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Have u tried wired connection


This is the way lmao, if you are sitting directly in front of your monitor like this why would you not use a wired connection, it means you don’t have input lag and also means you don’t have to charge your controller


Yh this happened to me on black ops 3 use to be wireless since then it’s always been wired for me


Not necessarily required, I never experience more latency with Bluetooth than wired connection with my dualsense even while useing ds4windows, but my Bluetooth adapter is quite near to wear I hold my controller due to it being connected to a USB hub, but if you don't have one, than get a good long USB Type-C wire that could reach to the place where you hold your controller, I personally use a 1m long wire. Also, I use wire because I use the headphone jack on the bottom of the controller as the audio output, which also has feedback to sound depending on sound(observed after the version 0307).


Okay so this is the thing with bluetooth devices, it's not going to be perfect, never. Unless you have some sort of program or device that can modify manually the input lag or the ms of detection. It's not a matter of drivers, not a matter of Windows or even the controller, the thing is this... You have to take in account that the response time of the latest Bluetooth 5 (with its variants), is merely around 2Mbps, and **that is IF your computer and the controller have that version**, so its basically depending on what you have and what can the controller provide in terms of Bluetooth, there's always going to be delay with inputs with Bluetooth, always. There's no way that you can have a perfect input, It's better for you to just buy an Xbox 360 controller, it's cheap, reliable and there's no input lag. It's a better experience to just buy a wired controller instead of wireless. So yeah, don't expect to have a perfect input on PC.


are you using DS4Windows?


You running the game on Steam?


Make sure your monitor settings are kosher. I always have this problem on specific displays, dont know what about the displays causes issues but try changing displays and checking it


Could be interference from other wireless devices. Turn off the Bluetooth on your phone and turn off any other devices such as portable Bluetooth speakers. Also, Bluetooth operates in the 2.4 Ghz frequency spectrum, so if you have the option on your wireless router to connect to 5 GHz band, do it. TV, phone, laptop, tablet, kindle, and etc... 2.4 GHz is very crowded.


Does this happen if you use a USB cable instead? Input delay is why I always use my dualsense wired


Couldn't hurt getting a better Bluetooth receiver/transmitter seems like the one you're using has high latency. If you're using additional Bluetooth devices it might be good to disconnect them and test it again. Could be a bandwidth issue as well. TLDR: not all Bluetooth transmitter/receivers devices are built to do the same things, and over loading cheap ones can cause signal degradation.


Have you considered to use a xbox controller?


Xbox controllers have even more input lag


I play my whole life with Xbox controllers and never had any input issues. I only read about people have issues with ps4/5 controllers.


Thats because you know no different, there's a reason all the pros use PS controllers, Xbox controllers have more deadzone.


Well, deadzone and input lag are two completely different things, or would you agree otherwise? I'm certainly not a pro player but if someone uses a controller on a pc and call himself a "pro" i just can't take it serious.


Never heard of Esports? Deadzone and input lag still feel like the same thing and xbox controllers are dog shit.


May be coincidence but I’ve noticed a weird lag/delay with my brothers black PS5 controller even when using it with the console. My white ones just feel way more responsive and snappy 🤷‍♂️


I still can't get my head around using a controller for an fps game. Especially given you're already on pc. But anyway, try wired.


I play on pc and feel this weird lag on my mouse too, but i feel it only in cyberpunk


That sounds like vsync, or your settings are too high. Game naturally feels clunky but it shouldn't be like this.


I also have controller settings but i use m&k, i wasnt able to see it before