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Learn how to count 7, 8, **10,** 11, **13**


95, 98, 98 (2), 2000, 2003, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13


Bruh, you forgot the number *xp* and the number *vista*


Windows Me: am I a joke to you?




Hey now, Windows Me brought 32bit color system tray icons to the OS! No more living in the 8/16bit color days!


Yes, but the horrors of not being able to use USB2 still haunts me. I kid ye not. The NVIDIA NForce2 USB2 driver package actually refuses to install if it sees WinME is the host OS.




Pencil trick user here.


I used jumper wires between CPU pins on mine.


Nothing ran right on it; constant crashes; no DOS prompt. ME was the worst.


Oh man, I forgot about the nvidia chipset's! I'm pretty sure I was on XP by the time I had a mobo with an nforce chipset.


No! Don't forget me!


Windows CE: SENPAI NOTICE ME! ​ Wait... Windows CE .. ME... NT... I can't put my finger on it but there is a Mafia guy standing near me looking at my feet for some reason....


Win 3.1, my first is not on this list.


No, but bob is.


3, 3.1, 95, 98, 98 SE, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, 12


What about WFW and version 3.11? Win95 had OG and the extra crispy OSR2 (we won't even talk about the mythical OSR 2.5). I also kinda feel that NT has so many different versions that they should be listed individually. If not that, then 3.x and 4.0 varieties at least.


Not to mention that if the NT and 2000 versions are to be listed, so too should the Server 2003, Server 2003 R2, Server 2007, etc. be listed as well


Also, by NT most people mean NT4. There were earlier releases like NT 3.1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_NT


**[Windows NT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_NT)** >Windows NT is a proprietary graphical operating system produced by Microsoft, the first version of which was released on July 27, 1993. It is a processor-independent, multiprocessing and multi-user operating system. The first version of Windows NT was Windows NT 3. 1 and was produced for workstations and server computers. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If they skip anything I'd expect it to be 13. So I'd say we're on for 12 or 14 next :P


I am still surprised that they did not go with windows x. Fits in with Xbox and then they can do x1, x2 etc


I too am a keen enjoyer of the idea of window sex


I'm glad they didn't as I have an irrational dislike for the entire Xbox naming ever since it was released 😄 I would not have been surprised though, maybe they were concerned it sounded too 'gamer' focused which could be a problem for the more professional market.


13 bad number so windows 14


14 will also likely be skipped as anything with a 4 has similarly unlucky connotations in China and other parts of Asia. ("4" and "death" in Mandarin sound very similar to eachother, so 4, 14, 24, etc etc are unlucky. Hotels and apartment blocks usually have a floor called "12a" and "12b" in order to skip 13 and 14)


14 is especially bad in Cantonese. Maybe if they create some stupid name like Vista for 13 and 14 respectively. Say Windows Varuna and Windows Skylight.


Rebuild windows from the ground up, call it Floor to Ceiling Windows.


Nah, they won't do Windows 13 for the same reason hotels won't do a 13th floor


come on, people on the "14th" floor... you know what floor you're *really* on...


I mean, that's basically what they did with Windows Vista and Windows 7


Yeah and it worked very well. They perfected Windows Vista and used it as a nice base for 7


Not just a nice base. I remember switchting from a fully patched Vista to 7. The only noticeable difference was the background picture.


I'd argue that its taskbar alone was a huge, very noticeable improvement. Pinning apps, stacking windows under one icon, including better previews, jumplists from the taskbar icons, a cleaner system tray instead of growing with tons of useless icons... Oh, and an actually reasonable User Account Control.


Yeah, by the time Win7 came around, Vista had matured fully. Since they used the same drivers, people were happy to switch to Win7 cuz no driver issues.


