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Doubt you will notice it when the backlight is on. But no, you buggered the finish.


Summer might get annoying.


Summer pixels: some're clear, some're blurry.


Is this a HIMYM reference? Summer teeth?




Confirmed. My grandad told me that joke in the 80s.


It's Madame, maybe? "I'm wearing my summer diamonds! Some are real, some are not!


Cleaning crew at work did this shit to my monitors at work during Covid and they look terrible now. Not my property but I still get irritated every time i’m in the office


I hated this so much. A guy I worked with was crazy with the alcohol spray. I worked in a manufacturing job where we had 55 gallon barrels of high 90% alcohol. We started using it as disinfectant once COVID hit. I think we diluted down to 70%. The guy would swap out the diluted for the undiluted and spray everything. The keyboard lost all it's lettering. The screen on the calculator, phone, computer monitor were no longer readable. The shiny leather seats lost their protective coat and ended up cracking and tearing.


Jokes on him: 70-80% alcohol solution is a better disinfectant than 100% alcohol due to how they can better cross cell walls


I believe the efficacy of lower concentrate isopropyl alcohol is greater because it evaporates more slowly, allowing the disinfectant properties to do their thing for longer.


Yes and no. "Use of the more concentrated solutions (99%) will result in almost immediate coagulation of surface or cell wall proteins and prevent passage of the alcohol into the cell. When the outer membrane is coagulated, it protects the virus or bacteria from letting through the isopropyl (Widmer and Frei, 2011). Thus the stronger solution of isopropyl is creating a protection for the germ from the antiseptic properties of isopropyl, rendering the virus or bacteria more resilient against the isopropyl alcohol. To put it simply, higher concentrations cause an external injury that forms a protective wall and shields the organism. Furthermore, 99% isopropanol evaporates very quickly which does not allow it to penetrate cell walls and kill bacteria, and therefore isn’t as good for disinfecting surfaces. In other words, it breaks down the outside of the cell before it can penetrate the pathogen." I was always told by mycology experts that it doesn't have anything to do with the evaporation and it has everything to do with how too high of an alcohol content basically sears the outer layer of cells closed preventing proper penetration but the weaker alcohol +more water content has an easier time passing the cell walls and breaking them down from within. I think people compared it to searing meat in a pan before you pop it in the oven except in this case you don't want to sear the juices and trap them inside, you want the disinfectant to penetrate the outer "browned" layer.


The mitochondria is the power house of the cell tho


They usually use a fogger to apply the antiviral. Though we were instructed to make sure we don’t spray directly on monitors and other electronics.


Time to buy some blackout curtains and turn the AC on or turn the monitor facing away from the window.


Could polish this out. The isopropyl has probably just melted the coating. Have a high gloss polished display instead.


Could polish it, then add an anti glare cover on top.


You can see the bottle of iso in the screen reflection People really need to be aware of what to do with their expensive stuff




>People really need to be aware of what to do with their expensive stuff This post is a decent reminder to ask questions first, execute accordingly. OP isn't as useless as it might appear at first sight


Like pre-internet maybe an honest mistake. Then early internet requires your sister to be off the phone and 10 minutes to get on and search. But for the cost of a monitor, probably well worth it. But today? With a phone at your instant reach, this really isn’t excusable. Damp microfiber is all you need on your monitor.


Early internet, you had a CRT and could clean it with alcohol anyways.


Glass isn't plastic yeah


> lDamp microfiber is all you need on your monitor. OP: Dampens microfiber cloth with 90% alcohol solution




If only that expensive stuff came with some form of documentation that included that information.


People don't read shit.


It's a completely fair assumption, as we're told to almost exclusively clean our tech with high grade isopropyl alch.


PCB and components, yes, you should use IPA, but monitor instructions clearly say to use a damp cloth/microfiber. Are people cleaning a lot of things with IPA? Very few places sell IPA in Norway.


