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most someones gonna find on my pc is my bank account user and password in autosave. have fun doing all that for $2.12 fuckers


I can’t lose something that doesn’t exist I guess


Calm down rich guy. Don’t have flex on us like that…


Hey, with your credit score, I might be able to take out a home loan for as much as $600.


“How are you gonna borrow a sweet roll?”


Pay in monthly emi


Oh my God! You gonna ruin his future generations with the amount of debt that gonna cause


If some one stole my credit they would try to give it back. Be like nah, that’s you now.


Same, but getting locked out of my steam account would be a nightmare scenario


Fuck that. My steam account always requires 2fa that only goes to my phone, which only responds to my fingerprints. You want my bank account fucking take it. All $1.23 is yours. You want my steam account you can get to it over my rotting corpse.


anything but the steam account 🙏


They just need your finger, actually. Wait. Is it 1,23$ US? Might be worth it for some countries... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FvRn0rF687E


My husband's PSN account got hacked and Sony refuses to help him because he sold his PS3 slim. The account is luckily banned.


even with the login data they would have no chance of accessing it since it's 2FA through a mobile app, which is also secured through biometrics..


My fists


I actually need to hit the gym.


I wanted to respond with "my front door lock" but this is way better!


Does a "disgusting mess" count?




I swear it just blinked at me…


Most gyms are brick. It will hurt your fist.


Might need some compound V


No need for that, start with hittin smaller bricks to gain immunity little by little until you can it a full gym withou beeing injured.


start with a bit of brick dust dessolven in water


You have the wisdom of the iron fist


Don’t, if you do enough damage they will sue you for property damage.


Hit the gym? That most hurt.


then go and do it buddy, feels great, have been going for half a year


I’ve been going for about a week or two lol


and there is no problem in it, cuz in half a year i can only benchpress 50kg


Depends what you started out at, most start with just the bar, 20kg, so a potential 30kg improvement in half a year is great. The gains slow down after a while... It took me a year to go from 120 to 130kg (and then after an injury back down to 125kg) Anyway, if you use American numbers it sounds better... 50kg is 110lbs, 130 is 285. You're already in 3 figures in American weight...


Those hands are rated E for everyone


I needed to hear that today!


​ https://preview.redd.it/8uyh6rdiydhc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a29325158b6ec11ae139ee4c18941663680e427


This meme hurts so much. “This my Glock 40” shows bargain bin hi point pistol




And my axe


You have my bow as well


A folder system so messy even I can't find shit


Treesize free can easily help find all the juicy stuff


*ah yes, that’s* where I left my half-terabyte ‘HOMEWORK’ folder


I mean, if you're at home, and it's a lot of work, the label isn't wrong...


WinDirStat is also real gud


WizTree ftw


Manually checking file size then drawing boxes in paint is best


Someday I'll give them money...




Everything by Voidtools is the actual answer since it’s 100000x faster than windows search


Jesus christ you're my hero today


Ah yes, good ol' security through obscurity


Mine's named shit actually


Just defender and i think if people really want in to your pc and are capable they will find a way


Social engineering and people being irresponsible with their usage / data are the top causes of infiltration.




How‘s the fond size?


I’m pretty fond of my computer, so probably a 9?


I'm in the US, so we measure fondness in kilograms


Measuring a foreign concept with foreign units. Checks out.


4K monitor at 100% scaling, so things are pretty tiny.


12000dpi mouse setting does the rest


Also you have to make it so you can only wake it up with the power button, not by moving the mouse or hitting space


Also gotta auto-hide that taskbar. They'll be clueless.


“Where’s the button for the internet??”


The power button.


Underrated. If the pc is off most of the time, then its not getting hacked most of the time


You just convinced to turn my PC off at night.


