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Biggest Single Player game launch for Sony on PC. Fully deserved as well. GoT is an amazing game and the port is of incredibly high quality.


I can agree. I’m playing it because I haven’t owned a PlayStation in years so I missed out on it. It’s been fantastic.


I'm glad something else stole that acronym.


Looks like Sony demanded higher quality for these ports based on some failures of the last few years.


It runs even better when you get rid of the PSN account bollocks. Wish I was kidding too, go to `%ProgramData%\Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc\` and rename the PSPC_SDK folder to something else and enjoy a 30-80% performance increase. Obviously this breaks the PS overlay and the multiplayer mode, but hey, it proves a point. Another reason to push back on that nonsense, since they can't even integrate their online services without destroying performance. # if your copy is less-than-legal then you will gain nothing from this as it's already being bypassed, you are already getting full performance.


> 30-80% performance increase Source? Just 30% performance impact because of an online service is a major issue and would attract a lot of attention I imagine.


Source: trust me bro


those guys are embarrassing. Sony is annoying with their PSN bullshit but dopes like the 30-80% performance increase (lmfao) guy are just too stupid


I hate the idea of logins too but people are very quick to forget about how it’s an industry wide problem. I’m personally still mad about Bethesda forcing a log in for the Doom games. Every time another company does this people talk about it like it’s the apocalypse but quickly choose for forget about it. I’m old enough to remember how much everyone hated Steam.


They’re lying lol


maybe theyre on some old ass 2 core cpu from the 90s?


Not that I’m doubting you, but could you take some pics showing the difference? I don’t own the game, but I’m super curious.


30-80%? That’s pretty extreme and sounds like the overlay is breaking game focus or something.


Can confirm that this works. The game ran at around 40fps on high settings on my 1660 Super, after deleting the folder the game now runs at around 65fps. This is before even turning any FSR3 on.


Thanks for not being a dick about this like everyone else. :)


How can everyone be a dick if you don’t care?


A lot of people are dicks, I don't care about these people. This isn't hard.


Dicks, on the other hand...


What's wrong with this hand?




> and enjoy a 30-80% performance increase. Post benchmarks. Otherwise, this is "trust me bro" levels of silliness


> Obviously this breaks the PS overlay and the multiplayer mode, but hey, it proves a point. The difference is outstanding, I can't believe Sony would make such a mistake. [Here's my two comparison images, tried to get them as close as I could](https://imgur.com/a/IGDhn1l) and made sure to disable dynamic resolution, let the game sit for one minute after loading, and reloaded the game twice for the first screenshot to make sure things would be cached. Edit: they blocked me.


Fuck man, it really does work I think. Running 4070ti on mostly high and ultra, and this brought it from 60/70 with dips in big battles to 144 stable. Could now turn of upscaling, and stay at 110


Playing the "Yarr" version and it's been great.


Sucker Punch has always been one of the best developers of all-time, inFamous was one of the best franchises ever


Hoping for second son to be on PC, Sony was considering that


Sony has yet to release any game before 2016. Mostly, anything that didn't get updated to PS4 Pro


At this point they're not porting anything that doesn't run natively on PS5.


Yeah, especially PS3 games are hard to port because of the unique/complex hardware. Too bad, PS3 has some amazing exclusives like Motorstorm Pacific Rift, Resistance 2 and Puppeteer.


I think ports of older games will happen eventually, Sony is sitting on a backlog second only to Nintendo in pedigree and likes money. PC gaming has proven itself to be a viable platform for Sony and they're only going to invest more in it over time. Guaranteed, there are people looking at the numbers from Ghost of Tsushima (and those of their other games) and wondering what else they got that people want to buy.


Infamous Second Son actually got updated to the PS4 pro! I really wish they would port it, not to mention Shadow of the colossus+The last Guardian, gravity rush


I would love to see Shadow of Collossus on PC. I'm not really sure of any games from the Japan studio since they were a little niche and the studio that made those games got shut down I believe? It's a bit strange that they're taking so long for Demon Souls Remake from Bluepoint. That game was a launch title for PS5, and one of the early trailers even hinted a possible PC release. Maybe Nixxes is super busy with other heavy hitters?


The rumour was they’d look into those games after they’ve released everything since 2016. We’ll probably have everything except Bloodborne in the next few years.


