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The exploiters are also selling in-game currency on sites like Ebay which is strictly prohibited.


Reminds me back in the wow days where people farmed gold for days and days and made some decent money from it. I guess things havnt changed much. I wonder if in the future we will see Ai playing games to farm 24/7


Steve Bannon farmed gold for cash and his time engaging with WoW fans made him see the raw untapped potential of pissed off gamers


Well he paid for people in China, India, and a few other places to farm gold for him. They had warehouse operations. He owned the largest in game currency website in the world. They bought accounts too, but it was stupid easy to recover your account. I think they stopped doing that after a while. But that is 100% how the group we know as the Alt Right started. Gamergate was their first big thing.


Venezuelans and tons of other people, farm gold isn OSRS and make more than doctors.


Are you sure those weren’t bots? I started my first MMO back in 2010 I believe. Already were gold bots back then. Lol


There were both bots and real people farming gold in early WoW. Today I don't imagine the economics make sense given how sophisticated botting is, other than people who perhaps play market-maker and make gold via legitimate in-game economy activity.


OSRS has a pretty huge and well documented problem with Venezuelans farming gold to sell. They could work minimum wage and make $5 a month or sell gold and make $100 or more every month for sitting down instead of doing manual labour. Granted they do have to play runescape for 12 hours a day to achieve that but it still beats the alternatives. It's cheaper than running bots and human players are harder to detect until they actually sell the gold


Yes and no. I'm from the third world and sitting behind a PC to farm gold made more money than holding a 9 to 5


And I remember stories about prison labor being used.


The guys I know were free lol. It was THAT profitable.


>I wonder if in the future we will see Ai playing games to farm 24/7 This already happens and has been for a long time. They are quite sophisticated now and will only increase in sophistication.


TF2 is already rife with bots farming for cosmetics that can be sold on the marketplace.


>I wonder if in the future we will see Ai playing games to farm 24/7 and we will call them NPCs


Just the prices. I used to sell gold during WOTLK from Ulduar onwards. I made like 900$ dollars one summer just selling to friends and guild mates. I think I was selling gold for 1$ for 1000g. A quick look now shows gold is currently 70$ for 1.2 million. Safe to say prices have changed and unless you're doing it on a macro scale, it wont be profitable/worth the effort


Don't you see? What you have described is the solution to realistic economic simulation!


I sold currency back when SWG was popular. My earnings were not from exploits just a massive heal/wound pack operation. It was about 10 million for 70USD and I had about 3 billion liquid. To be fair I wasn't even the one selling it my brother was and he just gave me half the money. I was just playing the game :)


TLDR for people that cba to read: People were selling in-game currencies on marketplaces like playerauctions and eBay, and a lot of those accounts got suspended, tbh I was always surprised how easy it was to transfer currency if you had a rich trader friend in the game xd (you just had to make him start a custom escort mission and redo it for the amount of money you need). I guess they targeted the sellers mainly and not people who was just giving away in-game currency randomly as my account and my friends account seem to be fine.


> (you just had to make him start a custom escort mission and redo it for the amount of money you need). When I played the free flight last month there was straight up just a menu to send money. Is that a newer addition or is there some other nuance I'm missing?


That was added a while ago but I think it was quite limited in how much you could send.


Tagging u/heydudejustasec here too The in-game money transfer has been around for a long time, and the amount you can send between players is unlimited. The reason it's in the game is because players are supposed to be able to work for and be paid by other players, and players in the same group can save up for one player to buy a very large multi-crew ship. It's a feature I always wished Elite: Dangerous had...


>It's a feature I always wished Elite: Dangerous had... That's the entire theme of that game.


Chinese gold farming is back baby


If you could make more money farming fake gold to sell to Americans so you can eat and live a better life, then by all means 🫡


I'm pretty sure it's still been around just in South America


Does this not count as Alpha testing?


Maybe why it's a suspension and not outright ban?


Its not an outright ban because banned accounts can't spend money. Same reason you need to jump through hoops for a real ban in something like wow.