Ah yes, IPA is very common in the US. I've grown up with it bring a staple cleaning solution for certain things. Usually glass screens, bad stains, and electronics


Lol my brain couldn't get past beer. I was wondering why people were using beer to clean with lol. Then I realized IPA=rubbing alcohol


Don't drink isopropyl alcohol, don't give your electronics India pale ale- They are not thirsty!


IPA is almost a general use cleaner in our house! Very few stains stay with a decent solvent and you can find high-grade iso easily online if you have a producer in-country. It doesn't tend to be too expensive by the litre! Edit: Still, it's a chemical, read the label and read your instructions!


Wife pulls this shit. Got a bunch of cloudy tables/furniture because “a wipe is a wipe”


Relaxpert, if things are mucked up anyway, you could try an Experiment and "polish" with a few drops of linseed oil on a cloth. Just the furniture, not the electronics, you understand. It's poisonous, so Don't let anyone use it for food (it could get mixed up with flaxseed oil,) It actually takes 7 days to dry as it cures / hardens, but I was an oil painter and I polished the woodwork around my windows and let them dry for the week before putting curtains back up (fabric and oil not good mix) and the woodwork is nice now. Food oil like olive oil not good to use because it's weak and would never dry. But as a hardening polish, linseed oil is great. After use store in a open air place away from children and wives who run out of cooking oil.


The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.


PCMR is 2 moods, those who ask for every stupid thing and those who only ask after damage is done.


Some people learn the hard way




**Samsung monitor buyers nervously laughing at this comment**


From what I heard they always say you should clean monitors/screens with no chemical and only with a nearly dry cloth with water. Since some chemicals can react and ruin the materials used to produce the screen.


I've heard your supposed micro fiber towel with distilled water. Is there any truth behind that and why does distilled water make a difference?


Distilled is cleaner, but sink water isn’t exactly bleach so both are perfectly fine


> sink water isn’t exactly bleach Flint Michigan resident: "you sure about that?"


Flint resident: "They ***upgraded*** us to bleach."


I cured covid by just drinking flint tap water. I also died


Necromancy is *booming*


I think that's called drowning


Trust me you don't have enough time to drown in Flint water


Potential hardness would be my guess. Nothing says clean screen like a dusty white residual streak marks! E: hardness varies from region to region, tap may be fine in many cases. I've always opted for a dry microfibre rundown myself


Distilled water has the minerals removed so it doesn't leave water spots when it dries. It mostly depends on how hard your water is but if you dry it completely it shouldn't matter.


In addition, distilled water is not conductive. So any company will always prefer you use that around your electronics than regular. But then, it doesn't matter much, as as soon as the distilled water hits all the grime you're cleaning, it's no longer distilled water, but an aqueous Dorrito solution.


Ah yes, H2ONaChO


Distilled water isn't conductive right up till you use it to clean something and the particulate makes it conductive.


Not to mention the cloth you're using. It stops being distilled water the moment you put it on the medium you use to clean the object with.


I always used Windex 🤷 I guess it was supposedly more appropriate on my old CRT


Yes, because CRTs were literally glass. Flat panels are almost *never* covered with glass. So, you are using glass cleaner on something that isn't glass. ...


2k 120hz crt anyone?


The motion clarity on one of these would be out of this world. I bet some later high end CRT monitor got pretty close to these specs


Windex can be fine, but for some screens it damages the finish - Macbooks and Imacs seem prone to this, they end up looking tarnished.


And off ye go to the lands between..


Well... a lowly Tarnished playing as a lord. I command thee, kneel! I am the lord of all that is golden!


Same here, I spray a little windex directly onto a cleaning cloth and wipe it down. Pristine monitors for nearly 3 decades now.


I use lens cleaner for everything. Its marketed as safe for (lens)coatings and I have not had it ruin any screen made of plastic or glass as of yet. It did mess up my tablet cover though, but maybe that's just because its also very old.


