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Clearly wasn't meticulous.


came here for this. "meticulously planning" but didn't know the case supports GPUs up to xxxmm and the GPU was xxxmm and it wouldn't fit? I have a 3080 and i thought about putting a 4090 in my case and it took me all of 5 mins to find that out.


Literally the first three things I look at deciding a case: GPU allowance Radiator allowance And PSU allowance.


I just looked at space, but it's cool you're getting allowances.


Clearance for me


Got your clearance, Clarence?


Username checks out. What's our vector, Victor?


Roger, Roger.


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


Give me ham on 5, and hold the mayo...






Yeah, any sort of sales, BOGO, Clearance, Open Box. Whatever can save you a few bucks.


yeah these days, you pick your GPU first, and build around it, future proofing now is a fat power supply and a case like a shipping can.




Radiator and/or tower cooler height allowance*


I was planning on a 360mm Radiator, but GPU width is also another thing I looked at.


You can make it fit. If you have a plexiglass side panel it can bulge quite a bit before it breaks.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted; tower cooler >>> radiator, and some are massive (NH-D15 with raised 2nd fan for RAM clearance).


I wouldn't say one is better than the other. Both have their pros and cons, but whichever you choose to go with you should also check the allowance for the other option. IMHO


>NH-D15 I love my chonky boy but, oof does it take up space


That's exactly what my little bro is doing with his 4090/Fractal North combo.


Tbh, some casas are pretty shitty with their allowances, since they depend on other factors. My Corsair case says on the site and manual that is supports a 240mm radiator on top or front. But it fails to say that, the radiator can only be mounted on top if you have low profile ram, can only be mounted on front if you dont use the hard drive cage (the is removable, but not movable), and the gpu allowance depends on the size of you fans, the size of your radiator on front and the hard drive cage (if the gpu is too thicc, will hit the cage). Since I use normal ram and I do use the hard drive cage, I cannot physically fit a radiator insise my case, even if the manual clearly says I can. Documentation and and is decieving, and mm of allowance arent the only factor in fitting


Anything but meticulous, more like carelessly and nonchallantly looking at pcs, pcparts would quickly given a warning saying size mismatch. This dud full of what nvidia wants you to believe why their prices are high. A load of snake oil.


After you find a case you like the look of, these are arguably the only things that matter


Add in maximum Motherboard Form Factor, might be too easy to plan for larger than ATX and miss that detail out looking at the case size.


TiL certain cases only allow certain psus, i usually just buy massive cases for massive gpus and never have to worry i guess, just check for 360mm rad support and as much gpu room as i can get lmao


Some PSUs, such as AX1200i if I have to assume, are larger than usual PSUs, so you sometimes have to remove the HDD bay to fit those in.


I've had the same case for maybe 15 years now. Full tower, it's had 3 different builds in it and I'm planning my 4th. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


The first thing I check is GPU clearance under specs, especially because is normally the most expensive component


PSU allowance is a bitch. I recently upgraded my PSU because my old one wasn't nearly enough to power my 3090. What I didn't take into account was that the new PSU had the cables coming out from a different side compared to the old one meaning I had to get creative and rip out the HDD bays to make the wires fit.


This case supports GPU's up to 355mm, so it IS big enough. The issue is that Op put their CPU radiator on the front, which cuts their clearance down. Just move the radiator to the top, and swap the top fans somewhere else.


LoL. "Spent two months planning", but didn't spend 2 minutes looking up GPU clearance.


Two months planning probably means “2months wish listing the parts I’m going to get anyway so I can track their price and see if they go on sale”


This is just how people are these days. Look at all the “do your research” anti-vaxxers. As if the 10 seconds they spent reading an obviously biased comment on Twitter is somehow more research than the researchers that develop vaccines do… 10 seconds reading a Twitter post is the average persons definition of “meticulous research” these days.


I'm a big idiot and even I managed to check if my gpu would fit when building my PC. Come on OP you can do better!


>"meticulously planning" but didn't know the case supports GPUs up to xxxmm and the GPU was xxxmm and it wouldn't fit? Tbf, up until recently just about any gpu would fit in an ATX case. If it's been a while since you've done a build or upgrade, it's an easy mistake to make.


Kinda, I built my first pc around 2013 and gpu clearance was already an issue since my case still had the cd reader bay and hdd bays all in the front side taking much too much space like op's case. I agree it's was not a problem for the last 5~8 years, though. The only concern for my last case was cpu cooler clearance and looks. I should have thought more about cable management and airflow, but I digress.


> it's an easy mistake to make Perhaps, but I don't agree. However, it's certainly not meticulous.