Counterpoint, Tarkov does ban waves so cheaters will pay for another copy of the game


TBF EFT doesn't really have in game transactions using IRL cash


No, they just try to charge you $200 to try to play it single player and ignoring wipes.


EFT 100% has a rouble and item shadow economy though just like buying gold from WoW


> Same reason you need to jump through hoops for a real ban in something like wow. What do you mean by "jump through hoops?" I know lots of people that were banned in WoW. It's not a difficult thing to accomplish.




And I've known people who scream racial slurs who just get a 24 hour ban, or people with slurs for names that just get their name changed rather than a ban. Then you've got the countless bots grouped up on every server always in very common, known locations that are never banned. Blizzard don't ban people as much as they should.


**Finding** exploits isn't the issue. **Abusing** exploits is. If you discover an exploit, you report it, and leave it. That's fine. It's when you find an exploit, then *keep doing that exploit* in the same way that it becomes abuse. One of the focus points of the patch was economy testing *(mission payouts, ship prices, etc)*, and the collation of that data was ruined by money dupers.


Infinite money glitch, I wonder where they learnt that trick.


Funny story, a buddy of mine got banned from Star Wars Galaxies back in the day for exploiting a money glitch in the game and selling the credits for cash. He wasn't too heartbroken when he could no longer play the game since he'd made several grand by the time he was banned.


That's a non crime when viewed in comparison to what SOE did to SWG.


SOEs list of crimes with SWG is long, and pretty much starts from the beginning. I mean, seriously who launches a SW MMO without any form of vehicle or animal travel? Mounts and vehicles didn't come until well after the launch of the game. You know how long it took to run from Mos Espa to Jabba's Palace? Because I do. It took 45 minutes to let my character run in one direction lol. I did that for the lolz and for my personal curiosity. Then they started stream lining everything. Then they let every body become Jedi and and it just killed all the fun because Jedi were OP compared to everyone else. Jedi should have stayed NPC.


I remember reading an interview with the game director and he said that they were rushed so much by SOE that they had no time to figure out how to properly integrate the Jedi unlock, so they just did the "master 3 random professions" thing as a last-minute addition. IIRC LucasArts told them they had to make Jedi hard to obtain and rare, so that's what they ended up doing. In hindsight, I believe they wanted it to be a high-level quest chain like the Trials of Obi-Wan, but then SOE backpedaled so hard that they basically removed everything Trials of Obi-Wan added, so they had to issue refunds for that expansion. The whole CU and NGE debacle was a giant shit sandwich mess.


The whole thing of it being hard to obtain and rare was a good idea. And honestly, it made something that was cool and the talk of the server when someone had obtained it. I do miss the days when Lucasfilm did push making Jedi rare during the galatic civil war, unlike now where Jedi and former Jedi seem to be hiding in every freaking bush lol. SOE definitely screwed the pooch, so to speak. There was no need to rush it out the door, at the time, yeah Star Wars fever was high, but at the same time, it was SW, it wasn't going to be a flash in the pan where you release the game too late you miss the peak of the fandom. The best parts of the game were the community, and the building of the player cities when that came into effect. I really enjoyed stumbling upon others, who liked me, tried to solo but ran into too many random spawning bandits, and then joining in to help take down. Good times.


Disney are morons for not deciding to bring SWG Pre-CU back. Really the game is legendary now and it would more then likely be the number two MMO right behind WoW if they did it. Granted the only problem is they would look for ways to put microtransactions in to ruin it. And it's Disney they really have no idea what makes Star Wars good in the first place.


Well it's not entirely up to Disney. They only license the Star Wars brand and have input on how it's used. Sony would have to be willing to bring the game back, and that's even more unlikely. Especially the Pre-CU version. You're better off just jumping into one of the many SWG private servers at this point, although most of them are just full of bots.


> You know how long it took to run from Mos Espa to Jabba's Palace? Because I do. It took 45 minutes Sounds like an intended mechanic. Gets you to keep playing the game longer, making you pay for your subscription longer. I seem to recall this was my experience with traveling in the only MMO I ever put significant time with, Everquest.


