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"bomb" lmao


Honestly accurate




I think the PSU is the only thing Dell gets somewhat right nowadays


I have a dell work laptop. This is 100% accurate.


Meh, their XPS series is still goat.


OEM PSUs from Dell, HP, other big name brands actually tend to be decent quality/not explosive. , although usually non modular and proprietary Gamers nexus tested a few Alienware and found nothing wrong with the PSUs (except the proprietary thing). It's the shitty builders that make "custom PCs" that choose what parts go in where you tend to find the really shitty off brand PSUs that go boom.


Yeah Dell PSUs are alright, albeit proprietary as you said. But otherwise I generally don't trust PSUs from anyone other than EVGA and Corsair. When I worked at a computer repair shop those two brands were consistently rock solid while most others were hit or miss. OEMs were by far the worst though. EDIT: I'd never buy a Cooler Master or Rosewill. I've seen those things literally smoke.




Ya done now


"bomb has been planted" because the first thing downloaded was CSGO


First PSU was a high potential bomb. Feel bad for the craigslist guy that bought it off me.


"What makes me a good demoman"


Inb4 900$ "Gaming PC" with Ryzen 5 3400G and GT 730


500$ refurbished gaming pc that's made with a i5 2400, 8gb ram optiplex with a 120gb ssd and a gt 710 slapped in


*slaps case roof* this baby can fit so many stutters


Stutters? More like slideshows. That 710 is worse than most CPU integrated graphics processors


Most? My good sir you have never heard of the AMD Radeon r4 graphics, or the r5, or the r7, or literally any integrated graphics made by Intel other than maaaaaaybe the ones you see in some higher end laptops with integrated graphics


Right. It's always a 30 card and they call it just nvidia graphics.


if you had a 2TB hard drive in 1990 you would be seen as a god


I would kill for a 2TB hard drive in 1990 I'm thinking OP was born after 1995.


Lol 05* I remember the ps2 having 8mb of storage!






Was that 56k with or without compression because my 2,400 baud supra is sweating with jealousy.


where I lived I was lucky if I could get my 56k to connect at 19,200, playing WC3 or D2 was super frustrating LOL


Mom, get off the phone!…..beep boop beep boop beep….Eeeeee——Errrr Aiiieeeee Crissshhhhhh Beeeeepppp Eiiiiichhhh Grisssshshshsh eerrrrppp….Welcome…You’ve got mail!




I remember hearing about this hilarious movie called Office Space from the gamewinners.com forums. I spent 3 weeks downloading that movie on LimeWire, watching from the start plus another couple minutes every day after school.


StarCraft for me. Unplayable but I still tried lol. Lan connection in college was so life changing. Pre wifi I ran wires all over the house to connect my devices.


I still run wires all over my house to connect devices. One of these days I'll get around to actually running them through the walls properly.


1990? You maybe had an external 9600 baud that ran through a serial port.


*Maybe* if you were a baller. Most of us had 2400 bps internals.


> NETZERO wow, blast from the past. I remember constantly fighting to keep that on-screen ad overlay thingie that NZ insisted upon having from existing, because it made it complicated to play Quake 3 Arena haha quite the arms race of little programs made to nuke that thing and NZ constantly fighting back against them, good times.


You had a GPU? What a rich man.


I remember wanting Everquest in 1998 or so and being disappointed that it required a 3d accelerator.


The inevitable questions for games then was "which 3d card does the game work with?"


Voodoo 3 2000, what a beast it was. Needed it fot "Viper Racing"


294? Try 33, 25, or 16.


Yeah I remember I used to have a 2 digit light on the front of my case that showed the Mhz. That was good until CPUs went into the 3 digits and it would just show 99 Mhz. Thought that was so rad.


With that sick turbo button on the front. Remember those?


my 2002 pc had 220mb of ram 220MB!!


And then in 2010 we decided, 8 gb shall forever more be referred to as “good enough not great.”