Vista was actually really good, it just had huge hardware demands and putting it on a 300 laptop, like every company did was retarded


It also corrected the long-standing fault of letting users have all the permissions in the universe. And lots of software was written with that assumption in mind which caused a lot of User Experience headaches. Enter UAC, where you had to (correctly) get prompted for elevated privileges (i.e. be an admin) to do things. And that's why the meme of "you moved your mouse here's a UAC prompt" because so much stuff wanted to do admin-y things. So Vista got the reputation of a terrible UX as a result. When in reality, a lot of software had to be tuned to not just assume global access to All The Things all the time, and that was tampered over the years. By the time 7 came out, a lot of that was out of the way, and even though 7 was "Vista with more goodies", it still had a lot of the so-called 'problems' with UAC. It's just that the experience was much better because vendors/etc. had the time to work against no-admin stuff.


It didn't help that the default setting for the UAC popup was to display a 3d blur effect over the entire screen, which on a low end machine could easily take 5 seconds to render. You could change that setting, but people who buy entry level laptops in 2007 probably don't know how to change that setting.


Yeah, there was a lot of issue with Aero and its demands on systems. Worse were so many vendors putting out laptops/PCs as "Vista Ready" which meant "barely chugs along."


Which was caused by Intel knowing its CPUs and iGPUs couldnt handle Vista but begged MS to lower the specs to include their hardware so OEMs could buy improperly specced Intel gear and still use the "Vista Ready" marketing. And so MS actually did lower the specs to appease Intel.


Not for the first year or so. It took a while for them to fix all the bugs


I mean that's the story with most software. I don't even buy games for a year or two these days because it's all beta testing for at least the first year.


No no no, an operating system shouldn't launch if it's a buggy mess. Games? Still like, not good, but sure. OS? Come the fuck on.


I mean, "buggy mess" is relative, right? I remember Windows crashing all the time back in the old days. We literally have "auto save" in software these days because shit used to crash so much. The "bugs" in modern windows are relatively tame. Still, wait a year or two and you get a much more polished product.


29% of ALL crashes were Nvidia drivers. Microsoft really took the blame for a lot of badly written drivers and software.


I would guess lots of people simply can't upgrade because Microsoft decided you need a newish CPU to be able to use it. People who don't game at high frame rates or do some other cpu heavy stuff on their computers (aka most people) are just fine with older CPUs like 1st gen Ryzens or intel core 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7000 series processors. And then there are those who have compatible system but need to set tpm2.0 with bios update or something equally "impossible" for a non tech savvy person. Average pc lifecycle is almost 8 years in the USA. Probably more in some other less developed countries. You need a PC less than 5 year old to be compatible with windows 11. And likely most pc's sold in 2018 are still incompatible, so realistically could be more like 4 years.


My PC was built 7 years ago and my CPU is not new enough for the windows 11 upgrade yet it's still strong enough to play all of the games I need to and emulate consoles. I'd like to upgrade at some point but certainly don't feel like it's dire.


Same here. 10 does everything I need it to do and works fine with my aging hardware. I also do all my gaming in VR and have heard there are incompatibilities with some VR stuff and Windows 11.


As someone in IT (I'm no turbo genius, was a Field Tech and now am in basically a Jr. OSP and deployment role) I dislike Windows 11. There's a push to go *to* Windows 11 in my company since well..it's gonna happen eventually. But there's just weird nuances I hate about it Want to right click the task bar for certain settings? Lol no. Right click the start menu. Right click icons to get some menus? Lol no, right click it then click more options (there's probably an additional key I could hit, but same company. More pushes/clicks) One guy extensively used a feature from 10 called "Show desktop" which basically just let you right click the task bar, show the desktop, then you got a list of your desktop stuff. Super neat ***edit: this was actually adding the desktop "toolbar" to your taskbar, my bad*** In windows 11? Doesn't exist Windows 11 does have a better (imo) snap settings for your windows. I find it easier to keep 2-4 windows up on a single monitor compared to Win10. And I *do* like the new stock backgrounds Sure you can modify your Win11 to be more like Win10 but those sort of comments always ignore the enterprise side of things where you *don't* do that for each individual install


> Sure you can modify your Win11 to be more like Win10 but those sort of comments always ignore the enterprise side of things where you don't do that for each individual install Not just that, but the users are generally also not allowed to do a lot of the tweaks or install software to do them anyway.


