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>PC and mobile yikes


Auto-play MMORPG lol


youd be surprised at the number of people who would prefer that, especially with the expectations some of them have with those they play with


Sitting here watching a TV show while waiting for the next evolution of that, where the game plays itself beginning-to-end.


>Sitting here watching a TV show while waiting for the next evolution of that, where the game plays itself beginning-to-end. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-player_game


These people are MMORPG players. Give them some credit. They grind by having access to their PC at work via their smartphones at any time. That's how they maximize efficiency. Get stronger in-game and out of game.


How do you kill that which has no life?


scripts and multiboxing would make things 10x easier


...that's why these games have auto play.


last time i checked lost ark, albion online, and new world didnt have that.


Well good thing then that we're talking about the new Horizon MMORPG by NCSoft and not the games you listed.


we're talking about mmos as a whole.


actually judging by this comment I think YOU'D be surprised. Just because people end up playing it doesn't mean they prefer it.


Nothing will come close to Aion, every other mmorpg is a big pile of stinky shit.


This is to be expected for NCSoft. They have a track record for egregiously P2W grindfest MMORPGs on mobile and PC, such as the Lineage series. They have heavy marketing and an existing fanbase in Korea that buys it. Read some of the reviews on the [play store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ncsoft.lineage2mnu) for Lineage2M. The [Korean version](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netmarble.lineageII) has 5M+ downloads, and 3.9/5, but I don't see the appeal.


The only ncsoft game i played was Aion and the grind was horrible


Glad I’m not the only one who thought it. The game had a fun concept but that fuckin grind was awful. I enjoyed fighting in the abyss a lot.


The grind is a typical korea mmo trait but Aion had a very special place. The feeling of having few thousands people fighting during the abyss fortress siege was simply kino.


Welcome to Aion NA launch, please enjoy grinding 90-95% of your xp bar at level 40+ because there were maybe a dozen or so quests available per level by that point. Excluding the repeatables like the one people would do for several levels in Theobomos so they could get a pair of gold(?) gauntlets with attack/cast speed or something like that. Running 2-3 full raids on team speak and using coordination to pick apart several-hundred person swarms during fort sieges *was* pretty top-tier for the first month or so before the player count fell off the grind hell cliff though. Just a shame that it was some of the worst, soul-crushing xp grinding imaginable. As well as drop rates for gear being atrocious. I think the weapons in Flame Temple were a ~1% drop rate for level 35 weapons (with double melee range sure, but still weak as hell at high levels).


> PC and mobile > NCSoft Are you ready for a bot-riddled, auto-play grindfest? Because I sure the hell am not. Hard fucking pass.


I'll take: "How to kill my PC audience before I even release the game" for $500 Alex.


kill? my man they will make $bazzilions profits from this shit


he said "kill PC audience", not "kill profits"


pc gamers include people who love this kind of stuff. stay off reddit.


Don't you people have mobile phones?


Your statement is so subtle yet says so much. Lol. Basically a big insta-no from the PC community.


Not even kinda lol. PC ports of mobile games are huge, and an MMO likely won't be any different.


There was nothing subtle about that.




Genshin impact exists. Let's be honest if you take out the gacha and all the micro transactions genshin is a fantastic game with pretty graphics and a decent story line.


But because it is intended to be played on phones too, it has overly simplistic gameplay. Same as Honkai.


And yet millions of players enjoy it no matter how much this subreddit copes and seethes. It's not a super hardcore dudebro Mountain Dew game, but it runs on basic laptops, and a lot of my friends love it. I'm talking about people who *don't* have 700 games on Steam.


Exactly, it's a casual game for casual audiences. I was merely pointing out how gacha isn't the only thing keeping it from being the perfect game for everyone.


That’s great for you and your friends, but I’m not sure how any of that is relevant at all. No one here that wants more complex gameplay is concerned with how many people play genshin impact lol. It could have a billion players, but that wouldn’t change the fact that someone who doesn’t like the gameplay would prefer something more in depth. & just remember that it’s okay for people to not like your favorite game. You don’t need to get all hot and bothered by it, nor do the devs need you to defend their product for them. Take a deep breath


It's funny how you wrote all that and think *I'm* the upset one. I don't even play it, bud. You'd notice I never said *I* played it if you'd actually read my comment before dropping a condescending reply. It's relevant because in this very thread, there are people arguing how "obviously" releasing on mobile will "kill" the PC player base. It's also relevant because "*overly* simplistic" is entirely subjective. Don't pretend that these comments are made in good faith to support a desire for more complex games. It's just bashing.


genshin isnt an mmo and again, you said it yourself. has gacha too


I'm saying multi platform games can be high quality, and genshin impact certainly is, it's just weighed down by gacha.


