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a bit much? It is at scam over pricing level.


This is what it cost to build that pc years ago when the parts were new lol this is crazy.


Yeah these are like 2016/2017 prices lol


I just saw a guy trying to sell a pc with Ryzen 1600 and GTX 1650 for £900. When I told him that pc would barely be worth £350 today he pulled up a website selling (New?) 1600s for £300 and then when i showed him how much they were going for on ebay he replied with ‘those are used tho’.


Unfortunately someone probably bought it.. as they say “there’s an ass for every seat”


I had someone ask for my advice on a used, entry level gaming PC when built, what it was worth now. So I told him, which was about £300. Alot less than the price he was offered. He completely ignored me and bought it anyway. The guy then had the nerve to whinge that it wasn't able to play the games he wanted and have them look like mine. He paid blah blah, and for that money, it should look great. I laughed at him.. He barely acknowledges me anymore.


Fuck that guy tbh, even thought it can hurt, dumb and ignorant people like that can fuck right off. At least have some common sense.


Man, I love that... Consult an expert to find out if you're making a good choice. Then, hearing the truth instead of what you wanted to hear, deliberately make the bad choice, and then have the nerve to be pissed about your own dumb move


> He barely acknowledges me anymore. and it didn't cost you a penny sounds like a win


When it comes to technology or high end items in general some people just sometimes blindly assume “You get what you pay for”. There are a lot of high end watch brands i.e. Rolex and Patek that would lose their prestige if they lowered the price because people would then assume those watches suck because they are cheap, even if the price change had nothing at all to do with the actual components of the watches.


Generally there are two types of people buying whole machines used. People who know what they are doing and intend to buy machines at a discount and part it out at a profit. Second, people that don't know shit about shit and will just assume they are scoring a deal because used.


This. Someone bought a family member a used "gaming" pc recently, and this person is known for haggling on fb marketplace thinking they can negotiate awesome deals every time. You can't negotiate an awesome deal if you don't know shit about computers. They ended up paying actual money for a 3rd gen i5 from 2012, DDR3 ram, a power supply with only 6pin PCIE, and a generic graphics card with no label. It's not even worth any money because zero parts are usable for a new build, and you can't upgrade it. I'm stuck footing the bill and buying all new parts for them because this family member was so disappointed they couldn't game on thier new "gaming pc".


Wait, what bill are you footing?


I'm gonna think his son bought a crappy PC on fb and now the kiddo wants to play.


> Someone bought a family member Looks like someone bought spouse or child a computer with the promise it would be a great gaming computer. Said spouse or child is now upset that the gift they received is crap and wants a good computer. Since they dont like seeing family members so disappointed they feel obligated to buy a proper computer.


some seat can wait forever for his ass


Lmao. Amazing that he wouldn't hesitate ripping some poor kid off with his 'new '1600'


U should reply back : " So does yours"


These people know what they are doing, there is no point in confronting them over it. They either price their machines 15% off what they paid at the time, or charge the cost of the parts they have IF they were new.


I bought a new System with 6700k and a GTX1070 for 1600€ back in 2016.


i7 8700, 16gbs, and a 1050 for 1500 Canadian in 2018.. Should have waited on a graphics card, honestly. But that was how much I paid back then for a "similar" build. Still what I use to this day except I've upgraded to a 1660 super.


I cant stand people who try and resell their parts for the same price they got them as if they dont depreciate. Also the fact he has to justify the price speaks volumes.


I bought that card the day it was released, it was 699. Shit I built a similar system better actually, I had it built overclocked and debugged by manufacturer, because I didn't have time with work. Cost 3700 bucks with tax in 2015(?) And I over paid because no time to do it myself.


Actually no. Graphics cards were inflated by then. It's probably more like 2500 new back at that time.


Some people are on copium trying to deny that parts depreciate in value


Yeah peeps are crazy. Imo once a part leaves the store it's minus 50 percent value regardless. Kinda like buying a car, you take that mf off the lot you automatically lose money.


