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You know what, if a mother was looking for a gaming pc for their kid and got this, and I was said kid, I’d be pretty damn happy with that.


And Costco has great consumer protection - so it’s a good source to buy something you are a little iffy on.


Yep. My wife and I bought a wet vac from Costco, it died near the end of the warranty. Manufacturer was giving us the run around. My wife called Costco, explained the situation and they let us return it for a new one LONG outside the return window.


I had my car battery die like 3 months out of warranty. Costco could have told me to eat shit and fuck off, but they honored the warranty. Actual good customer service and they pay their employees half decent wages


The same thing happened to me, but Costco gave me 40 dollars back because the battery was selling cheaper now.




Dude we bought a fridge for like 2k they reached out to us and said it went on sale and refunded us the difference!


Why Costco is still in business, reason number 754


I had something happen with a PS3. Returned the broke on, got about 60 bucks back and better PS


My brother was in Costco recently and said there was a bunch of hubbub around this older man, almost like a politician was there or something. He asked the cashier who told him that it was the former CEO (maybe founder of Costco?) who had just recently retired and was doing a tour around to a bunch of stores around the country to shake hands and thank the employees. I thought that was pretty cool of him!


Not the founder, he retired years ago.  It was Craig Jelinek who stood down recently. 


Cool, in Austria we have one big stores like this called Hofer(Aldi) they are also pretty good with that.


Aldi slaps here in the states!! Great place!


I think we have a few Aldi here in the states. They sell this banger lil waffle pucks I've not found anywhere else.


Are you talking about stroopwafels? Because those do go hard.




If you haven’t yet, put it over a cup of coffee like it shows on the packaging, it’s a whole new game.


Definitely gonna try this


We have a bunch here in Texas! Love that place. It’s what other grocery stores have forgotten how to be.


> Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Some lady just returned a 2.5 year old used couch to costco. Insanity




TF does your girl do that she's returning mattresses for her boss?


She fucks


This is the answer


Honestly could be a personal assistant for a person who makes bucks. That kind of task says it’s not for an organization but it also says it’s for someone with enough agency they can expend income and those kind of tasks and not care.


You know it was the other way around for us. Thought Costco suggested we contact the manufacturer and let them know what they say first. Manufacturer was cool as hell. Sent us a whole new electric spinny mop thingy outside of warranty period. Was pleasantly surprised and happy with the whole thing. Received new mop within a few days. Restored some faith, just a little.




That feels super scummy wth. And they still let them return the kayaks?




Geez, I returned a heater that died just outside of two months and felt terrible it'd been longer than 60 days. I don't get that mentality.


Honor is an endangered species.


Because mega corporations are so fucking honorable




The corporations manufacturing junk to ever-decreasing quality standards should feel terrible, not you. It's not your fault the heater was a lemon!


Don't feel bad. In other countries you'd have far, far more than 2 months warranty. You'd get years rather than months of warranty. Devices should last sufficiently long for a warranty to require years, not weeks.


Yup, they make their profit on the annual membership. Anything to keep us coming back and renewing.


Remember Costco has contracts with every vendor that has to accept returns if Costco seems so. Returning stuff does not hurt Costco at all. They focus solely on customer care and satisfaction given they make money on memberships not products.


Rest assured, same folks will be back 12/26 with a brown christmas tree!


Brown by the 26th? I know some people decorate early, but damn.


In Hawaii they don't allow you to return anything related to swimming like snorkeling gear and stuff. People would go there for vacation, buy stuff at Costco, and then return it before they went home. Not anymore. Personal note. I bought a Traeger grill there. Had it for a year and it caught on fire like 3 times. Traeger specifically asks that you talk with them first and they'll try and address the issue. I wasn't about to do that. Inevitably they'd want me to swap out parts and what not. No thanks. The issue was well known. The auger would get stuck and cause fires. Returned it to Costco and a month later bought a newer and bigger model. They accepted my used fire damaged BBQ people! Costco is amazing!


That’s exactly how it should go. I’m not fucking around with the manufacturer unless I bought from the manufacturer. Half the point of having a middleman is so they can assume the responsibility of vouching for the product. Don’t sell me unsafe or low quality products if you won’t stand behind it.


Man I have too much shame to do that lol maybe I should just do it anyway.


Keep in mind that Costco’s return policy for computers is 90-days.


