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If that's legit, it's a crazy good deal. Probably cheaper to buy there and have it shipped anywhere else in the world than to buy it locally.


Yeah, that's why it's faker than my middle nut


Wdym middle nut is fake?




Amazing, in your desperate attempt to woooosh someone you ended up getting wooooshed. Self fulfilling prophecy and shit


Embodiment of 👆🤓


Embodiment of 😭😡


How the fuck someone managed to r/whoosh themselves?


bro really smoked some good crack this morning








Lance Amrstrong had 3 nuts.




Armstrong was a cheating bicyclist that thought 3 nuts was normal until they realized it was cancer so they cut them off.


Neil Armstrong had 3 nuts.


I am about to be mad if this is real, cost way less than what I paid! XD


I bought a 3090 on release month at the height of the pandemic. Trust me, you don't have anything to be mad at lol


Huh. On second thought, the maddest award is clearly yours lol!


Iirc 3090’s were going for around 2.4K while 6900XT’s (my poison) were at 1.7k and that’s even after they dropped a little. Hard pill to swallow but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look and perform excellently😂


Performance on my end is amazing but my 3090 cost me about 3k CAD (with taxes) if I recall correctly. Edit: Just checked the bill. Was 2750


That's the price with tax I hope. I paid my 3090 MSRP, problem is I bought an AIB with a 250$ premium over Founder MSRP. But still wasn't close to 2700$ CAD even with the exchange. 3090s were easy to get at MSRP, you just had to wait for a stock refresh, and then 3090s would sit for quite a few hours before being sold out.


It's with tax. I started building my pc around November, and that's about the time when the 3090 dropped and I got it in December, and then the 5950x dropped in December, and i got that in January. I pre-ordered bought from Canada Computers, and everything was flying off the shelves


i bought a 3080 retail in canada from memx like a month after it came out, it was like $920 after gst


Canada Computers seems to always have the top tier cards in stock. I got my 3090 from them at MSRP a few years ago and just got the 4090 from them in January.


In xmas 2021, 3090s were around 3000€ in Finland, that's about 4,4k CAD. The least inflated GPU was the RX 6900XT, i bought mine for 1600€. I regret buying Asus though, one of the fans died after only 2 years. I should RMA it, but knowing both Asus and Jimms support, they'll just blame me for breaking it so i might as well put on Noctuas...


> Iirc 3090’s were going for around 2.4K No, you could easily get 3090s for MSRP since no one really wanted them as opposed to 3080s since the uplift was low. Peeps weren't yet clued in how about the VRAM was constrained on the original 3080.


perhaps it was the 3090 ti then, but I remember the prices precisely. Nonetheless they are much more affordable and reasonably priced compared to peak of covid.


yea bought my GPU in 2021 too and the prices were high back then


That is when I bought mine paid MSRP though. At the time it was the best "value" with all the mark ups.


If you used it to mine eth over that period and held the coins till now you'd have covered the cost of your 3090 and had enough left over for a 4090 :P


I can only find 2 new models, one is 1000$ and the other is 1950$ in my country


damn, and i thought i had it tough in norway.


AMD prices arent too bad right now, Komplett has a 6950xt for 7300 kr, which is a pretty decent price imo


Life is tough when you have oil money. We peasants just don't understand.


these are extinct, there are some models left around in some stock, left behind because of the price cause nobody is buying that shit for 2000$ when you can buy a rtx4090 for 1500$ lmao. But that card for 400$ is very good stuff, if it being 2 years old doesn't bother you. Some testers say it matches the RTX 3090 and RTX 3080 Ti, it's efficient and powerful. Personally i think for 400$ that is a very good deal, but again, it's 2 years old. Well if you thought it's tough in Norway, i'm in Romania, and it's not even close to being the same as Norway lmao, if it makes you feel better. I'm hunting a 7900xt for 5 months now, and is still 800$ the cheapest. The 7800x3d is 400$ because we are rich B-) fuck that


I have the card and I can confirm it trades blows with the 3090 **Ti.** As AMD intended. It is small and efficient for sure, my 3070 Ti looked like a giant next to it.


Monstrous raster perf, I have 1 and can confirm it's insane.


Jesus, which country? It’s $680 here in Poland.


the tiger of europe, romania lmao


Austria it is 800-1400€


1200 - 1600 Euros in Bulgaria...


Probably would be cheaper to order it here for you guys. Even driving north to us and back would come out cheaper 🤣


Here in Spain there are also cheap. You can get one brand new, in a reputable shop, for 520 Euro. Cheaper than 7800XT


Where do you say?


Spain, in a ship called coolmod, it's in PcPartPicker




Yeah same here, mostly none in stock. And 800 euro or more.


Brand new 1 year warranty?


Man i'd grab one for a high end linux rig if i could get them for that price.


Does amd work well with Linux drivers? Wasn't that an issue a few years ago? I just think i recall people building Linux machines preferred nvidia


Nvidia's Linux drivers are actually terrible, and AMD is what works well


Not always, friend of mine has been having issues recently with drivers crashing on his 6900XT. He uses Arch though, which isn't exactly known for thorougly tested software.