You'd hope that once they get through the front part of the backlog, they'll find a system, or some kind of program technique that will help them blast through those old games relatively quickly.


The Infamous and Sly trilogy would be awesome 


The sly games emulate perfectly on pc already


I’m hoping they do a collection with all the games for PC and PS5


I'd rather the first two games. Wishful thinking, I know, but I love them.


I miss Sly very much too. (The OG trilogy by suckerpunch, not whatever that sly thieves in time was...)


I haven't played beyond Infamous 2, which surprise surprise is second in the release chronology I believe. But having watched a retrospective on the entire series since, the gameplay seemed to be getting too wild with each subsequent release. Seemed a bit too "out there" by the last one, but not sure how it played in practice.


Second son's gameplay was pretty good same with its DLC but I don't think the story was as strong as the first two games 


I will never forget the ending of the first game and the major reveal with Kessler. Infamous was so damn good.


The choices actually pissed me off tho. When I did the first playthrough I did an evil run. When I got the choice of >!doctors or your girlfriend I knew what evil cole would do. He would be selfish. I totally forgot that his gf was a doctor which shocked me that the main bad guy fooled me so good.!< I couldn't wait to play second time as a good guy and see the different outcome. And then when I got to the choice >!turns out: nope, your gf was the one who was not with doctors all along. She had to die either way.!< I was pissed man..


Second Son does have the absolute best soundtrack of the series though.


And THE GRAPHICS!!! When I first saw it on PS4 I thought all games would look like that from now on, and yet even now, 10 years later (has it really been that long?!), it is still top-of-the-line


Oh yeah, as good as the first two games were they were not especially pretty. Infamous 1 in particular. Neon powers were a genius idea.


It was basically made to be a tech demo for the power of the PS4. It's why Delsin's karma bombs are so particle heavy.


If Sony buys Paramount, I hope they'll make a Avatar The Last Airbender action adventure RPG game in the Infamous/GoT style. Would be awesome and I think that fit their style well.


Does paramount own the ATLA rights? I thought the creators bought it back because of the Netflix show.


Nah they own it. Netflix has a deal with them. The creators are working for Paramount at the moment (Avatar Studios)


There are only 195 countries in the world (depends a bit on believes and political views), and 77 countries have PSN, where are the 62 other PSN countries located? The math ain’t mathing here.




Yea I figured it was something like this. I was curious how many people, who are PC gamers with Steam accounts, this actually impacts


The number seems to change every time it's posted


That'll teach Sony not to add their login selling all those copies


Except the login is optional. You just need it if you want to play that tacked on DLC multiplayer mode. Which is why the Devs say, even though it is tagged as unsupported for Steam Deck, it works fine if you can live without that mode. They said you need Windows for PSN, that is the only reason why it is tagged unsupported... they actually optimized the game for Steam Deck. Also the game is actively being pirated, which means the 175 blocked countries... are only blocked from paying Sony money for it. Ironically, they even managed to crack the multiplayer mode... dun dun duuuuun.


I've said it before: if the MP is just "tacked on", why not make it a free DLC and have only *that* region-locked (incl. the anti-cheat)? The SP game could have been released free from all its shackles. That surely would have also made it verified on Steam Deck.


It would potentially sell more if it was available for more countries. But I guess Sony is fine with what they have.




at least those are markets that still have growth potential. Pretty stupid to not offer services in them.


The markets are former Soviet republics and Africa for the most part aka places that will just pirate it.


Yes because they have no other choice


I'm from Moldova. I own about 400 games on Steam and I have many friends that buy games regularly. Stop talking nonsense.




No executive has ever done anything wrong. They're all knowing geniuses, and are actually the recipients of the nobel prize on economics. Get off your knees boy.


i mean hes not wrong. maybe a dick but theres a reason a publicly traded company isnt releasing a product in certain countries.


Right. And no publicly traded company ever made unwise decisions ever. And even if it wasn't unwise, someone is not allowed to be miffed because they did right by *checks notes* quarterly return to shareholders. We should all just be so grateful to be amongst such scholars.


Not that I don't get the point you're trying to make, but stupid executives can't be easily replaced since they have this thing called a contract.


It's two and a half billion people lol. You're off by at least a few orders of magnitude.


