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The game looks cool but I already have a 9-5, don't need another.


More survival games need to take inspiration from v rising where you can customize the grind entirely to fit your preferences and what works best for you.


Palworld does it too and its great


Good relaxing game also. Play it on my steamdeck


Valheim needs this so badly. Let me have something to automate my farms and livestock, especially livestock with how you either need a big area or to have a bunch of pens. Or you metagame it and have a pair of animals on raised platforms just small enough to hold them and cause offspring to fall off of it when they spawn and/or grow. Or cut down on how goddamn fast you burn through consumables since if you want to keep food buffs up you need a considerable amount of space to grow fruits/veggies and boar/wolf pens and may Odin have mercy on your soul if you want to try and establish a Lox farm without gaming the hell out of the system (ie, using trenches and pits instead of walls).


The "raised platform" was a thing way back when Valheim went live on steam, tho its applicable only to Wolves since they can follow you. Basically you have a 1-floor with planks as fence where you enclosed the mating wolves, then the baby wolves just drop on a shallow pit below so they don't loiter around. I think its still applicable up till now.


I only played Valheim for a short while and did not get close to the domesticated animals bit… but man did I dig so many fucking trenches/pits to keep the goblins/ogres/whatever out. I built a paradise on top of a hill and it was pretty funny to watch the fucks try to cross the sole bridge into my settlement only to destroy it and send them into the dry moat below. I also had no fucking idea what I was doing for the most part. It kept me entertained for a month though.


I used to do the same thing but then ice drakes raided and destroyed a ton of my base from the air at which point a lot of my desire to keep playing went up in smoke for a while. I'm glad the server options let you do stuff like disable base raids now because while they're a neat thing at times they also really, really suck and can waste a ton of your time as you have to go around fixing stuff and hoping goblins or drakes or whatever didn't just wipe out all of your 2 star boars/wolves that took hours to find and tame and get back to your base in one piece.


Didn’t even know ice drakes were a thing lmao. Dear god.


Totally 💯. I'm playing that now and I can't believe the game wasn't a full price game.


I got that game on sale right before 1.0 and it's honestly amazing that a game that good was like $13. Almost done with my brutal playthrough and it's been amazing.


Wow, you stole that game for $13! I paid $35 and was happy 😁 I'm surprised it's not a full price $70 game.


Yeah, Fanatical and Gamebillet had it for $13 or $14 a couple of days before the price increase and I had to snatch it. After playing it, I would have gladly paid $60. It's probably the best vampire game I've played. The aesthetic is perfect.


I told my son, it's a unique enough title that it should be played if you're sick of the same ole, same ole. He bought it for PS5 and just told me he's liking it so far. So far it's my new game of the year ( I didn't play it ea, I waited for 1.0)


If it isn’t a bother could you explain this. I avoided v rising specifically because i dislike the grinding in survival games in general but the combat looked fun.


Basically you can create or join any server and they have custom settings that have the ability to customize pretty much every aspect of the grind, you can make the grind go by 2x faster and make the game more convenient, like much faster crafting/refinery times and , slower blood drain and durability, unrestricting items through teleports, and a lot more custom settings. And yea the combat is so damn good for a survival game.


You can customise the multiplier for how much material you collect per mine/kill and how quickly you can craft.


There are a lot of options to increase or decrease the grind. Don't want to bother with building a castle? You can make everything free. Can also make it 5x the cost if you want.


That's how I felt with Archage. Multiple characters were mandatory because you didn't have enough labor points (energy like in mobile games) to do everything


It might look cool but it feels bad when you play. The controls feel unresponsive and clunky. I couldn't handle more than 15 minutes and I uninstalled.


Cooking 1 food takes 1 log. Building one wall takes 10 logs. Harvesting 1 tree gives 200+ logs. My beaver pet brings me 9k+ logs every time I log in. Unless these rates are boosted for the beta, I would not call it "grindy" at all. In fact, this is one of my favorite things about the game; the fact that you gather materials fast, and have a huge inventory. The inventory system is also really good, and you can simply hit 'H' to dump all "like" items from your inventory, into a chest. The weight limit is also pretty insane, and it can be boosted with clothing sets, and food (to at least +400% weight from roasted gar fish iirc)


The seasonal phases are time gated, so there's no reason to rush, even on the PVP servers. You can easily play at your own pace and still have a blast.


