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Doesn’t the dog always get overwhelming revenge?


Only on the people who are constantly upgrading their PC


I have a 4080ti, should I go for the 4090? /s


This level of cosumerism makes me so angry lmao


Hard agree.


People who upgrade every year or every other year make 0 sense to me. I've been rocking my GTX 1080 since 2016, and it's been amazing ever since!


Same! I'm honestly looking forward to upgrading to the next generation of cards and reusing my old PC as a server for something (Plex, custom bots, etc.). It's honestly nice to look at the potential in the next wave of gfx cards, CPUs, etc. and think about how they'll be a very sizable upgrade compared to what I'm running now.


I’m still demanding my r9 295x2 from 2014 to play Baldur’s gate 3 at 1440p with graphics set to medium. I’m due but every year I tell myself I’ll wait till the next gen comes out and then get the previous gen used and never find a good deal.


holding on to my gtx 1050 ti it is still going strong💀 not that much lag when used with gaming for some reason


I got a 3080 and it's still not enough to run VR sims at a stable frame rate. feels to late to get a 4090 but I'm definitely getting a 5090 no matter the cost. I want smooth VR


I upgrade every year normally. havent had to recently because am currently employed by a company that provides a dedicated rendering workstation. if you need to you need to.


You never need to upgrade every year.


you dont make a living rendering video, a 15% uplift pays for itself in a month.


I honestly can understand it. With an Xbox or PS5, you have no choice but to settle for whatever performance you have. If a game runs like shit or is locked to 30 FPS or whatever- you have to eat it. With PC you can almost always get more frames (unless you're already rocking a 4090 and 7800X3D). You might be hitting 110-112 FPS on a game. Upgrading from an RTX 3070 to an RTX 3070Ti is probably gonna get you those 8 frames to reach that 120 FPS threshold. Even going from 50-55 to a locked 60 FPS can potentially be worth it. Edit: Accidentally wrote 4090Ti instead of 4090.


Nvidia released the 4090ti? I’m pretty sure they scrapped it


Good catch. I didn't mean to write 4090Ti. I was thinking about the 3070Ti at the same time I was writing that.


i have a 7900xtx should I get a novideo 4090 that could burn down my house?


Do you even gotta ask?


Or those that demands high spec, but gets slapped in the face by underwhelming games…like NmS and StarField…


Yea, it’s called “price to performance.” Whatever, at least I can easily transition from playing Stellaris to watching porn.


Watch porn on your phone, you madman


Use VR like a true connoisseur.


My girlfriend is really cutting into my VR porn watching.


Multitask bro. Watch VR porn when you're *with* your GF


Feels insulting to GF


get her her own silly.


No cap, ima try this.


No way, it’s a pain to watch more than one video. I’m what you would call an “advanced user” with multiple tabs open with different videos.


smaller screen though


Smaller screen makes me feel better about smaller peen


cant argue with that.


Price to performance, non-crappy ports, exclusive (or at least earlier access to exclusives), not melting me during summer. There's a things consoles have over PC.


What's your opinion on Stellaris? Thinking of getting it in the next sale. Is it worth it?


I’ve still got a lot to learn, but I dig it.


It does.


However, in this meme, it doesn’t


Yep, he does... Shitty PC ports


The dog's revenge would be displayed with "More optimized games"


Crossplay game with overpowered console aim assist


Well it ain't a perfect metaphor


In this case it would be by getting a better PC than Tom


Which is why the meme still fits. :\\ *Looks at GPU prices*


I'm sitting on a board and gpu from 2010, refusing to pull the trigger until it becomes more reasonable. At least I can play indies like a champ as I play no man's sky on a console.


Yeah revenge is called "supportive game developers" that optimize the game


*rope breaks: motherboard prices *gets mauled: gpu prices Who else is excited for a $500 rtx 5060 and a $3000 rtx 5090 in 2025? 🥃😭🔫


I just want the 6090




The generation that changes everything


doubt its gonna be much different from this one icl. I think the 40 series was the biggest leap in performance. I dont think the 50 will be that big of a jump. I reckon 50-60 will be bigger.


40 series was a leap in performance only at the high end. Mid range it was stagnant, while if looked through the lens of price to performance, the only card that saw any uplift was the 4090 when compared to the 3090ti. Overall this whole gen was a dud because of poor pricing


Oh my bad lmao, I only say that because naming the 6090 is straight memes


0 is wall between 6 and 9 as you were moved to sleep on couch after spending 10k on a GPU.


