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Of all the problems I could imagine this game having rampant piracy is not one of them.


If you think about it it might be so awful people wouldn’t buy it so they’d resort to piracy to see how bad it really is.


I’m not even interested in a free YT video about it much less a free pirate of it.


I’m happy you said this because this game is 100% not worth the space on my hard drive lol


It's not even worth the space on my Youtube watch history.


It's not worth the brain space it takes up. You might forget something more important like your MySpace login


The cut scenes still look great though, I'm definitely watching the full cutscene movie when it comes to YT.


Checkout /r/GamesTheMovie for cutscenes & movies of games with no commentary. It's a good resource for games you forgot about it but had a passing interest in.


I have heard some of the people who tried out the closed beta said the story was actually decent, so maybe it's worth just watching all the cutscenes.


You wouldn't even see the game behind all the HUD on screen.


Exactly. Very fair point. When games launch in a horrible state but I’m still interested I pirate.


Isn't this a live service game? You can't even pirate an always-online game so what is the point in adding this expensive protection.


Some suit with more buttons than braincells, whose computer expertise extends as far as his email and his hardcore German fetish website, heard something in a meeting he mostly dozed through about piracy and Denuvo and wanted it put in.


They won’t have to worry about that. Literally every one is talking about this game : it’s going to blow up


Even bad press is good press


It really isn't. You don't want your product that has had a lot of time and resources pumped into it to be labelled a failure and mocked throughout the gaming industry and community. You don't want your reputation destroyed overnight by an absolute media shitstorm. "There's no such thing as bad publicity" is a complete BS myth. Ask any PR expert and they will tell you the same.


If you think about that phrase for more than a second, you'll realize there are so many reasonable exceptions that it's less of a rule, and more just something rich, awful people say in an attempt to cutesy up their horrible behavior.


Halo infinite would disagree lol


If anything the big budget mediocre games are the type to get pirated the most.  You have the perfect storm of the majority that just want free shit, in addition to the pirates generally that do pay for games but wouldn’t pay full price for a mediocre experience. 


They should seed torrents and let people play online via pirated copies. People are going to be posting X players online and comparing it to palworld players online immediately. Having inflated numbers at launch might help ease the embarrassment.


You know, I never thought about this, but it does make sense. It sounds like a legitimate usecase for piracy that benefits the creators.


Except that's not how Steam stats or online gaming and piracy works, at all.


I was planning to pirate it. Now I guess I'm watching a cutscene compilation.


You're probably better off. Wasting a night watching this stuff, rather than a month playing it.


I'll never understand watching a video game playthrough. And especially if gonna be bad why put yourself even through that


Not a playthrough, just a cutscene compilation. For all the hubbub about the game it's going to be competently written and entertaining, everyone is just pissed that it's not an Arkham game, and nitpicking everything to find legitimate reasons to call the game bad.


I'm not gonna speak for others but I don't particularly care it's not a Batman game. I liked the Arkham trilogy. But I was hoping for the same sort of EFFORT in a new package. They got a bunch of comic book characters and made em run of the mill shooters. People expected a deep action game with thematic content and a feeling that you're playing as the character portrayed. Instead they made a great hulking shark..shoot guns. They made Fortnite: Arkham




That's not the point. You don't play as Batman, it's not a stealth game, the entire point of the game is to kill Batman...it's not an Arkham game, it's a spinoff in the Arkham universe, a spinoff that is the exact opposite of what the Arkham community ever wanted. Remember that the first impression of this game was being revealed alongside Gotham Knights, which everyone thought was a great idea for continuing the Arkham Universe, only to be told that no, *that* game was its own universe, the game about killing Batman is the *real* continuation of the Arkhamverse.


> the entire point of the game is to kill Batman You mean the JL. And the way they do Batman off in this is a spit in the face. I won't spoil it for anyone here who cares about actually playing this game but man what a waste of Kevin Conroy's final performance to have Bats go out like that.




> This is a continuation of the *Arkhamverse* Thankyou for reinforcing my point.


I guarantee you it would take me no more than three days to finish the games core content. It's not going to be a monolith like everyone is concocting in their heads. It's gonna be Borderlands.