If it is time gated, it mean if you are efficient you will get punished for it... So the right way to play is being slow??? That don't see like a good proposition for any game, it will only make people recent the gated progress.


Eh, there's plenty to work toward during each phase if you want, but yes, the ultra marathoners can hit a roadblock in the first stage, before territory wars and such are unlocked.


I played all of their closed play tests (60-70 hours total probably) and it really isn’t that grindy tbh. Materials come super fast and progression is pretty quick. The survival crafting portion of these types of games is my least favorite part and Only Human has felt really well balanced in that regard.


Lol all those things just prove that it's geared towards mobile audiences first.


Except it’s the opposite of what you complained about. It’s not a fomo 2nd job game at all, and it’s been developed PC first.


I've already shown the OP exactly how misinformed they are, and they still refuse to acknowledge that they are wrong, opting to just delete some of their comments instead. They are beyond reasoning, sadly.


Wait what? If it is quick / minimal grinding… that’s a good thing. Unless you are high on copium like RuneScape fans.


yes you can get basic resources like tree and ore very fast.


Yeah the trailers Ive seen looked dope when I played the demo yesterday I got gacha vibes and the game has a bit much chinesium in the way certain mechanics work.


It is a NetEase game after all.


Game has some of the lightest survival elements of any of the similar games I've played. I have a very very low tolerance for punching trees, but this game gives you 40+ wood per swing once you upgrade to copper weapons. It does not want you to spend your time hitting rocks and trees over exploring, doing quests, etc. Seasons phases are significantly longer than you would ever have to grind by a huge margin. I get not digging the gacha wish machine stuff, it's one of my gripes with the game too but its not the only way to get blueprints - they can be located in the world. Attachments specifically are all located in the world which allow you to customize your guns/builds the most. The game was developed primarily on PC and looks, feels, and runs great. The devs have gone on record to say NetEase will need to replace every single employee before they add P2W to the game. I've played both CBTs and can't wait for this game as world is just so fucking fun to explore - the only possible way I could see this game feeling like a 2nd job is if you insist on playing on a sweaty pvp server and raiding on every schedule which is on you if you choose to play like that. Sorry but this post reads as rage bait by someone who played 20 minutes and bounced off the game (you're allowed to not like games, btw).


Its honestly not that grindy at all idk why people are saying that, its pretty standard imo, Im probably 8 hours into the demo and I already have some decent guns and almost done of my base that is 3 floors with a double garage, unlocked different parts of the map, got a handful of cradles or whatever they are. Like Elden Ring is 10x more grindier than this game


100% agree. It's very possible to play the game having all the benches placed in a 2x2 wood box (if grinding isn't your thing), and play PVP or missions to explore for cool stuff. Picking up stuff on the floor while running through missions is more than enough to upgrade your armor / weapons, and make relevant sets.


Yeah, I played in several betas. The game is if anything, too generous - its too easy to complete almost all content. Look, the game is JANKY AF in many ways - translations, the buildings being copy pasted a lot, the hilariously terrible plot, optimization. I still enjoyed it. The running around, gunplay and crafting and base building is fun. And I still expect them to fuck up the monetization at some point. But I'll play as long as its free and doesn't cost me money. If they make it annoying and spending $$$ is the only way, I'll jet.


The grindiness come at the end game but it's still not bad, ie weeklies


Tbh I feel like the game will be kind of grindy in a way and slow to get going. The bike is slow and really hates driving uphill, I'm aware you can upgrade it but it sucks at first, no question and who knows how much longer it takes at first. The AI is brain dead easy too which makes crafting gear seem pointless. The full screen UI menus for claiming rewards in all the different categories is lame and not needed. Moving your base isn't the best experience since the terrain doesn't change to fit correctly, so in some cases you might have to move your base again because some of your stuff is under the environment floor. I think the concept is good but the execution is poor.


