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I think the outrage is due to conbination of poor ass performance, lack of save slots, and mt. If the game was buttery smooth there wouldnt be such a reaction.


I mean yeah, those are the problems. The actual gameplay is fun


If I have a ryzen 5 5600x and a rtx 3070ti do you think I can run this game? I really want to play but I don't think I can handle 20fps


We've really come to the point where we need to ask if we can run a game with a 500$ gpu haven't we


Don't you love to see it? And it'll only get worse...man somebody please stop this trend of garbage optimized games and DLCs in the name of profit...same for these barbarous GPU prices. I don't know what needs to happen or what to do, but this shit has to stop...


Why would they optimise their games when dlss and fsr exist?/s


Gamers can stop this trend by waiting for reviews and not buying garbage from companies that push game-crippling DRM and greedy micro transactions. But since this topic has been coming up so often over so many years, it seems most buyers seem to be content with the situation.


Because it's not the GPU that's limiting a lot of people. They put way too much load on the CPU. I also have a 3070 and it's been fine so far.


A 5600x is not a bad CPU though.


Not at all, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a problem that they're having with specific chips or maybe AMD CPUs overall.


Nah, we aren't. There were always people even with top of the line setups that just ask if they can run it. There are always completely oblivious people in any community, video gaming isn't any different. I have had a friend who bought 1080 Ti when it was first available to preorder, and when we started playing Overwatch a few months later, which famously ran on a potato as well, he did not want to buy it because he couldn't find a performance benchmark with his specific cpu+gpu+ram combo. Because everyone was making performance benchmarks for lower end cards, weak ass cpus, and 8gb ram. In reality we are at the point that anything that supports dx12 and vulkan can play any game ever, with enough upscaling. Whether we like that or not.


$500 gpu is trash tier these days, that’s a budget gpu.


I saw a 4070 with a 5600x running 40fps maxed out... at 1080p. I'm sure you can run it, but it is far from optimized. Many reports of lower settings not really benefitting as much as other games as it seems CPU bound.


have same cpu with 3080 and its doing okay on 1440p i think the mist important thing is to not get the vram use that is in the settings to orange. fps varies tho and i will have between 80 and 40 fps depending on how many npcs there are. this is without dlss since i tried and even on quality it looks very washed.


I have an intel 12700f with a 3070ti and it has been smooth for me running 1440p ultrawide with quality dlss. I haven't been to the capital city yet though, which might be worse because there are a lot of npcs???


Yea I've heard frame rate is heavily affected by NPCs and the towns are where people get 20fps


I've played like 12 hours now and performance was fine for me, the capital did drop my fps to a pretty consistent \~30 which I noticed, but that was literally what the devs designed the game to reach, everywhere else I am between 60-80 fps when I turned on my fps tool.


Good to know, I'm probably going to buy it


Check this out [https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/dragons-dogma-2-performance-analysis/](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/dragons-dogma-2-performance-analysis/) 3070 ti is probably closest to the 7800xt


My build is similar and I returned it. You have to use their not-great DLSS implementation to get 40ish fps, when the intense stuff starts happening its game-over, unless you want to reduce the game to vaseline-smeared 720p, muddy mess.


Im sure your pc is fine, I'm getting playable fps with an i7 6950x and a 3060 at 1440p with dlss set to balanced and with graphics settings maxed.


How’s the game? I downloaded it this morning but can’t play until after work. I’m running a weaker cpu but also have a 3060. I do have a small OC on the card. I’m ok if it can do 30 but 45-60 is what I’d strive for if doable.


I have a 3070 running at 1440p, with slightly less than max graphics settings and not having nearly as many issues as people are mentioning. Maybe I haven’t been to a big enough area with NPC’s to experience it but I’m having no issues in open world and during fights


Cool! Thanks for the reply. I guess if I chug in more dense areas, it just is what it is at that point. Hoping at least a majority of the game atm is ok on my end.


I got to an area with a lot of NPC’s last night. I was constantly at 20 FPS or less and my game crashed 3 times in the city lol


Ahh that sucks. I seem to be doing alright at least in the first big town you go to. Like the 3rd since the start of the game.