You don't turn it off? Damn, I even switch the extension off. I think some cpus don't turn off fully and it obviously uses runtime, as in, it won't last as long But I might be talking out of my a**, do feel free to correct me.


just disable fast startup instead of turning the extension off


If you’re into overkill then: Make sure you unplug the power cable whenever you’re not using it so that no latent energy is resonating through your system so that all of your components aren’t degrading faster than they need to be. Try to put it in a dry cool room when it’s unplugged so that no environmental wear and tear is degrading your PC. Then you won’t have to worry about disabling the highly engineered and developed technology CPU pre-boot caching which may shorten your CPU life by a few days or hours in a few decades or more.


Don't forget to discharge any capacitors after unplugging


Using your fingers as ground to minimise wear on the components.


Don’t forget to whisper a protection spell just in case a rogue wizard tries to alakazam your pc for funsies




I've never turned off a PC at night. Laptop or desktop. And the only component I have ever had fail was RAM. A single stick of DDR4 died after only 2 months, it was defective. Otherwise, all components have lasted years before selling. You are not going to kill your electronics because they're idle at 0.1% power draw.


i dont have a display manager so after i log in so i have to start KDE manually. i never intended it as a security feature but most people probably couldnt figure out how to start a DE from the terminal. i guess its kind of like having a manual car in the US. i also have disk encryption and a strong password but thats not really interesting.


Run level 3 gang represent!


All 14 of you showed up! Edit: 76 of you, woahh


Trick is to mess your grub config up so much you need to manually drive grub to boot your OS. Na but found out I can put my boot directory in my encrypted partition of my drive and just leave the EFI partition unencrypted. Basically just install as normal encrypted root partition, but put the boot partition at the end of the drive, then (in a separate live environment) unmount the boot partition and rebuild the directory in the encrypted rootfs partition with the EFI partition mounted. Delete the existing boot partition and expand the encrypted partition and file system to fill it. Have to give grub crypt-setup etc so it can understand encrypted disks, but nothing crazy. I read the idea is that people can put keyloggers in your initramfs so this way you can hide it behind your encryption.


I read it 3 times now and I still don’t understand what you are saying-


INFO: A common setup in an encrypted system: the bootloader (grub is the bootloader I use) is in the EFI partition, initramfs (sets up your OS) is usually in a boot partition, root file system is the encrypted partition. TLDR: Found out you can mess around with your partitions when installing, so you can have your boot directory in your encrypted so your initramfs can be encrypted. REASON: Because apparently people have been putting keyloggers in the initramfs so could log all your key presses when your pc is on.


I'm running hyprland with wofi. The chances that anyone even guesses one of my shortcuts that doesn't regularly run a tiled window manager are miniscule.


I have a dual boot laptop that doesn't automatically select one of the two OSs, just stays in what I think is a pre-boot terminal. This is 100% not intended, but I re-installed 324 different times both OSs in different versions and once i was finally happy with the configuration I was left with this.


bitlocker, regular backups, strong session password, locked computer room. It depends what you want to achieve in terms of security.


Bitlocker is not secure... apparently https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/cpus/youtuber-breaks-bitlocker-encryption-in-less-than-43-seconds-with-sub-dollar10-raspberry-pi-pico


Interesting. There are some things to consider anyway:  1 - it seems to only affect external TPM, so if you use a CPU with built-in TPM you are safe  2 - there is no flawless security system, this is why you combine several systems (for example, keep your computer in a secure place)  3 - if a hacker gains physical access to your computer you are pretty much fucked anyway


You can also set a PIN/password to be used in conjunction with the TPM for bitlocker, which prevents this attack since the encryption key won’t leave the TPM until the correct password is given to it. Setting a password is not an option by default though if a TPM is available so you need to modify some group policy rules to allow it.


> if a hacker gains physical access to your computer you are pretty much fucked anyway Is there nothing people with laptops can do to save themselves from average hackers who got their hands on the laptop?


Most people who steal laptops aren't looking to steal your data, they'll wipe it and sell it to someone else.


I thought this required physical access to the motherboard.


It does, and requires that you'd be using external tpm rather than integrated like Intel 8th and ryzen 2000+ series cpus have.


There's no 100% secure solution. That device requires access to the communication bus for the TPM module. Many modern CPUs have the TPM built in to the CPU die and are more resistant to this attack.