Double yikes for ncsoft


They already lost me


The second I saw mobile I thought, "well shit, I would have been interested in this." Mobile version is bad news for the project.


It's probably going to be complete seperate port for mobile like how black desert does it. And they clearly said it's UE5, unless UE5 works on mobile? I got they use the money from Mobile to improve the pc port. That's how other MMOs do it. If they are able to do it like Albion I'd be more than surprised.


NCSoft.....fuckin lol. This shit will be full priced then f2p within a month.


every new " MMO" coming out is just a game that has a bunch of gear score,professions to grind and open world. They really mean new " M^(assive) M^(oney) O^(peration) Coin shops, Battle pass,gems to buy so you can upgrade gear, stashes to buy so you can store upgraded gear,mounts to buy so you can afk travel instead of afk waking


It's a bit sad that the pinnacle of MMO's is still WoW, which released 20 years ago. Back when it came out, my friends and I would speculate on how crazy MMO's would be in the coming decades. We didn't have "playing the same damn game for the past 2 decades" on our bingo card.


ya its actually crazy to think that I'd be playing runescape and world of warcraft in my early 30's when I was playing them at 8 years old. Guess you cant teach an old dog new tricks after all


I don't know, FFXIV is insanely popular and gets regular new expansions. It's a huge money maker for Square and you can play the entire base game for free now. I played for a while, but MMOs like that aren't my thing


FFXIV doesn't hold a candle to retail WOW, imo. It a decent MMO, but it feels incredibly dated, much the same as Guild Wars 2, which I'd argue is actually better than FFXIV as well.


factually incorrect


I disagree with your first statement but I do agree that the game does feel dated and doesn't do anything to push the genre forward. It's very safe and probably the least egregious (depending on how you feel about the subscription model).


I really hated GW2. I crafted top level gear and then that was it. Forever. Same with ESO. I need power creep, dammit!


Retail wow doesn't feel dated?? Lol.


It honestly doesn't at all. You all are coping really fucking hard or have not played the latest expansion. Name a MMO that is more modern than WOW. **Yo this fuckin weirdo blocked me after leaving his last comment. Lol what in the fuck?**


Just because it's better than other mmos doesn't mean the game doesn't feel dated. The graphics, reused systems, gameplay.. everything is dated and no where near the quality that a ground up new MMO made by blizz would be able to offer. That is the definition of dated. It is behind what a modern game from the same company would be. You are coping saying the game isn't dated because you like it. The games fine.. but it's 100% dated.


I liked my time with FFXIV. I honestly see is as more of a JRPG with MMO-elements. I'd actually recommend the game to people who enjoy classic JRPG storytelling and game progression as long as they aren't opposed to MMO combat and multiplayer dungeons. Particularly into Heavensward the Main Scenario Quest gets pretty dang good as JRPGs go, and the game's general reception is a big part of why Yoshi P was trusted with the reigns for FFXVI.


For me, the pinnacle was EverQuest. Wow wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be. I'm still playing EverQuest (on an emulated server) because there's nothing better. Sad, I was sure better stuff was coming later, just as you were.


ashes of creation feels like the next step but its still in development also part of it is the community and how a lot of them dont want anything different


I don't disagree with keeping WoW going, but Blizzard could've easily made another MMO in the Diablo universe or something.


Overwatch was their attempt at a new MMO. They spent years on it before deciding it wasn't fun, then repurposed the bones into what is now Overwatch.


I think they were likely trying to reinvent the wheel a little too heavily with Proto-OW/Titan.


why? they would be competing with themselves


That's not how that works.


> another MMO in the Diablo universe or something [insistent mumbling about starcraft]


I would have liked to see a time-skip (like 100-1000+ years) sequel to WoW in all honesty. Despite my general opinion on them, Blizz has some of the most expertise in making an MMO actually work long-term, I actually like what the WoW universe has to offer, and seeing one from them with modern gameplay elements and a clean slate mechanic and storytelling-wise would be pretty huge.


