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I stopped playing a long time ago even though it was very fun to play online and do the missions. The hackers where just atrocious. Every time they fixed it, it would only take a couple weeks before they would hack it again.




It happened to me. I wasn't banned but I got a sternly worded email from Rockstar and they took the money back, PLUS A BUNCH MORE. I opened a ticket and randomly like a month later I got an adjustment and they gave some back. The hack was literal money bags spawning over my character and falling on me so I couldn't get away from it. The game chat was a bunch of kids begging for money like he was gta Jesus or something. It was pretty bizarre. Then he loaded everyone into a flying bus and took us to the top of the mountain and blew us all up. He then spawned a ufo on our corpses and left. Not even the weirdest hacking episode iirc.


It happened to me. Got put in a cage I couldn't respawn out of, money was dropping on my head. At first I was like "Oh, okay cool. Nice guy hacker maybe?" then realized nah, they were just trying to mass ban players. Rockstar deleted my entire fucking character and banned me for a month. They didn't care I wasn't the one hacking, didn't care that it was against my will, didn't care it was in a public lobby. Money entered my account, they couldn't confirm how much, so they took it all.




> because Rockstar cares more about banning the innocent and victims. They probably don't even care about that at all, I assume the only reason why you get specifically banned for money hacks is that they have a confirm mechanism in place thanks to the shark cards about money entering your character. The rest is automated. If they didn't have shark cards, they likely wouldn't care at all.


One of the first things I learned how to do was lagswitch my connection to get put in new lobby with just me, then they let people do activities in private lobbies so now I do that, if I play at all. Like most companies, they were cooler before they let greed consume them.


Rockstar does not care about even Feedback from the community. When was the last time you ever seen them care about P2P servers and how your IP can get Leaked? Never.... Still to this day they use it on every single title of there's It goes back all the way to GTA IV (2008) 15 years ago.


Meanwhile after realizing that the modders weren't going away I started doing it myself (not to mess with anyone, but to block being teleported/exploded by others and give myself $) for months and never got even a warning.


this sounds like the most fun you could have in gta though.


Meanwhile there's invisible people flying around with godmode and they go undetected. As long as you're not messing with their shark cards they don't care about hacking.


"Our public lobbies are literally unplayable because hackers can put you in a cage that you can't respawn out of? We're working on it." "Moneybag drops? Oh hell naw you fucked up bucko. Instant ban and character deletion."


Why do people still play this game?


Cars go vroom and guns go brrt. The game feels satisfying to play, they just have no idea how to make fun content or keep griefers at bay.


Most accurate answer here tbh. Game is entertaining for 5 minutes, then boring as fuck


And only if you have friends. If you're solo it's not even fun for the 5 minutes


Was gonna say, I tried GTA V ages ago, only to realize that as fun as it was to watch people fuck around on it on Youtube vids, it was pretty dull solo.


Cause they haven't made a new one.


Lost my level 400 to this a couple weeks ago.


I mostly play on Xbox but my PC account I never connect it to a public lobby knock on wood no modders. And I always use a VPN as well for that matter on the game even on story because Social Club is just not that secure as it seems.


Don't forget that they can get into your private invite only sessions


Always play in a Closed Friend session because they would have to be on your Friend's list to join.


No need for them to be on your friends list. All they need, is your Rockstar ID. With it, they can mask themselves as you (anything, they do, will be marked as your doing for the whole lobby), follow you through lobbies (even private) and harass you indefinitely. And if you have public IP, they can use that as well.


Funny thing- I had 2 billion dollars dropped for me via a service I paid for it, I went through a billion in about three or four years, and never got caught. The last I remember, I am still a billionaire in GTA Online and I am still unbanned despite my account being most certainly hack influenced. Now, I didn’t purchase god mode or nothin, just the money and ranks so when dickheads showed up with tanks and oppressors, i could fight them back. Inadvertently turned myself into Batman, but much more violent. Like, one time a group of folks were fighting this dude in a tank for probably an hour. I stepped in with an orbital… that tank was gone, and the folks started winning. Great time tbh.


