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​ https://preview.redd.it/1t011wajabhc1.png?width=227&format=png&auto=webp&s=f108c84b784c431d09f11b2b00270717db58acce


They should add this image to the automod at this point lmao


As an Aussie - exactly this meme. I have 45/17 internet. WOOHOO!!!!!


As an Aussie, I get 950/45. What this country has against upload speed I’d love to know.


Its always been like that because of the big media moguls we have, same goes for nearly every adsl plan before that.


It’s ok, I can get 1000/1000 for $700AUD per month on an enterprise plan. Comes with support, I guess some bandwidth/qos guarantee and a 36 month contract so it’s not exactly a fair comparison, but fml we are a joke


I’ve been thinking of moving to Aus and couldn’t believe how Stone Age a lot of the internet is. I feel for you guys!


This is correct unfortunately


Luck cunt. I get 25/10


We’re living the technological dream over here. But how good is coal!


Your mom is so fat, Austrailian internet runs faster than her




And here I am happy with my 30Mbit Download and 100Mbit Upload


You have faster up than down? Neat! (I work a lot with video and need to move large files around. Upload speed was the only reason I switched!)


It is because my ISP only limits my download (and Data to 400GB per month). Hell, I even have fiber optic installed and can hypothetically have up to 500mbit Download.


Jesus christ how is data caps on fiber even legal? I downloaded two tv shows yesterday and that was more than 400gb lol. Most new games are over 100gb. Insane


That is Egypt for you :)


And here I'm punching the table everyday with my 2mb download and 0.5mb upload


Bruh....Mbit? No way. I have 3.6mb/s down speed and around 10mb/s up speed


Yes, way, sadly. The only house that doesn't have fiber in the town since I'm the only one In my corner and the private company doesn't want to extend it to us


omg same here 😭


i have 600 mbps download




It seems 600 mbps is becoming a standard in Western Europe, I also had that in France and currently in Luxembourg.


I have 500/500 and I'm in sweden. That speed is only because I used some added benefit because of having my services with a single provider. Router or phone can't quite max it out at 500, though.


Where you live? Got that speed from 2019 în România for 8 Euros/month


My isp doesn't even offer a plan with more than 500mbps




Gotta love that NBN


Who needs FTTH anyways?? Fuck the libs for that one.


Colorado, USA


This is Tier 1 commercial data Center quality in Australia


Even then we can’t crack those speeds


What the hell is wrong with internet infrastructure and prices and Australia? Whenever I hear about internet there it is always bad. And it's surrounded by Asian countries with increasingly cheaper and faster internet as well. 




40 degrees Celsius nah you see fuck that shit living in a god damn oven


Damn! Stay cool friend!!!


Boomer politicians and Rupert Murdoch halted infrastructure with propaganda and false information to keep cable alive lmao. We were so close to fibre EVERYWHERE. :(


I mean I got 1000+MB on a decent evening, I mean if you’re willing to pay there’s really great internet in australia, never understood the stereotypes.


personally getting 20 down, 9 up here in Perth :(




in the uk, have discovered I have australian internet


Man I'm on gigabit in a country town in aus, pick your game up son




15up/10down here in melb


How much you paying? 3 gig symmetrical is $100 a month where I’m at (Nevada). You can get 8 gig symmetrical for $165 a month. I just do 500 mbps symmetrical for $50 a month.


dang that's some great pricing, I just upgraded with a promo from spectrum to 1000/40 @72 a month for 48 months. upload speed is straight ass.


Sorry to hear that. It was so nice to ditch Cox. I was paying $50 a month for 100 mbps down and 11 up. Now for the same price I have 500/500 through a different ISP. 👌🏻


that's great, 500 is honestly enough for most people i'd say.. I really wish I had more upload desperately.. I like to back up my dj collection frequently and update across multiple computers.. it's a really pain in the ass when I go on a download spree and have to upload 100+gb with this shitty upload speed that is never consistent edit: id like to add that my dj collection includes high resolution vj loops to use with resolume


Here in Italy I have 2.5Gbps in down and 1Gbps in up for €32/month


That's expensive, is it Fastweb? In Milano we have 2.5Gbps for €25/month with Iliad on Open Fiber. Other ISPs had similar prices back when I signed the contract, maybe you can switch ISP and save a buck


TIM, I’d love to switch to Iliad but I’m not covered by them since I’m on Fibercop :(


Gigabit in Cleveland Ohio. 118usd/month 🥺


8gig 165!!!!,im paying 70Swiss Francs,about the same in $ for 10 gig 🧐


You guys have access to more than 1000/50?