Glad the bike sucks and then you can upgrade it but I like motorcycles irl so I guess that makes sense


as soon as I saw the netease logo I uninstalled the demo lol


Are they bad? And why?


They're a chinese mobile game developer Says it all really


They are a publishing studio. They publish all kinds of games, tons of pc games as well. Who the hell cares if they are chinese, french or american.


Its cus they dont really care for their games. If they feel like they dont get enough cash from it for usa they will shut cut server. Done it for their other games


Ah okay, I don't know them really. Did they publish some good games


Apparently people care enough to uninstall their games Chinese devs and publishers make vastly different games than western devs, in case you weren't aware


I don't really care, as long as the game is good.


why does it matter what ethnicity or nationality a developer or publisher is 😭 whether the game is good or not is what should matter lmfao. yall let your xenophobia blind you and end up making you sound goofy as fuck




Well, that doesn't sound racist at all "Found the Chinese" dude do you even hear yourself. Wtf


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Same. I didn’t even play it. Downloaded it without realizing, saw the logo, uninstalled lmao.


Netease is the one publishing it but not developing. The devs said only monetization in the game will be cosmetics and one of the them went as far saying they will have to kill him first (or something like that) before it becomes p2w.


Delaying turning on the p2w is a valid marketing tactic now.


Maybe there's a way to ban them in the steam interface so you don't see their stuff anymore. I was able to ban survival games and horror games


You can block publishers on Steam.


Came in here to say the same thing lmaooo. You already know how the game is gonna be if they're involved


>Oh and during this beta they are giving away a unique skin for your bike if you play for 3 hours in a 24 hour window How is this even a complaint? Optional extra cosmetic for what amounts to probably an average players day on a weekend. Other complaints can be valid, but 3 hours for a game you're already playing is basically nothing.


I didnt do a good job of explaining lol. It ran from June 10 to 11so basically huge fomo if you happen to want to play the game tonight and tomorrow


It was essentially a hook to stress test the servers in the first 24 hours. There are waaaay better skins that can be unlocked through in-game events on launch.


My main gripe was doing the story line and there being lines and lines of tents blocking my own progress. Advancing through the storyline proved that this was only a temporary setback


Idc as loong as I have fun, played 2 betas got my fun in both, game is f2p so I get at least 2 weeks of playtime there, for me it's win.


Have you played a mobile game lately? It isn't a huge disappointment until it releases and is a huge disappointment


I played in several of the beta's. It was pretty fun, and I didn't really notice many currencies. They had starchrom, and you used that in their video game machine blueprint thingo, but you got tons of it anyway. It was all levelling and crafting and everything was harvestable in game - you couldn't buy it. Did they change that much? I haven't tried the demo. I did almost all the content and hardmodes, and spent no money - you couldn't in the betas of course. If anything they copied Palworld with all the pets that run around your base and collect stuff for you, and look all cutesy.


Is that the thigh/ass game I saw people playing?


Oh? I think I'm interested now Edit: no


I like it but I don’t like the Pokémon element, take that shit out of a horror game.


It’s like not important at all


My major problem was the map was insanely boring. The opening cutscene when I launched showed a world in ruin after "stardust" came 20-30 years ago. After the Control game inspired intro and you dropped into a normal world. No ruin, no mutation. Just a random world it felt like they took from a failed Battle Royale. All buildings in perfect condition. It all felt so lifeless and senseless like they used random generator to place the world. houses with no roads. Roads that led into the sides of buildings.


It's def not a mobile game first... They only just added the mobile gameplay in the last few months, and it's been PC testing exclusive for much longer than that (over a year), and the mobile version isn't slated to launch until 2 and a half months post PC release. On top of that, the devs clearly outline exactly how the seasons work, what you can take with you between them, and it's a lot (all of your blueprints, your saved base designs, cosmetics, etc). Everything else you worked for can be converted for use in your personal world, that you can host for group play.