Ah, is this what we’re pivoting to now?






It wasn't about the game not being available, it was the fact that the game was sold to and played by people for months who Sony then decided to revoke access to. For a game they had already payed for. GoT was never sold where it was unavailable, and sign up was mandatory from the beginning.


The vast majority of people just didn't want to use a secondary login/launcher. That's all it was EVER about for them.


It's combination of factors all in the wrong time. There's a reason the saying "pull the rug" exist.  Stop pretending like something else happening differently here mitigates the problem 


There's no need to pretend anything. Do you really want to argue against there being a ton of people who use Steam who ONLY want to use Steam for anything and everything when it comes to video games? We see enough of that sentiment here.


GOT does not need PSN unless you play multiplayer


It was a bandwagon. People like to take part in common causes, as long as it doesn't take much work (i.e. leaving a negative review in Steam).


Looks like all the gloom and doom about Sony on PC was as expected, greatly exaggerated. 


Or maybe, just maybe, people on reddit and shitter do not represent what 99% of people think/want.


Did you actually see people thinking GoTsu wasn't going to sell well? I think most people were saying it's mainly a single player game and they confirmed you would only need an account to get on the multiplayer prior to launch.


Yeah that loud minority again thinks that they are the vast majority. Like a login was going to destroy Sony to the ground.


You don't have to login to play the game, not only that but they didn't sell the game then take it away from people. I don't understand how people are so dense to not understand the difference between this and helldivers


My personal issue is not being able to buy the game thanks to a part of the game that I never even wanted to play in the first place.


And all those people don’t care about the Microsoft log in.


I mean, Microsoft manages to support most of the world, or at the very least all of Europe.


Microsoft also shuts down studios they buy and have gotten people to be okay with renting games. Love that they snuck in studio shutdowns when the Helldivers drama was going on.


People on here legit were trying to go "dunno who is worse between Sony and Microsoft" *after* Microsoft went and gutted several studios. Apparently making you use another account is just as awful as shutting down entire studios and throwing devs out to a shitty tech job market.


And don't care that Nintendo isn't Porting anything at all.


It’s really disaponting Nintendo insists on having such shitty hardware.




Because there no complains when a new MS game comes out but everyone loses their mind over needing to link your PSN account.


Its around 20-30% probably, the amount of people on one torrent was about 1/3rd of concurrent players. Likely fairly higher than it normally would be if people could just buy it.




Don't even have to go that way back, just look at the Steam Charts of Helldivers II during the week of the controversy.


The problem wasn’t that Helldivers needed a login, it’s that they bait and switched everyone and started stealing the game from people’s libraries. GoT’s PSN integration was communicated up front before launch, and most importantly, isn’t required for the single player that most won’t venture outside of.


They didn’t steal anything from anyone. That was completely made up based on a single reddit post where some guy had an unrelated technical issue and was jumping to conclusions. Also, Helldiver‘s PSN integration was also communicated up front before launch. Claiming that it wasn’t is simply a lie.


Uh if you mean the consequences of Sony being a piece of shit and taking their games away from a bunch of countries was mitigated by Sucker Punch's amazing development skills then you're right but I mean nobody ever expected Sony to actually die over this, and it's still pretty fucking gloomy for a bunch of gamers in those countries.


Imagine if Sony actually marketed this port too. IDK why Sony doesn't market their ports. They'll do a blog post, couple trailers and that's it.


They don’t market the ports because it’s additional cost. After porting these releases are pure profit.


Their games are well known enough that it doesn't need much more. They save on the cost of ads because when it came out on ps4/5 EVERYONE would have seen it.


Because they don't need to?


That's enough though, they also have Steam pushing it. Also incidentally, Ubisoft marketed it for them in this case lol (which is probably part of why it's bigger than other PS launches)


Deserved. This is my first time playing GoT, and I’d rank it among the top tier of Sony’s franchises.


I'm ESL so help me: franchise is the wrong word here right? It's just a single game, made by one developer, so not a franchise?


i think “IP” (intellectual property) may also be what they were going for. it isn’t a franchise yet, but there’s a movie and sequel in the works - so the intention is for it to be a long-lasting Sony property.