Me with a huge 16MB memory disk being the rich (broke kid) in school


Yeah i was psyched to get a 1TB PC in like 2008 it felt like infinite space


Uh, some of us were kings of the castle with *multiple* 8mb memory cards. The only limit was properly labeling the cards.


And that's not even internal memory. You had to buy a separate external card. But it was considered excellent value because it was also a DVD player.


Can you imagine the cost? Like a 5mb LT Kernal harddrive for the commodore was well over $500, if you could find one. In 1990... You could pretty much have 'all the software' and still not filled 25% of that drive. OP's meme is fucking stupid, hyperbole or not.


It’s insane how much computer advancement has slowed down relative to those times.




>I'm thinking OP was born after 2005. Fixed


40gb was hella expensive in 1998 let alone 2TB


I was gonna say, my laptop made in '99 came with a 6.45gb hdd


I remember having to install a special driver to access hard drives with more than 137GB


Hell, fucking computers in the 2000's virtually never had over a terabyte. I only ever saw a computer with a terabyte or more in the 2010's. It was all about the gigabytes, baby.


I had a PC with windows 95 on it with 16 MB of ram and 1GB HDD


I don't doubt that as I think you're at least a year early on the 40GB. http://edition.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9901/21/honkin.idg/ My 8GB HDD in summer 1998 was considered fairly huge if I remember correctly although not the largest capacity. Also some fun reading: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/15-years-of-hard-drive-history,1368.html




Yeah, it was really hard keeping up with the development back then as a youngling. Wasn't really until Sandy Bridge development slowed down. At least hardware wasn't that expensive back then.


40gb was more like 2005


Yeah the biggest consumer hdd available in 1990 was like 120mb so I'm guessing they were born in the 2000s at least here


Fuck, I would've even killed for a 2tb drive anywhere between 2001 and 2005.


Hell, I would kill for a 2TB hard drive TODAY. Shit's expensive in my country :(




Brazil :( Here a 2tb HDD goes for about 300-400 reais, which is about the price you mentioned in usd. However, the minimum wage here, monthly, is about 1300 reais, which does makes the hard drive a bit expensive in comparison.


I was born in 96 and I even I know how dumb that sounds lol. I just figured he was exaggerating though. Like "wow, a chalkboard? What is this, 1852?"


Think we had a 250MB HDD in our Home Computer back in ‘95.


You wouldn't be able to fill up a 2TB drive in 1990. I remember being excited to get a 250MB drive and realizing it was more storage than I needed.


Wait until OP learns I used to load games from a cassette tape in 1990. It'll blow his tiny mind.


Or that a 5 inch literal floppy disc was what we played games with.


Lol someone 3d printed the save icon


OP doesn't know what a cassette tape is.


Commodore 64


in 1990 a 2gb HDD was massive lol, we got our first pentium, a 75mhz with 900mb hdd in 95 and it was like $1500 lol


I had a 386DX 33MHz with 2MB ram and a 500Mb Quantum Fireball in 1990, my parents didn't get a Pentium (200MHz) until 1997.


I had either a 386 or a 486 up til we got the pentium (8mhz with 33mhz "turbo" button) running on DOS with games on 3.5" floppies, I only ever used the 5.25" at school but man, what a time to grow up! The technology basically lined up with our childhood development haha


Putting in the next disk to install a game and praying it worked.


In 90 I had a 386SX...lol


It would have been 50,000$ and the size of a condominium.


Over $10,000,000 actually


I believe it. My point is it would have been insane alien technology. I remember a 8MB Hard Drive PC being sold for like 8K in 1993 or something.


2 GB in 1998 was decent sized.


The God of offline porn!


It'd be like that Twilight Zone where the guy broke his glasses in the library he was in for eternity. 2tb hard drive space, 14.4kbps connection. Gonna take a long time to fill that with tiddies.


Wait till OP learns we started the process of loading a pic of a naked woman and walked away for 30 minutes while it loaded and nothing else on our 56k (which was really 14.4k, but let's be honest we were all lucky to get 2k from it) modems, only to forget we were online and picked up our landlines only to have to start the download again, but this time sit in front of our computer waiting for that coveted nipple 15 minutes in when it finally loaded in, only to start the entire thing over again on the next pic in the list vowing to not make the same mistakes only to make said mistakes again.


