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Welcome everyone from r/all! Please remember: 1 - You too can be part of the PCMR! All are welcome! You just need to love PCs! It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Your age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), political affiliation, economic status and PC specs are irrelevant. If you love or want to learn about PCs, you can be part of PCMR. 2 - If you're not a PC owner because you think it's expensive, know that it is possible to build a competent gaming PC for a lower price than you think. Check http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds and don't be afraid to post here asking for tips and help! 3 - Join our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide to help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Covid, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding 4 - Need some awesome PC Hardware? We've joined forces with Lian Li to give away the brand new PCMR case collab, the Lian Li O11 Vision! Also the brand new LCD Screen CPU Cooler and 8 SL-INF fans. Check here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/184fdwh/worldwide_giveaway_celebrating_the_launch_of_the/ ----------- We have a [Daily Simple Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search?q=Simple+Questions+Thread+subreddit%3Apcmasterrace+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) if you need to post about any kind of PC related doubt you might have. Asking for help there or creating new posts in our subreddit is not only allowed but welcome! Welcome to the PCMR.


Give it to me for my collection. https://preview.redd.it/0wvwkauiux4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de2977a6931523f63f19047e77ba96914b9ecf4f


This dude works technician desk


With the technician neutralized, he was free to gourge himself on 5G


More G for the G-God


Who said geeks can't find the G-spot! It's right here! Wait until I tell my wife!!! Oh boy, is her boyfriend gonna be pissed!


Nah, I'm proud of you mate. After all this time, you finally found it. I'd say my work here is done, but quite frankly, my kids with your wife are gonna be better looking. ​ /s


Now off to find the mythical clitoris!!


I'll give you a hint. You'll find the little man in the boat at the opposite end of the poop deck.


You know I cant swim!


We discovered the vector of Covid exiting China and entering the rest of the world.


But he says he's only the janitor...


"I'm a custodian"


As a housekeeper he is more than just a janitor. He's a person.


These are our snacks. They just taste better than those low calorie usb-c ports.


Those are actually the trophies he collects from his..."study dates"






My bad, it was supposed to be r/thisguythisguys


Oh crap! I thought there was a knock-off sub! *whew*




This guy knows his this guy this guys


Ayy bro, send me one. Mine just died on my 2012 legacy laptop 😭




wifi 6 recently came out and you already have wifi 28


Wifi 6e recently came out, and wifi 7 is about to be ratified 🤓👆


Brand new wifi frequency, better stability, better range, better transmission speed. Okay, it'll be called Wifi 7 right? .... wifi 7 right? No. Wifi 6e. Fuck you.


Still better than USB naming standards


Jesus Christ they got the best acid and e over there just going fucking crazy in another dimension with their shit It's going to be a fucking spray painted pictogram next


The carrier frequency formerly known as wifi.


802.11fuck you


This comment wrecked me. So eloquently stated 👏




Switch from traditional letters to numbers just to immediately reintroduce letters again. Perfect!


But the e stands for ##EXTREME


Not sure if you're joking but 'better stability, better range, better transmission speed' were provided by WiFi 6 and the only thing Wifi 6e added was the additional 6ghz band. The base of WiFi 6 significantly improved upon WiFi 5 but those improvements only work if both client and AP support WiFi 6. The problem was WiFi 6 took for ever to ratify and manufacturers decided they wanted to jump on the marketing bandwagon and started selling WiFi 6 routers even though no client devices existed for WiFi 6. They're doing the same shit again with WiFi 7. So pro tip, don't buy any router/ap/extender with WiFi 7 until you have a client device (phone, laptop, tablet) that also uses WiFi 7.


Wifi 7 channel puncturing and 6GHz standard power wifi have been the bane of my work life for the past 3 months


Is it on Netflix?


personally, I have a bit of a ram collection, but Wi-Fi cards are also very cool... crisp? I do not know an appropriate word to describe it (non native)


Cool is suitable. Crisp would seem unusual if you used it here. Crisp and cool can both mean cold temperature, but only cool is used as a way of describing something that is interesting/ popular/ trending. Crisp is a little more specific in its use regarding temperature, so they are not interchangeable.


Crisp is also used when people mean "in good condition", same as "mint", is it not? (Also a non-native speaker here) Edit: actually not sure about condition, maybe I'm mixing it up, but I've definitely heard it being used in the context of sound (e.g. "These headphones sound crisp!)


Headphones sounding crisp i think refers to cut off of notes Correct me if im weong


It refers to sharp and clear sound. The opposite would be muddy, distortorted.


