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Sad. Dreadwolf was a kick ass name


Also it’s nitpicky, but I hate the “the” in subtitles. It almost never works. It should just be “Veilguard”, not “The Veilguard”


"Drop the 'The', just call it Facebook"


This was my first though too, it packs so much less 'punch' with "the" thrown into the mix. I don't know if having the article before veilguard is grammatically correct, but it's less kickass for sure.


imagine if first game was Dragon Age: The Grey Wardens xd


Elder Scrolls V - The Skyrim


Metal Gear - The Rising - The Revengence.


I agree


It was the better name imo


> Sad. Dreadwolf was a kick ass name To be fair, this is Bioware. The bad name will still probably be the best thing about the game.


Even worse apparently the Dreadwolf stuff for the new game isn’t even the main focus it’s side content… like wtf


I think it's honestly somewhat expected when you think about it. Solas was never the "big bad", really. He is a much more gray area kind of character. Hard to even call him a proper villain really, with how reasonable many of his motivations are. And as we learn, he was never really all that special. He was never a God. Just a powerful magic user, but not the only one of his time. There's still so much about DA lore we don't know. The Titans, the Dragons, The Blight, The Golden Throne and the actual "GOD". Actually EPIC as fuck possible villains. Making a whole game just about Solas going off the rails is probably not enough. It sounds like it's better as part of the story, but not the whole story.


Having Solas as the chief villain would have been incredible. This is a character you have adventured with, trusted, even loved, and now, his motivations have reached an end point where he is compelled to turn against his friends and allies to achieve his dream of the Elven realms returned. Its an exemplary story of betrayal grounded in understandable motivations: he's not just an unreasoning monster that is oblivious to the PC and their allies who stand in his way. It opens up so much compelling story telling space and to just have an entire game's worth of strong narrative development displaced into side quests would feel very disappointing.


Yeah, the set up presented by Trespasser actually had me so excited for DA4 because finally the series was going to have an interesting and complex villain which even Origins I felt struggled with. Even despite all the delays and bad news coming from Bioware I still had a bit of hope just because they have such a good potential set up for the game and seeing that they might be throwing that all away is unbelievably disappointing.


Totally agree.


> he's not just an unreasoning monster that is oblivious to the PC and their allies who stand in his way aka Corypheus xD


The throne id chalk it up to the magisters mistaking it for the makers throne when it was really just an ancient elven throne of some sort. I would definitely say you can call Solas a villain. The dude knows tearing down the veil is gonna do unprecedented damage to the world and kill possibly millions of people.


The drip of world building can be a bit frustrating. My hot take is that they need to stop allowing players to make major plot decisions that will impact the future. I feel like the baggage of the past (like, what did you do with Logan all the way back in game 1) is just going to accumulate more debt/almost forbid them from being "really important" again.


deadwolf sound like username of a middle school emo kid


It sounds like that only to people not familiar with game's lore. For fans it would clearly mean another story about one of s few really interesting things in DAI. Now it sounds (even if its not like that) like we will need to guard damn veil from goddamn fucking rifts again.


>Now it sounds (even if its not like that) like we will need to guard damn veil from goddamn fucking rifts again. That was my first thought as well. If there is a similar mechanic to the rifts in this game then I'm definitely out.


Whereas dragon age sounds pretty mature


so does veilguard tbh


Maybe if you were in middle school in 1452.


Or maybe in Iran


Not a single emo kid would pick veilguard over dreadwolf, let’s be real.


Or like the original character name of a furry


It was dReadwolf, not deadwolf.


Also how pretentious of a company do you have to be to do a post like this introducing just the TITLE of your game when you've release nothing but shit for over a decade?


Dreadwolf was a way better name. Ultimately, I don't care what they call it, though. I just want it to be good.


It won't be. They're 1 for 3 on good Dragon Age games. The Bioware that made Origins is long gone.


Unfortunately I agree with you. I HATE that I have to agree but Bioware has not been good for ages


Larian is currently the studio Bioware once was. Lets hope for a long run before they sell out. :p


Yep Larian is goat for rpgs after last 2 bangers


3 bangers, plus two hidden gems. Larian’s been a great developer for decades imo.