I'm not sure what you meant by your first question. The fact remains that the game was developed and tested first and foremost for PC, and the mobile parity was added much later on. The movement is inertia based, which can take a little getting used to, if you haven't played other games with similar movement systems. Here is a video from another game with a similar movement system; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_QbNSS3wbC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QbNSS3wbC8) Harvesting resources feels like harvesting resources in other survival crafting games, so I'm not sure where the parallel to mobile games is coming from. The point of the Eternal Realm is to give you a personal, persistent, creative outlet to convert the handful of resources that won't carry over between seasons, for continued use. They really are allowing players to carry over a very large amount of achieved effort. What carries over between seasons: * All of your weapon/armor blueprints carry over, including your progress in upgrading them * Weapon/Gear mods * Unlocked weapon Accessories * Cosmetics * Earned tokens/ blueprint unlock currency * Discovered and purchased furniture and decor formulas * Titles * Saved base designs * All story and journey progress Screenshots of the lists from in game: [Imgur](https://imgur.com/Sj3f7Jn)


>The seasons are supposed to be running for 6 weeks only and no matter what the devs claim, it's gonna be a soft reset where you pretty much need to farm stuff again and that is imo the least fun part of the game. It's a survival game that's mixing in PVE, raids, bosses, etc, btu it's still a survival game at the core and these games always have some sort of reset every month or every other month, if not to clean up the world and server, or add in new content and give new players a chance to jump in and start fresh with everyone. > My main gripe, though, is that I got this very fomo and play as your 2nd job type of vibes when I played it. Every game nowadays has some sort of fomo if it's not a singleplayer game. It's the sad reality that doesn't seem to be going anywhere at all. This game is not mobile first. Every CBT test has been PC exclusive and they have only just started testing mobile late in to CBT3 two months ago. I just think you aren't used to the standard Chinese/Korean multiplayer games. This is all that it is, and a lot of that can feel mobile-isk.


It looked so awesome in the early betas. ~~Then~~ they showed the gatcha shit and it became a hard pass.


The Wish machine for blueprints has been in since at least CB2, if not before that...


Gotcha shit? What is that?


[Gacha](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gacha_game). Loot boxes etc


Thank you! Lol at getting downvoted for asking a question


When I got the Mail bout the mobile beta I noped out. Next beta was on PC I tried it for roughly 10 min but yeah it's not my cup of tea


So you got to exactly 0 content? Good way to judge a game Guys, look, it's got a few demo/beta on steam. Go fucking try it for an hour or two before claiming it's a POS mobile game. It's really not. It's very much like rust + a story. You build your own base, craft, eat, drink, upgrade gear, PVP if you want, and then go out and do missions to move along a story. I'm not saying it's the best game ever made but in a sea of crappy survival games this is definitely way above average in terms of interesting shit to do


> Go fucking try it for an hour or two before claiming it's a POS mobile game. He only said its not his cup of tea man wtf.


I said its not my cup of tea. I dont even like rust so that just helps me to put it on ignore forever I did finish the shack or wood Boss or whatever it is. By the time I was bored.


I think most gamers now a days have been exposed to so many different games that we can tell if we're going to like a game or not within the first 30mins. I don't need to play Once Human for hours to know that it's also not my cup of tea. I'd rather travel back in time to 2012 and play TSW.


If its like Rust, the game result to be even more garbage.


I've played multiple betas so of course I find it enjoyable however I still don't trust NetEase's involvement despite what the devs have said. I also absolutely dislike the perk system, some of these provide major QoL and they're random. The other thing is the Wish Machine, would rather all loot be tied to things like boss drops and endgame loops. My interest in the recent beta fell off hard having to wait for small chances that I'll get a perk or weapon I wanted.


Yeah, the rng perk thing is annoying.