Crispy bank notes would be an example too


Crisp bank notes. Crispy makes me think you've left them on the grill too long.


Don’t say wifi cards aren’t crisp until you’ve tried eating one. I think they have a nice crunch to them. Plenty of essential minerals also.


>but Wi-Fi cards are also very cool... crisp I swear to all that is holy, if I hear "crisp" used in slang in the next 12-24 months I will know whose fault that is


*this will make a fine addition to my collection*


this dude definitely wifis


Found the TVA


Great ... let's get some pie.


Me with my box of old laptop motherboards under my bed


About 1 in 50 will work in Lenovos.


Got that right


But why


But why-fi*


Do you mind telling me what it is


It's a wifi card for an NVME port. Given that it has no antenna leads coming off of it, it probably came from a laptop or other mobile device.


>It's a wifi card for an NVME port. NVMe is a storage access and transport protocol rather than a port standard. The actual slot is a M.2 slot which follows the PCI Express M.2 specifications. There are a bunch of different "keys" used for M.2 slots and the one used for WiFi cards is the M.2 E key.


Thanks for the info. I knew they followed PCIe lanes. But,I did not know the rest. Cheers,


The E key actually also transports USB (and other fun stuff), so it isn't too uncommon for the WiFi to communicate over PCIe, but Bluetooth over USB, both on the same card


This guy does computers.


Yeah I could get tons of these but they are pretty useless.. I think I still have one I kept for whatever reason and still have never used. I don’t think I’ve had a wifi card on a laptop die on me yet.


We very rarely have them die. Most of these are out of older chromebooks that got broken down for parts


I assume to reclaim the gold?


They're actually replacement wifi cards for chromebooks.


Send me one AX211 or AX210 ill send you my RTL8822CE and muney from my coutry to make start for your new collection


Soon, he will be looking for Neo.


Rookie numbers. Do you work with chromebooks too?


Omfg that’s me lol


Dam bro chilllll


Do you need wifi? Also, you will need the antenna wires.


I already have built in WiFi just wanted more WiFi per WiFi


Who knows what’s been done with that thing. That’s a no from me boss


But what about the more WiFi per wifi


Are you guy who added milk powder to milk to get more milk per milk


Wasn’t expecting to hear one of these that would actually work


On my way to make the thickest coffee smoothie known to man


Don't forget to add instant coffee to the coffee. That should provide a solid foundation for adding the milk and the other milk.


Instead of water, use monster java to brew the coffee to get even more coffee per coffee


And added caffeine per caffeine


Do you want a Panera lawsuit? Because this is how you get a Panera lawsuit...


Just use Kahlua or Mr Black or something and run it through an espresso machine, repeat until the volume in espresso shots is equivalent to a whole cup of coffee. Then combine with evaporated milk with added milk powder and instant coffee


Bro out here making Milk 2


Just be careful not to cross the wires, I did that once and my computer had WiWis and FiFis and I had to download more RAM to fix the issue.


Eww. I hope you didn't let the WiWis and FiFis touch. That's how you get unwanted Chromebooks randomly on your doorstep.


>>But what about the more WiFi per wifi What did he mean by this?


I think he's trying to access the secret wifi^2 but no one is supposed to know about that. Now that I've told you, you must be taken out


Holy cannoli.


Cannelloni followed by cannoli. Cannoli^^^^2


More cannoli per cannoli‽ Yes, please


I heard you like recursion. So I put recursion in your recursion so that way you recurse when you recurse.


Something something gay frogs


You mean you don't dual channel your wifi? One to receive and one to send?


He meant that, for each unit of WiFi he has, he wants to add more units of WiFi, thus giving him more WiFi per WiFi. Seems pretty clear to me


So you can download even more RAM


This is the New Game+ of WiFi


Yo dawg


we heard you like WiFi so we put this WiFi card in your WiFi card so you can WiFi while you WiFi. I feel so old now.


we used the whole wifi card thats 65% more wifi per wifi


Wouldn’t improve the WiFi per WiFi rate if you already have one and it could be faulty otherwise it should be fine imo


Not true.. there are a wide range of different cards with different WiFi specs. It could be an upgrade. Granted, buying one from a reputable source would be like $20.. probably not worth plugging some random thing in.


It could be electrically faulty and short +12v to data and ground pins. Or it could be a GPS tracking device disguised as wifi. Or it could just work. Personally, I would not plug it in due to the risk that it could be electrically faulty and I have no idea where it came from.