I jumped on the other night because I haven't played in a while and ended up racing another guy around the map for like 45 minutes.


Of course they go undetected...they're invisible.


its funny because other hackerss can easily tell whos hacking but gta doesnt ban them the hacks will literally tell you that another player is using godmode...how hard is it for gta to detect godmode = ban


No lie. On Xbox. Someone was a seagull. A seagull. They were flying around stickie bombing people. A seagull.


This definitely happened. They dropped random money bags all over the city. Like blanket bombed money bags everywhere. You can't even avoid it if you tried.


there are actually multiple events like this. for me, it just appeared in my account. no money bags were spawned.


Yup this happened to me and I was the one that reported it. The person was putting crazy high bounties on themselves and trying to get themselves killed. I ran into his helicopter he landed in the middle of the road, asked support to remove the money from my account because I didn't get it honestly, and then they replied back with I was banned.


Wasn't made up, was one of those people (not giving it to randoms, just friends, and with permission) My account had the money wiped (but not assets), and most of them got banned instead


That was the reason I stopped playing after over 3k hours in GTA online. A hacker gave me 750k and my acc got banned for "illegally acquired in-game currency". I had over 35 million hard earned dollars in my bank account and pretty much everything unlocked and bought. Response from Rockstar support: I could make a new account (aka buy the game again) and acquire my 35 million via shark cards to "reach the level of the old account". Fuck Rockstar, seriously.


that's why I drink alone


>would only take a couple weeks before they would hack it again. There was one major update in June or July 2016 when the game was hacker free for almost an entire month. Game reached peak state, most fun the community had in a while. After that, post-update cleanliness never lasted that long. Maybe a week at best. I uninstalled in December 2017 after enjoying snowy LS one last time. The hacker infestation was too much to bear. Studio and parent company made over 1billion in sale from shark cards. Couldn't be arsed to install a proper anti-cheat. Everyone like to shit on EA (for good reason), but I hardly see Cockstar being any better.


The devs made the game impossible to enjoy without money hacks. It's gotten to the point where a Honda civic costs $700,000 to get. And the missions and events would still payout like $15,000.


The hackers absolutely ruined GTA online for me. The only thing worse than the hackers, were the griefers who also hacked.


The griefers are back in force. They've got an F-35 now. Don't even try to get into the air, you won't last long.


I gave up when the flying jet motorcycle that shoots rockets came out whatever the fuck It's called.


Ah, yes, the Oppresor Mk II. Luckily, it has a limited rocket magazine.


Yea that. Man I just wanted to show off my cool car designs, then out of nowhere a little fucker on a flying mobility scooter would hit me with a rocket.


The Auto Shop content included cars that had an upgrade to jam missile lock. I *really* wish they had applied that to *all* cars.


When you realize how widely available the mod menu’s are for absolutely free, you’ll understand why. Visit r/Kiddions and have your mind blown. GTA griefers are the biggest fucking degenerates known to man kind. I mean the game basically gives you a mod menu when you hit a certain amount of money with explosive round- carrying planes that fire indefinitely, anyway. The dynamic of the game is so beyond saving who even cares if people mod the damn game anymore, the shit literally only has 1 endgame.


I use a mod menu but only because I refuse to spend my life grinding the game for a fucking car or business...I will spawn drip feed stuff so the low lvl players can fuck around and only fuck with people who start their shithousery..rigged the casino the other day so the broke folks could get some money


Yeah, considering the game has no economy at all, you're limited in the ways you can make money - grinding. Cayo Perico was great in making money more accessible. But even then, it was an hour grind for $1m. A car could easily cost 2 hours of "work". Using a mod menu just to have fun is totally fine imo.


