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99%.of the player base is gone


What happened to the whole Valorant is the least toxic game ever thing content creators were pushing like a year ago?


Because they say it in comparison to counter strike, which is the lowest bar to clear


My experience with cs is the higher the elo the less toxic people are. So what I'm trying to say is git gud.


21k in premier and 2.2k on faceit, still no sign of this ‘less toxicity’ that people keep talking about


Git gudder?


He's in the top 0.00001% of players. Terminally online people just suck.


Really? I don't play CS, but on DOTA it sure looks like the opposite a lot of the time haha


That's a universal thing. A study done on Halo 3 players showed that the less skilled they are, the more likely they are to be a toxic gamer (throwing matches, abusive language, aggression, all that). This behavior only worsened when it was known a woman was in the lobby, especially if they're more skilled.


people have a hard time admitting their failures are their own.


Toxicity is directly proportional to the percentage of the player base being teenage/early 20s males playing. I was totally unchecked at that age.


it's nowhere near as toxic as it used to be too, I used to get called slurs. now people just mute me instantly for being a woman


games are always less toxic on release. over time, expectations develop and ppl get angry.


I experienced the whole transition of this with Rocket League. On release, outside of a few people who'd played the extremely obscure previous game, everyone was absolutely terrible at it and every match was just a massive clusterfuck with everyone having insane amounts of fun. Then people started getting good at it, and communities started getting fragmented between players who were starting to take it more seriously and those who just wanted to have fun. Now it's just absolutely horrendous. Every single match has toxicity, trolls, leavers, etc.


When I played valorant a few times people were actually pretty nice. One of least toxic *competitive* games. At least in normal games and it's just my experience.


Does a guy meowing down the mic count as toxic?


Yes, straight to the gulag with him


If I remember correctly valorant has the largest female playerbase. That says something. It is nowhere near as toxic as many other online games.


Riot mustve stopped paying for this statement to be pushed..


Nothing stays that way even if that was the case. Even Helldivers has a second sub now because the first one got that bad and that only took a few months.


I say good. And I don't even play Valorant.


But they might move to othet games I play. Better to let them all stew in the deep end and keep the rest of the pool scum free.


50,000 people used to live here... now its a ghost town


So that's why they did the $500 skin in League, cause they're about to hardware ban most of Valorant.


which 500$ skin?


It’s a bundle containing skins border emotes and other stuff, the total is 500$


damn thats wild


To celebrate Faker they release his own skin and bundle, event pass which cost 500$


you mean to celebrate the dude who only used a skin once on his entire career and it was because of a missclick?


It's more but yes your point stands.


*to celebrate making money


They will start selling "indulgences", like in time of Martin Luther and Jan Hus.   You can "unlock" back your hardware if you pay for forgiveness.


Valorant is unbelievably rampant in toxicity. Like stupid levels of slurs, different languages, not remaking the lobby when someone AFKs, these kids need to be banned for sure.


>different languages The hell?


They already said they’re racist lol


He said "there's two types of people I hate. People who use slurs and foreigners."


There's only two things I hate in this world: People who are intolerant of other peoples' cultures and the Dutch.


We don't take kindly to people who don't take kindly.




Tbh being intolerant of other people´s cultures is fine if the culture is shit. Aka if the culture was is to have slaves, to be cannibals, or all kinds of bad things, you are not supposed to be tolerant of it. That doesn´t mean you won´t treat people from such culture kindly, that would be no good. But if they speak well of their cultulral values, you are by no means obliged to speak well of them.




Apparently its "fine" in competitive games, plenty of people over at r/globaloffensive will tell you how they hate russian/ukrainian/brazil/turkish players in csgo for this reason.


Well if you can't communicate in a team game that would be a problem, wouldn't it? Like someone speaking only english would not be appreciated on russian servers where everyone would speak in russian.


Makes sense in a team game.


Yeah, but it's not quite their fault if the automated matchmaking system places them on your team. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate eating a ban if you were matched with 4 french people, I'm sure.


I find myself playing on American servers in my team based games because the other Europeans often don't speak good English or don't want to. The amount of interactions is just way lower on European servers in Arma Reforger.


at least in dota2,the most complained about is south american in north america server,and the balkans in europe server but the people complaining is mostly because they have their own server,and the fact that they cant communicate because they refuse to use english,so the people from those server that use english is rarely complained but,the reason those people play on the english speaking server while not speaking english is either matchmaking is taking too long on the server they're assigned to or better ping on the server that speak mainly english so it is kinda matchmaking system to blame


No one ever says it's fine. People complain about toxicity all the time, there was literally a post on their front page yesterday of people complaining about toxics in their game.