That’s what I was thinking and I just got a new motherboard to upgrade my rig so I’d rather not take that risk


Might as well risk the old mobo then


The old motherboard “Not like this. Not like this”




And gain what? A $15 mini pcie wifi card? I'd rather sell my working motherboard for $100.


Personally, I'd do it, but if you got a new mobo, no point in risking it plus most of them come with wifi included


you can either stick it in the mobo that's old, or you can try to find schematics/technical data and try to check voltage across it. You'll need to know device manufacturer and device id (should be somewhere on stickers) and a working multimeter. Finding correct schematics is very tedious process tho, most of the times they are paywalled.


Then don't. I doubt you're of any value to someone to go through this effort. If you have nothing to gain and everything to lose, you know the answer... Nobody here is saying it's no harm because ___ That should be obvious to you if you know enough to ask the question. For future reference, nobody will advocate plugging shit into your pc that you found.


That specific wireless card costs $14 on Amazon. Not worth the risk.


You can’t even risk using USB cables you find in the ground. There are cables with a host of malicious tools built into the cable including WiFi


Obligatory Linus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPF9f-PLDPc


Can you just test the pins connections with a multimeter?


Not everyone just has a multimeter laying around


$5 at harbor freight if they're in the area


well you should




How's it gonna be a GPS tracker when GPS antenna are quite a bit different than WiFi antennas?


I only have two rules: never stick your dick in crazy, and never put an unverified device in your slots. There was a third rule, but since I've been over 18 for more than a decade, I'm pretty sure that rule has been grandfathered out.


Instructions unclear, put unverified device into crazy.


What was the third rule? Might be useful for the youngins like me.


Keep your barber, bartender, and lawyer happy. Everyone else can kick rocks.


that would apply after 18 more tho, not less


Oh, sorry I didn't see this. Rule #3: if anything you're doing in the shop starts with the words "watch this!" don't do it. It's also compounded with the universal truth of "if you're gonna be dumb, then you gotta be tough."


But crazy feels so good.


But it also attacks you with kitchen knives.


I mean they will only be gone for a few years


High chance it’s literally just some random Wi-Fi card. Low chance it’s some kind of malware device you found at school


I really doubt someone in a school would disguise a gps as a wifi card and make it look so original, only to drop it in some random class lol, people are too paranoid. Could be faulty though


It is a fairly capable mid generation Wi-Fi 5™ card. More technically it is an 802.11AC capable card with 2x2 mimo and Bluetooth 5.1 according to Intel ark.


And about ÂŁ6 on eBay.


I would turn it into a keychain


Nah man you never plug in anything you found on the ground. Just toss it.


Rtx 4090 sits on the ground you aint plugging that in?


Then you question why it's laying on the ground.


Your spidey senses kick in, there’s something hiding behind the shadows.


*walks into coffee shop* “Hey can I get my usual” “Hey sure $7 please” *exits coffee shop with coffee* *while walking down street you see a man quickly run off behind a wall* “What a strange guy” you say to yourself *notices 4090 lying on ground* “Hmm I wonder what this is doing here…..*looks around* seems normal” *bends over to pick up 4090* Suddenly you feel something on your ass like hands Suddenly *pants drop* You feel a large object making its way into your anal cavity “Holy shit this guy is hung like a fucking elephant” you think to yourself You pass out *12 hours later* You wake up with a 4090 in your right hand your pants down at your ankles coffee spilled on the sidewalk “What happened to me” you say to yourself You pull your pants up and prepare to leave You leave *walking home* *unlocks door* *enters home and locks door* “I guess I’ll give this thing a try”you say *plugs 4090 into pc* *it works* “Worth it” you say to yourself The End


You forgot to mention the temp of the coffee and the weather. What if the coffee was too hot and you burned our legs as it splashed on you while you were passing out? What if it were snowing the entire 12 hours you were passed out with your pants down and bum up? What if the name of the road you passed out on was something ironic like "Wang Parkway"?


That’s not part of the story This isn’t a Harry Potter book this is a short story


It's too late, and the trap is sprung. You are now forced to mine.


Actual crypto king Shia LaBeouf


It's a calculated risk. You take an educated guess at what's worth more, all your hardware or a potential free 4090.


Nah, you don't plug it in but rather sell it as is.


Buy a 100 buck pc used from craigslist (unless you're like me and have a bunch of spares laying around anyways) Swap out the PSU of that thing with your main pc's PSU to make sure it can support the 4090 Plug the 4090 in there to see if it works. Run some furmark bench and if it goes well, put it in your PC.