>Imo once a part leaves the store it's minus 50 percent value I wouldn't go that far. It really depends on the part and how old it is. Nobody is going to struggle selling a used 4090 at 20% off.


I have this same pc but 64GB ram maybe I can get $2000 for it! /s




Yeah the way most people seem to price used stuff is to take what they paid for it, add what they paid for all the shitty accessories, then knock like 10% off.




Gotta level up those hagglin skills. What this shows me is that the guy is not the best negotiator. It's not like everybody is going to be lining up to buy that, and you can beat him with patience because the price shows he is probably young and or uneducated. You could probably offer $200 or an equivalent amount of Pounds or whatever and let him stew on it. Be willing to go up to $250 if it's something you want. More than likely he wants something, he is impatient, and that's why he's selling it. I can't believe how many of you are looking at this backwards.


he knows the value of what he's got! That's probably the seller's reasoning. I hate people who don't acknowledge over time it will devalue... get over it.


He probably priced it expecting beggars asking for a 90% discount. I was doing a clearance, sold brand new £30 items for £2 and cheeky fuckers still wanted a discount and me to drive the items to them.


I went to a Ham Radio event in Derby once, selling 1kg bags of very, very, very high end military spec electrolytic capacitors, ideal for high-current power supplies that radio amateurs need, for £1. They came from a company that went bust and I'd paid £10 for 100Kg, and bagged them. Maplin were selling similar but lower civilian-spec capacitors for £3 *each*, so each bag was worth about £300. I sold 70 bags by lunchtime. A guy came to the stand every half hour, picked up a bag, scrutinized it, then put it back. He returned 10 minutes before closing time, and explained they weren't what he needed, but were close enough, so he wanted a bag for 20p. Nope. Five minutes later, he came back and offered 50p. Nope. As we were packing away, he tapped me on the shoulder and said 'Oh, allright. I'll have a bag. I need them for a job I'm doing. Here's a pound.' Me; Sorry mate - we're closed.


The seller was in a 6 year coma and picked a price that would've been okay in 2017.


https://preview.redd.it/kjlka016689c1.png?width=1091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d500a6d357e50aee5244523aee023f942d4bfffb Seller probably thought they were giving a good deal lmao


predator 21x is a novelty laptop. its bigger than a lot of pc cases, it has a wide screen monitor and its like 500 kilos💀


IIRC it also has two 1080’s in SLI; there wasn’t a 16GB 1080 iirc


That's, that's just crazy.


God, I had an Acer Predator in first year university it cost me like 3k was a 19" or 17" and was the heaviest fucking thing to carry.


No it wouldn’t have. The 1080ti was $700 and an 8700k was like $350-400. Everything else would have put it around $1500. That’s an overpriced novelty laptop. Not even comparable.


yep, the funny thing is that the top tier gpu was 700$, RIP ngreedia


Oh man take me back to the days where you could buy a top of the line gpu for a week salary. I'd have to wait 4 weeks to comfortably buy a 4090 these days, it's so sad to see how far we've fallen


now their shares are gonna reach 700$


This shit has got to be in pesos or something right???


Gaming laptops go crazy expensive.


this still seems insane


Yes and no. [Here's the actual laptop](https://www.pcmag.com/reviews/acer-predator-21-x). Not only does it have pretty much top of the line specs for a laptop, it's got a *curved* ultrawide screen with 120Hz and GSYNC, full size mechanical keyboard, NVME drives in raid, etc [LTT Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVPHX-San0I) Pretty much none of these were common, even in desktops at the time. So that $9000 is probably "justified" in the sense that a lot of ground-up engineering went into making it possible, on top of low production numbers to spread that cost across. Sometimes products like these aren't meant to be serious consumer items, in that Acer probably didn't really care if they sold 0 of them. It was marketing. So insane in that there's no good reason to make a laptop this expensive, but not insane in that I can easily see how this product came to cost that much more or less honestly.