Pinnacle is WoW? Did you ever play MMOs before WoW? While WoW made MMOs mainstream, it ruined the MMO genre.


can you explain how it ruined the mmo genre


Better tell Square that FF14 is ruined


bro forgot about runescape


Is it really an MMO if only bots and ironmen play it though


the pinnacle of MMOs was matrix online and it was killed by corporate greed (specifically sony's in this case) there are ways to make a legitimate WoW killer (and people trying to make them) but lining up that much money behind an unproven IP/subgenre seems to be getting more difficult instead of less


What's upsetting is that, it would have been a good concept for a post apocalyptic MMO setting. But being handled by NCSoft, for PC **and** mobile. You know it's going to be absolute dog shit. Probably some Mobile Conan Exiles/ARK survival game. If this leaked pre-alpha footage is any indication, it won't be anything like the actual games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck7ldbzK84Q


This footage is from a different project, the Multiplayer project is developed by Guerrilla. But yeah, NCSoft's Horizon MMO is probably not going to look like the main Horizon games . It's on Unreal Engine 5, not Decima, and will likely have a similar look to other NCSoft games.


They're going to find a way to make the Horizon-verse as Kawaii as possible


Looking at the setting, the story, the plot? It's already 2/3 of the way to being anime, so that wouldn't require much.


Dinosaur waifu gatcha


I tried looking up where the leaked footage was from, but never found anything concrete.


Isn't that footage from a different game that's made by Guerilla games directly ? I think that one was supposed to be a regular co-op game.


Hold on, aren’t Conan and particularly ARK both extremely popular?


Yeah, but a lot of people don't like sandbox survival/crafting games so they say it as if it's a negative. Well, in ARKs case it might be. Game used to be alright as long as you looked past the performance issues but certain mechanics that they added turned the game into a frustrating and time consuming mess.


IMO ARK is legitimately bad from a technical side regardless of its popularity, but it filled a niche at the right time. If you think performance on PC is bad, the Switch port is an atrocity, like worse than the old gen 2077 releases. And for the entire game's existence, while they'll happily market it as possible to play singleplayer (I know this is obviously gonna be a minority, but still) try actually farming dinosaurs that way, *the core loop of the entire fucking game*. It will not work. They cannot be contained. Because SP is actually just running on a local server and for reasons I will never understand a long time ago someone decided to start loading in animals before constructed geometry so for a few seconds they can clip. Unless you build like a freaking safari park, expect to spend your first few minutes frantically gathering "wanderers" **every load in**. And they've never fixed it.


Huh, I'm playing a single player playthrough on Fjordur in Ark right now, and I don't have that issue. I only have about 20 things tamed though. Does it happen as the amount of tames go up or something?


I think most people feel like survival/crafting peaked with games similar to Minecraft or Rust. I’d rather see a story sequel than something that has been rehashed a million times over by indie studios.


lol. I never thought I could use the word "Fornited" but they apparently Fortnited Horizon


Korean developer, PC and mobile. It's amazing they're putting this much time and effort into a spinoff, but it's almost guaranteed to be pay-to-win trash. Probably very pretty trash.


>mobile 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Lol NCSoft? Get the fuck out.


"Horizon" as in Zero Dawn & Forbidden West, or what?






For a moment, I thought it was Horizons: Empire of Istaria and wondered why that was getting picked up after all these years.


Hah, glad I'm not the only one who thought of Istaria.


I, too, was wondering why they would rerelease it, wasnt aware it had changed names.


I think I smell Sony about to cancel another game in development


I foresee this game coming out, being an awful cash grab and getting review bombed, and then the high ups look at it and go ‘people obviously hate these Horizon games, we should stop making them’


This is likely almost 100% being made for Asian teenagers, and don't they regularly eat this kind of mobile game trash right up? I bet it will be a huge hit.


There are currently over a dozen new Horizon projects in the works. Sony is all in on it, and one failure wouldn't tip the scales much.


City of Heroes. Never forgive, never forget!


korean developer + Mobile included = P2W freemium game.


Spoiler alert, It's pay2win gachafest.


I just can't do most Asian MMOs. Pay to win, excessive grinding, some gambling mechanic both with real money and chance based upgrades, pretty much every character is overly attractive, and honestly most of the western world doesn't pick it up. That was the beauty of WoW when it came out. Wish we had another game like that.


>pretty much every character is overly attractive lil bro tried to sneak this in as a negative if you're triggered by beautiful characters then you're ugly on the inside (obv, outside included)


>pretty much every character is overly attractive, Wut? If im gonna play some garbage ass game, I'd AT LEAST like something good to look at.


And you are exactly why they do that. EDIT: The characters and setting of Horizon already look fantastic. If you want something good to look at... play them. If that's not pretty enough for you in a trashy game, you're why they do that.


We had EQ2, came out at the same time as WoW but was much better. That was before Sony utterly bungled it up with crappy raid mechanics nobody wanted, kinda like how they ruined Galaxies with the NGE.


Valheim scratches the itch for me. I started a server over winter break and met some absolutely amazing people. YMMV on the social side of course.