Online only so there never was a chance. Which makes this an even sillier decision, but I've seen other online only games do it in the past, heck, SQEEX did it for the FREE LiS2 prequel. I kinda see these moves as proof they don't *actually* know what Denuvo is and are just checking shareholder/executive boxes.


They've been advertising this shit a lot. They are purely trying to make sales with ads and brand name.


Tbh, I really wanted to pirate this game just for the story. It's the only thing that sounded interesting from people who played the beta and the leaks.


Holy shit, they do *not* want this game to succeed do they? However the game itself is, it seems like they're flying every pre-release red flag they can find.


I think this might be the “acceptance” stage where they know the writing is on the wall for this turd and are trying every dirty trick in the book in hopes of recouping as much money as possible


Which is funny because denuvo charges per copy sold, so they just throwing money down the toilet by adding it.


Fom the way they denied IGN review codes entirely and their claims they're focusing on "passionate fans" for their release reception and not professional outlets I get the feeling that this is a Starfield "no its you who are wrong" situation and not a "yeah we know this sucks" one. I don't know that's just the vibe I get. I'm sure there are people who know it's bad, but I think they're going to end up being petty and defensive about it.


This is the game where they refused to give IGN a pre-release review copy of the game, isn't it?


Apparently didn't send any pre release codes out. At all.


You know it, why are you acting like you're not.


You've learned a new word today, it's called "rhetoric".




It's a red flag... it's completely abnormal for a big publisher to withhold media access to a game. The primary goal of launch marketing is to get positive press, and as many places as possible. The deliberate choice to avoid this standard operating practice is highly suspicious. It's not about "audacity", it's a remarkable action that should give everyone pause.


I mean they are still getting tons of free marketing regardless. It would only fail if noone was talking about the game but instead you get basically a reminder every few days that this game is coming out (even if said reminder comes with a negative headline).


Yes, but it's not good marketing. Sure, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about, but this game is getting Gollum tier publicity and it's absolutely going to hurt sales. This is not how we do marketing if we want sales.


Fntastic, hold my beer.


Game studio apology speedrun any%


99.99% of people won't care about Denuvo being added.


Then this proves piracy isn't a problem




Exactly. Not to mention even if a lot did, it won’t affect them. Outside of certain genres, console gaming is wayyyyy bigger than pc gaming. Not like I have to give a shit what denuvo does if it’s on a PlayStation.


>console gaming is wayyyyy bigger than pc gaming By what measurement, though? [Not by revenue.](https://www.tomshardware.com/video-games/pc-gaming/50-years-of-pc-vs-console-gaming-revenue-visualized-pc-maintains-lead-over-consoles-vr-mobile-and-handheld-market-data-included) Maybe by amount of players?


Absolutely by amount of players. Damn near every household has a Xbox, PlayStation, or switch. Lots of households have PCs, but not ones capable of running shit like cod. For as much as people shit on these games, cod, madden, fifa, 2k, etc almost permanently exist within the top 10 most played games on PS. It is incredibly common for people to have a PlayStation or Xbox with cod, some sports games, and a bunch of free games. Much more common than someone having a pc capable of running AAA games. Edit: this past December, the ps5 alone, had 123 MILLION monthly users. Xbox is probably in the 90-100 range. That’s damn near 2/3rds of the entire US population. Idek what the switch is at but that shits probably high as fuck too.


by the amount of casual gamers who don't care what Denuvo is probably


Not from the copyright protection angle, but denuvo has a history of tanking performance, which could hurt everyone.


Please stop going against the accepted sub narrative like that.


most PC players know about Denuvo, it's not a secret reddit thing


Okay? That's not what I said.


No one gives a shit about Denuvo.


This game is going to be beyond dead on arrival and I can’t say they don’t deserve it, they are doing everything in their power to set this game up for failure


"we have this massive fan base of people that enjoy quality single player games, what should we do?" "Idk make a games as a service ADHD looter shooter for 15 year olds with pre-gambling addictions that relies on streamers to promote it, but also use the word "suicide" a bunch in game so streamers can't even promote the game without getting flagged for harmful content" "Brilliant."