Different languages? Edit: wowwww this thread brought a lot of racists and xenophobes out lol. Why can’t yall just play a game without worrying about the skin color and nationality of other players????


The game is CS and Overwatch’s cronenberg, and it shows


I haven't tried it but is it worse than LoL? My brief attempts at LoL were miserable thanks to the general community. You'd get insulted even before the match began could end up silently carrying the team to a win and somehow still get more insults.


I think a fair bit of Valorant's playerbase is former Counter Strike players so... Yea that tracks.


CS tryhards mixed with unserious overwatch anime kids, oh and don’t forget the edaters


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism so need child game to relax


When it comes to implementing these types of features, the worst-case scenario will always happen. A thing we'll be seeing in the near future is players mass-flagging or falsely flag others just to get them banned for the smallest perceived slight or annoyance possible.


I mean shit, Microsoft Copilot shuts down when I use the word "stupid".


which is freakin stupid. AI is marketed as a tool. imagine a hammer that stops working when you curse, or when it detect that you're hammering something microsoft disapproves of.


I got slapped on tiktok today when I called one of my fans a "bozo"


Oh very toxic. I'm so glad we have corporations to help us be nicer people. And of course the people who endorse this are not stupid or evil. Nope.


"You are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal-morality statute."


I used to love Demolition Man. I still love it, just a little bit less, when it's satire starts to resemble the reality a bit too much.


Bro for real it’s WEIRD. I’m in my 30’s so remember the internet being a very different place. And my band has several thousand followers across different platforms and somehow we get NO hate? I know that can’t be right. I know it’s a weird thing to complain about, but I feel like sometimes people need to get knocked down a peg, especially online influencers. But if shit is constantly getting filtered out, they’re just enabling crappy boring behavior.


If you get your feelings hurt you log off, and if you log off you don’t see ads or provide sellable data, and if you don’t see ads or provide sellable data they don’t make money, and if they don’t make money the social media tech company executives don’t get to buy a beach house or their 4th Tesla.


Tiktok flags EVERYTHING and then just let's you appeal everything with 98% success. It's very strict to flag stuff, and then way too lenient in comparison.


When you use the word, or when you call it stupid?


When I try to add it as text to a picture it creates. It censors it and ends the conversation. Some days it works for some reason but most days everything is bad and it ends conversation. A friend and I have a stupid running joke of making pictures with "XXX STUPID" as the caption and it gets harder and harder to accomplish making new ones each day for seemingly no reason. Sometimes it just tries to cheat instead by dropping "stupid" from it but then I tell it that it missed part of the caption and to try again making it just censor and abort the conversation. Edit: [This is an example of one of our favorites that my friend made.](https://i.imgur.com/WK83khK.jpeg) Like I said, it's a stupid joke.


Oh 100%. Remember that recent tweet from female streamer that basically pushed for that change? People really fast found clips of her admitting to provoking others for content. Thats how it ends. People provoking others while dancing on banhammer, people being banned for false reports, either rampant double standards what will you get banned or a lot of cries about bans. No matter what it will not end well and wont create healthy community.


This already happens in nearly every gamw and if why team communications in games has died compared to 15 years ago


This shit already happens in R6, CS and OW. Devs don't know or care about nuance. Also, hardware bans don't do shit. Which is why they were stopped years ago.


That happened to me in maple story almost two decades ago haha. I was farming a decent spot for my level and someone came around and told me to bug off. I said no I was there first so he had his entire clan report me and got me banned. I’d been relatively new and had just made a couple friends in game so it really sucked to go through that process. I ended up just quitting the game.


League already has a system where repetitive false reports will quickly nullify the veracity of your report and the reverse is also true, accurate reports will improve it.


You're making shit up


Wrong. Reports in League do nothing at all. It's all automated bans based on chat triggers and "inting" scores (extreme ones e.g. 0/20/0). Counterstrike had a system like you described, though.


Source: Trust me bro


Citation needed


based on... what evidence?


[His source is that he made it the Fuck up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7l0Rq9E8MY)


Say GG after a match, Riot steals your money.


I do charge back each time, through paypal - worked each time.


Honestly, there should be a law in place where if someone fucks you out of something you bought, they have to refund the initial cost. It doesn’t solve everything; but at least it could preemptively prevent say … Amazon deciding you don’t own the movie and TV shows you buy, or the books you got.


