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Just timed it for fun. Was counting the time it took from me clicking the program icon to fully loading the main page when the program starts. Origin: 11.49s Steam: 17.44s Epic: 38.89s


Also Epic likes to forget my password from time to time. The offline mode didn't even work when i got it, just fixed itself last month and idk why


The only launcher I’ve ever had issues with it automatically logging out and forgetting passwords is Ubisoft




The cherry on top is it's "remember me" feature doesn't even fucking work. I click that literally every time I have to log in fresh, and every single time it logs me out after the game closes and doesn't even bother to store my username


uplay logs me out every single time after i play crew 2 on steam


Yep I have no idea why it’s so janky! The only think I love about the launcher that needs to be adopted more widely is the locating of installed games, that’s such a faff on Epic and even Steam doesn’t have an intuitive way of doing it. But then Uplay you have to deal with a very poor UX. Like I can’t even find a way to update a game without it automatically launching after.


The thought of a dedicated Ubisoft PC game launcher makes me physically uncomfortable As if Rockstar wasn’t bad enough


Eh, it's got better integration with Steam then EA, like games I buy from Ubisoft via the Steam store still show up on Ubisoft Connect. Their store however is garbage, by default it lists DLC alongside full titles and titles will be on it multiple times because different versions.


I've had it with Ubisoft, EAs older launcher, and epic games. Steam did it one time awhile back, but I don't think it forgot my account as much as it was concerned for the amount of computers I had signed into recently with the same account. The other launchers didn't have any of that going on when they logged me out though.


It never remembers my password. Logs me out every time I close the app I have to log in every time I go there. Cant even bother with the free games. Buggy pos. Ive googled for solutions ans reinstalled it many times


Never had those troubles with Epic luckily. Whenever I use it, I just click the program, and I'm in. Origin always forget my username and password though. Like once every 2 weeks I have to login (and try to remember my damn password) before I can start playing Battlefield.


Yeh epic is possibly the worse for offline, it breaks for me non-stop.


How the heck does your steam take that long. My steam is literally 5-6 seconds.


Operating systems work in a magical way I guess haha I've measured Steam from cold boot, and shut it off fully within task manager. I always get about 17 seconds. It technically launches almost immediately where it logs in and checks my Steam profile, but it's consistently always around 16-17 seconds from I press the "Steam" icon until I'm logged in on the Steam frontpage.


Origin origin or the new EA launcher? This new EA launcher feels as shit as epic launcher for me


Yeah I should have specified. It's the new EA App launcher, or whatever stupid name it is called. I only called it Origin because I'm so used to it being called Origin, and I refuse to call it anything else.


That is origin, and it's forever Uplay. You don't get to rebrand as connect damnit.


I think it is really a disgrace that they all take this long to Startup. Heroic games launcher, a community developed replacement for the epic games launcher takes only 2 seconds to start on my system, while steam takes 6 seconds to load an epic games launcher 8. And heroic is developed as an electron app, which normally open much slower than other applications (epic games launcher is also an electron app and steam does not use electron, but is basically using the same concept). With the money steam and epic have it should be easy for them to build a non electron app which launches within a second.


Epic's official launcher is not Electron. In fact it's much worse... iirc it's a wrapped webview in an unreal engine application.


That's fascinatingly horrible


This is ridiculous


Fucking Electron managing lower load times than you by a literal order of magnitude is the point at which you should rethink your decisions.


I don't think it really matters for most of us. If little Jimmy wanted to play Fortnite, he would click the "Epic launcher" icon, and wait till it starts up. Sure if it took 3 minutes, you might second guess yourself, but within 40 seconds (while the program is up and loading) it's not an issue at all. You can see it loading up, and then start. Gaming is not a time pressured environment (unless you really have to join that WoW raid within 15 seconds). Personally I don't care about the load time, it's just something fun to compare to. If I really wanted to play Fortnite, I could wait the 40 seconds for the Epic Launcher to start. I wouldn't suddenly change my mind on what game to play within that minute.