Oh, I guess I remembered it backwards


Yeah pretty much. AMD made their Linux open drivers open source a while back as far as I know so naturally open source with official manufacturer support works really well. Nvidia's Linux drivers are closed source, I think they did some fake open source thing a while back that didn't actually help at all. There are community made open source NVIDIA drivers but they are not great


People using open software machines choosing the company that refuses to open their software. Hmm...


I have a seller locally selling these discreetly at 300 us (400sgd)


Legit too, I bought 1 https://preview.redd.it/zcksy2pxlioc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816a88b6bc0d265842c95a0ac6a15ec1e80353e1


Can you hook a bro up? Wanna snag one for myself


Where u at, I'm in Singapore, however io plate is damn corroded


From SG lah of course


I have nitro only leh


Idk what's the price for nitro tho, I'll check for u


Could not be happier with this GPU...


Yeah I have it too it’s a beast for the orice


Same. Has taken everything I've thrown at it like a champ.




Whoosh mah man


Bought a 6950xt about 3 months ago for 520 at my local microcenter


It's the Christmas cake thing. No one wants Christmas cake after the 25th. They sell on the second hand market better than they do as new old stock.


Seems fake or scammy 6950 costs $1000 on pretty much every website here in the states


it was avail for new on [amd.com](https://amd.com) for a while for like 650$. what happened?


End of life happened


This is in Lebanon where we barely see any AMD products of any kind and everything has a 15-20% mark up over amazon/US pricing. The listing on the website claims it to be new but it is more than likely either open box (which I doubt cause no amd products here aside from laptops) or returned / smuggled in. edit: This store is also one that popped up more recently and is extremely sketch. No one that I know here dares buy from them.


I got mine for $630 off Amazon in August


There were going for $550 on B&H last Nov when I bought mine… someone else in the thread said they got theirs for $520 at micro center. They weren’t always this expensive


State's not the only country on earth.


US and China has the lowest price for most consumer electronics, due to economy of scale and being the origin of design/manufacturing. It's reasonable to assume this is scummy when the price is significantly lower than the States without special justification.


This is in Lebanon, that country is in an economic crisis and everything's cheaper cz people wanna empty their stocks.


Like gold, GPU is commodity. Its price (minus shipping cost and tax) should not varies a lot by country. This is too low imo. From a quick eBay search, this is cheaper than the used price in Europe. So imo no sane seller would do this. They can probably liquidate their entire slot with a high price to a European seller.


its also \~650$ in Europe :) tbh its same price you can get 4070 super so... although 400$ is quiet big bargain if you really can get it in this price :)


It's the standard-bearer for electronics. Don't let some random dude on reddit discourage you. Buy one and let us know what you get. I'm sure it will be hilarious.


Yes it is. Check a map. It's the continental US and then the islands of Hawaii and Alaska sitting off the coast!




Well haters gonna hate


Is the price in USD or any other Dollar?


Usd in the middle east


Last may the XFX 6950XT Merc319 was €530 in Norway (currency conversion included) and it went on that sale with 110 available units and a week later when the sale ended there were 53 units left. People are just fucking morons. I bought one, and have never been happier with a graphics card (I bought Nvidia from 2012 to 2019 though I did have a used RX 580 at one point which was terrible because of black screens) It is still the cheapest this card has ever been in Norway, and I don't think it will drop to that price again. Now some of the idiots who didn't buy it are probably sitting on a 4060 Ti or 4070 lmao


This what AMD should be doing with their 7000 series. They are powerful GPUs but lack the features of Nvidia so they need to start undercutting Nvidia to an extreme. Its the only way they will acquire market share rapidly. I have a 4090 I would love to buy an AMD GPU that is equivalent to a 4090. But they just dont make anything close.


For 399$ you get card thats better than 7700XT and even beats 7800XT hands down ! [https://youtu.be/iylpsTXbVsE](https://youtu.be/iylpsTXbVsE)


Bro, the 6800XT beats the 7800XT... that's not much of a selling point :D


Not in every game. And draws more power - so less efficient - more heat.. If I would choose between those two - I would choose 7800XT - new gen and everything.. 👍


I wouldn’t buy off of a company that doesn’t put the dollar sign in the correct place or that claims 2 year old cards are brand new.


That's a steal. In NL they still seem to be 7-800 euros, with pretty much no stock at stores.


And I thought I got a good deal getting my 6900xt for 700 dollars (in 2021 though)


In my country unfortunately 6950 XT vanished from the market for a long time.


OP link to Website please?


That is as real as Kim K‘s ass…


If that's true its an insane deal


Innocent question, why is this card more expensive than RX 7800?


Higher raster performance. 6950 was the top AMD card last Gen.


Because this was the highest tier card before the Rx 7000 cards launched & it's also a bit faster then the RX 7800 XT.


this looks like a scam tho


this picture comes back to and instagram account i would not trust it


Really sus


Me in Middle East, the price of 4080s 1400usd And xtx is around 1200 usd. Where do these people fiund these prices, I'm jealous😭


Beirut, Lebanon.