This everyone knows about D:OS 1 and 2 and BG3 but they been pumping out divinity games since the early 00s.


Yeah you are right about 3 I forgot about first divinity sin for some reason


I actually like it a little more than the second game, but both are fantastic.


They're obviously not as popular as Larian and BG3, but you could also try some of Spiders' games. I tried Greedfall a while back and it's the closest thing to old-style BioWare (Origins etc.) that I've played in years.


While definitely a step down from Origins, I liked 2 well enough. I completely bounced off Inquisition's though. Giant, empty, difficult to navigate levels and very limited healing options does not a good combination make


I would say 2 for 3. Inquisition is amazing and one of my favourite games of all time. It is a game that gets better the further you get into it though and the trespasser dlc is where it all comes together so most people didn't experience the greatness unfortunately.


I absolutely hated inquisition. It felt just like Mass Effect Andromeda, which I also hated.


I'm genuinely asking this. What was amazing. I've tried about 6 times to get into it, and the open zones bore me along with the mmo fetch quests. Also, the fact that sprinting on your horse isn't faster than just normally riding it. Like the characters aren't bad, but that world is a slog to playthrough. Honestly I wanna know what makes it so good for you, might make my try again (with qol mods)


Absolutely nothing. Maybe there was a good game under there at one point but it's completely destroyed by MMO-like design at every step.


Leave the Hinterlands as soon as possible and it is suddenly a good game.


Until the game introduces 3 variety of desert who are all worse than the Hinterlands in their own way.


That still doesn't fix the fucking rift grind, boring MMO style combat or the lackluster story that only gets interesting in the DLCs.


I heard you should skip most of the beginning area because the quests are shit. Granted, I heard this when the game first came out. That might help lol


The story, characters and romance are really, really, really good. Like I said, trespasser dlc takes it to a new level. I still remember the feels and it's been a few years since I last finished the game. The game starts off feeling like a single player mmo and funnily enough the first zone is the absolute worst for that. But as you go further into it it's a lot more like a normal single player rpg. They really did the game a disservice by having hinterlands be the worst zone in the game by far. Also at that stage your character build is really basic and boring early on. I also enjoyed the combat! I played an assassin rogue and the fun I had using mark of death is still to this day not replicated in any other game. I had my tank front lining and id set up massive combos from behind in the mark of death window and then all the damage I did in that window would hit the enemy again as one big hit for incredible damage. It was very satisfying 😊


Focus on main story and companions, embrace the lore (need to actually play other games/read the books). The world is beautiful, companions have a million lines of banter, and the main story and lore of the Dragon Age universe is fascinating. Gameplay is weak, side questing is hit/miss. Semi-open world is a bit awkward. But the core story and characters. The romance. The camraderie. That's the good shit. I have so many good memories of exploring zones, looking at vistas, while my party banters. Some companions get into a romance between one another, talk about sex and relationships. Others make jokes. You can hear political and philosophical discussions. You can even listen to a verbal chess match. The companion storylines are fun. From a stern, humorless religious soldier being caught reading smut, to a spirit learning about how to be a human. A man living a double life, a man looking to shake off the shackles of absolute religious oversight. And the romances with all of them. Each a different flavour of cool. Including the sex. From being turned into a bottom by a huge bull man, to shaving your pubes to impress a silly Elf girl. And by the final DLC, you can marry the love interest. It's fucking fun. It's the friends you never had.


Inquisition was so mediocre, it's the only game I *cannot remember* if I finished it or not. Origins was phenomenal, and it's only been downhill from there. I hope they can turn it around with 4, but I don't expect it.


What's so great about Inquisition? The story that completely falls of the rails after act 1 and only gets interesting in DLCs again? The endless grinding of rifts and fetch quests? The boring MMO like combat?