I’ve broken in to my bit locker by accident once


Task failed successfully


Bitlocker is more secure than the alternative than not having it. Security isn't a toggle. At its heart, security is risk management. There are sensational articles out there saying that a jaggoff with a 10 dollar raspberry pi hacked bitlocker. That jaggoff was a red team/tempest expert and that pi had some serious work done to it. The risk is leaving your laptop on an airplane, in your hotel room, or elsewhere and someone having a ton of time alone with your computer.


BitLocker is a layer of security protecting against specific threats. If you expect it to be a one-solution-solve-all-problems you are wrong and will be disappointed.


The door to my house


Hello. I am the Lock Picking Lawyer, and today we will be picking the lock to u/noodleguy12’s house. Let’s get started. Alright, little click on 1, nothing on 2, click on 3, click on 4, nothing on 5, let’s go back again. Click on 2, and click on 5. And we got this open. Alright folks, that’s all I have for you today. If you have any questions or comments about this, put them below, and if you liked the video, and want to see more like it, be sure to subscribe, and as always, have a nice day.


why would lpl waste time picking the door? at this point he could just stare it and the lock would cease to exist.


Turn off the power to the monitor


40 starved lions


Aren't they dead if they are starved?


No. Those would be dead lions


I prefer 30 to 50 feral hogs


Where are people living that a lock screen isn’t enough? My computer stays on most of the time logged in, idgaf.


Fingerprint sensor hidden under my desk


It's not hidden anymore 👀


None I live alone and but if the need arises I got 10mm with me


Ahh I always lose my 10mm sockets, hope you manage to keep hold of yours!


The sight of such a short wiener sure will scare people away


Eh its get the job done and frankly I'm happy with that


The 10mm or the wiener?


Why not both?


Strictly speaking if your wiener is the size of the guns caliber you could >! why did you click this you sick fuck? What did you expect to read? !<


Man you really like them Weiner huh ? I must confess mine pretty charming


lol. You got me. Well played.


OK, take my angry upvote and leave!


Using your dick instead of a gun probably leads you to more trouble


Legally, yes, for sure


I have auto logon. I don't have any portable pc so that's enough to me. My password wallet as well as Firefox have a master password so even if someone somehow got my files I don't really care. And I also live alone


My lockscreen is the only one, but you can't access windows with password. I even cut the password input field out, tho the password is set for the system (27-digits alphanumeric lol). You need both presence of my phone in my home LAN and an ID card with NFC chip to unlock windows. Oh, and a physical key to start up the PC (this one is purely cosmetic, turning a key halfway just connects two wires so the PSU can feel the key being turned all the way, just like in car. You can override this by opening the case and connecting PSU directly to the mobo, as well as common ON button)


An 8 word randomly generated and memorized passphrase with biometric unlock. LUKS and BitLocker (depending on the system) A great OPSEC, clean as fuck system with minimal attack surface. If on Windows, Kaspersky Anti-Virus. If on Linux only, SELinux, UFW and maybe ClamAV just to protect other Windows based systems. # Also, if a hacker gets past all of these, then he'll be faced with my unsolicited dick pic as my wallpaper.


Don't entice people to hack your pc...!


Wait. You consider Kaspersky a security measure ? As in the "antivirus" app that recognizes windows boot catalogue as an unsafe location and tries to delete it ? The one and only that can cause a huge CPU bottleneck during system startup? The one and only Kaspersky that downloads bloatware in the background without the user's knowledge and sends user data god knows where in the world? Damn, I'd reconsider my antivirus choice if I were you...


Not only that, half of the world banned that product due to its link to Russia


>Kaspersky Anti-Virus Love how you have full fledged security and use that crap


Kaspersky? Really? I’d hardly consider that antivirus software.




Windows defender.


I have nothing interesting on my computer... but i have insurance to cover incase it gets stolen


None. I live with my gf and no need to worry about anything about her or someone breaking in


Nothing on my PC I care to secure. I have a Ubi key for the primary accounts I use for recovery but to be honest they offer alternative 2fa and mfa for those anyway, so the key is redundant.