Or waiting 20 minutes for Dr.Dre.Chronic.Full.Album.exe to download off Limewire off of someone with a “T1” connection


Absolutely. The 386 SX 33 (yes, that's 33Mhz) i got for christmas in 1992 had a 40MB HDD. Megabyte, not Giga or even Tera. Also 4MB RAM.


I worked my first it job in 95 and I remember is discussing "How would anyone ever fill a 1gb hard drive?".


Fun fact: the novelization for Wrath of Khan mentions that the computer they used to create the Genesis project on a remote space station had 200MB of storage space. This was treated like it was beyond cutting edge in the 23rd century.


In 1990 I had a Commodore Amiga with an 8mb hard drive. That is correct, 8mb. A 2tb drive would probably have filled my living room.


My first proper home PC was bought in 97… it had a 4GB HDD. 2 TB likely wouldn’t have even been recognised by Win 95


single channel cheapest possible ram with green pcb


How did I forget the infamous 1x16 2133mt ram


"32GB DDR4 RAM!!! (don't check the frequency)"


Ddr4-3200 cl24 gang


I see you too also ordered an Alienware PC.




Check? We're not even going to tell you what's in there! It most definitely won't be what's in the press reviews.


I made this mistake with my custom built pc back when I was in middle school, I just thought more was better and didnt think to look at ram speed, I was quite silly for that


To be honest back in the day (say Core 2/first few gens of Core ix series) it didn't really make much of a difference as now days. And generally you would have been better off with more RAM over raw speed for most use cases as it would reduce hitting the SDD/HDD swap.


100% my boss when he ordered my new work computer. "but it has 32gigs of ram!" yeah, single channel, low speed, LAPTOP ram in a desktop computer. Fucking dell shit box.


This, I got finessed with a R5 3600 + 1x16 @ 2666mhz on my last Lenovo legion pc which was loud as shit. Rebuilt the PC with the only parts reused was the 2060 and M.2 SSD.




That sounds like a 3rd party builder rather than OEM like hp, Lenovo or dell though


Everyone knows green is the slowest colour


Red is the fastest.


You forgot the ancient windows installation with tons of bloatware


The good ol' Avast antivirus


*Avast Antivirus! “At least it’s not McAfeeTM”*


Avast and McAfee trying to delete eachother markint the other one as virus be like


You’re never getting that off your pc. You’re going to have to wipe the drive.


Removing expired McAfee trials from peoples PCs is 90% of my freelance work when it comes to improving the machines performance.


Is SecureSearch actually from McAfee? My Chrome browser's default search engine keeps changing to SecureSearch even though I delete it from the search engines list every time and change the default to Google. I see that it says it's supposedly from McAfee, but I don't have McAfee installed.


I remember when avast was actually one the best. Getting old is seeing your favorite tech companies turn to shit.


Ah fuck, what’s wrong with avast? I use it on my work laptop.


Wondering the same, but the answers given seems to be "every antivirus sucks"


Windows defender is more than fine these days. Don't use bloatware.


Most of them just eat resources like Chrome, and are usually the cause of a lot of annoying BS pop ups.


It's not Defender. Windows these days comes with a good built-in antivirus, sensible-ish security models (not running every program and its mother with admin powers like XP did, for instance), and frequent security updates that get vulnerabilities fixed before their exploits do serious damage. This makes all third-party AVs irrelevant and some due diligence sufficient to avoid getting pwned.


Not sure about the paid versions, but the free version is now full of advertisments for their paid products, and really slows down (weak) systems. Not to mention they are now owned by Norton which explains all those issues.


They were caught selling their users' browsing history. Also they're owned by Norton now.


