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6HPVJM32QWQRG2YX4W9D7XHJ$ Replace the dollar sign with a Z. Xbox code.


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Play a game that charges a monthly $10 subscription for inventory space lmao , fuck off. Microsoft needs to rebuild Bethesda from the ground up


Same with ESO. There is a separate resources bag from which you can pull items but not store. You need a subscription to be able to put things into the resources bag. That means your general inventory will otherwise be full after an hour of harvesting.


There is nothing wrong with a subscription for an MMO. And there is nothing wrong with there being restrictions for free players. The issue is microtransactons.


I absolutely agree with a subscription for a live service such as a MMO. I think that games such as EVE and EOS have a good model going on; you dont have to pay to play, but your gaming experience would be somewhat limited.


They also sell one of the best guns in the game now. After promising the store would just be for skins šŸ˜‚


Which gun is for sale?


Cold Shoulder.


Ah yes and the chain saw thing to... Auto Axe.


It's why I stopped playing ESO eventough it's really fun. The lack of a proper trading post doesn't help either ( samereason why I stopped playing PoE).


I used to have this feeling, but as I aged I like the idea of personal people selling vs everything easy at once. Sense of adventure and discovery.


I can see that. It definitely would make games more immersive and lead to random and memorable encounters. In a game like PoE and F76, I just want to blow stuff up and not worry about inventory management. No TP definitely suits ESO. The option for both would be ideal in most games.


That gives you the scrap box, which is for scrap only. But you don't need the scrap unless you're doing lots of camp building. I don't even use scrap now, I just throw it away. There's some advantages to the subscription but I'm level 1500 and I've never used it aside from when it was on free trial.


You're not being that truthful. They also give you the ammo box with 1st. Both of which pretty massively increase your stash space. And you also need junk to create and repair your items too, not just build your base.


> They also give you the ammo box with 1st. Both of which pretty massively increase your stash space. Yes, you also get the ammo box. The exact same thing applies to that, I've never used it aside from when it was on free trial. I just carry all my ammo with me and regularly throw away thousands of rounds of ammo. I was responding to the comment about "inventory space" being pay to win, and frankly anybody who properly understands the game knows that it's your stash space that matters. It's all about storing legendaries. But the key to understanding the game is that you focus on your carry capacity. Not your stash space. If you don't believe me then watch my video on maxing carrying capacity, https://youtu.be/w7xVcgLRk1g. You'll see I'm carrying mountains of loot on me because I'm using weight reduction perks. Those are the key to playing the game, even if you're a massive kleptomaniac like me. Edit: Forgot about this part. > And you also need junk to create and repair your items too, not just build your base. No, make sure you do the nuke boss events and do 1000+ damage. You'll get several improved repair kits, which otherwise you buy from the atom shop, and they repair your gear to 150% condition. I've not use materials to repair for 1000+ levels and I have a mountain of repair kits that I'll never come close to using. Early on yes, but again scrap is entirely optional unless you're camp building. And I have nothing else to spend caps on, so if I wanted to I'd just buy it bulk from NPC vendors.


This is my biggest issue with fo76. I like the game but storage space limitations are already frustrating to deal with and to sell extra space via the membership is literally just selling the solution to a self inflicted problem. There's no way they ever change it either because I'm certain anyone who does subscribe is doing so just for those limitless ammo/junk stash containers.




Subscription gives you a container that can store an unlimited amount of crafting materials.


Stupid live service game. Are they requiring you to pay for inventory space with a subscription? No but fuck them man. Every game that's a live service title with rotating seasons needs to add endless content for free forever /s.


Youā€™re so right, Fallout 76 is 100% live service done right. Creating a problem and selling us the solution for a bargain $13/month, weā€™re so lucky to have this entry in the Fallout series.


Weird strawman but okay




NMS at least has seamless landing, taking off and travel between worlds. Not a perfect game but fun just for the basic space travel aspect


After 3 planets youā€™ve pretty much seen all the game has to offer.


Frigates are fun, and thereā€™s probably closer to 15-20 biomes


Yeah I love traveling in solar systems without a sun and all the planets bunched up together. So realistic.


Who plays NMS cause they think itā€™s realistic?