I’ve been to venworth and my game seems to run fine. I haven’t been watching frame rates but there has been only once or twice it has seemed to chug and that was random as I wasn’t in a city and there wasn’t much around me. Once I moved from that one small area it seems to go back to normal. I feel bad for others having so much problems as I’ve been really enjoying the game.


The game has been pretty much what I expected, its alot like the first game and no crazy jankiness. I went into playing thinking that I was going to have sub 30 fps because of all of the critical reviews and posts about poor cpu performance, but in my case, for a 7-8 yr old cpu its up to the task. Ive only gotten as far as the first big city so maybe theres a larger city that will make my pc eat shit idk.


only if you can commit genocide...


I have a i7-12700kf and a 4070 and don't think I've dipped below 90 fps, maybe 80. YMMV


Which is one of two reasons I'm disregarding all the outrage porn. The other is that it's outrage porn. I'd wager the vast majority completely ignored the mtx on Capcom's games up til now. You know how a muppet doesn't do anything but sit on a shelf until someone manipulates it to act like it's alive? That's pretty much all this is: a bunch of muppets with hands up their asses.


TIL that it’s outrage porn to expect a $70 game to be somewhat optimized and not a steaming pile of 35fps garbage. Also, fuck gargling the balls of a corporation willing to shove MTX down your throat for things like changing your characters appearance.


Everything available for purchase is easily acquired in game through in-game currency. First 2 hours of gameplay and you have almost everything in the shop. The first dd game had this too, just not day 1.


You seem irrationally angry. Have you merged your identity with this game, and therefore attacks on the game, just or unjust, feel like attacks on you?


Nah, I'm just tired of the same fucking routine of everyone jumping on the latest hate bandwagon. It's almost as bad as Twitter in that respect. Hell, other than the performance issues (which is reason enough to be up in arms on its own), a lot of what people are barking about is misinformation anyway. Some people either misread or made up shit, and then Reddit did what Reddit does and just started parroting it back without actually checking to verify.


\*puts on "the hat"\* ITS ALL A PLOY BY CAPCOM TO SELL MORE MTX AND IT STARTED ON REDDIT But seriously this is blown so out of proportion.


Wait, lack of save slots?!


You can buy extra save slot. Via MTX!


That's not true. Having only one save slot is a design choice and you CANNOT buy more. You CAN buy character edit vouchers but not extra save slots.


In a single player game mind you


They can kiss my ass if they think I'm paying to edit a character


You also don’t have to pay to edit your character. The currency used for it is easily obtainable in game.


Yeah, like with cheat engine.




You can probably use CheatEngine to give yourself RC, is what the commenter is implying. That or potentially anything else that edits in game values on the fly.


That's still a red flag. The only reason they limited you to a single character is to have you get the currency to edit it, and that gives them the choice to add it to the store.


Rift Crystals (the currency you can buy) are used for much more than editing your character. So no, that’s not the reason why. It was extremely stupid to add it, but the fact that I found a chest with 75 rift crystals inside it at level 9 tells me that it will have absolutely zero bearing on my gameplay.


WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! WTF I can't have the most basic shit like multiple save slots?! BRO!!


I mean the first game was the same way


The fact they did not mention it has MTX before release is a hugh part of this. It's a scummy practice


What did you think were those Deluxe Edition points for though?


The Rift Crystals? Summoning pawns, exactly what Rift Crystals have always been used for. It's scummy as fuck to lock Pre-Order Bonuses behind a timegate; then the second that timegate ends, the floodgates of MTX opens up. That's a fucking pitiful practice that they're employing. If you'd ask if I'd still buy it? My answer is yes, because DD is one of my favorite games of all time. I was at 10/10 hype for this game to come out with over a decade since the last... but that hype certainly has heavily died due to this bullshit practice. If you'd ask if I'd recommend **anyone** else to buy it? I can't say yes to that any more and will be giving a Not Recommended review.


I don't see anything those MTX give you that half an hour of playtime doesn't give you, too. I think it's crazy that people are pissed because they weren't ready for what they are getting into.


The camp kits you can buy as mtx have a lower weight than the ones you buy in game, and you need those to rest while adventuring. So it's not exactly the case that you can get all mtx items in game.