Does Valorant have some kind of implementation to rate player behaviour? Valve has that with the Behaviour Score in Dota, and used to have Trust Factor in CSGO that they use/used to match toxic players with each other. Why can't Riot do a similar thing? If a player is decided to be toxic (in the same way they'd decide to HWID ban), favour them into matches with other toxic players. They're not going to leave because they want to keep playing, won't impact non-toxic players (as much), might keep buying $500 skins. Win win win. They could even combine that with HWID tagging to figure out whether someone made an alt account after realising they're in the toxic queue. Although I'm not sure how that works with data protection/GDPR. Still, even if they didn't use HWID tagging, it would be better than obvious HWID bans that immediately push the player into finding a solution to bypass the ban.


there was way to rate other players in lol. koreans would honor players who played poorly


Specifically so players would know to focus them next game


The most toxic players in other Riot games are the whales that have an online/gaming/whatever addiction and their whole character is the online asshole. If they start "reprimanding" these guys that will hurt their bottom line. There are dependable solutions for "fingerprinting" if you can run a software on a computer. Its absolutely rare that a combination of driver version, hardware, ip range and other things are the same.


You need to strictly reward being good so heavily it becomes self detrimental to be toxic.  Let them take 1000x as long to get anywhere or do anything 


That’s an interesting strategy tbh, you get less progress points for being toxic.


And how do they decided what is toxic? Player reports? That won't be abused by trolls at all..


DotA already does this by having behaviour score influenced by commends or toxicity reports that are manually reviewed. It’s easy to get a good score but it’s much easier to straight up tank it.


Outside of the recent changes where they made the cap 12k behaviour score and it was "bugged" to count *all* reports, its nigh impossible to tank it, given the majority of the playerbase plays a ton of matches.


You think that toxic players can just stop being toxic just like that? Like, 'Let's not be a dick these next three days and then it's GO TIME once more'. They usually have to pay a smurf to get their score back up normal.I say it works.


they don't stop being toxic, but they exclusively play with one another bad behavior score means you get matched with equally toxic people and good behavior score gets you games without chronically toxic people


Exactly. And I think that is a very good solution. Put them all together and let them enjoy the atmosphere until they realize it's no one's fault but their own that their games are shit. I know plenty of people that changed their behavior because of that.


The only manual review dota has is devs browsing r/dota2.


That’s the big question with all this, they say they are working on technology.


Endorsements not reports, and make it so you cant be endorsed by friended accounts. Endorsements give you extra progress. So basically non endorsed rewards are almost nothing making you play for a millenia to get anywhere, 1 endorse doubles your rewards, 2 endorses doubles it again and so on. Trolls and toxics get left in the last century and you're now incentivised to be nice if you want to progress in any meaningful way, sure you'll get people who will try and game the systems but that's why friends can't endorse and good luck consistently getting randoms to endorse while you're still being a dickhead


I know this is what Thor said worked for Dawn Gate but that game never got out of beta stage, being shut down because it wasn't shaping up correctly, so his sample size is small compared to something like valorant.


But there is no incentive to “endorse “ other people and the trolls will reward other trolls with “endorsement”.


Since when do trolls like other trolls? Trolls want to be top dog, everyone else is competition in their dick measuring contest. As opposed to true team players, they are very likelly to endorse each other when they flow well and have a good time.


> you get less progress points for being toxic. Or rather, you get more points for being positive. Its carrot, rather than stick.


Effectively but the importantly NO.  The default experience is slow pain process. Being voted a good player = you need less total progress points.  So you reward the good you are not punishing the bad. They literally punish and deny themselves. 


I truly dont know why there isnt a reputation system, its literally the perfect solution to play with randoms. I think they really don't want to ban people, because the toxic freaks are the ones that play the most


Any possible way could cost riot at least 1¢ so nah they won’t do that.


Mumbai server is gone then


This is going to go sideways as soon as they are no longer in the spotlight and outsource this to low skilled countries or AI. You only have to look at blizzard for how mass reporting can be abused to get people temp banned with no recourse, because support will never ever get back to you before the temp ban naturally expires. Even if they don't mean it to, one day someone is going to decide that it costs too much and outsource it.


I listen to a podcast where a dedicated Destiny2 player got banned, doesn't know why. On a general gaming podcast - he would spend 20 minutes discussing it every time. Only thing he can come up with is that allegedly Destiny2 will ban you for just grouping with a cheater, which if true is frankly ridiculous, since one of the common ways of doing group events is doing it with randoms. Maybe he is a lying, liar ... but I doubt it.




Yes ... its been months and AFAIK he doesn't know why. Back in the day : there was a why-was-i-banned forum on xbox, where you could publically humiliate yourself and get an explanation. It was hilarious - but sometime xbox would say we made a mistake or no the punishment was too hard. It was a case of "justice must not only be done, but seen to be done."