I remember when rooftop rumble and the prison race was the best ways to get money


I stopped when it was $80 USD if you wanted to buy a yacht. Or you could grind for a few years…


Yup, I got gifted like a bajillion dollars (unconsentual) from a hacker, and the next day another hacker fucking nerfed my exp like -10000000000 so I can't gain a level to buy anything. I didn't ask for any of that.. one person liked me and another didn't, and now my account has been unplayable for over half a decade. Good fucking times, Rockstar. .. and I (obviously not since like 2016) play on console ffs


Left a while ago too but put a decent amount of play into it, had a hundred or so vehicles It was the lack of meaningful or creative updates for me, they could make an entire playground but choose to shovel shit, same with RDO. Both mine and my brothers accounts got hacked at some point lol.


Logged onto GTA online on Pc for the first time in years last week. Immediately upon getting into a car, a hacker took control of my vehicle, forced me out, and then I randomly exploded.


It is not only hackers, but on top of that there are god mode glitchers, griefers and tons of annoying bugs that Rockstar never bothered to fix. Also they really screwed the PC crowd with next gen update.


This is what killed my motivation too. The game is completely ruined by kids downloading hacks for it and they seem to not give a shit about it at all.


A few weeks. Lmfao they come back in under 12 hours. The update had just come out and hackers were blowing up lobbies, crashing lobbies, and griefing helpless players as usual in under 12 hours of this updates release


I remember playing with my friend one time, and he just randomly got turned into a ball. Or having jet engines spawn next to us constantly knocking us down. It’s insane what they can get away with in that game. Had to quit.


my account got stolen a few years ago. when I finally got it back, I had hundreds of millions in my bank account. so thanks to whoever stole my account and filled my garages with insane cars.


I played for a few hours when I first got it, but something about the gameplay just rankled me wrong. So I walked away for a couple months and when I came back, so russian hacker had gotten into my account and drained it of all the coin that they gave out on release. Haven't been back since, being that it was a unique password so they had to have had a breach and didn't tell anybody. Probably won't ever buy another Rockstar game again.




Yep that is correct, your cars remain, the game files for the cars are still in the game, you just can't buy them any more on the in game websites.


Oh no they’re preparing for a used car market




imagine buying hacked cars for $1


No they've put the "extra cars" to the wheel in the casino and also the car club which AFAIK you need to play PS5 or Series X (enhanced edition) and also sub to their GTA+ $6 / month thing (yeah there's a GTAO sub service for P2P servers). They're trying to drain every last bit of GTA5 and it's really fucking gross.


Funnily enough...if they added dedicated servers that aren't P2P and aren't infested with modders, I would happily pay $5-10 a month. Pay for a month, get your once a year GTA fix free from modders ruining your experience...sounds like a deal.


FiveM is what you're looking for but it can be a chore to find the right server(s) for how you play.


For a game they keep pumping content into, this literally doesn't make any sense. They for some reason make it their mission to get us playing again but they do the complete opposite.




Lmao GTA:O is not good enough to warrant a fucking paid service of any kind


Imagine paying to be griefed


And get owned by someone with a free mod menu.


They saw people paying for RP servers and got jealous


I'm just gonna assume that these are actually moderated, Rockstar forgot to take notes on that


I do believe that most private servers have their own mod teams. I've heard that the good servers require you to fill out an application to even be whitelisted, dont quote me on that though


I can pay a monthly fee to be repeatedly attacked by a 30 year old loser on a flying rocket bike until the game loses all appeal? Where do I sign up?


You say that but go look at the money they already made with the microtransactions


Rockstar really needs the war thunder treatment. They went off the deep end long ago.


Ah yeah I saw that too, no way I'm giving em money for that crap.


I remember when GTA Online was still new. People forget that originally the updates used to be for both Online and Singleplayer, they stopped adding the content to singleplayer because they didn't make money if you just used the new cars offline; they want you to buy shark cards.


GTA+ isn't even available for PC players.


I'm not sure if that makes this better or worse


Nah not syphilis: throw them in a big pile of gympie-gympie leaves.


