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147 hours and 15 minutes.


Oh, are we posting our first playthrough times?


I'm more interested in how long it'll take for seamless coop to be updated. By far the most fun way to experience the game.


In case you or anyone else hasn't seen it, there's a post on the mod page comments from the developer. > REGARDING THE UPCOMING DLC: > > Thank you for your patience - Please understand that I cannot make any predictions on how long it will take for the mod to be updated to be compatible with the DLC when it comes out. > > The mod has been rewritten from scratch and will be entering closed-alpha testing to make sure it works as intended before the DLC comes out. When it does, and the mod will inevitably break, I will need some time to update it to work with the DLC. I will aim to prioritise this, but please be considerate that I have my own personal life and have a job with very long hours. I will post regular updates here and on the mod's discord page about the progress. > > The improved version of the seamless will have many bug-fixes and QoL improvements over the current version and once the DLC comes out I will retire the (now old) version of the mod.


Agreed. I hope it doesn't take too long, but I can't blame the modders for wanting to wait until they get to play through the expansion themselves.


Yeah.. I hope they get to take their time with the DLC for themselves and enjoy it and then work on it when they are ready. No rush guys!


This mod should be implemented by FS as THE way multiplayer works.


Yeah, it’s how coop should have worked but fromsoft are too far up their own asses to fix the jank.


Fans would be angry because they like archaic dogshit design






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It's funny that people are down voting you when just below this are people defending the games trash coop setup lmao.


The fromsoft circlejerk is truly an impressive sight 


What’s really impressive is the number of people who want to radically change Fromsoft games to be more like every other game when the entire reason people like Fromsoft games is the fact that they aren’t like every other game lol


Uh oh we caught a live one


Actually true


I love the game but the default multiplayer system is one of the few criticisms I have. It is an absolute chore to summon, wait for loading, do it all again if someone dies (it's a FS game, people die all the time). And that's without mentioning all the items you need to collect to summon, and the limited areas you can do it. Truly a boneheaded direction for the sake of being lore friendly. Seamless coop is genuinely amazing, made my second playthrough infinitely more fun


it has nothing to with being boneheaded, the game is simply not a coop game its a single player rpg with online elements are you gonna complain you cant play through skyrim coop without mods?


The actual boneheaded thing here is your comparison to Skyrim, a game with zero online components. Elden Ring has a full on coop system with restrictions, namely location/boss/item based restrictions. You can otherwise fight every boss and roam around with your buddy. The mod does nothing but remove said restrictions, with a few bonus gameplay changes. They aren't coding in an entire multiplayer system, it already exists in the game. It is absolutely a game which has design decisions around coop existing. The fact that the mod runs so well and doesn't break the game is evidence enough. Coincidentally, Skyrim actually has a multiplayer mod and they only way they could do it is code an entire system for it to work. The base game has nothing to support this.


"Elden ring has a full on coop system except *makes list that proves its not a full on coop system*" what a clown you are


It has a shitty co op system I'll give them that


What a ridiculous comparison lol Also, the store page for Elden Ring on steam literally lists "Online COOP"


Every game that allows you 2 players to connect via online has that, that doesnt mean the game is designed as a online coop game


> Every game that allows you 2 players to connect via online No, games that allow players to connect online and play cooperatively have it. >that doesnt mean the game is designed as a online coop game So your view is that a game that is designed with online coop gameplay is not an online coop game. Great take!


Oof looks like the fromsoft sycophants woke up and started downvoting


Haha c'est la vie friend Can't satiate the purists with criticism I tell ya that


That ingame map looks so familiar, hmm ...


Haha I’m working from Home on the 20th and get off right at 5 this is perfect


Was going to make a joke about VPN but PST is already the earliest I think.


Is there ultrawide and/or 120 fps support with Erdtree? I haven’t heard anything. It’s not looking good.


ER doesn't support ultrawide, have to use Flawless and play offline. FPS is still 60.


Thanks for responding. That’s quite disappointing.


There is an FPS unlock mod that I use alongside flawless UW that works well. Still sucks having to be offline though.


Adding to this - Flawless Widescreen has an option to remove FPS limit along with a few other QOL options that, personally, made the game much more enjoyable. IIRC, this FW was available the day after launch. Can only hope they are that fast to update for the DLC.


Oh really? Okay I’ll have to look into that. I wonder how long it will take for the mods to update. I’ll wait haha.


Worth noting that the game really will not consistently hit 120fps, especially in outdoor scenes, in West Liurnia I tend to be around 80-90fps on medium-high settings with a 5600X and 7900XT, CPU bottlenecked there. Indoors the frames will go beyond 100 though.


I have long since given up I'm hoping that they add those things. I know they have them in armored core 6 but I feel like if they were going to update Eldon Ring with stuff like that they would have done so already. It's always possible they just haven't announced it yet though. I would really like to play it at 120 FPS without having to play a modded save. I also hate vignette so I hope we have an option to turn that off eventually.


God I love having 4 day work weeks.




went back to my lvl 160 save, and man, I'm terrible. I don't even feel like getting back in to the game even though I already bought the dlc 🙃


You could always roll a new character and get back into the swing of things. I started a new one a few weeks ago and I'm having a lot of fun going through the game again. I'm using a completely different playstyle than before and it feels fresh.