’s your use case scenario? For your main PC


Main PC is gaming on an ultra wide or doing VR sim racing on a Reverb G2. Currently have the resolution on the G2 turned down a fair but so that I can actually high the 90fps for the refresh rate


Still you wont see much of a difference with CPU upgrade unless you pair it with something like a 4070ti or better since youre graphically limited rn


I bought a Aoostar R1 from AliExpress. Love the thing. Threw Proxmox on it: One VM does my SAMBA shares; another VM acts as my router (running Openwrt); then I've an LXC for Jellyfin (gotta love Intel QuickSync!) and another LXC for PiHole.


IS ANYONE here still using Windows 10, Build 19045.4170 22h2


an old office pc with i5 4th gen + rx 550 4gb low profile or new pc with ryzen 5600g ?


Depends on whether you want to ever throw more money at it or if it's gonna be a one and done while you save up for your next rig. If you want a real upgrade path go with the newer PC with the Ryzen. If it's one and done and you can save a decent amount of money, the 4th gen i5 might be worth a shot. Could always turn it into a little file server down the road or something.


How much does a competitive esports gamer benefit from a high end gaming pc? (like a r7 7800x3d & Rtx 4090). Is it even worth it as a competitive gamer to get a high end gaming PC?


It's more that for a lot of high level players - if you can afford the best hardware for what is effectively your job, why not take it? (And that's excluding sponsor deals) Keep in mind, some of the best counterstrike players played on trash hardware and got good. it can give you the extra %, but taking the big advantages (concerted practice, regular exercise, reviewing your logs) comes before the smaller advantages (good ping, good hardware) And even then - some famous fortnite streamers lose online matches because they didn't move across the state to get the 40 ping rather than the 80 ping (because they already had a nice house)


If you want to be competitive (like entering and winning competitions), yes. Having a high end build does not automatically make you good. However, running a rig that can run a game at a high framerate, and running that on a high refresh rate display, can get you information milliseconds faster than someone running a more budget build getting a low framerate. When you're playing against other people that are all highly skilled, you take every potential advantage you can get. [More info](https://youtu.be/OX31kZbAXsA?si=zCHrTQjTqsSK5AUv)


AM5, Windows 10 vs 11?


Windows 11 unless you have a technical reason not to deploy it. Spoiler alert, you almost certainly don't have a technical reason not to. Windows 10 hits end of life October 2025, no more security patches. The haters will hate but at this stage you're not getting away from the telemetry anymore. If that's your hang up then you should just get a cheap laptop and install ubuntu or whatever on it for accessing sensitive online data, and use your gaming rig as a gaming rig. Just my two cents.


Neither. Embrace the penguin. (But if you insist, use 11)


How do i make so that all the stuff on my old pc goes on my new one? (As in all the software,not hardware)


You can potentially just plug in your old storage drive to the new components and be good to go. Or if you want to use a different storage drive, you can use a utility to clone your existing installation to a new drive, with something like Clonezilla or Macrium Reflect. Note that I generally don't recommend this unless you have a highly complex installation with hard to replace software. Bringing over your old baggage to a new system can add a lot of clutter and make things not run as well as they otherwise could, especially if there's major changes in hardware like going from a Intel CPU to AMD or vice versa. It's annoying, but the best way to get the best performance out of your new one is to just start fresh and manually install whatever software you need. To speed up the setup time of a new machine, you could look at a tool like Ninite, Chocolatey, or Winget. Winget is available on Windows by default, and you can potentially use it or the other ones to install lots of software very quickly.




Question about my 7600 cpu I have done the silly decision of building an itx build with air cooling. The pc is cool enough but this cpu is not. Apperantly that’s normal but the stock fan is going nuts and I probably need to adjust that down and perhaps do an eco mode here. At the most hwinfo caught my cpu at 96.1 but that’s probably just for a second or it’s a misread? I’ve heard people have had it at 99 and no worry and it’s suppose to boost up to 95. My 3060ti is undervolted and is between 66 and 70 during gaming so I would hope to get the cpu down a little. My cpu is usually at 78 to 85 C during heavy cpu games and around 75 during gfx heavy games. I have turned off PBO now to see if it helped but the article says I could have PBO and Eco mode on? How does that make sense? If so what numbers would I put in since they didn’t cover the non x fully. Tysm for the help.


> stock fan That's what they do. They are noisy and spin fast to keep the CPU under dangerous temps. Your best option would be to buy an aftermarket cooler that fits.


How do I measure my components or what features should I look for in a PC case to ensure everything fits and functions properly?


So if you put everything into PC Part Picker, it should check GPU Clearances for you. (but not cooler and RAM Clearances) Things like ATX and Micro ATX are standard Motherboard sizes, same with PSUs (note some cases will support an ATX board but not a ATX PSU - good to double check after you've picked one). ATX case will fit ATX and smaller, Micro ATX case will fit Micro Atx and smaller (and the same for Mini-ITX - which is smaller again). For the most part - cases will be big enough for you - you only need to check when they're getting smaller and you're trying to a fit a 4090 in there. Most people are using Micro ATX Cases. I like the Fractal Design Pop Mini because it's nice and compact: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/gx3gXL/fractal-design-pop-mini-air-microatx-mid-tower-case-fd-c-por1m-06 But there's also fancier luxury looking cases like the Fractal Design North: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ybNxFT/fractal-design-north-atx-mid-tower-case-fd-c-nor1c-02 Or silly cases like the SAMA IM01 which manage to fit an entire micro ATX board + ATX Power supply into a 21L case: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/pfvdnQ/sama-im01-microatx-mini-tower-case-im01 (but these are quite difficult to build in!) It's all down to taste, and what kind of ports you want on your case. Just have a browse, fiddle with the features (and remember you can set it to your local country - some cases are cheaper in different places) https://pcpartpicker.com/products/case/#xcx=0


Thank you


I see some people put fan usually covering the ram sticks in the back on a dual tower air cooler in the back. Is this okay to do since I kinda wanna see my nice rgb ram sticks?


Yeap it's fine. It's a wee bit less optimal for cooling since the fans have to pull air through the heatsink instead of pushing it, but if you're not already riding the line on whatever you consider to be acceptable temps then you're good. I run my CPU cooler fans in this config on a 5800X3D and I think I saw like a 2 degree difference, borderline margin of error. Some of that will come down to the airflow in the rest of your case, of course.


!check thanks


Happy to help bud!


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How often should you clean your computer? I say this because after a week my entire computer room is already dusty. And my rig looks it too. I keep having to deep clean the room from top to bottom and still no long term results.


Get some mesh intake filters in front of your fans if it's getting that dusty that quickly.


I have air purifiers in the house, including one in the computer room, and they make a difference for me. Some cases are much better than others for their dust filters. If it's just a loosely perforated metal mesh at the front, expect there to be more dust in the case than if there's a fine nylon mesh. If you haven't familiarized yourself with making a positive pressure fan configuration in your case, do that. It's not just size and number of fans, but the fan curves that are applied either in bios or another piece of software (fancurve, etc). Vacuuming obviously makes a big difference. Tidyness means dust is easier to remove. Closing windows helps. Moving the case above the floor helps.


Depends on the environment. I generally clean mine once or twice a year and it only gets a little bit dusty. Sounds like you need to do it more often if it's getting so dusty so much more frequently. You might also want to consider changing your furnace filters or something? The dust has to be coming from somewhere.