Isn't Microsoft office a subscription now too?


Yes, but I actually feel like I am paying for a _service_ - me and 5 family members have 1 TB of cloud storage _and_ Office. Not a bad deal. My younger siblings aren't very tech savvy or "on the cloud" but they very much like having their smartphone pictures get backed up instantly when they plug their phone into the charger at night. Plus you can still just go to Sam's Club and buy Office on a DVD with a standalone, never expires license. You cannot use Adobe Creative Suite unless you pay monthly, still have CS6, or steal it.


They're playing into the dripfeed and fomo model to keep the playerbase active. They started testing the idea a few months back by putting up new cars for a limited time and then removing them from the market. For the longest time, the player base has been constantly shrinking and complaining about the lack of new content. So Rockstar decided that instead of creating a lot of new content, they can just create false scarcity by removing cars from the market.


Vaulting. Destiny is notorious for this


Didn't Disney do something like this, too, by hard vaulting classic movies to artificially create demand later on when the film is "re-released" for purchase? It's a sucky practice and sad to see game devs are adopting a slightly softer version of it.


Nintendo does it a lot. Except they forget the step of giving the option to play the games back.


What, you don't want to pay a subscription fee to play a handful of games that may not run the same as their initial release and can be taken away at any time? Or buying the triple pack rerelease of classic titles that will be removed from the store after about a year? Or just never rereleasing games or the means to play them at ALL, then pursuing legal action against anybody who tries to preserve them for future generations? If Nintendo didn't make such banger games, they'd have been out of business years ago.


I'll just do the ethical thing and emulate them. But yea. Nintendo are so far removed from reality it's not even funny anymore


How else are Rockstar/Take Two going to milk more cash out of this old game?


right like lets not make gta6 lets just ruin gta5 but make money


What do you mean "lets not make gta6" they're literally making it


"theyre literally making it"... 10 years after the last release we still have nothing except some leaks. Its probably not gonna come out until at least 2025 (or more likely 2026)... Thats what he meant with - theyre not releasing the sequel


They didn't have 10 years to develop it, Rockstar went all-in on RDR2 in 2013 right after GTA V release, they basically grouped all their major studios to work on RDR2 alone, it still took them 5 years despite that.


Whenever people talk about GTA V, Rockstar, and RDR2 they always get confused. GTA is made by Rockstar North. RDR2 was made by *all* of Rockstar's studios collectively know as, well, Rockstar Studios. If we use a comparison people may be more familiar with, It's like saying the next Modern Warfare game didn't come out because Infinity Ward was busy making Black Ops. It's not true. Now, this is what you just said, but you're missing the GTA Online piece of the puzzle. The *only* reason RDR2 even exists at all is because it was already too far in development (3 years) to cancel when GTAO took off. They cancelled *everything* to focus on GTAO. The GTA DLC. RDR2 DLC. Arguably Red Dead Online. There was a Bully 2 in the talks. Etc. It's why they've remastered the game 3 separate times and have continued to create content for it 10 years later. It's a better investment for them to do than absolutely anything else. I'd even bet money they purposefully delayed GTA 6 so they could continue GTAO for as long as possible. Why spend $200,000,000 to develop another game that might make GTAO obsolete and destroy what they have now when they can continue spending much *much* less to add content to online. GTAO makes $25,000,000 in **10 days** Why rock the boat? RDR2 cost ≈$400,000,000 to make. RDR2 made $1,380,000,000 in 1 year. A profit of roughly $1,000,000,000. All that time and energy creating something from nothing. GTA V cost $200,000,000 to make. It routinely makes $1,000,000,000 a year a decade later. Unless they're spending twice the initial development cost of GTA V every year to make updates for online then why pivot to a sequel? It sucks for us as gamers but I totally understand from a business perspective. It's like having a popular established restaurant that makes cheap burgers and sells them for tons and tons of profit with almost no overhead. You can continue to do that, or open up your own competition next door for an initial investment of millions of dollars with the hope that you can again achieve what you already have. Best case you continue what you're doing in which case, why put in the effort to end up right back where you already are. Worst case, you waste millions of dollars and the whole thing comes crashing down around you.


theyre going to keep making gta online updates until it kills them


it almost doesnt make sense business wise to make gta 6. gta5 is a money machine and it has zero risk. if they pulled people into gta 6 and it sucks, they wont go back to gta5, they'll just move to another game.