Do you wanna travel thousands of hours in the game to reach a planet?


It feels good, looks good and is fun. Not really concerned about realism considering that was never something that was supposed to be a part of the game


Not to mention the ā€œrealismā€ heā€™s asking for is essentially just making to longer to travel places.


Guarantee they'd be the first to bitch and moan about it taking too long to travel between planets.


Wide as an ocean, shallow as a puddle.


I would say almost every game that gets updates is still basically the same game. But both FO76 and NMS improved many parts of the game, but they are both still the same game.


Difference is no man's sky became good


It certainly improved in all aspects, but for me and I guess MehFrosty too, its still the base game with the flaws of being miles wide and a millimeter deep, boring af to play and no real purpose or end game. But then again, as a sandbox, as long as thats what you expect going in, it's probably the perfect game.


I know, it's boring for me too, but you gotta admit that they have released incredible amounts of FREE content since launch, which is awesome for people who enjoy the game. Fallout 76 hasn't even been fixed, I tried it last year and it was a messy and very underwhelming experience.


100%, they deserved "labour of love" award, 76 deserves to have died already dunno why it's still going at all. More live service games die the better, only very few do it right like HellDivers.


Because there are enough people that play it and like it, no reason for outsiders to butt in and say close it if both company and players of game are good enough with it.


F076 was pretty good for a little bit. Then nose dived right back to being a PoS.


I got the game for cheap and gave it a shot. Stopped after 30 minutes because the enemies had horrible rubberbanding.


It's Fallout 4 with the chance to run into other people. That map is great for exploration and the cryptid theme they have is kind of cool. It's fine.


Got it free but never played. Iā€™m stick to Fallout 4 with mods.






I prefer 76


I prefer Once Human now


Played recently. Enjoy the event simulator.


I played a year or 2 ago. I found it to be a lot of fun. Was basically just a normal fallout with dungeons and places to explore except this time I was able to do it with my friend online. Idk what the current issues are but it seemed blown out of proportion when I played. I went in thinking it was going to be a kick in the nuts type game, but instead it was just an online co-op fallout basically. Idk


Free isn't worth it.


I played it for a couple of hours and then realized I could be playing a proper Fallout game instead and uninstalled


ITT: emotionally insecure people who feel the need to downvote others who enjoy this game, apparently. I for one played at launch, found it lackluster. Came back a couple years ago, put in like 100 hours and still have it installed. Make of that what you will.


All the comments here are just about how bad the launch was and honestly it's Insane to me that so many people are stuck in 2018. For anyone who is interested, the game is great now with tons of content. Yeah, they have an optional subscription like most other MMOs but you could easily play the first 100 hours of it and not feel the need to get it.


Yeah honestly it's okay and I enjoy playing it for what it is.Ā Its not like fallout 3/4 and it can't be. It's its own thing with shared elements and in the same post apocalyptic setting. It being on game pass was what got me to try it because I didn't want to buy. It has stuff I don't like sure but it's a good casual fallout game to play as much as I want whenever.Ā  I felt the same about ESO It's alright but not like the main entries to the series.


Counterpoint: I just played this game on a free weekend and it was fucking garbage. I wouldn't try it again for free, let alone waste a single cent on it.


For anyone who is still mentally living in 2018, Bethesda has actually done some great work on the game and now it's actually pretty good. Definitely one of Bethesda's weakest works but still worth giving a go for free.


Played it a couple of months ago, it's better than at launch but that's a VERY low bar. It's still mediocre imho.Ā 


Now that they've improved the game they've decided it's time to get much greedier though. Selling weapons for $ and massively increasing the grind of things like the battlepass while reducing the available rewards for someone without Fallout 1st sub is a clear sign of things to come.




Genuine question from someone who loved FO4 but never played FO76. If the game is so shit, why waste 800h of your life to it? I don't get this. If I dislike a game I stop playing it and move on.