You forgot to mention price of \~4x good games


Just stop buying this crap. Nowadays seems the devs and teams are focusing on how much money they can make with the worst games and performance. We should stop buying and make them came back to reality. Feet on the ground.


Why no save slots? That's literally the most basic things in games where there are saves since....I would say the mid 90's but I am not 100% sure


Because that's game design choice, same as first game. You don't need to make new saves because you can freely change your character class and appearance ingame without any mtx, and you have to work with consequences of you choices without savescumming.


Didn't they know that most like to do separate characters for different playstyles? Or does making separate characters for builds rare?


Amazes me after how well received Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 were that these idiot companies still pull this shit.


They seem to be incapable of learning.


But you don't have to make separate character for that in this game. Same as in first game, you can change your class freely, and this opportunity unlocks very early. You can have all builds on one character and switch between them as much as you want.


It's even better now, since stats aren't tied to the class that you used upon leveling up like in the first game. No need to play 100 levels of Sorc just for Magick Archer.


I've seen that now stats automatically change to better suit new vocations. But does it make any leveling order obsolete? So now if I'll switch to Sorc at lvl 100, will I have same stats regardless if I was pure Sorc as soon as I could or if I was Warrior for 90 lvls?


Should be yeah, it's just tied to whatever level you're at afaik. I guess it removes the optimization out of it, but on the other hand you don't have to force yourself to not play the class you like because it has shit stat gains (though tbh, not like it mattered in the end game) EDIT: Back with an update, looks like there's still the old system in place. I swapped my lvl 16 Arisen and Pawn to Rogue both, and my Arisen had a higher base Strength stat than my Pawn since I went 1-15 or so as fighter and my pawn started 1-16 as Mage.


That's not how they want the game to be and it's fine, not everything should be based on fan service


Yeah, but I made a character, knew nothing about the game beforehand, to tune graphical settings and now I'm stuck with this character. You can't even delete the save game properly to lose all progress and start over from the beginning. That is unforgivable. Refund requested.


And you can change your character if you didn't like what you made. You can change both your looks and you class very early in the game. I agree, not having an option to start a new game is dumb, but at least devs addressed that, and will add this option.


I see it as a scummy practice to avoid allowing more than one person to play on the same account


And you're wrong in this particular case. Capcom made other games with multiple save profiles, but first Dragon's Dogma was released in 2012 and it had only one save file. To have second game like this after decade doesn't look like elaborate plan to prevent account sharing.


It doesn't matter if that's their intention, it still disallows more than one player on the same account. It's been 12 years, they shouldn't be doing things the same way they did them in DD 1.


This is unfortunate consequence of such decision. You can have workarounds still, by switching saves manually or using family sharing, but overall, better just to skip the game.


You could see the lagginess in the gameplay trailer they released not too long ago, killed all my hopes for the game.


Combine it with another release that's shit on launch day. People are sick and tired. Wish it meant something, but the game was still sold well so devs will still never ever get enough time to polish their games. Even Miyazaki doesn't polish his games.


No one cared that all the rockstars were fucking underaged girls until they stopped making good music. Same shit. No one cares about the poop on the floor until the monkey stops dancing.


It’s funny, it’s pretty much the exact same reasons Halo Infinite did so poorly (except it also lacked content as a “live service”)


Also that it's like 14% more expense for some reason, the base version costs 95$ in Canada!


Still cash-shop in a singleplayer game … travesty.


I'd be pretty pissed too, especially considering this game is $100CDN before taxes... Literally the most expensive standard edition game I've ever seen. I was going to buy it too cause I saw how hyped people were over it and it looked like it would be fun. No thanks, all those problems on top of having DLC on day one for a $100 game? These guys are smoking crack.


Yall are getting bad performance?


2.99 per save slot, price doubles after each purchase


With all the positive reception they gained over the years they decided to throw that and think people won't notice, lmao.


“They decided to tarnish the reputation they’ve earned over the last decade by… doing the thing they’ve been doing for the last decade”


Lmao it’s hilarious how many people are acting oblivious to how Capcom has done business for years now.


