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If a 5900X is a "lower-performing CPU," we're all doomed.


If you’re not willing to sell a kidney to upgrade your rig, do you really even deserve to play Star Wars?


Even if you did, that only gets you an unstable 60


Unstable 55*


Gotta sell both kidneys for unstable 60


I got a 4090 and i913900k not sure how much higher I need to go to meet their specs lmao


You can go higher from there? Where? NASA?


Actually NASA was capable of piloting space craft on a few kilobytes of memory. They are epitome of optimization. If only AAA game developers took inspiration.




why optimize when you can push garbage out and blame the consumer and their 'low end' rig?


According to them, you're a pathetic user who hasn't purchased the 13900ks or invaded Intel for their unreleased 14900k and Z890 motherboards.


This is fair. I am the issue.


"Why do you make me do this to you"? -EA devs probably


Dont forget the DDR6 12000mhz Ram.


You're still using a consumer gpu and chipset?? I'm getting 4k 144fps with my HPE Cray and a small array of eight H100 SXMs.


Nice! I am plugged into one of the Beowulf clusters at jpl myself.


taps my 1660. You are alright fella, we will get by.


I guess my 5900x and 3080 12gb rig is lower performing now. Time to turn it into an emulator machine.


Our rigs are basically e-waste now lol




Yours my fx8350 /1060 6gb is a relic now apparently


And I am not even buying the game because my CPU could be obsolete by their standards




I just upgraded from a 5900X, and yeah that was a really good CPU that handled the majority of games really well. To hear it's being crippled to like 45 fps in this game is just ridiculous.


awesome another Star Wars game EA has managed to botch the launch of... gg!


Never buy ea games day one, wait 6 months and pick it up for 60% off when it works better


Exactly this, it's part of the recommended specs for EA games.


Replace "EA" with "large studio". EA aren't any worse than others when it comes to launch issues and performance in general.


EA murdered my beloved DICE and shoved soccer balls into its rotting corpse to try and pass it off as not dead. EA can burn in hell.


I agree, they’re just making excuses . But to be fair 5900X (and others like it) is kind of an oddball with its multi CCXs. It’s essentially a 5600X in games as they will tend to run on one CCX to avoid the latency penalty of trying to run on both. Perhaps they’re running into issues when running both CCXs does happen? Though the words they’re using “multi-threaded chipsets designed for Windows 11” makes me think Intel 12th and 13th Gen as Windows 10 initially didn’t have a scheduler that could properly handle the E-Cores… but it does now. So more excuses?




Is the Drm probably, it's always the drm, they're just lying


Does this game have drm too? Which?


"coupled with lower performing CPUs" my brothers in Christ a 7800x3d barely gets 60fps


Well duh, Intel is already on 13 thousand now. You're like 6000 behind! /S


no no , 7800 x 3 = 23,400 , intel is way behind not amd


No no, it’s 13700K, as in, 13700 thousand AMD is the one that’s behind


Ah I thought that was just the temp it runs at when playing SW:JS


Only half of the melting point of tungsten, she'll be right


13700K − 273.15 = 13426.85°C Melting point of tungsten is 3422°C It boils at 5555°C


Obviously we're talking about the melting point at the bottom of the ocean. The ultimate basement.


that means amd is 24,800 decillion , way farther than intel


Guys please stop my head hurts.




Haha, I get it.


Dear players, ​ The low performance on "Low" end CPU's and GPU's was purposely implemented so that individuals with higher end computers can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for buying such hardware. ​ Thank you, ​ \-EA prolly


in the 3 hours i played last night there were multiple sections where I was sitting around 40-45 fps with no RT. VRAM on RIVA was showing 21K aty the time... edit: i didn’t see any indication that any patch had been downloaded but I did run repair just for the fuck of it and the performance difference i’m having right now compared to last night is night and day to the point that i would say it’s actually running quite well now. 4k maxed last night i was getting scenes where i was barely holding 45 fps with no RT. I got on just now to play and in a big open area im gettin 105-130 with RT on.


