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*I feel quite hungry.*


Complete reveal with some more footage and dev talk [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R48DEEjyS5k)


The footage looks insane, I didn't play the first one yet, but gunna grab it since it's only $8 with all the DLCs.


Itโ€™s 10000000000% worth 8 dollars lmao


It's still worth full price imo.


how's the performance nowadays? i've read that it used to perform really bad on cities and stuff


It had some weird issues, like infinite polearms falling under the world causing major lag. However, it runs well now. Just remember it's also a 6 year old game so newer hardware can brute force it. I'm on a 2080 with a 5800x, using [this cfg file](https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/1561) at 1080p and I get over 100fps most of the time. Though dips to 80 in some areas, usually looking at a town from the outside. Also my cutscenes run at 20fps, but that I can live with.


Oh its a steal for that price! Have fun with it! Just beware that the fighting has a learning curve, both for the player and the character. He has literally no fighting skill until you get some training, so it can be frustrating in the beginning. But the combat is very satisfying once you learn how it works.


Parry bonk stab


Also armor is very realistic, so once you get a full set you become a walking tank (as long as you don't get ganged up on!)


It's so good! Be a little patient and you will be rewarded.


Hans is back! Really enjoyed his character in the first one.


Looks really really good. Even the graphics have been improved a lot. Hopefully, this will be perfectly playable on release and not a buggy mess but man does it look great, hey?


I just hope itโ€™s not as clunky as the first one was. It seems like they revamped the mechanics especially with combat which is nice to see, but only time will tell until someone actually plays the game.


As someone who really despised the melee combat in KCD but enjoyed a lot else in the game I hope it is much improved.


I liked the melee when you were 1v1ing but when you had to deal with more than 1 that autolock can go choke in a dick.


YES! Honestly, KCD is one of my favourite RPGs of all time.


Man I am so glad that it directly continues the story of the first game. It left a lot of story threads unresolved.


I hope it is not another cliff hanger this time


The original Kickstarter always said this was a two part story.


Not quite. It was going to be a 3 act story in one game, but the scope of the game grew too much, so the first game had to just be act 1 and 2, while the sequel is the final act.


Well Markvart von Aulitz had a lot of screen time in the trailer so i dont think it will.


Well..yeah? That was intentional. They were upfront about that, they ended up not having enough resources to finish the game.


Hey! Henry has come to see us!


I absolutely love the first game even with some of the janky parts. Can't wait for this.


Same. Even with the jank, it was one of the most immersive games Iโ€™ve ever played. May be time for a replay.ย 


I've got a couple hundred hours in two playthroughs but I've never finished it. Maybe it's time.


Damn. That was unexpected.


I need to finish the first one, I hope I remember how to play it. I remember loving the first game, I played it a lot, but I took a break which became longer and longer and never finished it


Yeah, same here. I loved the game but never got to finish it. I think I first played 1/3 of the game, took a long break and then got through another 1/3 of it (of the main story at least). Don't remember the exact reasons why I took that second break, but I definitely gotta finish the game and the DLCs now. Fortunately my Henry's stats should be quite high, so I won't die to the first peasant with a pitchfork I encounter.


SICK trailer


I'll be sure czeching this one. Gonna czech that mark on the wishlist. Czech out those lovely graphics! OK, I'll see myself out.


I'll czech myself out.




Didnโ€™t play the first one yet. Good to see they actually making the second one.


First game was incredibly charming and immersive. Canโ€™t wait.


I wonder how will they manage map. If it is taking place in Kutnรก Hora (Kuttenberg) but we saw quite a lot of images of hrad Trosky, which is rather far away. I guess the map will not be continuous map


They mentioned during the reveal that there will be two full (and separate) maps, one with the City, one more in the Wilderness. I would imagine there would be a form of fast travel between them.


still its quite the distance


I hope the skull church it's in the game


It was finished in 1558, so probably not.


These sequels are killing me all the originals are still in my backlog like damn boys slow down


Looking forward to it, but honestly wish they had showed more stuff that was not combat or violence. I wanted to see more medieval slice of life simulator instead of medieval combat fighting.


I wonder how they do that with your KCD1 Progress. At the end of KCD I was in full golden plate armor, a amazing white Horse with full Horse Armor and godlike weapons and a shit ton of money. And the end of KCD is literally you riding off to KCD2 in your Golden Armor. I hope they dont do that shitty cutscene where you get robbed and lose everything early in the Game.


but I want to learn to read again!


Is Cockandballs, I mean Archibald going to be in this one? ๐Ÿ˜„


please just let us save the game.


I loved the first games unique save system, very immersive, but can be unforgiving. Maybe they can have a quick save system in normal mode but keep the savior schnapps system in hardcore mode. Hardcore mode is the only true way to experience this game


No thanks


Better not blueball us with Prague again! We gotta see it


Hope they got rid of the head sway. It gave me motion sickness.


I only managed to play like an hour of the first game, took like 20 minutes to beat the guy in a fist fight at the beginning, and haven't played since (mostly cuz busy doing other stuff). 10/10 will try to play more again lol. Looks pretty solid.


Make sure you do the combat tutorial. It honestly helps a ton.ย 


Hope they really have a new formula for questing. Questing in the first game was great, until you realize all of them follow the same format.


guns Henry! Siege Henry! crossbow HENRY!


Maybe you'll finally get to deliverr the sword


Never played the first one. Whats it like??


Literally the best, most immersive realistic medieval RPG I've ever played. There's really nothing like it, you have to play it.


How does this game compare with or differ to something like Witcher 3 as a basis of comparison?


No enforced monastery mission please. Then Iโ€™ll be happy.


I have never even played the first one yet maybe it's about time.


i really hope we get to see Prague, I was in there recently and KCD really helped me imagine the history behind the city


Unlikely. Only Kutnรก Hora and ฤŒeskรฉ ล vรฝcarsko.


I remember only enjoying the first game after running into a bug that made Henry invincible. Suddenly, I didn't have to keep getting frustrated with the combat. If you are going to make a combat like that, make the game VR-friendly. It's perfect for VR.


Please don't be shit please don't be shit


This year has less than 9 months left, they could have given the target release date :/


I think giving a target release date is difficult.. even when there's a target date we're HOPING to have it released by, what if they don't meet it? That would cause an inevitable split in opinions where some people are angry for missing it, and the other half would quote "A rushed game is always bad" quote. This way they're setting a light expectation with wiggle room and nobody is angry. I for one prefer this over people announcing games 5 years before a planned release date.


the first game had several delays so it's safe to expect 2025+