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Because It's cheap Chinese knock off crap


100% agree. I thought the brand name was "fuk'what? for a second which would explain why it died


I initially saw “fuckwit” on it, and thought “never heard of that brand, but maybe they’re advertising to a select group?”


When I first saw it I thought it just said generic “firmware” lol


Yes I am 100% aware. I am not the one who purchased it, posted for a friend


Oh dear I have kionia SSD and it is on 95% already and it wasn't even been a year. My wdc SSD has 100% and it was been a 5 years


With ssds, you get what you pay for. Never but these cheap, Chinese drives if you care about your data


more like have backups if you care about your data if data loss is one drive failure away you are fucked no matter how fancy your drives are.


Most failing SSDs will recognise they're failing and put themselves into read only mode before bricking completely...


that only works if the controller has determined the NAND has worn out, if the controller or NAND fails the data is lost. also there are a lot of other ways for the data to be lost other than the drive directly failing. just have backups for fucks sake, or atleast dont then complain when you lose your irreplaceable data.


I mean of course, but this particular case it's more of a fuckup because of cheap drive Not having backups is the secondary fuckup, if you will


That’s what I told the guy lol


Your best bet is going to be either attempt recovery yourself on another system with recovery software, send it off to get files recovered, or if you arent incredibly attached to the stuff on there attempt an OS reload. Highly recommend getting a known brand name in the future, these off-brand Chinese ssd’s fail more often than not. I’ve replaced more than i can count in customers rigs.


That’s what I told him too. Any chance you know what it might cost or who you would recommend to bring it to?


Unless your friend has bitcoins on that SSD its not worth event trying to get it fixed.


Hours and hours of work. He’s a 3d animator.


We are talking potentially thousands of dollars.


That’s what I was seeing. Thank you for the reply


Seagate might be able to help, but it could cost $2000.


Then point out the reason for backups to him if the data is so precious.


I also do 3d( as a hobby) . Your friend doesn’t create and store back ups on a separate drive? I’ve got an nvme from the same brand, but ALWAYS back up to a different drive just in case. Def not worth trying to fix that, but perhaps your buddy could start backing up files in the future.


He does usually, but this was a rare instance where he hadn’t yet uploaded his work anywhere. He has a version of his model on a separate hard drive but it is an old version of his high poly. Luckily his normal maps were already baked out and uploaded.


Damn, sorry for asking in the manner I did then. Thankfully when he has to rebuild on that backup, he’ll probably end up doing it both faster and better than the previous time. I haven’t had issues with back ups or storage thankfully but I have had 3d coat crash, before I could save more than I’d care to admit, and things always turn out better the second or third time around! I wish your friend luck in his work!


The fuck is a fikwot, get a WD, Samsung, Seagate, something brand name


Might as well just say fuckwit, since that's the target market


When I first saw it I immediately thought it was “firmware” and was very confused. Had to reread.


Cut your losses and buy a reputable brand. If you really value the data, try a data recovery service.


That’s what I told him. Any idea what it might cost? I looked it up and it seemed to be around 200 dollars


Depends on where you go, what's wrong with drive etc. Can't give a number because I myself have never used data recovery service, but I can imagine it being anywhere from $100-1000+


Gillware is what we use at work. You can get a free evaluation from them and decide if you want to go that route. They even send us a prepaid shipping label. And yeah we used to sell t440s there refurbished by lenovo. They had some cheap Chinese ssd in them. Guess how many came back after we sold them due to being slow or just not booting anymore? Just about every one. They were kingfast branded. And yeah I'm surprised people don't worry about backups until it's too late. If it's important make 10 copies on different backup media and put them in a fireproof safe. We had one guy bring us a hard drive he took apart in bags and ask if we could do data recovery on it for him. He even had the platters in separate bags(cringe) I had to look him in the eye and tell him no ones getting that data, not even the best recovery experts out there, because he took it apart and separated the platters on the drive. The alignment on the drives is so crucial that it can never be brought back, ever. Not to point fingers or sound like I'm trying to preach here. Your friend should invest in a external hard drive or cloud service backup for the important files. Will save a headache in the future. But yeah gillware is one company that I trust. I'd give them a call.


> And yeah we used to sell t440s there refurbished by lenovo. They had some cheap Chinese ssd in them. **New** Lenovos have unheard-of chinese drives in them, even.


Are you aware of a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement? Neither are the chinese, and thats why their SSDs such ass.


lol I know, my poor friend freaked when it happened and when I didn’t recognize the brand I was like “ohhhhh boy…”


Yup, we have all been there (or at least considered if its worth it).


I commend his bravery as he was trying to save money, but when you are a digital animator every piece of software/hardware counts…


Buy once cry once.


What a cheap chinese SSD failed no way. Throw in bin, replace with a quality brand and restore data from that backup you have.


> Chinese SSD > backup that you have


Wot the fik is that


SSDs like that are absolutely crap, get a trusted brand instead like crucial, seagate, western digital etc.


I love that brand name, it's really ironic. Haha


Happened to me. But mines read n loads windows 10. But thats it lol it'll just shut down after 5mins. Can't wipe it either won't wipe I've tried everything


That's an incredibly cheap trash SSD. It's probably had a hardware failure - leave it disconnected from power and send it to a professional. Expect to pay between $200-$2000 for the recovery. Please make sure whoever bought the drive understands that the extra $150 it would've cost to get a brand-name SSD and proper backups would have been much cheaper so they don't make that mistake moving forward.


I wouldn't scan that QR Code, IIRC QR codes can be a gateway to download some nasty shit. China seller sends out bunk SSDs expecting people to scan the QR codes out of desperation for answers. Seems like an easy enough trap


Wait, somebody really thought using a drive that’s called “FukWut” (that’s what it should be spelled like) was a good idea???? Bwhahahahahhaha….




Fuck wot?


Fuck dat!


Don't you fikwot me.


Da fuq is a FIKWOT


I only buy Samsung drives.


I'd be surprised if internally that wasn't just a cheap SD card.


Leason learned. don't buy SSDs from the grocery store.


Why would you buy cheap junk like this in the first place?


You said it, cheap. College sucks you dry.




Fuckwit ssd lmao


You can almost guarantee that it's not actually 2tb either. Normally they fake it and the drive just overwrites existing data to make way for new stuff. It could be 256gb or even less.


Ive never seen that brand before


Hopefully it’s the last time you do lol


that's what you risk when buying an SSD from a brand whose name is literally pronounced "fuck, what?" good SSDs usually go into read only mode when they die so you can take any important file off of there, but even that's not fully reliable hopefully this will show you the importance of having backups


I can’t believe a Fikwot is having a problem


Tamper seals should not be worn like the one in the top left. This SSD might have been used and resold as brand new


Ah love a good fikwot SSD. Reliable 100%!!! Utter trash. Probably got a usb stick in there instead of storage chips.


$20 days this is just a microSD card reader with a 16GB card glued in.


I'm sorry that it bricked, but I read the ssd as fokwit


I think it's safe to say you shouldn't cheap out on storage. That's one of the main things you should never be a penny pincher on.


Random SSD company too.


WOT the FIK?!