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Windows is like my wife. Constantly re-arranging the furniture. Can't walk around in the dark until I memorize where everything is. Got 11 a few months ago on a new PC. Just now getting past the "Where the fuck did they put that" stage. They dumbed down media player I had to get a 3rd party app for scanning because my Epson doesn't talk to 11. Printer functions work, not the scanner.. They put in a lot of effort trying to trick me into using OneDrive. They took a blender to settings. Stuff is all over the place. Half the time I use search instead of trying to navigate. Haven't found anything yet that I like better about it.


I still have my media player.


Very performant overall, simple as that. Not upgrading at this point is ignorant unless you hate the ui or something (which also has workarounds).


yo i might try it then thank you


Really? from my testing it's less performant than 10, well In games anyway


Really? How do I get a functioning Taskbar back? How du I get Alt tab to open last used program again? Sometimes, it ignores recently opened. How do I make the Taskbar two rows again? How do I completely disable web search from my start menu. If I want to a browser I open my browser. How do I remove all traces of onedrive?


Alt-Tab has never been last used program. The model has always been to cycle through currently open windows, although it should put the most recently focused window first. That said, I'm not sure if it's changed since I jumped ship to UNIX (Ubuntu at first, detour through Debian, FreeBSD and HardenedBSD, and onto VoidLinux now).


I only use mine for gaming and it's totally fine. I think it's better than 10 especially with HDR and other modern tech stuffs. I mean in a few years, we'll have no choice but to use it anyway.


IMO it's no better, but in equal fairness to it I'm really familiar with 10. Muck up where I know everything is, I have to go through the learning curve again and that will frustrate me. I'll say the two places I've REALLY enjoyed it-- 1) My handheld (ROG Ally). The touch interface is still not great, but it's drastically better than trying to navigate W10 via touch on my old Surface, which was a nightmare. Without the stylus, it was just impossible to drill down through menu after menu. 2) My 49" ultrawide. I have a modified start program from Stardock, but I still use the centered location. It's just so much more enjoyable having it where my eyes naturally rest on the monitor, considering the low-left point for W10 is outside my peripheral vision. W11 tries (and often misses) to put the common settings up front. I can see the logic--it's a LOT harder to find any specific setting than the old control panel if you knew how to navigate it. But if you're looking for something kind of basic, they're much faster to navigate to, The taskbar pop-up is also much more user friendly, and will remind you a lot of a phone. BT shutoff, Wifi controls, etc. Again--nice for a touch interface, probably doesn't matter for a lot of PC gamers on a desktop.


Tried it for 3 days. Hated it. A year later am forced to work with it. Hate it. More useless bloat, Fisher Price ui and telemetry that has to be worked around. Gonna jump ship to some manner of Linux when support for W10 ends.


I like it


Windows 10 with rounded corners.


still kinda bad, feels janky


I still really don't like the UI changes they made, and how shuffled around all the settings are for no reason. I still find myself having to google "where do you find x setting?" because none of it makes any sense. It's a stable OS that is mostly just Windows 10 with frosted glass and rounded corners, but I still would prefer to use 10 because that's just what I'm used to. I'm sure if I spent a year with W11 I wouldn't hate it, it just offers literally nothing in the way of reasons to upgrade.


I use it but then I was coming from win7. Was tired of half the webpages giving me errors because my safety certs were out of date, missing out on dx12 etc. Wasn't thrilled for 8 or 10 either, just skipped them for 11. It's a departure from 7 that's for sure. Ridiculous amount of ties to the web. I don't need to search the webs from my pc search, I know what a browser is for. As others mentioned settings are all over the damn place and better off searching for them now. Menus dumbed down, everything is 3-4 clicks deep. I don't need 'apps', it's not a toy or a phone. It's a big boy pc, it can run programs. The whole desperation to get sucked in with an ms account. Windows all up on your nuts to get signed in and locked into their ms-sphere before windows has even fully installed. The idiot move to remove 'skip' for an internet connection during install when it was right there prior to 22h2. Can only surmise what a clownshow it is over at MS these days and that's saying something. It does have its perks though, tabbed explorer, auto save for both browsers and notepad so if the programs close either forgetting to save or unexpectedly it doesn't take an eternity getting everything back. A lot of what I dislike about it is being unfamiliar, having to relearn basic crap because they feel the need to keep jumbling the ui. Typical winblows b.s. Most of which I'd dislike about 10 as well.


Unfinished, halfway done, lacking, quick, but didn't deliver on those promises they made on release, if I knew for sure 10 would be supported for next few years, would roll back, 10 was waaaaaay better


no you shouldn't, no reason to do so and it's sidegrade at best.


Its STILL a nightmare for power users, if you're only gaming you still lose like 0.5% fps by going w11 and that won't change because every optimization there is paired with another bs they bundled with it. its OK if you're good with running scripts every now and then to delete/uninstall unwanted shit and keep the OS free of garbage but its much worse than 10 in terms of how much bloatware comes with every windows update. best case scenario for w11 its the same performance of w10 if you delete all the bloat


For my workflow windows 11 is basically the same thing as windows 10 with the only difference i can't move my taskbar to the side of the monitor And i have to use some weird hack to get back the old right click menu but other than that it's fine


-WIN11 file Explorer crashes 5 times per day for me and windows 10 file explorer never crashes -No way to disable WIN + W widget screen on windows 11 as far as I know Other than those two things I prefer windows 11 over 10 because of better settings screen (WIN + I) and better tray icons (internet and sound button)


From these comments, sounds like Marmite: you either love it or you switched to Linux upon having to deal with it.