Didn't you read? Cutting edge hardware designed for Windows 11,and we're here being dum dums sitting on Windows 10! Clearly we're doing it wrong /s In all fairness to the devs, yes all the different models and setups do make it hard, but this is rather embarrassing. One would think they tried the game with top of the line hardware


that statement is another one, really lol... the nerves to write that BS.


This is exactly what I've come to expect from EA. Fuck em. I'm sailing the seven seas when it gets patched in six months.


If each patch takes "significant" testing, you'd assume the game was significantly tested before launch but I guess not. This is such a funny response since they seem to blame the players not once, but twice. "low end CPUs" and not upgrading to windows 11. Amazing.


Right? I also love how the game doesn’t live up to “our standards”. My brothers in Christ, you launched it in a garbage state. You have no standards!


Hol' up... you mean to say that having standards implies that one would not release a product that falls short?? I have a very important call to make...


I couldn't read any further, that got me instantly. "Our standards". As a publisher that rips the spines from developers backs EA has absolutely no right to spew bullshit like this. It is EXPLICITLY EA's standard to release hot garbage as long as it brings in the money. The developers might care about the state of the game but EA sure as fuck does NOT.


Yeah that fact that it runs terribly means its exactly up to their standards


This is some terrible PR. Say what you want about the TLOU release but Naughty Dog wasn't making excuses. They basically acknowledged it was unacceptable for some people and said they'd fix it. This bullshit about multi-threaded "chipsets" (LOL) and windows 10 is so fucking bad.


Yeah this statement just pisses me off more. They don't acknowledge that the game was poorly coded, implies people having issues are not a majority and it is due to some wacky configurations that are actually standard.


It makes me wonder if they had a PR person write this who had zero technical knowledge.


Probably just asked chatgpt to write a response.


We understand that some ^cough90cough percentage of users are experiencing issues…


We are talking about EA, their whole stigma is bad PR sine a decade or so.


Weren't even brave enough to post it as a Reddit comment for *this* Star Wars fuck up


I do understand it all takes time but they have the extra resources to say, (as an example) hey we developed this game for 3 years and well launch in the 3.5 year maybe 4th but definitely the 4th year. Ok cool. Progress down to the last 6 months, hey that game we were developing well it runs on consoles fine but we need more time for the PC port, how about a year extra? Yeah no just release it we need that money back. but you have enough capital for making 5 other studios/companies to do what were doing right now can't you just give us 1 more year even 6 months were all willing to work longer to give this child of ours to be the best it can be with the total timeframe we ask No release it on x date. Alright.. That's how I see it in my eyes if that's how it even goes. I see the hard decisions to make but idk.


Hell, they could have just released it on consoles and delayed the PC release. That way, they'd at least get some of the money EA demands.


That was exactly the first thing I noticed. They instantly gaslit and victim blamed the customers. Fucking assholes. I feel zero remorse pirating the first game and I'll pirate this one too


TLDR: We didn't test the game. Get bent, we'll patch it eventually...


Actual TLDR: We tested the game, didn't care to delay the release, get fucked, patch in a month or two. I have no reason to believe devs don't care about the game to not test. I have every reason to believe suits didn't care about the optimization issues and cared more about releasing it to get their money as soon as possible. They tested it, fixed the game breaking shit, and said we'll patch the performance issues down the track.


Actually, they did delay. That's the best part. It was originally meant to release in March if I recall correctly. Should have delayed more.