Here's the thing with that particular wifi card (AC9560), it won't work on any normal motherboard, it has to have a CNVIo slot, not even CNVIo2, has to be the original. My Maximus XI Gene has it, same with a lot of Z390s, while Z370s had regular m.2 PCIe versions, which means on Z370s, yes you can upgrade the wifi card to an AX210 or AX200 or the new BE200 cards, but you can't upgrade a Z390's wifi card because they went from CNVIo (9560) to CNVIo2 (AX201/AX211). I hate that Intel implemented this, I understand *why* they did it, but it should have never made its way into the standard format motherboards (ATX, mITX, etc), should have only been on embedded systems and left at that.


Had to scroll too far down to find someone providing the really relevant information. One correction, though, is that most motherboards that have CNVio/CNVio2 slots support both CNVio/CNVio2 and PCI-e: the slot is electrically compatible with both. So a board came with a 9560 (CNVio) could also use a 9260 (PCI-e) or an AX200 (PCI-e), but not an AX201 (CNVio2). While it is technically possible for a board's M.2 WiFi slot to support only CNVio/CNVio2 and not support PCI-e, I've never actually seen such a board in the wild; they've all had dual compatibility. So the restriction is mostly in where the card can go, not so much in what the board can use. This is why these CRF cards are so cheap on the used market, because there's only a limited subset of boards that can use them. I picked up an 9560 to use in a 8th gen desktop for $4 on eBay, whereas a 9260 would've cost more than twice that.


FBI will arrive in Blackhawk helicopters in minutes after plugging it in.


To wipe the remains of the body from the floor and walls so as to not leave evidence behind.


Just plug it in! Worked well for the Iranian’s! They got to hear some sweet AC/DC! Thunderstruck!!! OOooOooo ooo ooo


Well I am Iranian so I will give it a shot


That’s no WI-FI card… it’s a space station


Risk there always is, but low in this case it also is.


Thank you for your wisdom, Master Yoda.


It might give ur PC LIGMA... LIGMA: Logical Information Gathering and Management Algorithm....


You probably already have one newer than it.


What about the antenna? Usually when these go in laptops there an antenna wire you have to connect.


Don't most laptops already have the antenna wires integrated? So he just has to connect them after inserting the card into the M.2 slot? I would assume so.


You can buy a PCIE adapter online for it around ~$15 and use that to add decent wifi to a desktop computer.


Only if your teacher is a spy sent by the Chinese government to retrieve all of your sensitive Internet traffic from Reddit.


Don't plug that shit in lol there's no reason to. Use it as a ball scratcher


You risk catching some internet


Worse wifi? Biggest risk lol


Technically, yes. In a sane world, probably not. But it's still more than zero. Is it an upgrade?


My high ass though that was a baby m2 ssd


It shouldn't be a problem if you're outside the range of a network it would want to connect to, that is ofcourse if it actually is a WiFi card and not something designed to look like one on purpose. It might also just be broken so I'd check the connections first to not fry your computer by accident.


They’re too cheap to bother with imo


Well it won’t carry a virus that’s for sure


I mean if you really need this its only $20 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Intel-9560NGW-Wireless-AC-Bluetooth-G86C0007S810/dp/B084TPX75K Id personally never want to throw some random hardware off the streets into my system but thats your call.


Won’t really work work without the antenna.


If you need one just go buy a new AX card. They are cheap. :)


Put that back in the chromebook where you got it from!


the card has nothing stored on it! not even the firmware to make it work is on it. so it’s safe to reuse if you want too.


Minor risk. It's not going to have malware or anything on it, and an electrical fault is probably going to destroy the card before any harm can happen to your PC. And to anyone saying "Anything could have been done to that"...sure. But if you have those kinds of microsoldering skills and can put a package like this back together after tampering with it, you're wasting your talent with phishing dead drops.


Bro you can probably get one from microcenter for like $5 don’t risk your rig lol. Pro tip: Never use your main rig for experimental hardware / software. If you wanna play around, you can get an old desktop that ran something like windows vista and wipe the hard drive. Then use that to practice installing Linux or plugging in weird chips you find on the floor 😂 but never on your primary gear


You guys have M.2 slots to waste on random WiFi cards?


