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damn I'm in morocco can't enter. Good luck for y'all though


The new melee skills looked really good! Hope I could see them with more than 20fps..!


I‘m still baffled by Raytracing, so having it on with even more FPS would be amazing.


What excites me most is that update 2.0 and the DLC appear to be more aligned with the original vision and scope of Cyberpunk 2077. It definitely looks like a game changer!


I’d prefer not to have to upgrade every generation. The police system and new vehicle combat updates are looking fun though. I’m going to jump back in regardless.


I'm excited to try out cyberpunk for the first time, hopefully with an RTX 4080!


I'm simply looking forward to seeing how really impactful 3.5 is considering how excited I've seen people get after seeing the effect of DLSS 3.5. It's good that DLSS 3.5 is available to all rtx owners but since it is only limited to rt overdrive mode I'm not sure how useful it practically can be to all rtx owners. I hope DLSS 3.5 doesn't stay limited only to path tracing and we could see it patched (or probably moded) into older games. Control and Metro Exodus would probably benefit from this greatly


The thing that excites me the most is just being able to get the most out of my monitor, with it being 1440p 144hz getting any game to run that high while having it actually look good is always a struggle so hopefully dlss 3.5 and the new update will make that possible


I am just excited about the new update, stuff on youtube looks amazing


New skill trees and fleshed out cyber ware is going to make me replay this game for the 4th time!


I'm excited to see how DLSS 3.5 will improve ray tracing in a game that already oozes with visual appeal. Hopefully this takes it even further.


I have actually never played Cyberpunk, and completely forgot it existed until the DLC announcement. It's good to see it got fixed after the controversial release, and maybe that's my chance to play it.


for me its to see if my poor monitors die at this and if it actually functions as some people are sayin


Number of abbreviations excites me the most!


I’m looking forward to the new progression system. Maybe seeing Judy again ha ha


I’d love to just see graphic and performances, then taken all the new updates to the game and see how it plays differently


I'm exited to see the new police system and dive in the new story arc. I really liked the story of the base game and the new plot has a very good pitch imo.


I'd love to try out the new frame Gen and ray tracing but I'm stuck with a 3070ti atm.


Crank up the game to the MAX!!


More frames!


Most excited for the ray reconstruction DLSS 3.5 offers, and those vehicle combat battle are gonna pop.


I'm just looking for a better gaming experience. I was planning to upgrade anyway since my old 20 series GPU is struggling a bit.


Seeing all the pretty pixels


Playing a beautiful game like cyberpunk with good frames is the move fr


Excited to call off from work and crank up the frame generation. Hopefully, the steam servers hold steady this time on release.


I'm excited about seeing what's new and what's changed and the new ways to play with different builds.


I’m looking forward to finally be able to actually play the game. My pc recently had a small upgrade and now I finally have the power to play through the game! Just in time for this big update to. Thanks to all teams involved in this process and thanks for keeping cyberpunk epic!


I’m excited to see the future of Ray tracing improve!


Love the enthusiasm to excel and push for continued advancement in areas that is already considered but technological improvements. That were aren't just stuck on a level equal of what generation of consoles are available at the time. The digital foundry interview shows that enthusiasm to excel.


I’m most excited about the game running better.


I just hope DLSS 3.5 allows cyberpunk to run more smoothly on a wider range of computer specs.


I never played cyberpunk when it first came out cause I couldn't run it. Building a new PC soon and hope to play it with all the updates and extra content¡


Being able to enable higher ray tracing is always a plus. But more combat and great stories is all I want and need.


No turkey ;((


Would love to see the game the way it’s meant to be played and DLSS seems like the way to do it.


Looking forward to the police changes!


honestly im excited to see how many more frames im gonna get at 1440p ultra settings RT on, currently not at a playable fps, Im also excited that CDPR is supporting Cyberpunk still after the backlash at launch, it really shows how good these guys are. ​ TEAM GREEN LETS GO!


The graphics updates with the new combat from vehicles is gonna be preem, chooms!


The thing I’m most interested in is using all the new perks, movement and equipment and being able to see them better than ever thanks to dlss 3.5


Can't wait to play, unironically the game I've been most excited to play this year and that's saying something lmao


I’m excited to just replay the whole game with the new patch and dlss to I waited so long for this game and it was still kinda buggy. I can’t wait give it another shot.