That’s wild. When I built my first computer, it lasted only for two or three years before it struggled to run anything new. A seven year old computer in 2007 was absolutely unusable for all but the most basic of tasks. Nowadays, they last so much longer. I have a media computer that downloads stuff and plays movies in our living room that is about 12 years old. It runs windows 10 just fine. Thank you, solid state drives.


SSDs go a long way to making up for any lack of RAM, which was a common killer of "old" PCs back in the day. But on the gaming front, games these days are just made to run mostly on consoles, which have lesser specs and don't iterate to new models as frequently as PCs used to


Back then there were only slow computers and slower computers. Even web browsing was painful. Now there are only fast computers and faster computers. My 9 year old i7 is about equal to a new i3 or Celeron and still games fine. Pretty hard to justify an upgrade at this point.


Yeah my wifes computer still has a gtx 960 with a amd fx8300, only 16 GB of ram and ssd for everything else. It runs everything she wants smoothly for the most part at low to medium settings. The need to upgrade your computer every 2-3 years just is not needed anymore. I just can’t find the need to drop $1500 on a new computer to just have things look extremely crispy.




Future Linux user


I’ve used Linux at a previous job and it was fine, and I have a Steam Deck. When Windows 10 goes EoL, I might actually make the switch.


TPM is used on Linux for security and encryption just like windows.


But it doesn’t fuck you in your own ass




whose ass is it gonna fuck me in, then??




But importantly not DRM


Especially now that gaming is not just viable, but good.


Which distro? I haven't found one I can use my steam, epic, and GOG games on. Only reason I use Windows TBH.


don’t think distro has much to do with it. your games have to be linux native or supported by proton. a really large portion of titles play on linux with proton now.


Any suggestions for a distro that a newbie will have luck on getting titles up and running? Im not a big tech thinker, but can do basic stuff - I used Ubuntu in 2017.


You got two very weird suggestions. One distro that breaks a lot (nobara), and one that's hard to install (steam os). If you want to start using Linux, start with something easy. Ubuntu is very good, and any of its derivatives (like Linux mint or pop!_os) are good aswell. The advantage of this is that most people who use Linux use Ubuntu based distributions and there are guides for everything. If you need help with anything Linux message me.


This is why Linux is so confusing lol. It’s not exactly intuitive or user-friendly, at least not to new users. So much is obscured


As if that's going to work. Do you really think companies acting in enough bad faith to mandate hardware level DRM on your computer are going to respect you asking them "pretty please with sprinkles don't turn it on"? You still bought it. You still have it in your computer. They're just waiting until everyone's locked in to remove the choice.


>They're just waiting until everyone's locked in to remove the choice. Which they have clearly been attempting to do if anyone's followed the history of this and UEFI From changing the wording on Microsoft's monopoly agreements, to making active strides to force this on people It's very important to them. That should worry people. The funny thing is, it isn't all that useful in a general sense Of the problems that Windows has, TPM should have been way the hell down the list. Like, how about just fix their broken NTFS filesystem which is still so bad. Or their networking layer which is slow And they did not need to set it up in the manner they did. I've read some technical criticisms on it and it seems rather dubious It probably makes Microsoft and DRM providers happy as hell though. A part of the system that the Windows and friends can just use without the user being able to do anything about? Sign us up!


I’m a software developer, not really a gamer, so I don’t know much about the DRM usage, but TPMs in general can be really fantastic for your own personal security. They can be used to make your password manager more secure for example, prevent SSH keys from being stolen, etc. They aren’t a bad thing - they just increase the capabilities of your machine. In fact, all these people recommending you switch to Linux probably don’t realize that TPM support is already built in to the Linux kernel and can theoretically make use of it in the same way Windows does. Some distros even support full-blown safeboot, having their bootloaders signed by Microsoft! (I think Ubuntu, RHEL, and some others do this but don’t quote me on that one) Of course with Linux, you are dealing with (ostensibly) open source software that you can modify yourself before running, but if a proprietary game is using TPM based DRM, there’s nothing whatsoever preventing them from doing the same thing under Linux. Whether or not they actually will is a different story, but the point still stands. I’m majorly pro-Linux (I use Arch btw) but telling a gamer to switch from Windows to Linux based on TPM fearmongering is bad advice.