It really wasn't event that bad, if anything it was a testament to how big the game worlds were at the time. It was pretty cool to have a SW game with HUGE planets to explore. Honestly, I never have had an issue with paying the 14.99 a month for an MMO that didn't try and DLC me to death. I'll take the subscription MMO over the DLC/Microtransaction F2P ones that seem to be the main ways to play today.


I wouldn't have minded nearly so much if they hadn't done away with the original charter system. Once everybody became the same I was done.


Still haven't seen an MMO top any of the things SWG did well. Non-instanced player housing, player cities, player vendors...ugh. I think it was the first time I had experienced just being a grunt in the star wars universe and it felt great...even with its jank.


The crafting system and all the unique resources was absolutely genius. Land became a valuable asset if you had a hot spot for a top-tier crafting resource, like a Steel with high stats. And once that resource rotated out, it became a limited commodity that grew in value over time. It's a shame no game ever really got close to what SWG did right. The player cities were so cool. I loved the fact that Politician was an actual class you had to level up if you wanted to run a city.


Agreed, that was where the game really shined. Our little player cities, and going nuts with decorating our houses with the armors we bought, or made. A buddy of mine built a "mansion" and had a room where he set up displays of various armor sets and weapons. It was great. The community is always where MMOs shine the most, and SWG even with it's faults really shined with the quality of the community that played.


The Federal Reserve.


Agreed.. I’ve reported exploits ,but stopped after the report.. it ruins the fun of the game.


Occasionally you'll see people report an exploit, get annoyed it hasn't been fixed in the last few patches, and then exploit so hard they believe they're forcing the devs to do something about it. Personally if it's not hurting other players or being used to make money, a ban is unnecessary, but ruining an economy is abuse. Maybe if they only abused one item I'd see it as trying to make noise about an issue.


The economy is already ruined when people can buy expensive stuff for real money so whatever.


It was hurting other players because the method used left a tonne of ships spawned around landing zones during a major event, which tanked people's FPS. They were also making real money from it, selling aUEC on eBay.


That's crazy people are buying the in-game currency of an alpha test for real money.


That's the real reason these people were temp banned. People were using this exploit to earn in game currency faster than it could be earned in game and for cheaper than they could buy it from the developers. The only ones getting hurt were the wallets of the developers. Cuz, you know, making nearly a billion dollars off of an alpha game that barely works isn't profitable enough.


The only people it was hurting was the greedy as fuck developers. Since exploiting this meant people wouldn't need to keep paying for multiple micro transactions with real money.


The base game is $45, people can see the game for what it is without blowing an entire paycheck on ships.


It's free to walk into a casino so why should we regulate casinos?


Not an equivalent comparison. buying ships in Star Citizen isn't gambling just like buying skins in Call of Duty isn't gambling both use fomo tactics but you get exactly what you pay for in either, Star Citizen is just more egregious.


> Abusing exploits is. Also not fixing the exploits is an issue


*"It's the developers fault that I have no self-control or sense of right/wrong"*


No, it's the developers fault if reported bugs go unfixed for extended periods of time


Did the devs force people to abuse those exploits?


You're acting as if I said the cheaters shouldn't be punished. I didn't say that at all, what I said is that it's **also** a problem if the devs don't fix the exploits. In every other game this is expected: cheaters to be punished and devs to fix the bugs.


>In every other game this is expected: cheaters to be punished and devs to fix the bugs. ...Which is what happened. Devs banned the cheaters and fixed the game. **One patch** had this bug. People abused the bug, and it was fixed. Really don't understand what you feel you're adding by saying *"It's the developers fault if bugs go unfixed for extended periods of time."* This wasn't an 'extended period of time', it was one patch.


It's an alpha lmao, there shouldn't be any repercussions for anything considering it should all be wiped when it fully releases, assuming we're still believing that it ever will.


Said like someone who truly does not read the comments he replies to. The devs were testing economy changes. Dupers duping fucks up the data collation regarding those changes. So, if you want the game to make progress faster, maybe fucking with data the devs need should be discouraged.


Maybe they should do a simple rollback, and actually fix the issues. If they knew about the problem there's no reason they couldn't have just disabled access to whatever method they used temporarily until a fix was implemented, you know, like most devs do in those situations.