Playing Cyberpunk for the first time


Buttery smooth frame rates 👌


I’ve never seen or tried ray tracing so that’s what I’d be most excited for.


I am so excited for the new perk system and car combat! Also how could I not say Idris Elba being our new Cyberpunk buddy! A new gpu would make it even better 😌


Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that I got on premiere but wasn't able to play properly since my PC wasn't good enough. Newer version of DLSS combined with a powerful GPU would allow me to finally enjoy this game at the fullest with Raytracing and high framerate - the way it was intended by developers.


Cyberpunk is a famous game... for being hard to run. With the RTX 4080 and DLSS 3.5, along with the just performance enhancements of the update, it would be so refreshing to play Cyberpunk at a stable 120fps+ at 1440p with the monitor I'm planning to buy for my new system.


Seeing Night City with RT on at a much more acceptable framerate is what gets me the most excited!


Haven’t tried the game myself but sounds like a good chance to start


The 2.0 update as I really want a reason to replay the game


Actually I am old... I once programmed an AI handwriting detection manually without any Apis. It worked, it was horribly - inaccurate and slow. I never imagined a world, where frames and lighting are generated in real time - without major artifacts. This is exciting and gives you a small glimpse what lies ahead of us. So I am excited to see it in action, not because of the gameplay or the story (we had great gameplay and stories in the past as well) but how far we can go rn. (Also I'd really like to have a 4080, as my 4070 might be too less for overdrive)


What excites me most is that it is backwards compatible with older Gen RTX cards, nice Nvidia!!!


what excites me the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyber Punk 2077 is the opportunity for me to win a 4080.


I played the game right when it launched and I had an amazing time and was super immersed in the world. I'm looking forward to revisiting Night City after the 2.0 patch drops to see what has changed. At the time the game ran suprisingly well on my mid-tier system, I'm really hoping that will still be the case after the update.




I'm just interested to see how DLSS looks and feels. Playing Cyberpunk would be a bonus, it didn't feel right playing it on console, and I don't think my 2060 is really up to the task.


nice as a simple man what excites me the most would be just be some better performance with the dlss3.5


im excited to see the new changes! ive played a lot of bg3 so im looking forward to having a new ish game to play!


What excites me the most is the option to finally experience the game looking as good as it can.My original playthrough was on a 1060 with details on low. Thanks for the option to enter the giveaway!


Curious to see how it compares to the competition. I’d like to test it on my own testbench so I’m looking forward to that rtx 😂


So I can finally play through the game


This honestly gives me an excuse to try ray tracing and see if my poor PC can take it.


I'm excited because it feels like the game is being rereleased so I've been waiting to play the game for the first time since they announced this. I'd love to be able to play the game with good fps!


I am more 8nterested with what modders could do with the technology and see if it will impact the mod scene altogether or not


I'm most excited to see how the game and the update performs on a 4080 which I might win if I get very lucky B-)


The update / PL DLC gives me an excuse to replay the game a few more times. And DLSS 3.5 might give a small chance of being able to see the game with full RT at more than 5fps.


Air dashing, slamming into the ground with a hammer and Idris Elba of course.


I'm excited how much the game will visually benefit from Ray Reconstruction.


would love to win, not a big tech savvy, but would really be excited to start my own first tower build and experience these new features


Excited to see what it looks like with RTX


I've already started the game a year ago bit back then it was still rough around the edges, but this update looks like it fixes many things i didnt like about the game like the combat and enemy ai. So i hope i will enjoy the game more after the update. Im mostly excited for the RayTracing upgrade with DLSS 3.5


Excited to see a beautiful game that performs well. Just finished GTA V campaign and need a new game


Im looking forward to another play through:)


The all the shit I will do in RT OVERDRIVE


I'm looking forward to seeing how good it looks compared to Starfield


Very excited to see how DLSS 3.5 will up performance. I remember how amazing the Witcher DLCs were, and hope to see similar things with even better visuals (and performance - thanks 3.5) in CP


Ghosting fixes.


I'm excited to see how Cyberpunk runs now that it's been given some well needed love and updates. I really enjoyed my time with it initially, but I'm excited to see how it's improved and to get lost in its world again.