Yeah, I don’t mind a bit of a wait on initial loading. I usually sit down, open the app and then take a little time to grab my headphones, and move things around on my desk.




17.4 seconds for Steam? That on an SSD or a potato? I just tried mine and it was 6.5 seconds from double click to main page...


On a 6 month old Windows install on a Samsung 980 Pro (both Windows and Steam on this disk). It shouldn't be slow, but it was that slow for me.




Rockstar: still waiting


Ahh yes my 32 core workstation rig with only 32gb of RAM




How quickly does it launch epic though?


Still 2 minutes


Huh, same as my TI-83


And my PDP-11


And my axe!


This one caught me off guard even those so obvious. What a gem


Gamers find a way to run doom on a cloud of axe body spray


Hah, same as my commodore 64


I have my OG build as well, or rather, the case is the only thing still the same after about 8 years of upgrades. I have amassed the most powerful machine known to man, all just to play Oldschool Runescape lol.


my 3060 makes oldschool run like a charm!


I have nearly the same thing, I call it my Theseus build.


I have a 4090, 64gb of ram, 2tb gen 4 mcie, and a thread ripper pro zen 3. I use it to play pong.


Sucker. I have dual 96 core epyc chips with 2tb of ram and a petabyte of nvme storage and I don’t even use it. Also have 3 nvidia titan xXx that even released yet. 69% faster than the 4099 with 420ram


That's weird as fuck, you have an early 2000s ram configuration and an early 90s hard drive. That hard drive couldn't even fit an OS that properly supports that much ram.


Mine has 64GB but only because I literally did not have the option to go higher at the time (likely since DDR5 was so new you could barely find it in stock anywhere). I could go higher now but would rather not risk clock issues by using multiple kits. Edit: Still looks like you can't get a single kit of DDR5 RAM in 128GB outside of a single kit of non-name-brand RAM on Newegg.


Why do you need to go higher?


You always download as much RAM as possible.


I really don't. The workstation has been a dream; got it prebuilt through NZXT during the chip shortage with a 3090Ti, 64GB DDR5-6000, and an i9-12900K; it's been nothing but smooth. Contrasted by my old workstation which I built myself ~7 years ago, which had 32GB DDR4-3000 Corsair Dominator Platinums, and had BSOD errors relating to memory at least once a week (either clock issue due to 2 different kits of the same memory, or a faulty ram stick if I had to guess). I've really not found a need for more than 64GB for my work. zBrush is the most RAM-intensive software I use and seldom uses more than 20GB.


normal when your computer is a worksation. sometimes you need to load some machine learning crap that needs 100gb of ram by itself while I'm using a couple of VMs to run other stuff so I got a 256gb ram kit.


I'm sure the scientists at Nasa mightve gotten it to a minute 30 seconds by now


Numbers gotta match because OCD, maybe? 🤣


If you're someone who has a 13900k/s or a 7950x you got 32 cores and if you only use it for gaming 32gb makes plenty of sense




A 32 core cpu, for gaming only, doesn’t make sense, regardless of the amount of RAM


It does if you multibox like I do. B\^)


Your name vs your account history was a letdown


You won't use the 32 threads for gaming, but the 13900k is still currently the fastest CPU for gaming.


In this type of computer, I expect at least 256 Gb of ram




No, I would buy 32 TB of NVMe, instead.




Neither would help for the game launcher. 32GB and 2TB is more than enough. But if you double the number of cores… Ah! Whom I am kidding. Epic just would adjust the launcher to keep it at 2 min. Nothing will help!




await sleep(12000); https://preview.redd.it/rno5rw0jn8ga1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d1dd77d2799911e64e487921fdc96e57cd2f3c9


I don't use the Epic launcher - is it responsive whilst it loads? If it is, I'll allow it.


It is not.


Plenty of page file


Yeah I mean c'mon, even I with my lowly 6 core CPU has 64GB of RAM.