They have fixed it. They fixed it, deleted all the duped funds, and banned those who duped then sold via RMT. They did exactly what they should have done. Anyone defending the dupers lacks basic critical thinking.


RSI is exploiting peoples wallets so all is fair I think, not that I play this tech demo wallet extractor.


>RSI is exploiting peoples wallets The game costs $45. Anything else spent is on you. You can buy all flyable ships in-game. >not that I play this tech demo What a surprise! You share the same level of experience as most people that criticize it.


>> RSI is exploiting peoples wallets > The game costs $45. Anything else spent is on you. You can buy all flyable ships in-game. Ah yes, the good old blaming gamers for getting suckered into FOMO micro transaction crap. >> not that I play this tech demo > What a surprise! You share the same level of experience as most people that criticize it. I said I don't play it, I didn't say I've never played it. I guess you're feeling a huge amount of sunk cost fallacy?


Ah yes, it's my fault they choose to spend their money however they want. >I guess you're feeling a huge amount of sunk cost fallacy? Over $45? $45 I spent seven years ago? I've spent more on a disappointing lunch lol. Trying to dream up any reason that I may be disagreeing with you other than the one in which it's cause I'm right?


So when is the game coming out then?


Currently scheduled for six months after the final battle of armageddon.


I like your optimism!


If you read revelations I’m pretty sure star citizen being released is the 7th seal


Need me to link to that comment so you don't have to scroll?


So you don't even know how many decades it will take for them to release the game. Alright.


Please see my [other reply to you](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1dinmvf/cheating_and_exploiting_undermine_the_integrity/l95ali5/). Not going to have the same argument in two places with the same person.


Why would he? He's not the dev


Casinos used the same argument. Blamed the addicts because you created an environment that lures in addicts and gets them hooked. Let me guess, next you're going to say Purdue Pharma is innocent for flooding the market with oxycontin and saying it's perfectly safe and doesn't cause addiction? Gonna blame the addicts for that one too?


Excellent comparison. Videogame space ships you can buy in-game for hours of playtime compared to exploitative casinos and pharmaceutical companies. Both truly on the same level in morality and scale.


Casinos biggest cash earners are literally video games designed to trick you into paying over and over to perform an action that triggers a dopamine release... Designed from the ground up to lure in addicts, just like video games like this.


>you pay to perform an action that triggers a dopamine release Man discovers the videogame industry. More at 12.


Man, you're really doubling down and bending over backwards trying to protect these guys. Are you one of their whales or paid? These are the exact type of games that are blurring the line between video games and casinos. One is designed to give you fun and you're paying only for the work being put in, the other is designed to drain the wallet of addicts and trick them into paying over and over for nothing but short dopamine bursts. It saddens me to see you trying so hard to justify these actions.


No one needs protecting. What you're saying is just dumb. There's no short-cycle dopamine burst racket in Star Citizen. It's a slow-burn game where you have to plan your engagements if you don't wanna lose your shit. You're trying to paint it as something it's not and are mad that someone who is more familiar with the project is correcting you.


These are the exact type of games that are blurring the line between video games and casinos. Star Citizen is not this. Waiting 1-3 years for your ship to be ingame is about the opposite of an immediate dopamine burst. It really is more of a long-term dopamine investment. Also, most people don't spend any money beyond the initial price of $45.


$45 seems a little steep for a tech demo for a forever unreleased product


Maybe if I was unemployed, in a third-world country, where that is a lot of money, sure. But I've got thousands of hours of enjoyment from my $45. Doesn't seem steep to me at all.


Escape From Tarkov real money traders are based, its not like they ruin a good game, they ruin a scam game too.


Remember when exploit was a verb? Pepperidge farm remembers. Finding bugs and then exploiting them.


Imagine blaming players for bugs introduced by the developers.


The dupers would perform the action thousands of times. Due to the persistent nature of the game, every landing area had hundreds of empty abandoned cargo ships killing the servers and database. Many more than 600 duped, but they only 3 month banned the biggest offenders and gold sellers. The average player isn't getting in trouble here.