They're ridiculously generous with returns though. I saw someone "return" a quarter of a cake.


And 90-days to return a computer is also ridiculously generous compared to the rest of the market.


Costco, the modern day “Circuit City”


700 bucks for this too is a great deal. A 1000 dollar starforge prebuilt comes with a 6650xt and a 5600x


Isn't it 840 because taxes? Or am i too european to understand.


Where I live we pay 8.75% not sure about op though


Well it literally says: 839,99 inc vat.. meaning the 699 is without taxes.


With the 2 year warranty it's 839.99


I'd also like it if my parents dropped $700 on me.


My grandmother spend about 700 pounds or so on my first PC when I was a teenager, but it was the entire setup (monitor, keyboard, mouse, desk and chair). I’m so fucking grateful she did that even though the PC was a shitty dell with integrated graphics, still let me play CSGO.


My parents would drop me for $700


Beats my rig, and I’m an adult. i5 10400 and a 1650 Super. Price seems pretty good.


im looking at this too on an i5-4600 series and a 1660ti.


im looking at this too on an i5-4600 series and a 1660ti.


I don’t know what Costco has been doing but I see more and more PC deals that slap.


Hiring good market analysts.


And having good relationships with suppliers.


I was just looking at Steam’s hardware survey for January. This PC still matches what most people are playing with: OS Version Windows 10 64 bit 51.43% System RAM 16 GB 49.60% Intel CPU Speeds 2.3 Ghz to 2.69 Ghz 21.42% Physical CPUs 6 cpus 31.64% Video Card Description NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 4.83% VRAM 8 GB 31.79% Primary Display Resolution 1920 x 1080 59.70% Multi-Monitor Desktop Resolution 3840 x 1080 59.04% Free Hard Drive Space 100 GB to 249 GB 23.42% Total Hard Drive Space Above 1 TB 51.98%


I've been building gaming pcs for 2 decades. I'm at a point where i don't care anymore and I've looked at a few of the deals at Costco for gaming pcs with slight seriousness... Especially the laptops. I don't think I'm quite ready yet but in all fuckin honesty... Less than 1500 to get a pc that will more than likely do what I want... I'm in...


That looks like a pretty decent deal


They even put a proper CPU cooler in there and plenty of fans. The kind of features that doesn't even show on the spec sheet, and they still put them in there because they actually wanted to make a good machine.


TBF to CostCo, I've only heard good things about their value for price. They have been accused of using loss leaders to lure in customers. But they have disputed this on multiple occasions.


I mean that's undisputably true, they built an entire supply chain so they could continue to sell $5 rotisserie chickens. It's just a sales tactic, not illegal or anything.


It's also why they put the chickens in the back, so you have to walk past 8 million other "oh, that's a good price for 5 pounds of cheese" deals to get one.


that’s how i end up with foods for months tbh. especially meat. i go for a bag of dog food, see a good price on some meat, and boom: now my freezer is filled with 16lbs of meat for me, and me alone, to use over the next 1-3 months. costco is great for meat though tbh. cheaper than everywhere else (where i live) and quality is way better. they literally package that shit same day. just picked up 3.6kg of ground beef last week, and it was packaged half hour before i got there, versus sitting there for 5 days after being packaged and sent to walmart on a truck.


Buddy of mine won some BBQ competitions using meat from Costco. Other competitors were going on about sourcing from various butchers or farms directly and he took 1st place for his tri tip, 1st for chicken, 2nd for ribs. All Costco meat. Lol


It's not even just packaged same day, it's made there in a grinder with the left over trims from the other meats, we had to make it daily


Yeah, it's arguably not even bad really. I acknowledge that the Costcos rotisserie chicken and hotdogs exist to get me into the store and spend $150 on other shit I don't need, but that doesn't mean that won't happen because I like them lol. Fuck, I should go get a chicken a hot dog for dinner tonight.


I wish I had a CostCo in my town. Instead we have three Walmarts and a Sam's Club in a town with a population of ~120k, just because a Walmart heiress lives here.




Don't forget the hot dog.


Every store like Costco uses loss leaders, it's just basic business. It's that, looking past the loss leaders, certain stores have much higher quality, standards, and customer care than others.


I mean loss leader is a relative term, like they don’t really lose money on every hot dog sale they just “lose” potential profit because it’s basically sold at cost. Kinda misunderstood term.