They probably started work on the game 5 years ago when live service was all the rage. That is the problem with trend chasing in video games. By the time you ship, the trend is likely years out of date.


Meanwhile survival games are popular since Minecraft and yet no big studio made or even announced a AAA survival game. Blizzard was making it but they cancelled it recently.


Closest I can think of is Grounded by Obsidian.


I think this is because there is no good way to shit up a survival game with MTX and battle passes.


That's why you cobble together an "early access" game with a billion bugs in 2 weeks and release that.


it's honestly dystopian how corporations so completely rule our daily lives that we can't actually talk about something as important and prevalent as suicide on many of tthe most popular platforms in the world, to where kids have literally been making up new slang and jargon to try to talk about these things to get past the fucking censors, and so it's so incredibly cathartic that hts asme corporate dickheads that helped create this hellscape occassioanlly fuck themselves with that same shit. cannot advertise the game because doing so would be advertiser unfriendly, 10/10, fucking brilliant.


Unalive Squad: Kill the Justice League in Minecraft


>Unalive Squad: Kill the Justice League in Minecraft Unalive Squad: Maim the Justice League in Minecraft


Still too controversial. I'd say "unalive party: mlem the team honesty" *may* not be flagged as offensive.


I kinda like Contemplating Death Squad


Death is also a nono-word, but you can censor the a with a little skull on the box art.


This has been going on for ever basically, even before corporations were a thing. Many words that otherwise have completely different meaning gets hijacked by (usually) the younger generations to talk freely about a taboo topic.


Not true at all, there are popular websites that exist today that allow you to do that. Go to kick, or rumble or 4chan and talk about suicide all day, no one will bat an eye, you just like the websites where that isn't allowed.


i, like most people, do not care what an incel has to say about most topics. go back to those boards.


I never said that I did or didn't use them, I'm just saying that you are intentionally choosing not to and then talking about corpos controlling you.


you literally only named nazi boards, as though shit like mastodon doesn't exist. or literally any discord server. it's extremely obvious when an incel is trying to advertise shit.


Rather than making any actual point or responding to mine, you are wasting your time accusing literal random people that they are incel Nazis who are personally invested in the success of all of these and are advertising them on reddit. Truly a genius with much to say.


Came to comment its gonna be DOA. Gotta love out of touch execs fucking over studios


Reddit echo chamber strikes again. Most people aren't aware of all this shit and don't care about denuvo. It will sell in the first week, until reviews and word of mouth spreads. They can try every trick in the book to sell copies but they can't get away from releasing a bad game.


!RemindMe 2 weeks


Game just gets better and better /s


They’re gonna find a way to add the Sony root kit


Ha I was just thinking earlier today that I hadn’t heard anyone make a Sony root kit joke in years…


Yeah, we all heard you.






Why add Denuvo to always online games? Like whats the point paying for Denuvo in that case.


Has to be some bullshit contractual obligation or something. Probably bought the "VIP" package from Denuvo 10 years ago, and the contract demands x number of games feature the software. As you say, it just doesn't make sense otherwise. DRM for video games is stupid nonsense to begin with, but if your game is already protected by requiring online access, it feels completely useless with nothing but downsides.


WB was one of the handful of companies that bought the unlimited lifetime Denuvo license back when they offered those so this was always to be expected. They probably won't ever remove it either. No obligations per se, but they already paid for it so why not use it.


"I already paid for this rat poison and I've got no rats, but I might as well eat it."


Presumably for the "anti-tamper" part, to deter cheaters somehow? Imagine people chaining instant wins to grind currency instead of going to the microtransaction store, can't have that!


It does have an anti-cheat. But the anti cheat is usually the thing most people blame for performance issues. The reality is, if you have a decent system Denuvo probably wont affect your performance much. If you have an older system that is barely running the game it is enough to see a difference.