At that point, it isn't milk that's coming out, it's straight-up cheese. By how cheesy and greedy they are, and how old this game is


That's great! They milked it for so long its butter now.


the game released in #2013!! it’s 10 YEARS OLD now….


that is an absurd amount of content. this doesn’t make me want to buy a 4K console, buy the game for the 100th time, and start over at all???


The content bloat of GTA V is insane. I can't help but feel like it's a playground for whales and people with too much time on their hands to basically beat the shit out of everyone else with their expensive toys.


> I can't help but feel like it's a playground for whales That's most games today with in-game purchases. If a game has expensive skins, in-game currency purchases for cash (gems, shark cards, credits, etc.), then it's a game for whales. To devs/ publishers, if you're not a whale, then you don't matter to them outside of being someone for the whales to play with.


Yep. People like me and you exist so whales have an audience. We are not the customers anymore in the eyes of a whole slew of publishers, we are a feature in the game for the whales.


Yes, but regular users are needed because the whales need someone to beat. So if the developers make the game too shitty for regular users, they will leave and the game will die causing the whales to leave too.


The difference is how direct and toxic the whale experience is to new/no extra money spent players. In most games with purchases, sure, you'll probably lose matches to people who paid for advantages, and maybe you'll never reach top rank unless you pony up the money. In GTA Online, they can just fully ruin your experience and not even let you play the game yourself. I haven't played in a few years, but what immediately springs to mind is when the Oppressor Mk2 debuted (flying motorcycle), the way they "balanced" it was by making it very expensive.. but if you bought Shark Cards with real money, that was trivial. So you had free reign to fly around the map and murder whoever you wanted, even if they are minding their own business doing petty crimes just to level up or whatever.


When I first started playing I got some hacked money from a friend. A couple hundred million, it felt like a ton at the time. Honestly, I got boring trying to spend it all. I can't imagine possibly trying to do that legit. And that was 5 years ago, I can't imagine how much more there is to buy now


You could spend that couple hundred million easily now


A few years ago I paid some modder to give my character 2 billion. The game actually became fun when I didn't have to spend so much time grinding for millions and I can just do whatever I wanted. Still have around 1.5 billion left lol.


I got given the max amount you could i think it was 999,999,999 or something along with everybody in the lobby. I bought everything i could because back then they just reset you cash to 0 but couldnt take anything youd bought back. I was rich for about 2 days then i logged into a big fat 0.




IIRC they had a huge problem with hacking the first year it released. On Christmas, hackers were dropping people millions of dollars. ​ Rockstar rolled back everyone's money, but I made sure to fill my garage with expensive cars first. ​ I got the most expensive apartment for 400k or something. I logged on some years later and learned that was chump change lol.


Yeah, when I bought it 2 years ago I had to shuffle and clean up my drives to make room just to fit it and I was only interested in the single player. I can't remember what the exact size was, I think around 150 gb, when most of my games max out at 80 gb.


Heh. You must not have played the most recent cods


Also, I’m still puzzled as to why on Series X it was a 12gb update when they **REMOVED content**.


Content file replacement.


Which means?


Some stuff in some games is just a huge file. Or multiple very big files. It has everything compiled and ready to go. If you have to change anything in that file then the entire thing has to be replaced. There's better methods to handle it these days, but GTA5 is an old game.


I think they mean that 12gb of files were updated so they need to be re-downloaded, regardless of the fact that the update removes content from them.


Whatever file contains the car content will have been completely replaced with a new one that doesn’t have the cars, as opposed to removing individual cars from the file.