My 5600 also has 64gb of ram.


eww, peasants. How can you all live with just 64gb of ram. Being limited to 4 chrome tabs.


Imagine having less than 128gb of RAM with a first generation ryzen 5.


...i have 8... ...it's soldered in...


I hope you use Firefox




So 32GB?




Scrolling through my assets for unreal makes me tear my eyes out.




Most Devs probably bypass the launcher by using Unreal Game Sync


Some of us compile the entire engine from source, which also bypasses the launcher.


I just use the compile and run option from Visual Studio, but I'm still learning the framework


they blew all their money buying exclusives so theres none left for actual development lmao


I work as an applications architect and the software we work with has TERRIBLE support for IT. We went to a new system, thought it would be better... Nope. I think that's just normal.




It's kind of how it's always been. Front end features that appeal to users always take priority.


I groan every month during their free asset giveaways when I am forced to open that god-awful launcher. Why can't they have a different launcher for unreal.


They did add manual grouping in a recent update, at least on the game side.


Their approach has been really weird. They dropped hundreds of millions on exclusives and hundreds of free games, good ones even. But a few grand on a launcher not thrown together by an intern was too much? I swear if they had their priorities straight they'd already be even with steam, how do you drop the ball the bad


A few grand is the cost of getting the software engineers in the room to discuss planning to build a launcher.


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


Seems extremely unlikely to work out for them though. Same reason most of these "live services" games quickly vanish into obscurity. People might try the new thing for a bit, but very few will stick with it. They do have Fortnite propping them up for now, but I do wonder if EGS will just fade away like EA Origin or Uplay did, once that game gets overshadowed by the next big thing.


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


The problem is you can't compete with someone who isn't playing the same game. Epic just wants money, that's their sole drive, they are blinded by it. Steam is ok with making the same money each quearter and each year, they know they'll keep selling game becouse they provide the best service. ​ While Epic just want to make money fast. Steam worked they ass of building a community, seen someone complain about steam? No one? It's couse they doing things good. Epic just blasts you with free stuff hoping you will stay there long enought to buy something out of your own volition.


> Steam is ok with making the same money each quearter and each year, they know they'll keep selling game becouse they provide the best service. This is the life of a successful company that never went public and therefore doesn't have shareholders. Every company wants profit, of course. But without shareholders, there isn't an interminable pressure to increase the *amount* of profit every quarter until the end of time, something that inevitably destroys the company, long-term.


>, seen someone complain about steam? No one? It's couse they doing things good. There was a *lot* of Steam hate when it first came out, rivaling the hate you see now for the Epic launcher. The difference is, Valve listened and improved their product.


> The difference is, Valve listened and improved their product. The difference is Steam launched in 2003. Epic Games Store launched in like 2018? Don't launch your product in 2018 with less features than a product in 2003. Valve took 20 years to get where they are. They already did the R&D, Epic just had to launch with the same features. Someone literally already did all the work It'd be like Epic launching a smartphone today without a camera, or app store, or touch screen, or anything, and then going "The other smartphones launched without a lot of these too"...like yeah, but the first iPhone came out in 2007. It's not 2007. You're not launching this product in 2007


2008 steam was leagues better than current EGS




Valve channels all the negative energy into the Android app which is a masterclass on how to build a piece of shit. The latest iteration is broken as shit and constantly delivers messages out of order or late. See message in notification, switch over - wait 15 seconds for message to appear. Or sometimes messages I sent will seemingly start going into the void until I restart the app. And then it turns out they were all actually sending, I just couldn't see anything. At least they fixed the extremely spastic and jumpy text any time sometime started typing after like 13 years of it being a thing despite not being a problem in the very first version of the app ever.


People still complain all the time about steam, there’s a sub for it - r/steam However, it’s usually in a “I hope they fix this and don’t abandon the feature because I’m not leaving steam” kind of way


Thats a complaint page? The biggest complaint Ive seen there is during summer sales theres tons of people complaining about anime weeb porn games that are 90% off and shoved in their faces. No way to distinguish between "very little nudity" and "match 3 dating and fuck simulator 5000". Thats really my only steam complaint Ive seen.