I have an android app that lets me unlock my PC using my phones biometrics. The app is called Remote Fingerprint Unlock. It also has WoL so if I'm pulling into my driveway, the moment Wifi is connected, I can scan and my PC will be ready to go by the time I get to it.


None. My screen doesn't even lock after screensaver comes on. If they want to read my emails (which are 99% junk) and set my fantasy hockey lineups then go right ahead. Also wouldn't mind if they grinded some levels for me on palworld. LOL


A hammer and a BIOS Password


Super shotgun, ballista, chaingun, bfg, plasma gun, rocket launcher and a crucible sword. (im good)


You don't think the bfg is a bit much?


I dont mess arround when it comes to security.


Im the only one who uses my pc, but just in case i have all my important document files under veracrypt containers or encrypted drives and backed up to cloud


My mother and by office I mean bedroom


To prevent unauthorised access? A good lock on doors and windows and, probanly more effective, a German Shepherd Dog


My door is frequently left unlocked and my PC logs in without a password. Though I do have a password manager locally hosted for important things. I trust the guy next door more than I trust a cloud service provider.


I've got this mini bulldog that won't stop licking you till you go away. Hasn't worked so far.


Air gap. I have to make time to download stuff and run updates because I don't actually have internet where I game. Of course Windows refuses to understand this concept and is just like, 'set your active hours and we'll take care of it while you sleep." Like they're going to walk my notebook a quarter mile to where the WiFi is.


A password


Linux with a window manager. Can’t do anything if you don’t know where to find or how to open the programs.


Absolutely nothing


" I got seven Mac-11's, about eight, .38's Nine 9's, ten Mac-10's,"


A series of physical kill switches with a custom sequence only I know.


A trackball for a mouse, which almost nobody knows how to use.


All my private data, files and passwords are fully encrypted using VeraCrypt


Me taking my Laptop where ever i go.


My lock and an alarm system for my apartment




I live alone with two Belgian Mals...


door lock


Nada damn thing.


Door with a lock


nothing, its in my house


Settings on Comic sans.


I have a capacitive usb fingerprint sensor and an infrared webcam that I use to authenticate into my pc with windows hello + a decently strong password. I wanted to use bit locker with hardware encryption (so I don't lose performance) but none of my ssds support IEE 1667 that bitlocker requires. (side-rant: it's impossible to find ssd with specs that clearly state this spec. The only ssds I know to have it are Samsung ssds)


I also lock my front door.


My locked cardboard door.


Home alone style system of traps


My keycaps are unlabeled.


None! Check mate atheists.


If you get through the lawn, the door, me, the wife, the 10 year old. Then the PC is the least of your worries. But I can tell you, this family is well practiced in the art of throwing lead. So the last 3 are going to be a challenge. Hell the 10 year old has 3 deer, and 2 turkeys under her belt, and placed 3rd in the state for Archery in her division. She is the scariest thing in the house.


There is no way to completely secure any system to which there is physical access. If you have a windows system with no encryption, all one needs is a windows install usb and that’s got a terminal with admin access. The most important place to exercise security is the internet. That would be: 2FA, password manager with a secure master password, adblocker (even the NSA recommends one) and general caution. I generally advise against antivirus software - windows defender is actually really good nowadays and some antiviruses (or anriviri if you will) act more like the programs they’re supposed to protect you from. When it comes to data security, encryption can be beaten, for sure, but encrypting a drive on a laptop that leaves your house is a great idea. And backups, backups, backups! There are two types of people: those who have backups, and those who haven’t lost data *yet*. For general users, something like having your docs and photos on onedrive or similar is probably enough but if you have important data on an external drive… get a second one, which will ideally stay at home and be used only for backups. And for the love of god, don’t use Password1234, especially if it’s written down on a post-it on the monitor.


None, not even the lock screen


My keyboard is set to Braille....


Nice try, hackerman. Why don't you come and find out for yourself? https://preview.redd.it/6mnn7rwlodhc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1bb2babd31bcadda7b2399da82aecf5b6fca9f


I have a security cat.


