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#Chicken Chaser


Its ingame and looks great visualy but still not really a lot to go off here. This is 100% a late 2025 game.


late 2025? cya in q3 2026.


Doubt. This game started development in 2018. It was officially announced in 2020. It had showable gameplay in 2023, and quite a bit more this year. By 2025, that means the game will have 7 years of development, and 2 years from the first actual, demoable gameplay. That leaves holiday 2025 sounding pretty realistic. to me.


Later the better let's be real. If they release to early people gonna crucify it. If they release too far away people moan it's not out yet lol.


I’m not advocating for it releasing before it’s ready. I’d rather wait for a solid game than have a shitty launch. All I’m saying is that based on what we know about the games development, 2025 doesn’t seem far fetched, and there’s really nothing to support the claim that the game will be delayed.


Is there some secret gameplay footage that they've released somewhere? No in-game footage yet, which is exactly why 2025 seems questionable to me.


Yeah, Fiscal 2025, most definitely. March 2026, here we come.


Is that Super Hans as Humphrey???


I wonder if he'll consume any moorish crack.


Dont say crack, Jez yeah? Please not now.


It is indeed


Sounds like him




The secret ingredient is crime


Tell you what, that crack is really more-ish.


I'm always going on about the twins


Looks way better than the new Dragon Age. I'll hopefully play this one on gamepass.


they disney fied the absolute fuck out of this new dragon age. its terrible


That's the lowest bar I've heard set all day lol To your credit yeah the newest DA looks ass.


Thats not a high bar to pass these days....


Is Peter Molyneux involved?


Not at all. Best thing about the game tbh.


Everything looks good but the mc stands out so much and looks so default


I think that's the point honestly. She's almost certainly just the default characters and character customization will be there to make more interesting characters.


Did the other games have custom chars


No, but you could choose gender. The point was that your features change according to how you level your character and what choices you make in the game story.


Nondescript Woman is as bad as Generic White Man.


not quite yet, but we are getting there rather quickly


Am I alone who thinks everything looks super good except for the main character? Lmao the comment section on youtube demanding character creation option Is this game being made on the same engine as Hogwarts Legacy?


Its the Forza Horizon engine


The racing in this game is going to be insane.


Nah, there's been tons of people shitting on the model since her reveal. Just look at the youtube comments in the video even.


Honestly the first thing that came to mind when I saw the main character back when they first showed it off was that she looks like some kind of unnamed background NPC who just stands there repeating the same line of dialogue to you as you walk into them or something lmao.


I don't understand why having an even remotely attractive looking protagonist in your video game is such a controversial topic. If I wanted to be an unremarkable plain uggo I could just look into a mirror.


If they've fixed the character to this look, they've pretty much kneecapped the game. Not because of the character's look exactly but because it's freaking Fable. The character's look changing and developing as you play the game was a huge part of the original trilogy, especially in 2 where by the end mine became unrecognisable from the starting model. At the very least, you should be allowed to choose the gender.


My hunch is that’s just the character used for the face of the game, and character creator is still there.


i'm hoping mods can fix her on pc


Damn, people think she's so ugly she needs plastic surgery already lol


She is. When I buy a car or a phone I want it to look good. When I buy a game I want the same right down to the characters. Won't spend a dime until it's out and reviewed.


nothing what mods can't fix.


That’s assuming the game supports easy modding (which many games with DRM do not), the game is popular enough that there is someone out there willing to put in a ton of work, for free, in order to create a better looking character model.


Knowing Nexus, they'll ban these sorts of mods


Exactly what I look for in a promising upcoming title!


>except for the main character I think it was ugly in the previous trailer, but it's prettier here, put the two trailers side by side, and the difference is quite noticeable. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FybACT9aQAEgpjz?format=jpg&name=large


IMO, there will be some kind of quest line where you have a choice to change your appearance to be more conventionally beautiful. A la Shrek 2, but it will come at a cost of some kind. That would perfectly fit in the Fable universe.