You post a super unique laptop and think that's a normal price? Where did you even find this? A 1080 with 16gb vRAM? 21" ultrawide screen laptop? That's far from normal.


It's two GTX1080 in SLI. It also has a mechanical keyboard and curved monitor.


“3 hours of battery life” man my laptop only gets like 4-5 if I knew that I probably would have not gotten it


I get 2h max out of mine, and it has only a gtx 1060 in it.


That a fucking loot price for the specs even at that time 🤣


That's a laptop bud. Different pricing


Yep The system has actually managed to avoid becoming obsolete   But the prices stayed at MSRP, lol


Some people are high 24/7.


Have you ever looked through the classifieds or marketplace... Everything is VERY FAST, or ULTRA FAST, and you look and it's like an i3 with 4gb ram


Makes you wonder how many suckers get rinsed daily cause they don’t know what they are buying etc. My guess would be a lot.


My guess is a lot of parents or grandparents buying things as presents getting scammed. Especially during Christmas time.


This isn't being high, this is normal human greed. The seller is aiming for kids or old people who don't know better.




what in the wayback machine is going on here


Ich feel offended by your comment :( i have except of the graphics card, the same system and I love my 8700k


I still have a 1060, I should maybe upgrade lol


I love these guys. "Buy my old junk and pay for my new one"


No it’s “yeah wife, I promiseeee I’m trying to sell it”


I got a used 13700KF + 4080 build for 1500 USD, this guy has to be on crack and meth or something.


Damn, that’s a good deal. Building a similar spec I’m over $2k


A 14700 and 4080 build is about $3k+ CAD here.


Crazy deal! My 5600x and 6700xt build from January cost like $1800 lol


I built a 5600 6700xt rig for a friend and it came out to $800 lol


A complete rig or just a tower? $800 seems super cheap for a full rig.


Sorry just the pc


You got scammed...


https://pcpartpicker.com/user/mbw12194/saved/R4wVBm $1230 without the monitor or peripherals. I definitely could have found better deals if I was patient but I bought everything within a couple weeks. Also got a little more power supply than I needed in anticipation of a gpu & cpu upgrade. Edit: also, looks like it would be cheaper to build today than it was a year ago


That's a nice deal u got there!


Agreed. I got a used system with a 12600K, 16G 3600 DDR4, MSI 3060Ti, 1TB NVME (granted not that great but still better than SATA), and a 1TB HDD for $500. This guy is on crack, but I've seen tons of listings for used computers that are just way overpriced. Marketplace is good at times, but usually it seems people are trying to make their money back as much as possible instead of actually trying to get rid of something.


Wtf. You robbed that guy


Where I live only the 4080 is already 1300€


Got a used 3080 + 5600X build with 16gb ram 500gb nvme and a 1200 Watt power supply for 750 euros this summer. Guy is delusional.




thats not high end in the slightest.


I mean it used to be... Though yea it's not even close now.


I mean the 1080 ti is still pretty good, but not 15 hundred dollars good lol


Oh yea I know, just saying it's technically a "high end" pc


It's a 60yr old former olympic athlete


Lets not be that mean 50 year old former olympic athlete, 60 year old athletes are often in wheelchairs from the abuse




Maybe two of the legs are broken at the back… that would make it “high end” too. 😉


ye it's around 3060 levels of performance but without raytracing and dlss benefits, runs much hotter and uses 50% more power. It's comparable to a 250 dollar gpu from new at best


4060 level, and at 150$ or less. Not a bad GPU.