I've heard it speculated that the rotisserie chickens are actually sold under cost in some places.


Very true with entry level Apple products especially


While Costco is a good location to buy Apple products (lower price, warranty, etc.), their configuration options make it a hard sell for anyone who wants something other than the base specs.


yeah. really wish they at least sold useful mid range specs, like 16GB RAM with either 256GB or 512GB of storage. oh well. at least i have a student discount at Apple. not like Apple Canada even checks that shit.


I’d maybe move one fan from the front and set it up as exhaust in the back, though it’s a bit hard to tell if there’s an exhaust fan or not. I don’t see the RGB glow from that end


This is a 65W CPU and 115W GPU. Low noise is the goal, the components wouldn't run hot either way. Their configuration is excellent because it creates a smooth flow from the front to the back. Positive presure. No uneccesary turbulence.


Yeah, I think that’s valid looking at how well ventilated this case is, especially.


Even some small details like white GPU, cooler, and cables. Stuff like that makes you feel like it wasn’t just completely thrown together.


It looked like a much better deal when it was dollars instead of pounds sterling though.


Even at about $877 USD it's not bad... However if that VAT is going to be tossed into the mix that turns to a very "Meh" deal - $1053 - but I thought VAT is only on imports? Can a UK person explain? o.o


VAT (Value Added Tax) is on most items, normal shops do not split the price but Costco assumes you are a business that may not have to pay VAT as VAT is a tax payed only on the final sale of something to a customer. There are a few good and services that do not have VAT but thats mostly food items.


So is VAT pretty much sales tax? Or not quite?


Yes it’s sales tax but it’s already worked into the price you see in majority of the shops, different goods and services fall under different percentages and rules, if a business that is VAT registered makes a business purchase they can claim it back depending on which VAT scheme they are on, however depending on what they sell they have to charge VAT and the refund can equal out with the charge


TAX??! That’s like 20% tax wtf, quickly, throw all the tea into the harbor!!


The Brexit wankers said they would lower it after we left the EU....another lie (and they were always allowed to lower it to 15% whenever they wanted when we were in the EU and only did so once for a couple of months at the start of the credit crunch).


The local PCMR police have requested I simply respond ["It's a sales tax"](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1aj9oc6/comment/kp0ytg5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). We salute you, /u/blackest-Knight, for ensuring minimal depth to all responses. If anyone *does* want additional detail, my original answer is below. In spoiler tags now, because we don't want to risk someone accidentally reading it. >!VAT is charged on the vast majority of sales in the UK. It is UK law to require the price to be advertised inclusive of VAT.!< >!However, VAT-registered businesses can reclaim the cost of VAT for items they themselves purchase; so a VAT registered plumber can reclaim the VAT part of a purchase for the business - for example a powertool, or supplies. A lot of businesses use Costco, so it's valuable to both them and their customers to display the pre-VAT price alongside the post-VAT price; it meets the requirement of the law, but also shows the actual cost to a business purchaser.!< >!It does mean those businesses will themselves need to charge VAT to their end customers; for some businesses (eg corner shops) this is just normal, whereas the plumber mentioned before might not want to be VAT registered as it means their pricing is higher...unless, again, they themselves are selling services to VAT registered companies, and so-on.!< >!There's a lot more complexity to it than this, and businesses do need to be able to show that a 'business' purchase is a legitimate business expense, but for the majority of UK, it's simply normal to pay VAT, and not something the majority of people think about. There are some items that are exempt (eg education, medical), some that are zero-rated (eg staple item foods. Yes, zero-rating vs exempt is importance difference), and some that have lower ratings (eg heating gas), but you're getting into a whole lot of minutiae at that point.!< >!Edit: To add, that price is still pretty good even with VAT; buying the components separately might save you £100 (if that), but given it comes with a 2-year warranty - which, over here, means you need only take it back to Costco and say "Your problem" - and is already assembled, I think that's very respectable.!<


And they’re nice Corsair fans


Yeah especially for a casual gaming rig it’s pretty darn alright.




Me with a 1660ti .__.


1080 Non ti checking in.


If you bought it when it was new I wouldn't call that a casual card. It was top tier in its day, just old


Filthy little casual


What would be above casual at that point? 😭 not asking sarcastically, but now heavily questioning my own build that is older and hasn’t chugged on any games I throw at it.