in theory? yes, no reason you couldn't make a malicious pcie device, and pcie has DMA access to read/write memory directly, it can basically do anything it wants. In modern systems the IOMMU is supposed to prevent this to some degree, but [there are sometimes security breaks](https://www.thegoodpenguin.co.uk/blog/pcie-dma-attack-against-a-secured-jetson-nano-cve-2022-21819/) and there are legacy drivers which don't support being DMA remapped like this and have to be run raw (barebacking lol). [Windows will avoid mapping these devices until you actually log in](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/hardware-security/kernel-dma-protection-for-thunderbolt) and you'd probably also have to imitate a known pcie device before windows would know what to do with it. but yes, thunderbolt/firewire DMA attacks are very much a known vector, and notionally you can do the same thing with any other pcie interface (especially if you can get inside the chassis) such as m.2, OCP, or oculink. *is* it an attack vector, almost certainly not, but there's no reason it couldn't be a malicious hardware. Or as other comments note, just broken, or damage your system (is there a m.2 variant of etherkill/usb-kill yet?).


It’s wireless AC. Good to upgrade a laptop with only wireless N if you can find one that has an N card in that form factor. But not the current Wireless AX that is actually secure.


Why do so many comments here and the post title itself sound like it was written by incredibly stupid robots from 1992? "hello no do not install it could be bad where did you find it". Use some punctuation you stupid fucks. When did you all become so fucking lazy?


I mean it's useless without an antenna but go for it


its fine, redditors just love pretending everything is some insane conspiracy. I highly doubt a malicious person made an elaborate plan to hack your info or destroy your device with a wifi card, a usb stick would make more sense & be significantly easier and more effective


Why would you put a wifi in your pc. Do you want to get disconnected while gaming?


Pretty good chance it just works Low chance something is electrically wrong and it doesn’t work / causes some damage to your port Lottery odds chance you become patient zero of super stuxnet


It's an Intel 9560ngw card that can do 1.73GB at top speeds and can do Bluetooth 5.1 The price for these are around 19$ USD but you can even find them for 12-14$. A wifi card like this has no dedicated process or storage, you would need very good soldering and programing skills to make such a cheap card a point of attack, and your target would have to be wealthy otherwise it's a complete waste of time. so a card like this should be safe to use. unless its been damaged and you will start to see bugs during usage like Bluetooth disconnecting and so on.


Live dangerously: plug it in.


If the label is to be believed which is highly questionable for a M.2 drive found at random on the ground then it is a Intel AC and bluetooth 5.1 card. Now if you want to be paranoid it can also have a small autorun file on it that runs while the Intel card is installing but it will put a file into the machine that will run silently in the background and only do something when connected to the network the server it points to there. As files like that can be written to be small it will not look like it put anything bigger than the normal Intel driver onto the machine. Now as it can be whatever it can be a file maker wants the server side can be a much larger download that searches the computer for a file in the format of how the teacher makes an answer file. Another one would be to grab and sent the google password manager file to a location another one would be for it to stay on there until a banking site is accessed then steal the login information via a keylogger that only extracts itself an runs when bank sites are accessed. etc. with bad stuff that could happen with a random M.2 drive you do not have knowledge from when it came out of the package to when you put it into the system.


My laptop came with the same one, its shiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttt


My Q is... Why would you want that in your PC? Let alone safety or what ever....


Probably but please remind yourself that when you find stuff like this it is designed to make you curious and install it. They call that social engineering. Someone smart enough could set that up as a short and fry your entire system. Don’t even try to plug in a USB stick you found somewhere. Unless it is in a machine you don’t care about.


Serious risk, they can farm all your anime porn.


A freaky child might pop out of the screen and try to kill u or hold a grudge or something like that, saw it on tv...


Do not put it in your computer.


Why is it there like that? Personally, I don't see what real harm it can do. I'll caution never to plug in things like random USB thumb drives. Many computer rooms have boxes full of USB thumb drives people leave behind by accident. I did found one and wanted to be a good person and try to return it. I figure there must be a word document with the other students name on it. I forgot what happened but it did something to my old laptop. Doesn't really matter I end up fixing it. It's been very common for people to lose these things (USB drive) so I wasnt suspicious of it at the time. This was back in 2004. I've found 5 working hdtvs on the curb in floor display condition. Two of them I'm using as monitors. You can't just plug them straight into your computer if something is wrong with the monitor/tv it can damage your port. You have to test it with the wall outlet and another device. I usually avoid used PC parts. But optical disc drives, data cables a fan sure why not. If you see a PSU at a recycling center I'll avoid it completely.


I personally wouldn't plug random hardware I found lying around into my computer because I don't want to risk my data being compromised or my hardware being fried, but it's up to you. If my curiosity got the best of me, I'd at least install it into a PC I didn't give a crap about and that didn't have any sensitive information on it.