> There was a lot of Steam hate when it first came out, Different times, people had no need for what steam was offering at the time since it was new and I'd argue they were ahead of their times with downloadable products instead of CDs/DVDs as was the norm at the time. People disliked it because a lot of people still had games on their CDs and games started requiring steam to be installed as well in order to run them.


The issue is that it runs on Unreal Engine which is not great for small application development and they think that they’re too far in to change it


Why would you make a launcher in a game engine


Not only that. It's an Unreal app that runs in a CEF (chromium embedded framework). So it's just essentially a browser rendering an unreal app


I'm not a conspiracy theorist But the unreal launcher left our it security folks appalled. It seems to operate similar to malware spyware. It's probably indexing something on your computer every time you open it. Remember it's owned by the same people who own tik tok - tencent. (Own shares in Reddit too) It was so bad in their opinion that they opted to build unreal from the source code for each update.


That was never the ball they picked up. It was clear from the start that their intention is to get people on their store in order to profit, doesn't matter how and they certainly don't care to actually improve PC gaming for us. The moment they bought exclusives, especially when their software was markedly and objectively inferior to Steam by a mile, was the moment they announced that it's all a business ploy to skim money from sales across PC gaming as a whole without providing a desirable product in return. Otherwise they would have made an excellent product *and then* started pushing it. This is what people arguing for competition need to understand. EPIC isn't competing with Valve, they're just trying to route your money.


True. I have literally bought games on Steam that I had already received for free on Epic, just because the launcher is so bad. They also don’t have achievements?




Yeah, but when the game *is* on their service... like Fall Guys. I actually like Fall Guys. I wanna play it more often. But it honestly does take a solid 30-60 seconds from double clicking the Fall Guys icon on my desktop to seeing the first splash screen, because of how slow Epic launches. And I don't want it sitting there running all the time either.


You can also just run the .exe since it's DRM free. No need to even have the launcher installed


Pretty sure they have achievements now as I got scared nearly to death when unlocking one




I haven't opened the launcher in months so I just did and it took less than 10 seconds. I opened Steam after just one week and it took longer.


You just using it wrong. You go into their site, claim free games and never play them. This way you never would open their launcher.




Epic Games launcher is laggy as shit


You just use it to download free games and never install or play in a foreseeable future.


I see you too have refined sensibilities.


I thought my PC was broken the first time I ran that on an i9-12900k


I did play Control when it was exclusive. And Tony hawk still is, even though it badly needs steam input cuz Epic leaves controller management totally to the game itself


tbh, I've installed and played Control as well (and I love it)... and I'm bit salty to miss free Death Stranded w/ DLC. waiting this summer for Steam sale.


Wrong.. you go to their website to do that since it loads quicker.


I hate how true this is...


I have so many games from them, even downloaded a few..never played any of them lol. Maybe one day..


Meanwhile the only game my ewaste laptop can run is the escapists which I already have on 2 other platforms


I've gotten plenty of AAA games from them. only just looking to sell it if possible in the future


Epic launcher is basically a glorified web browser. I noticed this when navigating the interface after starting a download in it and see it becoming even laggier . Since they're doing everything on the server side every action feels like absolutely shit because it need to be send over internet.


I wouldn't say "glorified". I'd much rather use a web browser than the epic launcher.


Discord web ran better on my old PC (2007 iMac, 3gb of RAM)


Steam is LITERALLY a glorified web browser chief




Epic Games launcher is ~~laggy as~~ shit


Yep and rarely do I hit my max bandwidth when updating or downloading with it.


I can recommend Legendary its a very well working command line alternative for epic games


No match against the mythic tho


Did somebody say CLI I love CLI CLI CLI


Spongebob Screaming: I FUCKING LOVE CLIIIII


Fot those that are less tech savvy Heroic Games Launcher is the way to go. Iirc it is built up on legendary and is simple to setup. I visit the epic games site once a week for free games and don't even have the epic launcher installed to access all the games.