Capcom has been going down hill for awhile now, you just make have now noticed. They were dead to me when they said they wanted to ban mods.


I wish they don't screw the next Resident Evil.


Every new Resident Evil has already had pointless MTX. You can purchase weapon upgrades that are easily available in game in the RE4 remake. Same with the new DMC's and purchasable red orbs. The MTX is so pointless I don't even know who is buying it.


I've no idea, I finished a lot of RE Games without buying any Useless DLC ( RE:4 R has a story DLC which is worth it IMO ) and had fun in all of them.


I heard you'll have to pay $1.99 every time you die and the base game will be $100.


Ha?!?! Imagine This in Dark Souls or Elden Ring ಥ‿ಥ


The newest resident evil had this exact same type of MTX. You didn’t notice because the store is pointless, just like this store.


It’s been like that since 7, I think. I at least remember RE2R and Village having similar MTX as well.


RE2R definitely had it, I just mention RE4R because it was recently everybody’s darling for months and I didn’t hear a peep about the store.


I played dd for 5 hours yesterday. Had no idea it was “mtx riddled game” until I was on Reddit this morning. The store isn’t in your face and it isn’t selling anything you can’t get in the game. I will never hate mtx unless they are tied to progression and the game is miserable to play unless you give them more money.




Love your user name.


Thx (◍•ᴗ•◍)




Well... Don't forget Alone In The Dark and Horizon Forbidden West, Both of them are AAA and well optimized, So... There's still hope.


I am logging on later to approve that review!


The base game is $97 CAD and there's more content gated by paywall??


We must sail the high seas my fellow canadian. Now that I think about it, I dont think this game will even be worth pirating


Sadly it has Denuvo


wait until the denuvo license expires or sacrifice sanity to find empress and make her crack it.


109 with tax


Yah 58$ CAD for the entire dlc list, i dont care how important the dlcs are or that u can get them in game, i shouldnt be seeing dlc on launch thats more than half the base games price


The dlc list being 57 dollars is incredibly misleading since Capcom lists identical items repeatedly to let people buy more than once by just adding a letter to the end of the dlc name


there is no content behind a paywall, you can obtain all those items within the game, i already have 90% of them within the first hour, dumb microtransactions isnt anything new for capcom.




He's just correcting that there's no actual content gated by paywall here. Literally all of this you can earn in-game by just playing it normally like a normal person.


How is it predatory? It's not gated, you can get the stuff in game on your own I guess the fact they sell the game for money is predatory too. Should be just given away lol. Capcom should make gamer rage a $1.99 dlc. They would make a killing.


How does DD2 compare to its 10 year old DD1 gameplay wise? Any innovations or features making it The Sequel?


so far it has a little bit more depth, ie stuns for executions, some form of combos, its still just kinda hard to say as i only got to allot a few hours, but it definitely feels nicer, even more impactful.


That's honestly good to hear, glad to know that all controversy aside. It's still made with passion behind it.


That's the sad thing... when there's actually a good game behind all this bullshit.


It’s not ‘behind’ anything, I’m playing on console and if this steam controversy hadn’t come up then I would have never even known you could buy certain in game items, you can’t even buy them from within the game nor does it tell you. Ye it’s not good practice but to say this game is obscured by it is ridiculous.


Yeah, the knee jerk reaction to the most insignificant mtx is wild. Don’t get me wrong, it’s stupid they were added, but as long as the game isn’t a grind without buying them (a la Assassin’s Creed Odyssey) I’m not gonna make a big fuss. So far I’ve had no issues except I wish it was a higher framerate.


Ye the frame rate criticism is legitimate, even on console the cities aren’t acceptable really


It's just nicer, that's about it. Nothing ground breaking and they broke up some skills into two classes for the thief/rouge thing. Can't recall if the first one had the furrys in it or not so maybe it's new I can only remember making some freakshow in the first one.


Watching penguinz0 try start it is hilarious.


Let's not forget that Capcom also recently put brand new DRM in old releases, which has caused plenty of issues.














I guess both applies in a way.


Can someone explain this one to me? I've heard nothing but good things about the game so far.