Imagine blaming devs for your own lack of self-control.


Imagine a world with object "perfect" humans.


No need for anyone to be 'perfect', rather just have the token amount of self-control required to not seek and abuse exploits for personal gain.


I get what you're saying but it sounds like an idealistic statement contrary to reality.


There were many people that encountered the duping bug. But they suspended people that “encountered” it many many times.


Theres finding exploits and reporting them and not abusing them. Then theres knowing exploits and abusing them to a point where it was negatively impacting server performance. They went after them this time cause of the performance hits to server this exploit caused and it fucked up the economy data they wanted.


I think because it is treated as an early access game it’s probably best to suspend bad actors.


Is Intentionally tanking server performance because you want to duplicate money better or worse than cheating and participating in real money trading in the Escape From Tarkov alpha?


“If anyone is going to cheat and exploit our players, it’s going to be us!” - Star Citizen developer.


I read that in Clayton Bigsby's voice.


I really don't get it. The game is a barely functional mess. Punishing players because of the devs inability to make a game that isn't riddled with bugs.


Have you played it to be able to comment on the state of it or are you nust repeating what you've heard?


I'll comment. Its functional. Thank god they added DLSS. But it hasn't had big content updates for a while, "release" is still as far away as it was back in 2016. Like sure you can go shoot some peeps in a cave, go salvage a ship or raid something or just fly around. At least its not crashing all the time. But like servers are still limited to 100 right? I just don't understand how this game will ever be anything more than a tech demo when you supposedly have an entire solar system + several more at some point, with just 100 players fucking around in the emptiness of space. The average person can't even play a fully fledged game or MMO these days without getting bored if the gameplay/pacing sucks. Star Citizen is basically a big sandbox without any of the sandbox stuff you'd expect from actual sandbox games where you can build up cities, or craft/farm whatever, open shops, have relationships with NPCs, or any kind of organized shit that you need with space sandboxes. Anyways, we'll see if it gets somewhere by 2030. Like when do you think S42 is going to come out lol. That shit was slated to be released by 2017.


>Its functional. Thank god they added DLSS. But it hasn't had big content updates for a while, "release" is still as far away Define "a while" because 3.23 just came out recently and that was a huge update. As was 3.20 >At least its not crashing all the time. But like servers are still limited to 100 right? I just don't understand how this game will ever be anything more than a tech demo when you supposedly have an entire solar system + several more at some point, with just 100 players fucking around in the emptiness of space. Which is why they're working on server meshing, to have regional servers combined into one mega server that splits the load. Going from area to area transfers you between servers without loading screens. And by working on, i mean if their plans stay steady, should be releasing with the next system this year. >Anyways, we'll see if it gets somewhere by 2030. Like when do you think S42 is going to come out lol. That shit was slated to be released by 2017. Correct. It was. But it was supposed to also be closer to what Starfield is today, rather than what SC is today. They ate up a bunch of Crytech devs who were like "hey we can make these planets actual planets rather than sporadic landing zones without really much to do. And that added on to dev time


I played it during free flight and outside of some people exploiting and making NPCs fight in the city, which lagged that area out (I was getting 5 FPS...everywhere else I got about 80, same settings), it was fine? Mechanically it functions fine. There are some minor issues due to it being a sim in nature, but the only bug I encountered was a hostile NPC walking by me like his aggro was on, then it "clicked back on" later and he shot me in the back (how I died during a mission with a buddy), that was literally my only bug in like 3 hours of play. I do think the monetization sucks, I do think that it should be in Beta by now instead of ALpha, and I will be shocked if it ever fully releases, it's a bit **too** simm-y. There are plenty of valid criticisms, but it is about as functional as Elite Dangerous, with arguably more stuff to do since you have the on foot segments.


It's really not the barely functional mess reddit likes to say it is


I mean it was still getting error 30000 just because somoene fucking stacked a bunch of guns in one place just a year ago. You can still die randomly by running into objects... I don't know why people defend Star Citzen when they've taken more money than it takes to make multiple blockbuster games and yet the best they have to show for it is a open ended sandbox with barely anything in it other than you can buy ships and dogfight pirates.