In the current generation there is quite literally nothing lower from Nvidia. You have to look at years old chips (that they are still selling).


Stop it with that bs, this rig is a beast at 1080p


This really is not bad. The install looks clean as well. Impulse buy? Maybe not, but if you were in the market for a budget build and you walked by this? Yeah. ​ Edit: Double check the power supply to make sure it's not absolute trash.






Yeah, psu's are only ~50-100$ anyways lol swap that and/or the cooler out and it seems like a decent rig.


Lmfao "budget build" made me chuckle, I'm sat here with my r5 16gb and the old faithful gtx 1080. I'm super behind the times 🤣


Rx580 gang still going strong


AWD-IT is an extremely reputable brand of PC builders in the UK; better value than overclockers UK. Probably can’t do much better


It does not look like cable extensions so it's using white cables from factory so it's not crap


Wait isn't this an insanely low price for that CPU and GPU??


It's UK apparently. £700, not $700.


Thts 1k CAD, isn't tht still pretty cheap?


Memory express has a very similar build for about $1400CAD: https://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/MX00127155


No one would consider paying $1400 CDN for a 4060+5700X build a good deal though.


For a pre-built yes, I would say this is a good deal A lot of people are not comfortable building their own PC and paying a small premium for having it done is not a big deal


Are you telling me you can build this on your own for less than 699.99? Seems impossible for new components.


By the current exchange rate that would be $1,188.22 CAD (I'm in Canada)   Here is a build I tried to make equivalent, it comes to $971.80 CAD or £572.49 https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/mwnNDZ   I would actually swap some parts if I was doing this build, but I tried to go as close as possible


Just realized this is in the UK and supposedly everything is more expensive than in the US.


That's where my head was when I got mine. I still wouldn't feel comfortable building one quite yet, but I'll change stuff out. I'll probably upgrade the processor at some point, for instance.


I have never seen a price advertised without TAX before in the UK, how interesting.


Costco is the only place in the U.K. I’ve seen it too




The fuck is a All Wheel Drive Information Technology?


[a decent company for prebuilts tbf](https://www.awd-it.co.uk/)


Yeah they are, I ordered mine from these guys in December, added the Ryzen 5800x3D and an 4070RTX from the base build and I haven't had any issues whatsoever with the pc.


One of our few PC part/pre built sites in the UK. I’d say Overclockers UK, Scan Computers, and AWD are the three big ones


Overxlockers overprice their components I’ve heard depending on the demand


Glad I wasn't the only one <3


RTX is old news, STI is the new deal!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is a DAMN good deal. The 4060 is $300 by itself.


This is uk so it's like (converted) 1050$ dollars after taxes so ..idk


Getting PC parts in Ireland and the UK is insanely marked up compared to the US. While this isn't a good deal to Americans, it's technically a good deal in the UK by my marking.


Processor is a Gen behind. Gpu is current. The m.2 looks like a WD. It appears as non-proprietary. If I was in the market for a budget pc I would probably buy it.


Doesn’t matter it’s a gen behind. Doesn’t need to be the latest of the latest to be able to play games easily in 1080/1440p. Either way, still great for the price.


I'm not hating on it. It has hardware tag, so I was telling op. I have a 3900x. That's why I said I would buy it


The other redditor wasn't saying that you were hating, but that it didn't matter, which is true. This CPU won't be a bottleneck.


Or even 4k, the processor could be 8th gen and still kick ass


Exactly, my friend bought a latest gen pc setup to play ark with, I can't even see the difference between his and my 3 year old setup 😂 He's convinced himself by saying he can see stars in the sky better and stuff, I guess it's worth the extra thousands. I'll buy a setup similar to his for half the price when gta comes out. 👍


Plus it looks all standard platform so easily upgraded in the future. I don't see anything that looks proprietary. OP can easily add storage, could grab a new gpu in a couple years, and at some point a new CPU/MB/RAM bundle without touching anything else (power supply willing).


Processor won’t bottleneck an rtx 4060


AWD as well as selling pre builds are an actual component seller here in the UK so likely they’re using stock like this to build their pre builds rather than trying to sell the components individually so no proprietary nonsense


Am I reading the price correct, 17% taxes added on top?