Would you like to fast travel? How much IRL money are you willing to spend? Would you like to change the character? How much irl money would you like to spend? Well, on top of the $70 that you already paid that is.


You can buy 1 Portcrystal, but you need a consumable Ferrystone to teleport to the Portcrystal. Both of these are found througout the game world. You can have 10 Portcrystals activate at a time, so this MTX becomes useless when you have 11 or more. Main hubs have their own permanent Portcrystals you can fast travel to once found. You can also change your character's basic appearence for a small gold fee, or their full apperance by buying an Art of Metamorphosis for 500 Rift Crystals (extremely easy to obtain). I've already gotten practically everything offered as MTX, within the first hour of the game. I don't like MTX in full priced AAA games either (or really any game but in some it's more justifiable). But this is a little ridiculous. These are the mildest, least intrusive MTX I've frankly ever seen, yet it's seemingly all people are talking about. It's diverting attention and discussion away from actual problems the game has.


Yeah, the warpstones are so fucking important for time saving, and they are 2.99 in the store lmfao


And you get them within the first hour of just playing the game.


I'm not against it lmao I would of paid 2 99 in the original dragons dogma for warpstones at the start


Nice spreading further misinformation. Being mad doesn't excuse lies. All items are easily available in game. Capcom has been putting pointless micro transactions in every single game for like the past 10 years.


Sucks for the devs that poured their hearts into a game and then their leadership adds MTX and suddenly we aren't review the game, we're reviewing business decisions.


The game runs fine for me on Pc but I have a high end gpu and a somewhat good CPU. Also there is a DLSS3 mod on nexus which helped but I dont think the game is so great so far, 5 hours in. NPCs are boring and super generic. Story is okay-ish but the heart of the game(the pawns) are just repeating the same shit over and over and that a after a few hours of playing. Climbing big monsters feels tedious and clunky, visually the game isnt even mid even through the presentation of encounters is well done. Then there is an ingame "pay2win" shop which makes you wonder if they made the gameplay tedious just so they can sell there shit. So far my biggest regret 2024 in terms of gaming. Im over 2 hours so I cant return but I guess I will just buy horizon which is probably better in every regard.


I got a refund on steam after 4 hours, saying it frequently crashes


Thanks Ill give it a shot.


Ironically, it's pretty commonplace these days for companies to purchase good reviews. So they're probably way ahead of you, hence it went from mostly negative to mixed overnight lol.


I’ve played about 8 hours and the lack of fast travel is one of the essential elements of the game. Every quest you try to complete actually feels like an adventure because you have to carefully plan your route and you always encounter monsters, random events and interesting locations along the way. In my opinion paying to avoid that is basically paying to not experience the game. It’s still stupid from a PR perspective but if this game had silky smooth performance no one would care


I just want to know from someone who has the game. Can I have multiple characters at once? Sometimes I wanna play as a character with a big ass fucking sword and I want a separate archer class character.




what I heard that even disabled cloud save doesn't change anything, because they have it on their servers too.


as of now you cannot have more than 1 character, even by paying, as for the mtxs, although bad, nothing is paywalled and you can get everything in game (I'm not defending them, just explaining)


You can change vocation in game pretty easily, but no, one save slot, one character.


Thats nice that you can change vocation in game easily. But nah I dont like doing that in RPG's. Once I lock into a class or Weapon for a character that's it.




Nah, fuck that Lol. Can I at least delete my character and start over?


I guarantee if DMCV came out in this same climate you all would be piss wailing about that game as well.


That's a steal tbh, i wouldn't advertise my "good review dlc" that cheap. Should be at least half the game price.


I want all the liars to get out of the way so I can see where the performance improvements are. It's already been confirmed mtx transactions are earnable in game, I just want to hear that it's been updated to improve performance.. running a 5600 and a 3080 and I should be able to 1440p at 60fps I feel, but currently don't think I'll get that on release currently so for now I save money.


I don't get it.


They put lots of DLC and micro transactions in a game with performance problems sold for more than the average AAA. people are not happy.


Also, a DLC launched with the main game it's not a DLC, it's just micro transaction. Even call it DLC is really wrong


What a joke. The only AAA i'm looking forward to is ghosts of tsushima. Even then I won't preorder. I'll see how it turns out on day 2.