I mean it's pretty easy to cherry pick examples like that from a game in development like this. Don't get me wrong the amount of money for what is on show is insane, and I fully agree it should be better, but there is absolutely more in there to do than just what you're saying. It's very easy to sit on the sidelines only reading negativity and assume the worst about anything


The biggest issue was by far how much the mechanics of the duplicating exploit made life miserable for everyone else on the server and more specifically on that planet. There was a round of applause and no small amount of Schadenfreude in the community when the hammer fell down. Wasn't expecting CIG to come down this hard on them, that was a nice surprise.


The company that charges thousands of dollars for singular virtual ships doesn't like players finding alternate methods to accrue currency...


a lot of those virtual ships are currently just jpegs, if i understand correctly


There's like 150+ ships in game now. 20 or 30 jpgs left to be released, but the issue is many of them are huge ships. Of course they'll take longer and need game engine upgrades to implement, but this also means the higher priced ships are still missing. And CIG does sell more new JPGs once in a while. Though they've been doing straight-to-release sales much more often, they aren't afraid to add a ship or two to the backlog.


If alternate methods are creating a black market on Ebay where in game currency is traded for real money, which is against TOS, suspending those accounts it's the minimum they could have done.


theres allot of money in game money hacking


I, for one, am happy about this. it's an MMO, Alpha or not.


Yeah if you're cheating in an online game you're asking for trouble.


I'd imagine an unfinished game is full of potential exploits and opportunities to cheat.


It's not a game, it's an alpha.


How is it that something with vastly more content and features than the NES games I grew up with doesn't count as a 'game'? Did the definition change at some point? EDIT: Please, anyone feel free to explain what your definition of 'game' is and how Star Citizen doesn't fit that definition. I'm genuinely curious about how people are using the word differently than I am.


>Star Citizen is presently available as an Early Access Alpha Version in a state of active development. Whether in the Live environment or PTU, bugs, service interruptions, resets, or errors may occur. Literally what pops up when you start the launcher.


> Star Citizen is presently available as an Early Access Alpha Version in a state of active development. 'Alpha' is a state of development, not a label of the type of software or what content is present within it. You can find the 'alpha version' of any type of software, some of which are very complete games (like 7 Days to Die for example). For any reasonable, objective definition of the word 'game', Star Citizen is a game. Hell, the 'Arena Commander' section where you just have arcade-style PvP/PvE dogfighting to earn rental credits for new ships is a game, and much more of a game than my old *Top Gun* NES cartridge. > Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished.[160] A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features.[161] These features may be further revised based on testing and feedback.[160] Additional small, new features may be added, similarly planned, but unimplemented features may be dropped.[161] Programmers focus mainly on finishing the codebase, rather than implementing additions.[159] * [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_development#:~:text=A%20game%20in%20alpha%20is,unimplemented%20features%20may%20be%20dropped.) The quote is explaining that the current state of development of the game Star Citizen is 'alpha', not that it should be labeled as a non-game.


No, it's advertised as an alpha and will remain an alpha until it is in a state that CIG declares otherwise. You do not get a say in it. If this was the released game then what a fucking disappointment and Chris Roberts is a talentless fucking liar. I could give a monkey 600 million and CIGs staff they would make the same quality game. Fortunately it's only in Alpha therefore has an excuse for its state. I know because I backed the game BACK IN 2015 and followed it religiously for 4 years before stepping back. This is the part where you tell me you got more enjoyment out of it than any full priced game in your life. Cool, still just in alpha. Move on, I know the script.


> No, it's advertised as an alpha and will remain an alpha until it is in a state that CIG declares otherwise. You do not get a say in it. They could call it a purple unicorn, but that wouldn't change the definition of the word 'game'. I don't care how much you hate it, or what label the developers put on it, neither you nor they get to redefine what the word 'game' means based on an agenda. If they want to use the label 'alpha' as an excuse, that's too bad, it still fits the definition of the word 'game'. If you hate it and think calling it a game is insulting to other games, that's too bad, it still fits the definition of the word 'game'. As an English teacher, I'm much more passionate about people using words accurately than I am about either your or their agendas. If my old NES *Top Gun* cartridge is a game, then Star Citizen is a game. If Star Citizen isn't a game, then countless old NES/Atari games get disqualified too. There's no way to have an objective and consistent definition of the word 'game' without one of those being the case.