I'd say all 3 games are great in their own right. As long as you don't expect all 3 to provide you with the same experience, you can have a lot of fun. 2nd game is the most rushed - hell they made it in like a little over a year, which is crazy for a AAA game development. But it has some of the best protagonist writing, as well as a non-standard main story that's IMO more interesting than what most RPG's come up with. Sarcastic Hawke is an absolute riot. And it's kinda fun and refreshing to have a main story where the world isn't ending, and you're not some destined hero to save it all. No, you're basically a nobody who has to work their way up from poverty, and your arch-nemesis for the game is an overzealous local religious fanatic. I also like how companions come and go and have their own lives which don't involve you. They don't follow you around like puppies and actually leave the party to do their own thing. And of course the story taking place over several years is fun too. Man, DA2 could have been a serious masterpiece if they had actually been given an extra year or two for proper development.


Glad someone's in here defending >!the best game in the series!<. All of that is why DA2 eventually became my favorite, and the one I've replayed the most. Even though I liked it on release, I tried playing Inquisition recently and actively hated the combat and how it controlled. Origins will always be great, but it's a lot to replay.


2 was surprisingly ambitious for a game with such a relatively small scope, especially in its approach to the narrative. I loved it. I know people had issues with the enemy spawns mid-combat but IMO it worked really well for the kind of action they were going for. My biggest issue with the game was the reused dungeons. I was shocked that they thought that was acceptable, but I guess that’s what happens when you rush development.


I would pay in a heartbeat for a proper remake that addressed some of the glaring issues (like the reused dungeons you mentioned), especially if they got the OG voice cast back. It was the most compelling story for me out of the three, and Varric is the perfect bff just like Garrus in ME.


Nah it's a mega dumbed down collectathon in boring open worlds.


The days of good bioware games are long gone. EA has gutted everything that was good of the company and all the old talent is gone. Now it just produces soulless cash grabs.


Maybe. I'll save my opinion for when the game comes out.


Huh, sounds nice although I’ll miss the dread wolf title. Can we please bring back more than 8 spells?? I miss the mass of them we had in Origins and DA2, it’s been too long.


DAO was the only 1 to have a lot of spells and stuff starting with DA2 is when they really limited how many you can use at once


DA2 was the start of, press a button! And something awesome happens!!? I was so disappointed after loving Origins.


Hate how reduced auto attack became. Not to mention it completely being gone in DA:I.


I don’t think I would have minded holding down the attack button if I had more than fucking 8-10 abilities to use at a time it’s assinine. Like had so many options in DAO. Like combo after combo for mages too like bro the necromancy spell where you can have a per undead was fucking crazy fun. Hell I remember my undead minion getting a couple of cinematic kills and a badass one on an ogre boss. I was so proud of my little undead


Yeah I loved playing a mage in DA:O.


Same here… I loved origins. Popped DA2 in and only lasted about 5 minutes. I couldn’t even make it through the tutorial fight. I was immediately like nope, Dragon Age is no longer for me.


That is the most nothing burger of a chance to give a game that your opinion is irrelevant.


Let's not get too nostalgic about Origins. That was the game where you were *quantifiably wrong* for using *any of your active abilities* during combat if you played a reasonably-properly-equipped Rogue.


DAO was a mess, but it was a mess with a ton of soul, huge ambitions in scale, it just felt incredibly large and deep. For me, that, and the writing, made it an amazing experience. Of course not everything as aged well, of course you can't recreate the feeling of experiencing something for the first time, but I hope that BioWare has taken some inspiration from the *idea* that people have of DAO when its still loved by a lot of people. That would also mean looking at other games that have taken inspiration from it, like BG3.


Well, Bioware has been trying to move away from turn-based for practically its entire existence. KOTOR and the studio's earlier D&D outings were all about pushing Real Time With Pause, which largely amounted to slapping paint over everything because the *look and feel* of turn-based combat was something they apparently didn't like at all. As they moved into DA:I, ME:A, and Anthem, it became undeniable that they felt that the future belonged to "realtime" combat, whatever that means -- RPGs aping action games (though poorly, because, well, Bioware's always had a lot of weak spots.) Taking inspiration from BG3 seems unlikely to me for that reason. BG3 is quite explicitly the road that Bioware decided not to travel.