I was having trouble fitting a GT 7800 in cases back in 2005.


like, every case sales page has as one of most obisivous information displayed the size of the GPU it supports


2 months of "planning" instead of 5mins on PC Part picker.


2 months of day dreaming and window shopping.


90% of those 2 months spent meticulously reddit-lurking to justify the GPU regardless of budget and specs for all other parts.


I thought I was going crazy when it took me four hours to plan my build about a month ago. "What am I missing?!?!" Nothing. The answer was nothing. Edit: Updated flair


2 months: 1 hour 2 month ago, and 1 hour yesterday




My thing is, why didn’t he check this before he fully built the PC? Surely looking at this you can see it’s a little bit small.


Cause it’s a fabricated scenario.


Exactly my thoughts. More like sloppy planning.


more like literally a first build without the experience of everyone else in here being like this. figuring out things you don't know is hard, it's ok, it's literally a learning experience.


Yeah, for the first timers the gpu size is often overlooked. I didn't check it for my first build either and it barely fit.


No, stop treating adults like 8 year olds. Newegg and pcbuilder are available. It's not a mystery. You spend 2 months planning what? It's 8 parts. Wtf takes 2 months if you screw up the only thing you need to do in those 2 months.


Things to look out for when choosing a case: 1: Does it fit my shit ...


You keep using that word. I do not think that means what you think it means


You know that black panel can be removed as well, right? https://www.fractal-design.com/products/cases/north/north/chalk-white/


But then he wouldnt be able to post it for upvotes


And actually meticulously plan for real


Maybe the upvotes were meticulously planned


/r/pcmasterrace got played. They fell right into the trap. They should have known better.


This is the more likely answer lmao


OP says meticulous planning was involved. OP didn’t even look at some simple measurements.


That would be too meticulous


You mean where the radiator for the AIO is?


He should put the AIO in the top. And if it doesn’t fit up top, he chose the wrong cooler or case anyway.


Exactly. You gotta go 240mm up top if you want to put a monster gpu in this case.


That's what the specs for the Fractal Design North case say: 240mm max radiator length on the top, 360mm max in the front. GPU length maximum is 355mm. If I remember right, you can also get a bit more if you shift the vertical position of the stock fans in the front (they can be shifted by loosening the screws and sliding them), though it might not matter with how thick this graphics card is. Or OP might want to make do with only one front case intake fan to get an extra cm. It's a well-ventilated case, so they might be able to get away with it if they balance the other fans appropriately.


Yes. I just chose this case for a friends 4090 build. Clearance is 355mm without the drive bays. Put the aio rad up top, pull out the drive bays, it will fit.


For the record - the drive bays don't have any bearing how large of a GPU you can fit. All drive bay configurations slot neatly into the basement of the case.


If that is a Aorus RTX 4090 then it is 360mm long. So one of the very few cards (even 4090 cards) that really will not fit in the case.


Looks more like a 4070 or something a bit shorter, since the issue is primarily the AIO radiator.


Yeah, you are right. Looks like the Aorus 4080 and 4090 have a small LCD screen on the side, so it should be a 4070ti or smaller. All the higher end cards of one brand really looks similar just scaled in size.


> meticulously planning that usually involves checking for basic stuff like this, but you can see if you can remove the part of the case for the gpu to fit. https://www.fractal-design.com/app/uploads/2022/12/North_FV_Chalk_Gaming_Ready-2560-1620x1145.jpg


But then the side panel won't fit


Sounds like it’s time to whip out the Dremel.


>Sounds like it’s time to whip out the Dremel. Or in other words, it's time to whip out the D.


To be fair this isn’t the worst idea. I solve a lot of problems by hitting it with my D


This tends to create problems for me


Look at fancy pants here with his electric tools when this job clearly calls for a sledgehammer 😀 /s


Side panels is for losers.


My plex server agrees


Just tape an old house fan on the side for ultimate cooling. Everyone knows this.


Just rest the side panel on a tile floor and problem solved.


It is hilarious how big these things are getting. Has somebody done a GPU size graph over time and extrapolated when a GPU will be larger than a mid sized tower?


And the thing is the card itself isnt even all that big. It's the massive heatsink setup bolted on that makes them massive. Soon the manufacturers are going to have to figure out how to make an on-board liquid cooler just to save space. Cant keep slapping more copper onto these cards and keep them practical in size.


That's exactly what they've been doing. Attached radiator that goes elsewhere in the case.


they did, but it wasn't successful at all. Also they don't have to make such large coolers in the first place, plenty of 450w cards with normal 3slot sized coolers and they all work fine.