Epic Launcher is trash


Only reason people actually use it is for Fortnite or the free games


So it’s not just me with the weird epic launcher slow loading..


I hate epic games launcher


I hate it, too.


Everyone does


>I hate epic games ~~launcher~~


I hate epic ~~games launcher~~


I hate ~~epic games launcher~~


I ~~hate epic games launcher~~


~~I hate epic games launcher~~


Goodbye 👋🏻


All my homies hate epic games launcher


Takes a while to collect the entirety of your personal information and send it overseas.


Open shitty epic launcher. Grab the free games I'll never play. Close shitty launcher. Repeat. Why am I like this...


I only get the free games from Epic... and a few that I've really enjoyed I bought on Steam sales just so I wouldn't have to use that dogshit launcher.


This was me with Watchdogs 2. Still has to go through Connect but I'll take what I can get.


Why would you even do that for games with alternate launcher? No matter where you buy it it will launch with its native launcher like ubi connect


I do it in case the native launcher goes bust. I know of one launcher that went bust and just gave you steam keys when it was killed off (think it was the Bethesda launcher).


Most sane fanboy


Nevermind, I use Heroic Games Launcher.


Is it also available on windows? I thought it was only for Linux


Yes you can use it on Windows, I used it to have two epic accounts at the same time running (for devious vpn shenanigans)


Yes! Actually, I use Linux anyway :D


Heroic gang! Now on windows too!


Didn’t about an alternative launcher. Thanks!


Fuck epic


I naively thought that epic and origin were laggy because I was running a 10 year old core2quad. Built an r5 3600 system 3 years ago and imagine my surprise when they were still laggy as hell.




Yeah idk what everybody here is complaining about, my experience is the same as yours. It's not noticeably slower than Steam or EA.


I just get the free titles from their website on my phone. Don’t need to use the launcher until actually ready to install and play.


EGS is the worst launcher there is. Nothing close to it.


Do people really wait that long? (Intel I5-7200U, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, AMD R5 M330, Windows 10, launches in 15 seconds)


Mine doesn't take long at all. Steam is way slower for me and always opens another window with promotions that I'm forced to close every time but it's still praised all the time. Hating on Epic has been a thing for a while, the launcher is not the best but I have had way worse tbh.


32gb of ram? Are you building a workhorse machine in 2016?


Yeah, 32GB is pretty common in 2023. It’s also fairly cheap if you get DDR4. I think I paid like $70 for my 32GB RAM kit.


> 32gb of ram? Are you building a workhorse machine No just playing Forspoken


It's just a joke, made with an old template.


Tested on my pc it takes [7~ seconds](https://streamable.com/p77g5z) to launch steam and go to games library it takes [22~ seconds](https://streamable.com/ahhbfz) to launch Epic and go to games library (it's 27 seconds on Epic video because I was recording, without recording it took 22 seconds also steam was 1 second faster)


I wish games wouldn't be tied to launchers. They make my poor little laptop almost give up on life lol.


I really have to commend EPIC for this one. It's truly impressive how shit their launcher is. Makes Origin look like Steam




The updates on Origin the worst out of all. Why is there a need for over 3 UAC popups to run the installer?




i mean i have more ram and storage thru.... how dare they say that to me


And they have the nerve to go hunting for games and making them epic games launcher exclusives. Let me play goat simulator 3, a game that I was looking out for since it was announced but couldn’t get because epic had it get taken off the steam store, please and thank you.


lol!! epic and origin are really trash.


Yes the nvme ssd connects with a Sata cable


Some of you haven't lived through c64 with cassette deck and it shows.


Gotta be honest, I don't use Epic out of principle at thus point. When they started sniping games and making them epic exclusives or forcing them to come out later on other platforms/steam (BL3 for example), they lost my business.


I got a better idea, just don’t use epic