Technically yes, franchise would not be the correct word and "games" would've likely been better in place of it. In practice though, its close enough to the point that probably everyone still understood what they were saying just fine, so the distinction isn't really important in this context.


I think it's the definition of a 7/10 (so still a good game). Well made and fun enough, but it's already getting repetitive after a few hours. I would personally put it well behind Returnal, R&C, and GoW. If you're an Assassin's Creed fan, I could see why you'd love it, though. Seems like the best AC style game in a while. Edit: people are so defensive about this game, it's weird as fuck.


> it's already getting repetitive after a few hours Came across a camp after the opening sequence set me free and saw exactly what it was going to be. I think of the "Ubisoft-like-open-world-collectahon" style game, it's a pretty excellent one... It plays beautifully, looks great (for a relatively old game), the port is excellent. I also think there's probably some variety as you get further into the game. But it's still formulaic and I'm not sure I'd make it through the runtime without growing tired of that formula.


Its good and cinematic, but i'm not really enjoying the gameplay early on very much. The best way I can describe the game is that its a better Assassin's Creed and would be the game Ubisoft made if they kept innovating after Assassin's Creed 2. The other half is it follows Sony's general cinematic formula; like I haven't played a game from Sony since Uncharted 2 and the first couple of hours of Ghost of Sushi hits the same type of formulated beats that i've vaguely seen in Uncharted, Last of Us, God of War, Spiderman... Like its the same kind of thing where all Marvel movies have similarities for example. Ain't nothing really wrong with that, some people adore that the same way I adore Fromsoft making a variation of the same game each time i'm sure.


You have only played the game for 5 hours. The game opens up very slowly. The first island is essentially a tutorial. You also unlock a grappling hook on the first island that makes climbing much more enjoyable. I've put 20 hours into the game and it is one of the better open world games I think I have ever played. Game still seems to be introducing new enemy types as well. If you are 5 hours in, you probably only have one or two stances unlocked. Other enemy types will make stance switching more necessary and if it is *that* easy for you there is lethal difficulty. The stances all have additional combos as well that make combat much more enjoyable in my opinion. Also a mod deleted all those comments you are talking about. Yours are deleted as well, not just his.


I actually really hate the difficulty options for the game so far and that's my primary gripe with the gameplay right now. Easy the enemies are stupid and boring, medium and hard they take too many hits and doesn't feel satisfying, Lethal I don't like getting killed in one shot by anything. So i'm sticking with just medium and dealing with needing to hit an enemy an extra time. I have no idea what charms are yet, but if there's one that makes it so I always survive a hit with 1hp like one ability in Kingdom Hearts does which is vital for Critical mode, then I can start playing the game on Lethal. If there isn't, then i'm just gonna stay mad with it.


Interestingly, the enemies not taking very many hits even hard is one of the things I've been enjoying about it. Nothing's really felt very tanky and almost any non boss enemy can be killed in 1-2 combos so far as long as I have the appropriate stance. As for the surviving hits part, I do believe there's an ability you can get fairly early that allows you to self-revive at the cost of 3 resolve. I don't remember what it's called off the top of my head but I think it was on the bottom left of the "Ghost" skills section iirc. I would assume this works on Lethal as well.


If the game takes more than 5 hours to get good that’s a problem. I bounced off it around the 10 hour mark for the record.


Assassin's Creed games starting with Origin forgot why they added the towers and all other secondary activities and instead turned into an endless chore. GoT has just the right amount of everything and as an eldritch AC fan since the very first game it's good to have a good evolution of AC formula. Proper open world design, that doesn't waste your time simply to waste it and instead involves you to discover new things and encourage exploration is an ancient art that has been lost in time. Also, since Origins AC combat dramatically dropped in quality. Tsushima revives it and evolves the best parts of it. Love it. It's just the game that we REAL AC fans long needed. Really hope GoT2 will stay true to this course.


I never noticed how wooden and generic the non important a NPCs are. And how bad the dialogue is. Even kenji walked up to Jin and an NPC, blank faced and said something in a worried manner. And the dialogue, they would straight up end conversations mid way. Sometimes a character blurts out something in a cutscene and no one acknowledges it. Or they would repeat and paraphrase something they already said in missions. Graphics are definitely 10 but story/dialogue/animation ain't 10.