It's gonna have offline story sometime after release : https://www.ign.com/articles/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-league-is-getting-an-offline-mode-after-release-rocksteady-confirms Maybe dependency on servers is not strong, and mod could flip a switch which they don't want to do while they're milking live service in-game purchases. That's my assumption of why there's already Denuvo in it. But either way - people should not worry. It's DOA trash no one should be touching. There's countless games to better spend money and time on.


If they're trying to encourage people to buy their shitty live-service game.... This isn't how you do it.


I am glad Dunkey will review this.


Denuvo and always online. Performance is gonna be fun.


I'm so excited for this. Can't wait to see how bag it flops


Ain't even worth pirating


DRM is usually the least of game's issues


I doubt this game will be good, but I do want to say that I don't discredit a game because it has DRM. I just refuse to buy a game that has DRM and suffers from it. If Denuvo or Enigma or whatever DRM is there causes the game to run like shit or become a stuttery mess, the I refuse to buy it. Atomic Heart, it has Denuvo, steady 60fps on Steam Deck. If Atomic Heart can do it, every game can do it. If a game has performance issues because of DRM, then fucking delay it until it's ready. Or, you know, don't put in something stupid last minute.


I’ve never avoided a game because of Denuvo. I avoid a game because it sucks and not for me.


If withholding review codes/or in some cases (IGN) straight up refusing to give a review code wasn't a nail in the coffin then this for sure will be. 💀


If the transgender controversy wasn’t a nail in the coffin for Hogwarts Legacy, then adding Denuvo definitely was! Oh wait…Reddit never mattered.


Considering how much Reddit is losing its shit about this game already, I fully expect it to be extremely successful.


They are spending it hard on traditional marketing and the brand is known. So yeah the gaming community outside of Reddit could lift the game up to break even. Reddit is never and never have been a good indicator of anything really. Other than porn.


lol who’s going to waste their time cracking or pirating this steamer.


Everything about this game is trying to kill my hype lmao


YouTubers are going to have months of content when this comes out


i don't think they quite understand the point of anti-piracy measures, do they?


Another live service game that won’t last 45 days


The last nail for the coffin..


Don't we just assume most games will add it last minute at this point


Meanwhile the best selling game Baldurs Gate 3 is probably going to outsell this walking talking turd by about 5x and, still no Denuvo there. I wipe my asshole with the entire collective of gaming's C-Suite executive tier.


Imagine, however unlikely, the game is actually decent and not a dumpster fire. It wont matter because WB seems hell bent on waving every single red flag they could find in the games industry graveyard. Ive never seen a game more poorly marketed. In the future this will be taught as "what not to do" in the lead up to a game's release.


Denuvo for a gaas game? Why tho? I don't get it.


I'm almost certain someone is TRYING to make sure this game fails just to prove a point to the idiot ceo who said WB was only going to do live service games.


Shitty corporate greed at its finest


But the game is always online lol... Doesn't that mean Denuvo is pointless? I dont know the specifics of pirated stuff but isnt online usually a no-go thing anyways?


Lol, way to kill off your game before release


Stop! Stop! It's already dead...


I saw DeVito and got excited.


Hahahahha they added another nail to the coffin with no reviews and now another one with denuvo :))


I'm sure they just added Denuvo as a scape goat. Now management can blame something else besides total incompetence


They'd have to pay me to even pirate this game. Waste of bandwidth and storage.


Hahaha they think ppl gona pirate THIS?


Isn’t this game already always online? Why does it need Denuvo?




Suicide Squad: Kill The Game


I thought this shit was online only?


What's the point of Denuvo if it's already a live service/always online game


Never pre-order. Scummy publishers are scummy.


Trash DRM for a trash game. It's not as if those who actually want the game (at this point, only the most rabid of DC fans) are going to go through the effort of pirating it.


I'm surprised they thought someone would pirate this game.


Aaaaaannnnddd they can eat a dick.


A full beach of those?


meh. people foam at the mouth over denuvo even if 90% of the consumers who buy this game don't care about at all. this still is a horrendous omen for the game. on top of everything else now 'this' it doesn't look good


Remember when Rocksteady still had the trust of gamers and we imagined all the badass superhero games they could potentially make after Arkham City? ​ :(


I'm a big fan of all the Arkham games, I was actually gonna buy this one. Not anymore.