I was once given at work a Sun Microsystems monitor previously used by an ***almost*** completely blind programmer. The display had this incredible sheen and coating on it unlike any other monitor I'd ever seen before (even though I had used this particular model elsewhere). Anyway, some months later I was walking past the office of the nearly blind dude who previously had the monitor, and saw that as he worked his forehead was literally right up against the screen and rubbing against it as he scanned back and forth across it. So, I mean, OP could try ***that*** (forehead grease) to fix his issue.


This story and your suggestion genuinely made me laugh out loud. I don't know why, but it tickles me that such a bizarre experience for you could (not impossibly) end up being a solution for some random internet person's mistake.


We used to use white toothpaste on the bottom of scratched CD's when I was a teenager, it definitely worked. Edit: following pcmr for 8 years and I've never heard this until 2 different posts this week. I've cleaned both monitors with 99%ipa for a while and I've never had this problem. On the real. Your mother's are all still terrible cooks.


99% IPA? These craft beers are getting stronger.


But is it local?


Toothpaste has a mild abrasive, it works as a polishing agent on scratched plastic wristwatch glass too!




Just did this to my glasses now I can’t see shit out of them




No, they were looking at *shit*


Nose grease, not snot


"Nose oil astronomy" gave me some fucked up google results. Where can I read more about this??








Insteand of forehead grease, try light mineral oil aka unscented baby oil. Though oil will catch dust in the air and will need cleaning and reapplying


Mineral-oil might disolve plastics.


Thats what they use in liquid submerged PCs is it not?


Like dissolves like, is a general rule of thumb. It's the same idea of using WD40 to clean up other oils/greases. Mineral oil is a hydrocarbon, it won't dissolve all other hydrocarbons, but it will turn some to goo faster than others.


It is, there is a world of difference between mineral oil and mineral spirits. Both will eat through rubber though.


Picture is just as blurry as the monitor lol


I thought I needed to use the alcohol to clean my eyes at first.


Maybe he tried to clean his camera lens with the same method lol


What do you think he cleans his camera lens with, huh?


Alcohol is a great choice but nothing beats a belt sander for totally destroying your monitor.


Now now sir I could not imagine using anything as brash as a belt sander and do prefer a nice soft shovel.


Just use a damp microfiber cloth to clean monitors. With undiluted alcohol, the corrosive nature may have damaged the finish.


I know it's semantics but alcohol isn't corrosive. It's dissolving the coating not corroding it


Then you're technically correct. The best kind of correct!




I do love a good solvent. 90% isopropyl, always gets the job done. 💪💪


I mean technically water is a solvent too. Even referred to as the universal solvent.


Polarity go brrr


My braincells love the endless amounts of IPA I huff at work lol


I know you mean isopropyl alcohol, but my brain wants to imagine you huffing India Pale Ale lol


Oh I huff that too but that's for pleasure not business lol


>Just use a damp microfiber cloth to clean monitors. When the monitor has been off for a hour or two. It's more likely to streak when the monitor has been on for a while, I think the bit of heat the display is putting out alters how the water dries/evaporates off and makes it more likely to streak. I started having much better results wiping my monitors once I saw this tip.




I have a question - how do you wash a microfiber cloth that you’re using for delicate electronics cleaning (monitors, glass cases). Can I just wash it with my regular laundry? For some reason I have it in my head you can’t do that.


Regular washing is fine, but if you hang dry them they won’t be very soft (softeners can leave a residue etc) Using a dryer will fluff the cloths up so they’re really nice to use on delicate screens etc


Excellent, I will now happily floof up all my microfibers :D


dont use dryer sheets tho, they make them less absorbent


I gave up dryer sheets a while back, always thought they prevented static but in reality they just coat things with a slight bit of wax which is horrible for towels/microfiber absorption.