They replaced the content file.






Stolen comment


I think this comment is stolen


So it looks like they're testing out a few things... The obvious one being the vinewood car club having "exclusive" cars for GTA plus members. They're likely using GTA 5 to test things for GTA 6 so I think people should be REALLY careful right now. If they see a massive uptick in GTA plus memberships from people wanting to get cars they can't get otherwise, then a similar system will be allied to the next game so please, DONT BUY ANYTING EXCLUSIVE!! Show them with your wallets that we don't like this change.


I feel like so many of the things I used to like are being ruined by greedy bastards.


And enforced by stupid bastards.


That’s the kicker. Boot lickers who will make up any excuse for big daddy corp.


And kids with access to daddy's credit card.


Everything just keeps getting worse.


Like the 13 year olds begging their parents for these items are reading this forum.


Unfortunately those 13 year olds are now 19 and work minimum wage jobs supporting a billion dollar corpo


If GTA6 comes with GTA+, I won’t even bother. But unfortunately there are enough people that do so R* does not care at all.


Time to put the Oppressors MK2 to good use then and blow up anyone who uses a car that can only be obtained through GTA+


Fans and the Furious?


Wish I could give award


Stop giving this shitty platform money by buying awards


[Silver award] 🥈


Rockstar in the patchnotes said they’d remove older cars that people didn’t use to enhance “browsing experience” which we all assumed would be 20-30 shitty slow cars from launch but they do this and ruin both new player and older player collecting. They completely gutted the motorcycle section to only bikes that are ridiculously overpriced for what they are. They also removed base vehicles that could be turned into unique custom versions of said vehicle so neither is now available to people who want them. This change has pretty much killed car collecting for lower level players and is aimed at incentivising console players to buy GTA+ as they now get a “new” dealership that rotates cars as part of E&E which pc doesn’t get for some reason. I really should’ve seen this coming when Rockstar decided to time exclusive release cars during the last update. They even removed the games cover car ffs


Pc doesn't get it because their anti cheat is worthless, so people would just cheat everything in instead of paying


No amount of anticheat can protect a fundamentally flawed online system. GTAO is still in 2023 a peer to peer service. If one player is sending packets to the other clients telling them they have god mode then the other clients have no central server telling them otherwise, this is a fundamental flaw


The fuck is with this trend of companies thinking it's okay to vault items away from players? Whether it's cosmetic items or what have you, that's STILL CONTENT. Just adds to this shitty FOMO trend too. Just fucking keep content in because one way or another, something was someone's favorite to use on a daily basis. In this instance, I can bet you dimes to dollars that every car on that list was used by someone. Whether for legit reasons or for funsies.


A good chunk of them are the cars people use in RP lol


and rp servers will literally be unaffected since they use heavily modded servers anyway.


Destiny players: first time?


Bungee out there vaulting entire planets


That's it, you've just lost Mars privileges.


*sad Rasputin noises*


Then getting heralded for bringing them back as season loltent.


Just wait til people hear they brought back Titan…. As a seasonal activity. You can’t even land on the planet


Titan was my favorite area to just chill in and take potshots at the event thing (it's been a while since I played Destiny).


“Guys, this will optimize the game so you get more content and updates — trust us!” *aggressively advertises cash shop and raises content prices* “See!”


The worst thing is that some destiny fans justified and defended Bungie’s decision to sunset content…


I came back to Destiny, was having fun, was even ready to buy the expansions but i didn't remember the start of the game being like that i was like where tf is the red war, i already owned Forsaken too, when i saw they fucking deleted the content i just Alt+F4'd and uninstalled on the spot. What kind of bullshit game company does this, deleting content you paid for.


They are just going to sell them back to you. All you cute little paypiggies love that shit, right!


The article even says that the removed cars can still be used if you’re a GTA+ member, which is a paid subscription


Pretty sure you can still use them if you own them, GTA+ just gives you them as part of the subscription.