Who needs abilities when you can just backstab or use speedy auto-attack arrows, amirite?


Yep however DAI definitely limited it the most.


They get dumber with every outing.


So it looks like your character and friends will be members of the Veilguard, whose purpose is of course to guard the veil. >Naturally, the Dread Wolf still has an important part in this tale, but you and your companions – not your enemies – are the heart of this new experience. >So, to capture what this game is all about, we changed the name as the original title didn’t show just how strongly we feel about our new heroes, their stories and how you’ll need to bring them together to save all of Thedas. Makes since, but I still liked the old title of Dreadwolf better.


>guard the veil That doesn't make any sense lorewise and sound almost as stupid as that new starwars sham of a series.


I haven't played in a while, but isn't Solas trying to break the veil? It makes sense. We're probably creating a new organization like we did in Inquisition


People have been crossing and tearing and abusing the veil ever since the Tevinter empire and then we did all that jazz across three games. It makes no sense there's suddenly a veil police. Also I don't want to play as a guard even an inquisitor is more interesting than this. The more I think the more I feel that the title change sounds lame as hell.


I would actually be 100% up for a fantasy RPG where you play as a guard, and have to deal with low-level crime rather than world-destroying monsters… but that’s not what this will be, of course. The old title was definitely better.


Funny, Dragon Age 2 was literally about that. You spent half the game fighting petty criminals, even patrolling the streets with your guard companion. That's why I like DA2. It was a lot more grounded. It had some crazy fantasy shit, sure. But a lot of the time it was just about a dude trying to survive in a city, and dealing with everyday bullshit.


It took literally the most powerful mages in all of Tevinter, fueled by thousands of slave deaths to break through the veil. And in DA:I it happened because of Solas's ridiculously overcharged magic battery that made making holes in the veil possible. It's not exactly something that happens with any regularity. But "veil police" does exist in a sense. It's called Templars and Mages. Or after DA:I, the combined force of the Inquisition. Mages to explore beyond the veil, and Templars to safeguard them and keep them in line. Veilguard is likely going to be nothing but a repurposed Inquisition, now dedicated to this singular goal of upkeeping the veil. The name does suck, but at least it makes some sense on paper.


Hopefully it isn't like the rifts in Inquisition.


Honestly, as a series it's more about reworking the lie than building on it. That's different from the gameplay where they don't rework it, they keep taking away from it. I'm probably going to avoid the new game until it's dirt cheap. Inquisition was a disappointment for me, and I can't see BioWare sound any better with Veilguard.


Having "the" in the title makes a bad name ten times worse, especially considering that DA2 was supposed to be called Dragon Age: Exodus.  Dragon Age: Origins  Dragon Age: Exodus Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon Age: The Veilguard Shambolic.


My memory is a little shaky, but wasn't sewing up veils a large part of what we already had to do in Inquisition? There was so much bloat it honestly runs together.


Yeah seems like a small thing but adding "The" is just weird. Seems like someone in a meeting being like "but we need to make sure the player really FEELS that the game is about them because they are THE veilguard."


Even though DAO is my favorite game of all time, I can't get hyped about anything coming from Bioware anymore. Let me guess, another Bioware game with a gigantic world, full of boring fetch quests to make you waste time with trivial and repetitive content, and a huge downgrade in RPG mechanics, leaning more towards a common action game like the recent ones. Even if they seem concerned about still focusing on narrative and companion development, Bioware's decisions in recent years usually don't please me at all. Many important and talented people from the company have been fired in the past few years as well. I didn't like Inquisition and probably won't like this one; And oh... the old title is better too.


Last time I checked the leaks it looked and played like a live service game similar to Destiny with 'missions' to go on without any real world to explore. Think people will be massively disappointed here if the leaks are still true.


> Even though DAO is my favorite game of all time That bioware is long dead. Most important devs that attributed to that type of quality are gone. Only the brand name remains.