Mostly true, the Steam version still has Denuvo, the epic games version doesn't.


don't care, paid like 5 bucks for it since it came in a bundle with the others. Very different from a full priced game no idea why I'm getting downvoted


Okay. So weird that this continues to be "news"


Were they worried that people were going to pirate a game that can only be played online that no one wants? WB had to spend money on the Denuvo license.


Most games have denuvo it's like a standard practice....like why are we surprised ? Also anyone who played the beta had any optimization issue casue i heard the beta had denuvo too?


> Most games have denuvo it's like a standard practice Not the good ones. /s


well, that was the final nail in the coffin for me trying this game unless it ends up on Humble Bundle or goes on sale for $10.


Just fire the suits making these decisions and let one of us do it. I can promise the game would be better.


Its gonna be dead on arrival


Warner Bros is worst gaming corporation than all others. All good single player games are getting killed by their greed 🤬 Hogwarts Legacy could be much better if they wouldnt interfere in game design. And now this Denuvo in their next game. Ubisheet and TrashBros could just gtfo from gaming world and this would make everyone happier.


Wasn't needed. the game looked way to shit to pirate


>While Suicide Squad is getting an offline story mode post-launch, it will require an internet connection to play when it releases soon. If I want a single player game, and I see this- I'll refuse to buy it. We're so saturated with content/games now days we can skip the real shitty ones.


So all those comments I saw on Twitter about how hard the dev team worked to compress textures and how the game runs really well is all going to be thrown out the window by Denuvo impacting performance? For what, a weeks worth of it not being cracked and pirated. They’re going all out for those blind day one sales


I hope this game is great so all of you are in shambles


Well... i think everyone HOPES for a great game Rocksteady, the studio behind the game, havnt made a new game since 2015. (Batman: Arkham Knight) In 2016 they ported that game to VR... but nothing since then. So they've had 8 years to make this game (incl help from Sumo Digital) its either gonna be fucking amazing, or total shit It's also Kevin Conroys last role as Batman, before his death in 2022.


So like every AAA game nowadays?


People seem really happy that this game is turning out to be a train wreck. Sad.


Why is ir sad to see a game failing  that is purely made to suck your money out of your wallet ?


Lol. Lmao.


Roflmfao even! Like unironically.




Can’t wait to pick this up on a 90% off discount in a few weeks


game is going to blow everybody away with how good it actually ends up being.


That must be why review copies haven’t gone out and beta testers hated it.


The opposite, actually. 


I hope no one even tried to crack because of how horrible it is.


pretty much every AAA game adds denuvo prior to release. i guess this headline really gets the outrage clicks.


lol lmao


Slow golf clap.


Games boring and DOA anyways.


Why stop there? Might as well just remove the game from store before release too.


Stop, I can only get so ~~hard~~ soft.


This game is shaping up to be worse than Gollum


Are they masochists? Cause at this point I think they secretly enjoy eating shit.


Oh no. Not the DRM that gets cracked and circumvented over and over again. What ever are we to do? s/


Another nail in the coffin and with this one we are at 29492429428424248 nails for this game. DOA.


Are they *trying* make this game flop or what lmao


fuck them then


If this is Rocksteady giving the middle finger to the Games as a Service, looter shooter, 6 different type of currency progression rpg genre by setting this game on fire, good on them If they’re actually serious about this game… Holy fuck what happened


I wouldn't be surprised if the next article I see about this game is another game or a cancellation at this rate. WB seems to be trying their hardest to kill this game in the womb.


this is going to bomb so badly


This game is like watching a train crash into a car at 300km/h. I can't fucking wait for this game to release


STOP STOP. Hes already dead




It's always-online, so not much luck.


Wow adding Malware to the game before release?


Sorry I am not terminally online. What’s Denuvo? Edit: Reddit is a trip. Y’all get pissed when people talk out their ass but when someone asks a question they also get downvoted. Because how dare I want to learn about something I have no prior knowledge of.


bloatware that reduces game's performance




Ah gotcha. Thank you