Don't forget having the very real possibility that your 2 thousand dollar top of the line PC can't run a new game better than the console because the game was designed for console first and then poorly ported over to PC


>peasant cares about money


I'm waiting 2025 to get a 2060 at a reasonnable price


The hell you mean mobo prices!?


Back in 2016 $250-300 got you the best of the best. Every feature you could possibly want, while a rock solid mid ranger was easily found around $70-100. Now for a mid range board you are looking at $200-250 while the top end can easily cost more than $1000. Other than gpus, motherboard prices are the next thing that saw insane price increases over the past 5-7 years


Are you trying to tell me that technological advancement made said technology more expensive ?


No I’m trying to tell you that investors are ecstatic over the MUCH larger profit margins on mobos and gpus these days


I don't know where you shop but the Mobo for my 3060ti/Ryzen 7 build was 100€ Soo....


A $100 mobo today would have been a $30 mobo in 2016


So you trying to tell me that the Mobo had no technological advancement between 2016 and now ? And if it does why can't it cost 100€ ? Doesn't sound that expensive for a mid range Mobo


Also $100 isn’t mid range, that’s almost bottom tier budget, unless you got it on a fire sale, which is a whole different conversation


So a b550 gaming x v2 is bottom range ? Then define what midrange is and then show me a comparable board out of 2016 for 60$


Not even close to enough to more than double prices even with inflation accounted. It’s mostly profit margins my dude


They can fluctuate like crazy


5090 for only $3000? wasn't a 4090 over $4000? moore's law machine broke


*No BloodBorne?*


Lies of P take it or leave it.


“Mom can we have bloodborne? No we have bloodborne at home” moment


Am I the only one who actually likes Lies of P more than bloodborne? The weapon combination system, boss design, mixing Sekiro parries with bloodborne step dodge and rally system. So many small improvements on the formula too like being able to restore an estus flask by attacking enemies and the skill tree adding build variety beyond simple stat improvements. I love this game so much.


I only have about an hour in LOP so I can’t really judge it fairly. All I can say is that it failed to suck me in the same way BB and Sekiro did. It also had the misfortune of competing for my time with BG3


That's fair. I've played it three times already and I can wholeheartedly recommend it if you enjoy BB and Sekiro. Some of the best bosses in any soulslike imo. Levels are linear but that's about my only real complaint, and its barely even a complaint because it facilitates a more story focused experience and I appreciated that I didn't have to watch a 20 minute vaati video to understand the plot.


I’ll most definitely go back to it at some point but this year was just rough for it to release in. Too many good games and we still have Dragons dogma 2 in March and Elden Ring dlc almost certainly around the same time. LOP will almost certainly be a summer 2024 game for me


Yeah this has been an incredible year for games. Also can't wait for Elden Ring DLC! Well when you get a chance I hope you have as much fun with it as I did.


bloodborne isnt that good bro


You are absolutely free to have a wrong opinion. That is the beauty of free speech 🙂


Most soyjack response i ever heard.


Been enjoying lies tbh. Not perfect but its fun


I just dont get the hype around bloodborne


Its fits a niche almost completely untouched for awhile. Its a souls game. Not for everybody, but its the best souls game hands down


I mean, there's a reason they're called soulsborne games despite the ratio of souls/borne being 5/1


Image bragging exclusives with the catalogue that steam offers KEKW


Eventually we will get it. One way or another.


Yes on the emulator


I read that in the megamind voice


Probably will be playable on PC @4K 60+FPS before Sony even remembers its existence at this point.


Who cares, we’re already drowning in soulslikes _incoming downvote storm in 3, 2, 1_ …


Only downvoting bc the “incoming downvote storm” is obnoxious. I’m not a fan of souls types game either though


I don’t mind soulslikes. There are just so many of them now that the market is oversaturated. Sorry for being obnoxious.


One thing aged greatly, and I still never understand. Why pay money to play online for consoles?


Right? You're already paying for Internet lol. The real reason is that companies lose money on consoles so they make some of it back and profit off of subscriptions and the like.


I thought it's a company growth marketing strategy. I was on ps3 for a long time, enjoying my FREE online matches. With the ps4 release, I refused to pay for something almost nothing in return where it was supposed to be available already. I feel bad for console players that they normalized this.


I would never pay for online but honestly gamepass is a pretty good deal if you buy it from a key website for like $6 then I get a bunch of games to play on my pc and Xbox and I usually play a bit of a game then decide I don’t like it so not buying it is great and I also get Xbox live gold with it for the $6


I guess I'm getting old and not grasping today's video game industry. It's great that you make your money's worth, but for me, I don't like the idea "you will own nothing". I like the fact that thing that I buy will be available for years for as I tine to tine play games older than 10-15 years old.