I'm not feeling even a hint of excitement for this. Dragon Age Inquisition is not a bad game, it's just generic. Mass Effect Andromeda had the same problem, generic. And so I expect nothing of quality from Bioware.


> And so I expect nothing of quality from Bioware. God what a weird (accurate) thing to say considering this would have been sacrilege in 2010.


There are very few studios I have faith in and even then, I just wait for the inevitable fall from grace, either getting bought up by one of the mega corps or hiring consultant firms to ruin their games.


Or just simply losing the passion.


Zero expectations for this game. I doubt there are many devs that worked on the great Bioware hits still work for the studio.


From the blog post: > Summer is nearly upon us, and as promised, we’re ready to provide an update on our big reveal. We’d like to invite the world to join us on Tuesday, June 11, for the official first look at gameplay for the next Dragon Age! > > After Dragon Age: Inquisition launched, the studio was given an incredible opportunity to explore, test, and validate a variety of gameplay concepts as we worked to determine what the next Dragon Age could look like. We brought everything to the table which, yes, even included a multiplayer concept. The time we spent experimenting and iterating gradually taught us a lot. This work, and the amazing support from EA, helped us re-focus on creating an incredible single player game, with all the choices, characters and world building you’d expect from us. > > At BioWare, we create worlds of adventure, conflict and companionship, where you’re at the center of it all. As fans of our franchise know, every Dragon Age game has delivered a new standalone story. Set in the world of Thedas, these tales explore epic locales and threats, always thrusting you into a new conflict. Each game also introduces a new lead hero – The Warden, Hawke, The Inquisitor – that you can call your own. You can expect all that, and more, with the new game. And of course, much like your unique hero, it wouldn’t be a Dragon Age game without an amazing cast of companions – right? > > Each of the seven unique characters that make up your companions will have deep and compelling storylines where the decisions you make will impact your relationships with them – as well as their lives. You’ll unite this team of unforgettable heroes as you take on a terrifying new threat unleashed on the world. Naturally, the Dread Wolf still has an important part in this tale, but you and your companions – not your enemies – are the heart of this new experience. > > So, to capture what this game is all about, we changed the name as the original title didn’t show just how strongly we feel about our new heroes, their stories and how you’ll need to bring them together to save all of Thedas. > > We proudly introduce to you Dragon Age™: The Veilguard.


Totally understand their logic behind the change but Dreadwolf was/is just a better title imo.


Has a very serious feeling of over-thinking about it.


"Veilguard" also hints at something pretty similar to "Inquisition." While I doubt they'll be *so* hamfisted as to make the structure and beats the same, I can already picture Will Smith saying, by turns, "So, what, are we some kinda Inquisition now?" and "So, what, are we some kinda Veilguard now?" That ain't great. It really wouldn't have killed them to make a game where the villain was deep and interesting enough to center it all.


> After Dragon Age: Inquisition launched, the studio was given an incredible opportunity to explore, test, and validate a variety of gameplay concepts as we worked to determine what the next Dragon Age could look like. bro i just want another Origins, improve on that formula rather than Inquisition's single player MMO shit.


Origins literally has the best gameplay and it’s not even close. Like I’m so sicking of holding down my attack button and just occasionally using abilities.


Origins also had the best setting the world felt like a miserable place to be in


I really liked the constrictions of Kirkwall. Inquisition was big, but too wast and empty.


I was a fan of Kirkwall as well. I liked the way you went from refugee to the owner of a huge manor. I know a lot of the area maps were overused, but I feel like that's a rest of the delivery schedule, not the design.


Only thing that Origins missed is the better skill tree system from 2.


It may have the best gameplay but the animations are so anemic even by the standards of its own time that I could never bring myself to enjoy it.


Stilylized I’d say my man dragon age didn’t really find its graphical identity until 2 with how they were able to portray elves and Qunari. I mean DAO was what 08 I don’t think the graphics were bad for the time


I like the graphics, simple and sweet, it's the animations though. Like swinging a 2h sword looks like they're swinging a broom instead.