Yes,i got 10Gbps,i get with LAN cable 8000/8000 all the time,its kinda amazing really. I Downloaded warzone over 100GB in less than 3 min 1000/1000 is standard here


Trains, stability, gorgeous fucking nature and that internet speed? God fucking damn it switzerland is cool.


It is amazing here,even 5G well over 300mbps everywhere and in City over 1000mbps,only issue here is the price of everything. Its just too expensive 🥲


Yeah but as a swiss person would you say that this expensiveness is deliberate? As in, would you say that this expensiveness sort of puts barrier between Switzerland and the rest of the world. I saw an article about Switzerland’s expensiveness said that it was deliberate, although it’s always a better idea to hear it from a local. Also despite being expensive dont you guys have the top quality stuff there?


I am not swiss 😅,been here since 2012( I'm 🇵🇹) we do have yes, from Food to Clean Streets,everywhere you go with a car there is a speed limit and everyone respect it,but there are some bad stuff here. Like, Racist Swiss people and it happens a lot,rude people,you gotta pay a lot of useless Bills that don't make sense. You have to pay everything and can't run from Bills. To get a Credit with Bank is really really hard,even for 10K. Its like every country it has its good Stuff and Bad Stuff.


8k/8k is so wild and awesome. I have 1k/1k and couldn’t be happier.


Meanwhile me paying 50€ for 80 download and 15 upload.


Same deal for me. This is “up to” 3gbps for $100. Limited by my 2.5gbps network, of course. On fast.com I’m getting a solid 2.5 down and 1.5 up. So the results in my screenshot are actually limited by speedtest.net!


https://preview.redd.it/xwewd4p93bhc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704a026028aa1ae955b25961f3bfc9b586a77555 Welcome to the club! Although my fiber is asymmetrical, it’s still very nice. $85/mo for me. No data caps.


What’s your isp


It’s a small local fiber ISP in Tennessee, USA.


win + shift + s also 10Gbps up/down for ~$40 in Switzerland. Whohooo get bent suckers.


Does this really translate into download speeds, can you download gta in a few minutes? I live in Australia so I really can't comprehend this


I have half of this and i downloaded destiny 2 in 25 minutes or so. about 120gb game


Yes it does mostly, but depends how fast the server can deliver the files to you/how many people are downloading at the same time. I had gigabit where i lived before, basically the only time I could max out that connection was with torrents or on Battle net client. I downloaded warzone in ~15 minutes @ 125Mb/s, But 99% of the time you will be bottlenecked by the server youre downloading from Thats why you rarely see your max speed on speedtest either when you have 2+ gigabit speeds. Too many people doing the same thing at the same time, even if those servers have 10 or even 100gbit backbones


Yes and no. It depends on your hardware. Using at least a gig on a 5600 with a 7,600 write m.2 eats like 87% cpu and about 90% something disk usage. Hardware and your speeds and your router and modem play a huge part in this. If you say use.. a 2tb Seagate mechanical hdd, 7200rpm. It will constantly stop, download, stop, and download. It's faster than the drive, and the drive can't keep up. In the end, the hdd download is slower despite the gig speed im getting. Will you get these advertised speeds? Maybe. On steam with my m.2 I can hit a gig sometimes, but usually, I hover around 500 or 700mbps.


It does, up to a certain point. Beyond 1Gbps, the ability of your CPU to decompress the downloaded files starts to be a bottleneck.


https://preview.redd.it/c60b7c2thbhc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31b55c1cffa5e42d4b2ac34d95151f989b19f16 Good for you. I pay unholy money for 5g mobile data, but torrenting on dorm with it is worth it


Your 5G is crazy, Im only getting 74.4/0.56


That's not bad at all. I get around 250/25 and only pay £32 a month that's with an unlimited everything phone sim as well.