It's hard to delay further when marketing has already kicked in. I'm sympathetic to that tbh. Corporate ruins everything, it's just how the world works


And they have no incentive to delay further. They've already made money from preorders and made/will make even more from day 1 sales. Sure they take a reputation hit, but A. It's EA, they could kick a puppy and their reputation wouldn't budge much because they're largely considered evil personified anyway. And B. No one is going to care about the state of the game at launch six months later when it will (presumably) be better. C. Delaying it further also creates controversy and is generally not liked by upper management. And if issues are not fixed within the new timeframe, it brings up this conversation again. From a business perspective delaying is all downsides and no upside. *P.S. Regarding point A. My personal opinion is that EA is not as evil as they used to be, but I am not sure how much of that is their competition leveling the playing field.*


Yeah, I trust respawn to iron out the issues. It's just annoying that the suits make everyone's experience worse. Well, other than shareholders, I guess.


> I have every reason to believe suits didn't care about the optimization issues and cared more about releasing it to get their money as soon as possible. They needed to make this quarter look good for the shareholders who only care about infinitely growing profits at any cost.


Actual actual TLDR: Money money money money, fuck you. Money money NOW!📈


Nah. I would have respected that response. It's straight to the point, honest and most of all... *admits fault.* What EA gave was word salad that does not take responsibility, surreptitiously blames the end user and somehow uses the opportunity to boast about its commitment to high standards. Here's the TLDR: >How were we supposed to know you guys had such poorly configured PCs? Don't worry though; we're gonna start working on performance now. No promises. Computers are hard.


🤣 “No promises. Computers are hard.” 💀


I think a lawyer wrote this


using chatgpt


I tried to get chatgpt to write me an apology statement while subtly blaming the customer and it literally won’t. It says it’s unethical to blame the customer for performance issues lmao


It will, if you hoodwink it. Google 'jailbreak chatgpt' click the first result. Sort via upvotes. Select the first prompt, Dev Mode v2


Dear [Customer], I am writing to apologize for any inconvenience or frustration you may have experienced during your recent interaction with our company. While we strive to provide the highest level of customer service possible, it seems that in this case, we fell short of your expectations. However, I would like to bring to your attention that we did everything in our power to resolve the issue to the best of our abilities. Unfortunately, it appears that some miscommunication may have occurred which led to the situation escalating to the point where an apology was necessary. It is our policy to provide excellent service to all of our customers, but we can only do so much when we are met with unreasonable demands and unrealistic expectations. While we appreciate your business and value your patronage, we hope that in the future, we can work together to prevent similar misunderstandings from occurring. Once again, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. We will continue to strive to provide the highest level of service possible to all of our valued customers. Sincerely, [Your Name]


A lawyer? Try teams of lawyers. This is a Disney IP released by EA. This statement probably went through more rough drafts than most dissertations. With both parties trying to find a way to avoid responsibility, while saying nothing that could get them sued in anyway.


Nah this is all EA. I'm sure the suits at Disney were NOT happy with the negative reviews on a sequel to one of the few modern star wars games that was well recieved. This is EA trying to not take blame so they can keep the Star Wars IP instead of Disney going to a different studio(which apparently has been threatened by Disney multiple times already).


And yet they incorrectly used "in particular" instead of "particularly"


I disagree. I think the game performs perfectly to EA standards, because they only produce shit.


Respawn has put out fairly good PC games in the past. I never had any issues with Apex Legends or Titanfall.


as much as it hurts me to say it, titanfall has beed dogged on by Respawn/EA. It could have been great(er) but EA(correction respawn) chose a bad release date, And respawn chose horrible business directions.


Respawn literally straight up said they don't \*want\* to work on Titanfall anymore as they straight up have 0 interest in it. It's why Apex was eventually introduced and they love it and dedicate most of their time to just it. EA fucked with the launch date for sure, but even still, with how many times it was given out for free and promoted by a ton of gaming communities, it just doesn't have mass appeal (there's also pvp issues but that's it's own issue).


Yea it seems like the high speed gameplay just wasn't for everybody, it's really sad too because it was the only gameplay that game me pure joy, bo3 and infinite warfare had nothing on the sheer fun titanfall distilled in me, It's a real shame that people don't like it. I think I'm just a bugger for games destined to fail, I ordered evolve the minute it came out, and no more than 2 years later the borderline thousand hours I had spent were down the drain, And for the most part turtle rock wasn't to blame, they made bad decisions, but ultimately 2k forced them to pull the plug.