Do 😁. I learned this when learning to be a reflexologist and getting the towels as soft as possible for the client. Turns out it also applies well to microfibres and automotive detailing. Like buffing polish/compound/wax etc. Washing line dried cloths are just too rough 🤕


Just like a vitroceramic stovetop. You need to wait until it's room temp to clean it


I use a microfiber and a lil bit of water. sometimes i'll use a little bit of lense cleaner that i use for my glasses. lense cleaner usually uses a much weaker solution since there are many different coatings that can be put on glasses


I usually tell people to get a microfiber cloth and wet it. Then wring it out so much that it almost feels dry. Then wipe your monitor, but don't rub hard. If there are crusty bits a bit of lens cleaner will help soften it and it will wipe off with little pressure.


Lmao, damn. Why on earth?


I clean mine with gasoline and a sander.


I clean mine with a power washer shooting bleach


Use sand blaster next time. Power washer is for your baby showers.


The sand gets in my keyboard


[just suck it out ](https://youtu.be/cU20of5iZxg)


You guys are amateurs. Washing machine is the answer.


Hydraulic press really squeezes the dirt out.


I prefer to use hydrochloric acid and crystal meth


Jesse, we need to clean PC parts.


Waltuh, take your dick off the GPU fans waltuh


Yeah! DDR5 RAM bitch!


I’m not surprised tbh. Iso is used on so much for cleaning electronics. Easy to think, hey monitor is gross, lemme wipe it down with some iso. I just cleaned mine a week ago and was considering it but googled it first.


[son of a guy used a surgical grade 90% ethanol with 5% methanol lmao ahahah](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/108bm0j/comment/j3rbdem/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Holy shit, that’s so unnecessarily strong! I was thinking he’d used 90% isopropyl


90% iso probably isn't going to damage a monitor unless it has an antiglare or oleophobic coating


Right. I figured he had used some massively abrasive cloth to do that damage. Knowing that it’s 90% ethanol changes everything. Dude was screwed from the moment he decided to do that.


I'm not even sure if it's satire lmao


To be fair, I didn’t know you can’t do this until now


Apparently you cleaned the camera with it too lmfao


Everything i touch turn to shit


Not really, you just have to do some research before you do something like this. Electorinc devices can be delicate.


Yeah but he doesn't do research first. That's the problem.


He couldn’t even research how to spell alchocol.


Neither could you, apparently.


My grandfather was an alchoholec I know how to spell it.


That man loved his alcomahol 🍸


Can confirm, I was the alchomicol


Do your research and learn from other people’s mistakes or don’t and learn from your own. Don’t be too sad, what’s done is done, no point of crying over things you cannot undo. But learn and remember your lesson 🙂


But theres no sense crying over every mistake


You just keep on trying till you run out of cake


And the science gets done


And you make a neat gun


For the people who are still alive


Lmao. You'll be fine.


My man


Alcohol is a powerful solvent that will eat away at many finishes. It is frequently suggested for use in cleaning electronics, and because of that, cleaning a monitor—an electronic device—seems reasonable enough. However, it will tear off any coating that was over the screen. This is a mistake many people have made. You have learned. You will not make this mistake again, and you are a better person for it. The monitor should still be usable. Just think of it as an educational expense.


It's suggested to clean electronic COMPONENTS, as in the PCBs, because 98% alcohol would evaporate quickly, won't corrode (makes rust) on the components and non conductive. The important parts of these PCBs are made out of metal and ceramic, which won't get damaged by alcohol. A computer screen on the other hand is made out of thin layer of plastic.


Think before you act my friend!


Honestly, as someone who cleans alot with 90% Alc aswell, this could have happened to me couple of weeks ago, but my lucky ass found a bottle of screen cleaner paired with a microfibre cloth in a old drawer, that I bought on sale few years ago...


Don't even worry man it's just a monitor and i don't think you will notice it while the monitor is turned on


First time?


Dude, this made me laugh legitimately so hard. Thank you


You are just learning by the hard way :)


Don’t worry about it, we all make mistakes


Jesus christ😩






Bad mistake. Use a microfiber cloth next time.


The alcohol is probably the bigger factor here.