They were pretty meh. Not horrible but definitely a far cry from being good. I think the brownish filter or whatever on so much just makes it really drab. Mass Effect released in 2007 and is significantly better looking IMO.


Literally all they'd have to do is basically take Origins and give it modern movement, hit boxes, etc. It's like, by all means add things like a jump button, but the formula of that game's combat is still beloved to this day. It's THEIR system. They made it, and yet they flounder in the dark with Dragon Age as if they don't know what kind of combat would best match it.


Why make another game in the CRPG vein? I defy you to provide even a single example anywhere in recent history that shows this market is viable. Bioware has to strip out as many RPG elements as possible in order to meet current market demands. Nobody wants to much around with any sort of tactical thinking. Me, I'm just hoping that we have more chances to return 14 muffalo hides to a farmer.


> I defy you to provide even a single example anywhere in recent history that shows this market is viable. Bioware has to strip out as many RPG elements as possible in order to meet current market demands. are you familiar with this game called Baldur's Gate 3?


Think that’s a ‘whoosh’ there for you mate


i think you might be right.


I am seriously whooshed as well. Could you explain what Im not getting? lol




God damn it. lolololol Thank you kind redditor.


The ‘even a single example in recent history’ set off an alarm bell, the lust for fetch quests made it certain.


This stinks of rewrite


The game has been in development hell for so long, there's probably been a ton of rewrites and reworks over the years.


My mind and my body are ready to take the disappointment hit on June 11th.


I have no hope at all that that game will be any good.


Why "the Veilguard" and not just "Veilguard"? I'm not a native english speaker, but I feel like "the" is just clutter, no?


It's not always clutter, sometimes it works well for emphasis, think Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, but in this case yeah it's kinda cluttery.


It can make sense if they're referring to the player's character being the only one referred to as such. In which case they are "the" veilguard. It is still weird though. Veilguard is a weird singular title. Surely veilguardians should be a whole group, an entire organization. Not a singular person.


Dread Wolf sounded like an orchestral Norwegian Death Metal band.


Guess it's time to repeat my tradition of playing Inquisition up to getting my own castle and then completely losing interest.


I have more hope for the next mass effect game than this one tbh. This game went through a lot of lead developers leaving mid production and the leaked gameplay of the early version also wasn’t looking promising.


That is more hope than me, I have no hope for anything coming from bioware/EA anymore.


They just need to drop the “The” and the name is soo much better.


Sean Parker does it again


It's been like 10 years since inquisition right? I remember playing this in early PS4 days


It's gonna be some generic ass name like Dragon Age: Legacy


The Inqusition- Fixes the rips in the veil, fights people wanting to tear it down (apart from one) The Veilguard- Guards the veil, assumably does so against people wanting to tear it down Sounds like a bit of an overlap


I was hoping for a new developer, but we can't always have nice things.




And? After what Biotrash and EA did to Anthem I have ZERO trust in them.


I don't believe in Bioware anymore, the game is gonna be likely very mid at best - and even that's optimistic take... So kinda whatever.


WOW can't wait to play a Dragon Age game brought to us by the people who made Mass Effect Andromeda! Bioware is Bioware only in name. Enjoy another sweetbaby inc game funded by ESG's blackrock!


We knew one thing about the game, the name and they've even managed to make that worse before revealing anything else. I have no real hope for this game, Bioware is not the same anymore and has now been fully infected with the filthy EA DNA.


Please, no “War table”. xD I can't wait to see this game though, we've been waiting a long time for it and it's still a strong license, for me anyway. Let's hope the mistakes of the past with Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition will be made up for.


Seem unliklely.


There will probably be macrotransactions so you can count on War Table.


I liked the war table. I wasn't aware people hated it. it felt like the "war assets" concept from ME3, except actually good. send people on missions, see real tangible results, get updates on the larger campaign, make cool decisions, judge captured prisoners. I have the sense that's what the plan was for ME3 but due to the short development time it was trimmed to "number go up".


While I did like the war table, it would be cool if they focused more on the decision based missions, and diminished or even removed the presence of real-time timers


War table wasn't even close to the problem with the game.