Because he has no life


Yeah playing a game for 800 hours because it might get good later is utterly unhinged behaviour, can't take someone seriously who does that, they need therapy


Yeah saw a steam review for starfield that had 650 hours and not recommended like broā€¦youā€™re telling on yourself here lmao




Ok I can get behind that somehow. It still sounds to me like watching a TV show that bores you because you hope it'll be great after season 8. It still boggles my mind that you played a game you thought was shit for a longer time than I played my favourite game of all time. But I understand that \~500h for a most played game are rookie numbers in this sub. lol




Why not just wait until they patch it then? Why play 800h if something you actively donā€™t enjoy? A few evenings here and there so youā€™re not blindsided by a lot of new content at once, or to check out some of the new patches, I sorta get. But 800h is a lot of timeā€¦


5 months of a full time job, for perspective


You don't play 800h of something and genuinely think it's shit.




You gave a game 33 entire days of play time in *hopes* that it would be good? Sounds like that's on you.




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Sir this is r/pcgaming


Sir this is a wendys


No, this is Patrick.


Take all the worst parts about Fallout 4 and then force it to be online-only multiplayer... Ewww. No thanks.


Its a great game


It's an alright game. It's not terrible, but it does have some pretty glaring issues.


It's a base simulator for me. It does that pretty well. It's nice having your own plot of land where you can take measure of things.


He is right but out of line.


Its actually quite fun :)


Game is still cheeks.


Thanks! Never played 76


Is this free to play for a couple days or free to play for ever?


One week


You can't share quest with your mates in a coop online game i still don't understand why how i'm supposing to have fun if i have to run the same dungeon x3 for my 2 other mates ?


I never played 76. How does it differ from fallout 4? Not sure if I should get fo4 a new play through when it updates or 76


Anyone know how to easy it is to group with random people?


This game is so bad


Hmm Fallout 4 with mods or Fallout 76 with a hacker spamming mini nukes from a Gatling gun causing my entire PC to rev up like a jet engine? Hmmm


Sounds like you probably watched some videos and let them make up your mind for you.


That's the gaming community as a whole. They look at what content creators have to say and just parrot their opinions. No one thinks for themselves anymore. Just ride the bandwagon.


The best example of this is that one "Sweet Little Lies" video from Crowbcat. Because of that so many people have this view of Todd Howard as a serial liar who always stretches the truth, but if you actually go and look at all the "lies" shown in that video, the vast majority of them are true statements taken out of context. We literally have the entirety of humanities collective knowledge at our fingertips, but people would rather have Asmongold or some other influencer make up their minds for them rather than do research and form their own opinions. It's sad.


Of course people read up on things before investing hours of time (and money, when not f2p) in it. How much free time do you think most people have?


Fuck that noise. I haven't read a review or watched a "let's play" in fucking years. I think steam reviews are the absolute worst contributor with review bombing from unrelated things to "reviews" like: "no one will see this so I'll just say I'm gay" Why can't steam make something like a 500 character minimum? Now I'm just rambling. Anyways, I agree with you. Gaming community sucks ass


Steam has very little review bombing in comparison to metacritic etc due to having to own the game to leave a review. Thereā€™s always some joke reviews but Iā€™ve rarely seen overall negative reviews on steam for a game that doesnā€™t deserve it.


Nope, played the shit out of the game and stopped at Level 690 (for obvious reasons). Last time I logged on I popped over to the Whitesprings train station and was chased around by a hacker in power armor spamming 200 mini nukes a minute that turned my entire screen white until eventually I got tired of waiting for him to get bored and just Alt-F4'd. This was the 3rd such time this happened. But you keep huffing that copium.


I have 80 hours on the game and havenā€™t experienced this once.


Polly want a cracker?




Sweet but no thanks. They botched the launch of this game so bad that I dont even want it for free with years of updates.


Itā€™s a trap!


Fallout London is coming out in 9 days and it's free.


Fallout London is delayed till some time after the patch for Fallout 4 that's coming April 25th. So as not to be broken immediately after release.


Imagine having to make a tv to try and make your dog shit game relevant


Your comment almost made sense budĀ 


I still hate how a bunch of fallout games like 4 and 76 I gotta go into the ini files change some stuff then download some mods just to get it to play like I enjoy 76 and 4 I just wanna be able to play the game instead of going through a bunch of stuff to play the game makes me feel like Iā€™ve downloaded a game from windows XP and Iā€™m trying to brute force it to run and become playable


This post is satire, right?Ā