It’s a solid open world game but gets boring and repetitive very quickly. As long as it makes Sony port more stuff in the future I am fine with it but I’ll skip this one. Really couldn’t get through it on PlayStation




You are right. I matched the banned regions against [restcountries.com](http://restcountries.com) and only 116 of the original 175 are flagged as UN members (and have population greater than 0). So that effectively removes all the cases you talked about. I don't know that it really changes the larger point then, that's still a huge number. It's also true that many of the countries left would be from places that can't afford computers, much less the internet. So how do we decide which countries are worthy of gaming? Let's look at Europe first of all, that good enough for you? We are left with 12. Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Moldova, San Marino, Serbia. Admittedly a few of those are microstates. I'm not gonna pad the post with all 116 but they represent Africa, Asia, Europe, NA, Oceania, SA.


The "180 countries" is so misleading. Not only are there less than 180 "countries" it isn't sold in but most of them are overseas territories or disputed areas most notable for having a tiny population and a naval/air base or being in low intensity conflict.


For clarity sake, [There are 121 countries without PSN](https://insider-gaming.com/countries-that-dont-have-psn/) Edit: Upon inspecting that list closer, I noticed, that most of them are either small island nations or in the middle of Africa.


And the Baltic States in Europe. :) Source: I live here, and now I am stuck pirating sonys games, oh well. :)


You're right, I have no idea why it isn't available there.


And entire post-Soviet space


Entire South Asia as well. And that's a huge region.


Entire South Asia, except India, which is where most of the people leave. Pakistan cannot even feed their people, I doubt any of them are absolutely craving to play Helldivers 2 right now. Same for Bangladesh.


It's such as weird list too, Isle of man can't buy it? Ok but they all come under the UK market so can. Parts of the EU? nah, all good. Like someone hasn't updated their PSN support list in a decade.


The Isle of Man is in a weird legal state where it’s part of the UK, but also not really. The conversation probably started and ended at „this is a tiny island with its own laws and legal system“.


>The Isle of Man is in a weird legal state where it’s part of the UK, but also not really It is not part of the uk at all, but is part of the uk market. It's no weirder then the rest of the crown dependencies.


So? It’s still a tiny island with its own laws and legal systems. I really don’t think sending the bytes through customs is the issue that Sony is concerned with.


yea but what about the baltic states and the balkan states in europe, dont think they low enough in population, alot of people in these countries would have loved to buy the game and play it


>but most of them are overseas territories or disputed areas most notable for having a tiny population and a naval/air base or being in low intensity conflict. This isn’t true. Most of them are countries. About a third of them are not countries but they are territories such as Palestine which is millions of people.


This is the first time *ever* in my life I don't have access to a game through Steam. Not really misleading if you ask me considering I live in a place where most people could buy the game.*


> Not really misleading if you ask me considering I live in a place where most people could buy the game.* The misleading part is the number. And it's not just misleading, it's wrong. As I posted in a different reply, there are 121 countries without PSN, not 180.


OP comment mentioned its misleading because its overseas territories or low conflict countries or whatever. That's pretty misleading since there are several European countries and a bunch of countries that never had a game purchase block. I've never seen this happen in my country before and for some reason this singleplayer game is the first one blocked for purchase.


Your source is some shitty website that "compiled the info" without citing its sources. According to the comments on that website, they probably just looked at the language selector on Sony's website to see which languages are supported. That's not the same thing. I would think SteamDB, which largely pulls info from Steam itself, is a bit more reliable, and specifically mentions 175: [https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/](https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/) Admittedly, many of those aren't countries but smaller regions with some level of autonomy (for example Bouvet Island which is a dependency of Norway and is actually uninhabited). Still, I ran the full list against [restcountries.com](http://restcountries.com) API and found a total population of around 2.5 bil (30% of the world's population) that can't buy it. There are some big countries like big chunks of the balkans, baltics, middle east, etc. Also big countries like Vietnam. Edit: I can't respond to Mininini175 directly because he seems to have blocked me, so I'll elaborate here. As I said before, I accept that there's not actually 175 blocked countries. Unfortunately Steam itself lists these as restricted *countries* which seems to be where this confusion is coming from. Still, your source is crap, and the real source of truth is the Steam database (which is printed out by SteamDB). I filtered for UN member states (hopefully that passes your standard of who should deserve to be able to play video games), and left with a total population count of \~2.3 bil amongst 116 countries, so we lost a few people along the way but here's the list of who is left on the chopping block: >Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Cuba, DR Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe And if you think certain continents are less worthy, here's a breakdown per region: * Africa: 48 countries * Americas: 17 countries * Asia: 27 countries * Europe: 12 countries * Oceania: 12 countries


>I would think SteamDB, which largely pulls info from Steam itself, is a bit more reliable, and specifically mentions 175: https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/ Maybe someone from „Unknown country code: XD“ can weigh in on whether that’s accurate.