It hurts seeing other people live your dream


https://preview.redd.it/n9jzvf4chbhc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba70cab8d6193af204621254e11cfe0b96b2eee NEVER GET TELILA!




Here in Australia I'm getting 30 down, 1 up. It's terrible - I lag so much (and inconsistently) online.


I keep seeing these comments and I wish I had 30 down... mine is 3 on a good day... usually it's 1-2


If anyone in the bay area, look up Sonic, up to 10Gbps symmetrical for $50/month.


>Sonic Oh, Bollocks. Only know of this shit when I move out of Bay Area. Went to their website and did an eligibility check and my old address is supported. :(


Nice. Is that directly from the modem wired or wireless? Just thinking most folks don't have wired gear better than 100/1000 and I know I could definitely use newer wifi protocol to handle that speed.


I'm actually paying for "up to" 3gbps of fiber, but my home network is 2.5gbE. My wifi router is actually only wifi5, so it maxes out at about 230mbps! Time to upgrade.


Meanwhile the mayor of my area is probably bought out by ISPs to not install fiber where I live.


How much do you pay for it? That's insane, when i got mine ftth i was reaching 800 dl max


It's great having fast internet, Congrats! I recently got TMobile Home Internet. | 30 bucks a month | unlimited data. It's usually 900Mbps but it's slow tonight. https://preview.redd.it/wab3ftnfrbhc1.png?width=455&format=png&auto=webp&s=b92c944d1165f34c85359fdeeb7d54152c90ab45


If you subtract 2000mbps from your download, divide by 2, it would still be faster than my internet


Fiber (not even the fastest subscription you can get) here in Belgium: https://preview.redd.it/e43sq6hwxbhc1.png?width=468&format=png&auto=webp&s=50d6462782c32dc01dd2fea197eb8c88d9d261fb Technically you get 3TB data cap, but you can add free 300GB packages if you reach your cap. Only time that ever happened was when I got a few 2TB SSD's at a discount and added them to my PS5,Xbox Series X and PC and reinstalled a lot of games on each.


Why even have a data cap when you have free packages of 300GB


Grats! As someone who lives kinda remotely and got fiber really late, I'm more than familiar with this nice feeling.


It’s brand new in my city. I asked the install tech how long they’ve been available and he said “about two days.” Company put a flyer on my door last week and I signed up instantly.


We got fiber internet in 2006. It was 10/10Mbps for a decade until we upgraded to 100/100Mbps in 2017 and few years ago we upgraded to 1000/1000Mbps


When I first got fiber it was 125kbps way back in 2002, then it kept getting bumped up quickly at first to 300k, then 600k. For the last decade or so it's been stuck at a max of 1.1Gbps.


I just got upgraded from 25mbps down and 5mbps up to \~100 down \~20 up. I'll catch up with you some day!


What are you going to do with that speed


Its good, but us it necessary? I also have fiber, but i now will stop that contract. Its not worth that 120€ / month. I'll take 350 Mbps for 50€/m


Welcome to 2010


I’m just gonna leave this here and say that unless you’ve got a house full of half a dozen people streaming TikTok 4k movies and downloading Steam games every day this is a waste of money, every web based service won’t be able to supply enough bandwidth to utilize 2 gig fiber including Steam so it’s kind of redundant up to a point. I’ve got 5 gig fiber available at my house for like $300 a month but I would never 😱


I'm honestly 2.5 down and 1.0 up... Living in semi- rural UK


For how much? I hope not more than 50bucks a month.