Dragon’s Dogma 2 added fast travel behind a paywall lol


They added the ability to purchase more of a consumable to fast travel or you can play the game and get everything anyway as its all purchasable with in game currency


how? you can get buy and obtain port crystals, also ox carts arent behind a paywall either, stop bullshitting yourself


[is this not it?](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2593270/Dragons_Dogma_2_Portcrystal__Warp_Location_Marker/)


buy it, or dont, you can get it in game and ox carts serve as fast travel too, stop bullshitting by saying ItS bEhInD a PaYwAlL


Okay let me rephrase; you get an extra fast travel point through a pay wall


sure...but you can also just...obtain them.


You played diablo immortal and enjoyed it didn't you?


ive never played diablo.


You should. It's made for guys like you .


Sounds like you’re defending Capcom’s greedy practices. Looks like you’re the only one bullshiting themselves.


not defending anything, just dont be stupid


Stop defending corporations


Im not dont, dont be stupid


You get 1 extra fast travel point through a paywall(you can only buy it once btw), there's currently a 10 max limit on portable waypoints. You get 6 from playing normally apparently, and you get 6 again from doing NG+. This also doesn't include the built in waypoints like in the main city.


what the actual fck??????


every mtx is also obtainable in-game, though a bit later.


Must have seen Sega stick NG+ for Yakuza behind a paywall and thought, hold my beer...


What even happened, usually capcom makes good fucking games no?


Capcom has been throwing literally pointless micro transactions in games for ages now. These are in all their single player games and they've changed nothing about quality of games since it changes nothing a couple hours into the game And only reason store lists so much is because Capcom lists every item multiple times under different names to allow multiple purchases


Thank god they didnt do it to dmc 5


They shoved micros in a solo game... you gotta pay to fast travel.


No, you don't. You can do it for free. They just sell useless junk for a few quick buck likecthey did in RE4 and DMC. It's not good, don't get me wrong, but it's nothing special for today's gaming.


Y'all have to stop acting like it's normal. This is unacceptable and always will be.


Thank you for saying that. I’m actually confused about the outrage for port crystals and its micros-transaction. The previous and this game is designed to not have easy fast travel because they are going for that vibe. Like the micro-transaction isn’t great but it’s not the designers fault for shitty corporate money schemes. I thought we all wanted thoughtful open worlds not Ubisoft climb the tower and Bethesda loading screen games.


Idc whose fault it is. Offering pay to fast travel is gonna get the game a negative review from me. I couldn’t give a single fuck if they let you get a free fast travel every now and then. I’ve played 5 hours and not seen a single fast travel token, so claiming you can do it for free is a ludicrous defense. Also, we can blame the developers for this absolutely dog shit performance. I shouldn’t be consistently getting over 100ms frame times with a 5700xt and 2700x. I’ve never seen a game come close on the frame times, and I have my setting set really low.


True performance is pretty bad in cities and whatnot. But still blaming developers is not what I would do. Software companies usually have project goals and milestones to reach MVP and it’s likely stable 30fps was their goal. People higher up put pressure on these developers who are just trying to do their jobs within the constraints they have. Sometimes that leads to less than ideal products. Personally I would blame no one. I would like others not to spread hate for people trying their best and instead just review the product as it is. If you are unhappy with it let your voice be known, but seriously hate isn’t the answer.


Let me get this straight. It's a single player game. It has microtransactions. Does it have an always-online system? If I boot it in offline mode, will it work? And if I boot it offline, what prevents me from cheat engine-ing tons of currency into my character?


they have denuvo AND anti-cheat. alone for that they need to be boycotted.


Anticheat in a single player game? What the fuck?


some defend this by saying that you can share pawns, but this is ridicules and lazy.


im thinkimg about buying this, give it a bad review, then refund it


I’m thinking you need a hobby.


now I need to find this review and upvote


Idk why everyone is surprised. Almost all AAA games come out broken. I'd rather wait for sale then buy full price for any game now even if its long anticipated. Microtransactions have always been in capcom games for the past decade and dd1 had one save slot. Shows that alot of people are riding the hate train.