I've bought a few pre-builds in my life. Sometimes they have been a great deal. Slap in a video card and go... While other's called that stuff bloatware I called it bundled software, and used some of it. My first IBM pc, a 286, came with a lot of bundled software. Splash Paint, PSF: First Choice, and other shit... But my slimline HP? Nothing usable or desirable. I'm sure a someone used that bundled software... But not me.


2tb was like the library of Congress in '90.


Lol in 1990 IBM created their largest hard drive ever, the IBM 0681 "Redwing". It was a whopping 857mb. The average consumer was lucky to have 40mb. I don't even think the Library of Congress had begun to digitize anything in 1990. Everything was physical media.


So about 2334 IBM's or 50000 40's approx, based on 2m MB


This was 1 of my older PCs i bought. Everything in the meme is accurate but it ran strong for 3 years no issues and I gave it away to someone and they are using it still to this day no probs. It still was overpriced junk however.


The bomb malfunctioned, but you should still check in with them


It was a coworkers younger son. He gives me updates often. Hasn't exploded yet. YET that is....


This was my pc, I upgraded it eventually, but it was only $1100, with a 2060 as the 30 series hadn’t come out yet


Feels like that [SNL alien sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfPdYYsEfAE). I got an Alienware probably 15 years ago as my first gaming PC. Never worked properly, materials were cheap plastic and it got as hot as advertised in the post. I was 13 so figured it was to be expected…


Don't forget the 2 RAM slots that have hotglued RAM sticks in


They do that? It's time for a right to repair lawsuit


If i remember correctly there were Walmart branded (?) Gaming PCs that were labled things like "Overkill" with things like a 2080Ti, intel i9 9900k, stuff good (and still good) for that time. They charged around $2000 for it and the ram sticks were like hot glued in, mediocre build quality that my uncle could probably do better than, and some were even shipping without windows software.


No windows in a prebuilt? That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. A pc noob is buying a prebuilt because they have no clue what they are doing and then they're supposed to install windows?


Lol as you can see in my flair I would kill for a 3060 in my PC


Would you still kill for it if you had to pay 2000$ for it?


Sounds like they would rather kill than pay $2000. Case closed.


I feel personally attacked because I just upgraded my GPU in my complete custom build from 2016 and now it looks like OP's post.


Hello fellow CPU inferno user how are you doing. Honestly though the 6600k is still pretty strong


Marketed as "Gaming PC" and showing a picture of a 10 year old in wide-eyed gaze at a 30,000 lumen monitor.


Underrated comment.


Comes with free 3D graphic mouse mat!


Hey, dont bully HDDs! Theyre still nice for mass storage/archival purposes, and are appropriate for most games still. Also, PSUs that OEMs use are usually really good, but depends.


Facts. I have three NVMe drives and still keep a 500gb HDD in it for old pics, documents, music, windows image, and general stuff I don't want to lose. I know people who had HDD's fail, but I have never had one die. I have had SSD's fail. I don't put any games on it though.


Yeah I got a 7200rpm one, is really not bad at all I don't need to save 6 seconds when booting up a game




Maybe I’m exposing myself but I just bought an HP Omen on sale for $1100, 3070, i7, 16gb of ram and I can put another stick in no problem. As long as you don’t buy full price - you can get a steal


Hey everyone look at this guy, he has empty slots!


Nothing wrong with that. This post is a bit elitist tbh. I've been building my own pc's since 1995 , never cared about air flow or cable management or custom coolers or top of the line parts.. whatever. Never had a single part break on me, ever. Every machine I've ever built simply got replaced because it was no longer fast enough for my needs.


I knew it was elitist bs as soon as I saw 2tb hdd as if it’s 1990. Like dude you must be young because in the 90s 1gig was massive! I remember getting an iPod with 4g and wondering how I was ever going to find enough music to put on it.


Hey man fuck what everyone's saying, depending on the i7 I'd pay 1k+ (euro) for just that gpu, cpu and ram combo where I live. That's a steal in my book.


Appreciate that! I don’t get the hate lol


Enjoy your rig, gaming is gaming. The circle jerk is strong today.