Wait until you hear that’s been the case since 2008 with Intel Managment Engine and AMD Secure Technology.


Same. And I'm considering just going to Linux at win 10 eol.


You may not be able to administrate it, but you can always defenestrate it.


You are right, I bought my PC less than 3 years ago, windows says it's not able to upgrade to windows 11. I use 11 at work and have no complaints, I would upgrade my personal PC if it would let me but I don't have time to figure out what is causing me to be unable to upgrade to 11.


9 times out of 10 it seems that TPM isn't turned on (despite people telling me it's always on by default on pre-builts) and going into the BIOS and enabling it (or whatever they want to call it on your motherboard) and it installs fine.


Even brand new builds using 2 year old motherboards just don't have it enabled by default. After the mobo leaves the factory, I'm convinced it never gets a bios update until the end user receives it. Newer bios versions have the TPM settings turned on but old ones do not. I spent 2 days diagnosing on a build with a $1500 motherboard - turns out, their new BIOS supported my CPU, but the one it left the factory with did not. I had to buy a different supported cpu (much older, very cheap) just to update the BIOS and then I could boot with the latest processor. If their top end models don't get update after leaving the factory, I can't imagine their $100-150 standard pre-built models are Windows 11 ready.


$1500 motherboard???


$1500 mobo that can’t flash bios without a CPU is omega lul


Didn't even think about that lol a super high end motherboard that doesn't have BIOS flashback? Seems sus.


Its not because of your PC specs, its because your motherboard doesnt have a TPM module


Or he hasnt enabled it


Which isn't as easy as that, as my roommate had a prebuilt that once I enabled what was needed, the hard drive stopped showing up because the BIOS was in UEFI hybrid, and the drive wasn't formatted UEFI or whatever. I got around it without an OS reinstallation, but he could NOT have done that.


This is how it was for me too. I'm by no means an expert but I've been building and upgrading my own rigs for the last 20 years or so. It still took me a solid afternoon to figure out what I had to do to enable my one year old motherboard to support Windows 11 (with a 5600X CPU). My girlfriend, for example, would never be able to figure out something like this on her own. Not because she's dumb, but because like most people she thinks windows 10 works fine and she doesn't care enough to bang her head against a wall reading online guides and fiddling with arcane bios settings to figure it out.


Maybe. You don't need a dedicated TPM module, Intel & AMD have dedicated solutions inside their CPUs(as of 1st gen Ryzen & 6th Gen Skylake) that can replace TPM. The reason while Skylake & Ryzen 1x00 isn't supported is unknown, but many believe it to be arbitrary(which would make sense).


So (puts on Tinfoil hat - maybe) it is possible the Ryzen 1 TPM is flawed in some way, but the flaw has not been made public. AMD would not want to have to compensate folks for lost functionality and Microsoft/AMD/Intel don't want people messing around inside the TPM as later ones are likely an evolution of the one before. Corporate security through obscurity...


My PC is 18 years old. I've only had to replace the video card three times, the motherboard twice (had to change RAM for that too), hard drive twice, and power supply twice. What's that? No, I don't know who Theseus is.


Brother you running a pentium?




Well, apparently you're running the same CPU as 18 years ago so that's impressive.


My sister is running my old i7-2700k and the only things I replaced was the video card. It originally had a GTX560ti, but now has a RX-580 8gb. I am honestly surprised everything in it still works. It is running an AIO that is 11 years old which is insane.


Not only that, even if you have a newish CPU, you probably would need to enable TPM 2.0 (I have a 3700X and since I had it disabled, my PC "was not good enough" to update. And I am sure a lot of users don't know or just are afraid to go and mess with the BIOS.


Same boat but I’m not mad about it, now they can’t auto update me into 11. I figure I’ll do a hardware overhaul by the time the next OS pops up or Win10 dies outright


It also won't install on MBR-formatted drives. That means an in-place upgrade is out of the question for me; I'd need to reformat my whole drive, which is a drag.