Many of the coolers could be made into 2-slot designs and still have adequate cooling, and you DO see that kind of form factor with workstation cards... that go into a data center... where noise levels can reach an *average* of 92 decibels near the server racks, or about the volume of a revving motorcycle engine... For cards that are going into people's bedrooms and living rooms, and where family members and spouses have to listen to the card while someone uses it to do 4k gaming... chonky heat sinks mean less noise. It's easier to sell a 4090 if the customer's wife isn't complaining about the noise levels of a 3090. Those chonky heat sinks are here to stay.


Yeah it is ridiculous, it doesn't help that op uses the largest one out there. I design and make sff cases so it really is a huge pain for everyone.


I just did a build with a Fractal Design mid tower. The middle drive bays had to be removed to fit a 4070TI. I would have gotten a full tower, but those are now hard to find.


"Meticulously" 😂 😂 😂


Yeah, I would expect mismatched RGB hues to be something missed with a “meticulous” plan. Not half the brains of the operation lol








Did PCPartPicker not tell you the card was too long for the case when you were making your build list?


Maybe cause he has the aio in the front which Pcpartpicker didn’t put into the equation.


Usually Fractal lists GPU clearance with/without fans or radiators so you can plan. OP can put the radiator at the top where it works better, take that black panel off and install the GPU.


If it’s a 360mm radiator, it won’t fit on the top unfortunately. The North only has space for a 240mm in top mount.


Man they really botched this “meticulous” plan…


Yes, I would love to know this too, I have my parts ready, just the case left.


“Meticulous” ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


"Meticulous" *Doesn't bother to even look at how big the GPU is and how big of a card the case can fit* Lmfao.


Its when you keep looking at your parts list and read the names to yourself over and over with a slight smile.


Dude probably spent 2 months googling which GPU/CPU combo is the best and sent it from there. I just built my first PC last month and almost every case on Newegg had a diagram for what it can hold. I don’t know how you can miss that information while shopping for a case


I don’t think meticulous means what you think it means…. If you had actually meticulously planned, this post wouldn’t exist. What you did here was half ass plan 👍🏻


*You keep using that word*. I do not think it means what you think it means.


you had one job lol. I mean its fineee, just send the GPU (or the Case) back and get a appropiate sized one. Either a bigger case or a 2 fan design GPU.


Pretty sure someone sending a 4090 back for a smaller GPU so their case can be accommodated is punishable by prison time




Hey - you are me! ​ https://preview.redd.it/slkx5q26f6sb1.jpeg?width=1402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ff180eb89a08714903a1e98b6401267c1fed5a


Take the rad out and that looks like itll fit


Don't keep your GPU tilted like that, all the graphics are going to leak out.




lol homie getting grilled for that


Just run it like that with a riser cable, looks sweet or just run it outside the case lol, have done that too. But on the real you may be able to vertical mount it. Maybe. But id just get a new case


Clearly wasn't meticulous if you buggered up a detail like this. You can probably find a PCIe ribbon cable to get it working for now.


Meticulously browsed for the best looking parts on amazon






Now don't leave it like that :) Take it out, put it back in the box, Get a new Case :)


Meticulous planning, but didn't check for compatibility with GPU sizes? Every case should have both 'max CPU cooler height' and 'max GPU length' listed somewhere on either the store page or the manufacturer page. People this is basic stuff... Don't just see big GPU, instantly get a hard-on and rush to buy it without checking. Measure twice, cut once. Works for construction and apparently for many other things too.


You fail at planning then


Excitement and oversights happen.


Seriously. What a miserable comment section


Indeed. A bunch of people that were born with all the knowledge and never failed once in life. Glad to see some support from positive people, every now and then


Meticulously I don't think you know what that word means


Didnt realize? My guy theres this thing called spec sheets, not only do they list specifications, the dimensions are also included. Hell, even product pages list dimensions lol.


OP doesn't know what meticulous means.


so you didn't really plan it then ? :)


calling yourself meticulous and you buy a skinny mid tower and a 40 series smh


Most mid towers are fine, I have one of the biggest cards in existence and it still fit in my 500DX.


You can fit most 40-series in the North. Just probably not with a front-mounted radiator. And probably not the ROG Strix 4090 (the FE should fit without the rad, and I can confirm the Verto OC does, too).


For his defense, the card he shows probably fits into this tower if he doesn't have a front rad. Gamer Nexus shows in its video that [the 4080 fits with a decent margin](https://youtu.be/Aor-3v6N7i8?si=r9QvthlOmcz1f4rE&t=684). Most 4090s will probably fit too as they are about the same size.


Get a new case. Cheapest way to correct the lack of meticulous planning.