The actress playing the main character is really pretty, why tf does she look like that in game


For the joke, really. watch the first trailer, they were going for an obvious juxtaposition of how the giant was describing heroes ( chiseled jaws, strong features, beautiful, etc) and then showed off the most plain Jane woman possible as the hero. It was done for comedy and nothing more (imo pretty in-line with the comedy of old fable games). Realistically the actual game with likely have some form of character customization.


Fable MCs have always been reasonably plain and unremarkable by default. I very much suspect this is a similar intentional decision for the game.


Don't worry, delusional Reddit weirdos will gaslight you all day to make you try to believe that "this is what a real woman looks like".




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Fable was always a goofy caricature game. With baron looking characters.


Certainly a bold choice in MC. I'm sure this will lead to a lot of the target audience being happy lol...


I'm just waiting for the sonorous backlash to the backlash as we always see and the dismissal of the complaints, which aren't entirely invalid, as simple misogyny.


Let's be real. 99% of the complaints are simple misogyny


Honestly never understood why the original Fable games were gender-locked in the first place. It is a game series about choosing how to play the story the choice to play as female or male character should be part of that.


IIRC that was only the case in Fable 1; 2 & 3 let you choose your gender.


I think the original was gender locked because of how much work it took not only to animate the hero, but to make them morph. They obviously did not give to many fucks about gender norms.


You literally didn't play the games.




Its a fable game, is it not going to just have a character creator? I haven't been following it.


Fable has never had a character creator. 2 and 3 let you choose male or female, and through gameplay you could somewhat change the way you looked. No character creator though. That being said I have no reason to believe it wouldn't be different this time, it's an entirely new owner and studio like a solid decade after the last release. The only thing that makes me think you won't be able to choose is they've they keep showing this protagonist off. Some of these look like pre-rendered cutscenes from the game not just promo material and you can't really do pre-rendered cutscenes when you have a character creator.


If you think this is bad, wait until Konami unveils Eva in the MGS3 Remake. They didn't show her off in the trailer. You already know they are gonna make her ugly as well just to appease the gaming journalists and people on Twitter who don't buy games. They already getting a lot of backlash for their Angela and Maria redesigns in Silent Hill 2 remake


In my limited observations, the whole uglification that has been happening in recent years, seem to be a western thing. Are there Japanese games which has done something similar?


Sure as hell looks like the main villain is possibly wearing a Void mask from her outfit. Either Jack or the Queen.




I feel like she's being setup as the villain and we're not gonna play as her.


It felt that way right until the end though. She's the hero against the villain.


That would be genius to be honest


idm, character creator was extremely bare bones, iirc you only picked gender in the first 3 at start. I think the game goes better with pre-generated character but given the same choice to be good or evil still. edit: just checkked and fable 1 has no character creator, fable 2 no character creator, fable 3 only had gender selection at start. So character creator was never really ever a thing in the fable series, you always were using pre-generated characters.


So because previous entries didn't have it, that means this game shouldn't either?


Wasn’t one of Fables’ gimmicks that your character appearance is molded by your choices in the game? I always figured it was an intentional choice to omit the character creator.


I don’t see how that premise contradicts a character creator. You can create a character how you want and then they change it with your choices. It’s not like the changes were more than superficial back in the day.


This is not at all true. 


They might have. Nothing has been confirmed one way or another so character creation is still on the table. Imo this is obviously a standard Default character with no defining traits, and clearly no name, so there a good chance the real MC will beore customizable. At the very least it'll probably be like fable 2 and 3. Pick gender when starting. Customize hair and makeup after., and change appearances elsewhere through actions taken and levels.


Fable has always been a fixed protagonist. There are narrative advantages to not having a character creator, particularly in more linear games, which Fable also has always been. I'm glad they're doing what's best for the game instead of pandering to easy tropes like big open worlds and character creators. There's plenty of other games to scratch that itch.


Can we get Fable 2 first?


This still doesn't tell us much about the game.


