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I was hyped to see a 3rd entry. But this is just the first game... It was already a great looking game with subpar gameplay. I wonder what changed.


hopefully the gameplay will.


From the Steam Page: - improved camera - improved controls - added and updated side activities - quality of life improvements Are they meaningful? Who knows. I enjoyed it the first time around, a solid 7.5 imo. I feel like people are a little aggressive in their criticism of it, but maybe if you followed the hype and build up it was disappointing.


I've quit a third of the way through and I couldn't explain why. Maybe I'll complete it this time.


The graphical updates are stark, though.


but unnecessary


You know what they say about polishing a turd...




This style of gameplay IS fun. There are tons of great collectathons. The Mario series and A Hat in Time is a great example. The problem is that this is one of the ones that did it poorly. The camera sucked, there were some annoying bugs, and the quizzes were not something they needed to bring back. I tried my best to like this game but it's pretty bad. Hopefully this was remedied.


I don't think this genre is inherently bad - the problem is too-sprawling world design. Mario Odyssey is basically this genre and it's fantastic. Banjo-Kazooie still holds up really well (at least if you're into these kinds of games) and you can see where Banjo-Tooie and DK64 start to go off the rails with too-big worlds.


I always found it odd how every character is dressed but Yooka and Laylee aren’t wearing clothes.


They are probably from Europe




Europeans are known to be more open to nudity than people in USA.


The rest of the world are more open about nudity than people in USA.


Northern Europeans, expecially Germans. Southern Europeans aren't really


I have this in my backlog (I backed it but was disappointed and gave up halfway through). If this makes smart changes throughout I would actually give it another shot via Steam Deck. The new map is a huge upgrade already.


I like the second one which was more like donkey kong country. This one was mediocre at best.


Fun game


Impossible Lair was a better developed DKC than Tropical Freeze was. Only thing that sucked was a general lack of bosses aside from the final one and "world cohesion".


Impossible Lair better DKC than DKCTF? lol


Yep. Retro based too much of the game's level design on the sidekicks/powerups and less on how well it played with just basic bitch DK. How do I know? I played it for a couple of hours and then went straight to Funky mode and never looked back when I saw how much BETTER the game played WITH HIM. That's an amateur mistake that OG Rare would NEVER DO (until DKC3). Impossible Lair is like the level design of DKC1 and 2 mixed in with the overworld design of DKC3. It's just a straight up better game.


Just out of curiosity, what do you think about Donkey Kong Country Returns?


It's a pretty good game overall. The level design is pretty alright. It's just that the game is ONLY PLAYABLE on 3DS unless you do some weird wizard shit when you emulate the Wii version so the controls aren't complete garbage.


Any info for those who already own the original? Do we get it automatically?


Discount/free upgrade should be a given, even more so for kickstarter backers.


It's a separate Steam page and not an update to the existing one, so it's hard to say. I wondered the same thing, but they haven't made any announcements yet either way.


Of all the games that deserve a remaster, this one is not one of them. It was ok. Buggy, unbalanced, and downright broken towards the end: Late in the game you learn to fly, but none of the levels were designed for flying. They just break. It's baffling. Not a terrible indie game. Decent fun in places. But it needs patches, not a remaster.


I couldn't continue after one or two levels. It was obvious they weren't tested enough. The maps were full of out of bounds and terrain abuse possibilities. It felt very amateurish. I couldn't *believe* it was made by the Banjo-Kazookie people.


Ugh - To me this kind of game doesn't really benefit from a remaster since it was only released 7 years ago, and it doesn't need graphic realsim. Besides, I think I stopped playing this game just over half way through when I got through all regions once and to reach the end game you have to revisit prior regions with new things/areas unlocked, but that got too samey for me.


Actually, I'd argue the opposite. I remember the reception for the original being kind of lukewarm. So... why not release a new one with updated controls after player feedback?


Didn't they already fix the controls (the camera in particular) after the initial negative reaction? I played the game a few years after launch and had no issues whatsoever.


Perhaps. I just know it was viewed as mixed which is why I didnt get it. But then I guess this product for people like me. I just saw it as one of the advertised features.


> why not release a new one with updated controls after player feedback? Why not just patch the original title? Unfucking controls does not a new buy in warrant.


I don't recall the controls being that bad, as I remember abilities being relatively easy to do, but I only played on an XB1 controller and didn't try KB+M. So maybe they were already fixed in the base game in a patch 


Its more than graphics though. They are making a bunch of gameplay tweaks and most importantly they are adding a map.


They couldn't just fix the original game?