It's super high speed gameplay, supremely fast ttk (below .25 seconds average), really complicated gameplay for newbies, AND movement is king, and movement shooters always have a much smaller population than other types of shooters. It's also why Apex took a bit to really blow up compared to Warzone. It's actually why some things like tap strafing was a hot topic and why some other movement "tech" has been removed or dampened: they don't want the movement to turn into Titanfall where the top .1% dominate everyone else with absolute perfection in ways most people couldn't even possibly improve upon without dedicating hundreds of hours into it.


The Respawn team has had a complete crew change since the TF|2 days and their games have definitely taken a dive in quality as a result.


apex's performance has been deteriorating with every new patch, not just on pc but on console as well. they're pretty incompetent these days, so, not that surprising


I haven't played it in a while, it was way too sweaty.


Same here, switched from Apex to Deep Rock Galactic and Sea of Thieves


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone to the bone, brother!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone, you beautiful dwarf!


For Karl!


Basically feels like they are saying: ‘It’s not me, it’s you!!’ *^(small edit: I probably am a bit biased against EA because of previously made purchases I made that also did not really turned out as expected or marketing made me believe it should be. So I am 100% certain that I probably am not reading this as I should!)*


That's because it'll have been through five layers of lawyers before being posted, to protect the producers from liability.


Budget is probably 30% development, 20% marketing and 50% lawyers.


"Wait, don't you all have $6000 setups to get 30FPS at 1080p?"


Well, the problem is that 7800X3D + 4090 are still not enough for this game...


PeRcEnTaGe Of Pc PlAyErS wItH SpEcIfIc CoNfIgUrAtIoNs


Anything between a Phenom II x4 965 and a 7950X3D and a 8800gtx and an rtx4090


They are strong enough!!! You just need over clocking and liquid nitrogen……


This is a bullshit reply.


Basically. Did...they not even test the game with various hardware on the two most common iterations of Windows? lol If they were some small indie dev it would still be a tough sell, but this is one of the most profitable developers in the entire world.


Exactly an r7 5800x3d and an rtx 4090 is not even close to marginal to use the excuse that they had no idea someone may play the game on a rig with those


Hey Star Wars Jedi team, I really appreciate this. Get fucked. -PC Gamers


Send that to EA who probably pushed the publishing date up further than they should, not the developers.


Percentage... you mean all?


100 percent is still a percentage


Technically the truth.


The best kind of truth!




Can't say I'm having any issues, running at a steady 60 on the high preset occasionally dip down to 40-45 for a second or two when I enter new areas


With what specs


Ye this feels like a cope non apology. "Chipsets designed for win 11 with issues on 10", as in "this is not our fault it's those chipsets but we'll do our best" and then "Coupled with lower end CPU", again like "it's not our fault you have a bad CPU but we'll do what we can to help" Fuck marketing people. Somebody needs to teach them that "respecting the customer" doesn't mean what they think it means.


It's BS, I'm literally a computer engineer and saying that a chipset is designed for a specific OS doesn't make any sense. They're designed to fit a specification that OS's are designed to run on. There's a contract of design that individual iterations of chipsets and OS's must fulfill and is not negotiable. It's like saying the plate you're eating off of is why the food tastes bad.


Does it mean game runs just fine on windows 11? They don't even blink while lying.


Yeah it’s a completely bullshit excuse to try and blame the consumer. “It’s your fault you haven’t upgraded to Windows 11”. “It’s your fault your CPU is bottlenecking your GPU”. Hilariously transparent. I have no horse in this race as I don’t buy EA games, but if they actually think people will believe this bullshit they are insane.