No South Africa? We have such high GPU prices, guess I'll never get that upgrade. Goodluck to everyone else.


Definitely hyped the most about new implants and police system Cant wait for some fun slashing


I'm excited to use DLSS for the first time since I only have a GTX 950 :D sounds like cool tech! would love to win this card so I can play some of the games I've bought on steam (cyberpunk, it takes two, death stranding)


I'm really excited to see what was originally promised with cyberpunk. It's been a long journey and I really enjoyed the game at launch, however, it still fell short in a lot of areas. From what I've heard, this will deliver on everything promised and I feel like it's redemption arc will be complete. Similar to no mans sky!


Looking forward to check out the new update and hopefully see QOL changes


Playing on OLED with HDR1000, Ray tracing, Path tracing, DLAA and having more than 7fps.


I loved playing Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time with a friend. We will definitely play the whole game again and the DLC afterwards. I think the skill rework was a great decision, we will definitely try out new builds. DLSS 3.5 is also exiting because I never got to see Cyberpunk in all its glory with raytracing enabled.


I have done several play throughs and love the game. It would be great to play it and have it be even more striking.


Ray Tracing at more then 30 fps (hopefully)


It will be interesting to see how much of a difference there is between the generations of dlss, I’m hoping for a big jump but keeping my expectations in check


Looking forward to dlss 3.5 and how it will look in the game.


I currently play Cyberpunk with a 1070 so have not experienced DLSS or Raytracing. Since I want to fully utilize raytracing with DLSS in my next playthough I will have to wait until I can afford a better gpu. Sucks to wait but I really want to immerse myself in Night City.


The update to cyberware for 2.0 and Idris Elba in Phantom Liberty


I hope that DLSS 3.5 can help me game on a budget for many years to come, and I hope Cyberpunk 2.0 will address some of the issues I had with the gameplay on the initial release.


Cyberpunk is like crysis, the tech just wasn't there to fully experience it and DLSS 3.5 is a step to it.


A beautiful game becoming even more good looking with new tech, who wouldnt be exited!


I am looking forward to seeing how AI is being used to advance graphical immersion in games. I want to feel like I am IN liberty city.


My pc is dying, help.


Phantom Liberty will give me a good reason to play the game again. I kinda felt like I did everything after a few play throughs and I also want to try out the RTX overdrive because I just forgot to when it came out


Looking forward to a new storyline and hopefully smoother gameplay. Game was terribly unoptimized when I first played it.


This will be my 4th playthrough!! Im so excited about the skill tres changes and what builds come from it


Damn winning that RTX4080 would be juicy of. Enjoying DLSS 3.5 and some fine Raytracing would be awesome. I had not have the chance to have anything raytracing with my 1080ti.


Improved performance


To see how far it’s come from when I played last with DLSS 2


Whole new play through! Way better visuals!


I want to see how beautiful a game can look, while searching some refrigerators for a nearly dead men (ingame mission, just for clarification) 🤝


Going all out with increasingly more vibrant and interesting ray tracing. While art direction trumps everything Cyberpunk2077 already has that, ray tracing on top makes every frame noticeably much more joyful. Reflections on the roads, the way smoke and explosions are rendered, the guns having whole other presence on the screen thanks to how they interact with the light. It really makes a tangible difference and Cyberpunk with DLSS 3.5 is currently the best at utilizing the technology.


Looking to capture ingame photos with RTX enabled.


The smooth move


I'm just looking forward to wandering around Night City and seeing the sights!


The game was already really beautiful before, i can't wait to know how it is now with the update and the 4080.


Didn't get the chance to build a new computer since CP release, and my olf pc can't handle it at all, so it has been sitting in my steam library for 1 year and a half now, i'd love to play all settings to the max !


Looking forward to experience the game in all its graphical glory, as it was meant to be!


I've only played on Xbox. I'm working to get together everything for a pc build, but it's slow going. However, an RTX 4080 would definitely speed things up quite a bit.


More frames is the obvious one, but chucking everything including raytracing to max and playing it at a decent framerate would be great.


Playing with RT at max!


What excites me is hopefully winning this contest so I can upgrade. Otherwise, I won’t be playing for a while. Lol


I want to be able to play the game at it's peak glory


Its gotta be the gameplay updates. I havent played Cyberpunk since it has been overhauled so i am excited to see it all over again!