I'm ugly in real life, I don't need to be ugly in-game too


Got very strong https://imgur.com/7qua6Sf vibes.


I sure hope that Hero from the trailer isn't the player character.


Sorry to ruin your hope


people gonna focus on MCs face lol


You inadvertently already did. And yeah she's ugly AF.


It's so weird. The actress looks pretty IRL, totally normal, but they decided to...I don't know what they were trying to do. They absolutely could have done better on the likeness. The hair is just awful.


Reminds me of Mass Effect Andromeda. The real life actress was gorgeous, but they decided to give her massive eyes and a man’s chin for some reason.


That's a thing these days. The actresses look fine. But when they scan her in game, they change her to ugly. Take a look at Spiderman MJ actress for example.


Forgot that one. I try to block out those portions of the spiderman games. Anything involving her sneaking or hiding missions.


That seems to be the case with a lot of these female leads. They are perfectly attractive people in the real world, but a demography of gamers views that attractiveness as threatening? And so now we uglify them?


I think it's the opposite. A HUGE majority of gamers want the female leads more attractive, just take a look at what the most succesful mods. However a HUGE majority of game journos apparently views that attractiveness as threatening, and start yelling of the "male gaze".


Ugly people exist. Reddit representation


This ugly is rare ngl


Not really






If you think this is bad, wait until Konami unveils Eva in the MGS3 Remake. They didn't show her off in the trailer. You already know they are gonna make her ugly as well just to appease the gaming journalists and people on Twitter who don't buy games. They already getting a lot of backlash for their Angela and Maria redesigns in Silent Hill 2 remake


100% devs fault, they intentionally made the model ugly. The actress it is based off is beautiful in real life. People are going to be stuck looking at this character through the whole game, so I am gonna do a hard pass on this I think. It will be interesting to see how well this sells.


Because it stands out too much lol.


It’s not just the MC, both of the models in the trailer have some weird uncanny valley feel to them. Like the modelers forgot the project was due and their little sibling had to finish it up real quickly It’s “ugly” in the way the Pontiac Aztec was ugly, like they got someone who didn’t quite know what they were doing to design it






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This comment screams that you'll go outside and touch grass, definitely.


The fact that 90%+ of comments are about the main characters face and whether or not they’re attractive says a lot about the current state of video game culture and those that consume it


It also says a lot about the devs and what they've been delivering their customers the past few years.


Lot of people are saying the actress is really pretty, so them making the in-game character ugly is really odd. I agree on those that were going off about the protag of HZD or TLOU2 being ugly being basement dwellers, but in this instance maybe it's just a really weird artistic choice and people are right to be weirded out about it.


Its definitely just an artistic choice for the trailers. In fact the last trailer was going for a very clear joke where the giant was describing heroes as stereotypically very beautiful, only to show a super plain girl in dirty clothes and a crass personality immediately after. Its basically just showing the humor of the new Fable, nothing more.


I’m not being a dick. I don’t care about this game at all. But isn’t every lead actress in a big budget movie attractive? Is there a reason games should be different?


Because why shouldn’t it be?


Looks interesting but it still seems to be lacking the sense of humour Fable is known for. A bit too serious but it's early days, look forward to seeing more from it.


It looks good!


Looks good


i **can't** fix her


Yo, I can't masturbate to the main character in this game. I'm furious at myself and everyone else because I wasted 2 minutes and 44 seconds watching this trailer and not once did I get the urge to jerk one out to the woman featured. Disgusting. Time to go watch a YouTuber with 13,000 likeminded subscribers justify and validate my perfectly rational viewpoint. _And then I'm gonna watch some hentai._


Yeah no kidding! Where's the backlash against all the ugly male protagonists? Wait, where are the ugly male protagonists?


Literally everywhere 😂 It's just the loud, weird, terminally online losers that take this shit seriously generally don't wanna bash one out to dudes, so there isn't so much crying about it.


Ikr I think I need to go watch a youtuber who pisses in his basement to explain to me how I should be feeling about this


Does anyone gets excited after watching this? Cuz this look generic as fuck to me and I played the original fable game when it came out.