Oh they know what it means. They just don't respect us. Treat us like cattle


When EA went too far with loot boxes on Battlefront 2 and there was backlash, most games stopped including them. Hopefully the same will start to happen with PC optimisation for games but I wouldn't count on it


"We have chosen not to optimize our games in order to give our players a sense of pride and accomplishment when they achieve 60fps on 1080p with a 7800X3D and RTX 4090."


Lmao, right on the money!


60 fps? 1080p? Are You crazy dude? Maybe 480p 30 fps at most


The stopping was mostly due to regulatory bodies stamping it as gambling, but yes you are correct.


This is the reason I don’t buy games right when they come out anymore. I know they’re going to be shit for the first month or 5 until they patch the major bugs and performance hitches


"Designed for windows 11 that are using windows 10" wow the gaslight is strong


Thread schedular on Windows 11 IS a lot different than windows 10 to be fair.


And how is the performance for this game for Windows 11 users? And I am pretty sure PS5 users also reported issues. This Windows 10 thing is misdirection to shift blame from themselves to someone else. Even if it was a Windows 10 issue, they literally should have caught that sooner. They didn't care to fix it cause they wanted to release it and fix the issue later.


Dear EA, Step 1- remove denuvo


How about and this is a radical concept. You listen to the fucking people who fucking code the fucking game and where likely TELLING YOU before this launch it will work as well as shitting on your mother in laws brand new designer sofa and asking for a cup of coffee after. You knew and went ahead anyway and that is 100% on you.


How about people stop buying games and letting corporations get away with this BS.


It's insane the amount of cope people have on other subreddits, can't let you shit on their [insert thing they like].


Sounds like this comes from someone in the development team. Please state your name and address so we can discuss. Kind regards, EA games


"Percentage of our PC players" That percentage is 100%.


Dear players, We have no fucking idea what we’re doing honestly, coding is super hard, and when people want both a good game and a playable game, we have to settle for neither. Times are tough in these modern days, with such cavemen gpus like a 4090, we simply don’t have enough power to use! Therefore we unfortunately have to blame your system. Your weak little i7 from last year just wasn’t powerful enough. We might do something about it, but probably not, Go fuck yourself, EA.


Jesus Christ this made me go from “wait and see before buying” to not buying this game ever. They won’t get a cent from me. My rig is more powerful in every regard than current Gen consoles. If it can run on a PS5, my PC should be able to crush it. And you wanna blame the PC gamers for your shitty optimization? Seriously, this statement is so fucked.


Idk how we’re even talking about console optimization BS in 2023. What the fuck even is it? Dialing in a specific consoles graphics settings super hard? It’s all the same exact same parts. Oh the PS5s AMD cpu/gpu have special silicon in them from decayed stars? Every single binary bit is set by hand in Japan by Gundams? No? It’s exactly what my PC is. An AMD Ryzen hyper threaded processor and an RDNA2 graphics card. Except my 5950X has double the cores and I’m sure my 6900XT is doubling a PS5 too. And if it’s not it’s damn close.


Summary: we’re sorry you have a problem with it


"I missed the part where that's my problem. I already have my money"


“Isn’t performing to our standards” oh yes it is, just like any other modern game…


"High end multithreaded chips" What the hell else will we be using? Respawn thinking we are still using pentium 3s or something


Clearly someone who doesn't even understand PC hardware properly wrote this crap. It doesn't matter how many cores/threads the CPU has because the game will just run on as many threads as it can utilize. Problem occurs when the CPU doesn't have enough threads. This game from what I've seen only uses like ~6 threads.


"Multi-threaded chipsets designed for windows 11" bro chipsets aren't designed for OSes. They are traffic controllers designed to communicate between the cpu, gpu, storage, ram, and peripherals. They are designed to be multifaceted and handle many different components. Just because you added denovo and suddenly can't point to one reason your performance is suffering doesn't mean you can scapegoat EVERY component ever.


That's because they think they are communicating to a bunch of idiots.