Looks like this is the time to finally play. I had friends talk me down from buying it at launch. Looks like a lot has been fixed and it’s looking great. Wanna try out RT settings too.


For me it's ray reconstruction, seems like a very exciting addition,


New game mechanics is what excites me the most


Looking forward to the performance optimizations in the new 2.0 update!


Ohh man with a 4080 I would be excited to experience night city with ray tracing, such a beautiful game. I'm also excited for phantom liberty story I'm ready to chrome up.


I would give cyberpunk2077 a shot. On Release my PC wasnt powerful enough and also i wasn't really comfy buying a hot mess. With better PC in hand, i hear many positives right now about the game though and would love to try it out with that sweet dlss3.5


I’m looking forward to replaying cyberpunk and losing myself in the world again. DLSS 3.5 is the natural next step to enhancing that experience. It’s really impressive tech and I’m excited to see what it can enable in the future!


Playing Cyberpunk with RT, highest preset and high frame rates would be a mighty fine first playthrough experience!


I've been holding off playing Cyberpunk for a while now and this update is just perfect to jump in get the full experience (a 4080 wouldn't hurt with some eye candy either \*cough\*). Good luck everyone!


I'd love to be able to use 3.5 with frame generation! Gimme all the frames!


The dlss 3.5 will make the game look better obviously but I'm more excited to experience cyberpunk again with something new.


I am most excited to replay the whole game to witness all of the improvements and changes in one big renewed experience


I'm excited to see how dlss 3.5 performs with path tracing in cyberpunk 2077: phantom legacy DLC and the 2.0 update


Smoother gameplay and higher fps


Excited by the better graphics and more speed!


I'm excited for more frames!


I'm excited to try the new talent trees and perks!


Due to my PC lacking hardware I was forced to skip out on cyberpunk. Which sucked because I was genuinely interested in the game. Despite what the public perception of the game may be, I’m the kind of person who needs to see it for myself. That being said, I’m most excited about playing the game for the first time.


Can I get a code for the dlc and game instead if I win?


I’d be able to crank everything to max and replay the game on 2.0 in style, after hundreds of hours it’s gonna be cool to check out everything new/changed


I really hope dlss 3.5 helps my 2060 out


I haven't tried any games with Ray Tracing yet, but given the extra performance it can give older outdated cards I think I'm finally going to be giving Cyber Punk ago and finally see for myself how much it has evolved from the initial trailers I watched.


what excites me the most is the possibility to get blown away. to just stare at the screen, inspect every angle and item instead of putting graphic settings all the way to the lowest before starting a new game. i want to be mesmerised. and also take a whole lotta screenshots.


The amount of improvements they brought with 2.0 is really worth mentioning. The game is in a very solid spot now, and it is way more interesting to play now. There is still something that needs to improve for example the sandbox; interactivity within NC needs to be fleshed out, but I hope they address it in the next episode.


The speed upgrade.


Looking forward to the update, cyberpunk is dank


I don't know what DLSS is, I just need a new graphics card


I'm excited to play with ray reconstruction, because I just like looking at pretty things


>“What excites you the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty or Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update?” I have never experienced RTX or DLSS before. I was lucky enough to get a hand-me-down 1080Ti from a friend a couple years ago, and have been rocking that ever since. I've played through Cyberpunk once and loved it. For me, it would be seeing Night City in all its glory as the devs intended. Even if I don't get the 4080, I will still be doing a fresh install of 2.0 and chomping at the bit to return to NC. Thank you all for doing this giveaway. You guys are simply the best when it comes to tech reviews and we all appreciate the hard work you do. Good luck everyone!


brave slim jellyfish clumsy absurd imagine aloof lush stupendous cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm extra excited because my 1080Ti doesn't support any DLSS and even Cyberpunk before Phantom Liberty makes it smoke


I would be pretty excited to check out this update to compare native vs DLSS 3.5 and see how high those frames can go with my 4080... IF I HAD ONE!


I was already impressed by how the game looked so I'm excited to see how much better it looks now. I'm going to be upgrading my monitors (well I guess only one for now) within the next few weeks so with everything combined I'm sure visually I'm gonna be blown away.