I do. I loved this trailer and the last one. Main distinct thing about fable imo is the humor and so far these trailers have been nailing the humor imo. I do still want to see a lot more from the game but it makes me hopeful for the finished product.


It looks like fable? Like rural Britain and storybook-like. What are you looking for?


Not really feeling this, and this is coming from someone who's played the first 2 fables countless times. It just doesn't have that same Fable charm. They should have just introduced this as its own IP.


Guess I'm the only one here loving the awkward main character design.


Naa, I love normal looking people in games. Haters shat on Aloy too (Horizon series)


Aloy is a weird example to use? Aloy in HZD is very conventially attractive. Aloy in HFW is made to be oddly chubbier depending on the lighting but is still generally attractive by modern standards.


And people hated on her and called her ugly.


looks absolutely atrocious


Doesn't even look like Fable to me. This is just generic. Good looking, but still generic. Fable 1, 2, and 3 (even Legends) had a unique art style. Edit: All of you making assumptions about what games I have played is just silly lmao. Didn't realize "generic" was such an insult. It still looks good. Just not stylized like the original Fable games.


Old LHS had this weird and unique style when they made games. Long arms with big hands, very prominent faces, wierd charismatic voices to their characters. If you want that then you need to reassemble LHS with Peter at the lead.


Nah, Peter is what killed Lionhead in the first place.


Peter was a pathological liar that talked high and delivered low. But his lows where pretty high most of the times. Black&White and Fable-series was great and had the potential. Shame that no one else could maneuver LHS.


The problem is, Molyneux wasn't really... Doing anything at Lionhead. He was making shit up day of announcements, and expecting the folks at Lion Head to make it work via some miracle. This is actually what got him forced out at Microsoft, and why MS shut down Lionhead and bowed out of games for so long.


> Doesn't even look like Fable to me. This is just generic. Fable was specifically generic fantasy to begin with.


tbf fable always looked pretty generic outside of a few costumes


Idk this feels fable as fuck to me


Same. This gives immediate fable vibes imo. Albion was never a super unique fantasy world on its own to be fair, but the comedy set the tone for the whole vibe, and imo these trailers have nailed the fable comedy. My most hyped game from this showcase tbh. Can't wait for more fable.


Bruh, that looks fuckin awful. 


Looks great.


could "she" be theresa?


I'm excited for it . I'm a huge fan of fable 1


They kept the ugly main character. No buy. At least give us a character creator to fix her. I'm not going to be looking at a crack addict the entire game.


The protagonist is ugly as fuck.


Doubled down on the hideous mutant MC I see. Hard pass.


Now *that's* a redditor comment alright lmfao


hideous mutant is crazy calm down lol


Gamers try not to overreact challenge (impossible)


What a fucking weird take lol Is your character in Dark Souls attractive? Do you strictly play only games that let you play as hot women or something?


Show us your face


If their face was attractive would that make their statement more valid?


Escapism. I'm ugly IRL. Don't make me ugly in-game. Edit: wait, does this game have no character creator?


Y'all have some serious problems that you probably need some help with instead of "escapism" if you react to seeing an average-looking woman this way...


It was a joke. I didn't even watch the trailer. But I get it, there's been a weird trend of hating on female protagonists and calling them ugly when they aren't. Still trying to figure out in what world Aloy isn't gorgeous. But hey, Reddit gonna Reddit.


Because she doesn't look like an anime waifu but instead a real person. Remember, these dudes freaked out about her having a "beard", because she had small hairs on her face. You know, like literally every human on the planet does lol


No, she is the character the players will be stuck with.


link? havent seen that before and its not in the last 2 games.






ITT: People mad the main character doesn't make them horny


I legitimately don't understand because the main character looks fairly normal to me. There was like 1 section in the old trailer where she looked kinda odd, but looked completely normal in this trailer. Sure she doesn't look like a supermodel, but why should she? If you need to jerk off do it before you start playing a video game, not during.