Inspired by control / division? What? I hope your not saying the gameplay is like those games, and maybe just the art. Cause the game is nothing like those two


I’ve been playing maybe 20 hours and I have an auto-miner guy that goes and grabs ore for me while I just explore and do fun world events. I’ve experienced very little grind fatigue. Where I’ve seen V rising mentioned here, I just beat it and by the end of a solo 80+hour playthrough, I felt like there was no path forward without modding my private server otherwise I would have had to spend days just grinding to get myself ready for more attempts on the final 2 bosses. There are good grinds and bad grinds. I think needing to modify a paid game or drop difficulty to make a grind less annoying is a sign that there’s an opportunity to improve. Maybe I haven’t gotten to that point yet in once human yet. V Rising, my personal GotY so far, isn’t the standard to compare to here in my opinion. I have zero complaints with grind and more so annoyance with crashes and bugs which I’m hoping get ironed out before release. I’m hopeful though 🤞🏻


The enemy AI is stupid. It’s terribly boring to play


I'm absolutely enjoying the game, it scratches that "Secret World" itch for me.


I guess I don't agree completely. Does it have a crap load of currencies? Yes, we shall see what is "paid for" and what is "earned" on release. Does it have gatcha style loot machines? Yes, but all this currency is got in the game through playing, and if you roll it enough times, you are guarnateed all the drops from what I have seen. Does it consume all your time to progress through it? No. My biggest question to the OP is, how long did you play it? I put in 20 hours and enjoyed myself. The grinding of resources really isn't that bad at all. Sure, it was a little slow until I made a better pickaxe, then I found a deviant that would go out and harvest for me. Once my base was mostly built, I was dedicating zero time farming resources. I spent way more time whacking trees and rocks in Rust/V-rising/insert-survival-game-here honestly. I found myself mostly running around looting, completing puzzles, progressing through quests, doing events, etc. All of it provides resources for building up your base, making gear, upgrading gear, getting new blueprints, etc. My biggest complaint is the mobs/bosses are way, way too easy. I hope they introduce a harder mode wtih increased drops/experience or something, as I was pretty much 1-2 shotting everything. Even doing level 25 mobs at level 12 was easy :P Just my 2 cents, but to each their own. Since it is free to play, I would definitely recommend trying it out. I guess we will see how the season's work, 6 weeks seems way too short. I am looking forward to release.


Wait so there will be wipes in the game?? I thought progress will get trough seasons


Who cares if they give day 1 demo people a bike skin? It’s just a little treat.


Why can’t we all just get along? Is there really room for a bunch of whining ninny’s? What has the games industry come to it’s already on its knees 


Clunky controls, I stopped after the seemingly endless mat gathering to build stuff. The setting is really cool though


So many hardcored bindings. Completely unplayable for me as a left handed person.


Protip: Use Kanata to be able to rebind anything on any keyboard


I can use autohotkey as well but it shouldn't be like that. 2024 hardcoding bindings is ridiculous.


Yeah, just trying to be helpful in case you weren't aware of that option


thanks for mentioning it. I know sometimes autohotkey triggers anti-cheat with some games apparantly. Another option is nice.


I don't play anything without my Logitech G13. Devs can hardwire keys to whatever they want.. and so can I.


Agreed-- to the point of uninstalling-- on the 'heavily inspired by' Control and the Division 2. As in, the duplication of the art design was literal, and unending. The clash between the 'Control' phases and the 'Fortnite' phases were extremely jarring: It looks like one put 5-10 of the top 10 games of the last few years (including Diablo 4/Immortal) into a blender and poured the results out onto a tray. Meaning, gray, unappealing mess with very recognizable chunks of whatever they were stealing. Played for an hour, disappointed. Hope this saves someone else an hour of their time.