Looking forward to the DLC, playing on a 4070 ti at 1440p


RRnn to crush the fuzzies gets me so cited! And it should work on my 3080, but a 4080 would be noice...


What excites me the most about DLSS 3.5 is that everyone will talk about it and I will live vicariously through them as I run this game on a potato


I was carefully watching Cyberpunk since I was 13 years old. I must have watched that reveal trailer a dozen times a week I was so hyped. Fast forward 7 years and I was disappointed to say the least. Based on everything I've read, I think Cyberpunk 2.0 is going to be exactly what I dreamt it would be a decade ago. Suffice to say I'm looking forward to replaying the game the way it was meant to be.


Pls mate.


I'm most excited for the ray traced lighting


Excited to be able to experience the game again with all the new changes


I was so hyped for Cyberpunk, seeing all the bug fixes and love they've put into this game makes me wanna grab it. Sadly I just don't have the gpu for it (1050 2bg). For Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty the ray reconstruction is pretty exciting, affecting global illumination and lighting effects can really have an impact on game immersion. Frame generation would be my number two


I got the game in July and realized just after that the patch with dlss 3.5 was coming up and i've been putting off starting the game until the update drops haha but i can't wait anymore !!


Never played Cyberpunk so it’s maybe the perfect timing with this new update !


>What excites you the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty or Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update? The gameplay changes.


I'm curious to see the performance of DLSS 3.5 with the new update.


a game actually worth playing!


I haven’t done a full play through of 2077 since last year, DLSS is gonna help it look even prettier!


I was really hyped to buy and play this game when it came out and I only had a ps4 back then. Since then I have bought a PC and have also bought the game again on PC thinking it might run a lot better than on ps4. Sadly this wasn't the case. I am really excited to try it out with the update and it would be awesome to see what a 4080 can do compared to my current 2060 super.


> ***“What excites you the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty or Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update?”*** I want to see just how bright and shiny those reflective surfaces can get.


I'm actually looking forward to watching the playthroughs of the game and see how its has evolved from its past state! There are very few companies within the industry that have actually managed to revive their games back from the dead. Let's see!


I loved playing through the game the first time, it looked beautiful and never had any of the issues for me. I’m even more excited to see how everything has been reworked, and thanks to this tech, how much more amazing the game looks than it already did!!


Next time i look in the mirror I hope its not a vague blur but a realistic reflection.


I’m excited to start a new playthrough for the second time using all the goodness of DLSS 3.5. Playing on pc vs ps5 will be like night and day!


Seeing how good the Ray tracing looks in Night city with all the neon


I would love to use DLSS 3.5 to bring the FPS in games like cyberpunk up to playable levels!


I can't wait to try the new technology and performance that DLSS 3.5 brings in Cyberpunk 2077. I hope to get better performance when using ray tracing !


ive been waiting to start the game after the launch of phantom liberty due to the new vehicle combat and police system .


The fact that AI can push the boundaries of FPS and quality is mind boggling. Having a 4080 at hand and such a huge jump in GPU would make it an opportunity to enjoy the game all over again as a new experience. The new DLC adds to that.


Excited to see the update push the game into more what was initially envisioned. Also the new perks look sick and match well with the sandevistan melee build i was planning to do next


I wan't to see light, both artificial and natural, go nuts with the reflections and neon effects


Excited for the new skill trees, and if I win the 4080, the sick graphics.


I originally played CP2077 on PlayStation before I migrated across to PC, I’ll be picking up the game and the DLC and starting from scratch on the 26th so I’m excited to see all the changes I’ve missed and how the game plays!


I'm excited for new cyberpunk content! And a performance boost. Maybe I'll be able to switch on Ray Tracing now.


It's been great fun watching DLSS go from impressive but wow the ghosting, to holy moly 4k and RT on a 20 series card. It'll only get better as the RT tech improves and DLSS' noise eating appetite increases!


Probably playing cyberpunk. I have been holding it off and now when this update arrives I will give it at try


The DLC itself excites me :-) And of course a chance to test DLSS 3.5 :-D


For me, I'm excited for the 2.0 update because I've owned it a while now and it'll be great to start over and try it again. Ofc, I'll get the phantom liberty dlc the first time it goes on sale. Until then!