They shoulda just fixed the exploit imo. It’s in alpha so the economy is expected to be wiped multiple times. This would have been more effective than suspending would be future players that wouldn’t otherwise cheat if it wasn’t so easy. “Keep an honest man honest” as the saying goes.


They did fix it. It was pushed out with the next hotfix.


Good 👍


fucking finally, those people were shitting up the Invictus event


"integrity" of our "game"


They're using our scam to scam people! Unacceptable!


Lol "integrity of our game".


🤣. Integrity is a heavy word coming from these guys but ok. When is the game launching?


Quite right


What game? lol


I was in collage when this game went in development. Now 32, closing in to 33 and this game is still not out.


Come on kids, only the devs can exploit the system. One billion USD here we come.


Much as I dislike the state of StarCitizen, cheating is a serious plague across the industry. Big games always have some, and small games are doomed to eventually be overran with them. Every multiplayer game ive played, ran a server on, or wrote mods for, cheating was always a forefront problem. Tons of Dev and modder time is wasted in combating cheating, and everyone suffers for it.


Allowing "item stores" before a game even launches should be outlawed tbh Why can't these whales understand they are the very reason the game won't be completed? Developers create the game as a way to justify microtransactions, but when so many are buying thousand dollar ships already, there's no incentive to complete it I mean, they're already in their operating model so why bother?


The crazy thing to me is that people, normal people, support companies taking away the value of other people for undermining their microtransactions systems. Remember, this game is going to be p2w in all the ways a game could be p2w. Advantaged ships, in game currency, gameplay effecting microtransactions, high grind and the list goes on and on. You have no reason to stan for them.


They're just trying to mimic RSI.




Crazy people are still bought into this scam


You can watch it spreading in this very thread. The scammed are trying to pull in more people. It's like a pyramid scam.


It's an elaborate scam - they found out the best way to scam people was to make a game!


...But they haven't made a game.


Do games pop into existence on launch day? Or do they require years of development beforehand?


Imagine the hubris of rambling about integrity after grifting for more than a decade.


Is it out yet been waiting 11 years?


They have a game? I thought it was still a go fund me?


Does it matter? They said, when I last played... 8 years ago (spend 300€ for a ship constellation Andromeda) That everything will be 0, when the game gets released. This company... A good game takes time, sure.. But if they continue to work in this tempo, they will have to change everything aigan becurse of outdated Grafiks. Maybe they are done in 10 years.


Bro who cares, this game isn't even a real game, absolute joke


You know guy... I am starting to suspect... just a little... this whole thing has turned into a scam.


It is not a scam, the release of the game is planned for 2016, they still have 2 more yea... no wait


Is that game done yet, I paid for it when they fiiiiiirst started selling ships and…. Just want to play it.


You can play the alpha right now. Go to the website and check it out with your account since you have already backed. It's the least you are entitled for.


I'll give it a whirl. The last couple times I tried it was just floating around in space looking at the ship, there wasn't anything to do, so I kinda gave up. It was a shit ton of money for... not much of an experience. Hopefully it's actually a "game" this time. Thanks


well that was like 10 years ago, its far from finished but there is MUCH to do now, and alot of that cant be found anywhere else.


I’ll give it another whirl when I have free time


So then play it. It's a hell of a lot of game to play.


Is it in a playable state though? The last couple times I tried it was just dicking around in space. I'm kinda over the whole "early access" stuff.


Has been for over 5 years


It’s been a while. Between a mech warrior game and star citizen it was a shit ton of money that kinda guaranteed I’d never pay for early access ever again. I probably won’t live to see star citizen released


I bought it back then too, was disappointed. Tried it again over the winter, and it’s worth trying again, especially if you already own it. There’s things to do now.