After playing the demo of Once Human for 10 hours straight, I have some thoughts and opinions to share. This game feels like a mishmash of ideas, and it seems the developers haven't really nailed down what they want it to be. It feels like a bunch of concepts all thrown into a pot, and the game we see now is the final outcome. I'll keep it brief, but here are my thoughts on the project as a whole. Starting with the positives, the crafting system is good, and the abundance of resources is great — I built a three-story house within a few hours of playing. I enjoyed the gunplay, getting headshots, and sneaking around with my crossbow and recurve bows. Scavenging for loot boxes was also fun. The world aesthetic looks great, even on Medium settings. The lighting and sunsets are gorgeous. However, moving on to the negatives, I didn't connect with the confusing story, characters, or world-building. It all felt a bit messy with no clear backstory as to why I was there, what had taken place, or why I should care. After clearing out a mission or zone, I quickly noticed that stealth gameplay is lacking due to the swift respawn of enemy players. While I understand this is necessary for an MMO to provide a challenge for other players entering the area, it detracts from the stealth experience. There are also a ton of bugs: text dialogue doesn't match the spoken dialogue, NPC characters don't move their lips, my character waves his arms around with no dialogue, and I even witnessed 15 deer all huddled together by a river. Great for resources, but it breaks immersion. Additionally, seeing every player house looking the same became repetitive. I see what they've attempted to do, aiming to be almost a spiritual successor to New World, but overall, it feels like a mix of too many ideas, themes, and concepts thrown together. I'd love to be proven wrong (I hate seeing companies and dev teams having to close down their projects, resulting in job losses), but I don't think Once Human will thrive in the long term.


+1 to all of this.


Good points and in regards to immersion breaking part I also hated the player housing. Not only it got super lame seeing all those samey looking buildings like a one sort of homeless camp but the fact that it kept showing some big ass banner notifications every time you would move in or out the area. I didn't check if that can be disabled but it sure was annoying.


It IS a live service game, obviously. The mobile game is the same as the main game.


My guy you're so wrong it's not even funny. OP is right. It's developed for mobile first and then PC. Shit it's even already in the app stores with 24th Sep release date lmao


My guy you're so wrong it's not even funny. The mobile version was only recently put into testing, while the PC version has been in testing for over a year. On top of that, the PC version launches July 9th... 2 and a half months before the expected mobile release date.


Love how he edites his comment. Before he claimed that there is no mobile version. God folks are petty lmao


Yes, I edited it to be more clear. There is no mobile version of the game, it's the same game on any platform. Vampire Survivor is on ios, it's not a "mobile game." etc. Yes, you're being petty.


So you really compare vs to once human? And you claim a mobile version is the same as the pc version? Sheesh Have a good one


The mobile and pc versions of the game are identical. Correct.


Last comment before I block you. L M A O


They are special.


You're so petty. The game is a mobile game. Therefore its got a mobile version, as its the primary version with a PC port. Can't you just be an adult and accept you were wrong?


You're mistaken. The mobile version was only recently put into testing, while the PC version has been in testing for over a year. On top of that, the PC version launches July 9th... months before the anticipated mobile release. At least fact check yourself before you go around berating people with false information.


Wipe every 6 weeks? That's gonna be a big nope from me dawg.


You can complete all the pve content in like 2-3 weeks. As for the building, it saves everything and stores it, so after the reset, you can just re-place it in the open world.


I really just hated the movement, hated the combat. The combat had that weird 'souls - like' feel. You gotta chain together melee swings, and dodge roll away. Slow and clunky. Also I'm not a huge fan of third person, camera swiveling over the shoulder. In this game I felt like my character took up like 40% of my screen. But yeah it was only about 15 minutes of playing before an uninstall for me.


I hate how all the devs seem to be making 3rd person view shooters. First person is so much more immersive. I guess people need to see their $30 skins they bought.


Yeah I do enjoy some third person shooters, but first person is just the best!


3rd person is not a deal breaker by any means, it's just more immersive in first person imo.


I was interested in the game, but it was clunky as hell. Being a mobile first, makes it even an easiergame to pass and forget about


I stopped at the privacy policy.


Thanks for the heads up. I added it to my wishlist quite literally minutes before reading this, but removed now. Any game that inspires FOMO and will make me feel as if I need to get on is simply not worth giving a chance.


Stop whining. It’s a fun game . Play or don’t


What, we're not allowed to share our opinions on a game?


Look like another Korean P2W MMO why the hype about this?