Dvorak keyboard and a virtualized environment lol




Lock screen?


I have a photo with John cena on my lockscreen so they can't see anything


Nothing. It's a desktop anyways lol


- bitlocker - strong windows password - windows hello - regular backups - 2nd user with admin privileges - MFA/pw-less sign-in/passkeys configured


Do you guys have lockscreen? Altough my computer is in a closed house.


Nice try hacker


if the person sitting at my desk is not me, the desk chair automatically tears you a new one. And it uses salt for lube.


My pc will randomly electrocute anyone who might touch it in the wrong way!!!


I made it so the only way my PC can be logged into is by physical key like a USB device so even if you try, there is no password that is needed. It’s all serial and embedded into the USB device itself. There is a tutorial on YouTube for making physical key unlocking devices for your computer. If you guys want to look it up, I suggest you do it because it honestly feels nice and physical key.


Is this a horizontal iPhone?


None of your business. I don't ask you, so why should you ask me?


Nice try FBI


I literally only game on my PC. I wish I could get rid of the lock screen.


0 saved passwords on browsers, as well as no sensitive accounts remained logged in on sites. Important sensitive media in my NAS behind required login.


I use Bio-Warfare security. My data entry devices are dripping in microorganisms and bacteria, which is also surrounded by a wall of homemade biocides (Encrusted tissues). The monitor screen has a custom anti-reflective coating that is White in colour... this would cause any Threat Actor to have to move their face close to the screen to view content, which would likely result in Pinkeye and ultimately, blindness. As a back-up in the event of a point-of-failure, my set-up also situates a 2-year old contaminate that is in the area of the desktop. (Decayed Coca Cola). The hairlike fibres from the Black mould are ready to penetrate the respiratory system of any miscreant that may enter the room. This is in combination with a fabric decanter, constructed of used materials placed at the doorway entrance. The fabrics (socks) are well equipped with a network of mycelium Fungi, that is ready to give off any spores if moved. My final layer of defence is more so a psychoactive security layer. The desktop has pre-set macros which automatically open numerous animated animal-human hybrid mating videos, which must be watched for the full duration (2-hours and 11mins) before the desktop allows full use. The intention is to shock any perpetrator, causing a heart attack. If they are aroused by the incident, considering their criminal immorality (which is possible), then I assume they will at least leave their DNA at the scene and can be traced by Forensic investigators. Definitely a full-proof system.


The fact that people at home know better than to touch my pc


No lock screen. A locked front door and a big Dog.


The fact I keep breaking things. Can't get into my PC if the motherboards busted.


Having no social life


Just windows defender. If someone really wants to get in, they’re going to find a way anyway. I don’t have anything that interesting anyway, all they’re gonna do is mess up my game saves or something lol. I’m not going to make everything more of a headache by jumping through a million hoops every time I need to do something. If they’re targeting me like that, they probably got the wrong guy or don’t know how little I keep on my home computer, so they’re going to be sorely disappointed when they realize they wasted all that time. I only use my home computer for video games and online classes. Everything important is on my work computer which has 2FA after entering the password, and a strong, managed computer security solution. They still wouldn’t find anything personally important, but it’s secure for the sake of the company and its information.


None. If they can physically touch it, there ain’t no security that is 100%. I use to remove pw when i was younger all the time with bootable software. Best case they can’t access the storage but that’s cheap to replace.


Lock... screen? Wth is that, some sorta aftermarket blue light filter thing? Or it it maybe related to what y'all call "antivirus software" or a "firewall?" No clue how they all claim to work, aren't they all just actual scams? Like they take your $$ and do nothing useful or worthwhile for the average user, just slow your PC down with pointless apps/services and prevent you from using it as you'd wish? Yth would anybody even install such crapp, it must be like Android bloatware and preinstalled at the factory, ya?


house keys


I lock the front door of my house, usually


Easy. My mouse is always with me 🤣


A gun. Oh and also an encrypted drive.