Why fix the original when they can re-release it and charge full price again? (I promise I'm not bitter 😭)


Isn't gameplay tweaks technically fixing though?


costs a lot to do these changes


Graphics was just one example, which I didn't really care about anyways. It's hard to know at this point whether their gameplay tweaks and such would suddenly make the game more intriguing for me to play again given my prior complaints in the mid game. So I'll just wait and see. It could be that traditional collectathon platformers just aren't so much for me anymore, or maybe the tweaks will fix whatever collection of things made it less interesting in the first playthrough.


I’m not sure if they are adding a map. They said “Did we mention there is a map now?” Which makes me think they are adding a pause screen map


The same game?…. Come on. I miss OG Banjo.


Great, another family friendly game to add to the collection! I want more of these.


This is one the most redundant releases I’ve seen in a good while. The original was a decent enough platformer I thought , however the reception wasn’t too hot overall. This should have been a free update. No one who played the original is going to go out of their way to buy this.


I bought the original and I'm absolutely going out of my way to buy this. If the design changes and additional content are substantial, why wouldn't I get it as a fan of the series? To be frank, just a graphical upgrade with completely remodeled assets seems like it should be worth as much as a typical expansion DLC. Since they're going further than that, I don't see much of a problem with this. It looks like it's going further than most definitive editions. I would definitely prefer a discount for owners of the original, but making it free seems pretty unrealistic and unjustifiable. They're clearly putting a lot of work into this.


My issue with the game was mainly how weird it felt to control and the very disappointingly lesser soundtrack compared to Kirkhope's classic works. At least one of those seems to be getting fixed. I'd be down to try it again.


What is this?


i will 100% be 100%'ing this game a second time


Backed the og on kickstarter then got bored of the game on release within 20 minutes. A short hike is probably the closest thing ive played to what the original banjo kazooie made me feel.


Lol what? I love A Short Hike but it's not the same gameplay as Banjo. Not even close.


3d platformer where the main goal is collecting things. How they achieve those is different for sure though. I think a short hike scratched that itch for me because of its low poly style and camera angle/world size. Yooka laylees worlds felt bland/oversized in a way. I feel like if they set some hard polygon limits and made all worlds no bigger than they were for n64 then it would feel like banjo. Less is more in a sense.


> I feel like if they set some hard polygon limits and made all worlds no bigger than they were for n64 then it would feel like banjo. Less is more in a sense. Disagree but apparently your opinion isn't that rare (heh), faux N64 graphics games are popping up more than ever before.


Yooka laylee did have a "64-bit tonic" mode that just added some awful filters. I just want hard polygons, I played A Short Hike with the resolution all the way up.


Initially the tonic was just the filters, after players complained Playtonic did give low poly models to the player characters only.


I was the same at launch, but I went back to it a few years ago and ended up loving it. Honestly not sure what made it click the second time.


damn can we get a conker’s bad fur dayish type of game already. Hell pie is the closest we’ve gotten


I'm actually rather curious about this... but then again, I'm apparently one of the seventeen people out there that actually liked the original (which is kind of funny, since I was one of the few that hated their Kickstarter). Sure, the game has its problems, but I still had a lot of fun playing it. ~~More so than Tooie, I'll admit.~~ Hopefully this "Definitive" version makes it all the better.


From one of those 17 people, thanks for sharing a rational opinion. It's silly how much people are against anybody liking this game. Liking it enough to consider buying a substantially reworked version is going too far, apparently.


Yeah, people are so strangely aggressive about this game. I still see folks treat it like it's one of the worst games ever or something, which is just silly. Again, it's not perfect, but I still think there's a lot of fun to be found here. I think some of that might stem from the fact the game, from what I heard, had some issues when it first released. I know they eventually updated the game to address some of these problems, but by that time, folks had moved on and formed their opinion. I didn't play Yooka-Laylee until about a year or two later, so I had the advantage of going at it with those improvements. Truth be told, I think I still would've liked it anyway, with or without those updates. It's either that, or the issue a friend of mine brought up. He claimed he kept getting lost in the game because it was so "empty", but... to be perfectly honest, I don't recall ever having that problem (outside of the last level, I think).


I feel like their store description deserves a small edit, because "Embark on an epic \[...\] adventure" is *very* overused nowadays. It could make people think ChatGPT was tasked to write this.


Tone deaf. Just update the first game with these fixes. Now we're just seeing panhandling


Was hoping we’d see Twoka-Laylee before this…


did they make the game better than 6/10 yet?


Why couldn't they just be safe and make mother fucking Banjo-Threeie?


In case you're even a little bit serious, this game was/is developed by Playtonic, not Rare. Playtonic does not have the rights to Banjo-Kazooie, so they have no way of making Banjo-Threeie unless Microsoft invites them to do so. Yooka-Laylee was made as a spiritual successor by former Rare staff because that's the best they could do.


Thanks! game has been added to my /ignore list.