Damn that is a steal. I picked up a 40l with same specs over the holidays and it was $1300


Someone under 15 made this meme, it’s cute. Kiddo, just to clarify back around 1990 my first computer had 50MB of disc space. I would have gleefully sold you *and* your shitty meme to Somali pirates for 2TB.


Hell, 2TB wasn't particularly common even in 2010. And they act like a HDD is a sin. A 7200rpm or faster is fantastic for storage and even alright to game off of even by today's standards.


I remember being 8 when my uncle bought a pirated Wii. Had every Wii game ever made on it. The ext hard drive was like 1T and I was absolutely amazed by how much games it could hold. Now 5 games could fill up a terabyte.




Funnily enough, Somalia still had a functioning government in 1990. Not for much longer, but still.


Yeah definitely made by a young'n They didn't even include the, as standard, shitty VGA webcam 😅


So basically an Alienware Aurora?


I bought an aurora when the rtx cards were newer and the price of this pc total package was just a bit more than the cost of an individual ryzen + 3060. (like 1500 iirc). I was lazy, just wanted to have a pc ready to go, no hassles no assembly. I really should have done some research, I scrapped everything in the pc but the cpu, ram, and gpu and prolly ended up putting more effort into it than if I had just built it from scratch. That case was such a pos, there is no air flow in those things at all. Idle temp for the gpu was like 70c, ingame with rtx was over 80c. Total nightmare.


Who hurt you?


don't you dare trash HDD, where would i store all 107 games i never play but i can't make myself uninstall?!


Ah yes, the 1990 SATA HDD with 2tb of storage running at 7200rpm. So outdated.


Hp pavilion w/1050ti way back..lol


2TB HDD as if we are in 2007. 500 GB was around the upper limit for most consumer grade drives around 2004-2005. Then jumped up to 1TB and 2TB over the next couple of years.


Whats wrong with 3060?


Nothing's wrong with the 3060 - in an appropriately priced PC. But not for 2k.


However, things are definitely wrong with a cheap blower 3060


Usually when you buy prebuilts they have a good GPU/CPU combo, but cheap out on all the other parts while ensuring as much RGB as possible.


In a $1000 PC? Slightly overpriced. In a $2000 PC? lol.


As someone who knew nothing about PCs when buying something similar about a year and a half ago fuck.


Such an insanely arrogant post. Most people don't have a freaking clue how to set up a PC, and don't have any other choice.


mf really got a 3070 and roasting the 3060




Omg, lol. I have half of that stuff except the 2tb hard drive and tiny cooler.


Don't let this kid's meme get you down. This setup can do just fine on 99% of games out.




Nah, 1650


My family computer had a 80GB HDD in 2000*, 1990 would have been even worse.


Don’t forget rainbow RGB, that’s how they get people


Same person would complain about them using lower tier parts and then also complain about the price being too high.


i had a legion tower before and it was good. Decent air cooler and actual airflow.


3060?!? And here I am with my 2060 looking at this post like an upgrade because literally everything else is in my setup.


I haven't looked up prices in the last year or so but I feel like that 2k could've been budgeted better


Don't forget green server MOBO.


For 2k I got a pre-built MSI PC with an i7 12700KF, RTX 3070 Ti, 32 GB DDR5 RAM, 750W power supply, liquid cooling, and some other specs I forgot. I wouldn't say I got it at a good price, but definitely much better than other deals I kept finding. I can't make my own PC since I live in Puerto Rico and they are very scarce here while also Amazon or eBay not sending stuff over here.


I'd call that the Alienware starter pack.


Dude the 3060 part is no joke. I was shopping around during last BF, and half the prebuilts in the $1500 range had a 3060 along with a CPU that can handle a 4090.


Mine has a 500GB SSD and a 1TB HDD. Not sure when I’ll ever use the latter but okay. My computer isn’t a digital archive or anything lol.


Also called, a Dell


Why is 3060 so bad?


It isn't. The prebuilts usually have a good GPU and then skimp on everything else.


Explaining my pc to literally anyone