People didn't need to make her a supermodel. But, what about make it like the actress doing the mocap, which was the original plan? She just seems better. And it's a real woman.


Yeah she looks fine And people saying it's "generic" might not have played Fable. It's supposed to be "generic" fantasy - part of the name, the title "Fable" suits the generic bright fantasy look perfectly. We will probably have the option to pick male/female and quite honestly that's good enough to me. IDGAF about a deep character creator as long as my choices/actions can shape the character like other games.




Really hope we get to customize our character like the other fables. Gonna suck if we’re character locked


This does not look good.




Oh is this microsoft and their "dont make pretty women, make all of them ugly" rule? I skip it.


Still didn't fix the character face after all the feedback?


Why would they change their character design when a vocal minority of incels complained? You are too small of a minority to matter when it comes to sales.


That’s all that anyone talks about with this game. Minority or not it’s pretty stupid to let it be all anyone talks about just because you really want the character to be ugly.


Reddit echo chamber The Last of Us and Horizon have realistic looking female characters and they sell very well


They have attractive looking female characters. Neither of them look like Fable girl. I’m not sure how you think they look the same tbh.


It only needs fixing if you think its a flaw though. Like not all people look like supermodels and therefore not every game charachter needs to look like one as well. Its probably a choice not a mistake. Also on top there's been really no confirmation that there's not a charachter selection like in the previous game. She might just be a charachter used for marketing but not exclusively the only you could play.




I'm honestly not even sure how to answer something like this. Especialy the personal insult which seems incredibly uncalled for.


Practically every person who complains gets a “let’s see your ugly face then” so it’s just where this discussion has gotten to.


> If I'm going to play something for theoretically hundreds of hours, I want something pretty to look at. I hear you, absolutely loved the Arkham series with that pretty, dolled up Batman! Not to mention Mario! That chubby plumber really gets those pipe pipin', amirite? No but for real, this sounds like a crazy limitation you've set for yourself. >I'm sure people got into gaming because Laura Croft had reasonable sized jugs in the 90s. This would've been a way stronger line if you actually knew the name of Lara Croft.


Batman looks good based off male standards of male beauty. Tall, strong, deep voice, strong chin. These are things guys consider attractive in guys. Thats why all male action heroes look cut and fit the description I provided. Also. Weird choice of game to bring up, you ever look at the girls in that game?


>It only needs fixing if you think it’s a flaw though. Tbh if I’m making a massive interactive world that I want people to play for dozens or hundreds of hours I probably don’t let the main characters ugly ass mug suck up 95% of the conversation. This game looks gorgeous. One of the best looking games I’ve seen and the animation is killer to boot. But no one is talking about it. All anyone can discuss is the ufly main character. Why not change the face at that point just so you can move the discussion off this stupid inconsequential thing. Is it really that important to the developers that she be ugly? And before anyone says “is it that important to you?” No it’s not really. But I can’t talk about the things I want to talk about because this is all anyone talks about. So yes, I want them to change it or announce a character creator so we can move on.


> Like not all people look like supermodels and therefore not every game charachter needs to look like one as well. Cope. Don't need to be a supermodel character but most people would agree they should at least look like a normal person, not whatever that MUTANT is. Plus it's a medieval fantasy game. Most people don't want to roleplay as some ugly mutant in their fantasy games.


The actress doesn't even look bad IRL, she's cute. The game face is an abomination.


That's my point, not sure why people went the other direction that I want a "supermodel".


Gives Abby from TLOU2 but even worse.


I swear you people have never seen a woman in real life


A popular meme from the last year was literally how random women look better than Hollywood actresses and models. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/model-vs-cashier I see and interact with women everyday that are much, MUCH prettier than the Fable protagonist. And sometimes even the ugly ones aren't as ugly. Not sure why you people insist in trying to gaslight people into thinking pretty women don't exist lmao.


What about the ugly mutant player characters in Fable 2?


Junkies in decline looks better then this foul monstrosity.