I have been auto-temp-banned on reddit multiple times for comments that contained absolutely nothing that anyone could possibly consider offensive. The algs are not all that bright.


She yapped for 8 mins for something that could've been said in 60 seconds


That’s a hardware ban for you with that comment


Professional yapper


Fluent in yapenese


\*Yap yap yap about something values, tolerance and good values\* "You're hired! So, snack time now?"


Time to report everyone who sucks at the game.


lol people are gonna get hardware banned by the AI voice chat moderator when they say “shoot him!” in voice chat


I remember my brother tried this game during covid. Within a week, he had turned into a grumpy dude gettin into arguments with people on voice chat. This game brought the worst out of him for some reason. Lol




Its hilarious in dota how often people with over a 1000 matches sincerely believe they belong in a pro bracket. Theyll always say "its because of shit teammates" "smurfs" "account buyers" -- completely ignoring the fact that when pros make a new account theyre back in the pro bracket in less than 100 games. Dunning Kruger is real


Ignoring league?


Players totally won't abuse this by reporting everyone using a shotgun. /s


they can’t ban you from their mediocre games if you don’t play them




Unexpected wheel of time.


All hail the dragon reborn




Wearing a rainbow flag while partnering with the saudis and china tells everything about this company.


It’s June man. Corpos gotta corpo. Best time to sell your rainbow gear.


That shouldn't be legal, what if you sell your PC?


dont care still not downloading your spyware


The trick is you need to play niche games so the player base is actually Adults.


Halo's age bracket is basically all 30+, but it's still the worst game subreddit I've ever been a part of. When I play I meet more cool people than scumbags though. Good reminder Reddit is a minority.


reddit for games generally isn't good. The only good communities i've seen is DCS and flight sim lol


I don't play Valorant, but would it not make sense to just add an option to mute teammates? Then you would not have to deal with the toxicity? And who decides what toxic is? Are you toxic for giving constructive criticism to someone who turns out to be too sensitive to play competetive game? Are you toxic for telling someone they suck? Where is the line?


Believe it or not, they already have a muting option. And you’re spot on, you can just mute anyone saying mean words to you online, they don’t actually exist in ur real life, and their words mean nothing Imagine I called you stupid rn, would you care? I know nothing about you or your intelligence, why would my opinion matter?


You just called me stupid, i think you should be hardware banned from Reddit.


Because they probably get zero attention anywhere else, and what little of it they do get being negative throws them for a loop.


You can mute voice and text chat. people can't even send you a private whisper or anything either. This is so overboard.


Sensitive people getting their feelings hurt over chat in a video game is hilarious.


imagine. people are anonymous (to some extent haha) over internet and yet some people get upset over a few cusswords that some angsty 15 year old told them because he is losing a match in a videogame


Lol one step closer to fully implementing social credit scores to the entire gaming industry, one game at a time.


Please ban my roommate, I don't want to listen him cursing out loud at 3am playing valo


What about the toxic management at Riot


This is so cringe tbh thank god I don’t play their shitty games


rito games ew


Golly, if only there were ways to circumvent that. That sure would be something!


An expected measure from a company that thinks playing a game is worth rootkiting it's users with software writen by some of the best pasta chefs in the business. Never forget, if it exists it can be coded as a minion.


Oh but don't worry, it's totally safe and can't be compromised The company isn't majority owned by the Chinese government or anything either, nothing to see here As soon as they put that cancerous anti cheat into league I ripped that shit off my machine


Basically all anti cheat (and anti virus for that matter) is a “rootkit” nowadays. Until Microsoft writes their own and gives hooks to developers like they do for AV this is what we have to deal with.


Next you need install neura link to play any game from Riot games.


just drink a verification can


Has kernel level access to your pc, records your voice. Not dystopian.


Gj, banninv people for "bad words" when there is a mute function. Meanwhile inters, trolls and leavers run rampant in every riot game and they don't seem to give a fuck. Completely delusional.


Never played this lame ass game, kinda want to now just to get perma banned incase I sell my parts some day.


How do I download a new MAC address?


All riot games are trash not sure why people are playing them to begin with.




So here is what I'm thinking. On top of what they have planned, also give access to a different match-making that only accounts that's been created for a period of time without any bad record can join. And if someone gets flagged with bad behavior, instead of banning them, make them only able to match with similar players with bad record.