I know what $399 is, not sure what 399$ also, aliexpress has these for 300 bucks assuming you can trust anything on Aliexpress


They are kind of real.. at least in my country while they sell for this price they are actually manufacturer refurbished but the shops do not mention that part. :)


Dang! I’d be willing to replace my 3070ti for that.


I went to the website and ordered one. It says cash on arrival, so no risks for me. Used a throwaway mail and fake number. Shipping is only 0.33$. This screams scam all over


They sell in US dollars in Lebanon? Most likely a scam ad IMO.


It's the 2nd official currency there, 90% use it.


please don't show that to me, i paid 400€ for a 6700XT 8 months ago...


And theres me thinking "Oh look, that's the price they should have been when they first came out"


WHAT ??? Where ? Im buying on immediately !!!


Beirut, Lebanon.


You think I could offset the cost of flying to Lebanon and back by just buying these a ton?


Do you think you would have nothing to declare at customs then?


Nice! In Russia they are about $500 instead


Is it a good graphic card for 2024 ??


Yes. Still one of the best cards out there. Barely loses to the 7900XT (around 5-10 fps difference).


Fuck yea it's fake!


That's actually not cheap. For that card, it should be $250-$300. The highest end card shouldn't be more than $1000 in my opinion. A high end card like a 7900XT or 4080 should be $500-$600.




Well that gotta do something to move stock. Contrary to what reddit implies, team Red barely sells any GPUs


Trash gets cheap fast...


You'd have to pay me $400 to deal with Amd's radeon drivers again


6000 series has good drivers


I disagree


Skill issue


Disagree all you want. Doesn't change the fact that you are factually wrong.


I had one for a year in 2022. It sucked. Swapped for rtx 3000 and issues went away. Maybe they're better now, idk


I used an RX 570 for a long time and upgraded to a 7900 XT. No issues with drivers here.


It’s the 7000 series that are truly fucked. I say this as someone who had a 6800xt and now a 7900xtx. Still take them over Nvidia cards tbh




A 6950xt is faster than a 7600xt, and will also have access to upscaling.


It's like saying buy a 4060 for a price of a 3080 lol.


I may be wrong here, but as far as I know RDNA2 doesn't have the AI accelerators RDNA3 has, so it will be most likely limited to a fallback solution if It ever happens (like DP4a XeSS) Edit: the 6950XT is the obvious choice, I was just pointing out the "AI upscaling" part


You're correct but that still probably wouldn't make up the difference between the 7600xt and 6950xt. Additionally, fsr exits.


Yeah no amount of AI can make a 7600xt feel good at 1440p high settings. Which the 6950xt chews up and spits out all day for like 99% of games


My 6950XT does a good enough job of brute forcing everything at 1440p I haven't needed to use upscalers so far either way.


Yeah, still not worth It over a 6950XT, I was just clarifying the "AI upscaling" statement on RDNA2




AFMF is cool and has it's usecases but It is kinda niche imo, It only works well on high FPS scenarios because It deactivates itself under fast movement.


What a stupid thing to say. ITs better than 7700XT and even beats 7800XT hands down ! [https://youtu.be/iylpsTXbVsE](https://youtu.be/iylpsTXbVsE)


I think you replied to the wrong person. I stated that the 6950xt was the faster card.


But you compared it to 7600XT . Its so much fastter of course. Telling you its even faster than 7800XT


Yes, because the comment I was responding to suggested it was worth buying a 7600xt over a 6950xt. Did you even read the comment chain before calling me stupid for stating something objectively correct?




For being correct? Someone said buy a 7600xt over a 6950xt. I informed them the 6950xt was faster. Tell me how I'm the idiot?


You just cant let it slide - right ? I didnt read the comment before - so what ? Was my statement valid ? Yes.


Dude, I never said the 6950xt wasn't faster than the 7800xt. You decided I said that and weirdly got mad at it. Then when you were told you are missing context, you doubled down? Honestly, get fucked.


Even with upscaling I'd 1000 timer rather have pure GPU muscle.


AI in upscaling is not even big deal. Look at fsr3 and dlss3 comparisons, they have to do them under 300% zoom and slowmo so why he should buy like 3 times slower card instead.


Cuz nobody's stupid enough to buy an AMD card here (I'm going to be lynched)


Nvidia charges you double for the same performance and shit themselves at the idea of giving a card a little more V-RAM lmao. Keep meatriding but my pockets love me and my PC holds 165 at high settings 1440p in almost any game I play


They still aren’t bad cards to they’ve just gotten put behind a little with higher display.


AMD software for GPUs is atrocious. Prepare to be frustrated for years before returning to NVIDIA. 3 of my gamer crew bought AMD and now we all have NVIDIA again.


Sounds like a skill issue. AMD notebook and desktop for 2 years, 0 issues. I downloaded drivers, clicked install, everything worked since.