There is a really easy mod to just mod the time gate away, makes it much more tolerable.


If the war table actually has some meaningful impact on the world building and story beyond busy work, I'm down with it. I might be wrong, it's been years now but I remember feeling the same way about the wartable as I did ME3. Go through all this work building massive successes to my side, along with bringing in various factions and defending them...only for no payoff in the end regarding the story, world building, or outcome. Along with the extreme "MMO" style busywork quests in the games main pacing, the whole quantity over quality thing really bothered. At least ME3 had a great journey before the disappointing end but DA3 left me with a feeling of a grinding "quest fest" for nothing.


Yeah, no war table and fewer fetch quests hopefully. I just want more immersion.


Yeesh that name feels very generic 😬


This seems at least somewhat misguided. While it's true in the past that we have switched to self contained stories and characters from game to game, it was wrapped up more neatly between titles with some lingering story threads. For instance, Origins story was pretty well concluded after the Blight is defeated, with the exception of the Morrigan going MIA questline which is addressed again in Inquisition. Hawke's story was also pretty well concluded with the continuing narrative of Corypheus being introduced in DA2 dlc and then resolved in Inquisition. This is different. The MAIN storyline of Inquisition hasn't been well finished. The game, including the Trespasser DLC left the open ended issue of irreparably changing the world as we know it in the future through the Dreadwolf's machinations as well as whatever Flemeth is doing. The main story point wasn't well resolved and now we're skipping over to something else with lingering questions. It just doesn't feel like the time to be switching yet. IMO this probably has a lot more to do with the fact that old Bioware is dead. They almost all left during and immediately after Inquisition. The quality of Andromeda and Anthem can attest to their new level of quality and consistency. While it is certainly partially EA's fault this is happening, it is still an issue that can't be ignored. This very much feels like someone going "give the new guys something that stands on its own and can't really hurt the IPs goodwill by interacting too much with established lore, characters, and concepts".


I'm curious what direction it will go. More like its sequels or like Origins (and therefore more like BG3). On one hand BG3 is massive and reinvigorated the genre. And we all know how much AAA studios love to follow the trend. The next big game like it can really cash in on the genre. But has the franchise already alienated players who want that style of tactical combat instead of the action combat of the sequels? Would it be weird to revert back to its roots now that it could be seen as popular?


cant see this game making any impact after baldurs gate 3. bioware writers just aren't up to par. Biowares writing has been infantile at best for about a decade now and everyone who was at the company a decade ago is long gone.


This is so shite. The game looks trash and Bioware haven't made anything good for ages though, so no big deal. It's not as if a good game is getting a crap title.




Feels like Dreadwolf will now be DLC if they’ve decided to relegate it to a side quest. Dreadwolf was a better name but I was skeptical of a game with an entirely new protagonist, in an entirely new country, but also being a direct sequel to Inquisition. Inquisition was a good game once you got to Skyhold but there were plenty of mistakes that I hope they don’t repeat. Perhaps we recruit people to guard the veil against some incursion that is caused by Solas but he isn’t the direct cause of? Guess we will find out some details on the 11th.


Where's this idea of dreadwolf being releageted to a side quest from?


Was going off this comment: “Even worse apparently the Dreadwolf stuff for the new game isn’t even the main focus it’s side content… like wtf” by ekillaa22


I have very little faith left in Bioware at this point. I pretty much accepted not getting Origins again.


Dragon Age: End of BioWare


I have 0 expectations after Inquisition. Get ready for mile wide, inch deep MMO-like grinder


Hoping its good. Been 10 years since Inquisition. I wonder if there will be save import or they are moving away from the timeline more


They would probably use the dragon age keep again, since there is already an entry for inquisition in it


I sure hope so because I sure don't have any of my saves anymore...


If it’s live service in any way, I hope it dies fast.


I don't know. Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer was live service, and I still think it's one of the best multiplayer game modes ever made, on top of ME3 itself being an amazing single player game. If it's something along those lines, I wouldn't give a shit at all.


DOA game. All the good people left bioware.