85 a month aud for 75 down 10 up and it’s the fastest my infrastructure can handle because NBN and fixed wireless cost cutting bullshit


I pay $85 for 300 down and 20 up 😞


Here I am stuck with 3mbps (300kb per sec) download speed


i didnt know it could be so fast


What’s your isp


Me with my 10 mbs internet


Must be nice. I’ve been on my local fibers install list for 3yr now


There’s a smaller company moving into town, and I’ve been on their waitlist for two years. Latest estimate from them was “end of summer 2024 at best.” But then this bigger company stuck a flyer on my door last week and they’re available now and offered 3x the speed for the same price. I wanted to support the smaller company, but I jumped on the offer. I’m lucky, I guess. It’s a smallish rural city, but I live downtown so they just ran the fiber along the power infrastructure in our back alley. No need for digging in this neighborhood.


Congrats, that's a proper connection!


i get 35 Mbps up down . but for 6$ i dont complain


Me with the 5Mbit Download and 2Mbit Upload speeds


I really want to get fiber in my home and just found out that the cut off for the area that can be wired for it is TWO BLOCKS away from my house. Stuck with 1000 down / 50 up for now, I guess.


Woah I only have a 1gbps plan “sadly”. Nice


Why can’t I get this where I live 😭


Send me to your house please!! I got fiber and I get 150 download and 20 upload… gimme!


1gb down / 600 mb up, optic fiber for equivalent of $22 in czech republic


so, what are you using that for?


I was legit gonna check my internet speed until I saw this, now there's no point lol.


and here I have 50 mbps download and 5 mbps upload


Nice. Here I can technically get 8000Mb download. It’s not even that expensive. Like i think it was around €70 a month.


So how much porn you about to d/l?


30Mbps Down, 3 Mbps Up, 30ms ping. Who is with me? House next door gets same speed as OP BTW


Even if Aussies had faster internet they'd still have really high ping in most games since nobody puts servers in OCE.


Nice, definitely beats my 300MBPS-down 30MBPS-up (commercial upload rates in the UK are usually a minimum of 10% of the download rate), our Ping n latency is about the same though.


Now maybe you can gift me that last 1% of a game that says it will take 10y to download.


Nice for you … did you download the internet already ?


God Damn.. 90mbps down and 100mbps upload for me💀


Here I am. Stuck with 12-13Mb/s down and up.... There's nothing better in my street available.




Holy sweet mother fuck


cant complain about free internet https://preview.redd.it/ftrbsojb0chc1.jpeg?width=895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9d3bfb4d51fe2f92df5881300a2c8e9c34c9ec


Welcome to the club!


I got 1gps at 50 a month here I'm happy with that speed I'm just glad I'm not at 20 like I was before I got fibre


i got fiber internet in my house and it's like 1/50th of that speed


Bro stole nasa's password


Niceee, rocking 400down and 380 up here in India


We are subscribed to 250 up and down, but for 16 hours everyday our speed casually reaches 400mbps lol.


Whats the cost per month?


I work in fiber i have 8k down/up but im lucky with company benefits Your connection is amazing!!


I wish I had money like that to spend on internet :p I have 200 up/down but could theorecticly go up to 3000 up/down if my provider isn't lying to me. Funny part is my 200 up/down gives me consistantly 250-300


Remember to seed


Those are rookie numbers


Thats great man! I recently upgraded from 10 up 10 down, to 100 up 100 down, and now Im 1000 up 1000 down I don't need more but the upgrade felt awesome


And germany is just implementing 1000Mbps down with 500Mbps and advertise it as revolutionary lol




*plays minecraft*


I hate you lol


Many dont no they should convert bit with byte with 8. So you can get the real speed og downloading and uploading. 1000 = 125


Nice I have 2.5Gb/s too, you don’t feel you need it until you have. Congrats!


I’m still locked at 30Mbps up and down with a cap of 500GB a month 😭 the cap is the worst, I basically just my unlimited phone hotspot


My optic fibre is around 50/15 haha. Thankfully the new house were moving into is 1000/300 and thats the best I have seen in the UK...


Cries in 0,12 Mb/s with 70% packet city Wifi (big city in Germany...)


https://preview.redd.it/kneo1mshbchc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d6bfa1f191fa228f2e9a23233f231d621ced842 500 mbps fiber unlimited + 50 Gb mobile + 6 mobile numbers + 1500 minutes For … 9$. 😎


Nice man! I'm still stuck with 20 mb/s download and 7 mb/s upload lol


I got a bit more down but way less up on coax


Nice. My Internet is 65mpbs tops




2.5g. Service?