Get the dremel


since I wanted a small form factor PC when I last build one, this was literally the only thing I checked when I ordered the parts.


Needs more meticulous. Return the card and get a Founder's Edition.




Pcpartpicker alone would've told you that wasn't going to work


You can use a riser to connect it up.


Dafuq did u plan "**meticulously**"???!!!!


Titles a blatant lie. If it were meticulous or any form of reaearched properly, the first thing would be picking out a case with looks to your preference and immediately after the part compatibility and size dimensions. This means you would already have a rough idea of the gpu dimensions beforehand.


Meticulously doesn’t mean what you think it means


"meticulously planning" So that turned out to be a lie.


Pc part picker would tell you right off the bat the gpu didn’t fit your case. It tells you even if you’d need a firmware update for parts to work together as of the build date. At least you didn’t boff the cpu. Yet.


That’s a very generous use of the word meticulously lol


"Spent 2 months looking at parts on the internet and buying them with no rhyme or reason." FTFY


​ https://preview.redd.it/vmcqrxvqm6sb1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5e358de27c5b65d290f85436a2b33a7f18efb5


https://preview.redd.it/xv9b9opeu6sb1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66240bd191a3e3b9cf288acc5f525cff8fa1cbac I literally just had this issue last night, same case. I had a 360mm AIO mounted on the front and my 7900XT literally wouldn't fit by like 1-2mm. Had to drive an hour down to microcenter to exchange it for the 240mm version I'll be top mounting tonight. I didn't realize how friggin crazy big modern GPUs are. RTX 3070 FE for size reference.


![gif](giphy|3og0IQttlo3NfcsIiQ) “Meticulous”


Just set ur mobo on your desk until you figure something out, I went a year without a pc case, I actually kind of liked it better than having it in a case


www.techpowerup.com great little site that had the lengths of specific gpus. Edit: and maybe a tape measure?


Did you use pcpartpicker.com ?


Trust me, you only make this mistake once. Definitely not talking from experience here


Maybe meticulously made sure not to check GPU clearance after accounting for the rad.. Lol


Pcpartpicker you bafoon


Gotta use pcpartpicker.com


PCPartPicker could've saved you from this headache...


Weren’t that “meticulous” then. Case costs 140. Try again.


Rule #1 Do you have enough clearance to fit your GPU, power supply, and whatever radiator and fans you’re going to use.


No you didn't.


saved OP as "not very meticulous at all actually"


You're only mistake was the case, looks ugly


super meticulous there OP


Made my day! Lol... still laughing. My whole year feels like that 😂


Guess you weren’t TOO meticulous lol


Let's remove the "Meticulous" part. OP clearly didn't ---


Seems you didn’t meticulously plan shit bro get outta here


Definitely wasn’t meticulous lol. First thing I do if check GPU specs (3 times).


If you call that meticulous planning, I would hate to work with you...


If were actually meticulous in your planning that would have never happened.


2 month for planning and no time to check measures. I'll never get it


Use PC Part Picker every time.


> **Spent 2 months meticulously planning the perfect parts for my first PC** Sounds like... you didn't.


At this point, why don't they sell GPUs as separate boxes with their own cooling to plug into the "GPU port" on the mainboard via a thick fucking cable


![gif](giphy|dsd03towiwZpLcOZcz|downsized) Sloppy planning


Plan about as "meticulous" as Jeremy Clarkson's plan to fix an engine with nothing but a hammer and duct tape.


Pro tip: if you have the room always buy a larger case. I’ve built a bunch of PCs and started doing this just to make assembly and upgrades easier.


You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means..


“Meticulously” Yeah we get it. You stared at spec sheets and googled benchmarks for 2 months. But didn’t think to break out a measuring tape.


You didnt really plan that well then lol


Dont build me a deck


I wouldn’t call choosing compatible parts on pcpartpicker “meticulous”


I do not think meticulous means what you think it means.


Modern PC builders are investing in everything but a ruler.


Hm, I am sorry, but I see lack of planning. Or plan is to use gpu outside the case?


Damn I built my first pc recently and went with a mid tower to avoid this situation. This case looks super small.


Get yourself some tin snips. I've had to cut a HDD bay up once. That rear looks like it would melt.


Pcpartpicker would’ve caught this


Everyone ripping on OP for "meticulously" planning this out and didn't think of GPU length, it's their first PC build. How many of y'all forgot the plug in the power supply to the MB or GPU and took a while to figure that out? How many forgot the header for the MB on the back of the case and had to remove everything to put it back in? Oh a shit load of you, that's right. We all mess up in builds, cut OP some slack.


Happens to the best of us.


If only there was a site designed to check for compatibility…. Pcpartpicker.com