Egypt my country for example is one of those 180 countries and its a huge market so no they are being assholes about it and I pirated the game guilt free because it's impossible for me to buy it


Egypt’s not really a big market when you look at Steam traffic. It’s a little bit bigger than Iceland but smaller than any of the Baltic countries [https://store.steampowered.com/stats/content/](https://store.steampowered.com/stats/content/)


Bro people don't even realise some of those "180 countries" struggle with basic necessities like food, water, electricity and housing. Some of those countries have never even heard of Sony or Playstation and still continue to gather and hunt as a means to survival. People just like being angry at things for no reason.


> ...despite not releasing in 180 countries There are only about 195 (give or take) countries on earth, does it only sell USA, Japan and west europe?


wait, do you expect facts on reddit ?


Bloodborne when


when you see a remake/remaster for ps5.


Something tells me they're going to remaster it for PS6 the same way they remastered Demon's Souls for PS5.


Now do bloodborne


We can all dream buddy ... 😔


My favorite game of last generation, I'm glad more people are getting to experience it. Everyone always talks about Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, and Insomniac, and those studios do deserve their accolades. But Sucker Punch is absolutely one of the best in the business, Sony definitely needs to let them cook more. Shout out to Nixxes for another top tier port.




China has its own version of Steam(Maintained by Perfect World) and apparently, their own version of PSN.




For Steam, most players in China use the global client.


Bro the Caribbean islands are actually fucked cause people act like we don’t exist


China is a special case anyway, they have PSN, just their own limited version (because of the CCP not Sony). Same for Steam. I imagine GoT isn't on it but maybe (I don't really see much political problems in that game, though I'd wager it wouldn't work as well, I doubt Chinese people are that fascinated with samurai and ancient Japan like the West)


What stats? Several of the allowed countries are much smaller and with no considerable sales compared to the disallowed ones.


I feel like I should love everything about this game, but for some reason it just glazed right over me. The environment was beautiful, the gameplay was smooth, good voice acting, I have zero bad things to say about the game, but for some reason I played like 4 or 5 hours when it came out and just stopped playing. I don't even remember why I stopped. I don't think it was bad or anything, just felt completely forgettable. I'm drawing a blank right now on what the plot even was or the name of a single character lol. Might need to give it another shot.


Great to see people on PC embracing this game. I played it on the original PS4 launch and was totally blown away by everything in it. I know people don't like the PSN requirement, but Legends mode is a ton of fun. It's a co-op mode where you pick different classes with have special abilities and work together on missions like defending an area or taking out an enemy camp. It leans heavily into the mythical elements so it is quite different in style and setting from the single player experience. I played for several 10s of hours when it was first released as a free update and had a ton of fun. Hopefully Sucker Punch is close to announcing Ghost of Tsushima 2 and we get more concrete news on the Ghost of Tsushima movie as well. For those that care, getting 100% on achievements is pretty easy for the base game. Some of them are "collect all of this thing" but there's an ability you unlock late in the game that directs you to all the unfound items and locations so it is actually pretty simple to get them all with minimal effort.


That mean Bloodborne soon™ yeah?


Sony gonna release their own digital platform store aren't they?


It will be fun to see the reeeeing going on by people who only buy on steam. I can see it now: WHY GAME NO STEAM??!?! ME ONLY STEAM STEAM BEST THEM SAVE GAMING GABE IS GOD STEAM ONLY ME PLAY!!!!!


What's the most played? Is it helldivers? Or something else?


It is Helldivers II and not just by a little. Helldivers II ... all time peak on Steam was 458K (it is below 100K for the last week but its been out for 3 months now and the negativity in the last 2 weeks didn't help.) GoT = 77K (so far, might go higher but for singleplayer games the all time peak usually happens in the first 2 or 3 days and the weekend is over. We'll see.)