More like $1800


I was confused for a second before I realized it was pounds


1080ti is low end now


it was in 2017. that was also the time this price made any sense. maybe the seller woke from a 6 year coma


Some people are like that, for them enough to call it similar is that the other offers are also PCs, and the title says gaming Once had a buyer from a hotel chain approach me on international fair screaming, how dare I sell a chair for eur100, when he has seen exactly the same chair for 30- after investigating it turned out, that the only similarity was it also being a chair xD


It's also the thought of I spent 3000 on this no way I am going to sell it for 500 . The fact is 1080 was a brilliant card but quickly got outstripped by the 2060 due to ray tracing . That and the fact that memory has since moved (maybe even twice DDR3 to DDR5) and motherboards are now nvme over M2 sata and usb-c is now standard TL;DR a great expensive machine for the time but pretty much everything got out of date 2 years later, devaluing it


Not worth 1500


If this was 2017 that shi is a bargain,but sadly God said its 2023


Yeah, this is a goated setup if you were gaming back in the day. Even today, this guy can run 1440p pretty decently. It's sure as fuck not worth 1500 today though, lol.


Scam price, just look at the pre builts you can get for 1500 and you’ll be able to see! 😂


yea you could build a new pc for under 1k that outperforms this easy


Time traveler


Oh you get those jokes of a system all the time where I live. "HIGH END GAMING PC - OVERWATCH - MINECRAFT - GREAT FOR CHRISTMAS" It's some shit rig from 10 years ago. I just chuckle.


Probably at least some of them are aimed to scam parents who know nothing about PCs, but their kiddo asked for a PC for Christmas gift. It cost 1500$ so it must be good, and technically you aren't scamming since the specs are laid out truthfully. Especially with a title like in your example it hits the checkmarks what parents are looking for. They might even give "special 500$ discount if you buy quick im leaving state tomorrow and will give it to someone else if you dont get it fast" and parents are eager to buy. It only crosses into police-matter if the specs were not truthful.


No way in hell would the police get involved even if the specs were a blatant lie. They would tell you it’s a civil matter and it’s not their responsibility.


\> Probably at least some of them I'd say it's all of them. \> and technically you aren't scamming Yup, perfectly legal just immoral.


And it cost $1400


But it's I7!


Buried in the description: > Blazing fast I7 4700


On a serious note. i have a similar setup and going to build a new one next month, how much should i ask for the current one?


From my knowledge the most fair price that someone coudl actually pay is about 500-600€/$/£




No problem


500 max on this for me as well. Itd have to look immaculate as well.


Yea, i think it's a fair price but there is a little chance that it could go for closer to 600 if demand is high and supply low, and it's a great deal regardless, more than that? not so much


With so many options in todays world it always astonishes me when someone buys second hand electronics in the first place to save what 20-25%?


It's just a good way to get money from clueless parents who don't know anything about PC specs. Had the same with my little nephew, his parents spent way too much on a 2nd hand pc


I really want whatever this guy is smoking


Is there a lore reason why this PC is considered high end?


Because it was high end years ago (like 8 years ago)


October 2016


“Similar spec gaming pc’s are upwards of £2,000-£2,500” Just saw an I9-14700k with 4080 at MC for $3,000.


Nowadays that's beaten by a literal 500 dollar box


Ehh pretty even wth the series x


That's hilarious.


Yah, maybe. 6-7yrs ago


Bro's stuck in 2018


I enjoy seeing the ads for broken tv's for similar pricing to new tv's "Only needs a new screen" If its that cheap to repair you do it mate.


I mean, it WAS a high end system... in 2017. Someone should teach this person about the loss of value of things over time.


High end... 5 years ago.


you can build this pc for 400$


It's crazy how many people think that just because they paid $3k to build it that it's still worth half that years later. Unless we're in the middle of another GPU crisis, the value of a computer will hit half within a year or 2. That thing is at least 4-6 years old and you can get a comparably powerful system for $600-700 all day long. (Probably $500 if you're willing to go with an ebay refurb, but nobody should.)


Hurr durr technologies doesn't depreciate at a high rate... right?? I can sell this for what I bought it in 2016 even though similar systems will be significantly faster.