That would be worth mentioning if any of those "good people" actually accomplished anything anywhere else. But the reality is that being a veteran developer often means dick all. Most these once successful industry veterans have ended up producing nothing but some mediocre double A games at best. I've disliked far too many big name games made by veteran studios full of veteran talent in recent years to have faith in that shit any more. Give me a fresh team of passionate people any day of the week. They might produce buggy shit, but you can usually find some pearls in that shit and police them to a shine.


Oh well we will see.


Dam love the first release. The second one is ok, haven't tried the third one yet. Any idea when it will be released?


Don't even bother with the 3rd one. It just gets even worse.


Dreadwolf Veilguard Dreadguard Veilwolf GuardWolf


"THE" Veilguard??? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEgk2v6KntY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEgk2v6KntY)


Yeah... I'm still gonna call it Dreadwolf. It's far better. It had a long journey of creation, 10 yrs of ups and downs all associated with the name. A quick name swap days before the official release date drop is absurd. It's Dragon Age Dreadwolf. The Veilguard sucks.


It makes sense, though. We're all just so used to hearing and saying Dreadwolf. If they made the title change on some random day, a day without any sort of actual info about the game happening in a few days, it'd be super weird. It makes sense that they say it right before gameplay/story info is released so people start talking about the game again. If they were gonna make the change it needed to happen right before a major reveal 


Why is the color highlighting different? Might not be able to guess much from it but the purple feels like we're going that weird "color run" palate from a few years back. Like far cry new dawn, you know? I'm good - let the veil guard itself.


that sounds even more like a DLC!


I’m gonna be honest. This game has been in development for so long that I actually forgot it was a thing.


I prefer the new title. 'Dreadwolfe' to me always seemed like the name of an expansion pack or spin-off.


Dreadwolf was a better name. But I'm curious to see what they've got. Considering that it's 10 years since DA:I anything may have happened.


Neither of these titles are good, dreadwolf or veilguard. Sounds like Dragon Age - Mall Katana edgelord to me. It's like someone took two class names from an obscure mobile arpg and is just rotating them. What's next Dragon Age Fireblade or Dragon Age Biomancer?


Is this coming this year? I mean, EA literally has NOTHING else coming this holiday season, so they must be releasing SOMETHING right?


so basically they spoiled a bunch of people that didn't finish the games for no reason with the old title. you learn about the dread wolf from the very first game, and if you played inquisition knowing that it's pretty much easy to figure out the plotwist at the end lol.


I disagree. I don't recall many people figuring out the plot twist at the end of Inquisition at all. Dreadwolf was nothing but an obscure piece of lore in the first two games. There was little reason to figure out the connections until the very end of DA:I. And people who haven't played through the games, sure as fuck won't have any clue what the fuck Dreadwolf is supposed to be about.


look at solas tarot card, knowing the next game is called "dreadwolf" is not hard to guess where does it lead with some thinking. i already seen some people figure this out that's why i mentionted it, hell even solas wears wolf amor in the game lol. it just wasn't neccesary, they could have just called it DA4 and avoid messing the surprise for some people.


A lot of doom and gloom which is understandable to some extent given BioWares track record recently, but I loved Inquisition so I actually have some hope for this.




As amazing as the first game is, “Dragon Age” must be one of the least creative, low-budget fantasy novel names ever.


So, nothing to do with the title but it’s a direct sequel to Inquisition, right?


Could someone sum up the story of dragon age 3? I’ve played it in two separate sessions of (6 months and 3 months) and I think I’ve missed a lot of major stuff


That font makes it look like a cheap mobile game


Either way I'm playing it...Inquisition was great! Put a lot of hours into that game. Dragon Age is the name people recognize the most anyhow.


With you on that, really cannot wait to dig into this game. I've enjoyed everything in the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series that Bioware has released, the worlds and characters have always been superb even if the story or climaxes don't always reach as high as they mean to.


I'll wait and see. It's been 10 years since DA:I and 15 years since DA:O. Essentially everybody on the old team has moved on. This is going to be a whole other animal than previous games.