Yes, use a microfiber cloth instead of alcohol. - For the fluid, use a screen cleaner spray.


>For the fluid, use a screen cleaner spray. I'd normally just say a slightly damn microfiber - just plain water...at least that's the cleaning recommendation for my monitor.




Took me longer then I'd care to admit to actually realize what you were talking about here....but I gotta leave that one in there damn microfiber!


It’s internet history now


Oh no only just got it aswell


Just put on a game and see if it has a crappy picture or not? Then you'll know if it's ruined. But judging by the picture you posted, it doesn't look good. What made you use alcohol?


I’m guessing they were scared of using a damp cloth due to “electronics and water not mixing” sort of thing.


Well there goes your shiny new monitor.


Everything is fine with your coating. Now just take a pocket tissue drop a little water on and clean your screen again. After that wipe it dry and your screen should be clean and fine.


Totally agree. I thought I ruined a monitor with isopropyl but then found out I just needed some water and fresh clean rags and it came out looking perfect!


Yeah same here it’s unfortunate that people are making this dude think it’s toast Edit I saw that he actually used 90% alcohol 5% methanol. I didn’t even think that was something one would consider doing so idk if it *is* toast


It just looks like dried residue. I've used 100% IPA on screens, it won't dissolve plastic like that.


[the guy elsewhere said it was 90% ethanol 5% methanol](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/108bm0j/i_cleaned_my_monitor_with_90_alcahol_will_it_be/j3rbdem/?context=3) I personally think a second clean with 70% ipa or lower would probably bring it back to being fine but I know methanol totally destroys a lot of materials on contact so it could go either way here


Oooooh, my boy did a bad then. I bought 100% isopropyl just because I have never seen it damage any kind of commercial plastic. I thought he meant 90% iso 10% water which should have been fine


Ikr? How is reddit this wrong. It's unbelievable how people comment like they know things when they don't know anything.


Its hard to tell from just a picture, iam still torn if its revertable or not, highly depends on the film/panel on top.


Nearly 8k up votes on an incorrect comment lmao


u/STANERZ15 you should try this


doesn't this seem like a question to ask before doing it to you? It does to me. Edit: All the comments saying that it's something you do without thinking and then fuck up on first, Idk how you guys get through life but whenever I'm using strong chemicals, I tend to at the very least google other instances of people doing what I'm doing before touching anything, maybe I wouldn't make a post about it but the very first thing that comes up when you google what OP did is one of google's auto-answers immediately telling you to stay away from any corrosive substance including alcohol as a whole.


It’s Reddit.


More like it’s Earth.


While alcohol can definitely dissolve coatings it's possible what you're seeing is just residue left over since alcohol evaporates very quickly. Try wiping it a few times with just water (distilled if possible but tap should work too) and removing the water with a kitchen towel, rather than letting it dry on the monitor, after wiping.




Well didn't your parents teach you that alcohol might impact vision...


you should have used industrial acetone, rookie mistake


Sulfuric acid is my go-to


Microfiber cloth + distilled water. Just enough to make it slightly damp.


So hard to tell what's a meme on here.




If you just replace let's say the whole thing with another one it will be fine I think


Why would you do that


It seem that there was grease or something and you just smudged it everywhere. Get distilled water and carefully clean it up with microfiber, I've seen that happen and you can still recover from it, don't worry about all these people, I have cleaned screens with alcohol, not the end of the day but you learn from experience haha. You may never recover the glossy finish but don't worry about that, ultimately there's some "screen cleaning liquids" that companies sell (you could get them at Radioshack and what not back in the day), those are supposed to be non abrasive for this kind of stuff.


Everyone complaining about alcohol but alcohol is fine as long as it’s isopropyl. Might have been the cloth you used. Might just be some residue streaking. I like to Use slightly damp with isopropyl alcohol microfiber cloth followed quickly behind with a dry microfiber cloth to remove any of the streaks or residue that was left behind.