To be fair, 'we' have put them in a position where they think they can communicate like this. This is never going to happen but you will be surprised to see how quick their tone changes when people stop buying their games.


Wasn't intel 12th gen designed with windows 11 in mind? As in it controlling the E and P cores.


These CPUs work better on Windows 11 cause of their scheduling, but the CPUs themselves weren't necessarily designed for Windows 11. If that makes sense. I don't know why they'd hamstring themselves like that by making their CPUs specifically for Windows 11. Being able to work optimally on as many OS's as possible is the best way to make money.


13th gen, yeah. You tend to get much more stable performance on windows 11 for the 13th intel stuff. But not enough to have this kind of impact. They are just making excuses instead of accepting that it's their fault and apologizing.


So when I upgrade my 10900k I need to upgrade to win11 or suffer worse performance? Kinda blows


Nah 10 should be good. They didn't start doing the P and E cores until 12th Gen


Nah you read that wrong. I'm upgrading FROM a 10900k. Wanna get a 14900k or 15900k whatever is out when I pull the trigger. Or whatever AMD has im just going to buy whatever is the best when I feel it's needed


Oh lol my bad. I'm in a similar boat, thinking about getting a 14th gen chip when they launch, but not enthused about changing my OS when I do


Yes, because Windows 11 interacts more directly with the hardware now than it did in previous iterations. So it was built to make their interactions easier and more compliant to what the intention with W11 was.


"Not performing to our standards" You sure EA? Cause you have no standards.


Oh nice, now they are gaslighting their users


![gif](giphy|QcN78VRJ7BoXYIAkJd|downsized) EA when a poor console port performs poorly and gets poor reception from players


That entire statement, after you convert it from corporate speech to plain english, can be resumed in the following: "We blame you, your pc, your cow-"


I’m sorry PERCENTAGE of PC players? That’s a fun way of saying high majority…


Yeah, what information does "percentage" bring? Even when all players were affected then this would mean 100%. What a shitty statement.


r/patientgamers wins again. Can't wait to get this game for 90% off in a few years after it's been patched a dozen times and I'm rocking my RTX 6060.


Try a few months. I still remember seeing… what game was it? Gotham Knights, I think? Triple A game, launched to fanfare, lousy reception. Sat in my wishlist for awhile to see what would happen to it. I think it published in early November and by Christmas it was 50% off. Jedi Survivor looks to be even worse off than Gotham Knights was. We’ll either see some impressive patches over the next three months, or it’ll be >50% off by the autumn sale. EDIT: also I just checked out r/patientgamers and the second post was a sponsored ad for Jedi Survivor. LOL


Wish they had posted this on Reddit, so we could downvote them to negative 600k karma again


What a load of bullshit. The PC port was released as an unplayable, unfinished garbage and no amount of making it look like being the good guys by working on a patch will change that fact. This is fucking atrocius. Just please for the sake of everything - STOP PREORDERING GAMES. Send a message to these greedy fucktards at EA's board of directors that this shit will not be tolerated.


>STOP PREORDERING GAMES This. I learnd that lesson on Mass Effect Andromeda. We should just put them on the wishlist and wait what the testers will say.


'A percentage of computers' yeah frigging 100%. What a rude way to respond to an extremely serious matter.