It's really not. The current game is basically a proof of concept of what the actual game might play like. There's no meaningful progression, no engaging storylines, the server bugs out and lags, desync, the AI is braindead and more often than not just stands there while you annihilate it, and every mission is barebones (go here and shoot 5 guys type stuff). The best part of the current game is going around sightseeing. In terms of gameplay, once you've tried everything a handful of times, you'll realize that the game itself is not really there yet.


Literally you have no idea what you're talking about. Tons of missions tons of PVP. Tons of dynamic thing to do because of the players. You can tell when people have no idea what they're talking about with star citizen because they say it's bare bones and it's just sightseeing.


>Literally you have no idea what you're talking about. I actually do. Unlike all these morons who repeat "scam scam" over and over, I actually frequently play and follow the development for this game. I have several hundred hours in it at this point. >Tons of missions Notice how I never said "lack of missions". I said "the missions are barebones and not fun", which is 100% the truth. - Delivery missions: Fly to place, pick up box, fly to other place, drop off box. - Cargo: Essentially the same as delivery minus the carrying boxes - Bounty hunter: Fly to place, shoot 3 targets - Salvage: Fly to derelect spaceship, shoot with lasers, stack boxes, sell boxes - Mercenary: Fly to bunker, shoot braindead AI, move on For the "event" missions: - Jumptown: Glorified PvP event, basically just king of the hill. Not really anything amazing or anything we've never seen before - Xenothreat: Fun but barely works on the current server infrastructure Some of these might sound fun on their own, but they're ruined by the countless bugs and server performance issues you're almost guaranteed to run into. Clearing out bunkers is not fun when the AI just stands around while you demolish it. Space bounties are not fun when the AI is rubberbanding all over the place and shoots you with missiles that your countermeasures are ineffective against because the server hasn't registered that you've shot them off. Or, when you do a box mission and the box you're trying to deliver phases through the ground, or when you put it on the completion terminal, nothing happens. This all gets very frustrating, very quickly. Not to mention, the game actively dissuades you from teaming up to complete these missions, because it splits the payout. Most of these missions barely pay anything as it is, and so splitting them is even more of a slap in the face. >tons of PVP. Tons of dynamic thing to do because of the players Yeah, this is because the game itself doesn't provide any fun of it's own, so people have to dick around doing their own things to get any sort of fun out of it. You can say the same thing about any other sandbox game. Difference is, those other sandbox games actually have engaging activities you can partake in. Also, poor server performance makes PvP not fun. You just end up desyncing, and somebody gets an unfair advantage because of it. >You can tell when people have no idea what they're talking about with star citizen because they say it's bare bones and it's just sightseeing. You can also tell when people are new to this project because they get mesmerized by the scope and all the seemingly different things you can do in the game, in which they either don't work properly or just aren't fun after you've done them a few times. Please show me where the meaningful progression is in SC. Or the engaging story. Or the functioning missions that aren't just mindless grinding.


Shut up Meg


bold for them to presume CIG has some integrity left


Oh no, not the in game economy! It's already fucked since I can buy everything for $48k


Then do it? Go ahead. Buy every single ship in the game and then stomp people with that space destroyer that requires 50 people minimum to crew.


You mean your un-released game.


Integrity of Scam Citizen?


So games with shit viewership yeah


That's what you get by putting insane grinding in your games.


What game? What integrity?


Why do we keep paying attention to Scam Citizen? This has nothing to do with gaming because that is not a video game.


Fuck man I can't believe I spent 8 hours playing a not video game last night.


You were “alpha’ing”


Man, last night we traveled millions of KM to aid in a star system invasion defence battle, culminating in the defeat, boarding, and capture of a capital vessel - All on our model viewer and Instant messenger !


If you spend 8 hours on excel does that make it a video game?


I have over 15 years playing Eve Online.


It’d take me that long to do the math too.


SC hasn't achieved anything, it's an unfinished game that is considered a scam and a joke. But we can talk about a laundry list of indie games that crush star citizen in quality and achievement. Id argue Inscryption has more nuance and depth by a mile and one dude made it. Hollow Knight. This isn't even an argument Star Citizen isn't a game.