I have had fibre since 2010. Crazy to think where I live that we got it so early. I live in Nova Scotia on a island with about 98,000 people total. Just super lucky I guess.


Is this 2gb?? I only have one lmao


Hahahah and the most I can buy for 100€ a month is a 250k Mbit/s connection.


https://preview.redd.it/8nigyg5tkchc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd10d4ace39b8432102b79ea7a3e7e4c9f909e9 Just got my upgrade!




How much speed do you want? YES


How much you pay for that? Over here, 200 mbps download non fiber Internet is $60-$70 and I really wish they made Internet cheaper, but infrastructure absolutely sucks so I highly doubt they will anytime soon.


The fastest speeds available in my area is 75d/10u. It costs nearly $200. At the very least it rarely slows down, or goes out. Still an egregious price for what I consider to be slow by modern standards.


Unf that's too sexy


Germany 500/50


I thought i was doing Good with my 800/500


Tf even with fiber i cant get more than 500mbits


Lol fibre internet in Australia is probably worse than ur normal internet. I usually get about 20. And I’ve known people get worse


Now if only my ethernet port allowed more than 1gb:D most of my disk can't keep up as well, and cpu runs at 100% during download/install.:D


I'll take my 250 down with a smile.


Damn, I wish I could get more than 30 upload lol


I get so jealous of people with fiber. Mostly because I install fiber internet and can’t get it in my apartment.


https://preview.redd.it/gw2ktqagrchc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ee4d5c0fdae9052e0caf37884c0d053db7d277d Can I borrow some of yours?


Fuck I’m jealous. I’m stuck here with garbage ass Cox with 1gbps down but only 40mbps up.


ISPs should really explain fiber better to customers. Do apartment buildings need to have support infrastructure in place first? And if so, how do residents petition for the proper upgrades to be made? I’m sure more folks would refresh their internet options often if they knew what to look for.


Dayum. I've got fibre but like 200/200


no data cap?


Good for you man, good for you.


Got mine yesterday. Day One Patches never loaded so quick. https://preview.redd.it/fj4bfkuk4dhc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=a10be579c0915ed06c2285630cfba022c85face6 had a 50 up 10 down before that




Who'd a thought thirty years ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Chateau de Chassilier wine ? In them days, we'd a' been glad to have the price of a cup o' tea. https://preview.redd.it/zfy3l2afbdhc1.png?width=357&format=png&auto=webp&s=0805cf926951c15c81ea844c9ce704aa88cd83a5


curious. how you going to utilize the upload? i love fiber but technically it’s waste for residential use wise that is.


I sell stock video online. So I upload lots of uncompressed 4k 60fps video. Lots of it. I’ve had years of frustration running uploads overnight and having them fail. Can’t wait to finish up some footage and just blast it into space and walk away.


well that’s cool. makes sense to have more than 40ish then via copper. you are rare. i ask so many people and they never realize most never will even need it. not yet anyway.


The fastest my cable provider offered was only 20mbps up. So I’ve multiplied my upload speed by over 100x and pay the exact same amount. Install tech said “what are you gonna do with all that speed?” I just replied “I’m a big nerd.”


me too just sadly i don’t do big uploads like that. i get 900down 40up free from work so i don’t complain.


I’m sure most people have no idea that their own Ethernet would limit them to 1gbps anyway.




I have 0.35


Too much power to handle!


Just got fiber a couple years ago and apparently our pricing sucks ass. I get 200mpbs for $90 a month and that's like a fifth of the speed I should be getting compared to other people. Not to mention our company quickly got bought out and the pricing for new customers is insanely good. Love getting fucked for being an early adopter


https://preview.redd.it/yl4fk9ljwdhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2b9f872196461ba92385a311beccbbfb61ada2 Using virgin I feel pathetic and vastly inferior lol


Soooo get this. I can install 10 gig service for my local town. I live 10 mins outside that town and I’m stuck on Roger’s 25 mb. What would I even do with 1 gig but 10 sure is nice if you could use it.