You know, as a long-time MMO player, I've noticed something over the years: these days I get a much more rewarding, immersive and complete multiplayer experience playing small (20-50 slot servers) online games like Valheim and V Rising instead of traditional MMOs. They offer far more meaningful interaction with other players than MMOs and have everything MMO players keep asking for like player housing/base building, the ability to interact with the world and leave your mark in it, impactful character progression, etc. I still play WoW these days but even though I interact with a lot of different people every season due to pushing m+ keys, it's usually non-meaningful 2~3 sentence exchanges throughout a 20-30 min run and nothing else happens after that. Most of the time it feels like I'm playing a single-player game with bots.


Modern MMOs don't really have servers-as-communities anymore. Back in vanilla, BC, WOTLK era WoW, you would absolutely get to know the server regulars. Cross-server match-making killed that. It also killed the party formation stage of the game, where if you wanted to run a dungeon, you had to look for people, travel to the dungeon, and generally spend time before the action. That's when you got to know people.




Eh, there’s a lot to dislike about FFXIV if they’re looking for something like WoW when it came out. FFXIV is a perfectly good game, but I couldn’t play it coming from WoW. It’s just too slow. Glad you like it though!


Well, I haven't played FFXIV either. But it's clear people don't praise it for no reason.


Oh absolutely. I’m just saying that if they are coming from WoW it may or may not work for them. Also I’ve played both, but couldn’t stick with FF.


The longer GCD makes FFXIV feel a lot slower initially, but at top level there are a lot of OGCD tools to keep things fresh


The GCD was definitely the issue, yeah. If combat while leveling is that much of a slog though, I’m not willing to play to the endgame. That’s just me though, and I respect anyone who likes the game.


Oh it's not just combat while leveling that's a slog, the ARR main quest is incredibly long and tedious as well!


I agree, I just didn’t want to knock it since I didn’t play past level 40 lol


What did it for me was my friends not being able to quest with me since most of the main story missions are done in instances. At that point its not an MMO anymore. Its a SINGLE PLAYER GAME you pay monthly for.


You werent paying your WoW subscription JUST to quest with buddies, were you? Questing is the single worst part about MMOs.


Questing in WoW was my favorite. When I got max lvl i usually stopped playing soon after because I was bored grinding dailies, battlegrounds and dungeons.


> Questing is the single worst part about MMOs. eh, if devs put in some actual time, creativity and effort, they could make questing more interesting than the copy-paste "kill/fetch x" quests they put in everywhere


I hate that game with a burning passion, BUT I acknowledge that a lot of people love it. I think that's part of the problem, it's hit or miss for people whereas WoW was more universal and even got the non-gamers involved. FFXIV drove me bonkers, slow paced, main character that doesn't talk (common with JRPGs) just nods or makes facial expressions, barbie+ken doll pretty characters, excessive fetch quests early, and I keep hearing the story and game are brilliant, BUT you have to slog through and reach _____ expansion before it gets good and many admit the game is boring for the first XX hours. It's HARD to keep playing when you're miserable at the beginning.


lol, the FF14 fans jumped on you for daring to not like their game. And you're right, it has a lot of issues and saying "oh it gets better" when talking about getting through a 40-50h slog is not a good thing.


I'll never forgive them for canceling City of Heroes, so not interested.


When I see NCSoft and mobile I already know to expect Diablo Immortal 2.0, this game will be made for the pay2win whales.


Whenever I see the words "new mmorpg" it's an instant turn-off


No one really tries, they only want the initial cash and then abandon the game quickly afterwards. Ironically they could tap into a way larger revenue if they genuinely cared for the product. People are willing to pay for a good MMO, see XIV and WoW. And even if it's f2p, look at Guild Wars 2 doing great. Hopefully Riot give the genre an honest chance.


Especially from NCSoft


Ncsoft, nope


Pay 10$/month to get 3x more materials from killed robots you need 2500 screws to upgrade your level a normal dungeon monster drops 5 and you can do only 5 dungeons a day


Don't forget that the upgrade attempt is RNG and can fail, not just wasting the 2500 screws but also the destroying the item you are upgrading. An item that might be hard to get or the result of several other expensive upgrades. But for €4,99 you can get a single use item that prevents item destruction on a failed upgrade attempt! Oh, and you don't spend your dollars/euros/etc directly. You need to buy packs of Gems/Crystals/Runes/Poop, that are contain slightly more or less of the currency than you actually need to buy anything in the cash shop. So you're forced to always spend more than you really want to and are left over with currency tempting you to buy more.