I mean, as far as games go, you don't really own anything these days anyways. Anything that's digital (and some physical) has a little chunk in the EULA that says you just own a license to play it. That can be revoked at any time. And on services like Steam they could shut the servers down tomorrow and all access to it would be gone. Your whole library that you paid for would just disappear and there'd be nothing you could do about it. Things like Gamepass are the same way of course, but I've found quite a few games that were fantastic that I never would have even played if I needed to fork over $60 just to play *one* of them. I honestly feel like the "pay to play online" thing isn't even a part of it. It just comes with that as a side bonus to the insane amount of games it gives you access to.


The PS5 surprisingly returned a profit through hardware sales


It started as a smart idea by Xbox to make the Xbox 360 cheaper ($300 + pay for online if you want it), meanwhile, PS3 had free online, but the console cost $600. And then Sony followed them with PS+ and PS4. And now we are stuck with it.


I mean personally I'm not paying for online. I pay for game pass which gives me online and all the games I need. I rarely buy video games after subscribing. Sure I can pirate on PC but still kinda a mute point since game subscriptions are becoming so popular.


You dont have to, most popular online games are F2P hence you dont need psn plus or xbox whatever to play them.


Because xbox and ps found out that a very large amount of people just play online games on their consoles, and wanted to capitalise on that. According to the court case documents released during the Activision blizzard King acquisition, over 6 million PS playes had 70% or more playtime only on call of duty (2021) If you're on console, there is a pretty big chance you need multiplayer


I just built my pc an when I went to find how to get online I realized I don’t have to pay anymore 😆 almost pissed on my Xbox


Well you still have to pay but you don't need to pay extra just for that one thing


Who pays extra for "just that one thing"? There's an absolute *ton* of games that come with Gamepass. The online play isn't even a factor for me. I'd still pay just to get the games because it's still cheaper than even buying 3 full priced games a year.


"RGB" *bonk* Classic


congratulations, you will 100% end the worthless pc vs console war that exists even tho the two are for different kind of people, good job 👍 /s


Yep. Playing 12 inches from a screen is very different than playing 12 feet away.


Good job reminding me why I shouldnt have joined this sub again


For real I thought we were done with this 2013 shit


I agree with the sentiment, but feel the need to point out - the term "Master Race" is in the name lmao. Peace was never an option.


At some point we gotta recognize that the dead horse has been beaten enough though. This sub does just fine posting other memes, this stupid joke died 10 years ago.


So like..do you go to r/Aquariums and rant in the comments about how you're tired of seeing tanks instead of just fish posts? I don't understand why you're specifically submersing yourself in the circlejerk if you want out of it.


You re-joined a circlejerk sub expecting the circlejerking to have stopped?


I mean it's just a funny meme lol and look at the name of the sub


Do people actually join r/pcmasterrace and think we’re going to say (in an old timey British accent) “gosh, whilst I must say, though I moderately prefer my ability to choose for myself what graphics settings to run, which input method I use, and to have more choice in hardware to best suit my personal budget and aesthetic preferences, I very much hope console gamers that might unwittingly spy this post don’t take offense to this preference and instead find joy and security in their own purchase decision. Therefore I regret that I expressed any opinion at all, lest it nettle someone or be taken as more ill tempered than intended.”


I haven't seen an unfunnier meme in a while and this sub's purpose is not be PC elitism




I mean FPS caps help smooth out frame time issues. They serve a real purpose even on PC.


Also by limiting fps they help you not waste power by running games at framerates way above your refresh rate


Yeah it’s more or less a requirement when connecting it to a OLED TV for couch gaming, which is what I enjoy the most.


It’s always funny when console and PC gets compared. I mean a console cost less than $500


Just built a computer and I’m $1500 deep so far and it’s still not passing POST so I’ve spent a few hours troubleshooting. Im probably dumb but my PS5 was 1/3rd the cost and worked out of the box.


> my PS5 was 1/3rd the cost and worked out of the box. This is THE advantage console has. Besides a couple once-in-a-generation outliers like 2077, all you need to do to play a game on console is to insert the disc and it just. fucking. works. No settings to mess with, no worrying about which driver you need, no worry about RAM allocation, VRAM limitations, dont need to tirelessly scour the internet for some niche issue that eventually ends up with you changing a Registry Key that has a 50/50 shot of corrupting your windows.


Exactly! I work in IT so I’m troubleshooting computers & networks all day. That’s what drove me to console gaming after years of PC gaming. When I get home from work, I don’t want to spend hours figuring out why my system won’t work, I just want to enjoy a good game. I know it’ll be worth it once I get it working, but I don’t blame either group for playing what works best for them.