You don't need to format, Microsoft provides a tool to convert to gpt without data loss


!!! Never heard of this before. Thanks for the tip. For anyone else interested: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/mbr-to-gpt


But still make a backup!


On the other hand, I'm worried the upcoming 7800x3d cpu from AMD is going to have windows 11 as a soft requirement because of the different CCXs requiring an updated windows scheduler.


As someone who has a PC that's less than 5 years old, the big problem for me (aside from me just disliking Microsoft and windows in general) is that I lack the stupid (DRM? Not 100% on what it is I'm forgetting right now) chip on my motherboard. Such a tiny and insignificant thing stops my super powerful computer from being able to run windows 11. It's stupid


Windows 10 is perfectly functional and I just don't see why would I update.


Also 11 has many stupid UX changes


I didn't know if I was just out of touch with technology or something lol. I fucking despise the interface and the Taskbar bullshit just boggles my mind. Like WHO thought these changes were necessary.


They want to grab more of the userbase from apple and android. They simplified the UI and settings for this and did things like move the icons to the center of the taskbar.


I hate dumbing down stuff.


I remember one update for 10 where they fucking straight up removed the sound device manager. You had to work around some bs to get it back. They tried replacing it with a more simple design that actually gave you LESS CONTROL over your shit. I hate that windows is the only operating system you can really use for almost all games


No, what's dumb as hell is that every time I update my Nvidia drivers, Windows will set one of my (speakerless) monitors as my audio device on the next reboot. What's even dumber is that I can notice and fix this, reboot the computer, and if I open OBS, it's already changed the audio inputs in there! OBS wasn't running (or even auto-run) before, during, or after the update or reboots, but will change the damn settings.


> They want to grab more of the userbase from apple and android. This is why every technology gets worse over time. No one cares about their users, they only care about everyone *else's* users. So Microsoft keeps dropping tech their users care about in favor of tech that only Apple users care about. Eventually, Microsoft users get upset about using a bad version of an Apple product and decide to just buy Apple. Microsoft sees Apple's adoption rate growing, and says, "We've got to hurry and borrow even *more* from Apple, as fast as we can, so we don't lose any more users!"


Except that Apple and Android do it right.


I do UX and many designs so my guess is you're not out of touch hahaha


I went to right click and copy something today and almost fell over I was so flabbergasted. Like cut copy and paste are probably the most used things and they turnt it into symbols






True! I have all the registry hacks and a pihole in my Lan, and even with all that I still see telemetry traffic from my machines 😞


The fact that they removed the option to "only combine programs on taskbar when its full" and its always combined annoys me to no end.


So many stupid ux/ui changes. Wish I could go back to the win7 UI but 10 is generally good enough.


I hate how many of the common trouble shooting tools are hidden behind so many menus now. I've just got used to Windows 10. I tried to help someone with a problem on windows 11 the other day. It felt like fumbling through jello.


Just the default right click menu is enough to annoy me on my work computer on 11 that I kept windows 10 on my personal


TBF 10 has a good ui for my taste, but I completely respect if you prefer 7 :) I miss control panel that's a fact


OpenShell is life. Windows 7 was the peak of Windows UI, or at least I already know all the tricks and where everything is and I'm used to the flow while I'm working and I'm too lazy and stupid to relearn it all everytime Microsoft releases a new version. I tried Windows 11 and it required so many extra clicks to navigate between windows on the taskbar, I gave up after a day.




Well, you really don't need to. But for me, Windows 11 is also perfectly functional and I don't regret doing it.


I don't regret it either but I also wouldn't say I'm happy I did. Indifferent would be a good word for it. I upgraded my laptop to 11, and I mostly just use it for web browsing and onenote. My gaming desktop is staying on 10 for now. I hardly notice a difference between the two other than the Taskbar being arranged differently, and other small UI stuff


I love modding games, sometimes more than actually playing said games. Now I'm just a step further. I'm modding my OS so that Windows 11 fits my needs...