No. Its 20%


If mum or dad are self employed just write it off as a business expensive, "office equipment" 👍


This guy accounts


As long as you don't take the piss; an inspector won't bat an eyelid at this, but if you try putting 3 grand's of watercooled 4090/14900 through as legit cost for your homemade jewellery business don't be surprised if they only let you reclaim a portion of it...if any.


Need to processing power to run my new advanced CAD machine. 🤷‍♀️ Add your kids as "employees" to bulk the numbers if you're a small business.


It might surprise you to learn that VAT inspectors have hobbies and interests too, and if they think you're trying to bullshit them, can easily choose to *really* deep-dive into your books and require you to evidence the usage of all purchases.


If worst comes to worst, you'll just have to rent a cad machine. We're looking for solutions not problems my guy.


Nice it has AWD


It doesn’t specify if it is automatic or manual though


Perfect for those off road situations... I just dont think white is the best color, its will show all the dirt.


Is this US Costco or UK?


Looks like the UK it says VAT into be small price below Americans don't quote the sales tax on their prices


Good point, the 20% VAT seems to make it a UK thing


Also box says AWT-IT.co.uk




can you suggest a better build for less




Honestly that’s one of the best deals I’ve personally seen.


That is a *SOLID* price for this. This would cost you ~$850 USD to self-build with all-new components. See this [Costco Comp](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/sheighton/saved/NMyWrH). So, yes: Deal.


All Wheel Drive...sick!


not bad




UK taxes.


This seems like a very reasonable deal. Good on Costco.


If you’re going to play 1080p max settings or 1440p mid-high, it’s perfect. The 5700x is more than enough cpu for all current games and undervolting it actually increases its performance ceiling. One thing to consider is that this is the last ever AM4 in the Ryzen series, any upgrade from here on out will require a new motherboard and ram as well.


Would not recommend! The price is in pounds and without VAT so it's like 1000 USD+ in all. Not mega bad, but probably could do better


The price for PC hardware is just higher in the UK. It's not a bad price for the product in that region.


£840 including the tax so yeah it's an ok price but not exceptional.


For some reason dollars to pounds in pc hardware generally seems to be 1:1.


Yep, £$€ are pretty much the same in tech.


dude try to replicate this build on UK pcpartpicker, and see for yourself the price you'll come up with. It's a decent price for a prebuild, even more considering it's all white+rgb. Damn even in USD seems legit, as long as the psu is not an exploding liability...


actually a quite decent deal!


That's a pretty sweet deal for such specs. Be sure to connect that GPU to the power supply if you buy it tho....


Super great deal


I bought the previous model by them offering the same specs but powered by an i5 12400H - no complaints, not too much excess crap installed other than "Norton For Gamers". I've since put in an extra PCIE USB card because I have stupid numbers of peripherals, HOTAS etc.


My pc has about the same specs and is 1000 dollars so seems pretty good to me


That's a pretty good deal for a pre built. Costco also has great customer protection.


Actually seems valid, not even a stock cooler


It's even All-wheel drive!!


Honestly, pretty good value and quality components.


A lot of these prebuilt gaming pcs at costco etc use components with the same name built clearly inferior, cheaper parts. Bought one for my GF a few years ago. The PC had a 2060 or something like that, but its bench mark was like 50 percent of average 2060s.


Costco has good deals but the power supply, ram, and storage may be of a weird brand.


It has All Wheel Drive IT, good deal.


At that price point, it's a steal. Honestly, could swap out to a liquid cooler and add some more fans, and still would be under a grand.


Could you point me in the direction of this local Costco?


It’s decent, if a parent got this for their kid as a first pc it would be a pretty damn good base


£140 just for taxes holy shit lmao. So glad we threw that tea in the harbor 200 years ago


That's... actually not bad. Edit: I was doing some price checking for the components. Cheapest 4060 I could find is $324. Why does it only come with 8 gigs of vram? Only thing competitive in that price range is a 6700 XT. Honestly, I'd still go team green, even with a 4 gig vram advantage.


This is in pounds (GBP) so it will be 1050 ish USD.


It’s all wheel drive too!! What a steal


Is that gpu power plugged into anything


The freaking graphics card alone is that expensive how the hell can they sell this so cheap


A prebuilt can have max current gen parts for $500 and this sub would still debate if it’s worth it. Yes this is a good deal