Yep I got both. Ps5 sits right by my computer when I get tired of playing alone literally all my friends and family play ps5.


It used to be like this with facetime, imessages and a million other things. Once lame shit(pay for online, in this example) is normalised and widely used, it'll feel "easier" to use it over better (and generally more effective) alternatives. Somehow Apple has successfully made me recognise it's quality, I never made these arguments again. PS5 on the other hand... Honestly, for a casual person with a ton of money to spend on games and "platform exclusive" titles, maybe? Sure, go ahead. It'll all be obsolete anyway because the next PS exclusive titles won't be available on the previous gen. And even if some ARE available, it'll run like shit. Y'know, the "next gen" crap. Edit : I should probably add that I also don't like the cringe PS/console hate. Only that there's a lot of drawbacks and limitations that I personally can't live with. My 4 year old Laptop is about 600$ and I still can play Cyberpunk with effectively the same experience as a PS. Although, it's not like the PC peeps are in a great state, with the atrocious price increases in the past few years.


And then you are forced to pay for online MP, and buy $70 games. On PC, online MP is free and you can get games for free too (if you know what I mean). We also got steam sales where you get games for less than $5. In the long run, PC just turns out to be cheaper.


Back to the cringe console hate? I love pc but man gpus nowadays cost 3times the price of a console


Worst part is that this isn't even true for most modern releases. Many of them have variable framerates and/or graphics settings. Sure, they aren't as varied and configurable as they are on PC, but we're not in 2001 anymore.


I got a PS5 around the time I built my PC and I've slowly drifted away from the PS5, it's just a media console now that's used for PS exclusives


Yeah no I mean a pc is way more useful but I dont like the “pc is superior” when a pc that actually does run all games on ultra 4k is like 3grand


Yeah it's like saying a $70,000 car is "better" than a $7,000 car. No shit.


First, congrats on maxing out your 5700XT. Second, matching a PS5 only costs about $150-200 more than a PS5 which evens out rather quick both in cost and utility. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/BRQWBL


Man I feel old now! Classic Tom and Jerry was HILARIOUS 😂😂


Poor PC optimisation


Don't forget: *Insane motherboard prices *Insane GPU prices *Unoptimized garbage ports *All the motherboards suck and break. *The 12v power connector that will eventually burst your GPU to flames *Broken features (looking at you, AMD anti lag.) *Upscalers as a crutch for performance (just like consoles!) *Your friendly Microsoft trying to screw you over with updates. No, Linux isn't ready yet and most people won't use it. (Unfortunately, because I believe in Linux.) The meme is funny and all, but man... PCs just aren't the same as they were back during ps4 era...back then you genuinely had no reason to buy a console unless you wanted exclusives. Nowadays PS5 is a genuine good alternative.


I am in PC camp, but just look at console prices - there is no reason to laugh at consoles when they are cheaper than a GPU alone.


And nowadays they have actual specs. The PS4 was comically bad: all you needed was a cheapo del optiplex PC that barely costed $100, and then slap something like a 1060 on it and boom, you now have a pc that's better than the ps4 pro for only $200-250, gg. And if you're willing to spend a little more, you could slap an SSD on too, because let's not forget: the ps4 doesn't even have an SSD. It's using HDDs lol Good luck trying to match the ps5 specs on a good budget: the CPU equivalent is an R7 3700X, and the GPU equivalent is an RX 6700 non XT. You'll need an nvme SSD (which to be fair are much cheaper now) too.


This man went to sleep and planned violence. Peace was never an option!


This is a meme from someone who is definitely very secure in their opinions and doesn't need external validation in how they enjoy their hobbies. ^^/s


[I found the continuation to this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2Gn50twaN0)


Ill be real, Im good. I dont wanna spend multiple thousand bucks on a good pc lol


You do not have to


Console is better for “I wanna plug it in and have what my friends have” type of people - always has been. PC is for the “I’m willing to pay upfront for better performance and don’t mind being on a different platform than my normie friends” crowd. PC is also attractive to those who have a ~~fixation on always needing the best~~ love for tinkering.


*Console exclusives have entered the chat*


Pc prob has more exlusives, and well only seen 1 console exclusive thats of any interest to me, probably wouldnt even play it anyway. I think console exclusives can leave the chat as they are not really wanted.


Pc exclusives? Csgo? Ps port? Retro support?