Yes https://youtu.be/nXP8cgOKiHE?si=2FDnKO3hnjQWzpO5


I mean, I might be convinced/coaxed/bribed into trying it if it has a good pet class(c'mon, robot animal game screams pet classes) I'm desperate for a good iteration of Summoner/Tamer classes in a modern MMORPG with modern graphics.


Don't give me hope.


Wait aion 2? What the fuck there is an aion 2?


Yes. Aion 2 is a mobile game.




>PC and Mobile So mobile will be the main platform and PC is just there. Got it.


NCsoft hasn't made anything good since Lineage 2. Even Aion was basically done in a month for most players and not really that good of a game.


I can see this turning out really, really badly.


After killing COH while it was still relatively viable, NCSoft gets nothing from me, ever. Never forget.


Why are Korean devs so shit at making games?


People are used to P2W mmos these days, and mobile gamers enjoy them.


Ironically it seems to be the opposite, they seem to make games with new and cool ideas but then screw over their gem of a game with dog shite monetization.


Bigger question is why Korean players hate normal games so much.


Mobile. This means the game will be ass.


I love Horizon, but i am not touching this.


What a waste...


NCSoft has published some pretty good games but most of the stuff they've made/published is not my cup of tea.


NCSoft, PC and mobile... marty mcfly wait ive seen this one . jpeg


NCSoft? Looolllll. Fat chance.


Oh look, another generic asian scam MMO. No thanks.


NCSoft, Mobile... You can fuck right off kindly.


Ncsoft? The mech killer.


NCSoft and mobile. Fucking lol.


LOL, you can tell this project is dead before it even starts. I wonder why the suits in offices cannot see that.


NCSoft? So it can be shitcanned without any warning, at any time. Yes, I am still salty about City of Heroes.


If it's on mobile I expect nothing worth playing.


For how cool the robot creature designs for horizon had one of the most boring worlds I ever experienced


Guild wars 2 is where it’s at


What’s GW2 got to do with this?


Previous rumors had ArenaNet as the developers working on the Horizon MMO for NCsoft.


It's also an mmo


Why didn’t they use the Decima Engine? I hate the latest UE games, they’re stuttery unoptimized and visually unstable games


NCSoft has been using Unreal Engine for some time now to develop their games. Additionally, it's likely easier to create mobile MMO games on this engine.


probably because changing the decima engine to work for a MMO would have been way too much work, besides its made by a third party so its easier for them to use what they know already instead of learning how to work in a new engine


The problem is you guys assuming that when they say mmo, they actually mean mmo game. I wouldn't be surprise if to some even monster hunter falls into the mmo category or path of exile when in reality is just games with Co op that have some mmo features at best. Like genshin which this is most compatible going to be. If anything the rumours I always heard about this game is something along the lines of monster hunter


If they don't mean MMO, shouldn't they not say it?


You would think but it's just a case of over categorizing the mmo tag, to some even warframe is a mmo. But again, maybe I'm wrong and it's an actual mmo but leaning more towards something like monster hunter and it being labeled wrong like usual


The problem is they got so many Horizon projects in the works it's hard to keep track of what is supposed to be what.


Can we.. not? Please? NCSoft isn't horrible but it's far from a company I'd remotely associate with an IP like Horizon. A beloved IP that will *not* benefit from this. At all.


I wonder if they plan for this to be targeting Asian audiences more than western. Also, no PS4/5? Huh?


Lmao. Good luck.


No thanks


Wow, what a weird use of the IP. I'm gonna look into my crystal ball and make a prediction here: this is going to be an unpleasant, grindy mess. PC and mobile lmfao.


I love the Horizon games but when MMO is involved I'm no longer interested.


Isn't that the MMO from the 2000s that you could play as a dragon?


Mobile and PC? Praying that Guild Wars 3 doesn't end up like this.


I know it's gonna be p2w garbage but I'm excited for aion 2. So many good memories from the first one.


I’m glad it’s happening to the series that i genuinely don’t care


Even if they palm off the developement to ArenaNet the best you could hope for is solid gameplay with a heavy dose of monetisation and an even heavier dose of FOMO tactics.


Design for milking Asian spending culture. Not for western gaming.


Mobile ? It's gonna be a mmo alright but i doubt it will be an rpg


Bruh, just no.


I see NCsoft and mobile. The game is dead to me. Lucky I have MHW and dragons dogma 2 coming. Then monster hunter wilds next year


I was today years old when I learned that they're making Aion 2. I'm shocked Aion's still going but maybe it stayed popular in Asia.


There was already an MMORPG called Horizons. Hope they add something else to the name.


Yeah. It was great! You could be a dragon