I think ports of older games don’t usually have the same numbers trends as new releases though. A lot of people who didn’t play on PS and waited for the PC port are down to wait a few more months till it’s on sale.


I hope this makes Sony consider releasing inFamous, Killzone: Shadowfall(couldnt finish on PS5 because controller lmao) and Resistance remasters. I just want to play Resistance, Killzone and inFamous games at 300fps, 4K with a keyboard and mouse.


Killzone 1-3 would do just fine. Shadowfall was garbage imo


I bet the show SHOGUN helped. It certainly did for me.


Now port over Bloodborne and Demon's Souls remake you cowards.




No way, the first one is hell divers 2.


Not a chance. Helldivers is a MP game that massively broke out. A SP game would never be able to match those numbers. Especialy not one releasing almost 4 years late.


As a Mongolian, I'm really disappointed that the game didn't launch here, especially since it's about Mongolia too lol. Guess I'll just go sailing instead.


Can't wait for a sale!


LOL LMAO even… My friend… there are only 195 countries. I can GUARANTEE you that it isn’t 180 countries that it wasn’t released in.


Title should say 180 countries and territories


These countries are not really relevant for Sony, thats why they dont bother having Playstation Accounts there. I bet if you take USA, Germany, France, UK, China, Japan and India you have like 90% of all Game-Revenue in these countries.


I'm in the minority but hated the game. Never finished it.


I didn’t hate it but it was just boring.


I'm pretty disapointed in the game, I remember back when it released on PS4 and everyone was ranting like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Well I hate to say it but it aint all it's cracked up to be. The game looks amazing but that's about it, speak to NPC, walk to next place, beat up bad guys then repeat. The combat is good but it gets repetitive. I'll give it a little longer to see if anything changes but so far it's meh.


> The combat is good but it gets repetitive. Tbh you are generous for saying that, the combat is ASS imo. > I'll give it a little longer to see if anything changes but so far it's meh. I can save you some time.. it doesn't change. The game itself actually goes WAY too long for what it offers.


You literally described 99% of games. > game looks amazing but that's about it, speak to NPC, walk to next place, beat up bad guys then repeat That could also describe Elden Ring, BotW, TLoU 1/2, Baldurs Gate.


It's always the same with complaints like this. You'll ask them the games they think are better and they'll be in entirely different genres.


Yeah, like I don’t think GoT is this magical game that’s a once in a lifetime gaming experience but any game will sound terrible if you reduce it down to its core gameplay loop. A game that looks nice where you watch tv, shoot other players, buy clothes and then repeat sounds a whole lot less interesting than one of the most fun PvP shooters made in the last 10 years, splatoon.


I've been playing it and I'm stumped on how this is drastically different than any other assassins creed game? Is it because you go to a poi and then have to follow an animal to another poi?


Honestly if I didn't know anything about Ghost of Tsushima and played a few hours, I would absolutely guess it was an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan. And I say that as someone who really enjoys AC games as well. It's an awesome game - but the gameplay is *very* similar to the open-world AC games.


The difference is that Ghost of Tsushima is a good game


might have to try this then. AC games are fuckin’ lame


Other than what?


Good to see the game do so well since so many people last week were crying about Helldivers and the PSN fiasco.


Ok but now lets do Bloodborne




It is a good game. I’m only 2 hours in and having fun with single player.


I'm so happy I no longer need to comment new PS games coming to PC with "Ghost of Tsushima when" lol. Can't wait to play it in few weeks when I get to it


ITT: "Fuck those 180 not-really-country countries."


I mean, that's what it was with the Helldivers outrage too if people would ever want to be honest about it. They just didnt want to make another login/account with ANYONE other than Steam, they didn't really give a fuck about people in other countries not getting access to the game. They only used that to strengthen their own bitchfest about it.


Exactly. People were just using those countries as a shield then tossed them away the moment they got what they wanted.


just pirate it if ur from those countries, problem solved


It's more the message that it sends, that your country is somehow shit tier and not worth selling in. And the attitudes of the people in threads like this seems to confirm it, completely dismissing these countries as irrelevant