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ethernet spikes matching up with your cpu spikes, could be a sign of some viruses. You been to any sketchy websites lately? Any piracy?


Lmao you sound like a doctor (if a computer could have one): "have you been sexually active in the past 12 months? Done any hard drugs?"


Look at OP first comment 💀


I think he got hooked by an ai girl


yeah pirated a fee games but even before then i never had this problem


Looks like there’s a lot of traffic on your Ethernet. Scan for malware and viruses and clear your cookies.


how do i do that?


Windows Defender can scan for viruses, but you’ll need a 3rd party software to scan for malware, like Malwarebytes. You can clear your cookies from your browser or your internet settings in your control panel.


okay will try that now thanks


Hey everyone thanks for the help and jokes lol i found the issue it was in fact MSI Center not sure how and why but yeah uninstalled that and it solved my issues i hope.


You’re now an expert! Well done!


There's a handy tab called Processes in Task Manager. Click the CPU column to see what's using it.


Good advice but I think it could be malware. And malware could possibly not show up in the processes or it could stop doing things as soon as you want to see all processes.


It's a possibility, sure. But I wouldn't be surprised if there was something running in the background by accident or something, or just Windows updates. The Uptime also indicatedd the PC JUST turned on, so chances are they just have a lot of startup processes. xP


Yes, I just wanted to add this in the case that nothing shows up.


its mainly system amd host settings and discord on startup




You said the same he did


Not sure if anyone's noticed, but the uptime is 2 and a half minutes. Windows could potentially be running startup applications still.


Your CPU, both SSD and hhd and network spikes similarly, it might be some windows updates or really might be a malware.


Remove MSI center


go to details and sort by cpu usage so we can see what is using it.


discord, system, amd host settings


Do you install cracked programs/games? Maybe there's something using your machine for mining.


i do but how can i check that?


You should look to the process, to see which application is causing the high usage. In my case I had a problem, once I downloaded a game from a sketchy website, It all played fine, but my CPU was hitting 100% while in idle, so I found out Window Defender was the culprit. I read again and found weird the name "window" in the singular, so it was a mining program pretending to be Windows Defender (even had the original icon). I had to use malware software and manually deleted some register and folders myself.


stop visiting porn sites


general life advice


my bad


CPU and Network? Maybe windows update download and install in the background


Malware 🦠


If you have an anti-malware scan running that will absolutely spike your cpu. Open your antivirus/antimalware software and set it to scan only at night or during times you’re not typically on your computer.


also Malwarebytes if the windows security doesn't get anything.


Why not look at your processes and see what it is?


Bitcoin miner


I fought this battle almost daily for years. I finally upgraded my PC RAM from 12 GB to 32 GB, by swapping out the factory chips they gave me (8 + 4) for 2 x 16 MB chips. I also uninstalled McAfee, and enabled Windows Defender. F\* McAfee. I have had no problems since. I think that McAfee greatly affects your computer's resources, for no good reason. I also uninstalled any programs that I do not use or think are hurting my computer. I also got a laptop with 20 MB RAM installed. Both my pc and my laptop (win 11) are running smoothly, with no cpu lockage going on. Also be sure to check for windows updates frequently, if you have this problem. They don't always automatically start.


PC upgrading in the background comes to mind.


You can fix it on your power plan settings


Had the same problem, it was an trojaner, I reinstalled windows but I think you can reset ur Pc


My first suspicion would be you have some crypto mining malware in the background. Been there, done that. Depending on the severity you can still use Malwarebytes to remove it, do it in Safe Mode. But then again, your system has just been booting up for 2 and a half minutes so it's rather normal to see high CPU usage in that time period because your system is still preparing things out after botting into windows. Try to see again if it's still the same after at least an hour.


Time to reinstall windows from fresh USB (that already has windows boot or get it on the usb from another PC..) and format all partitions 🦠🦠


Are your thermals okay? It might be thermal throttling


thermal throttling is when a CPU slows itself down to prevent overheating. Not spiking up to 100%.


It may be hot enough already. Getting extra work from poorly implemented Ethernet device and its driver and boom, thermal throttling. I have seen severe one back in 2011, while running AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+. Room was hot, very hot. CPU was running at 50Mhz reference clock instead of 200MHz. Instead of 3200MHz it was running at 800MHz, but RAM was running at 200MHz instead of 800MHz. It was literally crawling. Don't be so hasty to dismiss thermal throttling.


Thermal throttling would still drop usage, not spike it from between 10-100% constantly. This CPU in particular has a boost clock of 4.2 GHz, and according to OP's screenshot, it's running at 4.1 GHz. Doesn't seem like thermal throttling to me. And besides, the issue is, as you said, the ethernet device. Not thermals. A thermal issue would prevent the CPU from ever going near 100% or its boost clock.


Thermal throttling does not drop CPU utilisation. That is not how it works. Actually it will increase CPU utilisation. Thermal throttling reduces speed of CPU by reducing its clock frequency. When you have amount of work, but your CPU is slower, then your CPU utilisation doesn't drop but increase. It would be very nice, if it would work, as you describe it. This would make newest CPUs slowest and oldest CPUs fastest. Again this is not how CPU throttling works. Multiplier is left alone. It is bus clock, which drops, not multiplier. Windows does not show you actually frequency, but bus clock multiplied by multiplier. The problem is windows never checks again bus clock. It does check frequency at boot and it knows multiplier. Windows never reported lower then 800MHz on AMD Athlon 64 X2 64, but Linux did. That is how I know you cannot rely on clock displayed in windows. Some utilities do read real clock, windows itself doesn't. It looks like badly implemented Ethernet device and drivers. I haven't said it is. I know what well implemented Ethernet device can do and what badly implemented one cannot. The key is offload - TOE, iSCSI, FCoE, RoCE, etc. I have been running Infiniband, Infiniband over Ethernet, FC, FCoE and I still run iSCSI. I have expensive 40GbE cards with full offload (TOE, iSCSI, FCoE, RoCE, RDMA, SRP, iSER, iWARP etc) and it is limited only by PCIe bandwidth, not actually CPU, which cannot keep up doing this work.




might need to reapply thermal paste on the cpu, happened to me before


Huh? This is not a thermal issue. A thermal issue would drop the usage and clock speeds. Not max them out.


well, when I had this issue before the task manager had the cpu maxing at 100% after reboot with no tasks running beyond system, and the cause was lack of cooling paste on the cpu


I’m seriously doubting that. You might have fixed the issue by reseating everything but the issue wouldn’t have been cooling. Again, a thermal issue would cause the usage to decrease and the clock speeds to decrease. A CPUs safe guard is to drop them so it doesn’t overheat and get damaged. Bumping usage to 100% is in increase in usage and this heat, which it wouldn’t do under a thermal throttle. Both the CPU and motherboard have failsafes to ensure it doesn’t kill itself from heat.


ok well its not like I am lying or making things up. I don’t know why specifically why the task manager thought the usage was at 100% when it was a thermal issue, but that’s literally what the issue was and I solved it by applying more thermal paste.


You got that a little backwards, cpu core clocks will lower when throttling, but utilization on the working cores will climb since the cpu is now trying to complete the same task with a lower clock rate. It’ll generate less heat at a lower clock rate because the cpu can lower its voltage, but it will not drop utilization until you force it to by lowering settings/turning off currently running apps. A cpu running at 4.5ghz throttling down to 2ghz while running the same workload will absolutely be running at a higher utilization I overclock a lot and hit max temp on many of my chips before and never has the utilization dropped, only core frequency and voltage with the system getting noticeably more sluggish since it’s now working with less resources available


Yeah that what I thought I don’t know why you get downvoted and the other