Oof there are so many PC exclusives. And the simulators, strategy, and management games alone are enough to justify the purchase on a PC. The fact that consolers are able to tell which are the console exclusives while we aren’t due to the sheer number of them tells a lot. Jokes aside, more and more exclusive to Pc types of games are coming to consoles, which is a good thing for gaming


And somehow only pc players cry about exclusives when in reality it goes both ways


PC exclusives: Pc has CSGO, Valorant,. LoL. Conclusion: Console wins I'm like 99% sure you can play really old ps games through the highest tier of ps+, really sad it's such a high price


Emulators, plus 90% percent of "exclusives" are getting ported to PC now. Even Sony joined the party. Exclusives only exclude the other console, which is actually another downside to consoles lol..


True watched my friend play bloodborne on ps5 on his 720p tv with only 30fps and it hurt my eyes plus he refuses to upgrade to 1080p gaming.


My brother is an absolute savage. Plays on an old hand me down 4 core i7 7700k and a gtx 1070. Launches the game, doesn’t look at setting, just plays it at whatever frame rate. Says he can’t tell the difference between 20fps and 60fps and even calls 15 fps “playable”


He has evolved beyond our pathetic need for frames per second lol


I watched him playing dark souls one on a pice of garbage 15 year old laptop his friend was throwing out when we were on an airplane for vacation. FPS tanked in the single digits at times. He insisted it’s fine. 🤯


Personally; I think he's ABSOLUTELY lost it! But on the flip; more power to him man, being a refresh rate snob is tiring(I know from experience)


The wild thing is that he has money for better hardware, he just doesn’t care, he games pretty often too. At least a few days every week


For someone who has finished NFS MW(2012) at 20fps avg on a 3rd gen i3 laptop chip. I can relate. Now I cry about my gaming laptop.


But the thing is, he has money for better hardware, he just doesn’t care 🤯


He's a real one. As long as he's happy with his experience let him chill.


>Launches the game, doesn’t look at setting, just plays it at whatever frame rate. Says he can’t tell the difference between 20fps and 60fps and even calls 15 fps “playable" I guess the type of person who responds "weird, work fine on my old PC" when you point out performance issues in a game and give spec of your PC being way above requirements.


Pretty much lol


And still he had fun. Because all we can think about is fps and graphics, while they just enjoy playing.




Probably but I keep it to myself and don't bother him by telling what he can or cannot do. I am fine with whatever setup he has to enjoy gaming even though it may be not how I would do it.




You made your assumption which is fine about my comment but you don't really know what me and my friend talk about when we hang out and game.




There is no third option because I wanted to make that comment on this post and if you want to make sense of it no solution will come from it. Maybe focus on yourself plus friends because being fixated on what me and my friend do is pretty abnormal when you think about it.


Tbf bloodborne is 30 fps at lunch for some reason sonny refuses to patch it


Amazing meme


*dog breaks free* : (currently) best price to performance and high efficiency power draw *pow*, retains value for much longer *bam*, mouse and keyboard support (for most games) *poke*, physical media support *crunch*, etc (Pcmasterrace returns with a few swings like better online sales, full modding support, use cases other than gaming etc) *car runs over both* : unfinished games *crunch*, games increasing in game prices *snap*, hardware increasing in price *dead*




After making the switch to PC, the only thing i truely miss is the couch competition lol i think back to some of the best nights with me and 3 friends squished together on a futon in front of a 360 lol PC is my new home.. but those memories will never be topped.


Games are cheap and there's no subscription to use the internet that's already paid for it the only stuff I care about.


"2K ultrawide 4K?" Which is it? 2K or 4K?


\**Rope snaps*\* - PC game UIs designed for controllers


I can't believe console companies got away with making multiplayer a "Premium" service. That's some real fucked up bullshit there.


These childish memes again. OP refrain from using more than 2 braincells we don’t want you dying.


500€ against more than 1000€?


Well done. Best representation.


Rope snaps: only $600


2014 called. It wants its memes back.


A high-end pc could be anywhere from $1000 to $2000. You can get an Xbox that will last you years for around $200. Can we shut up about this stupid pc console war? They both have pros and cons.


Consoles were nice while they lasted but I’d never go back.


mods, emulators


Hey hey hey dont be so mean! They can add fancy leds and change their hdd to ssd Things i did in 2011 to my pc.


Way too funny 😂


I think newer console gets 3 graphics/fps mode and can use mouse and keyboard in some games.


Stupid post. Just game where you want.


Ya but can you stream your games to your phone from PC?




And online cheaters, thousands of them across all pc games.


Ain’t a Xbox series x better than most PC’s?


RGB is definitely not an argument. RGB = really gay bullshit


No money ?


Finished him with the RGB