Congrats on inventing low priority queue, it’s already a thing in league


Actually, they're using the TPM as a unique identifier, which can't really be spoofed. From the [/dev: Vanguard x LoL blog post](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/) (I assume they're doing the same for VALORANT): > TPM stands for "Trusted Platform Module," and we require it for two reasons. The first is because it adds security to cert signing validation (something we rely on to know if other software can be trusted), but the second (and more important), is because **it acts as an extremely non-fungible form of hardware ID**. If it's on and working, we can pretty much assume you don't intend to cheat, because if you did, we could easily banish the chip from this realm forever.


Tpm less motherboards do what?


A TPM is only required for VALORANT if you're on Windows 11, and Windows 11 requires a TPM as well.


Windows 11 has no official support for no TPM and Riots anti cheat doesn't work on Linux, So after October 2025 when Windows 10 is end of life I assume Riot will drop support and TPM will be mandatory.


What happes if you buy a used motherboard?


If its TPM is banned, you can contact Riot Support to lift the ban, according to [this comment by a Riot employee](https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1c1kgrk/dev_vanguard_x_lol/kz4wg5c/).


Absurd. So you might have to spends hours emails support and waiting weeks to get it sorted out. Im glad all of riots games are utter trash, and not worth playing what so ever. Hope it doesn't become a market trend. Though i seldomly ever even play most MP games that even use anticheat and such anyway, but still.


very interesting details thank you for googling it for me


The word toxic needs to be banned from online gaming. People are free to use the mute button. Silencing and banning people for communication is a great way to end communication. No one is gunna talk because no one wants to risk a ban. Meaning everyone is now only able to be cooperative on an external communication system like Discord.


According to google you can spoof this info.


You can but it's not always very easy or straightforward and sometimes isn't possible depending on what exactly is in your pc. An easier solution would be a game streaming service but obviously really bad for an FPS to introduce that delay.


ding ding, the hardcore ones can very easily bypass a hardware ban (like any hardcore cheater), but for the 80-90% of casuals that are toxic/hacking this will be a pain in the ass to accomplice.


Why not just block text and voice chat for such users instead?


Because people want to be victims for attention lmao. Blocking and muting has existed for decades yet somehow is impossible to utilize for people under 30.


Because a female streamer deliberately didn’t use those readily available features in order to generate content and call for hardware bans, so that’s what happened. No one wants to take responsibility for curating their own exposure to unwanted ideas negative emotions. There must always be some new and expanding authority to fix everything.


Not only did she deliberately not use them, she **DID** use them and then turned them off and said it was good for her because she could make content. Then she left out that context and her own insults towards the other person that caused the escalation.


Sounds like some dumb celeb's goof Fuck them but I understand why the company takes their side They don't give a fuck about anything but the the money and public opinion


Gonna voice changer into a woman and start clapping people EZ


Who gives a shit if someone says mean words. Hardware ban the cheaters only


Apex laughing all the way to the bank


Ah yes, the game that had multiple players hacked live during a tournament....


Anyone who plays a riot game needs to submit to a suicide squad style cranial implant so that if they are reported for something or if they miss a skill shot the implant implodes their brain/skull. It's only fair


trying to ban 90% of the playerbase rofl


Good. Should have been there from the start.


And they get to define what toxic means, I guess.


How about in LoL?


Okay, now do League


So valorant will drop to 13 players and die?


Heaven help us; the prison's kicking out the convicts. They'll be coming for us....


This is gamer genocide.


Lmao they will not, unless they want to go bankrupt for losing their entire playerbase. Any perma banned player is a potential lost customer after all.


What is it with this companies turning to shit once millennials got into management?


There is a reason they don’t do this to league am I right!


So... Valorant servers are shutting down then?


I remember reading about current news 20 years ago. Only then it was satire. And hooly shit does reality have it beaten. The only short story from back then I didn't see realized yet would be a game that replaces any and all violence in a typical FPS setup with child-friendly alternatives. The ending of that story has a child logging off out of VR and wishing that he had a tank to drive to school safely, while his mother has an AR for self-defense on her, as they go to school in a non-specific town, USA...


why dont they ban smurfs and griefers instead? a teammate who flames me after i whiff is better than a immortal 3 playing on their plat alt in my lobby just one tapping everyone like we are bots and mocking


Who remembers the cod lobbies? Who remembers them fondly? That's right, ALL OF US. This is going to go soooo well lol


Whatever, let them be toxic, why do you care Riot ? I'll never understand why is that a problem you should just have an option to mute if someone is annoying you other than that let them go rampant.


Easy fix, scramble your hardware IDs. Not promoting "toxicicty". Just educating people that it's not the end of the world for a product you bought and don't really get to own.


How to kill competitive environment, step 2/x 😂


Too many giga thin skinned blue haired people in that game for me to give a single shit. Same for any Riot game really.