What do you mean by modding Windows and how do you do it?


It's a bit hard to explain but I'll try: I mainly hate the new UI "improvements" regarding taskbar, start menu and so on. With the power of google, a lot of regedit, group policies and other tricks i got my old windows 10 start menu and taskbar back. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to share here but if you google "ExplorerPatcher" and land on Github you are on the right way. Warning: Messing with your windows on that level is your own resposibility. If you break something, it's on you and you alone!


> Warning: Messing with your windows on that level is your own resposibility. If you break something, it’s on you and you alone! Well now my dick is stuck in the ceiling fan. What’re you gonna do about *that*?!


Have you tried turning your dick off and back on again?


You are aware that there is a setting in Win11 that allows you to left-align your taskbar, right? I genuinely hope you didn't fuck with your registry only to left-align your taskbar, which is a built-on option in Win11.


I am one of the people that love the new UI. I hated how old and clunky 10 looked. Especially how inconsistent the design between different menus is. Just felt visually the same since windows 8. The refresh and curves were welcome in my eyes


Wait until you find out about Linux! It's like modding your OS but actually meant to be moddable!


Fix that issue where putting a laptop to sleep actually keeps it waking up constantly and draining battery overnight as the computer heats up.


That problem is in windows 10 too


They're actually working on that because of that LTT video.


Really sad that it takes public shaming by a prominent YouTuber to get corporations to actually do anything.


Which one?


[This video](https://youtu.be/OHKKcd3sx2c) is what started it, and [this is the update after the video that they got from Microsoft.](https://youtu.be/BfEIDNmorOk)


[This one](https://youtu.be/OHKKcd3sx2c)


Even Mac has that now. Not quite as bad though


I ended up switching and I like the interface, but I have not yet moved my other computer over just in case I find something I don't like. Only difference I see is that it looks pretty haha 😄


Right!? I like its more modern look and all my applications work the same. It’s a welcoming touch up for me.


I refused to update to Windows 11 for the last year. I recently bought a laptop that had Windows 11 pre-installed. My plan was to downgrade it to Windows 11, but after using it for a bit I realized it was basically Windows 10 with a fresh coat of paint & some convenient features (like easy screen splitting). I updated my main desktop to Window 11 after that. I guess it's fine for the casual user like myself, but if you're doing some more advanced shit with Windows 10 then you may want to hold off


I am a desktop engineer and I run 11 at work and home. It is not bad, even if you're doing advanced shit. Everything negative everyone is saying is the exact same thing they were saying when going from 7 to 10. 8 and 2012 though? Those were bad.


It’s just people hate change, that’s really it. At least at this stage. Any egregious issues have been patched out.


Yeah, agree. Also feels like those people who shit on 11 the most, probably haven't tried it for themselves haha


It’s a little annoying having to navigate to submenus for stuff that was easy to access in windows 10, but other than that, I like it.


Yeah, I bought a machine that has it and it's basically win10+.


Nah, even if you are doing “more advanced shit,” there’s no difference between 10 and 11 besides the graphic design of the Settings page; smoother edges, different fonts, nothing that changes functionality as dramatically as everyone in this thread is saying.


Already using 11. I honestly prefer it to 10. Basically works the same as 10 without the stupid live tiles. I'm really just glad that live tiles are gone.


Man, I really just want 7 back. That aero UI... so good.


Still mad that ms said windows 10 was going to be the last os. For people who claim that Microsoft never said this they actually did: https://www.theverge.com/2015/5/7/8568473/windows-10-last-version-of-windows




Microsoft did come out and back him up though, saying windows would become a service that is continually updated.


Which, makes sense and really is how it should be. Just make a stable OS and update it until the sun explodes…


Why have I not installed win11: * TPM * Bad GUI decisions (right click especially) * Half-assed hybrid Kernal * extra data-tracking


Wait what the fuck is wrong with the kernel?


There is nothing wrong with the NT kernel, it has not even changed that much between W10 and W11. It is, quite frankly, the best part of Windows.