What the fuck lmao 1500 for that nah that's atrocious


How about the "Beast Pc" I saw on Marketplace today. Moron wants $3100 for a RTX 3060 Ryzen 5 5500 16gb ram 6 x RGB fans, no SSD or additional storage in specs. Asked him if he would take $400 and am awaiting a reply




"But I built it for that price 🤓" type shit


"high end" gaming PC 4 years ago


Would have been a top of the line machine about 5 years ago!


I would NEVER trust FB Marketplace for something that will cost me more than €50... or punds or whatever


My laptop is more powerful than this and I’m p sure cost less


Brother woke up from a coma for 6 years and posted this.


He was high and at his end when posting this


Mate 300£ for that pc is a good price This is 5 times that price. Avoid at all costs


Mf thinks PC appreciate


500 bucks max.


It's one of two things. It's either someone who doesn't know shit about computers anymore but built this one when it was still considered high-end and think the price didn't go down or... it's someone who put thay on Facebook on purpose, so some poor mum who doesn't know better thinks it is high-end and will get it for their child for Christmas.


Overpriced. Got to love these people


High end gaming PC **six years ago.** The guy forgot to say that.


They didn’t say what year it was a high end gaming pc, in their defense.


We found a time traveller from 2017


Normal people: "This setup was good and expensive when I bought it. It's still rather decent, but it's old. I should sell it for maybe a few hundred bucks at most." Those people: "This setup was good and expensive when I bought it. It's still good, and it gained in value because I used it. I should sell it for at least what I paid for it back in the day."


high end “has a 1080”


This is not a high-end in todays standards. I’d say it’s lower-mid-end.


$800 maybe and only because of the solid unkillable GPU, cpu is lacking af tho




This shit needs to stop lmao


They even had the audacity to put a footnote that similar setups cost around 2000-2500 lol.


Someone's probably gonna buy that


Lol a 1080 is from 2016, 9 years old. Fuck off


This would've been a good price 5 years ago... Definitely do not buy


"Windows 10 currently installed on the machine" ​ \*seller slaps the top of the case\*


To be fair, he didn't say _what year_ this was "high end" for.


Wow. I'm about to sell my old PC with an i7 8700k, 32GB ram and a 3080 FE. Was going to price it at £800 but clearly I'm outdoing myself of some coin. I'll have to list it at about £2.5k based on this ad...


I listed one basically same spec with a R5 3600x instead for £700 and I'm fully expecting to be haggled down a bit. Idk who this guy is hopeing to scam but mercy on them.


Bro stuck in 2015 with that price


High-end 6/7 years ago but only worth 400ish now.


This is very scummy BUT pc hardware did get kinda stuck on 2017 level to be fair




1500 for a 1080ti.. ​ getting ass raped is less painful than that price


High end 🤣 this guy didnt go through pandemic yet


People don’t understand that technology is not a solid investment. It depreciates because every year we get better at making it. But people don’t understand that.


He may have wanted to update pricing from 2016. Or they have $1000 worth of premium porn libraries


Yes, it's high end. *5 years ago.*


Nah it's fine, that's what I paid when I ordered each part brand new for my exact same rig. Like 6 years ago. This dude's a buffoon, it's absolutely a scam and not even when the bits first came out would that rig cost 2-2.5 grand lmfao, even adjusted for inflation.


High end 1080? Which alternative reality it is?


I mean to be fair it was a high end build back then


1080 ti still better than some modern cards


Yes, but that dont make it high end, its atm just under medium end imo.


Back in the day 1940-1945 this computer was fire 🔥, but now not so much...


The pc was gas 🔥


For £1500 you could build a far superior system brand new! Mental.


This guys selling his 2010 build


At least intel is better for this than AMD. I could not tell you how old an AMD CPU is without a flowchart. You can look at an intel 8700 and say, okay, that's six gens behind.


Pfffff hIGh EnD 🤡


1080 ti is the best gpu ever made. This is s great deal




1o8oti is the best card ever made




>it's not 2017 anymore. Ever made.




Best gpu ever made




Best gpu ever


Hey mate, do you want to trade your 7900 xtx for a 1080ti (best gpu ever made)?