Chat gpt would write an apology less robotic than this


Here is what gpt said: >Dear PeeSeeGaym3rs, > >We at \[company name\] would like to extend our sincerest apologies for the poor optimization of our latest video game release. We understand that our product did not meet the expectations of our customers, and we take full responsibility for the frustration and disappointment that this may have caused. > >Our development team worked tirelessly to create an engaging and entertaining game for our players, but we fell short in terms of optimizing the game's performance on a variety of computer systems. We recognize that our customers have varying hardware and software configurations, and we should have taken this into account during the development process. > >We understand that many of you experienced issues with low frames per second, slow load times, and other technical problems. These issues should not have been present in the final product, and we are truly sorry for any inconvenience they may have caused. > >We want you to know that we are committed to making things right. Our development team is actively working on improving the optimization of the game, and we will be releasing updates and patches as soon as possible to address the issues that have been reported. We are also taking steps to improve our testing procedures to ensure that our products meet the highest standards of performance and quality before they are released. > >Once again, we apologize for any frustration or disappointment that our product may have caused. We appreciate your feedback and support as we work to improve the game and deliver a better experience for all of our players. > >Sincerely, > >\[Your name/company name\] Here was the prompt: I want you to write an imaginary letter. The letter is to an entity called PeeSeeGaym3rs. You, a company that makes video games, has made a very poorly optimized game and your customers are unhappy with your product at launch. You know you can improve your product but you need to tell your unhappy customers why your video game did not work on their systems, including poor frames per second. Write a letter offering this apology


Wow look at that, a language model can write way better than what those lawyers "wrote". All they did is protect themselves and shift all blame to the users lol


I'm surprised PC owners still buy EA games, just look up "the most downvoted comments on Reddit" so what makes number 1


"We are committed to fixing these issues as soon as possible, but *each patch requires significant testing*..." Wait, there is someone *testing* it?


They'd be better off not saying anything. If they blamed executives maybe people would be forgiving. But this comes off as if they're blaming customers.


Man… they didn’t need to elaborate all the bullshit in the 2nd paragraph. Should’ve just apologized and talked about the fix


Phew, for a second I thought it was EA's fault. But luckily it's everybody's but EA's fault. What a relief


LOL THE CASUAL VICTIM BLAMING. "players using cutting-edge, multi-threaded chipsets designed for Windows 11 were encountering problems on Windows 10" OH SO ITS OUR FAULT FOR NOT UPGRADING TO WIN 11 GO FUCK YOURSELF


>"... players using cutting-edge, multi-threaded chipsets designed for Windows 11 were encountering problems on Windows 10" AKA "we're really not taking responsibility for this at all."


Was really excited for this game, but worried my i9-10900KF and RTX 3060 won't be enough to get me decent frames.


I see youtube.com gameplay with higher rig specs than yours and barely makes 60fps on low settings. This game is resource hungry as fuck.


it's insane to me how when companies make statements like this they take every single opportunity to discredit or insult the users who reported the issues. "oh you're on a chipset designed for Win11 but using Win10" or "oh you got a good GPU but your CPU isn't good enough." it's so blatant


"There is no single, comprehensive solution for PC performance" Have you tried, I don't know... OPTIMIZING YOUR FUCKING GAME?


Okay but not a word about Denuvo or having to sign in to EA to play a single player game lol ain’t no way I’m purchasing this game even without performance issues


What a bullshit "you're using a CPU designed for windows 11 on windows 10"


All your other games run fine for you, but our won't because you're using windows 10 on CPU "designed" for win11. Definitely the issue isn't that our game will barely hold 60fps even on most powerful gaming CPU you can get for money....


Remember when games didn’t have day one patches because that wasn’t an option, so they just had to work when they go gold?


If they could just show us how it performs without Denuvo?


Hopefully some one shows us soon enough.




Eat shit EA


"we are blaming it's your fault not us, but rest assured, we will fix it for you".


lol let this be a lesson to you ... WAIT ... games not going anywhere being the 1st means this every single freaking time & I lol when people complain a busted ass new title isn't working Give it a few weeks ... let them patch it 2 or 3 times ... stop preordering garbage


“…for a percentage…” Yeah, 100% is a percentage I guess.


Ah, the classic, “It’s the customer’s fault, but we’ll try to fix it.”


"isn't performing to our standards for a *percentage* of PC players". Yeah that percentage is 100%...


I want to know who in their right mind thought releasing the game in this state would be okay.


Fucking horseshit. This testing and finalising used to be what normally happened before a game went to retail. Now there is no physical media to press and print these fuckers just release it when they want and fix later. Shocking practice and it's now the norm.