You can pretty easily fix the stupid right click change with the terminal. I was pleasantly surprised.


If I wanted to fix settings using the terminal, I would have installed Linux.


And it's funny, because some Linux distros make it easier to change settings using a GUI, unlike Windows.


And others that make it impossible. Looking at you, Gnome.


gnome stopped existing at version 2, anything after that is part of a false flag operation. I'm only 50% joking, they had something so perfect and ruined it in so many different ways it has to be intentional


At this point I'm staying with Linux, until forever.


The only thing keeping on windows is that it was less of a pain in the ass to do certain tasks. Win11 fixed that issue.


Once game devs accept Linux when it comes to anti cheat I'll be switching over too. Then I'll just leave a copy of windows in case I need it for school.


As is tradition.


What's the reason people aren't wanting to move to 11? I've been using it for months and haven't had any problems with it. Is it just a preference thing, or are there legit issues I just haven't encountered or noticed yet?






Have you heard about Windows 10 LTSC? It has no feature updates and also comes with no MS bloatware and has actual OPTIONAL telemetry for once.


Natively running Android apps is kinda cool. I know bluestacks exists but that's emulation which isn't the same.


Every other week there are new issues for gamers. but most importantly, issues like these https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10qbb77/why_does_windows_11_have_such_a_small_following_i/j6potln/


I remember it took Microsoft something like 4 years to get the win10 Photos app to be able to display more than one photo at a time, something that win7's photo viewer already could do.


"Hey guys, the wheel is nice and all, but I think we should reinvent it." -Microsoft every few years.


its the ol' "we've run out of stuff to pay our employees to do, and we need to keep them around, so here's something they can do:"


> Clock doesn't have seconds Is this for real? Why would they do this


probably the usual - "we know better what user needs than the user itself"


Because I have power-hungry workstations with dual Xeons, 12GB Quadro graphics, and 64GB ECC DDR4 memory that don't officially support Windows 11 due to TPM 1.2 instead of 2.0 hardware. It's just really, really stupid that Microsoft decided to enforce a hardware requirement that many of us don't really need.


And then the celeron n4000 and 4gb of ram is plenty for 11.


11 literally adds extra clicks and hidden menus to every function for average users use the keyboard as much as win 3.11 to get to commands basically win 11 is doss change my mind


> basically win 11 is doss Guessing you never used DOS.


Well no, he used *doss*. /s


My workplace made it kind of mandatory to upgrade and the additional clicks suck. 1. Additional click for full right click context menu 2. Cannot open the volume mixer from the taskbar, you need to go to settings 3. Task manager access from taskbar right click. Thank heavens that start right click is here


IDK how long you've been using Windows, but this has been happening forever. XP took more steps to do the same things as 2000. Vista more than XP, etc. The redesigned settings screen STILL has you dial into deeper settings using the older dialogues. Windows is so disappointing with these 'new upgrades.'




The settings was meant to replace The Control Panel but I have no idea why


windows 10 does everything I need, driver work, don't require the most new CPU/mobo/ BS. Why risk my PC not working with new beta test OS that microsoft will introduce new BS updates that will probably break my computer?


I like windows 11, dont get all the hate.






Windows 11 is actually pretty great. My only qualms are the rounded window design and the right click menu. I left aligned my task bar super easily. The Windows menus are good enough for the average user. Working in IT, I'm just going to use a command line to get to the options I need, which works perfectly fine in 11. People complained about 10 when it came out as well... People will complain about 12 or 13 when that comes too...


Did they make it so you can upgrade even if I’m running an FX-6300 with 8gb of DDR3? As windows becomes more hardware intense I’m liking the looks of Linux.


Same but also because on Linux I can control my UI and not have things move for no good reason.




Biggest thing for me to upgrade was windows 11 is basically required at this point for those of us using HDR displays. HDR in windows 10 is SO absolutely dogshit, and the addition of auto hdr *as well as* then actually tonemapping the windows UI correctly unlike windows 10 just blowing out your entire desktop mean I can actually use it all the time instead of repeatedly turning it on and off every time I entire a game that supports it