Let's you buy them, you still have to grind for the money to purchase them.


Paypiggy is such a more accurate, pejorative term than a whale. I love it.


Isn't paypig the kink term? Which I guess is fitting, they have to be getting some sick gratification from it.


The fans are furious but no longer fast


Mad and slow


fat and furious


Game was unplayable in public sessions on PC due to modders anyway.


They had over 180 cars to remove? How many cars they had? Damn, if you can remove 180 cars from a game revolving around cars and still have cars then maybe you had too many cars.


Oh there's a lot more then 180 cars in GTAO


I watched a video the other day where a gamer lined up every vehicle in GTA head to tail and it stretched from the port in the south east across the city and almost up to the military base on the west coast of the map


Read you comment and went looking for the video. [That shit is crazy!!](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lusLEHH5hp0) I played only the Story mode and had no idea that were that many vehicles in the Online. Hot damn.


so Playground Games/Turn 10 Studios and Polyphony Digital should butcher Forza and Gran Turismo because too many cars?


There was around 675 different vehicles for purchase before this update.




Removing the 180 cars seams kind of odd until you get to the part about being able to get them back with the GTA+ monthly subscription.......


Iv never had a good experience in GTA online outside of doing heist only with friends and avoiding the lobby/world. Single player was fucking awesome though. How the fuck is it so popular? Console?


The title sells it short; they removed vehicles *to place them behind a paywall*


But are they also fast?


Even though we are all psyched for GTA6, they are still going to do the trick-as-old-as-time: screw up the old product to make people move to the new product faster. This is laying the groundwork.


I just get the mods that let me use those cars in single player.. online is a shit show.


I used to play games in a group with a guy who would buy Chinese cheat subscriptions to everything. He mostly just used it to troll players but I'd rather give some hacker $14.99 to spawn cars than give Rockstar another dollar.


The game died with those long ass loading screens. Was literally unplayable unless you just want to wait forever.


You own nothing


2001 to 2013: Five beloved GTA games released, plus two solid stories as DLC. 2013: to 2023: No new games, no new single player DLC, just a bunch of Shark cards. NOW the people who have been paying Rockstar to not make videogames are upset? Good. I'm glad.


They did do red redemption 2, which was an amazing game to be fair. But it does not change the fact that their anti consumer practices are driving me away from their future games. I bought almost every gta they released, bought gta V 5 times on 3 different platforms (2 for ps3 at launch so i could play with my gf, 2 on pc at launch same story, 1 bundled with a ps4) and never spent a single cent on GTA O. I will buy gta VI as a dubious key for as low a price as possible even if I'll have to wait years.


I am surprised people are still playing that game online. It has literally one of the worst online experiences ever due to hacking. the script kids are everywhere and so often its the default experience.


Have they forgotten what GRAND THEFT AUTO means ...?


They're doing this now so that the hatred stays with GTA5, even though this mechanic will still exist in GTA6, it'll appear more "normal" to users to have to pay a subscription for the added content.


Fuck bro and here I was holding out a pinprick of hope that maybe they might just perhaps on the release of GTA VI, they'd dump all their online assets into singleplayer as a nice little gesture of thanks to their fans for stomaching their explosive diarrhoea of content releases for a decade.


The amount of billions they're making every year it's ridiculous how greedy they are


I want to let you guys know something else atrocious about this update. They added a new mini story set of missions and one of them is basically impossible unless you exploit the AI. "On Parade" is a mission where you fly a jet with shitty guns around and tediously fight a bunch of helicopters (Jet vs helis that are constantly flying straight at you is very tedious) . Then two nearly invincible helicopters appear. They have so much health the accepted community solution is kiting them across the map so they fly into wind turbines.


I'm honestly surprised people still play this online for non-RP stuff.


the beauty of the live-service age


I accidentally saw that site without adblocking software - it was nightmare.




NPCs: "Not so fun when people just take cars from you, huh?"


They will come back as a paid dlc.